not included in the statistical analyses). -30 -20 Teo = -a/b = –5.7 ºC slope = b/4 = –0.06 ºC-1 -10 degrees C 0 10 0 10 20 30 Relation between SNOW vs NO-SNOW and Tmin Teo = -a/b = +6.5 ºC slope = b/4 = –0.07 ºC-1 without overplotting (strictly as a graphic device, more of the 3377 daily observations to be visible been perturbed randomly in the vertical to allow Observations of snow (=1) vs no-snow (=0) have -10 0 10 20 Relation between SNOW vs NO-SNOW and Tmax windows. no-snow (=0) in 100-observation Percentages of snow (=1) vs Logistic regression Jittered observations Percentage with snow 40 30 The slope of the logistic relation at Teo which indicates how abrupt is the transition from snowfall to no-snow (with temperature) [ = b/4] The even-odds temperature (Teo) at which temperature half of the wet days yield snowfall and half yield only rain [ = -a/b] These figures show that not all wet days with temperatures below freezing yield snowfall and not all wet days with temperatures (even Tmins) above freezing yield no-snow. Very warm wet days almost always yield no snow (probability of snowfall is near zero); very cold wet days almost always yield snowfall (probability of snowfall is near one). At intermediate temperatures, probabilities range from zero to one in ways that are reasonably well captured by the fitted logistic relations. Two important attributes of the temperature dependence of snowfall occurrence emerge immediately from the fitted logistic relations: 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -10 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -20 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 COOP Station: Fort Valley, AZ (111.73W 35.27N 2240m) Relation between SNOW(=1) vs NO-SNOW (=0) and Tavg This distribution is the logistic relation and looks like the blue, reversed-S-shaped curves in the figures below. -1 Probability of snowfall = [ 1 + exp( -Lo) ] , where Lo = a + b * Temperature Logistic regression is a maximum-likelihood method for estimating the dependence of the probability of a binomial (”heads or trails”) random variable upon one or more continuous independent variables (Pampel, 2000). If the occurrence of snowfall (vs no snow) on a given wet day is considered to be random, with odds of snowfall that are dependent on the temperature that day, then an application of logistic regression allows us to estimate the probability of snow according to the following distribution: LOGISTIC REGRESSION -8 -6 -4 120ºW 0 2 DEGREES C -2 4 6 8 105ºW -8 -6 -4 120ºW 0 2 DEGREES C -2 4 6 8 105ºW -8 -6 -4 120ºW -2 0 2 DEGREES C 4 6 8 105ºW 30ºN 3000 4000 0 5 10 0 1000 2000 Altitude, in meters 3000 4000 West of 114W East of 114W 0 1000 2000 Altitude, in meters 3000 4000 West of 114W East of 114W Warmer Teo to the east and at higher altitudes in the far West. Daily-mean temperatures are typically near or above freezing at even odds of snowfall. -2 0 2 4 6 AVERAGE TEMPERATURES AT WHICH THERE ARE EVEN ODDS OF SNOW Daily TAVG’s Maximum temperatures are typically well above freezing at even odds of snowfall, except in PNW. A strong (and poorly understood) increase in Teo with altitude and to the east. -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 Less Abrupt 0.00 105ºW del_PROBABILITIES / DEGREES C -0.20 More Abrupt -0.25 120ºW 0 1000 2000 Altitude, in meters 3000 4000 West of 114W East of 114W Similar patterns for TMAXs and TAVGs. In Far West, transition is more abrupt at lower altitudes. (Little altitude dependence in Rockies.) A more abrupt transition from always snowfall to always rainfall in the Northwest than in most of Rockies. -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 SENSITIVITY OF PROBABILITY OF SNOW TO MINIMUM TEMPERATURE Corresponding slopes (b/4) of logistic relations are shown in the following map. The more negative the slope, the more abrupt (reliable) is the probability transition from favoring snowfall to favoring rainfall near Teo. SENSITIVITY OF ODDS (near Teo) TO MINIMUM-TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCES 45ºN 2000 Altitude, in meters HOW ABRUPT IS TRANSITION FROM SNOWFALL TO RAINFALL WITH WARMING? 