JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 103, NO. B5, PAGES 9931-9944, MAY 10, 1998 Hydrothermal fluid circulation through the sediment of Crater Lake, Oregon: Pore water and heat flow constraints C. GeoffreyWheat • Instituteof Marine Sciences,Universityof Alaska, Fairbanks JamesMcManus, JackDymond, and RobertCollier Collegeof OceanicandAtmospheric Sciences,OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis Michael Whiticar Centrefor Earth and OceanResearch,Universityof Victoria, Victoria, BritishColumbia,Canada Abstract. We presentevidencefor porewaterflow throughthe sedimentof CraterLake, Oregonbasedon systematicvariationsin porewaterchemicalcompositions andthermal gradients.Porewaterwasextractedfrom sedimentby centrifugation anddiffusiveexchange usinga gravitycorerdeployedfroma surfacevesselanda boxcorerandpeepersdeployed fromthe submersible DeepRoverin a knowngeologiccontext.Depthprofilesof sediment temperaturewere measuredusingtwo probesdeployedfromthe submersible.One probewas connected to the submersible whereasthe otherwasself-contained anddeployedfor 7 days. On the basisof measuredandcalculateddepthprofilesof porewaterNa, Ca, Mg, K, Li, and temperature,we showthatporewaterupwellsin zonesof focusedupflowat speedsof meters to hundredsof metersper year. Thesezonesof focusedflow arepatchyandusuallycover severalsquaremetersto hundredsof squaremetersandaremarkedby iron-manganese-rich crusts,bacterialmats,andsalinepools. In contrast,mostof the lake floor consistsof sedimentderivedfrom the calderawalls and hasa low heatflow with porewater velocitiesof millimetersper year. The chemicalcomposition of theporewaterthatupwellsthroughthe sampledsectionof the sedimentcolumndiffersfrom coreto core. This differenceresults from mixing a hydrothermalfluid in igneousbasementbelowthe lake with lake water before the final ascentthroughthe sedimentcolumn. Elementalratiosof thisthermallyand chemicallyalteredfluid in basementmatchthosecalculatedbasedon massbalance considerations. Calculationof massbalanceandgeothermometry constrainthe temperature in basementandultimatelythe poweroutput,whichis about30 MW. This poweroutputis in agreementwith two otherestimatesthat were calculatedusingtemperaturedatafrom the water column and measurements of sediment heat flow. 1. Introduction Nelson, 1990]. Recentevidencesupports the hypothesis that chemicallyandthermallyalteredwaterrelativeto lake wateris CraterLake, Oregonis locatedin the southernsectionof the presentlyissuingintothe lake. Evidenceincludesanomalously Cascademountainrange(Figure 1) in the completelyenclosed high concentrations of C1and sulfatein CraterLake relativeto caldera of Mount Mazama, an andesiticvolcano. Crater Lake formedshortlyaftera cataclysmiceruptionroughly6850 years B.P. [Bacon, 1983] and volcanicactivity continuedfor several concentrations in neighboring lakes[Van Denburgh,1968], chemicalandphysicaldatafromthewatercolumn[Simpson, thousandyears with the last eruptionabout 4000 yearsB.?. [Baconand Lanphere, 1990]. TheseeruptionsformedWizard Island, Wizard Platform,and Merriam Cone (Figure 1). This volcanism was accompaniedby hydrothermal activity as indicatedby the alterationof andesiticstockwork[Barberand Collier et al., 1990a,b;McManuset al., 1992, 1993, 1996], measurements of heatflow [Williamsand VonHerzen,1983], andcalculations of massbalances[Nathenson, 1990]. All of theaboveworkprovideindirectevidencefor inputof •NowatWestCoastandPolarRegionsUndersea Research Center,Moss Landing,California. activeventingof hydrothermal fluids,suchas waterissuing fromchimney-likefeatures,mudvolcanos,shimmering water, ornonlinearprofilesof sediment temperature. In thispaperwe presentdirect evidencefor hydrothermalpore water flow through the sedimentof Crater Lake basedon systematic variationsin pore water chemicalcompositions and thermal Copyright1998by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber97JB03391. 0148-0227/98/97JB03391 $09.00 1970a,b; Dymond et al., 1989; Dymondand Collier, 1990; chemicallyand thermally alteredwater into Crater Lake. In 1989, submersibleoperationswere employedto find sitesof 9931 9932 WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON Steel Bay CALl F ,' _ 57o30'N / Basin ß 2GC East Basin 3GC Wizard\ ß Platform9GCß 'OG• Basin 8GC O0 1000 m Eagle Point I 122oo5'w Figure 1. Locationof gravitycores(GC) in CraterLake,Oregon.Bathymetric contoursare 100 m. The box definesthe arearepresented in Figure2. gradients.Theseporewaterdataprovidea measureof the speed of pore water flow throughthe sediment,constrainthe pattern of fluid circulation through the sedimentand underlying basement, andallow usto estimatethe compositionof the fluid in basementand the flux of dissolvedchemicalspecies,heat, andwater from basementto the deeplake. acrossand are mostly composedof iron-oxidizing,sheathforming bacteriaof the genera Gallionella and Leptothrix [Dymondet al., 1989] and salinepools,which havesalinities and temperaturesthat are greaterthan that measuredin the surroundinglake water. A more detailedphysical,chemical, and thermal descriptionof the mats and pools is given by Collier et al. [ 1991]. 