C View Online Energy & Environmental Science Dynamic Article Links < Cite this: DOI: 10.1039/c1ee01240a REVIEW www.rsc.org/ees The current status of hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks—updated† Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A Julian Sculley, Daqiang Yuan* and Hong-Cai Zhou* Received 28th February 2011, Accepted 10th May 2011 DOI: 10.1039/c1ee01240a Hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs), or porous coordination polymers, has been extensively investigated in the last two years and this review is to serve as an up to date account of the recent progress. The effects of MOF sample preparation and activation, functionalization (including post-synthetic), catenation, unsaturated metal sites, metal doping and spillover have been discussed using recent examples. In addition to a condensed reference table of all recently reported MOFs for hydrogen storage, future directions are discussed based on promising new materials and reported computational analyses. 1. Introduction The current status of hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks (MOFs),1 the predecessor to this review, was published two years ago. Since then slightly more than 130 new MOFs related to hydrogen storage have appeared in the chemical literature. This revisited review builds directly on the framework of the first one and is intended to stand on its own merits for readers already familiar with the field but to be used in tandem with the first one by those with a less detailed background. In this review, we will focus on the most recent two years of progress in hydrogen storage in MOFs. The issues of energy sourcing, including fossil fuel use, climate change, and sustainable energy generation have prompted the search for alternative clean energy carriers to supplement the current fuel supplies. Among various alternatives, hydrogen stands at the forefront due to its clean combustion and high Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, 77842, USA. E-mail: dyuan@mail.chem.tamu.eu; zhou@mail.chem.tamu. edu; Fax: +1 979 845-1595; Tel: +1 979 845-4034 † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: 10.1039/c1ee01240a gravimetric energy density. Safe and effective hydrogen storage is widely recognized as a critical enabling technology for a ‘Hydrogen Economy’ in the 21st century. In the last decades, the research of hydrogen storage has witnessed explosive development and rapid progress. Scientists are looking for novel candidate materials which can hold sufficient hydrogen in terms of gravimetric and volumetric densities. The promising candidate methods include chemical storage (metal hydrides, complex metal hydrides, synthesized hydrocarbons, ammonia, amine borane complexes, formic acid, imidazolium ionic liquids, phosphonium borate, and carbonite substances), and physical storage (cryo-compressed, carbon nanotubes, activated carbon, glass capillary arrays, glass microspheres, keratine, clathrate hydrates, porous polymers, doped polymers, covalent organic frameworks (COFs), and MOFs).2 The emergence of a large number of relevant reviews reflects that the field of hydrogen storage materials research is a center of interest.2–8 However, considering all key factors including high gravimetric and volumetric hydrogen density, thermodynamics, and fast charge/ release kinetics, except for cryogenic liquid-hydrogen storage, no other technology can meet the US Department of Energy (DOE) hydrogen storage targets set in 2003. In April 2009, the DOE set Broader context Hydrogen has the potential to be the primary vector of energy. This clean fuel has attracted so much attention because of its high energy density, but also because of the technological difficulties involved with storing and releasing it. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have provided enticing solutions to both of these problems because of the physisorptive nature of the interaction. The record-breaking storage capacities, particularly in the last two years, and quick release kinetics have helped to keep MOFs as a frontrunner in the hydrogen storage field. Advances in bridging the gaps between physi- and chemisorptive materials, such as metal hydrides, have also provided dramatic boosts in hydrogen uptake capacities. Although many challenges still exist in this field, the advances in the last two years have been catalyzed by novel approaches and record breaking materials, providing researchers with an even more exciting future. This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Energy Environ. Sci. Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A View Online the new targets for on-board hydrogen storage systems: 0.045 kg kg1 for system gravimetric capacity and 0.028 kg L1 for system volumetric capacity by the year 2010, and 0.055 kg kg1 and 0.040 kg L1 by 2015 (Table 1).9 It is important to note that the units for the revised DOE gravimetric targets are in units of mass/ mass instead of previous wt%. The unit of wt% is equal to (mass of adsorbed H2)/(mass of adsorbed H2 + mass of host), however, it has unfortunately been frequently misused by neglecting the second term in the denominator, which leads to complications in comparing hydrogen uptake capacities of different materials. Therefore, it is highly necessary and important that the revised DOE targets’ units of kg kg1 and kg L1 be used for gravimetric capacity and volumetric capacity, respectively, when reporting hydrogen uptakes in porous materials. Due to the inconsistency of units and low frequency of reporting volumetric data, we have chosen to compare the MOFs on a gravimetric basis, as this fulfills the purpose of comparing one material to another. 2. MOFs as physisorbent materials for hydrogen storage With the merits of high crystallinity, purity, high porosity and controllable structural characteristics, metal–organic Julian Sculley was born in Birkenfeld, Germany in 1987. He received his BS (2009) from Virginia Military Institute. After that he joined Professor Hong-Cai Zhou’s group as a graduate student at Texas A&M University. His research interests include carbon capture related gas separation and postsynthetic modification of porous frameworks to increase sorbent interactions. Julian Sculley Daqiang Yuan was born in Anhui, China in 1976. He received his BS (1999) and MS (2002) from Beijing Normal University, and his PhD (2005) in Physical Chemistry from Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter, Chinese Academy of Sciences under the supervision of Professor Maochun Hong. Since then, he has been working as a Research Assistant in Prof. Maochun Daqiang Yuan Hong’s group. He joined Professor Hong-Cai Zhou’s group as a Postdoctoral Associate (2007 until now). His research interests include the rational design and synthesis of metal–organic frameworks and their application in gas storage. Energy Environ. Sci. frameworks have proven to be a very promising candidate in the field of hydrogen storage.10–19 In 2003, Yaghi and coworkers reported the first MOF-based hydrogen storage result.20 Since then, MOFs have attracted worldwide attention in the area of hydrogen energy, particularly for hydrogen storage.1,21–29 The over 1300 hits when searching ‘‘metal–organic framework’’ and ‘‘hydrogen storage’’ on ISI Web of Knowledge and the significant contributions to this number in the last two years shows that the area is receiving a concentrated interest from the scientific community to instigate MOFs as the means to deliver hydrogen to the world (Fig. 1). Table 2 is an up-to-date summary of the new MOF materials that have been investigated for hydrogen adsorption. It should be pointed out that the decisive effect of the material density on the volumetric hydrogen capacity of MOFs must be addressed. There are two criteria for the sorbent’s hydrogen storage capacity in DOE targets for on-board hydrogen storage systems: gravimetric capacity and volumetric capacity. Usually, the gravimetric capacity of MOFs may accurately and directly be extracted from experimental measurements. However, in most literature, the amount of hydrogen adsorbed has been recalculated converting