30ºN 45ºN 1000 MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES AT WHICH THERE ARE EVEN ODDS OF SNOW Daily TMAX’s: DAILY-AVERAGE TEMPERATURES WITH EVEN ODDS OF SNOWFALL 30ºN 45ºN 0 West of 114W East of 114W No clear dependence on geography or altitude. DAILY-MAXIMUM TEMPERATURES WITH EVEN ODDS OF SNOWFALL 30ºN -8 -6 -4 -2 0 MINIMUM TEMPERATURES AT WHICH THERE ARE EVEN ODDS OF SNOW Minimum temperatures must be below freezing to obtain even odds of snowfall. degrees C degrees C degrees C 45ºN DAILY-MINIMUM TEMPERATURES WITH EVEN ODDS OF SNOWFALL 30ºN 45ºN -0.6 -0.4 120ºW 0.0 0.2 Correlation with Year -0.2 0.4 0.6 105ºW TRENDS IN FRACTION OF WET DAYS WITH TMIN > LOCAL Teo, 1949-2001 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Correlation with Year 86% of sites have increasing trends 0.4 0.6 Statistically significant trends At a large majority of sites, wet days warmer than Teo have become more common. 1960 1970 1980 Water Year 1990 2000 Overall, the annual fraction of wet days warmer than local Teo’s has increased by +6% during the past 53 years (r = 0.10; p << 0.01). -0.6 -0.4 120ºW 0.0 0.2 Correlation with Year -0.2 0.4 0.6 105ºW 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 Correlation with Year 0.4 83% of sites have warmed 0.6 Distribution of WET-DAY TMIN Trends Cayan, D.R., Kammerdiener, S., Dettinger, M.D., Caprio, J.M., and Peterson, D.H., 2001, Changes in the onset of spring in the western United States: Bulletin, American Meteorological Society, 82, 399-415. Knowles, N., Dettinger, M., and Cayan, D.R., 2004, Trends in snowfall versus rainfall for the Western United States: American Geophysical Union Fall 2004 Meeting, San Francisco. Pampel, F.C., 2000, Logistic regression--A primer: SAGE Publications, 96 p. For more information: 30ºN 45ºN TRENDS IN WET-DAY TMINS, 1949-2001 These trends are in agreement with trends in water-year average wet-day minimum temperatures, both geographically and in terms of their (relative) magnitudes (see map and histogram below). 0 1950 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Fraction of Wet Days with Tmin > Teo Compiling the numbers of wet days with temperatures warmer than Teo each water year (October-September) from all stations, we obtain the following time series. 0 10 20 30 Distribution of Trends in Fraction of Wet Days > Teo Thus wet-day minimum temperatures have warmed across most of the region and this trend has translated into widespread increases in the fraction of wet days with better than even odds of yielding NO SNOWFALL. Fraction of Wet Days -30 -20 -10 0 TMIN, in degrees C 1949 Intervening yrs 2001 % snow in 20-obs windows, 1949 % snow in 20-obs windows, 1996 10 20 35 40 125ºW 115 110 105 DEGREES C -4.0 -2.0 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.0 120 100 Same general pattern obtained from OND, DJF, or FMA subsets (not shown) Same general pattern obtained using TMAX and TAVG (not shown) In Rockies, warmer temps now more likely to yield snowfall than in the past! In the Northwest, cooler temps now are required for snowfall! –1.2ºC 125W 0 +1.2ºC 100W Potential Temperature Changes –8 % 125W +8 % 850mb 500mb 300mb 30ºN 45ºN -0.6 -0.4 120ºW -0.2 0.0 0.2 Correlation with Year 0.4 0.6 105ºW TRENDS IN FRACTION OF WET DAYS WITH TMIN > TIME-VARYING LOCAL Teo, 1949-2001 0 100W Relative Humidity Changes Now that we know how Teo has trended during the study period, we can improve the figure at top of 3rd panel (slightly) by showing mapping trends in the fraction of wet days with Tmins > the time-varying Teo’s. The pattern of trends is generally the same as detected earlier. Thus, wet days warm enough to strongly favor rainfall rather than snowfall have become more common across the West, even while the temperature dependence of precipitation form has changed. 850mb 500mb 300mb (NCAR/NCEP REANALYSIS 1, averaged from 35N to 45N) 1976–2001 minus 1949-1974 SOME HYPOTHESES RE: TIME-VARYING DEPENDENCES: In the Far West, do these changes reflect warming & drying that has been greater aloft than near surface? The changes shown below could stabilize the atmosphere & yield shallower warmer precipitation and would mean that a given surface temperature is (on average) associated with warmer temperatures aloft recently. Over the Rockies, have these trends destabilized the atmosphere, facilitating deep clouds and snowfall at warmer station temperatures? 