The Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory David G Tarboton (1), William P Johnson (2), Danny Marks (3), Charlie Luce (4), Tim Link (5) and others on the GSLBHO planning group (1), Utah State University, Logan, UT, 84321, (2), University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT, (3) USDA-ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center, Boise, ID, (4) USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Boise, ID 94701, (5) University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. Abstract Through the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Sciences, Inc. (CUAHSI), NSF plans to establish a network of hydrologic observatories. The mountain west is a high priority area for detailed observations because of the sensitivity, uncertainty and vulnerability of mountain systems and rapid human population growth with critical dependence of human and natural ecosystems on mountain water resources. The Great Salt Lake basin serves as a microcosm for much of the western U.S. in that the hydrologic system is driven by snowmelt in the mountains that supplies water to the relatively arid valleys. The region is dominated by nonlinear interactions between snow deposition and loss in the mountains, streamflow and groundwater recharge at high and midelevations, and evaporation from the desert floor. A planning group is working on a multi-million dollar long term plan and proposal for the Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory which would include a focus on mountain and snow hydrology. Hydrologic Observatories would be shared national facilities and our planning group welcomes participation and suggestions from the wider community with a stake in mountain and snow hydrology and related fields. A Hydrologic Observatory to measure the Hydrology of the Modern West focused on the interactions between human influences and hydrologic processes What is a Hydrologic Observatory? A principal goal of CUAHSI is the development of the observational and data systems infrastructure necessary to acquire knowledge sufficient to address large scale hydrologic science problems. The global scale and complexity of hydrologic processes requires an open and integrated community effort. 2 A Hydrologic Observatory (HO) is a large scale (>10,000 km ) experimental watershed designed to integrate observations of water processes, fluxes and flow paths at an unprecedented scale to provide a richly detailed observational basis for breakthroughs in understanding of the large scale interactions that control the hydrologic cycle. Why locate a Hydrologic Observatory in the Great Salt Lake Basin? The steep topographic, climatic, and land-use gradients in the Great Salt Lake Basin provide the opportunity to examine hydrologic processes across a wide range of elevations, precipitation values, vegetation, and land uses. The Great Salt Lake Basin has a compactness that is unparalleled in the U.S., and that is more proximal to logistical support than any other comparable location in the U.S. For example, a 30 km transect can span from regional base-level to alpine catchment while remaining within 50 km of major research universities, an international airport, and major government agencies. Located in one of the fastest-growing areas in the United States, the Great Salt Lake Basin provides the opportunity to observe climate and human-induced land-surface changes affecting water availability, water quality, and water use. The Great Salt Lake Basin is tractable as a hydrologic observatory because it is closed and the lake serves as an integrator. The vast majority of inflow to the lake is contributed by the three major subwatersheds to the east, and characterization of the major fluxes in the basin can be accomplished with high density monitoring to the east of the lake with lower density monitoring to the west. The Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory development team is highly committed to the concept of openness. It is our hope that researchers from across the United States will involve themselves and even lead aspects of the proposed observatory. Please contact us if you would like to become part of the Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory Team or for more information regarding the Proposed Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory A Community Research Platform for Mountain Climate Sciences Hydrologic scientists working together for the greater good in the intermountain region Science Themes Measurement Approach Overarching Questions • How do climate variability and human-induced landscape changes affect