Applied EconomicsLetters,1994,1, 8-11 Duopsony mode Is with consistent conjectural variations Y ANG-MING CHANG and VICTOR ~ J. TREMBLA Y* Department of Economics, Kansas State University, Waters Hall, Manhattan, Kansas 66506-4001, USA and Oregon State University, Department of Economics, Ballard Extension Hall 303, Corvallis, OR 97331-3612, USA In this note we develop a consistent conjectural variation model that generalizes Bresnahan's (1981) results to a duopoly-duopsony setting.! This is the fIrst duopsony model in which flfIDS are constrained to have consistent conjectural variations, and two interesting results emerge! First, Bertrand conjectures occur when inputs are homogeneous and when input demand functions are horizontal. Second, the consistent conjectures equilibrium approaches Cournot when input demand functions are vertical or when the flfID is a monopolist-monopsonist. This implies that firms will behave more competitively in a duopsony setting as inputs and outputs become more homogeneous and as input demand functions become relatively more elastic. I. THE CONSISTENT CONJECTURAL V ARIA TIONS MODEL geneous, thenpj = Pj and dpjldqj = dpjldqj, and if output is differentiated, thenpj * Pj and dpjldqj * dpj dqj' Because flfIDS with monopsony power may also have monopoly power, a rather general duopsony-duopoly model with consistent conjectural variations will be considered.3 In terms of the output market, two flfIDS (1 and 2) are assumed to compete in a single output market, where qj denotes the output of firm 1 or 2. Entry barriers are sufficiently high so that entry is blocked.4 Because firms 1 and 2 are generally assumed to be symmetrical, we shall focus on the behaviour of firm i and assume that flfID j is the other flfID when speaking about firm i. There are a sufficiently large number of buyers who generate the following inverse demand function for firm i: In the input market, the same two flfIDS are the only flfIDS that employ input x. For simplicity, these flfIDS are assumed to use just one inputS and face the same production function when inputs are assumed to be homogeneous .= x. 2 ql f(.) ( ) There are many input suppliers who generate the following input supply function w.I -w. I ( x.I' x.J') (3) where Wi denotes the price of Xi' Note that if the inputs are homogeneous, then Wj = Wjand dwjldXj = dWi/dXj,and if the .= .(. .) PI PI q.. qJ (1) where Pi denotes the price output. Note that if output is homo- inputs are differentiated, then Wi * Wjand dwjldXj * dWi/dXj' Firm i' s problem is then to choose x in order to maximize profit, which is given by IAlthough this modelling approachhasits critics (Robson(1983),Lindh (1992»,its primary advantageis that,unlike gametheory (Demsetz (1989),Fisher(1989),and Shepherd(1990», it is easyto empirically testand leadsto severalinterestingandtestableimplications.See Bresnahan(1989)and Schmalensee(1990)for a discussionof proceduresto estimateoutputflfSt orderconditions (or outputconjectural variations)and Schroeter(1988)andChangand Tremblay (1991)for proceduresto estimateinput first orderconditions (or input conjectural variations). 2Schroeter(1988)and Changand Tremblay (1991)developedoligopsonymodelsusingthe conjecturalvariation approachbut did not consider the casewhereconjecturalvariationsareconsistent.Severalhavedevelopedconsistentconjecturalvariationmodels for outputmarkets.For example,seeBresnahan(1981),Laitner (1980),Ulph (1983),and Shaffer(1991).According to Paceand Gilley (1990),this modelwas first developedby Leontief (1936). 3Robinson(1934,p. 227)statesthat, 'The mostimportantcasesof monopsonywill occur in connectionwith monopoly.' 4SeePerry (1982)for a discussionof a consistentconjecturesoutput model with free entry. 5We do not generally assume a fixed proportions technology, which would constrain input and output conjectures to be equal and,simply reproduce Bresnahan's (1981) results. * Author to whom correspondence shouldbe addressed. 