EUROPEAN DOCUMENTATION CENTRE hosted by The Institute for European Studies University of Malta Msida MSD 2080 – Malta Tel: (356) 2340 3386 Fax: (356) 2133 7624 Website: Email: Facebook: The following new publications are available for reference at the European Documentation Centre. THE PALGRAVE HANDBOOK OF SOCIAL DEMOCRACY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Jean-Michel De Waele et al. Palgrave MacMillan The character of social democracy in the constituent countries of the European Union is more significant and much better understood than the available literature would appear to suggest. This thought-provoking and edifying handbook aims to redress this disparity by bringing together a range of top political scientists from across Europe to provide a definitive collection on social democracy in the EU, one that offers students and scholars both an informative and easy-to-use guide to social democracy as a system of governance in Europe. Through establishing a common framework for analysis and by exploring all 27 countries in the European Union according to this structure, it constitutes a compendium that is truly comparative in nature. THE EU AND THE EUROZONE CRISIS: POLICY CHALLENGES AND STRATEGIC CHOICES Finn Laursen Ashgate The global financial crisis, which started in the United States in 2007, spread to Europe in 2009. It especially hit Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Spain, countries which have introduced the single currency, the euro. These eurozone countries no longer have monetary policy autonomy, so they do not have the option of devaluation to increase competitiveness. The crisis has shown that the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) created in 1993, and which led to the single currency in 1999, is faulty. Its built-in asymmetry, with centralised monetary policy and decentralised fiscal policy, should be expected to create problems. Part of the response to the crisis so far has been incremental moves towards fiscal and banking union, which will mean a deepening of European integration at a time when many observers believed that a certain equilibrium had been reached after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009. This book focuses on these developments as well as analysing other economic policies that affect the general economic welfare of the EU, including agriculture, trade and immigration policies. The book puts the eurozone crisis into the wider context of deepening and widening. STATISTICS FOR PEOPLE WHO (THINK THEY) HATE STATISTICS (5th ed.) Neil J. Salkind Sage Publications Author Neil J. Salkind takes students through various statistical procedures, beginning with correlation and graphical representation of data and ending with inferential techniques and analysis of variance. In addition, the text covers SPSS, and includes reviews of more advanced techniques, such as reliability, validity, introductory nonparametric statistics, and more. Pedagogical features include sidebars offering additional technical information about the topics presented and points that reinforce major themes in the book. Finally, this new edition includes more examples than ever before, an expanded set of exercises at the end of each chapter, expanded data sets for Excel and SPSS, and a new Real World Stats feature which provides an applied example of the content covered in the chapter. THE LITERATURE REVIEW: A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE FOR STUDENTS (2nd ed.) Diana Ridley Sage Publications This second edition of Diana Ridley's bestseller provides a step-by-step guide to conducting a literature search and literature review, and guides the reader in how to write up a literature review as part of a PhD thesis or Masters dissertation. Ridley outlines practical strategies for reading and note taking, and guides the reader on how to conduct a systematic search of the available literature, and uses cases and examples throughout to demonstrate best practice in writing and presenting the review. New to this edition are examples drawn from a wide range of disciplines, a new chapter on conducting a systematic review, increased coverage of issues of evaluating quality and conducting reviews using online sources and online literature and enhanced guidance in dealing with copyright and permissions issues. THE EUROPEAN OPPORTUNITIES Teresa Cierco UNION NEIGHBOURHOOD: CHALLENGES AND Ashgate Addressing the Europe Union's twenty-first century challenges, this study looks at the policies of the EU towards its neighbours as a critical dimension of the totality of the EU's foreign and security policy. This volume brings together a broad range of scholars and seeks to highlight some of the main issues that concern the European relations with its neighbour's countries in the Western Balkans, the Eastern and Southern Europe, and with Russia. In short, the volume raises important, timely issues regarding the challenges and opportunities confronting the European Union in its neighbourhood which both policy makers and academicians will find both informative and though provoking in their efforts to understand the nature and complexity of the European Union actions in its neighbourhood. THE EU’D FOREIGN POLICY: WHAT KIND OF POWER AND DIPLOMATIC ACTION? Mario Telò & Frederik Ponjaert Ashgate A very timely and topical volume concerned with the impact of the Lisbon Treaty on the European Union's (EU) capacity to further develop a distinctive foreign policy in accordance with the various policy instruments necessary to fulfil its role as a global actor. This edited volume brings together a host of scholars