Mathematics/Statistics Computer Lab Information

Computer Lab Information
• Location:
The computer labs accessible to you are Weber 205 and Weber 206. Weber 205
is officially the Mathematics lab, while Weber 206 is the Statistics Lab. However,
both rooms are accessible to you provided that they are not otherwise taken, e.g.
by a class.
• Login:
To login you first must make sure that the DOMAIN is set to MATHSTAT. Otherwise you will not be able to log in a student account. You must type in the following:
LOGIN: the user-ID of your class/section
Password: the password of your class/section
This information will be given to you by the instructor in the first Lab-session.
• Starting Matlab:
After login you double-click the Matlab icon to start the Matlab environment. A
Matlab window will appear.
• Which directory to use in Matlab:
Once you started Matlab it is important to enter a Matlab working directory which
allows you to save and execute your own work. You have two options:
– Use a floppy disc
You put a floppy in the floppy drive and then enter at the Matlab prompt:
>> cd a:\
This will change the working directory to the a: drive. Every file you save now
will be saved on the floppy and every file on the floppy will be accessible to
– Use the temporary storage directory on your local machine
You may use this option, but it is recommended that at the end of the session
you save your files on a floppy and delete it on the temporary storage directory. This is because all files on this directory are accessible to everybody else
who uses the local machine after you (thus people might delete your work!).
Furthermore, your files are saved on the local machine. This means that if
you log on on a different machine, you will not find your files.
To enter the temporary storage directory, at the Matlab prompt, enter
>> cd c:\temp
This will change the working directory of Matlab to the temporary storage
directory. Every file you save now will be saved on the temp directory and
every file in this directory will be accessible to Matlab.
• There is another directory,
in which the instructor saves additional Matlab files. You can read all files on this
directory or save them on a floppy, but you don’t have write permission. In order
that Matlab has access to the saved files you have to add the directory to the Matlab
path. You can do this in two ways:
(1) Select Set Path from the File-menue of the Command Window. Then select
Add Folder in the Set Path menue. A dialogue box opens in which you can browse
to the directory and click OK. Then select Save from the Set Path menue and close
this window.
(2) In the Matlab Command Window type
addpath g:\<class/section-name>;save path
and press the Enter key.
• Logging out:
Before leaving, everybody should log out. Do this the following way (refers to
Window items on the screen):
Start -> Shutdown -> Close all programs and log on as a different user.
Note that it might take a few seconds until you will be logged out.
• Printing:
You can print on the default printer in the lab.
• Reporting problems:
Report lab problems to But please, general Matlab, Word
or other software questions are not lab problems!
• How long will account be valid?
You class account will be deleted by the end of the semester.