30 NO SIGNIFICANT CHANGES COOLER CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR SNOWFALL RECENTLY SNOW FALLS AT WARMER TEMPERATURES RECENTLY 50 CHANGES IN Teo DURING THE 1949 - 2001 PERIOD Temperature dependence of snowfall occurrence has changed significantly (at 95% level) at 62% of western coop stations in recent decades. A simple measure of these changes is the difference in Teo from beginning to end of the study period, which is given by ∆Teo = –53 yrs * c / b. 0 -40 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 COOP Station: Fort Valley, AZ (111.73W 35.27N 2240m) Relation between Snow-vs-NoSnow Probabilities and Tmin,Year 1 long-term changes in the effects of temperature on the odds of snowfall can be detected and mapped. Fitting the relation above to snowfall reports and daily-minimum temperatures, long-term changes in probabilities of snowfall like those shown below have been detected at many coop stations. At the site shown, a given minimum temperature now yields snow less often than in the past. Probability of snow = [ 1 + exp( -Lo) ] -1 , Lo = a + b * Temperature + c * WaterYear, To interpret the impact of these temperature changes on precipitation form (snowfall vs rainfall), we also need to know whether the dependence of precipitation form on temperature has changed during the decades of warming. By extending the logistic regression analysis to fit the following distribution A number of studies have shown that winter-spring temperatures have warmed by about +2ºC across the western US since the 1950s (e.g. Cayan et al., 2001). In order for such trends to significantly affect the occurrences (and amounts) of snowfall (vs rainfall), warming would have to have raised temperatures to or above the snow-rain transition (Teo) during more wet days recently. If warming was not sufficient to raise temperature above the transitions, or if iwarming was on dry days, then snowfall-vs-rainfall mixes might not have changed. The map below shows linear trends in the fraction of wet days with minimum temperatures warmer than each station’s even-odds temperature (Teo). Performing similar logistic regressions on the long-term daily weather records from 172 western coop stations yields the following maps of the long-term even-odds temperatures (Teo) across the western US. Precipitation can be either a boon to western water, flood, and land management or a flood-generating disaster, depending on whether it falls as rain or snow. Long-term warming trends across the western US have already resulted in changes in snow-to-rain ratios (Knowles et al, 2004), snowpack amounts, snowmelt timing, and streamflow timing (e.g., Cayan et al., 2001). In order to determine the relative contributions to streamflow-timing trends of snow-to-rain changes vs. snowmelt-timing changes, we will need to better understand conditions under which snowfall occurs and will need to determine whether the relations between temperature and snowfall have changed. Coop weather stations routinely report the occurrence of snowfall and, although these reports can be quantitatively suspect, the occurrence of snow (vs no snow) is readily discerned. Logistic regression of daily snowfall reports from 172 coop weather stations over a 53-yr period with the corresponding temperatures provides an opportunity to explore the geography and history of the dependence of snowfall on local temperatures. del_probability/degree C Percent of Sites Daily TMIN’s: TRENDS IN TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE TRENDS IN TEMPERATURES RELATIVE TO Teo HOW COLD MUST IT BE FOR SNOWFALL? MOTIVATION NOAH KNOWLES, U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA; & DAN CAYAN, USGS, Scripps Institution of Oceanography TRENDS IN THE TEMPERATURE DEPENDENCE OF SNOW- VS RAINFALL IN THE WESTERN US, 1949-2001 MICHAEL DETTINGER, U.S. Geological Survey, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA; Percent of Sites Probability of Snowfall