Lab induction Before data collection Arrive early (around an hour before the start of your experiment), so you can make sure all computers work and you have all material ready Ensure all participants will see the same page on their computer Write on the board a message reminding your participants not to start until they are asked to do so Essential material: sufficient number of receipts (has to have the amount received, name, student ID, email, date and signature), written instructions, attendance sheet (the person helping you should bring one), cash – prepared, so it can be easily distributed, stationery Assign every participant to the specific computer before participants arrive – write all numbers on a separate sheet, so you know where to send your participants once they arrive During your data collection Arrival of Participants When participants arrive go outside the lab, welcome them, and tell them you will call their names (or they can come to you individually) and tell them their computer number; also emphasise they must not start working on the study until you tell them After a participant confirms his/her name and is assigned to a computer, tick off their name Wait 5-10 minutes for the late arrivals, then flip the sheet on the door, so “Experiment in progress, please do not disturb” is displayed Once you start reading your instructions, any other late arriving participant should not be admitted Reading Instructions Once all participants are seated, read the instructions, making sure everyone is listening Ask for all mobiles to be switched off and give them a minute to double-check their mobiles. You need to make sure everyone does it Remind your participants their rights and other ethical considerations (please see the Ethical Rights document) Explain the outline of the experiment (e.g. how long it will take, how many sections, how they can earn money, when they will be paid) Ask whether there are any questions before the commencement of the experiment; specify participants can ask you questions during the experiment but they need to do so quietly (raising their hand) During the experiment If someone needs help, deal with their request quietly without disturbing the others If any participant is disruptive and/or abusive, you have right to ask him/her to leave If someone’s computer stops working and you cannot send him/her to another computer or resolve the problem, apologise, pay them a show-up fee and send them out If someone finishes early, tell them to wait for the remainder of participants to finish before they are paid Paying participants Once everyone finishes, give out the receipts and pens (or you can prepare them before the start) and ask them to fill them in Once everyone fills in the receipts, give each person money; make sure you count money in front of them and they agree before you swop money for their receipt Once participants are paid, they can leave After data collection Download your data Switch off the computers Tidy up the pens Count the remainder of money and the receipts (the balance must equal to the requested amount) Take a photocopy of all original receipts Staple the photocopy with the sheet with registered participants and give them to the person helping you Tidy up the lab Switch off the lights Make sure the door is securely shut