About the Series

About the Series
The School of International Service aims to create a more inclusive environment in the field of
international affairs by exploring personal experiences, opportunities, and challenges of a range of
different identity groups as they work in this field. SIS recognizes the continued lack of
representation of people of color, women, LGBTQ individuals, Veterans, religious minorities, the
disabled, first generation college graduates, and other historically underrepresented groups among
professionals working in international affairs. The SIS Exploring Identities Series will bring to the
forefront a conversation about how this lack of diversity significantly impacts the international
affairs field.
Each installment of this Series focuses on a theme related to a particular identity group. While the
format of these events varies, the idea of creating space to hear personal stories of how identity can
shape and be shaped by the field of international affairs will be central to all events. These sessions
are interactive and aim to bring together a diversity of individuals beyond those who share the
identity of the particular theme for each event. SIS Community Dialogues will continue as one type
of event in this Series with a continued focus on race and ethnic identities. By encouraging
interaction across identity groups, this Series also contributes to building a stronger culture of
inclusion at SIS which should further influence the way SIS alumni will approach their future work
Additionally, this Series challenges all members of the SIS community to consider the ways in which
their own identities—whether majority or minority groups—impact their work, their decisionmaking, their perspectives, and—importantly—what becomes possible when people surround
themselves with individuals from different identity groups.
Further Information
The SIS Exploring Identities Series is a project of SIS Connections, a network serving to expand
professional pathways and social capital of historically underrepresented students in international
affairs and simultaneously create a more inclusive school community. SIS Connections is managed
by Rebecca Davis, Director of SIS Diversity & Inclusion Initiatives and Asst. Director of SIS
Graduate Enrollment Management. For more information, visit www.american.edu/sis/diversity or
email sisinclusion@american.edu.