"From ITU-T Workshop on Speech to Audio: bandwidth extension, binaural perception" Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 OPTIMUM FREQUENCY RESPONSE CHARACTERISTICS FOR WIDEBAND TERMINALS H. W. Gierlich, F. Kettler, S. Poschen HEAD acoustics GmbH A. Raake, S. Spors Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (Germany) Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication Union PART 1: Receiving Frequency Response Characteristics Receiving frequency response of 3 wideband phones (handset mode, 3.4 ear, 8N, free-field ) L/dB[Pa/V] 30 Tolerance Scheme acc. ETSI ES 202 739 20 10 0 -10 provides good listening speech quality -20 Test Conditions Use 3.4 or 3.3 artificial ear Use 8N application force Use artificial voice or composite source test signal NEW: use DRP to FF correction -30 100 200 500 f/Hz 2000 5000 -> Is the tolerance scheme really desirable? Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 2 New Subjective Experiments: Pretests with Experts Listeners Parametric EQ Player … looped playback of speech signal individual adjustment of preferred frequency response characteristics conducted with different types of phones * published DAGA 2007, March 07 and ETSI STQ, April 08 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 3 The Results - Some Examples L/dB[Pa/V] 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 100 200 500 f/Hz 2000 5000 -> wide range of personal preferences Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 4 Step 2: Rank Ordering of the Response Characteristics Phones with different EQ-Settings applied at HATS Parametric EQ Test System … Ranking of the different EQ-Settings by experts: Results: clear “winner” setting for most phones “favorite” frequency responses similar for all phones Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication Union 5 Example Result • “optimum” response characteristics for 3 phones L/dB[Pa/V] 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 100 200 500 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 f/Hz 2000 5000 International Telecommunication Union 6 Step 3: Listening Only Test Test Conditions 4 speakers: 2 female, 2 male 4 wideband phones, each combined with several frequency responses 1 artificial bandwidth extension 1 ortho-telephonic reference 1m Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 Representation & Assessment 43 conditions x 4 speakers, each assessed by 12 naïve test persons Assessment of “speech sound” on a five point MOS-scale: 5 4 3 2 1 – – – – – excellent good fair poor bad International Telecommunication Union 7 • • • Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 Li n Te l2 Fa v1 N 8N N 8N 8N 13 Fa v3 N 2N 13 Fa v2 Fa v3 Fa v3 Fa v3 Te l3 Te l2 Te l3 Te l2 Te l2 N 8N 13 Fa v1 Fa v2 Te l2 Te l2 13 3N 8N 8N 8N 2N 8N op t1 Fa v2 Fa v3 Fa v1 Fa v1 N N 2N 2N t8 N Fa v2 Li n Te l1 Te l1 Te l7 Te l7 Te l3 op E 8N op t8 Fa v2 FF N N op t8 Fa v1 Fa v3 Li n Te l2 t8 N AB op op t8 N 2N 13 Fa v1 Li n Te l2 Te l3 Te l7 Te l3 Te l2 Te l1 Te l1 Te l3 N t8 N op t8 Fa v3 Li n D iff Te l1 Te l2 op 3N 8N 2N 8N t8 Fa v1 FF op t1 Fa v3 N 8N 13 Fa v2 op N t8 N Fa v1 D iff Te l1 Te l1 op Fa v2 FF Te l7 Te l7 Te l1 Te l1 Te l1 Te l7 Te l1 N N t2 N t8 op t2 op op Fa v2 FF Li n FF D iff t8 1 P R ef op o_ D iff Te l1 Te l1 Te l1 Te l1 Te l1 rth t8 N 2_ B op R ef FF o_ O rth Te l2 O Te l2 Results of LOT Analysis of answers over sounds (all speakers) 5 Average and confidence interval 4 3 2 1 whole quality range is covered “winners”: ortho-telephonic reference, flat frequency response with DF or FF EQ -> extract for new tolerance scheme International Telecommunication Union 8 Conclusion - New Tolerance Scheme for Receiving Possible new tolerance scheme with diffuse field reference: L/dB[Pa/V] 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 100 200 500 f/Hz 2000 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 5000 9 frequency responses with MOS-LQS ≥ 3.6 (average over all speakers) black lines: “most tight” tolerance possible red line: possible “smoothed” version of lower tolerance line Results discussed in ETSI STQ and ETSI NG DECT, to be discussed in ITU International Telecommunication Union 9 PART 2: Frequency Response in Sending Sending frequency response of 3 wideband phones (handset mode, 3.4 ear, 8N) L/dB[V/Pa] 20 10 Tolerance Scheme acc. ETSI ES 202 739 Problem: -20 -30 -40 200 500 f/Hz 2000 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 5000 All phones provide good listening speech quality (TMOSwb = 4.2) 0 -10 100 Tolerance scheme given by ETSI ES 202 739 is mostly meet for all Today’s and future phones are more and more used in noisy environments Transmission of wideband noise People start talking with “Lombard Effect” International Telecommunication 10 Union Desirable