gravimetric data to volumetric units using the crystal density of MOFs. It is obvious that this will give exaggerated volumetric hydrogen storage values because the crystal density does not include the inter-particle space.30 For example, the tap density (i.e. filling and vibrating a container with a known sample weight and measuring the volume) for MOF-5 is 0.3 g cm3 which is within the typical values for a MOF powder (0.2–0.4 g cm3) and is significantly lower than the crystal density. MOF-5 presents a hydrogen uptake of 15 g L1 using the tap density, which is almost half of the calculated value of 30 g L1 (using the crystal density). The density increases in the following sequence: tap density < packing density < crystal density < true density (must be measured using a helium pycnometer). The type of the density used should be specified, giving details about the experimental procedure used to measure it. The use of the tap density of MOFs or its packing density (same as tap density except inducing a pressure of 415 kg cm2) is strongly recommended for converting gravimetric to volumetric data, because they both take particle volume, internal pore volume and inter-particle space volume into account. Hong-Cai Zhou Hong-Cai ‘‘Joe’’ Zhou obtained his PhD in 2000 from Texas A&M University under the supervision of F. A. Cotton. After a postdoctoral stint at Harvard University with R. H. Holm, he joined the faculty of Miami University, Oxford in 2002. Since the fall of 2008, he has been a Professor of Chemistry at Texas A&M University. His research interest focuses on hydrogen/methane storage and gas separation that are relevant to clean energy technologies. This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 View Online Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A Table 1 Revised DOE targets for on-board hydrogen storage systems Storage parameter Units 2010 2015 Ultimate System gravimetric capacity net useful energy/max system mass System volumetric capacity net useful energy/max system volume Min/max delivery temperature Cycle life (1/4 tank to full) Max delivery pressure from storage system System fill time (for 5 kg H2) Fuel purity (H2 from storage) kg H2 per kg system 0.045 0.055 0.075 kg H2 per L system 0.028 0.040 0.070 C Cycles Atm (abs) min (Kg H2 per min) % H2 40/85 1000 100 4.2 min (1.2 kg min1) 99.99 (dry basis) 40/85 1500 100 3.3 min (1.5 kg min1) 40/85 1500 100 2.5 min (2.0 kg min1) Table 2 is to serve as a quick reference to all of the materials synthesized in the last two years; an in depth look at selected materials is presented in the following sections. Of particular note, in terms of a quick glance at recent advances in the field is MOF-210 (Zn4O(bte)4/3(bpdc)) which currently holds the records for highest BET and Langmuir surface areas with 6240 and 10 400 m2 g1 respectively. Although NU-100 (PCN-610; Cu3 (ttei)) falls slightly short of the BET surface area record (6143 m2 g1), it surpasses all previously synthesized materials with an excess hydrogen storage capacity of 9.05 wt% at 56 bar. MOFs with high unsaturated sites have also shown promise, particularly regarding the heats of adsorption at low coverage. With the unsaturated CoII sites of SNU-15, Suh and coworkers have achieved the highest adsorption enthalpy with 15.1 kJ mol1. As it can already be deduced from this introduction, there is a need for standardized terminology, nomenclature and methods of calculation within this rather new interdisciplinary research field. An attempt to fix this problem, largely because of the extent of this rapidly growing field and the interest of the chemical industry, an IUPAC project final report regarding some of these issues will be published in 2011.115 The authors would further like to advise researchers to adhere to guidelines and standards of calculating weight percent, BET surface area heats of adsorption etc. as this will aid when comparing new materials. 3. Factors influencing hydrogen uptake The control over the construction of MOFs, compared with that of other hydrogen storage materials, grants a quasi-infinite Fig. 1 Publications with topics ‘‘metal–organic framework’’ and ‘‘hydrogen storage’’(source: ISI Web of Knowledge in Feb 2011). This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 number of possibilities in terms of material design. The ability to tune ligands in terms of functional groups or post-synthetic modification, as well as the variety of metal clusters has provided a myriad of materials as the field has matured. Some of the methods used to improve the hydrogen uptake capacities of MOFs in the last two years are discussed below. 3.1. Sample preparation and activation In hydrogen uptake studies in MOFs, sample activation has been recognized as a key to obtain repeatable and reliable data. In traditional MOF sample pre-treatment procedures, samples were soaked in low boiling point solvents (such as CH2Cl2, CHCl3, MeOH, EtOH, etc.) to exchange and remove high boiling point solvents (such as DMF, DMA, DMSO, etc.) which typically occupy pores and channels of as-synthesized MOFs. The lower boiling point guest solvent is evacuated under vacuum or by mild heating. The limitations to this strategy have become clear in some MOFs with very high porosity, where pore performance is reduced because the surface tension will drive the pores to collapse. Recently, two new techniques, supercritical drying and freeze drying, were shown to drastically improve pore performance as well as provide a route to previously inaccessible materials.116,117 In the supercritical activation, the solvent (providing that it is miscible with liquid CO2) is replaced by supercritical carbon dioxide (sc-CO2) under mild conditions (temperature and pressure above 31 C and 73 atm) and removed from the porous material by depressurization without crossing the liquid–gas phase boundary. This mild activation eliminates the discontinuity in density when a liquid crosses into the gas phase, thus eliminating deleterious effects such as surface tension which can lead to pore blockage and strain that causes framework collapse. Hupp and coworkers successfully maximized gas-accessible specific surface area (SSA) of four MOFs by using a supercritical drying procedure. IRMOF-16 for example, showed a 400% increase compared to the solvent-exchanged sample.118 Other examples of enhanced H2 uptake capacities in MOFs have been presented by Hupp’s record holding NU-100 with a capacity of 9.05 wt% at 77 K and Yaghi’s MOF-210 with a capacity of 7.92 wt%.80,94 The second technique, freeze drying, works by similar principles. By sublimating a solvent, such as benzene, it is possible to avoid the liquid phase and the corresponding destructive effects of surface tension. Lin and coworkers showed that freeze drying tripled the Langmuir surface area over the conventional solvent exchange method of activation; this was accompanied by an Energy Environ. Sci. View Online Table 2 Surface area, porosity, and hydrogen adsorption data for selected MOFs Maximum H2 uptake per wt%d/g L1 SA/m2 g1 Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A Material Be(bdc) Be12(OH)12(btb)4 Cd(tpom)(SH)2 Cd2(tzc)2 Cd5(tz)9(NO3)3 CeZn1.5(oda)3 Co(1,4-bdp) Co(dpt24)2 Co(Hbtc)(4,40 -bipy) Co(imdc)(1,2-pda) Co(mdpt24)2 Co(tpom)(SH)2 Co2(bdc)2(dabco) Co4(H2O)4(mtb)2 Co4(ip)4(dabco) CPM-5,[(CH3)2NH2]In9O2(btc)8 CPM-6, (CH3NH2)In9O2(btc)8 Cu(3,40 -bpdc) Cu(3,40 -bpdc) Cu(bpe)0.5(2,6-ndc) Cu(diyb) Cu(ttpm)2 0.7CuCl2 Cu(tzip) Cu2(abtc) Cu2(abtc)(dmf)2 Cu2(bdi) Cu2(becb) (R)-Cu3(dbtb)(H2dbtb) Cu2(mtb) Cu2(mtbdt) Cu2(mtbet) Cu2(mttc) Cu2(pmtb) Cu2(tcpom) Cu3(4,40 -bipy)1.5(2,6-ndc)3 Cu3(btei) Cu4(bbnip) Cu4(denip) Cu4(dhnip) Cu4(R-dbtb)(S-dbtb) (DMA+)In(Himdc)2 DMOF-1–NH2, Zn2(abdc)2(dabco) DMOF-1–NH2–AMPh, Zn2(abdc)0.74(babdc)1.26(dabco) DUT-4, Al(OH)(2,6-ndc) DUT-5, Al(OH)(bpdc) DUT-6, Zn4O(2,6-ndc)(btb)4/3 DUT-9, Ni5O2(btb)2 Fe(tpom)S0.54(SH)1.46 Fe3[(Fe4Cl)3(btt)8 Ga6(btc)8 IRMOF-3, Zn4O(abdc)3 IRMOF-3–AM5, Zn4O (abdc)0.42(habdc)2.58 IRMOF-3–AMPh-a, Zn4O (abdc)2.04(babdc)0.96 IRMOF-3–AMPh-b, Zn4O (abdc)1.68(babdc)1.32 IRMOF-3–AMPh-c, Zn4O (abdc)0.9(babdc)2.1 IRMOF-3-URPh, Zn4O (abdc)1.77(pubdc)1.23 JUC-62, Cu2(abtc) K3(NO3)3In4(tzdc)4(1,2-dach)4 KHo(ox)2 Li(int) LiIn(Himdc)2 MCF-19, Ni3(OH)(pba)3(2,6-ndc)1.5 Energy Environ. 