. '" .MANAGERIAL AND DECISION ECONOMICS, VOL. 12, 405-409 (1991) Oligopsony jOligopoly Power and Factor Market Performance .' Yang-Ming Chang Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, USA and Victor Jo Tremblay Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA This paperis concernedwith the economicperformanceof factor markets in an oligopsony/ oligopoly setting. Firm and industry indexesare developedto measurefactor market price distortions causedby exerted oligopsony/ oligopoly power. Thesemeasuresindicate that the elasticity of output demand,the elasticity of input supply,and the input and output conjectural elasticitiesdeterminethe degreeof non-competitiveperformancein factor markets. It is also shownthat under specialconditionsthe firm index equalsthe Lerner index and the industry index equalsthe Herfindahl-Hirschman index. INTRODUCTION Compared to output markets, relatively little research has been done on the economic performance of factor markets under imperfect competition.! Furthermore, the research that has been done has been primarily empirical. For example, Just and Chern ~1980) examined the ~egr:e of oligopsony power In the tomato-processIng Industry and rejected the hypothesis that tomato processors behave competitively in the market for raw tomatoes. Booton and Lane (1985) found empirical support for the hypothesis that the wages of registered nurses are suppressed by the monopsony power of hospitals. Finally, Schroeter's (1988) empirical resuIts reveal significant input price distortions in the oligopsonistic wholesale beef market. The purpose of ~his paper is to theoretically analyze the economIc performance of factor markets. Since, as Robinson (1934, p.227) has stated, 'The most important casesof monopsony will occur in connection with monopoly', we consider a general model where firms can possessmarket power in the input market, the output market, or both markets. First, we use a conjectural variation approach to develop a firm index of oligopsony/oligopoly power that measures the extent to which an input price actually paid by a firm deviates from the value of the factor's marginal product.2 From this firm measure we derive an index of aggregate oligopsony / oligopoly power for a factor market as a whole. Given familiar sets of assumptions, our firm index reduces to the Lerner index and our industry index reduces to the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. FACTOR MARKET INDEXES OLIGOPSONY PERFORMANCE UNDER jOLIGOPOL Y A Form Ind x I e Consider an industry in which there are N firms (i = 1, 2, 3,..., N) producing a homogeneous product. The inverse market demand function is given by p=p(Q) (1) where Q = ~qi is industry output and qi is the output of the ith firm. Assume N is sufficiently small and entry is blocked so that non-competitive behavior in the output market is possible. On the production side each firm uses physical capital, ki, that is purchased from a competitive capital market. In addition, each firm requires the use of a specific factor, Xi' For instance, this input may represent baseball players to professional baseball teams or cattle to beef processors. In the market 0143-6570/91/050405-05$05.00 ~ 1991 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ""-!,~,~; 406 ¥.-M. CHANG AND V. J. TREMBLA¥ for the specific factor, however, non-competitive buyer behavior is possible,3 In this case, the inverse market supply of the specific factor is given by w = h(X) (2) x d I I f h 'fi l" , h IS t e tota supp y 0 t e specI c lactor an h " f X F h d /dX ' h were . W IS t de per beUnIt assume to ffi ' su Pi==(dX/dxi)(Xi/X), the ith firm's input conjectural elasticity with respect to the industry's total factor demand, I II clent , y f f price .,0 h t price ' , sma t .urt N ' d an h so h at er ' W d IS assume fi ' eac rm can IS be h uence t ' dIrectly reflects allocatlve " the , InefficIency due to market power by measuring , the non-competItIve e, IS , acquIred va I ue 0 f th e by the margma ' ' qi = .fi(Xi' kJ be- " fl m for non-competitive havior in both the factor and output markets, it will '" be referred to as an oligopsony/oligopoly Index. It to F ' II h ' h fi ' d .rents ma y, t e It rm s pro uctlon .