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The following new publications are available for reference at the European Documentation Centre.
Foreign Policy Analysis
Walter E. Carlsnaes & Stefano Guzzini
This five-volume set is the first major collection on this core substantive policy
field in international political inquiry. It serves not only to present the history of
the field in the form of its most important earlier writings, but also to present
the core theoretical texts of this sub-discipline of international relations as it
stands today, addressing the current issues and controversies engaging this
internationally vibrant community of scholars around the world. Part One:
Historical Development of Foreign Policy Analysis assembles scholarly
contributions which have been seminal in the development of foreign policy
analysis as an academic field by tracing the important historical pathways,
junctures and formative moments in this policy domain. Parts Two and Three:
Current Theoretical Approaches to Foreign Policy Analysis shift the focus to
contemporary theoretical approaches to foreign policy analysis over the last
decade and a half including modern realism, liberal intergovernmentalism and
institutionalism, cognitive and psychological approaches, and more recent
social constructivist and poststructuralist thinking. Part Four: Problems and
Debates in Contemporary Foreign Policy Analysis turns the attention away
from substance of foreign policy to the question of how such analysis should
proceed in the first place. Issues covered include the agency-structure debate,
the role of ideas and discourses in FPA, critiques of neorealism and other
mainstream approaches, in addition to other controversies and debates of an
overarching nature. Together the four parts provide an unparalleled resource
for all international relations, political science and public policy libraries.
International Relations of the European Union
Wyn Rees & Michael H. Smith
From its beginnings as a trading organization the European Union (EU) has
become an immensely important actor in the international system. This
collection distils the very best writings, both classic and contemporary, in the
field of its international relations across a range of policy fields. The selected
articles and chapters reflect the breadth of the EU's activities in the world,
including its economic and security relationships, as well as its unique status
in the academic study of international relations. The SAGE Library of
International Relations brings together the most influential and field-defining
articles, both classical and contemporary, in a number of key areas of
research and inquiry in International Relations. Each multi-volume set
represents a collection of the essential published works collated from the
foremost publications in the field by an editor or editorial team of renowned
international stature. They also include a full introduction, presenting a
rationale for the selection and mapping out the discipline's past, present and
likely future. This series is designed to be a 'gold standard' for university
libraries throughout the world with an interest in International Relations.
John Kincaid
In 1968, Carl J. Friedrich, a prominent Harvard political scientist, suggested
that federalism was not, as many observers then believed, an anomaly in the
modern era, but rather a mode of governance that was moving to the forefront
of political necessity and desirability in the second half of the twentieth century.
This was a prescient observation. Federalism has become a leading
mechanism for addressing problems of human diversity and political scale,
both small and large. It establishes unity on the basis of consent while
preserving diversity by constitutionally uniting separate political communities
into a limited, but encompassing, polity. This major reference collection, edited
by one of the foremost scholars in the field, grapples with a large body of
knowledge that does not neatly divide into theoretical categories and imposes
a structure for the purposes of studying this complex political structure and
process of governance. There is little significant consensus among scholars of
federalism as to what constitutes the field and its subdivision so this four
volume set attempts to signpost and map out the field for researchers, postgraduates and political scientists in general. Volume One: Theories of
Federalism Volume Two: Comparative Federalism Volume Three: Practices of
Federalism Volume Four: Potentials of Federalism
International Encyclopedia of Political Science
Bertrand Badie , Dirk Berg-Schlosser & Leonardo Morlino
With entries from leading international scholars from around the world, the
International Encyclopedia of Political Science provides a definitive,
comprehensive picture of all aspects of political life, recognizing its theoretical
foundations and including empirical findings from across the globe. The eight
volumes examine all the main subdisciplines of political science and include
coverage of comparative politics, epistemology, political economy, political
sociology, and international relations. Entries are arranged in alphabetical
order, and a list of entries by subject area appears in the front of each volume
for ease of use. The Encyclopedia contains a detailed index as well as
extensive bibliographical references. Approximately 80 entries on the use of
both qualitative and quantitative research methods in political science are
provided. The process of democratization will remain a vital topic during the
21st century, and the encyclopedia contains extensive coverage of the
evolution of democracy as well as other political systems. Readers will find
theoretical and empirical background on other important issues such as
global security, the relationship between religion and the state, and political
issues related to gender and race/ethnicity.