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Pore volume/ cm3 g H2 uptake at 77 Ka per 1 atm per wt% 4100 4400 764 339 338 1.44 1.24 1.6 1.03 0.55 0.75 2670 683 0.93 BET/ Langmiur 3500 4030 575 230 310 784 1382 767 1600 1802 580 596 541 435 2506 810 2357 1840 1560 262 555 1020 2718 382 3730 1605 2149 2285 0.134 0.82 0.165 0.97 0.258 3111 2020 2018 1725 272 641 1127 4485 507 113 4180 1841 2486 2650 2106 0.34 1.113 0.151 0.11 0.64 0.86 0.92 1369 913 1308 1306 1996 2335 617 2010 204.9 2639 1239 813 0.68 0.81 2.02 2.18 236.2 0.50c, 80 bar 2.29 1.8 2.5 2.1 0.8 0.95 2.08 1.69 1.66 1.29 2.3 0.47 1.51 1.21 11.9 5.5 5.3 5.7 62 62 63 64 33 65 66 61 61 9.2 8.8 6.0 15.1 6–7 2.26 (22.0), 10 bar 1.64 (12.2), 10 bar 0.96 (13.2), 15 bar 0.57 2.8 1.86 2.87 1.83 1.64 2.12 0.8 1.42 1.0 1.1 1.73 1.6 1.22 8.0 5.6 7.0 0.86, 34 bar 0.41 1.58 2.27 0.74 1.4–1.5 1.24 1.88 3.98 (36), 17 bar 3.4 (31.0), 20 bar 4.5 8.6 8.4 7.2 11.60 6.53 6.9 8.9 0.88 (13.4), 15 bar 5.0 (29.8), 30 bar 3.7 9.2 4.1 (30.0), 20 bar 5.22 (40.1), 50 bar 2.1 (16.6), 30 bar 3.3 (21.6), 40 bar 5.64 (23.1), 50 bar 5.85 (29.0), 40 bar 3.7 (30.6), 12 bar 1.1c, 100 bar Ref. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 38 33 41 42 43 44 44 45 45 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 54 55 55 54 56 57 46 58 59 59 59 53 60 61 61 11.4 13.5 2.05 (16.1), 60 bar 3.5c, 20 bar 0.18 DHads/ kJ mol1 5.5 0.67 0.22 338 579 2745 1063 298 K 5.0 (22.1), 24 bar 6.0 (27.0), 20 bar 1.34, 34 bar 3.1 (22.9), 30 bar 0.54 0.67 499 1015 2300 356 2722 733 931 77 K 2267 1.73 5.3 61 2052 1.73 5.7 61 1657 1.68 6.0 61 1940 1.54 5.7 61 395 4.71 (38.4), 40 bar 0.95c, 20 bar 0.70 (15.2), 16 bar 0.76 (7.9), 6.4 bar 0.19 324 190 2316 2667 0.95 0.91 1.56 0.35c, 80 bar 9.21 9.9 9.1 67 40 68 69 60 70 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 View Online Table 2 (Contd. ) Maximum H2 uptake per wt%d/g L1 SA/m2 g1 Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A Material MFU-4l, Zn5Cl4(btdd) Mg(tcpbda) Mg3(bpt)2 MgIn2(Himdc)4 g-Mg3(O2CH)6 MIL-68(Ga), Ga(OH)(bdc) MIL-68(In), In(OH)(bdc) Mn(tpom)(SH)2 Mn2(bpybc)(ox)2 Mn3(4,40 -bipy)3Cr(CN)6 Mn4(bpdc)4 MOC-2, In8(Himdc)12 MOF-200, Zn4O(bbc)2 MOF-205, Zn4O(btb)4/3(2,6-ndc) MOF-210, Zn4O(bte)4/3(bpdc) Ni(cyclam)2(mtb) Ni(Hbtc)(4,40 -bipy) NOTT-100, Cu2(bptc) NOTT-101, Cu2(tptc) NOTT-102, Cu2(qptc) NOTT-103, Cu2(ndip) NOTT-105, Cu2(ftptc) NOTT-106, Cu2(mtptc) NOTT-107, Cu2(tmtptc) NOTT-109, Cu2(tftptc) NOTT-110, Cu2(phdip) NOTT-111, Cu2(dhdip) NOTT-112, Cu2(bbtei) NOTT-116, Cu3(ptei) PCN-12, Cu2(mdip) PCN-120 , Cu2(mdip) PCN-12-Si, Cu2(dmsdip) PCN-14, Cu2(adip) PCN-16, Cu2(ebdc) PCN-160 , Cu2(ebdc) PCN-19, Ni3O(adc)32(C4H10NO+) PCN-20, Cu3(ttca)2 PCN-46, Cu2(bdi) PCN-61, Cu3(btei) PCN-610, NU-100, Cu3(ttei) PCN-66, Cu3(ntei) PCN-68, Cu3(ptei) PCN-9(Co), Co4O(tatb)8/3 PCN-9(Fe), Fe4O(tatb)8/3 PCN-9(Mn), Mn4O(tatb)8/3 Sm(bdc)1.5(e-urea) SNU-6, Cu2(bpndc)2(4,40 -bpy) UMCM-150(N)1, Cu3(cpip)2 UMCM-150(N)2, Cu3(cpmip)2 UMCM-150, Cu3(bhtc)2 UMCM-152, Cu2(cptt) UMCM-153, Cu2(cptt) UMCM-1–NH2, Zn4(btb)4/3(abdc) UMCM-1–NH2–AMPh, Zn4(btb)4/ 3(abdc)0.24(babdc)0.76 UMCM-2, Zn4O(t2dc)(btb)4/3 UoC-10 , (H3O)Zn7(OH)3(bpdc)2 Zn(1,3-bdp) Zn(1,4-bdp) Zn(5-at)2 Zn(bpe)(tfbdc)3 Zn(miai) Zn2(abtc)(dmf)2 Zn2(bpdc)2(bpee) Zn2(bpndc)2(4,40 -bipy) Zn2(btbz) Zn2(cnc)2(dpt) BET/ Langmiur 2750 714 795 837 120 1117 746 622 1410 1139 816 Pore volume/ cm3 g 1.26 0.368 H2 uptake at 77 Ka per 1 atm per wt% 5200 820 1710 355.3 512 802 328 824 1420 10 400 6170 10 400 154 2425 1962 2800 2200 823 4200 2800 3500 4600 6033 1355 848 1057 262 2910 0.46 0.44 0.23 (1.7), 5 bar 1.37 0.71 0.72 (9.2), 45 bar 0.535 3.59 2.16 3.60 0.055 0.81 0.680 0.886 1.138 1.142 0.898 0.798 0.767 0.705 1.22 1.19 1.69 2.17 0.94 0.73 0.93 1.06 0.84 0.38 1.59 1.102 1.36 2.82 1.63 2.13 0.51 0.33 0.41 1.05 1.0 2.32 0.203 0.34 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 0.171 0.366 0.404 0.19 11.5 0.77 2.17 0.7 2.52c 2.46c 2.19c 2.56c 2.46c 2.24c 2.21c 2.28c 2.64c 2.56c 1.9 2.3 3.05 2.40 2.6 2.7 2.6 1.7 0.95 2.1 1.95 2.25 1.79 1.87 1.53 1.06 1.26 0.66 1.68 2.2 2.1 2.1 6.5 6.89 (16.4), 50 bar 6.54 (26.7), 45 bar 7.92 (21.2), 50 bar 1.25 (12.3), 40 bar 3.42 (27.6), 60 bar 3.86c, 20 bar 6.19c, 60 bar 6.72c, 60 bar 7.22c, 60 bar 5.12c, 20 bar 4.31c, 20 bar 4.27c, 20 bar 3.98c, 20 bar 5.43 (46.8), 55 bar 5.47 (45.4), 48 bar 7.07 (35.6), 35 bar 6.4 (27.8), 27 bar 4.42 (36.6), 50 bar 5.1 (38.8), 45 bar 2.9 (22.8), 45 bar 1.67 (15.93), 48 bar 6.2 (29.1), 50 bar 5.31 (34.7), 32 bar 5.87 (35.0), 33 bar 9.05 (27.8), 56 bar 6.25 (29.6), 45 bar 6.82 (28), 50 bar 4.87 (15.4), 70 bar 5.0 (32.8), 22 bar 4.9 (32.1), 22 bar 5.0 (32.8), 22 bar 5.7 (34.3), 25 bar 5.9 (36.7), 29 bar 1.35 1.54 483 1034 1370 342 5.0 9.5 7.5 9.0 b 2.46 (23.9), 40 bar 1.98 (20.0), 40 bar 3850 3730 6060 649 1161 2320 433.8 DHads/ kJ mol1 298 K 4.0 (23.3), 20 bar 1.08 1.3 0.91 1.0 353 4530 4460 6240 141 1590 1640 2316 2942 2929 2387 1855 1822 1718 2960 2930 3800 4664 1943 1577 2430 1753 2273 1760 723 3525 2500 3000 6143 4000 5109 1064 682 836 186 2590 3020 2980 2910 3480 3370 3917 3770 77 K 1.28 0.87 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.04 1.5 2.07 0.38 0.24 2.2 1.28 7.0 6.31 5.32 5.70 5.41 5.77 6.34 6.70 5.68 6.21 5.64 6.7 8.6 0.66 (3.74), 90 bar 0.78 (3.50), 90 bar 1.00 (4.10), 90 bar 7.20 6.36 6.1 6.22 6.09 10.1 6.4 8.7 7.74 7.8 7.8 7.8 4.6 5.2 6.4 (27.4), 46 bar 2.1 (24.0), 10 bar 4.7 (35.3), 40 bar 6.4 6.8 6.6 6.9 6.2 3.70 (37.8), 50 bar 1.82 (23.0), 70 bar 3.63 (40.2), 90 bar 7.24 8–10 8.1 7.85 Ref. 71 72 73 60 74 75 75 33 76 77 78 79 80 80 80 81 39 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 84 85 86 86 87 88 89 89 90 91 92 93 94 93 93 95 95 95 96 97 98 98 98 99 99 61 61 100 101 102 102 103 104 105 50 106 107 108 109 Energy Environ. 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View Online Table 2 (Contd. ) Maximum H2 uptake per wt%d/g L1 SA/m2 g1 Material Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A Zn2Ca(BTC)2 Zn4(ip)4(dabco) Zn4(mip)4(dabco) Zn4O(cbab)3 Zn4O(cbab)3 Zn4O(fma)3 Zn5(trza)6(tfbdc)2 Zn5Cl4(bbta)3 BET/ Langmiur 730 1609 1533 548 549 1120 1075 2420 2178 Pore volume/ cm3 g H2 uptake at 77 Ka per 1 atm per wt% 0.47 0.86 0.79 2.2 1.4–1.5 1.4–1.5 77 K 298 K 6–7 6–7 1.9 (9.7), 20 bar 1.6 (8.6), 20 bar 4.94 (42.2), 39 bar 1618 0.42 DHads/ kJ mol1 0.32 (2.6), 40 bar 0.4 1.62 4.2 8 Ref. 110 43 43 111 111 112 113 114 a wt% ¼ 100 (weight of adsorbed H2)/(weight of MOF material + weight of adsorbed H2). b 308 K. c Absolute hydrogen uptake. d Calculated using crystal density; 1,2-pda ¼ 1,2-propanediamine; 1,2-dach ¼ 1,2-diaminocyclohexane; 1,3-bdp ¼ 1,3-benzenedi(4-pyrazol-1-ide); 1,4-bdp ¼ 1,4-benzenedi (4-pyrazol-1-ide); 2,6-ndc ¼ 2,6-naphthalenedicarboxylate; 2,7-ndc ¼ 2,7-naphthalenedicarboxylate; 3,40 -bpdc ¼ 3,40 -biphenyldicarboxylate; 4,40 -bipy ¼ 4,40 -bipyridine; 5-at ¼ 5-aminotetrazol-1-ide; abdc ¼ 2-aminobenzene-1,4-dicarboxylate; abtc ¼ azobenzene-3,30 ,5,50 -tetracarboxylate; adc ¼ anthracene-9,10-dicarboxylate; adip ¼ 5,50 -(9,10-anthracenediyl)di-isophthalate; babdc ¼ 2-benzamidoterephthalate; bbc ¼ 4,40 ,400 -(benzene-1,3,5triyl-tris(benzene-4,1-diyl))tribenzoate; bbnip ¼ 5,50 ,500 ,5000 -(2,20 -bis(benzoyloxy)-[1,10 -binaphthalene]-4,40 ,6,60 -tetrayl)tetraisophthalate; bbta ¼ benzo [1,2-d:4,5-d0 ]bis([1,2,3]triazole)-1,5-diide; bbtei ¼ 5,50 ,500 -(benzene-1,3,5-triyltris(benzene-4,1-diyl))triisophthalate; bceb ¼ 5,50 -(1,3-phenylenebis (ethyne-2,1-diyl))diisophthalate; bdc ¼ 1,4-benzenedicarboxylate; bhtc ¼ biphenyl-3,40 ,5-tricarboxylate; bpdc ¼ 4,40 -biphenyldicarboxylate; bpe ¼ 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane; bpee ¼ 1,2-di(pyridin-4-yl)ethane; bpndc ¼ benzophenone-4,40 -dicarboxylate; bpt ¼ biphenyl-3,40 ,5-tricarboxylate; bptc ¼ 3,30 ,5,50 -biphenyltetracarboxylate; bpybc ¼ 4,40 -([4,40 -bipyridine]-1,10 -diium-1,10 -diylbis(methylene))dibenzoate; btb ¼ benzene-1,3,5-tribenzoate; btbz ¼ 4,40 ,400 ,4000 -benzene-1,2,4,5-tetrayltetrabenzoate; btc ¼ 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate; btdd ¼ bis(1,2,3-triazolo-[4,5-b],[40 ,50 -i])dibenzo[1,4] dioxin; bte ¼ 4,40 ,400 -(Benzene-1,3,5-triyltris(ethyne-2,1-diyl))tribenzoate; btei ¼ 5,50 ,500 -(benzene-1,3,5-triyltris(ethyne-2,1-diyl))triisophthalate; btt ¼ 1,3,5-benzenetristetrazolate; cbat ¼ 4-(4-carboxylatobenzamido)benzoate; cnc ¼ 4-carboxycinnamic; cpip ¼ 5-(5-carboxylatopyridin-2-yl) isophthalate; cpmip ¼ 5-(5-carboxylatopyrimidin-2-yl)isophthalate; cptt ¼ 50 -(4-carboxylatophenyl)-[1,10 :30 ,100 -terphenyl]-3,400 ,5-tricarboxylate; cyclam ¼ 1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane; dabco ¼ 1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane; dbi ¼ 5,50 -(buta-1,3-diyne-1,4-diyl)diisophthalate; dbtb ¼ 2,20 diethoxy-1,10 -binaphthyl-4,40 6,60 -tetrabenzoate; denip ¼ 5,50 ,500 ,5000 -(2,20 -diethoxy-[1,10 -binaphthalene]-4,40 ,6,60 -tetrayl)tetraisophthalate; dhdip ¼ 5,50 -(9,10-dihydrophenanthrene-2,7-diyl)diisophthalate; dhnip ¼ 5,50 ,500 ,5000 -(2,20 -dihydroxy-[1,10 -binaphthalene]-4,40 ,6,60 -tetrayl)tetraisophthalate; diyb ¼ 4,40 -(1,4-phenylene)bis(imidazol-1-ide); dmsdip ¼ 5,50 -(dimethylsilanediyl)diisophthalate; dpt ¼ 3,6-di-4-pyridyl-1,2,4,5-tetrazine; dpt24 ¼ 3(2-pyridyl)-5-(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazolate; ebdc ¼ 5,50 -(1,2-ethynediyl)bis(1,3-benzenedicarboxylate); e-urea ¼ 2-imidazolidinone; fma ¼ fumarate; ftptc ¼ 20 ,50 -difluoro-[1,10 :40 ,100 -terphenyl]-3,300 ,5,500 -tetracarboxylate; habdc ¼ 2-hexanamidoterephthalate; Himdc ¼ 1H-imidazole-4,5dicarboxylate; Himdc ¼ 4,5-imidazoledicarboxylate; ip ¼ isophthalate; int ¼ isonicotinate; mdip ¼ 5,50 -methylene-di-isophthalate; mdpt24 ¼ 3-(3methyl-2-pyridyl)-5-(4-pyridyl)-1,2,4-triazolate; miai ¼ 2-methylimidazolate-4-amide-5-imidate; mip ¼ 5-methylisophthalate; mtb ¼ methane tetrabenzoate; mtbdt ¼ 3,30 ,300 ,3000 -(methanetetrayltetrakis(benzene-4,1-diyl))tetraacrylate; mtbet ¼ 4,40 ,400 ,4000 -((methanetetrayltetrakis(benzene-4,1diyl))tetrakis(ethyne-2,1-diyl))tetrabenzoate; mtptc ¼ 20 ,50 -dimethyl-[1,10 :40 ,100 -terphenyl]-3,300 ,5,500 -tetracarboxylate; mttc ¼ 400 ,400000 ,400000000 ,400000000000 methanetetrayltetrakis(([1,10 :40 ,100 -terphenyl]-4-carboxylate)); ndip ¼ 5,50 -(naphthalene-2,6-diyl)diisophthalate; ntei ¼ 5,50 ,500 -((nitrilotris(benzene4,1-diyl))tris(ethyne-2,1-diyl))triisophthalate; oda ¼ 2,20 -oxydiacetate; ox ¼ oxalate; pba ¼ 4-(pyridin-4-yl)benzoate; phdip ¼ 5,50 -(phenanthrene-2,7diyl)diisophthalate; pmtb ¼ diphenylmethane-3,30 ,5,50 -tetrakis(3,5-bisbenzoate); ptei ¼ 5,50 -((50 -(4-((3,5-dicarboxylatophenyl)ethynyl)phenyl)[1,10 :30 ,100 -terphenyl]-4,400 -diyl)bis(ethyne-2,1-diyl))diisophthalate; pubdc ¼ 2-(3-phenylureido)terephthalate; qptc ¼ quaterphenyl-3,3000 ,5,5000 tetracarboxylate; tatb ¼ 4,40 ,400 -s-triazine-2,4,6-triyltribenzoate; tcpbda ¼ N,N,N0 ,N0 -tetrakis(4-carboxyphenyl)-biphenyl-4,40 -diamine; tcpom ¼ tetrakis[4-(carboxyphenyl)oxamethyl]methane; tfbdc ¼ tetrafluoroterephthalate; tftptc ¼ 20 ,30 ,50 ,60 -tetrafluoro-[1,10 :40 ,100 -terphenyl]-3,300 ,5,500 tetracarboxylate; tmtptc ¼ 20 ,30 ,50 ,60 -tetramethyl-[1,10 :40 ,100 -terphenyl]-3,300 ,5,500 -tetracarboxylate; tpdc ¼ [1,10 :40 ,100 -terphenyl]-3,300 -dicarboxylate; tpom ¼ tetrakis-(4-pyridyloxymethyl)methane; tptc ¼ terphenyl-3,300 ,5,500 -tetracarboxylate; trza ¼ 1,2,4-triazolate; ttca ¼ triphenylene-2,6,10tricarboxylate; ttei ¼ 5,50 ,500 –(((benzene-1,3,5-triyltris(ethyne-2,1-diyl))tris(benzene-4,1-diyl))tris(ethyne-2,1-diyl))triisophthalate; tz ¼ tetrazolate; tzc ¼ tetrazolate-5-carboxylate; tzdc ¼ 4,5-dicarboxylato-1,2,3-triazol-1-ide; tzip ¼ 5-(1H-tetrazol-1-yl)isophthalate.(refer to ESI† for more details). increase in H2 uptake from 0.78 wt% to 1.42 wt% at 1 bar and 77 K.54,55 3.2. Surface area and pore volume There has been some discussion about the correlation between hydrogen uptake and various physical attributes of MOFs. Hydrogen uptake seems to be proportional to heat of adsorption at low pressures, surface area at moderate pressures and free volume at high pressures. Various attempts to determine strong correlations between these physical attributes and hydrogen uptake at low and high temperatures over a range of pressures have been made.25,119,120 Fig. 2 plots the roughly linear relationship between BET surface area or pore volume and the 77 K saturation hydrogen uptake data for selected MOFs. An empirical expression (eqn. (1)) can evaluate the contributions from BET surface area (SBET) and the pore volume (V) to the limiting hydrogen sorption capacity of the MOF.25 Energy Environ. Sci. N ¼ a SBET + b V (1) where N is the absorption of hydrogen, wt%; a is the mass of hydrogen sorbed on 1 m2 of surface, g 100; SBET is BET surface area, m2 g1; b is the density of hydrogen in the micropores, g cm3 100; V is the pore volume, cm3 g1. The coefficients a and b were determined by the simplex method by P P minimizing the function R2 ¼ (Nexpt Ncalc)2/ (Nexpt)2. The best fit for MOFs is obtained with a ¼ 2.1 103 (0.1 103) (% H2), b ¼ 0.1 (0.02) (% H2) g cm3 (R2 ¼ 8.9 103). On the basis of the empirical expression, the limiting hydrogen sorption capacity for a new MOF can be predicted knowing only the SBET and V parameters. D€ uren and coworkers developed a simple method to calculate the accessible surface area of MOFs.119,121 The accessible surface area is a geometric method to determine the surface area of a MOF and it compares very well with the BET surface area determined for good quality samples. At the same time, the pore volume can be easily obtained using This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A View Online Fig. 2 Maximum hydrogen storage capacity versus BET surface area or pore volume of selected MOFs. The solid line shows the empirical linear fitting results, where H2 wt% ¼ 3.0(4) + 8.1(9) 104 SBET. (1: SNU-6; 2: Be(bdc); 3: UMCM-150; 4: PCN-16; 5: PCN-46; 6: NOTT-110; 7: NOTT-111; 8: PCN-61; 9: Be12(OH)12(btb)4; 10: PCN-20; 11: PCN-66; 12: NOTT-116; 13: UMCM-2; 14: MOF-205; 15: PCN-68, 16: MOF-200; 17: MOF-210; 18: NU-100.) PLATON software (calc void probe [1.8]).122 These data can thus provide an easy route to screen samples and calculate hydrogen sorption information about a synthesized MOF sample. To date there have been a multitude of examples regarding the effects of pore size and geometry of a framework on the surface area and uptake capacity of a MOF.1,22,25,27,28 One method to attempt to draw significant conclusions is by designing MOFs with the same topology and varying only, for example, the organic ligand, thus eliminating some variables (unsaturated metal sites etc.) and focusing on differences in surface area and pore volume in relation to hydrogen uptake. A prominent example in terms of a systematic investigation into the effects of these properties on the hydrogen uptake has been conducted on copper containing NbO-type MOFs (Fig. 3a).50,51,67,82,92 Schr€ oder and coworkers have synthesized the series of NOTT frameworks (100 to 110), which are constructed from tetracarboxylate ligands with dicopper paddlewheel SBUs to yield a framework with two types of channels.82 The diameter of one of these channels is primarily controlled by the length of the linker. By extending the ligand length and thereby increasing the window in NOTT-100 to 15.96 A in NOTT-102 (Cu–Cu size from 7.60 A distance) they observed an increase in BET surface area from 1640 m2 g1 to 2942 m2 g1. The augmentation of pore size and surface area resulted in a slight decrease in H2 uptake at low pressures (2.59 wt% to 2.24 wt%) but a dramatic increase at 20 bar from 4.02 to 6.07 wt% in NOTT-102 (total uptake of 7.20 wt % at 60 bar). The introduction of functional groups has also shed some insight into the interaction potentials of H2 and the pore surface, marked by slight enhancements at low coverage.82 Zhou and coworkers constructed an NbO-type MOF via the in situ generation of a polyyne-coupled di-isophthalate that shows similar uptake at 60 bar (7.16 wt%) despite a slight reduction in pore size and surface area; this can possibly be attributed to the higher DHads of 7.2 kJ mol1.92 Other recent examples of NbOtype MOFs include the azobenzene linker used by Qiu and coworkers resulting an uptake of only 4.71 wt% at 40 bar.67 