Welcome: 4:00 - 4:15pm (MGC 200)
Session 1: 4:15 - 5:15pm
• MGC 245 PANEL 1 - Rethinking International Intervention
• Alyssa Christenson - Militarized Exploitation of Women in UN Peacekeeping
• Katie Greer - Rwanda's Genocide: The Case for Intervention
• Dana Burns Dolus Specialis : The International Criminal Tribunals' Interpretations of Genocidal Intent
• Sarah Brown - African Women’s Movements: A Re-conception of Security, Citizenship, and State?
• MGC 200: PANEL 2 - Urban Connections in a Global Village
• Trent Buatte - Space, Race, and the City: How Marseille survived the 2005 French Riots
• Andreana Lefton - Separation's Geography: Mapping Relationship Along the Urban Divide
• Torin Rozzelle -The Role of Complex Urban Morphology in Substantive Conflict Resolution
• MGC 203: PANEL 3 - Hide and Seek: Where is Development?
• Yamille Guerrier - NGOs in Haiti: Is Coordination Necessary?
• Elena Atkinson: -The Effect of the Domestic Deployment of Armed Forces on Crime: The Case of Monterrey, Mexico
• Micaela Samodelov - French Overseas Departmental Status of Guadeloupe and Martinique
• Zachary Robbins - Successful Processes of Cash-For-Work Programs: A Study of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and Hurricane Ivan
• Jake Silva - Racism, Exclusion, and Cultural Incompatibility in Contemporary Guatemalan Society
• MGC 205: PANEL 4 - When Local is Global
• Michael Ginsberg - American University Chemical Warfare Cleanup
• Caroline Lemp - The Black Market Trade in Drugs at an Undergraduate Level: Welcome to American University
• Han Chen - Race and Privilege in the United States: Introspection and Action
• Graciela Raquel Sedillo Lopez - Reclaiming Perceptions of Mestiza Spirituality through Dance, storytelling and Poetry
• Toby Kearn, Richard Say, Matthew Hubler - The Rise and Fall of the Japanese Developmental State
• Regan Alsup - Compassion Fatigue: How News Media Coverage Affects
The Public's Reaction to International Disasters
• Michelle Holleran - Affordable Water Development Solutions: Business Analysis and Local Sustainability
• Elise Alexander - Middle Eastern Christianity: A Long Relationship with Islam
Session 3: 5:50 - 7:00pm
• MGC 245: PANEL 1 - Dynamics of Change
• Noah Wallis - Global Public Opinion and Israeli Foreign Policy
• Martha Hanna - Egyptian Islamic Activism: The Emergence of a Political Movement from the Muslim Brotherhood
• Karinna Berrospi - Understanding Fujimori’s 1990 Election: How Meaning and Identity is Constructed
• Laura Anderson - Dictatorship to Democracy: How Indigenous Movements Affect New Republics
• Greta Wicklund - Politics and Parenting from El Salvador: Empowered Belonging in the United States
• MGC 200: PANEL 2 - Globalization and Economic Relations in a World of Equilibriums
• Florian von Gierke: -How do conflicts affect bilateral post-Conflict Trade
• Carlos Munoz Burgos - The Green Tide: An Analysis of the Costs and Benefits of Dollarization in Ecuador and El Salvador
• Yating Wan - The Impact of Accession to the WTO Accession on Cross Strait Economic Relations
• Daniel Emmett Schmidt -Young Democracies and Old Oligarchs: a Political-Economic Study of Central and Eastern Europe
• MGC 203: PANEL 3 - From Tigris to the Arctic: New Resource Wars and the Nordic Approaches to Security
• Casey Petroff, Toby Kearn -The Melting Arctic: Physical, Legal, and Geopolitical Consequences
• Cynthia Roberts - Securitization in the Nordics: A Comparative Study of Norway, Sweden and Denmark
• Jessica Berardinucci - The Impact of Power on Water Rights: A Study of the Jordan and Tigris-Euphrates Basins' Riparians
• MGC 205: PANEL 4 - Perfecting Security in an Imperfect World
• Sam Stowers - But It Has Community In Its Name: Building Community in the Intelligence Community
• Robert K. Brodell - Hybrids & Their Value: How Arms Control and Nonproliferation are Merging
• Jesse Hubbard - Hegemonic Governance and Violent Conflict: An Empirical Analysis
• Robbie Gramer - Why NATO Outlived the Cold War
• Nikolai Stieglitz - The Role of the Ballistic Missile Defense System in Disarmament Efforts
Conclusion: 7:00 - 7:30pm (MGC 200)
• Announcement of winners