hydrologic processes, water quality and availability, and aquatic ecosystems over a range of scales? • What are the resource, social and economic consequences of these changes? Weber Basin 6,400 km2 Frost Canyon 9 km2 Bear Canyon 11 km2 White Pine Canyon 15 km2 3000 2500 Full Basin Bear Weber Jordan/Provo West Desert 2000 Integration through co-location of measurements for different disciplines of hydrologic science 1500 Snow and Mountain Processes Examples of some of the planned additional measurement infrastructure 1.0 Fraction of area above elevation Dots show elevations of SNOTEL stations in each Watershed 36 SNOTEL Stations NOHRSC Flightlines # 0 # 0 # 0 Water and Mass Balance Closure The terminal Great Salt Lake Basin presents a unique opportunity to close the water, solute and sediment balances that is rarely possible in a watershed of a size sufficient for the study of land surfaceatmosphere interactions. • SNOTEL Upgrades to provide soil moisture, solar radiation, Soil temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction. • Flux towers to measure above and below canopy ET fluxes • Tunable diode laser absorption spectrometer to measure stable oxygen isotope content of atmospheric water vapor to allow tracking of the components of the vapor flux. • Continuous streamflow and water quality stations • Spread-Spectrum communications network # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 0 # 0# # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 Kilometers 0 20 40 # 0 # 0 # 0 0 # 0 # 0# # 0 # 0 0 # 0# # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 # 0 # # 0 0 # 0 # 0 80 1970-2000 PRISM Annual Precipitation 50 100 Source: Baskin, R. L, et al., (2002), USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 02–4115 SNOTEL Maximum Snow Water Equivalent average of stations within each basin NOHRSC gamma Snow Water Equivalent average of flight lines within each basin each year 800 # 0 mm mm 600 400 800 600 0.8 400 200 0.6 Bear Weber Provo/Jordan 0 The Great Salt Lake acts as a collector and integrator of hydrologic signals from the surrounding basin providing the opportunity to investigate fundamental hydrologic processes at scales that have been previously unexplored. Lake sediments in closed basin lakes extend our knowledge of hydrologic processes and water quality 1992 1994 1996 1998 year 2000 2002 1980 SNOTEL date of Maximum Snow Water Equivalent average of stations within each basin 1990 year 1995 2000 2005 800 1000 Bear Weber Jordan/Provo 200 400 1995 2000 1950 2005 1960 1970 1980 1990 Water year 300 Annual per unit area streamflow (USGS gages) 200 250 Bear R near Corinne Weber River near Plain City Provo River at Provo UT Spanish Fork at Castilla, UT 100 50 0 1990 year mm 150 1985 West Desert Lake 0 Jordan/Provo West Desert PRISM Unit Precip Runoff 1970-2000 (mm) (mm) Bear 563 93 Weber 679 90 West Desert 351 Strawberry 484 Jordan 540 127 Salt Lake 308 Total 493 1940 1950 1960 1970 year 1980 1990 2000 Nonlinear Dynamics and Mountain Front Processes 1284 How does the aggregate water balance reflect the integrated effect of nonlinear dynamic interactions among runoff, vegetation, mountain block groundwater, urbanization and water use? 1880 1900 1920 1940 Year 0 20 40 60 80 110 Bear River Flow m3/s Lake (south arm) Bear River Flow Logan Precipitation Logan Precipitation cm 0 20 40 60 80 Lake Level m 1278 1280 1282 How do hydrologic fluxes, flow paths, and residence times change in response to land use change and development that is prevalent in much of the western U.S. How are aquatic and terrestrial species and resources related to topography and geology, and how will these systems respond to changes in the magnitude and timing of seasonal hydrologic processes 1985 2005 600 mm Bear Weber Mar 1 Sustainability and Human Dynamics 1990 year Jordan/Provo West 1995Desert2000 University of Washington Gridded Precipitation (Maurer, et al., 2002, J. Climate 15: 3237-3251) May 1 Apr 1 Jordan/Provo West Desert Bear Weber 1985 Jun 1 1980 Fragile Mountain and arid Ecosystems 1980 2004 Source: Waddell, K. M., et al., (2004), U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1236. Source: Bear Weber 200 0 0.4 0 0.2 300 0.0 mm 200 How does complex terrain affect the spatial patterns and dynamics of hydrologic processes? How well can we quantify the spatial and temporal fluxes, storages and flow paths of water in all its phases (vapor, ice/snow and liquid) in complex terrain? Great Salt Lake Basin 58,000 km2 Hypsometric Area-Elevation Distribution Elevation Complex Terrain Deseret Ranch Paired Watersheds 20 km2 Multi-Scale Nested Sampling Design 1960 1980 2000