Suh and coworkers have recently published three NbO-type frameworks.50 The hydrogen uptakes of the copper–MOF with and without unsaturated metal centers are 2.87 and 1.83 wt% (1 bar), respectively, which correlates well with the zero-coverage enthalpies of 11.60 and 6.53 kJ mol1. The isostructural zincpaddlewheel MOF was only observed with coordinated solvent molecules and showed an uptake of 2.07 wt% and DHads of 7.24 kJ mol1.50 Increased ligand length has yielded MOFs with higher pore volumes and surface areas, as well as a stepwise increase in H2 uptake at high pressure. The larger pore diameter has, however had adverse effects on the uptake at low pressures as well as the heat of adsorption at low coverage. The comparison between an a- and b-phase of the NbO-type structure, conducted by Zhou and coworkers, revealed that the b-phase (larger open channels) showed a reduction in Langmuir surface area of 600 m2 g1 and a corresponding drop in H2 uptake from 2.6 wt% to 1.7 wt% at low pressures and 5.1 wt% to 2.9 wt% at high pressures.89 A strategy to augment the physical attributes of MOFs, using mixed ligand systems for the synthesis of new frameworks, has been employed by Matzger and coworkers.100 The resulting UMCM-2 was constructed from a linear dicarboxylate, Fig. 3 Connectivity of nbo, umt and rht(3,24)-coordinated nets. This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Energy Environ. Sci. Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A View Online a trigonal planar ligand, and the familiar Zn4O cluster (Fig. 3b). The reported BET surface area of 5200 m2 g1 was the highest reported until recent literature from Yaghi and coworkers,80 but the hydrogen data did not surpass that of MOF-177 at 6.9 wt% (77 K and 46 bar).123,124 Using the same multi-ligand approach, Kaskel and coworkers constructed a MOF with a H2 uptake capacity of 5.64 wt% at 77 K and 50 bar.63 Yaghi and coworkers have constructed ultrahigh porosity MOFs using a blend of methods (ligand extension, mixed ligands, sc-CO2 drying).80 Extended tritopic ligands were used to synthesize MOFs that are isoreticular to MOF-177 and mixed ligand systems to synthesize MOFs that have a similar topology to UMCM-2. MOF-210 has a BET surface area of 6240 m2 g1 and a hydrogen uptake of 86 mg g1 at 55 bar. An approach to introduce multiple functional groups into the same framework and determine the effects on a series of isostructural MOFs was the multivariate (MTV) functionality approach used by Yaghi and colleagues.125 By introducing multiple functional groups into the struts of the archetypal MOF-5 framework, enhancements in H2 uptake of MTV-MOF5-AHI by a maximum of 84% over MOF-5 were observed. Another synthetic route towards ultrahigh surface area MOFs is to use a polyhedron based hierarchical assembly (Fig. 3c).43,58,84,85,93,94 The MOFs with rht (3,24)-coordinated nets are composed of hexatopic ligands (three isophthalate moieties radiate from a central trigonal node) that form cuboctahedral cages with copper paddlewheels which are connected to each other through dendritic trigonal ligands.93 The idea behind this design is that the 3,24 net cannot interpenetrate and the size of the cuboctahedral cages is essentially fixed, thus making the framework stable. PCN-68, the largest MOF for which experimental data could be obtained, in a series by Zhou and coworkers has a hydrogen uptake capacity of 73.2 mg g1 at 50 bar (10.1 mg g1 at 298 K and 90 bar). Schr€ oder and coworkers have used the same approach to construct NOTT-112 and NOTT-116 (same structure as PCN-68),84 the latter of which has an uptake capacity of 68.4 mg g1.85 Farha et al. reported the successful activation of PCN-610 (designated as NU-100 in their paper) by sc-CO2 drying.94 NU-100 has a BET surface area of 6143 m2 g1 and holds the hydrogen storage record with 99.5 mg g1 excess (at 77 K and 56 bar) and 164 mg g1 total uptake (70 bar). Chun and coworkers reported an isoreticular series of MOFs, using a similar polyhedron based building approach, made up of isophthalate ligands and ZnII/CoII-paddlewheel SBUs which were connected via DABCO linkers.43 The cobalt–MOF had a slightly higher surface area (2722 vs. 2420 m2 g1). 3.3. Interpenetration (catenation) Catenation results in a reduction in pore volume when two identical frameworks interpenetrate with each other. Constructing both catenated and non-catenated frameworks has been used as a method to study the effects of pore size and surface area. A recent simulations study by Snurr and coworkers has shown that catenation may be beneficial at low loadings because of the reduced pore size and higher number of metal sites per unit volume, both of which lead to higher heats of adsorption.126 At high pressures however, the non-catenated structures have higher Energy Environ. Sci. uptake capacities due to the available free volume; these findings are consistent with previously reported data.119 Liu et al. also showed that interpenetration reduces hydrogen diffusivity, which is directly related to free volume, by a factor of 2 to 3 at room temperature.127 Investigations into the isomer pair of PCN-6 and PCN-60 have been continued by analyzing the H2 interactions with the framework using inelastic neutron scattering (INS). The results showed that the Cu paddlewheels are the first loading sites and have comparable interaction energies in both isomers, however, at high pressures, where the H2 primarily adsorbs around the linkers, the catenated isomer (PCN-6) has significantly stronger interaction energies explaining the significant uptake at high pressures of PCN-6 (6.7 wt% excess uptake at 77 K and 50 bar).128 A recent example of a two-fold interpenetrating framework, exhibiting high H2 storage, is that of PMOF-3 synthesized by Lah and coworkers. Although the hydrogen storage capacities are not ground-breaking (3.4 wt% at 77 K and 20 bar), the thermal and hydrothermal stability of this MOF which retains its crystallinity after refluxing in water overnight, provides some evidence for the advantages of interpenetration in new materials.52 Matzger and coworkers have explored the method of using desymmetrized ligands to suppress interpenetration with the goal of increased pore volumes in mind. UMCM-152 and -153 are polymorphic frameworks, constructed from the same ligand and metal SBU, showing similar surface areas and gas uptake including high pressure H2 adsorption of 5.7 and 5.8 wt% (at 77 K) respectively.99 Other methods of eliminating catenation are using temperature, concentration, bulky ligands and nets that cannot interpenetrate.52,53,109,129–132 3.4. Ligand structure and functionalization Another example of using rational ligand design to modify a structure is the expansion of the NbO-type series of frameworks designated NOTT-1xx.82 The two most recent additions, NOTT-110 and NOTT-111 built upon the quaterphenyl3,30 ,5,50 -tetracarboxylate ligand of NOTT-102 (6.07 wt% at 77 K and 20 bar) by introducing ligand curvature. The BET surface areas and pore volumes showed only a moderate increase from NOTT-102, but the low pressure H2 uptake capacities were about 18% higher and the total uptake at 77 K and 20 bar increased to 6.59 and 6.48 wt% for NOTT-110 and -111, respectively. Expanding upon the work of HKUST-1 and PCN-60 which use the familiar copper paddlewheel SBU and trigonal planar ligands, Zhou and coworkers have recently synthesized the twisted boracite structure designated PCN-20.91 The highly conjugated triphenylene-2,6,10-tricarboxylate ligand was designed to provide more adsorption sites for hydrogen and the intermediate pore size compared to the afore mentioned structures was designed to maximize the surface interactions. The resulting framework has a remarkable low pressure uptake capacity of 2.1 wt% and a high pressure excess uptake of 6.2 wt% (77 K), which is higher than that of the model systems. This MOF clearly illustrates the importance of rational ligand design in the synthesis of new structures that can push the limits. The synthesis of zeolite-like MOFs with both a free amino group and a free tetrazole nitrogen has only recently been accomplished by Banerjee and coworkers.103 