~ IS lactor. unctIon 0 posItIve, Because this index allows (3) firm as a proportIon I pro d uc. t It comes of the as no , surprise that the Index has two components: (Pi/e) reflects the non-competitive performance in the d b ' I d ' d ' an IS assume to e strict y concave an contIn, ..perlormance uously tWIce dIfferentIable. .' The problem of the Ith firm then IS to choose Xi , , , , and ki m order to maxImIze the firm s profit func., b tIon given y input market and (lXi/") reflects the non-competitive l" ' m th e ou t pu t mar k e,t Because p (MP X; ) :::,W:::" 0 th e vaueI 0 f 1; can f 0 t 1 Wh th .fi l" t ' . range rom 0, en e SpeCI c lac or IS pal d th I f 't ' I d t th t ' e va ue 0 I S margma pro uc, a IS, W = p(M Px;), the factor market is allocatively efficient 1ti=p(Q)q;-h(X)xi-rki (4) ' fi d ' h I ' h ' h fi 1t. IS, t e It rm s pro ts an r IS t e renta , , , and 1;=0; as the factor price is reduced and approaches 0, ceteris paribus, I; approaches 1. Thus, ,.". , greater IneffiCIency IS Implied by a hIgher value of Ii' G' th t d P 't ' th I' Iven a lXi an i are pOSI Ive, e 0 Igopsony / oligopoly index indicates that there will be greater (3) wIth e va ue 0 d ' .d d t e marglna b h I pro f 1 i ==[P(MPXi)- w]/[P(MPXi)] 1 =(Pi/e+lXi/'1)/( +pi/e) (6) where fi h ' h f l" perfectly competItIve to collusIve). lXi==(dQ/dq;)(qi/Q), conjectural (or respect to total e==(dX /dw)(w/ X), market supply the ith firm's output perceived) elasticity with industry output,S the input price elasticity of for the specific factor, For ' . m example, ' .. the case of Cournot behavIor m both the Input and OUt pu t mar k e t s, dX/d XI,= 1 an d dQ/d q".= 1 6 A s a It P th ' resu , i IS e mpu t mar k e t sh are an d lXi th e ou t pu t market share of the ith firm. . Alternatively, consider the special situation where the output market is competitive and the specific factor market is imperfectly competitive, In this case lXi=O (because dQ/dqi=O) and O<Pi~ 1. The firm index derived from Eqn (6) then reduces to th l" II . I' / t 't " ' fi , , MPXi==aqi/aXi, the margInal product of the mustry-specl c lactor 0 tel t rm, ,,== -(dQ/dp)(P/Q), the price elasticity of demand in the output market, d t -.,. h IOjc=pi/(e+PJ ) ' uct an t e Input price IVI e y t e va ue 0 t e ' I ' d ' d ' d d d 4., Th e It' h fi( rms' h m margma erlve f E pro ( ) uct. A ex IS .l" rom qn 5a an IS gIven as see t e ppendlx lor a f) proo ojc: t ' higher the firm's conjectural elasticity with respect to industry demand for the specific factor (PJ. This oligopsony/oligopoly index is quite general t ' t' SInce no res rIC Ions are p ace on e conJec ura ., .. elastIcItIes of the firm (I.e. they may range from ex tween h elasticity (4) the (I erence d and d I ' fi h +p(aqi/ak;)-r=O (5b) , ,., To measure Input price dls~ortlons we concentrate on the market for the speCIfic factor. We define, d f .. d" h term m ex 0 Input price Istortlons as t e be h I f h ' I d d ' fli the highe~ the firm's conjectural respect to Industry output (IXJ, I .(e~, ,q, th /ak,) qi m .)(a q, inefficiency, ceteris paribus, (1) the lower the price ~Iasticit~ of dem~~d for output (,,), (2) the ~ower the Input price elastICIty of supply of the speCIfic factor Ion /dQ)(dQ/d p (5a) I (d p(aqi/aXJ /dx.)x.-w=O , , I (dp/dQ)(dQ/dqJ(aqi/aX;)qi+ -(dw/dX)(dX d condItIons compe necessary Igopsony first-order 0 The oWIng of capItal. 10 rate are: e h were (7) In pure monopsony where there is just one input buyer, Xi=X and therefore P;= 1. In this case the index equals 1/(e+ 1). When both the output market and the input market are competitive, lXi= p;=O MARKET POWERAND PERFORMANCE and the index equals 0 (indicating that the factor market In the is operating case I~/o=1:{[P(MPx;)-w]/[P(MPxi)]}Sqi efficiently). of market = 1:v. power in the output market S ,( alone, O«Xi~ 1 and Pi=O. In this competition/ oligopoly setting the index (I c/o)becomes I -/ (8) c/o-(Xi " 407 .2 12 q,) ( ) where vi=(dQ/dq;)/" and Sqi=qi/Q (the output market share of firm i). When all firms have constant and identical conjectural variations, then Viis the same for all firms and the industry index is Finally, lhere is the classic caseof monopsony/proportional to the Herfindahl-Hirschman