Journal Articles Ozonoff S

Sally Ozonoff, Ph.D.
Journal Articles
2014 Chawarska K, Shic F, Macari S, Campbell DJ, Brian J, Landa R, Hutman T, Nelson
CA, Ozonoff S, et al. Eighteen-month predictors of later outcomes in younger siblings
of children with autism spectrum disorder: A BSRC study. Journal of the American
Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 53, 1317-1327.
2014 Walker CK, Krakowiak P, Baker A, Hansen R, Ozonoff S, Hertz-Picciotto I.
Preeclampsia, placental insufficiency, and autism spectrum disorder or developmental
delay. JAMA Pediatrics, 169, 154-162.
2015 Miller M, Young GS, Hutman T, Johnson S, Schwichtenberg AJ, Ozonoff S. Early
pragmatic language difficulties in siblings of children with autism: Implications for
DSM-5 social communication disorder? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry,
56, 774-781.
2015 Messinger DS, Young GS, Webb SJ, Ozonoff S, Zwaigenbaum, L. Early sex
differences are not autism-specific: A baby siblings research consortium (BSRC)
study. Molecular Autism, 6, 32-42.
2015 Ozonoff S, Young GS, Landa RJ, Brian J, Bryson S, Charman T, Chawarska K,
Macari SL, Messinger D, Stone WL, Zwaigenbaum L, Iosif AM. Diagnostic stability in
young children at risk for autism spectrum disorder: A baby siblings research
consortium study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 56, 988-998.
2015 Ozonoff S. Editorial: Early detection of mental health and neurodevelopmental
disorders: The ethical challenges of a field in its infancy. Journal of Child Psychology
and Psychiatry, 56, 933-935.
2015 Ozonoff S, Dawson G, McPartland J. A parent’s guide to high-functioning autism
spectrum disorder: How to meet the challenges and help your child thrive (2 nd edition).
New York: Guilford.
Abstracts and Presentations
2014 Ozonoff S. Advances in early detection of autism spectrum disorder. Grand Rounds,
New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY, September.
2015 Miller M, Kyle I, Young GS, Hutman T, Johnson S, Ozonoff S. School-age outcomes
of infant siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper presented at the
Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD),
Philadelphia, March.
2015 Miller M, Young GS, Belding A, Hill A, Tubbs A, Ozonoff S. Early patterns of repetitive
behavior with objects in infants developing ASD. Paper presented at the International
Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City UT, May.
2015 Naigles L, Ozonoff S, Rogers S, Mastergeorge A. Origins of the SLI phenotype in the
early language of children with ASD. Paper presented at the International Meeting for
Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City UT, May.
2015 Messinger DS, Young GS, Webb SJ, Ozonoff S, Bryson S, Zwaigenbaum,L. Early
sex differences are not autism-specific: A Baby Siblings Research Consortium study.
Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake
City UT, May.
2015 Bakulski KM, Feinberg JI, Brown SC, Newschaffer CJ, Croen LA, Hertz-Picciotto I,
Landa RJ, Levy SE, Ozonoff S, et al. Maternal blood DNA methylation during
pregnancy and autism observation scale for infant (AOSI) score at 12 months in the
Early Autism Risk Longitudinal Investigation (EARLI). Paper presented at the
International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City UT, May.
2015 Chawarska K, Shic F, Macari S, Campbell DJ, Brian JA, Landa RJ, Hutman T, Nelson
CA, Ozonoff S, et al. Eighteen-month predictors of later outcomes in younger siblings
of children with autism spectrum disorder: A BSRC study. Paper presented at the
International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City UT, May.
2015 Iverson JM, Shic F, Wall CA, Bensinger-Brody Y, Curtin S, Ozonoff S, et al. Early
gross and fine motor abilities in infants at heightened versus low risk for ASD: A
BSRC study. Paper presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research
(IMFAR), Salt Lake City UT, May.
2015 Johnson RT, Li DD, Amaral DG, Rogers SJ, Ozonoff S, Nordahl CW. Sex differences
in social impairment in preschool-aged children with autism spectrum disorder. Paper
presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR), Salt Lake City
UT, May.
Research Funding
Infants at Risk of Autism: A Longitudinal Study, National Institute of Mental Health, R01MH068398-06, 2009-2014, Ozonoff S (PI).
Genomic influences on development and outcomes in infants at risk of ASD: A BSRC study,
Autism Speaks, 2012-2014, Ozonoff S (Subcontract PI).
Autism risk, prenatal environmental exposures and pathophysiologic markers, National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, R01 ES020392-01, 2011-2016, Ozonoff S (CoPI).
Development of a prospective parent report measure to identify autism risk in infancy, Autism
Speaks, AS8370, 2013-2016, Ozonoff S (PI).
Development of a prospective video-based measure to identify ASD risk in infancy, National
Institute of Mental Health, R01 MH099046, 2013-2017, Ozonoff S (PI).
MIND Institute Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center, National Institute
of Child Health and Human Development, U54 HD079125, 2013-2018, Ozonoff S (Core
Prospective Evaluation of Air Pollution, Cognition, and Autism from Birth Onward, National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, 1R01ES023780, 2014-2018, Ozonoff S (Coinvestigator).
Neural Phenotypes of Females with Autism Spectrum Disorder, National Institute of Mental
Health, R01 MH104438, 2014-2019, Ozonoff S (Co-investigator).
Community Service
Chair, Program Committee, International Meeting for Autism Research
Chair, Research Space Advisory Committee, UC Davis School of Medicine
Joint Editor, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Member, Graduate Group in Clinical Research, UC Davis
Member, Autism Spectrum Disorders Advisory Board, UC Davis Extension
Member, Autism Advisory Board, Guilford Press
Member, Editorial Board, Autism Research
Member, Editorial Board, Autism Spectrum Quarterly
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Member, TEACCH Advisory Board, University of North Carolina
Reviewer, American Journal of Psychiatry
Reviewer, Autism: The International Journal of Research and Practice
Reviewer, Development and Psychpathology
Reviewer, Infancy
Reviewer, Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Reviewer, Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Reviewer, Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry
Reviewer, Journal of Pediatrics
Reviewer, Pediatrics