ZIFs with one This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A View Online Fig. 4 Scheme of postsynthetic modification. functionality have previously been reported, however incorporation of both is difficult because the two free functional groups compete for similar metal coordination environments. The resulting MOF has shown significantly higher hydrogen uptake than other members of the ZIF series at 1.6 wt% (77 K and 1 bar) despite the comparatively low surface area. Although postsynthetic modification of MOFs encompasses everything from the removal of coordinated solvent molecules to create unsaturated metal sites, to ion exchange, to doping with metal nanoparticles, this section will focus on modification through covalent bonds (Fig. 4). Cohen and coworkers have modified three different MOFs containing free amino groups, IRMOF-3, UMCM-1–NH2, and DMOF-1–NH2.61 Each framework is built up from 2-amino-1,4-benzenedicarboxylate, which can be modified to form amides and urea products through a condensation between the free amino group and alkyl anhydrides or isocyanates, respectively. The modified MOFs of the parent IRMOF-3 showed higher heats of adsorption across the entire coverage range and an increase from 1.51 wt% to 1.73 wt% in IRMOF-3-AMPh; this increase can also be quantified as nearly 1.6 additional H2 molecules per formula unit. They observed similarly enhanced uptakes in the modified MOFs denoted UMCM-1-AMPh and DMOF-1-AMPh. The conclusion was drawn that aromatic substituents enhanced the hydrogen uptake even at higher pressures compared to the unmodified MOFs because of the additional binding site. Hupp and coworkers postsynthetically modified the Zn nodes of a MOF by fully activating the MOF (removing all of the coordinated DMF species) and coordinating a series of functionalized pyridine ligands.108 The fully activated sample showed the highest surface area and hydrogen sorption, but providing a general route to modify the metal nodes could be useful in the future. 3.5. Unsaturated metal sites It has been shown that coordinatively unsaturated metal sites show high hydrogen binding affinities and are in many cases the first loading sites.21 Solvent or guest molecules can in some cases be removed from the metal centers of MOFs without causing any structural collapse. The series of MOFs CPO-27-M (also referred This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 to as MOF-74-M; where M ¼ Ni2+, Co2+, Mg2+, Zn2+) has been investigated.133–137 CPO-27-Ni shows an initial adsorption enthalpy of 13.5 kJ mol1, among the highest reported, by monitoring the H–H stretching frequencies using VTIR.137 Zhou et al. expanded on this work by adding the isostructural Mn2+ framework testing H2 storage at 77 K and calculating adsorption enthalpies for the series.133 They reported a trend of increasing binding energies of Zn < Mn < Mg < Co < Ni, which is closely correlated with the cationic radius of the exposed metal site.133 Dietzel and coworkers confirmed these results although reporting slightly higher values across the series and expanded on the work with INS measurements.136 A series of isostructural MOFs, denoted PCN-9 (Co/Mn/Fe), characterized by entatic metal centers, has been studied by Zhou and coworkers.95 In this work, the hydrogen uptake (1.53, 1.26 and 1.06 wt% for Co, Mn and Fe) capacities correlate well with the surface areas (1064, 836 and 682 m2 g1 for Co, Mn and Fe), and the enthalpies of adsorption for PCN-9(Co), PCN-9(Mn), and PCN-9(Fe) are 10.1, 8.7 and 6.4 kJ mol1 respectively; the slight deviation from the Irving–Williams sequence is possibly attributed to partial oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+. The nickel containing MOF, synthesized by Kaskel and coworkers, was activated by the sc-CO2 drying method.64 The activated sample showed high pore volume (1.75 cm3 g1) and hydrogen uptake (1.33 wt% at 1 bar and 4.99 wt% at 45 bar) at 77 K. Upon additional heating the coordinated solvent molecules were removed and the nickel sites were exposed, resulting in an increased pore volume of 2.18 cm3 g1 and an excess hydrogen uptake of 1.66 wt% at 1 bar and 5.85 wt% at 40 bar thus highlighting the importance of complete activation. One MOF with great potential, for which the activation conditions have not yet been optimized, is the most recent addition to the series of BTT containing MOFs.65 Fe–BTT shows moderate hydrogen loading of 4.1 wt% (35 g L1) at 77 K and 95 bar but a high zero-coverage isosteric heat of adsorption of 11.9 kJ mol1. Compared to Cu– BTT, the zero-coverage DHads is higher in Fe–BTT but the partial methanol retention results in Cu–BTT having a higher heat of adsorption at coverage above 0.4 wt% and a higher total uptake of 5.7 wt% at 90 bar. Other MOFs with exposed metal sites have also been reported, such as the zeolite-like MOC-2, which shows high stability and hydrogen uptake at 77 K and 1 bar (2.17 wt%) with an initial heats of adsorption of only 6.5 kJ mol1, although partially exposed indium sites are present.79 [Mn3(bipy)3][Cr(CN)6]2 has a high heat of adsorption (11.5 kJ mol1) and volumetric hydrogen uptake at 77 K of 81 cm3 g1, due to a combination of coordinately unsaturated Mn2+ sites as well as free and coordinated cyanide groups.77 SNU-15, synthesized by Suh and coworkers, yields low H2 loading (0.74 wt% at 77 K/1 atm) but a remarkable adsorption enthalpy of 15.1 kJ mol1, which has been ascribed to the exposed metal site on every Co2+ in the framework.42 The exposed Zn metal sites of the fully desolvated Zn2Ca(btc)2 show a hydrogen uptake of 2.2 wt% at 77 K per 1 bar.110 3.6. Chemical doping Chemical doping for MOFs has received a considerable amount of attention in the last two years because calculations have shown Energy Environ. Sci. Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A View Online that post-synthetic modification of MOFs with atomic or cationic lithium can provide a route to surpass the DOE targets.138–144 Froudakis and coworkers have computationally explored the effects of lithium doping on various MOFs, including IRMOF14.145 The simulations show that the single Li(0) per organic linker case can lead to a storage capacity that is 7.5 times larger than the undoped IRMOF-14. This work was expanded by substituting cationic Li+ in the form of a lithium alkoxide functional group on the ligands of IRMOF-8 and -14 instead of atomic lithium. The modified IRMOF-8 showed a gravimetric uptake of 4.5 wt % at 295 K and 100 bar and 10 wt% at 77 K and 100 bar.146 Further work on this type of modification was computationally explored by attaching a sulfonate group, a potential hydrogen adsorption site, to the pyrene ligand of IRMOF-14. The negatively charged SO31 group was charged balanced with Li+ cations, resulting in a further increase in binding energies.147 The trend for the hydrogen capacities is in all cases (gravimetric and volumetric at 77 K and 300 K) undoped< SO31< SO31Li+ except in the high pressure gravimetric realm at 77 K where pore volume remains the dominant factor. Hartman and coworkers recently synthesized a MIL-53(Al) analogue containing a free hydroxyl group that was postsynthetically modified to the lithium alkoxide functionalized MOF.139 The physical measurements of hydroxyl-MIL-53(Al) are in close agreement with the previously reported data of the unmodified framework, however, the lithium doped counterpart showed a significant increase in hydrogen uptake capacity from 0.50 to 1.7 wt% at 77 K, and doubled heats of adsorption at low coverage (5.8 vs. 11.6 kJ mol1). The diol containing strut of a MOF recently synthesized by Hupp and coworkers was post-synthetically modified using lithium t-butoxide and Mg(OMe)2.142 Samples with high (2.62 Li+/Zn2; 2.02 Mg2+/Zn2) and low loading (0.20 Li+/Zn2; 0.86 Mg2+/Zn2) of lithium and magnesium were prepared and compared to the parent diol MOF. In both low loading cases framework integrity, confirmed by slight increases in surface area, was retained; in the lithiation case an increase in H2 uptake of 0.09 wt%, corresponding to an additional two H2/Li+, was observed. Another study of lithium and magnesium doping in MOFs was conducted