index of monopoly suggestedby Robinsonwhere Pi= 1 for a the output market [1:(Sqif]. If Vi= 1, then the monopsonist (because Xi= X) and (Xi= 1 for a industry index equals the output market monopolist (becauseqi = Q). In this situation the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. monopsony/monopoly index (Im/m)equals I m/m= (1 /8+1 / "" )/( 1+1 / 8 ) Index Implementation . (9) Although Lerner (1943, pp. 210-11) initially dis- A . f h.. d . n Important use0 t IS cussesb0th monopo Iy and monopsony power, he. .,m ex ISto assesst he degree It ' t I tt t ' t fi d th t f of oligopsony and oligopoly power m a factor U Ima e y a emp son e amoun 0 mono, . ' po Iy revenue, , ,so th at th ere was no monopsony, I n Lerner's case 0f pure monopoIy ((Xi= 1) WI' th no monopsony power (a I'i 0) = th ' e m d . ex E m (9) qn. market. II ThIs can be accomplished, for example, the followIng production, output market , d t th II k L ' d 1/ re uces 0 e we -nown erner m ex, ". by . the appropnate . data and first estimating ... co ectlng .. demand, 9 and Input market supply functions: qi=/;(Xi' Zl) (13) An Industry Index p=p(Q, Z2) (14) Next, an index of oligopsony/oligopoly power for the specific factor market as a whole (1*) is developed, This aggregate index, which is derived from Eqn (6),is defined as w=h(X, Z3) (15) 1*=1: {[p(MPx;)-w]/[p(MPxi)]}Sxi=1:IiSxi (10) where SXi= Xii X (the input market shareof firm i), ThIs Industry measureISa weIghtedaverageof each. .. ' firm's Index of power WIth Input shares used l'lor . welg hts. In the caseof oligopsony/ competition and given the definition of Pi' the industry index becomes I:/c = 1:Ui(SX;)2 (11) where Zl, Z2, and Z3 are vectors of relevant exogenousvariables,lOThese empirical results can then be used to produce estimatesof the marginal product of input X (Oqi/OXi)'the slopeof the demand function in the output market (op/oQ), and the slope of the supply function in the factor market (ow G/.OX)'th t. Iven e es Imated vaIuesfrom above and defi n' (Q/ ) d (J =. - P"(X/ X.), the l'10II owIn mg (J2=(X. ". q.an . g 3 rearranged versIon of Eqn (Sa)can then be estlmt d' ae . W=(Jl [P(Oqi/OXi)]+ (J2[(op/oQ) X (Oqi/OX;)Q;]-(J3[(OW/OX)Xi] (16) where Ui= (dX/dxi)/(8 +Pi)' If the input conjectural variations are constant and the same for all firms, then Ui is identical for all firms and the industry indexis proportional to the Herfindahl-Hirschman index of the input market [1:(SXif], 7 In the special where (Jl, (J2,and (J3are unknown parameters.ll Because(Xi= (J2(qi/Q)and Pi=(J3(Xi/X), the degree of oligopsonyand oligopoly price distortions canbe determined.For example,the hypothesis that input price distortions are presentis rejectedif (Jl= 1 and case where Ui= 1, the industry index equals the input market Herfindahl-Hirschman index,8 Finally, when the focus is on output market power as in a competition/oligopoly setting,it may be convenientto changethe weights from input to output market shares and define the industry index as (J2=(J3=0.This result indicates that the market is operating efficiently becausethe factor price equals the value of the marginal product. Significantpositive values of (J2and (J3indicate the presenceof oligopoly and oligopsofly power, respectively.Finally, the degreeof input price distortion at the firm level canbe calculated by inserting the data into the -""'"'C", -"","""c: ,.~.~"'""~ :.. 408 Y.-M.CHANGANDV.J. TREMBLAY index in Eqn (6). This information, along with the data on firm market share, ca~ also b~ us~d to calculate the degree of average mput pnce dIstortion at the industry level from Eqn (10). equality in Eqn (A4) gives [p(MPxj)]/[p(MPxJ] -w/[p(MPxJ] = 1-(I-tXj/,,)/(1 + (pj/e» (A5) Simplification and rearranging terms yields CONCLUSIONS [p(MPxJ-w]/[p(MPxJ] ..