1350-5851 @ 1994 Chapman & Hall Duopsonymodelswith constantconjecturalvariations 9 nj = Pj(qj, qj)qj -Wj(Xj, Xj)Xj (4) bl h f "' k 1 h" 0 so ve t IS pro em, owever, Irm I must ma e some b h ' , 1 ' II h " , assumption a out ow Its nva WI react to a c ange m Its , ' bl I th' d 1 fi ' , d b own strategic vana es" n IS mo e, Irm I IS assume to e concerned with j's input response to a change in xi" Thus, firm i's first order (necessary) condition of profit maximization requires: T same; v = vj = V2" Finally, a consistent conjectures equilibrium (CCE) exists if all conjectural variations are consistent, denot*" " " " ed by v , and If each firm maximizes profits given the behav, f ' " lour 0 ItS nv al " II, THE CONSISTENT CONJECTURES EQUILIBRIUM onjloxj = [(opjloqj) (oqjloxj) + (opjloqj) (oqjloxj) (oxjlox)]qj (5) + p .(o .I q .lox.) I -[Ow.lox. ...J + (owlox.)(ox jox.)]x. ..I -w. = 0 This section will show how differing specifications of output For notational convenience, this condition will be rewritten as on. ox. = ! .' .' + .' .'v. .+ ..' -w.'x. -assume ! .PI q. q., PJqJ Iql P.q. I I w.J vjX'I -w. I = 0 (6) demand, input supply and technology affect the CCE. First, homogeneous inputs and outputs and that each firm faces the same linear output demand function, linear production function, and linear input supply function. With these where Pi' = opjloqj, Pj' = opjloqj' qj' = dqjldXj, qj' = oqjlxj, Wi' = OWjloxj,Wj' = owjloxj' and Vj= oxjOXj. The term v i represents firm i's input conjectural variation (i,e", firm i's estimate of j's assumptions, Equation 8 simplifies to: .= -fp'( 'f -'] vJ q W input reaction to a unit change in Xj)" Each firm's optimal input quantity cannot be determined kn . th al f th " 1 "" I "th p'(q')2(2+vj)-w'(2+v) (9) ""' " . The true consistent conjectural vanatlons are obtained by rec- negatively "" function d . uctlon sloped and .,. IS posItively fu .. nctlon linear (at sloped and IS qua dr least locally), linear , .. atlc, pOSItive the (locally), v al ue d Input and the " , , IncreasIng, pro- an d """ "" 6" concave over pOSItive Input quantities, At optimal values, fi ., fi mn I s d d Irst or er con d b " 0 taln: d ot "' " I lerentlate to " " d . IS an I entity .. Itlon an d can be tot all y B " ,,:\ Q q '.ox, / :\ an d q .=" :\ ' / :\ .= , q .-.I J -J Q q .ox, J' Y rearrangIn g terms , Equation 7 can be expressed as "", "v qj + iqj , ') ' " Pj qj qj , , " a CCE by solvIng ". A C conditions, t .oumo the so 1 t' u Ion , b 0 th that is a CGE; v* = -I" 1 f t h e numerator " an d Because t h e d enommator " " equilibrium 0 f E qua t Ion, " 9 th e b I" & B d ' Input nctlon nee not e mear lor ertran conjec t ures t0 b " G all h (1 al) I ' 't " " e consistent. ener y owever, oc mean y IS require d " th 1 f th " f " m ord er & lor e s ope 0 e reaction unction to be a constant d &. 7F " " d all an lor Uniqueness, operates t m " y, no e , efficiently sInce th h v* - at w en the 1 --, value of th " t e mpu " the margInal Next, we relax the linear technology constraint by allowing the production function , 8 () pj qj qi+Pi qi qi +Pj qj viqi +Pi qrtJi +Piqi -Wi -Wj vrwi This equation has three interpretations: (1) it equals the slope of firm i's input reaction function; (2) when evaluated at optimal values, it equals the true equilibrium change in Xi in response to a unit change in Xjand (3) it equals fmnj's consistent input conjectural variation when solved for Vj. Note that because of symmetry (i,e" fIrmS 1 and 2 are assumed to face the same demand and technological conditions and behave the same), each fInn's consistent conjectural variation will be the to be assumption Equation 8 becomes -(p'q"v*q v* = -Wj " IS not and these . h (p ' " num 1"" (7) were ", is the Bertrand market P.' q.' q.' + P .q" -w.' q.