2. Benthic Setting 3. Methods CraterLake,Oregon,is enclosed by calderawalls,whichrise hundredsof metersabovethe calderafloor andarecomposedof Sedimentandporewaterwas sampledusinga gravitycorer, andtwo temperature probesto characterbasalticandesite[Bacon and Lanphere, 1990]. Thesewalls a box corer,"peepers," andthermalgradientof definethe drainagebasin,obstructsurfaceoutflow,andrestrict izeprofilesof thechemicalcomposition sedimentaryinputs. Sediment in Crater Lake is mostly pore water and to quantify sedimentphysicalproperties. aluminosilicate debris. Net accumulations of aluminosilicate Gravitycores(GC) upto 170 cm in lengthwerecollectedfrom debris, biogenic debris from the euphoticzone, and iron- a surfacevessel. Thesecoreswere usedto targetgeneralareas manganese-rich precipitatesfrom inputof hydrothermalwater of interestwhere longersedimentsectionswere desired. Box at the lakebottom[Dymondand Collier, 1990] differ from tens cores (BC), "peepers"(lettersA throughH, Figure2), and of centimeterson the slopesof the calderawalls to several temperatureprobeswere usedto target specificsedimentary meterson Wizard Platformto about100 m in basementdepres- features in a knowngeologicsettingusingthesubmersible Deep Rover. Niskin bottlesalsoweredeployedfrom the submersible sions[Barberand Nelson, 1990]. Most of the lake floor is covered by a smoothlayer of to collectwater from mats and pools on the lake floor and are aluminosilicate debristhat is undisturbed by benthicorganisms. reportedas lake floor springsamplesherein. Sedimentsamplesfor porewater extractionweretakenfrom In the SouthBasin, other sedimentaryand biologicalfeatures were observed. For example, we located and sampled 14 gravitycores(Figure1) and8 boxcores,whichwere0.06to iron-manganese-rich cruststhat containabout35 weight per 0.2 m in length(Figure2). Gravitycoreswerepackedin snow to a van, held at 3ø -5øCwheretheyweresplit, cent(wt %) Fe andlessthan1 wt % A1. Thesecrustsformmulti andtransported andsampledfor sedimentphysicalproperties andfor coloredpavements(ochreto dark brown) that covertens to described, hundreds of squaremeters,fieldsof pebblesthatalsocovertens pore water extractionby centrifugationwithin 12 hours of to hundreds of squaremeters,andmultipleochre-colored layers retrieval. Box cores were retrieved using a miniature that are visible in areasof sedimentslumping[Dymondand Soutar-typebox corerthatwas developedfor deployment by a Collier, 1990]. Other features that were sampled include submersible [Soutaret al., 1981]. Thesecoreswerepackedin bacterialmats,which are 2 to 20 m in lengthand severalmeters snow and sampledimmediatelyby whole-coresqueezing WHEAT ET AL ß HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON 9933 1800 1600 1400 ................. ;:;';;;¾;¾;_':t::;;:' ...... 12OO ........................... ::.• ......... ................... ............................ !ii•.'!i!iiiii!iiii ..... '................ '.......... '......... ....... 41.0, iii:ii:i:" ........ .......... 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 ! 600 1800 Meters E of Eagle Point Figure 2. Locationof box cores(BC), peepers(LettersA throughF), andTTT deployments with respectto bathymetry (20 m contours).The locationof EaglePointis shownin Figure1. Two of theeightbox coreswere collected out of this area. [Benderet aL, 1987]. In addition,discretesedimentsamples storedin vacutainers.One aliquotwas spikedwith 10 gL of redistilled1Nhydrochloricacidandanalyzedfor severalmetals. Si was measuredon a differentaliquot. 3-15 hoursuntil they couldbe centrifuged. Dissolvedsilicawasmeasuredusinga standardcolorimetric Supernatantfrom centrifugedsedimentand pore water extractedby whole-coresqueezingwere filteredthrough0.45 technique[Parsonset al., 1984]with a precisionof about2% of CI weredetermined by ion chromatog!amfiltersand subsampled into severalaliquots. Aliquotsfor (1o). Concentrations CI and sulfatewere sealedin glassampules.Aliquotsfor Na, raphy with a precision of <2% (lo). Atomic absorption techniques wereusedto measureconcentrations of Ca, Mg, K, andLi (4-6 mL) were spikedwith 10 !xLof redis- spectrometry tilled 1 N hydrochloricacid and storedin acid-washed, high- Na, Ca, Mg, K, and Li with precisionsof lessthan 5% and densitypolyethylenebottles. An additionalaliquotwas stored typicallylessthan 2% (1 o). Somesamplingand/orstorage of Na increased in polystyrene testtubesfor analysisof nutrients, pH, andtotal artifactsexist. For example,the concentration CO2, all of which were measuredwithin 1 to 2 daysof core by 0.3 mM in all of the peepersamples,which were storedin retrieval. Someof thesedataare omittedin thispaperbecause glassvacutainers. This resultis basedon a systematicoffset versusbox they do not provide additionalargumentsfor the principal observedin plotsof Na versusLi for peeperSamples hypothesis of hydrothermal circulationin CraterLake, Oregon. core,lakefloor spring,andgravitysamples,whichwere stored of K are0.02 mMhigherin Pore water was collectedwith "peepers"to obtainsamples in plastic.Similarly,concentrations by centrifugationrelativeto thosefrom that were not chemicallyalteredby samplingprocedures. pore water processed Peepersweremadefrom 1.27 cm thick polycarbonate sheetsin peepersand lake floor springsasindicatedby a positiveoffset whichcavities1 cm in lengthweremilled every2 cm downthe of 0.02 mM K in the upper-mostsamplesfrom gravitycores. reactionsthat lengthof the sampler. Thesecavitieshold about4.5 mL of This artifactprobablyresultsfrom ion-exchange andpressure during