= ThIS paper draws on the theory of olIgopsony and oligopoly to analyze factor market distortions caused by market power in the input market, the output market, or both markets. Indexes capable of measuring exerted oligopsony I oligopoly power at the firm and industry levels are developed, and em p irical implementation of the indexes is dis- cussed. These measures mdIcate that the elastIcIty of output demand, the elasticity of input supply, and the input and output conjectural elasticities determine the degree of non-competitive performance in factor markets. It is also shown that under special conditions the firm oligopsony I oligopoly index is identical to the Lerner index and the industry oligopsony loligopoly index is identical to the Herfindahl-Hirschman index. APPENDIX A formal derivation of Eqn (6) is as follows. First Eqn (5a) can be rearranged , as I )] [( d Qld )( IQ)] [P(o l ox )] [( d pi d Q)(Q p qj qj qj I + [p(oqj/oXj)] = [(dw/dX)(Xlw)] x [(dXldxJ(xj/X)]w+w (AI) ..psony Factonng out p(oqjl oxJ from the left-hand sIde and w from the right-hand side of the equality in Eqh (AI) gives p(oqj/oxJ{l + [(dpldQ)(Qlp)] [(dQldqJ x (qj/Q)]} =w{1 + [(dw/dX)(X Iw)] x [(dX IdxJ(xjl X)]} (A2) b .. h d fi .. f h By su stItutIng t.e e mtIons rom t e text, Eqn (A2) can be wntten as I ) -W (1 + P I e) (A3 ) p (M P Xj)( 1- tXj " -j which implies that w/[p(MPxJ]=(I-tXj/")/(I+pj/e) (A4) Multiplying both sides of the equality by -1 and adding [p(MPxJ]/[p(MPxi)] to both sides of the (pj/e + tXj/,,)/(1 + Pile) which is Eqn (6). (A6) QED Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank David G. Hula, Joe R. Kerkvliet, James F. Ragan, Jr, Carol Horton Tremblay and an anonymous referee for helpful comments. The authors are responsible for all remainingerrors. NOTES 1. SeeSchererand Ross (1990)for a surveyand Dansby and Willig (1979), Appelbaum (1982), Kamien and S.chwar~z(1983),and Dau~~ety (1985)for a discusslon of Imperfectly competitive output markets. 2. Although Schroeterdevelopeda measure of monopsony power, it applies only to the specialcasewhere the production technology is characterized by fixed proportions betweenthe quantity of output (dressed beefcarcassesin his study) and the quantity of the monopsonistically demanded input (live beef). 3. Input market sellers are assumed to have no market power. This assumption is certainly realistic for many raw materials suppliers (e.g. tomato farmers and cattle ranchers),but even the monopsony power in labor .markets ~~s not always generated effective collective bargaining power for labor. For example, Booton and Lane (1985, p.185) argue that monopower in nursing exists in the absence of widespread unionization. Dworkin's (1981)account of professional baseball in the USA indicates that union power was, until recently, so weak that the reserveclause (making each player the property of one team)existed for almost 90 years before the first collective bargaining contract. 4. This approachis similar to that developedby Lerner (1932), who defined the index of monopoly price distortions as the difference between the (output) price and marginal cost divided by the price. 5. See Dickson (1981) and Appelbaum (1982) for a discussion of conjectural elasticities with respectto output markets. 6. Daughety (1985)has shown that the Cournot equilibrium is also a 'consistentconjectural variation' equilibrium. 7. If, for example, all firms have the same objective function, face the same cost function, and produce a homogeneous product, then in equilibrium their conjectural variations must also be the same. ~ ~ MARKET POWER AND PERFORMANCE 8. If the input sharesare the samefor all firms, the input Herfindahl-Hirschman index equals 1/ N, the same property that holds for the output HerfindahlHirschman index when output sharesare equal. 9. Alternatively, a cost or profit function could be estimatedand usedto derive the production function (McFadden, 1978). 10. To estimate this system, functional forms must be chosen, the variables in Zl' Z2' and Z3 must be identified, and firm and market data must be obtained. 11. The bracketed terms are regressors,containing exogenous and predicted variables. See Murphy and Topel (1985) for a method of obtaining asymptotically correct standard errors when estimating an equation with predicted variables. REFERENCES E. Appelbaum (1982). The estimation of the degree of oligopoly power. Journal ofEconometrics19, August, 287-99. L. A. Booton and J. I. Lane (1985). Hospital market structure and the return to nursing education. Journal ofHuman Resources20, 2, Spring, 184-96. K. Cowling and M. 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