+ .I. P.' q.' q.' I + P.' J qJ.' v, q.' + I I I -Wj'Vj -Wj']dxj + fpj' qj" Vjqj+ Pj' qj' qj' -Wj']OXj = 0 -j I under prod uct lor x equals the pnce ' 0f Input " x fr om the fiIrst & Input " order condition rn.' q."I IJ'. oxjOXj= 'l 'b symmetry) that "' requires that Vj = VJ' = 0, but when Vj IS set to 0 m Equation 9, al 1/2 VjeTh q~ s -. IS case par alle1s B resnahan' s (1981) E xamp1e 2 because fu supply" , Note 0 ., "' ., " "' , function IS for simplicity It ISassumed that the market demand v t .it First, as follows. equi ., (given ) are calculated oumot , J' -v qjW c ange m Xj: , The consistent conjectures C 9 for --* -V Vj d fi d b th " response F fi ' tho al th h ' e me y at conjecture. or Irm I IS equ s e c ange m XJ" as indicated by j's reaction function, in response to a unit h " Equation Vj (1 " "f ' IS consistent I It th "l. b " at e equi I num that "* + "". vanatlon f "" al 0 Its nv " " ogruzmg term al al n con- th " a conjectur vanatlons, d be e assume to e conjectura "II b dd . e s "" slstent. y e mltlon, al th " IS equ to e optlm 0 a fi ues "" vanatlons WI unction d v y al supp e " conjectur Input owIng mear 1 non out od our me, B , a WI p'q"q + pq" + p'(q')2(2 concave. With this added + P'q'q' -w' + v*) -w'(2 + v*) (10) Again, Equation 10 shows that as the production function become linear (q" = 0), the CCE approaches the Bertrand equilibrium" Furthermore, by solving for v* one can see that as the marginal product and input demand approach the vertical (q" approaches 00),v* approaches 0 and the input market CCE approaches Cournot,8 This parallels Bresnahan's (1981) Example 3 and shows that the CCE departs from Bertrand and becomes less competitive as input demand functions become steeper. ~ese assumptionssimplify the analysisby ensuringthatthe consistentconjecturalvariationswill be constants"SeeBresnahan(1981)for furtherdiscussion" 7SeeBresnahan(1981)for further discussionof this point in relationto outputmarketsandthe Appendixfor a more completederivationof the consistentconjecturalvariationanda discussionof uniquenessandthe secondordercondition. 10 Yang-MingChangand ~ J. Tremblay Finally, we will analyse the CCE when inputs and outputs are differentiated. For simplicity, we assume a linear production function. In this case, Equation 8 becomes -(Pj' qj' qi' -Wj') v*= 2Pi'(qi')2 + Pj'qj'v*qi' -2Wi' -Wj'v* (11) Again, the CCE is Bertrand only in the polar case where outputs and inputs are perfect substitutes (i.e., Pi' = Pj' and Wi' = Wj'). At the other pole, Equation 11 implies that when outputs and inputs are not substitutable at all (Pj' and Wj' approach 0), then v* approaches 0 and the model generates a monopolymonopsony solution with just one fInn. The results of the model have several interesting implications. First, they parallel those of Bresnahan (1981), who found that under similar conditions the output CCE becomes less competitive as rival outputs become less substitutable and as marginal cost functions become steeper. In addition, this analysis helps to establish situations where Bertrand and Cournot input conjectures are sensible under the criteria established by Kreps (1990, pp. 443-9). For example, when the slope input demand functions approaches infinity, Cournot conjectures are sensible because it is appropriate for a fInn to ak m th e xes t t ra .. eglc bl vana d e an th assume t a . nva I ,. s t mpu quantities will remain fixed (a 0 input quantity conjectural vanatlon). AlternatIvely, If mputs are homogeneous and mput demand functions are horizontal, Bertrand conjectures are sensible because it would then be appropriate for the firm to make input price the strategic variable and assume that rivals' input prices will remain fixed (a 0 input price conjectural variation). Finally, if a firm is a monopolist and a monopsonist (i.e., the fInn's output and inputs have no substitutes), then a Cournot conjecture is sensible because it generates the monopoly-monopsony solution. III. CONCLUSION In this note we develop a consistent conjectures model for a duopsony that leads to several mterestIng most likely when inputs are homogeneous and when input demand functions are horizontal, and Cournot conjectures are most likely when input demand functions are vertical