water, and two cavitieswere milled at each sampledepth. occurasa resultof changesin temperature Cavities were filled with deoxygenateddistilled water and samplehandling[de Langeet at'., 1992]. Two temperatureprobeswereused,oneof whichis 60 cm in coveredby a 0.45 !amdialysismembrane.Peeperswere stored mountedat 20, 40, and60 cm alongthe in deoxygenated distilledwateruntiltheywereinsertedintothe lengthwiththermistors sediment.A plasticT handlewasattachedto the peeperto aid probe. The resolutionof each thermistoris 0.01øC with an in deployment, andthe bottomedgeof the peeperwasbeveled accuracy of + 0.2øC,andthethermistors werecalibratedagainst to causeminimal sedimentdisturbance.Four peeperswith 20 knownresistance valuesperiodicallythroughoutthe sampling to an OmegaModel 5830 cavitiesand one peeperwith 36 cavitieswere deployedfor program.This probewas connected about1 week(Figure2), duringwhichtimewaterin thecavities ThermistorThermometerin the submersible. Temperature were recordedon the videorecordof the operaequilibrated with adjacent porewatervia diffusion.Aliquotsof measurements pore water from the peeperswere taken upon retrievaland tion. This recordwas then usedto determinethe depthof were taken near the base of these cores and stored in snow for 9934 WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON penetration. Forty-eight temperature measurements weremade; 4. Models for Pore Water Data however, 28 of thesemeasurements were made with only one Porewaterdepthprofilesof Na fromrepresentative coresare thermistor insertedintoa particularfeature.Impenetrable crusts shownin Figure3. Profileshapesof Ca, C1,Mg, Li, K, andSi or underlying rocksarethelikelycauses of incomplete penetraconcentrations in porewaterfrombox coresandpeepersparallel tion of the probe. the shape defined by Na data. Likewise, chemicalprofile We alsouseda Sea-BirdElectronicsSeaCatSBE 19 Tempershapes of pore water datafrom gravitycoresgenerallyparallel atureProfiler(TTT) with threethermistors epoxy-potted inside Na profiles.The clearexceptionis Si (Figure3). For example, a 61 cm long,0.635 cm diameterstainless steeltube. When fully insertedintothesediment, thermistor depthsare35 andare the profile of Si from GC 1 is curved,but the Na profile is linear, suggesting that differentprocesses controlthe shapeof 5 cm below the sediment-water interface and 5 cm above the sediment-water interface.The SeaCatprofilerrecordedtemper- theseprofiles. Chemicalandthermalprofilesof porewaterare diffusive,advective,andreactive ature profiles 2 timesa second witharesolution of0.001øCand influencedby time-dependent, processes. For the one-dimensionalcase a mathematical an accuracyof +0.01øCover a temperature rangeof-5øC to representation of theseprocesses is 35øC. All threethermistorsregisteredidenticaltemperatures a(ooc)/at= a(ooD.,.(ac/az))/oza(½•vc)/az + •,ZR, (1) during descent. Only after the initial penetrationdid the temperature readingsdivergein response to thermalgradients time = diffusion + advection + reaction within the sediment.All threethermistorsregisteredidentical temperatures duringtransitto thesecond siteandduringascent. The TTT recordeddatacontinuouslyat one site(TTT-1) for 3 where $ is porosity, C is concentration,t is time, D.,.is the sedimentdiffusioncoefficient,z is depth(positivedowncore), daysandat a secondsite(TTT-2) for 4 days(Figure2). Sodium (mM) 0 1 2 3 Sodium (mM) 4 5 0 1 2 -5 •--H1_130 cm/yr r, - 4 4 i i , , ii, , - _ BC6 5 GC '13 13 crn/yr GC 8 9.5 ½m/yr I, 15 3 •. BC8 GC1 - 210cm/yr b.110crn/yr GC 11 3.1 cm/yr I 20 ! I., 0-05 Icm/yr I I, I Silica (mM) 0 0.5 Silica (mM) 1 -5 ,, I 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 , 20 -•-40 GC 1 BC 6 • 80 D 15 100 GC 11 BC8 20 I I 120 Figure3. Profiles of porewaterNa andSi fromrepresentative cores.Curvesshownin plotswiththeNa data werecalculated fromequation (5), andspeeds of porewaterupwelling areidentified.Linesconnect the Si data. Note the differencein the depthscalbs. WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON 9935 v isvelocity(upwellingis negative),and•R includesall terms about24%, stemsfrom a decreasein porosityfrom about0.85 relatedto biogeochemical interactions influencinga particul•ar near the sediment-water interface to about 0.65 at 1.7 m below solute ortemperature [Berner,1980].Thismodelissimplified the lake floor. Electrical effects,which causethe more mobile by evaluating therelativeimportance of eachtermandeliminat- ions to diffuse slower and the less mobile ions to diffuse faster inginsignificant terms.In thefollowingdiscussion we present [Berner, 1980], are producedby gradientsof chargedions argumentsthat supportan advection-diffusion model for generating an electrical potential while maintaining chemical species thatare"conservative" in thesediment column electroneutrality.This effect was not includedin the calculathelackof a calculated chargebalanceresulting andfortemperature andanadvection-diffusion-reaction model tions,because for Si, which is non conservativein the sedimentsection fromincompleteanalysesanderrorsin usingpH andtotal CO2 collectedwith gravity cores. datato estimatealkalinit),in somesamplesmakesthesecorrections equivocal. Becauseof the uncertaintiesin estimating 4.1. Chemical Profiles changesin temperatureand porosityand calculatingcharge The diffusive term is a function