Frequency Response Char. in Noisy Environments Setup of the subjective experiment (Step 1 & 2): Binaural recording of different realistic background noises (here: car, pub, café, living room, call centre) Æ STEP 1 Speaker in anechoic conditions, noise playback via closed headphone 1 Æ initiation of Lombard effect - recording with omni-directional microphone - recording synchronously to the background noise Æ STEP 2 2 - (recording of Lombard speech for one female and one male speaker, each for 5 background noises) Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication 11 Union Desirable Frequency Response Char. in Noisy Environments Step 3: Recording of Speech plus Background Noise 1 2 VoIP Terminal under test RCV 3 4 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 Synchronous playback of corresponding Lombard speech (2) via HATS with background noise Transmission of Lombard speech and noise via 3 wideband phones (G.722) (3) Use “optimum” receiving frequency response to simulate receiving side (4) International Telecommunication 12 Union Pretests with Experts Listeners Equalizer adjustment by 7 expert listeners for 3 wideband phones with 5 background noises each Parametric EQ … looped playback Adjustment of preferred frequency response to achieve best overall sound quality (speech and noise) Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication 13 Union Results of Pretests Expert‘s equalizer settings for … non-stationary cafeteria noise (68 stationary car noise (69 dB dB(A)) Cafe, Tel 1 L/dB (A)) Car, Tel 1 non-stationary call centre noise L/dB 20 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10 -10 -10 -20 -20 -20 -30 -30 -30 -40 -40 -40 500 700 f/Hz Cafe, Tel 7 2000 3000 5000 9000 L/dB 200 300 500 700 f/Hz Car, Tel 7 L/dB 500 700 f/Hz 2000 3000 5000 9000 200 300 500 700 f/Hz Call Centre, Tel 7 2000 3000 5000 9000 L/dB 20 20 20 10 10 10 0 0 0 -10 -10 -10 -20 -20 -20 -30 -30 -30 -40 -40 -40 -50 -50 100 200 300 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 500 700 f/Hz 2000 3000 5000 9000 phone 7 200 300 100 2000 3000 5000 9000 -50 100 -50 -50 100 phone 1 200 300 L/dB 20 -50 100 Call Centre, Tel 1 (58 dB(A)) 20 100 200 300 500 700 f/Hz 2000 3000 5000 9000 International Telecommunication 14 Union Results and Assumptions Results: equalizer settings … show similar characteristics for all experts for the different noise-telephone combinations are noise level dependent: high and low passes are inserted vary only slightly for one type of noise in combination with different phones Assumptions: Depending on the noise level more or less strong high and low passes are inserted in order to limit the annoyance due to the background noise – although also the speech sound is moving towards narrowband speech! For further improvement of the speech intelligibility an emphasis around 2…3 kHz is applied. Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication 15 Union Listening Test: Filters Applied L/dB 30 fullband 20 A 50 100 200 f/Hz 2000 5000 20 10 0 0 0 -10 -10 -10 B -30 50 L/dB 30 100 200 f/Hz 2000 10 100 200 f/Hz 2000 Depending on the results of the expert’s pretest, the following 8 filters were created and used for the listening tests 50 100 200 f/Hz 2000 5000 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 f/Hz 2000 2000 -30 5000 10k L/dB 30 20 10 -10 -10 F -20 -30 50 10k L/dB 30 G 200 f/Hz 0 20 10 100 200 0 high-pass rising 2 dB per octave 50 100 -20 strong high-pass, medium low-pass Æ symmetric shape 10 E -30 5000 10k 50 20 -10 -20 -30 L/dB 30 medium high-pass, mod. low-pass Æ symmetric shape 20 C -20 5000 10k 0 50 20 10 -20 D L/dB 30 strong high-pass, super mod. low-pass 10 10k moderate high-pass, super mod. low-pass Æ symmetric shape L/dB 30 medium high-pass, super mod. low-pass 5000 10k 100 200 f/Hz 2000 5000 -20 -30 10k L/dB 30 medium high-pass with emphasis around 2 kHz 20 10 0 0 -10 -10 H -20 -30 50 100 200 f/Hz 2000 -20 -30 5000 10k International Telecommunication 16 Union Listening Test 1 Test conditions – LOT 1 speech transmitted via 1 wideband phone (flattest sending frequency response, “traditional big” handset, no noise reduction) 5 background noises filtered with 8 filters extracted from expert pre-test all filtered with optimum frequency response of receiving frequency response test Due to Lombard effect up to 15 dB level difference between listening samples -> loudness adjustment to provide “same” loudness for all samples Presentation & Assessment 2 speakers: 1 female, 1 male Æ36 conditions x 2 speakers, each assessed by 16 naïve test persons Diotic representation with open, free-field equalized headphones Assessment of “overall quality” on a five point MOS-scale: 5 – excellent 4 – good 3 – fair 2 – poor 1 – bad RCV 4 Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication 17 Union Results of LOT 1 Findings: The higher the background noise level is the stronger the Lombard effect is. -> Lower MOS scores Some results for males better than for females (females tend to sound shrill and sharp for higher background noises in conjunction with the Lombard effect) No clear preference for one response characteristics, only tendencies Full bandwidth is preferred for most noises Strong high-pass characteristics is not preferred Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication 18 Union Listening Test 2 Test conditions – LOT 2 Separate assessment for 3 noises (café, car, living room) Reduced number of filters per noise Additional “simulated” conditions with 5/10 dB worse SNR for each noise and filter Listening level adjusted to 73 dB SPL active speech level Diotic representation with free-field equalized head phones 3-fold assessment by naïve persons (similar to P.835): - listening effort (complete relaxation possible, no effort required – attention necessary, no appreciable effort required – moderate effort required – considerable effort required – no meaning understood with any feasible effort) - speech sound quality (excellent – good – fair – poor – bad) - overall quality (excellent – good – fair – poor – bad) Assessment in steps of 0.5 MOS Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 International Telecommunication 19 Union Results LOT 2 (café noise). Café, Listening Eff., female 5,0 Café, Speech Sound, female Café, Speech Sound, male 5,0 Café, Listening Eff., male 4,5 4,5 4,0 4,0 3,5 3,5 3,0 3,0 2,5 2,5 2,0 2,0 1,5 1,5 1,0 1,0 Fullband Filter A SNR-5, mod HP, sym D 5,0 med HP, SNR-10, SNR-5, str sym str. HP, str. HP, sym TP E F F str HP, sym F SNR-5, 2dB/oct HP G 2dB/oct HP 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 Fullband SNR-5, mod HP, sym med HP, sym SNR-10, SNR-5, str str HP, sym SNR-5, 2dB/oct HP str. HP, str. HP, sym 2dB/oct HP TP Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 SNR-5, mod HP, sym med HP, SNR-10, SNR-5, str sym str. HP, str. HP, sym TP str HP, sym SNR-5, 2dB/oct HP 2dB/oct HP G Café, Overall Q., female Café, Overall Q., male 4,5 Fullband Female / male voice: - For all parameters and both SNRs: only slightly different MOS scores for full-band, moderately band-pass and 2 dB / oct. filtered versions - strong band-pass filtered version leads to significantly lower MOS scores for the male voice than for the female voice. Since this background noise has no dominant low frequency components, the limited bandwidth impairs the speech quality instead of reducing the annoyance due to the background noise. Furthermore the MOS score of the example with the lower SNR is about 0.5 MOS higher. International Telecommunication 20 Union Results of LOT 2 (car noise) Car, Listening Eff., female 5,0 Car, Speech Sound, female 5,0 Car, Listening Eff., male Car, Speech Sound, male 4,5 4,5 4,0 4,0 3,5 3,5 3,0 3,0 2,5 2,5 2,0 2,0 1,5 1,5 1,0 1,0 Fullband Filter A SNR-5, mod HP, sym D med HP, sym E SNR-10, SNR-5, str str. HP, HP, sym str. TP F F str HP, sym F SNR-5, 2dB/oct HP G 2dB/oct HP G 4,5 4,0 3,5 3,0 2,5 2,0 1,5 1,0 Fullband SNR-5, mod HP, sym med HP, sym SNR-10, SNR-5, str str. HP, HP, sym str. TP SNR-5, mod HP, sym med HP, sym SNR-10, SNR-5, str str. HP, HP, sym str. TP str HP, sym SNR-5, 2dB/oct HP 2dB/oct HP Male voice: Car, Overall Q., female Car, Overall Q., male 5,0 Fullband str HP, sym SNR-5, 2dB/oct HP Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 2dB/oct HP - no significant difference for all parameters between fullband and filtered versions for original and 5 dB reduced SNR; - moderately band-pass and 2 dB/oct. high-pass filtered versions tend to be slightly better than full-band version Female voice: International Telecommunication - moderately and strong band-pass filtered 21 Union versions result in slightly higher MOS scores than full-band Sending Frequency Response in Noisy Environments - Final Conclusions Proposal for frequency response shape in sending direction under noisy conditions “acoustical noise reduction” by applying a moderate or – depending on the noise – even medium band-pass filter may be helpful: L/dB 30 20 10 acoustical noise reduction with only slightly affect the speech sound noise reduction algorithms may be adjusted less “aggressively” 0 -10 -20 -30 50 100 200 f/Hz 2000 5000 Filter should be applied adaptively - only if a background noise is detected at the terminal’s microphone Investigation should be repeated for different wideband noise reduction algorithms Lannion, France, 10-12 September 2008 10k L/dB 30 Recommended filter still matches ES 202 739 and 740 tolerance schemes! 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 50 100 200 f/Hz 2000 5000 10k International Telecommunication 22 Union