in the fields of European Studies and International Relations whose contributions offer both innovative theoretical perspectives and new empirical insights. Overall, the book emphasizes the question of the EU's evolving legitimacy and efficiency as a foreign policy and diplomatic actor on the regional and global stage. THE GREEK CRISIS IN THE MEDIA: STEREOTYPING IN THE INTERNATIONAL PRESS George Tzgopoulos Ashgate The portrayal of Greece by the international press during the financial crisis has been seen by many independent observers as very harsh. The Greeks have often been blamed for a myriad of international political problems and external economic factors beyond their control. In this original and insightful work George Tzogopoulos examines international newspaper coverage of the unfolding economic crisis in Greece. American, British, French, German and Italian broadsheet and tabloid coverage is carefully analysed. This book debates and dissects the extent to which the Greek response to the financial crisis has been given a fair and balanced coverage by the press and questions how far politics and national stereotypes have played their part in the reporting of events.By placing the Greek experiences and treatment alongside those of other EU members such as Portugal, Ireland, Italy and Spain. IS EUROPE LISTENING TO US? SUCCESSES AND FAILURES OF EU CITIZEN CONSULTATIONS Raphael Kies & Patrizia Nanz Ashgate How can the European Union engage and connect with the people it aims to represent? What initiatives and schemes have been used to engage EU citizens? To what extent can such procedures be considered a move forward towards a more participative and democratic Europe? This collection of internationally recognised specialists in European integration and innovative democratic practices seek to answer these key questions, explore European citizens' thoughts and opinions about the EU and evaluate the governing elite's attempts to engage with the public. It offers critical analysis of EU justifications and strategies for implementing Deliberative Citizens Involvement Projects and focuses on some of the major participative experiences trialled and implemented by EU institutions. By comparing these different attempts to increase and bolster the participation of EU citizens and evaluating their impact the book offers valuable and original material on the civic involvement of EU citizens and the legitimacy of the EU decision making process. THE POLITICS OF ENERGY AND MEMORY BETWEEN THE BALTICS STATES AND RUSSIA Agnia Grigas Ashgate Since the 1990s, Baltic-Russian relations have been amongst the most contentious on the European continent. Energy security concerns, historical legacies, and the status of Russian minorities have all proved key flash points. Baltic-Russian relations have been described as a 'litmus test' of Russia's willingness to leave behind its imperialist ambitions; simultaneously the policies of Tallinn, Riga or Vilnius towards Russia can have a direct impact on EU-Russian and NATO-Russian relations. The Baltic states share similar histories and resources, and face the same geopolitical challenges. All are dependent on Russia for energy yet, as this fascinating study reveals, they have pursued very different foreign policies towards their powerful neighbour. Agnia Grigas provides an unprecedented analysis of contemporary Baltic-Russian relations and identifies the causal factors that drive the foreign policies of the Baltic states in such divergent routes. Supported by case studies on the oil and gas sectors as well as the tug of history, this book is an invaluable resource for scholars and policy makers. THE ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF NATURAL DISASTERS Debarati Guha-Sapir & Indhira Santos Oxford University Press The Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters focuses on concerns for poverty and vulnerability. Written by a collection of esteemed scholars in disaster management and sustainable development, the report provides an overview of the general trends in natural disasters and their effects by focusing on a critical analysis of different methodologies used to assess the economic impact of natural disasters. Economic Impacts presents six national case studies (Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Nicaragua, Japan and the Netherlands) and shows how household surveys and country-level macroeconomic data can analyze and quantify the economic impact of disasters. The researchers within Economic Impacts have created path-breaking work and have opened new avenues for thinking and debate to push forward the frontiers of knowledge on economics of natural disasters. NAVIGATING ENVIRONMENTAL ATTITUDES Thomas A. Heberlein Oxford University Press In Navigating Environmental Attitudes, Thomas Heberlein helps us read the water and negotiate its hidden obstacles, explaining what attitudes are, how they change and influence behavior. Rather than necessarily trying to change public attitudes, we need to design solutions and policies with them in mind. He illustrates these points by tracing the attitudes of the well-known environmentalist Aldo Leopold, while tying social psychology to real-world behaviors throughout the book. Bringing together theory and practice, Navigating Environmental Attitudes provides a realistic understanding of why and how attitudes matter when it comes to environmental problems; and how, by balancing natural with social science, we can step back from false assumptions and unproductive, frustrating programs to work toward fostering successful, effective environmental action.