of the sediment diffusion balance,we useda uniform sedimentdiffusion coefficient with depthbasedonthe coefficients listedby Li and Gregory[ 1974] adjusted to the temperature of deep lake water (3.7øC) and electrical effects[Berner,1980].Forcalculating thediffusive term, we used the temperatureof bottom lake water, even accountingfor Archie'sLaw with a uniformporosityof 0.85. thoughthe maximumtemperature recordedin hydrothermal Usinga uniformdiffusioncoefficientdoesnot alterthe general featuresis about 4ø to 15øC above ambient(Table 1). Our results or conclusions based on the model calculations. We simplified(1) furtherby examiningthe needfor a timerational for t•singlake water temperatureis that no measureterm. For example,if we assumethatthe concentramentsof temperature weremadewheregravitycoresweretaken dependent andthe maximumtemperature wherebox coreswereretrieved tion of lakewaterchangedfrom 4 mMNa to itspresentvalueof from specificgeologicfeatureswas less than 10øC. This about0.5 mM for a rangeof timesbeforepresent,then calcutermscan differencein temperatureresultsin an increasein the sediment latedprofilesbasedon diffusiveandtime-dependant diffusioncoefficientby at most40% [Li and Gregory,1974]. approximate measured profiles (Figure 4). However, a rangeof with a well-mixed lake with Because gravitycoreswerenotcollected fromgeologicfeatures, timescalesis required,inconsistent thetemperature wouldbe lessandthushavelessof an effecton a stable chemical compositionfor the past 50-100 years the diffusioncoefficient. In contrastto the temperatureeffect [Nathenson,1990]. We alsohave calculatedprofilesin which the downcorechangein tortuosity,whichis a functionof the the concentrationof Na in the basementfluid has changed. formationfactorand porosityand is numericallyestimatedby These calculatedprofiles do not match measuredprofiles Archie'slaw [McDuff and Ellis, 1979], resultsin a decreasein (Figure 4b). Thus time-dependantprocesseshave been excoefficient, which varies with temperature,tortuosity, and the sediment diffusion coefficient. This decrease,which is cluded from the models. Table 1. TemperatureProfilesObtainedFrom SpecificGeologicFeaturesUsingthe Temperature Probe Dive Sample X, Y, T1, Z1, T2, Z2, T3, Z3, Velocity, Type m m *C cm *C cm *C cm cmyr'l bottom water CD 3.74 216 sediment 609 1431 CD 217 sediment 978 1664 3.78 20 4.46 40 4.54 60 3.96 40 4.08 60 CD 218 sediment 1040 1253 4.16 10 5.86 50 CD 222A sediment 924 1337 5.55 30 6.35 50 6.92 70 CD 222B sediment 949 1438 4.21 20 4.72 40 5.33 60 CD 222C sediment 945 1361 5.00 25 5.85 45 6.65 65 CD 223 sediment 539 1207 3.80 15 4.05 35 4.24 55 -3000 -1000 -400 CD 226 sediment 1062 1363 5.30 20 7.90 40 10.20 60 CD 228A sediment 2884 6062 4.60 2.0 10.20 22 10.80 42 -6000 CD 228B sediment 2917 5954 3.68 -5.0 6.10 15 8.85 35 -500 CD 228C sediment 3.68 -10 5.80 10 9.77 30 -200 CD 228D sediment 3.69 -5.0 6.37 15 9.66 35 -300 CD 207 mat 843 1528 7.56 30 CD 215 mat 951 1150 CD 226 mat 999 1327 7.50 CD 228 mat 2884 6062 5.60 CD 230 mat 612 1421 4.84 CD 211 CD 228 CD 230 pool pool pool 634 2907 618 1452 5984 1420 4.60 4.30 7.76 50 8.10 70 -3000 9.00 10 9.60 30 -14000 12 11.08 32 12.90 52 -2200 15 7.15 35 8.11 55 -1600 10 5.75 30 6.00 50 -4000 20 10 4.35 5.00 5.00 20 40 30 4.45 5.60 5.21 40 60 50 -6000 -500 -3000 Fluidvelocitiesareestimated by fittingthedatato manipulations of equation(9). Upwellingis negative.Negativedepthsare distancesabovethe sediment-water interface.X is the distancenorthof EaglePoint,and Y is the distanceeastof Eaglepoint. No entry denoteseitherno navigationor inconclusiveresults,which couldin partbe a resultof a porewatervelocitythat is lessthan severalhundredcentimetersper year. 9936 WHEAT ET AL.' HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON Sodium (mM) 0 1 2 3 4 I I Sodium (mM) 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 20 100 • GC8 40 GC 8 v •200 I I • 80 GC 11 ' 300 I I lOO GC 1 -- -1 yr 4OO ' ' ' 50 yrs a ..... 500 yrs 120 500 Figure4. Representative profiles ofNa plotted withprofiles calculated witha timedependent-diffusion model. Calculatedprofilesat severaltimeincrements areshownthatrepresent (a) a changein a uniformporewater profileof 4 mMNa to thepresent-day concentration of 0.5mMNa in bottomlakewaterand(b) a change in a uniformporewaterprofileof 0.5mMNato a concentration of 4 mMNa at a depthof 5 m. Although measured datafit calculated profilesin Figure4a, no changes in theNa concentration of the lakewatershavebeen observed in recentyears[Nathenson, 1990].Changes inthecomposition of thebasement fluidgenerate concave up profilesin contrast to themanyobserved profileswithconcave downshapes.Therefore time-dependant processes havebeeneliminated frommodelsof porewaterin CraterLake,Oregon. Is there a need for a reaction term? Terms for reaction are In thetext that follows,we will usethe porewaterchemical typicallyincluded forprofilesof dissolved chemical species that datato calculateupwellingspeeds.We will showthatthe cores are influencedby sediment-water reactions. For example, listed in Table 2 have upwellingporewater speedsthat range peryear. As suggested dissolutionof amorphoussilica in sedimentincreasesthe fromseveralto hundredsof centimeters concentrationof Si abovevalues in deep lake water. Once by Table 2, the advectiveflux is ordersof magnitudegreater steadystateis