by Eddaoudi and coworkers on a carboxylic acid functionalized zeolite-like MOF. They determined that a large contribution to the enhancement of heats of adsorption in cation-doped frameworks is the presence of an electrostatic field in the cavity.60 Schr€ oder and coworkers conducted ion exchange experiments on a MOF containing Me2NH2+cations, which were replaced with smaller Li+ cations. The doped-MOF showed a 22% increase in hydrogen uptake at 20 bar, which correlates well with the increase in BET surface area resulting from the smaller Li+ cations.140 A further examination of the cation exchange effects was conducted on an indium MOF in which piperazine cations were exchanged for Li+. The exchange induced modulation was observed as a threefold increase in BET surface area and an enthalpy increase of 1.1 kJ mol1. The conclusion was drawn that the bulky piperazine cation acts as a kinetic hydrogen trap, which is why the hysteretic sorption behavior disappears upon cation exchange.144 An alternate strategy employed by the Hupp group is that of chemically reducing a MOF and doping it with alkali metal Energy Environ. Sci. Fig. 5 Chemical reduction of MOF using metal naphthalenide in THF (M ¼ Li, Na, K). cations (Li+, Na+, K+) (Fig. 5).141 Although the average DHads values were highest for the Li+ doped case (5.96 kJ mol1), the highest uptake (1.54 wt%) was the result of the K+0.06/ligand doping, despite the greater contribution to the molecular weight of the framework. This prompted further investigation which showed that increased doping merely resulted in an overall reduction of adsorbed H2 and heats of adsorption. A later study used an analogous framework which revealed similar results: doping increased the hydrogen uptake by up to 43% in the Na+ doped case (1.60 wt%) compared to the undoped case (1.12 wt%) and in line with the previous study, increasing the metal content from 0.05 Li+ per Zn to 0.35 resulted in a reduction from 1.46 to 0.54 wt%.143 3.7. Spillover It has been suggested that hydrogen spillover will play a much larger role in terms of hydrogen storage at ambient temperatures (vs. 77 K), which is the preferred temperature realm for practically applications.148–155 Hydrogen spillover is generally defined as the diffusion of dissociated hydrogen from a metal surface to the support surface. Although there is still some ambiguity on the exact mechanism involved, several computational and experimental studies have shed light onto the phenomenon and provided guidance on how to improve current materials and thus achieve the DOE targets of room temperature storage.148 The review by Wang and Yang149 provides tremendous insights into the physical properties of hydrogen spillover as well as a detailed investigation into some of the related MOF literature; this section is to serve as an update in this area. Hydrogen spillover in MOFs can be achieved by doping MOFs with metal nanoparticles. The intra-framework generation of palladium nanoparticles (PdNPs) to enhance hydrogen storage was explored by Suh and coworkers who incorporated a redox-active ligand into SNU-3.138 The MOF resulting from the ligand catalyzed reduction of Pd(NO3)2 to nanoparticles of about 3.0 nm, designated 3 wt% PdNPs@[SNU-3]0.54+(NO3)0.54, was charge balanced by the retention of nitrate ions in the framework. The PdNP doped MOF showed an increased hydrogen capacity at 77 K of 1.48 wt% compared to the 1.03 wt% of the pristine material, despite the decreased surface area and added weight. An analysis of the low-coverage heats of adsorption of Pd-doped SNU-3 compared to the pristine material as well as a comparison to the uptake of materials with similar surface areas revealed that a spillover mechanism must be at play in the surprisingly large uptake of 0.30 wt% at 298 K and 95 bar. One of the most pronounced examples of hydrogen spillover in MOFs is that of MIL-100(Al) embedded with PdNPs that are approximately 2.0 nm in size.156 The PdNPs are generated in the MOF framework, resulting in a low size distribution or the This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 View Online particles, and induce a significant loss in BET surface area, total pore volume, and hydrogen uptake at 77 K in the modified MOF. The nearly twofold increase in hydrogen uptake at 298 K to 0.39 wt% has been partially attributed to b-hydride formation at low pressures and a spillover mechanism at pressures above 4.5 kPa. Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A 3.8. Adsorption mechanism The adsorption mechanism in MOFs is usually physisorption, where H2 molecules interact weakly with the framework through dispersion forces (<10 kJ). This has the advantage that the uptake is fully reversible and usually requires little energy. Chabal and coworkers have conducted the first room temperature infrared (IR) study of MOFs for hydrogen storage.157 This work elucidates the location of the adsorbed hydrogen molecules at 300 K over a range of pressures in a series of MOFs with similar structures. The conclusions were drawn that in the presence of saturated metal centers, the identity of the metal center does not play a role in hydrogen adsorption, as the shifts correlate with the organic linkers. In the presence of small 1-D pores, the metal center influences the hydrogen because of a change in pore size rather than a direct metal–H2 interaction. Similar results were observed in a computational investigation of MOF-5.158 The strongest interaction energies were found to be when the H2 molecule is orthogonally oriented to the phenyl linker (3.5 kJ mol1) and that the adsorption capacity is most strongly related to the nanoporosity rather than any electrostatic interactions that are produced by host–guest interactions. This was experimentally probed by FitzGerald et al. using diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy.159 The range of binding energies (2.5 to 4 kJ mol1) was estimated from the induced redshifts in the vibrational mode frequencies and matched the calculated values fairly well. MOFs with unsaturated metal sites have also been explored. Brown and coworkers concluded from their INS data of HKUST-1 that the major contribution to the overall binding comes from classical Coulomb interactions between H2 and the copper paddlewheel as evidenced by short H2–copper distances.160 As FitzGerald et al. showed by isotope studies using HD and D2 in MOF-74, the concentration-dependent frequency shifts provide evidence that the interactions between adsorbed molecules on neighboring sites are non-negligible.135 Further investigation into MOF-74(Mg) using H2 sorption data coupled with IR and INS by Long and colleagues provided further insight into the binding sites of molecular hydrogen.161 4. Future developments 4.1. Balancing between surface area and pore size There appears to be a linear relationship between the BET specific surface area and the hydrogen uptake at 77 K and high pressures. This has been reported in previous papers and in a recent study by Poirier and Dailly the trends were again apparent.162 There are some classes of MOFs that do not follow this rule of thumb: flexible MOFs often have different capacities at a low and high pressure; MOFs with unsaturated metal sites have higher uptakes at low pressure due to increased interaction energies at low loadings; and MOFs with pores in the mesoporous range suffer from lower adsorption capacities. One This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 method for increasing the gravimetric hydrogen sorption in MOFs is to substitute metals for lighter metals that can build the same SBUs. Substituting beryllium163 for zinc in the familiar Zn4O cluster that is characteristic of the IRMOF series has been a goal for a number of years because it could enhance the gravimetric hydrogen storage capacity by about 50%. Experimental difficulties, due largely to the smaller ionic radius of beryllium, have made this a difficult task, but Matzger and colleagues have successfully synthesized Be4O(BDC)6 (Be–MOF5).31 The BET surface area is 3500 m2 g1, which is comparable to that of MOF-5, and the hydrogen uptake at 77 K per 24 bar is 5.0 wt%. Another