SENIOR ASSISTANT - FRANCE ERASMUS PROGRAMME 6 OR 12 MONTH INTERNSHIP Two 6 month placements or one year-long placement are available for students wanting to do an internship that is eligible for ERASMUS. Applicants are required to be enrolled in a full time university or college course. Langue & Nature has been employing student assistants for its residential English language courses for over 30 years. Courses for teenagers and adults are run throughout the year and we are currently recruiting Senior Assistants for internships of either 6 or 12 months. All teaching, activities and administration take place at the 19th century Chateau de la Mazure, set in the countryside near the town of Laval (Dept.53), France. Senior Assistant Responsibilities Include: • Assisting in the organisation of the adult residential courses. • Participation in general administrative duties, including: subscription renewal, publicity, client contact, general business development & management of blogs & alumni network. • Involvement in all aspects of our “Do you cook English?” project, including script writing, translation & photography. • Working in a small team on a rota basis to facilitate activities during the teenage residential courses; these include games, music, choreography, sketches, dance & sport, and supervising mealtimes. The Senior Assistant position is a great opportunity for English speaking students who are currently studying French to gain valuable teaching experience whilst working in France. This is a varied and interesting post. English is spoken with clients but French is the company language and spoken with all staff. Profile Required: • Native English speaker • Intermediate level of French (written & spoken) with a desire to improve Personal Qualities & Skills: • Initiative, flexibility, and ability to work as part of a team • Enthusiastic & motivated • Strong organisational skills • Computer & social networking competencies Facilities Offered to Assistants: • Independent accommodation is available in Laval (approx. €250 per month), and accommodation is provided in the chateau during teenage courses. • Allowance (under a Convention de Stage and French legislation) of €508 per month. Dates: • Mid-August 2016 to mid-February 2017 or mid-February 2017 to end of August 2017 (a whole year placement is also available from August 2016 - August 2017). Telephone: +33 (0) Please send the completed application form and your CV to: Successful applicants will be contacted for a Skype interview (video access required). Application Form SENIOR ASSISTANT INTERNSHIP Personal Details: Full Name: ______________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ ______________Postcode __________ Country _____________ Tel: _______________________ Mobile: ____________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: _______________ Nationality:________________ Please attach a recent passport size colour photograph Town of Birth: ______________________ Male Female Father’s Full Name: _____________________________________ Mother’s Full Name: ____________________________________ Emergency Contact Name: _____________________________ Emergency Contact Tel: ________________________________ How to Apply? Please send this completed application form, (attaching a recent passport size colour photograph), along with the latest version of your CV to: By email: (or) By post: Assistant Application, Langue et Nature, Chateau de la Mazure, 53260, Forcé, FRANCE. Successful applicants will be contacted for a Skype interview (video access required). Tel: 0033 - (0) Student Details: University/College: ______________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ Dept Name:___________________________________________ Dept Contact: _________________________________________ Dept Tel: _______________________________________________ Dept Email: ____________________________________________ Course Name: __________________________Year: __________ Application Form SENIOR ASSISTANT INTERNSHIP Medical History: Do you have any special medical conditions? Yes No If yes, please specify: ____________________________________________________________________ Do you suffer from any of the following? Diabetes Asthma Eczema Allergies Hay Fever None Allergies (please specify) ____________________________ Other:______________________________ Dietary Requirements: Do you have any special dietary requirements? Vegetarian Yes No Vegan Other:____________________________________________________________________________________ Personal Insurance: ASSISTANTS ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE OUT A PERSONAL INSURANCE POLICY TO COVER MEDICAL EXPENSES, PERSONAL ACCIDENT COVER AND PERSONAL LIABILITY, AND PRODUCE THIS CERTIFICATE UPON ARRIVAL The Student Travel Agency ( offer various policies at student discount rates. Interests: Please state your interests, hobbies or any other general information about yourself: _______________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Availablity & Eligibility: I want to apply for the internship mid-August 2016 to mid-February 2017 I want to apply for the internship mid-February 2017 to end of August 2017 I am eligible to work under a Convention de Stage I would like work under the ERASMUS programme Tel: 0033 - (0) Application Form SENIOR ASSISTANT INTERNSHIP Covering Letter: Please give in your own words a summary of your strengths and practical abilities, together with why you want to work for Langue et Nature. Please complete this section of the form in your own handwriting: Signature: Date: Signature: LANGUAGE, CULTURE & NETWORKING CENTRE Tel: 0033 - (0)