reached, theconcentration of Si remainsuniform than a flux that could be generatedfrom reaction. Thus we thattheporewaterwith the fastestupxvelling speedis with depth[e.g.,Boudreau,1990; Wheatand McDuff, 1994]. conclude of the fluid Similarprofilesof Si aswell asotherdissolved ions(e.g.,Na, the leastalteredrelativeto the originalcomposition C1,Mg, Ca,Li, andK) wereobserved in CraterLake(Figure3). that enteredthe sedimentsectionand that this originalpore If we assume thattheseprofilesaregovernedby onlydiffusive water at the base of the sediment section exhibits "conservative" and reactiveprocesses with a reactiontermthat is first order ]nixingwith lakewater. Therefore,by eliminatingthereaction with respectto the degreeof undersaturation (k(C-Css), where termandavoidingelementsthatarehighlyreactive(e.g.,Si), we k is the first-order rate constantand Cs.¾ is the steady state canusethe porewaterdatato calculateporewaterupwelling of thefluidbelowthe concentration), thencalculated ratesof reactionforNa, C1,Mg, speedsandto constrainthe composition Ca,Li, andK rangefromabout10'•4s'• in GC 1,to 10'9s4 in GC l 1,to 10-8s'• in GC 8 andGC l 3, to 10-6s'• in boxcoreand peepersamples.Ratesof reactionvarywith temperature and mineralassemblages. Yet, thiscalculated rangeis notconsistent Table 2. Pore Water Chemical Fluxes From the Sediment to the with a temperature changeof at most15øCanda singlesedi- OverlyingWaterColumnBasedon a Reaction-Diffusion Model mentarysource(primarilyweathered andesitc fromthecaldera andComparedwith Burial Rates walls). Furthermore,calculatedchemicalfluxes from the sediment usingthismodelareordersof magnitudegreaterthan Chemical BC 8 PD BC 6 GC 13 Burial measured valuesof burialfluxes(Table2). Thusmodelsof ion Species Ratea profilesmustincludean advectiveterm. Na + 200 83 25 18 1.4 Althoughsediment-water reactionmayexistin somecores Ca2+ 50 19 5.7 2.7 0.87 for someions (i.e., Si in gravitycores),no reactionterm is Mg2+ 8.2 29 5.3 2.5 0.82 includedin the followinganalysis.Thisdoesnot precludelowK+ 19 8.2 4.9 2.8 0.38 temperature water-rockreactions belowthesampledsectionor Li + 2.3 9.1 0.46 0.29 0.0058 reactions in the sedimentsection.The analysispresented above Si 32 17 8.5 4.6 1.4 confirmsthattheresultingflux generated by anysediment-water reactions,which must be relatively uniform over the area sampled,is negligiblefor someelements(e.g.,CI, Na, andLi) Values aregivenin gMcm-2yr'•. relative to advective fluxes in some cores. aDymond andCollier [ 1990]. WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON 9937 Table 3. Vertical Fluid VelocitiesEstimatedFrom the Pore Water Data and Manipulationsof Equation(5) ChemicalSpecies Best Core Na+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Cl' K+ Li+ Estimate GC 1 +0.05 -0.6 +0.05 +0.05 +0.05 +0.05 GC 8 -9.5 -5.2 -4.0 -11 -16 -10 +0.05 -9.0 GC 11 -3.1 -1.5 -1.4 -3.6 -3.6 -1.5 -3.0 GC 13 -13 -9.6 -8.0 -12 -7.0 -11 PD -130 -100 -80 -200 -110 -120 BC 6 -210 -220 -220 -240 -220 BC 8 -110 -150 -120 -80 -120 Upwelling is negative. No entryfor CI- denotesinsufficientdata.Becauseof samplingartifacts,no velocitieswerecalculated 2+ 2+ forCa andMg fromboxcores.Velocities aregivenincmyr4. sedimentsection.Eliminatingthe term for reactionreduces(1) to Ds(O2C/az2)v(aC/az) = 0. (2) numberof measurements fromthecurvedportionof theprofile, thepresence of sediment-water reactions in thesampled section, and artifactsinducedby samplingtechniques.For example, dissolution of carbonates in GC 1 causes the calculated The solutionto (2) given the followingboundaryconditions: C: CO z :0, (3) 12 2 = 2bot, (4) C = CO- •z/1+ •z/1exp (vz/D,O, (5) '•• •,1o •= o• 8 C = Cbo t where GC11 10 'I/ '/'/' I" !:: _''/ I '/ !5')', ''• ," '' • 5 / 20 ' A I -' {Cbo t - Go}/{ exp (VJbot/Ds) - 1}, Cbo t is the concentration at the baseof the coreand2bo t is the lengthof the sampledsection. Velocities of pore water flow through the sediment are calculated by minimizing the deviation between measured profilesandthosecalculatedusing(5) and a rangeof velocities (Figure 3 and Table 3). A measureof the uncertaintyin these . • x4 0 the sumof the deviationssquareddividedby the variance. The sedimentdiffusion coefficients.Theseexamplesillustratethe uncertainties in modelingchemicalprofilesfromareaswith pore water upwelling speedsof the order of centimetersper year comparedwith larger uncertaintieswhen estimatingvelocities of hundredsof centimetersper year. Note that at the slower velocitiesthe estimatedvelocity is well constrained.For faster upwelling speedsthe larger uncertaintyresultsfrom having fewer data in the curved portion of the profile. In addition, uncertaintiesare greaterfor higherupwellingspeedsbecause diffusion after core retrieval and disturbance of the sedi- ment-waterinterfacewill alterthe upperseveralmillimetersof the profile [Wheat and McDuff, 1995]. Diffusion and disturbancetendto decrease the in situgradientresultingin calculated velocitiesthat are minima. In areaswhereporewaterupwells at speedsgreaterthan severalhundredcentimetersper year, better estimatesof velocity are obtainedusing profiles of temperature. 4 6 8 10 Upwelling Speed (cm/yr) velocitiesis estimatedby thevalueof thereducedX2,whichis bestfit to the dataresultswhenthe reducedX2 is lessthanthe 5% value,which meansthatthe parameters usedin calculating a profile have a high probabilityof being the correctset of parametersthat describesthe observedprofile. Two examples are shown in Figure 5 for a range of upwelling speedsand 2 'E 12J-t! 7' ooZE8 8 B/.4 BC6 " V' ' "/* " '; .. . 