Be–MOF, synthesized by Sumida et al., uses the trigonal1,3,5-benzenetribenzoate ligand to construct a MOF with SBET of 4030 m2 g1 and excess hydrogen uptake of 6.0 wt% at 77 K and 20 bar (gravimetric and volumetric totals are 9.2 wt% and 43 g L1 at 100 bar); the capacity at 298 K is among the highest reported (2.3 wt% and 11 g L1).32 4.2. Enhancing interaction between hydrogen and framework Strengthening the adsorbent–adsorbate interactions is a task that must be accomplished to meet the DOE targets; one possible item of concern in this arena is potentially increasing the interaction energy so much as to negatively affect the desorption behavior. Understanding how strong these interactions must be and which combination of methods is best to achieve this is being investigated computationally and experimentally. Bae and Snurr have examined the effects of heat of adsorption on the overall and the deliverable (1.5–120 bar) capacity. Their calculations showed that the storage capacity increased linearly as DHads was elevated as long as there was no reduction in free volume. The deliverable capacity also closely correlated with DHads, however, the relationship was not linear and it was determined that the average DHads over the entire pressure range would optimally lie between 18.5 and 22 kJ mol1.164 One approach to achieve these values without using exposed metal sites is to constrain pore size as per example in the partially fluorinated MOF synthesized by Cheetham and coworkers.113 The framework shows a high DHads (8 kJ mol1) for a material with purely physisorptive adsorption, however, the gravimetric sorption capacity is not good because the free volume is so small. Fr€ oba and coworkers discussed various methods of calculating hydrogen capacities of MOFs and determined that depending on the temperature, different models are more appropriate and match the experimental data better.165 However, most of the deviations were related to the presence of unsaturated metal sites, which indicate that the strong binding of hydrogen at these sites cannot be modeled in the framework of a potential material that considers only van der Waals interactions, and that the inclusion of charge–quadrupole interactions is not sufficient to overcome this deficiency. 4.3. Optimizing sorption isotherms A stimuli-dependent pore opening/closing process is usually characterized by large hysteresis and is usually the result of structural phase transitions.13 It appears that the flexible cobalt– pyrazolyl MOF undergoes a pore opening mechanism that is temperature-, pressure- and gas-dependent.37 The five step Energy Environ. Sci. Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A View Online adsorption of N2 is unique in microporous materials and the temperature dependent hysteresis of H2 can provide some insights into what properties of a MOF are necessary to generate a change in the sorption isotherm (Fig. 6). Stepwise adsorption has been linked to multilayer adsorption, multiple interactions that differ in energy, and structural transitions. The hysteretic adsorption of H2 at 77 K is clearly seen as virtually no gas is adsorbed until 20 bar after which the uptake shoots to a maximum of 3.1 wt% at 30 bar; desorption does not occur until about 15 bar. Such a pronounced loop is typical of much stronger adsorbent–adsorbate interactions such as those found in chemisorptions processes. This type of pronounced hysteresis could be useful as one could imagine filling up a portable tank and then lowering the pressure until it is slightly higher than the desorption pressure, thus reducing the risks of a highly pressurized portable unit; the disadvantages here could come from a poor fuel release rate. SNU-9, reported by Park and Suh, shows a two-step adsorption isotherm for H2 with a plateau from about 15 to 20 bar (1.32 wt%) followed by a sharp increase and a maximum excess sorption of 3.63 wt% at 90 bar.107 Framework flexibility is further confirmed by a hysteresis loop. 4.4. Fig. 6 Isotherms for the excess uptake of H2 within Co(BDP), showing temperature-dependent hysteresis loops at 65, 77, and 87 K. Filled and open symbols represent adsorption and desorption curves, respectively. Other novel approaches Thornton and coworkers have investigated the effects of impregnating MOFs with fullerenes (C60) and Mg10C60 analogues.166 The trend of heats of adsorption for pure IRMOF8, C60@IRMOF-8 and Mg10C60@IRMOF-8 is an increase from 5 to 9 to 10.5 kJ mol1. The trend is the same for low pressure hydrogen uptake until about 8 bar when surface area begins to dominate and at 13 bar the empty MOF shows higher adsorption because of the larger free volume. Dybtsev et al. included a [Mo6Br8F6]2 cluster into MIL-101(Cr) and observed an initial heat of adsorption of 13.5 kJ mol1 compared to the 9 of the empty MOF, however at high pressures the uptake was lower.167 Using carboranes as the linkers in MOFs has shown some promise for hydrogen storage.168–170 The systematic substitution of first row transition metals into the carborane cluster reveals that scandium and titanium are the best candidates as they have high binding energies, bind up to 10 H2 molecules, and are light weight which will be beneficial at high pressure and room temperature adsorption.168 Leoni and coworkers have developed lithium–boron imidazolates, that are isostructural to the ZIF family of frameworks.171 They determined that the fau-type net adsorbed the most amount of hydrogen at 7.8 wt%. Liberation of H2 from metal hydrides has been studied and is one option to deliver usable hydrogen to fuel cells, provided of course that this process is reversible and can undergo multiple regeneration cycles.7,8 NaAlH4 is one material that has shown promise, however the large particle size distribution of bulk samples means that the desorption occurs rapidly and at high temperatures (250 C). Allendorf and coworkers have infused HKUST-1 with 4 wt% NaAlH4 and because of the uniform particle size (formed in the rigid framework) and favorable chemical environment the sample was able to desorb 80% of the total H2 at 155 C.172 Li and coworkers efficiently generated hydrogen gas from ammonia borane (AB), NH3BH3, solutions by placing them in contact with a nickel–MOF. It is worth noting here that regeneration of MOF–host lattices is currently difficult Energy Environ. Sci. Fig. 7 Confinement of AB within the pores of MOF. partly because the decomposition products remain challenging to remove from the MOF.173 The gas was released linearly over time at several concentrations of AB in methanol. They reasoned that the accessible nickel sites remained separated even after reduction and only aggregated to tiny, highly reactive metal clusters. This work was expanded by infusing neat AB (19.3 wt% hydrogen content) into a MOF with unsaturated yttrium sites.174 The AB released 8.0 wt% (based on neat AB) hydrogen in only 10 minutes at the DOE suggested temperature limit of 85 C or the full amount (13 wt%) at 95 C in three hours. The AB incorporated within the MOF-74(Mg) shows clean and dramatically improved H2 release properties when compared to pristine AB.175 The MOF-74(Mg) system can accommodate a large mass fraction, up to approximately 26 wt %, of nanoconfined AB. Such a combined strategy of entrapping materials such as AB could be a fruitful future direction for MOF research (Fig. 7). 5. Conclusions Despite some promising achievements in terms of hydrogen storage in MOFs, the weak interaction between dihydrogen and This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011 View Online Downloaded by Texas A & M University on 06 July 2011 Published on 15 June 2011 on http://pubs.rsc.org | doi:10.1039/C1EE01240A the framework still appears to be a hurdle that must be overcome to reach the DOE targets. It is possible that with a strong enough initial heat of adsorption and large enough surface area and pore volume, MOFs will be able to reach the DOE set targets for room temperature adsorption. Another possible solution could be making use of a combination of strategies, such as incorporating complex metal hydrides. 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