Approaches to International Relations
Stephen Chan & Cerwyn Moore
This four-volume collection of seminal journal articles and book excerpts
examines traditional approaches to international relations as well as critical,
radical and non-Western theories of global politics. The set includes a detailed
introduction by the editors and is designed to complement their successful set
Theories of International Relations. Volume 1 - Approaches to Theory in
International Relations will focus on the historical development of the discipline
and touch upon key issues and key debates, Volume 2 on Approaches to
Theory in International Relations will examine themes and theories, Volume 3
on the radical and inter-disciplinary Approaches to International Relations, and
Volume 4 on Non-Western Approaches to International Relations.
Philippe de Lombaerde & Dr Fredrik Soderbaum
This four-volume set has been created to capture and organise 60 years of
research and policy discourse on regional integration and regionalism. Since
the mid-1980s there has been an explosion of various forms of regionalist
projects on a global scale. The widening and deepening of the European
Union (EU) is the most pervasive example, but regionalism is also made
visible through the revitalization or expansion of many other regional projects
around the world. With a strong global focus on the field, this new major work
will be of great value to the international academic community, collating and
presenting seminal articles written by scholars from around the globe. The
volumes are structured chronologically, reflecting the evolution of the subject:
Volume One: 1940s-1960s Classical Regional Integration Volume Two: 1970s1980s Revisions of Classical Regional Integration Volume Three: 1990s- The
New Regionalism Volume Four: 2000-2010 Comparative Regionalism
Andrew Geddes
This collection brings the best research into migration across state borders
together. Reflecting the complexity and diversity of work in this area, the set
draws on the work of sociologists, lawyers, economists, political scientists and
geographers as well as international relations scholars. Andrew Geddes'
selection examines the causes, modes, patterns and consequences of
international migration and demonstrates how its analysis requires
connections to be made between the domestic and the international.
Mervyn Frost
Actors in international politics need to navigate a host of ethical challenges
when deciding how to act in a certain context. They are confronted by the
question: 'What, from an ethical point of view, ought I to do?' with regard to a
wide range of issues including the conduct of war, the just distribution of aid
and trade, human rights, the care of the global environment, the rights of
asylum seekers and refugees, genocide, money-laundering, global terror and
many others. This collection looks at classical and seminal research in the field
with the broad framework of the moral standing of states; the moral standing of
non-state actors; and the ethics of international relations. Volume One: The
Society of States Volume Two: Global Civil Society: Non-State Actors in World
Politics Volume Three: The Changing Constitution of Global Politics Volume
Four: Ethics and Foreign Policy
B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre
"Institutionalism" (SAGE 2007) captured a good deal of the literature at the
time it was published; however, there have been numerous excellent
contributions to the literature since that time. This second collection comprises
three volumes. "Volume One: Developing Institutional Theory" collects together
papers representing developments in the various approaches to
institutionalism contained in the first series of volumes. "Volume Two: New
Research Agendas" addresses new recent strands of development in
institutionalism namely Discursive Institutionalism, Institutionalization and
Micro-foundations of Institutional Behaviour. "Volume Three: Applying
Institutional Theory" looks at the empirical applications of the developments in
theoretical approaches. These empirical analyses not only demonstrate the
insights that institutionalism can provide but also help in the further
development of the theory.
Encyclopedia of Political Theory
Mark Bevir
In discussing a topic, political science lecturers and course textbooks often
toss out the name of a theorist or make a sideways reference to a particular
theory and move on, as if assuming their student audience possesses the
necessary background to appreciate and integrate the reference. However,
academic librarians can tell you this is usually far from the case. Students
often approach them seeking a source to provide a quick overview of a
particular theory or theorist with just the basics: the who, what, where, how,
and why. And librarians often find it difficult to guide these students to a
quick, one-stop source. SAGE Reference presents the three-volume
Encyclopedia of Political Theory, available in both print and electronic
formats. This work serves as a reference source for anyone interested in the
roots of contemporary political theory. Drawing together a team of
international scholars, it examines the global landscape of all the key theories
and the theorists behind them, presenting them in the context needed to
understand their strengths and weaknesses. In addition to interpretations of
long-established theories, it also offers essays on cutting-edge research as
one might find in a handbook. And, like an unabridged dictionary, it provides
concise, to-the-point definitions of key concepts, ideas, schools, and figures.
Coverage includes: -Ancient Theory -Medieval Theory -Early Modern Theory
-Enlightenment -Modern Theory -Constitutionalism -Liberalism -Critical
Theory -Continental Theory -Empirical Theory -Comparative Political