1.2 • 2 : '•• 4 0 ' • 100 200 300 400 UpwellingSpeed (cm/yr) Figure 5. Contourplotsof reducedX2 as a functionof the sediment diffusioncoefficientandupwellingspeedfor Na data from two representativecores:GC 11 and BC 6. The 5% reducedX2valueis 1.8usinga varianceof 0.0021mM2thatis calculated fromconcentrations of porewaterin uniformsections of profiles.Valuesgreaterthan1.8represent a low probability for the givenparameters to be the correctparameters for the model.Theseplotsillustrate thelargeruncertainty in estimating Table 3 presentspore water velocitiesthat were calculated upwellingspeedat speedsgreaterthanseveralhundredcentimeusingdatafrom six differentchemicalspecies.Differencesin tersperyear,primarilybecauseof continueddiffusionaftercore calculated velocities result from uncertainties in the calculated retrieval[Wheatand McDuff, 1995] andthe lack of datain the diffusioncoefficient,the qualityof analyticalmeasurements, the curvedportionof the profile. 9938 WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON upwelling speedbased on the Ca profile to be an order of magnitudegreaterthanthe speedestimatedfromthe otherions. Similarly, whole-core squeezingcausesan increasein the concentration of Ca andMg relativeto Na becauseof dissolution or adsorption-exchange reactionsthat occurasporewater is forcedthroughthe overlyingsediment[Benderet al., 1987]. Further,the analyticaluncertaintyis smallerfor Na than for C1 or Li, andwe havegreaterdown-corecoveragefor Na thanfor theseotherelements.Becauseof thevariedqualityandquantity of datafromwhichthesevelocitiesarecalculated, an averageof the calculatedvelocitiesis not appropriate, andthebestestimate that is reportedin Table 3 is heavily weightedto the Na result. To differs by at most 0.3øC in the deep lake, based on conductivity-temperature-pressure measurementsfrom the submersible[McManuset al., 1993] andby recordings of the TTT thermistorprobethat rests5 cm abovethe sediment-water interface(Figure7). Calculatedvelocitiesrangefromlessthan severalhundredcentimeters per yearto greaterthan 10,000cm yr-•. Uncertainties inthedepthandangleof penetration andthe possibilityof havinglakewaterseepinto the sedimentduring insertionof the probeaffectthe precisionof calculatedvelocities. For example,ifthe depthof penetrationof CD 222 or CD 230 (Table 1) is +3 cm or the angleof penetrationis 30ø,then the calculatedvelocityis + 25% of the value listedin Table 1. Errorsin the depthandangleof penetrationare lessthanthose listed above. 4.2. Temperature Profiles Twenty-eightotherattemptsto obtaintemperatureprofiles resultedin havingonly onethermistorpenetratethe sediment. Eighteenmeasurements were madein bacterialmatswherethe highesttemperaturerecordedwas 18.9øC, and six of the 18 measurements were greaterthan 10øCat a depthof lessthan20 (6) D•(O2 T/Oz2) - v(aT/az)= o, cm. Nine measurements were made in iron-manganese-rich sediment wheretemperatures rangefrom 10.5øto 11.2øC.The where T is temperature(in degreesCelsius)and D r is the wasmadein a poolat 6.45øC.No pore thermaldiffusivity(2 x 10-3cm2s-] [Williamsand VonHerzen, remainingmeasurement water velocitieswere calculatedfrom these data, but they 1983]). Given the followingboundaryconditions: probablyare fasterthanspeedsreportedin Table 1. The TTT temperature probewasdeployedfor 1 week(Figure T = To z = 0, (7) 7). Measuredtemperatures wereuniformfor the first2 daysof deployment,but on the third day, higher temperatures were r = rbot J = Jbot, (8) recorded by the two thermistorsnear the sediment-water interface,reflectingeithera changein the upwellingspeedor a the solutionto (6) is changein the depth of penetrationproducedby the probe settlinginto the sediment. After 3 daysthe TTT probewas [r-ro]/[rbot - To]= [1 - exp(vz/Dr)]/[1- exp(vZbot/Dr) ]. (9) moved 30 m away to an area where highertemperatures were Data from 28 temperatureprofilesare presentedin Table 1. Thesedataarecomparedto profilescalculatedfrom the following advection-diffusionequationin one dimension: recorded in the water column and in the sediment where it Pore water velocities are estimated by minimizing the remainedfor 4 days. Duringthese4 daysthe threethermistors squareddeviationof the datato calculations of (9) thatemploy recordedtemperatures thatwereabout0.8øCwarmerthanthose a varietyofvelocitiesanda Toof 3.74øC(Figure6 andTable 1). recordedduringthe first3 daysof deployment.Thesewarmer measurements for theuppermost probe,whichis normally5 cm abovethe sediment-water interface,are greaterthanthe measuredrangeof deeplake watertemperature (3.5ø to 3.9øC). Temperature (øC) 4 6 8 10 12 lo 20 30 40 5. Pattern CD 222A 1000cm/y -• CD 228A Circulation -- CD 228 _ 1600 cm/yr , Mat I Sediment 5.1. Pore Water Flow Through the Sediment-Water Interface - 6000 cm/yr % - 7o of Fluid - 5o 6o This is not an instrumentoffset, becauseall of the thermistors measure3.56øC when they were exposedto deeplake water bothbeforeand afterdeployment.Instead,this differenceis a productof the probepenetratingdeeperinto the sedimentthan was planned. The depthof penetrationwas adjustedbasedon visual observations and a bottomwatertemperature