AMPHIBIANS AND CLIMATE CHANGE Stephen Corn USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center Aldo Leopold Wilderness Research Institute Missoula, Montana Global Amphibian Declines • • • • Queensland Central America Western US Global Amphibian Assessment (Stuart et al. 2004) – 32% of all species Threatened (compared to 12% for birds) – 7.6% classified as rapidly declining A Deteriorating Situation in the West • Federal Threatened & Endangered Species (western US) – 5 species listed since 1990 – 2 more species proposed for listing – 3 candidate species • Montane species in “protected” areas – Boreal toads in the Rockies – Yosemite toads and mountain yellowlegged frogs in Sierras Bufo boreas, Flathead Co, MT Causes of Amphibian Declines • Habitat alteration/destruction • Disease • ??? (about half of rapidly declining species in the GAA have “enigmatic” causes) • What is the role of climate change? Climate Change • Extreme weather & local extinctions – Freeze in Brazil (Heyer et al. 1988); drought in Colorado (Corn and Fogleman 1984). • Central & South American montane frogs – Costa Rican (Monteverde) frogs, lizards, and birds declines coincident with ENSO events (Pounds et al. 1999). • Drying and warming, less dry-season mist. – Many species of Harlequin Frogs (Atelopus) last seen following warm years (Pounds et al. 2005). • Warming night-time temperatures (more clouds); more favorable environment for Chytrid fungus? Climate Change • Interactions between El Niño, UV, & disease in Oregon (Kiesecker et al. 2001). – Low snow in El Niño years causes Boreal Toad eggs to be laid at shallower temperatures, resulting in increased UV-B radiation and increased mortality from water mold. However • Amphibians breed earlier in low snow years, resulting in lower UV (Corn and Muths 2002) • Egg mortality has low elasticity – less effect on population persistence (Biek et al. 2002) • Declines of Boreal Toads in the Cascades not shown (Olson 2001)? 90 70 98 89 60 86 97 00 92 99 88 91 01 50 87 40 30 10 May 30 May 19 June Day of maximum breeding activity Corn and Muths 2002 Climate Change • Thomas et al. (2004) predicted extinctions based on shifts in climate envelope – 13-68% of Queensland frogs – However, low % extinctions in boreal & cool coniferous forests. • How might climate change affect a species’ distribution? – Effects on breeding phenology has been the most studied feature. Effects of Variable Phenology • Breeding earlier can be beneficial, – More time for growth, earlier maturity • Or not… – Increased risk of exposure to extreme temperatures • Breeding later is often not good – Increased risk of pond drying/freezing – Less time for growth Breeding Phenology • Breeding in snow-dominated landscapes is determined by snowmelt Days since Vernal Equinox 90 80 Lily Pond, 1986 to 2003 P < 0.001 70 60 15 20 25 30 35 40 Maximum Snow Water Equivalent (in) Breeding activity of Boreal chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata) in northern Colorado has been monitored annually since 1986 Long-term Data (8 populations) Rana luteiventris Corn & Blake Hossack (MT) Deb Patla (WY) David Pilliod (ID) Bufo boreas Corn & Erin Muths (CO) Dede Olson & Andrew Blaustein (OR) Pseudacris maculata Corn & Erin Muths Relationship Between Breeding and SWE is Consistent Days since Vernal Equinox 150 Site*SWE: P = 0.80 Mean Slope = 1.0 100 Species 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Maximum Snow Water Equivalent (in) BUBO, Colorado PSMA, Colorado RALU, Wyoming RALU, Montana BUBO, Oregon BUBO, Oregon BUBO, Oregon RALU, Idaho BUBO = Bufo boreas; PSMA = Pseudacris maculata; RALU = Rana luteiventris • Used all Snow Course stations with at least a record from 1950*-1999 (N = 557) • Calculated the slope of Maximum Snow Water Equivalent (SWE) vs Year *37 stations began 1951-1953 Maxim um Snow Water Equivalent (in) The station with the largest slope? 