or when the fInn is a monopolist-monopsonist. and testable lmphca- tions. First,.t~e model pre~icts that an inp~t market will be less competItIve when the mputs that are hIred by each firm become more differentiated and when the input demand functions become relatively more inelastic. This result parallels Bresnahan's (1981) for a duopoly setting and is a rather 'intuitive theory of competition,9 because one might expect product differentiation and the structure of input demand functions to affect input market performance in this way. In addition, our results clarify the conditions under which Bertrand and Cournot conjectures might occur. Bertrand conjectures are ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Comments from Chi-Chur Chao, Carlos Martins, Art 0' Sullivan and Carol Horton Tremblay are gratefully acknowledged. Any remaining errors are the responsibility of the authors. REFERENCES Bresnahan, T. F. (1981) Duopoly Models with Consistent Conjectures,AmericanEconomicReview,71,934--45. Bresnahan, T. F. (1983) Duopoly Models with Consistent Conjectures:Reply,AmericanEconomicReview,73,457-8. Bresnahan,T. F. (1989)Empirical Studiesof Industrieswith Market Power, in Handbook .of Industrial Organization (R. Schmalensee USA. and R. D. WillIg, eds), North-Holland, New York, Chang Y M d V ..rem J T bl ay (1991) 01 .Igopsony 101.Igopo 1y Power and Factor Market Performance, Managerial and Decision Economics,12,405-9. Demsetz,H. (1989) Industrial Organization at Age Sixty, UCLA working paper,February9,1989. Fisher,F. (1989)GamesEconontistsPlay: A NoncooperativeView, RandJournal ofEconomics,20, 113-24. Fisher, I. 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(1983)Existence of ConsistentConjectures:Comment, AmericanEconomicReview,73,454-6. 81nthis case,the secondorderconditionof profit maxintizationrequiresthat: q"(p'q + p) + p'(q')2(2 + VJ -w'(2 + vJ < O. This conditionis satisfiedif vi < 2 [which is reasonablesincea fIrm's conjecturalvariationis likely to lie betweenBertrand (Vi = -1) and cartel (Vi = 1)], the outputdemandfunctionis negativelysloped(p' < 0), the input supplyfunctionis positively sloped(w'>O),andp' q + P > O. Note thatthis last term canbe rewrittenasp[1 -(If)] [where n= (dqldp (plq) > 0] and will bepositive if the equilibriumprice is greaterthan zero andthe firm operatesin the elastic regionof demand. ~s is the phraseusedby Bresnahan(1981,p. 943)to describethe implications of his duopoly with consistentconjectures. Duopsonymodelswith constantconjecturalvariations 11 Schrnalensee, R. (1990)Empirical Studiesof Rivalrous Behaviour,in (G. Bonannoand D. Brandolini, eds),Industrial Structurein the New Industrial Economics,Cl~endon ~ess, Oxford, u~. ..Vj which simplifies to Shaffer, S. (1991) ConsistentConjectures m a Value-Maxlmlzmg Duopoly, SouthernEconomicJournal,57,993-1009. Shepherd, W. G. (1990) Publishing Performance in Industrial Organization: A Comment,Review of Industrial Organization, 5,139-46. .. Setting vi = Vj = v (by symmetry), EquatIon Al can be rewntten as 2 V +2v+ 1 =0. (A2) Ulph, D. (1983) Rational International Journal The roots of this quadratic . rural t Conjectu~s of Industrial in the .Th~ory of Oligopoly, Organization, 131-54. equation (AI) produce single consistent . . vana Ion equal t 0 -. 1 conJec Under the assumptions given above, the sac of profit maximization is satisfied. To see this, note that profit maximization requires that APPENDIX This appendix demonstrates that there is a unique consistent conjecture that satisfies the second order sufficient (necessary) condition (SaC) when inputs and outputs are homogeneous and when output demand, input supply, and the production function are linear. Uniqueness can be established as follows. Recall Equation 9 y-j -p'(q')2(2 -1 = -(~) _fp'(q')2 -w1 + vJ -w'(2 = vJ p'(q')2(2 + VJ -w'(2 + vJ < O. (A3) This condition is satisfied when Vi = -1 and the output demand and input supply functions are regular (i.e., p' < 0 and w' > 0, respectively).