of 3.9øC [McManuset aL, 1993]in calculations using(9) forminimizing the leastsquareddeviationto the data(Table 4). o _ _-- - 8o Figure 6. Representative profilesof temperatureplottedwith calculatedprofilesusingequation(9). Upwelling porewater speedsare listed. The spatialdistribution of porewaterflow fromthe sediment to the deepwaterof CraterLake is characterized by two distinct settings. One settingcoversmuch of the lake bottomwhere measurements of heatflow arerelativelylow (about0.14 W m-2 [Williams and VonHerzen, 1983]) and sedimentporewater velocitiesare tenthsof a centimeterper year. In contrast,the othersettingconsistsof sitesseveralsquaremetersto several hundreds of squaremeterswith iron-manganese-rich crustsand bacterialmats,highheatflowsof tensof wattspersquare meter, andporewatervelocities thatrangefromtensof centimeters per year to greaterthantensof thousands of centimeters peryear. Further,porewaterflow fromthesesitesdiffersmarkedlyover WHEAT ET AL.' HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON 9939 1 AREA #1 AREA Dive CD226 i Dive CD222 DEEP THERMISTOR ( 35 cm into the sediment) 6 O [ MIDDLETHERMISTOR 5 cm into lhe sediment) 5 I TOP THERMISTOR above sedimentin water ) 4 1100 i i 0000 0000 0000 24 Aug 25 Aug 27 Aug 0000 0000 28 Aug 30 Aug 31 Aug 1710 31 Aug Deployment Time Scale - 4 Hour Increments ( some data omitted for clarity ) Figure7. An abbreviated 7 daytimeseriesrecordof theTTT temperature probe.For clarity,we omitteddata fromAugust25-26andfromAugust28-29, 1989. Eachof thethermistors in theprobemeasured identicalvalues in thewatercolumnduringtransit.Offsetin thetemperature seriesbetweenthe two sitesresultsfrom different depthsthat the probepenetrated. distancesof only 50 m. For example,GC 13 and BC 6 are locatedwithin 30 m of TTT 1, but the calculatedvelocitiesfrom the three measurements differ by three ordersof magnitude (Tables 3 and 4). Anotherexampleis illustratedby BC 8, D, two gravity cores(GC 10 and 14 with porewater upwelling profiles(CD 216 sediment, CD 230 mat, andCD 230 pool) (Tables 1, 3, and4). Theseexamplesare consistent with the patchynatureof observedhydrothermal features(i.e., mats, pools,and crusts). Mostof thecoresprovideevidence for porewaterflow from speeds of 3 and8 cmyr '•, respectively), andthreetemperature the sedimentto the deeplake,but only onecore(GC 6) has chemicalprofilesthat are concaveup. Theseprofilesare consistent with lakewaterthatdownwellsthroughthe sediment Table 4. Average TTT Measurements for EachDay of Deploymentand section[e.g.,Mottl, 1989]. A downwardspeedof about1 cm Calculated Velocities yr -• in (5) providesthebestfit to the datawith an advectiondiffusionmodel. Redmond[1990] suggests thatthe average i ProbeTemperature, *C Date Aug. 24, 1989 Aug. 25, 1989 Aug. 26, 1989 Date Aug. 27, Aug. 28, Aug. 29, Aug. 30, Aug. 31, 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 Area -5 cm 1 1 1 3.80 3.95 4.03 Velocity, speedof porewaterdownwellingacrossthe surfaceareaof the 5 cm 35cm cmyr4 4.35 4.43 4.43 5.62 5.60 5.6 -4000 -3700 -2900 lakeflooris about130cmyr '•, basedonmassbalancecalculations. BecauseGC 6 is locatednearothercoreswhereupfiow exists,we suggest thatthisdownward movingporewateris part of a localcirculationcell anddoesnotrepresent a pathwayfor mass seepage. Local circulationcells may developfrom heterogeneities in lateral pressuregradientsresultingfrom differencesin heatandporewaterflow [Wheatand McDuff 1994]. An alternativeand lesslikely hypothesisis that the ProbeTemperature, øC Area 11cma 21cma 51cma 2 2 2 2 2 4.68 4.68 4.75 4.63 4.63 5.22 5.22 5.27 5.19 5.19 6.44 6.44 6.45 6.44 6.44 Velocity, cmyr-] -1100 -1100 -1400 -1000 -1000 Negativedepthsare the distanceabovethe sediment-water interface. Upwellingis negative.The adjusteddepthaccounts for the depththatthe probeover penetrated. aAdjusteddepth. profiles from GC 6 are a result of a recent increasein the concentration of dissolvedchemicalspecies nearthe baseof the core (e.g., Figure 4), presumablya productof openingand closingpathwaysfor fluid flow. Pore water velocities were calculated from data collected during a 7-day deploymentof the TTT probeto accessthe degreeof temporalvariabilityin hydrothermalflow. A similar timeserieswasrecorded by Leinenet al. [ 1987] in the Mariana Mounds, a ridge-flankhydrothermalsystem. Both data sets 9940 WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON suggestthat flow throughthe sedimentis uniformfor a period of at leastseveraldays. Similarly,Schultzet al. [1992] measuredvelocitiesof diffuse flow from a mid-oceanridge-axis hydrothermalsystemin whichthe averagevelocitywasuniform for periodsof severaldays,buthourlyvaluesfluctuatedwith the tidal cycle. Land-basedhydrothermalsystemsalso may be affected by tidal and barometricchanges[Rinehart, 1972]. None of theselow-frequency effectsareevidentin the data,but some temperaturefluctuationswere recordedby the deepest thermistor. Pore water flow in Crater Lake must be fairly uniformfor periodsof at leastseveralyears,basedon thriving bacterialmatassemblages thatwereobserved duringsuccessive years. In addition,pore water chemicaland thermalprofiles suggest that focusedflow may be maintainedfor tensof years. At leastseveraltensof yearsare requiredto generatea steady statechemicalprofilewhereporewaterupwellsat a speedof 10 cmyr'• through a