1 50 Mt Hood 1 00 50 0 1 940 1 950 1 960 1 970 1 980 1 990 2000 Northern Rockies Northwest Predicted change in breeding, 1950 to 1999 Days = 50 yr * slope (inches SWE/yr) * 1.00 (days/in) N Gr Basin Sierra Nevada S Gr Basin Central Rockies Southern Rockies Mogollon Predicted Change in Breeding 1950-1999 Region N Days Earliest Latest Northwest 93 -7.7 -24.9 8.7 N Rockies 79 -5.3 -16.2 1.0 N Gr Basin 62 -4.1 -16.4 8.0 C Rockies 78 -2.1 -13.3 9.2 Sierras 32 -1.0 -13.3 7.7 S Rockies 146 -0.5 -10.1 6.9 S Gr Basin 51 0.2 -11.3 13.2 Mogollon 16 1.0 -1.9 2.5 Complexity • Effects vary with elevation 10 Change in breeding 1950-1999 – Greater changes at lower elevations – Less chance for shift to higher elevations? Northwest: P = 0.047 0 -10 -20 -30 2000 4000 6000 Elevation (ft) 8000 Does Temperature Limit Range Shifts to Higher Elevations? • Permanent snowfield disappeared in 1920s • Amphibians have not colonized yet Boulder Pass, Glacier NP Temperature Effects on Life History 1920 m Glacier National Park 1326 m Fewer Freezing Nights Mean May-Sept Temperature May-Sept Days with Tmin < 0 60 50 40 30 20 10 25 20 Tmax 15 10 5 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 Tmin 1990 1995 2000 2005 Flattop Mountain Emery Creek • A large increase in degree•days would likely alter vital rates – Largely beneficial? • Effect of temperature change so far? – Less stress? – Warmer nights promote chytrid fungus? Mean Developmental Degree•Days Relatively Little Change in Available Heat 10 8 6 4 2 0 1990 1995 2000 2005 Flattop Mountain Emery Creek What About Hydrology? • Low snow years = reduced breeding habitat • Earlier runoff = earlier drying of seasonal wetlands? • Most important consequence of climate change for mountain amphibians? Drying Columbia Spotted Frog eggs, Ravalli Co, MT, April 2001. BR Hossack, photo. Other Landscape Effects Pond Occupancy Before and After the 2001 Moose Fire, Glacier NP Occupancy (Mean ± 2SE) 1.0 Long-toed Salamander 0.6 Columbia Spotted Frog 0.5 0.9 0.4 0.8 0.3 0.7 Prior After Unburned Prior After Burned 0.2 Prior After Unburned Prior After Burned Hossack and Corn, in review, Ecol Appl. Pond Occupancy Before and After the 2001 Moose Fire, Glacier NP Boreal Toad 10 0.15 8 Occupied Ponds Occupancy (Mean ± 2SE) 0.20 0.10 0.05 burned unburned 6 4 Moose Fire 2 0 0.00 Prior After Unburned Prior After Burned 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Hossack and Corn, in review, Ecol Appl. Conclusions • Little evidence for current effects on populations • Mountain amphibians have a predictable relationship between breeding and snow and in some areas are likely breeding earlier now than in 1950 • Effects of warming temperatures are difficult to detect • Change can both benefit and harm populations, but overall effects are difficult to predict • Changing hydrology probably has the greatest potential for harm References Biek R, Funk WC, Maxell BA, Mills LS. 2002. What is missing in amphibian decline research: insights from ecological sensitivity analysis. Conservation Biology 16:728–734. Corn PS, Fogleman JC. 1984. Extinction of montane populations of the northern leopard frog (Rana pipiens) in Colorado. Journal of Herpetology 18: 147–152. Corn PS, Muths E. 2002. Variable breeding phenology affects the exposure of amphibian embryos to ultraviolet radiation. Ecology 83:2958–2963. Heyer WR, Rand AS, da Cruz CAG, Peixoto OL. 1988. Decimations, extinctions, and colonizations of frog populations in southeast Brazil and their evolutionary implications. Biotropica 20:230–235. Kiesecker JM, Blaustein AR, Belden LK. 2001. Complex causes of amphibian population declines. Nature 410:681–684. Olson DH. 2001. Ecology and management of montane amphibians of the U. S. Pacific Northwest. Biota 2:51–74. Pounds JA, Bustamente MR, Coloma LA, Consuegra JA, Fogden MPL, Foster PN, La Marca E, Masters KL, Merino-Viteri A, Puschendorf R, Ron, SR, Sánchez-Azofeifa GA, Still CJ, Young BE. 2006. Widespread amphibian extinction from epidemic disease driven by global warming. Nature 439:161-167. Pounds JA, Fogden MP, Campbell JH. 1999. Biological response to climate change on a tropical mountain. Nature 398: 611–615. Stuart SN, Chanson JS, Cox NA, Young BE, Rodrigues ASL, Fischman DL, Waller RW. 2004. Status and trends of amphibian declines and extinctions worldwide. Science 306:1783-1786. Thomas CD, Cameron A, Green RE, Bakkenes M, Beaumont LJ, Collingham YC, Erasmus BFN, de Siqueira MF, Grainger A, Hannah L, Hughes L, Huntley B, Van Jaarsveld AS, Midgley GF, Miles L, Ortega– Huerta MA, Peterson AT, Phillips OL, Williams SE. 2004. Extinction risk from climate change. Nature 427:145–148.