theoretical 5 m thicksediment column.More time is requiredif upwellingspeedsare sloweror if the sediment column is thicker. Because sediment thickness is not northeast sectionof the lakeor by fracturepermeabilityassociated with the ring fracturezone in the caldera[Baconand Lanphere, 1990]. In the basementreservoirthe extent of chemicalalterationis directlyrelatedto temperature.The compositionof this fluid in basementmust be uniform for a periodof at leasttensto hundreds of years,andit is saltierand warmer than lake water, basedon pore water data and the modelspresented above.Whenthisfluid upwells,it mixeswith lake waterbelowthe sampledsedimentsection.Mixing may occur at different depthsand with differentratiosof the two sources, basement andlakewaters.Thusdifferentmixingratios resultin differentconcentrations at the baseof the cores(Table 5), yet elementalratiosof waterin zonesof focusedupflowwill be maintained because lake water is much more dilute than the fluidin basement, andadvective fluxesareordersof magnitude greaterthan reactivefluxes. This reservoirmodelsupportsa singletrendin plotsof onechemicalspeciesversusanotherin zonesof focusedupflow. Deviationsfrom this singletrend result from non conservativebehaviorin a portion of the hydrothermalsystemin which fluid velocities must be much temporalvariability of flow throughthe sedimentis uncertain, slower;thusfluxesfromreaction maybe a significant portionof but it must persistfor decades(centuries)in areaswith pore the total chemical flux for these cores. Whereas the reservoir water velocities on the order of tenths of centimeters to several model supportsa single trend, a multiple reservoirand/or reaction model supporta family of trends in plots of one centimetersper year. chemicalspeciesversusanother.The rangein thesetrendsis 5.2. Fluid Flow Within the Upper Basement definedby thatfromthedifferentreservoirs asindicated by data known in the exact locations where cores were taken, the We define the upperbasementas the regionwhere fluids developtheirchemicalsignature beforeupwellinganddiffusing throughthe sediment. This definition allowsthe upperbasementto be eithera permeablesedimentary layer(severalmeters) or igneousbasement(tensto hundredsof meters)below the sampledsection.Knowledgeof the compositionof the fluid in the upper basementprovidesconstraintsfor the sourceor sourcesof thermallyandchemicallyalteredfluidsthat enterthe lake. The composition of thesefluidsis estimated by extrapolating chemicalprofilesthroughout the sedimentcolumnby fitting the datato calculations of (5) whereZbo t is sedimentthickness basedon the seismicdataof Barber and Nelson [ 1990] and v is the bestestimatelistedin Table 3. Cbo t is thenvariedfor the best fit to the data [e.g., Wheat and Mottl, 1994]. Given velocitiesgreaterthan severalcentimetersper year, Cbo t is simplythe asymptotic concentration. Calculations of Cbo t differ by a factorof 4 for severalcores(Table 5). This differenceis consistentwith a reservoirmodel for the southernportion of from zonesof focusedupflow(> 100 cm yr-•) andfromareas with slowflow (<0.1 cmyr-•). A plotof CI versusNa illustrates a singletrendforporewater fromzonesof focusedupflow(e.g.,samplescollectedwith the box corer,solidtrianglesin Figure8) andthus supports the reservoirmodel. AssumingCI is conservative, deviationsfrom this trend resultfrom low-temperature reactionsat depththat increase the concentration of Na as the fluid ascends to the sampledsection. SimilarC1/element linearrelationships exist in data from coreswith porewaterupwellingspeedsthat are greaterthantensof centimeters peryear. Becauseof thepaucity of datafor C1,we haveplottedLi andK versusNa to illustrate these singularmixing trendsin coresfrom zonesof focused upflow(Figure8). Notethatfor coreswith porewatervelocities less than tens of centimetersper year, severalelement/Na relationshipsmay exist (e.g., Li/Na from GC 1, 2, and 3 in Figure 8). GC 1, 2, and 3 presentexamplesof the effectsof low-temperaturewater-sedimentreactionsin CraterLake, and anyporewaterflow associated withthesecoresis a likely result CraterLake in which lake water flows downwardinto basement, of sedimentcompaction.ThesereactionsaddNa to the pore reactswith basement, upwells,andmixeswith morelakewater water, but concentrations of Li remainunchanged.With the beforeenteringthe sedimentsection. exceptionof C1, Li is the most conservativeelementthat we The downwardseepageof lakewater is probablyregulated measuredin pore water from CraterLake. by the bulk permeabilityassociated with freshlava flows in the The reservoirmodel doesnot precludeother "reservoirs" beingpresentunderthe lake. All of the datausedto illustrate thepresence of a singlereservoirarefromcoreswith porewater Table 5. Projected Concentrationsfor Pore Fluids at the Baseof that upwellsat speedsgreaterthanabout10 cm yr -t in the the Sediment Column southernbasin. Thus otherreservoirsmay feed hydrothermal Chemical Bottom systems in the EastandNorth Basins. In fact,onesamplewith Species BC 6 BC 8 PD GC 8 GC 13 Water anomalouslyhigh concentrations of Na (Figure8) wasrecoveredby the submersiblein the North Basin,but the hydrotherNa+ 0.85 2.4 2.1 4.4 3.8 0.455 mal systemthat generatedthis samplemust have a minimal CI0.57 1.2 2.1 2.0 0.274 impact on heat and salt fluxes to the lake [McManus et al., Ca2+ -•0.2 -0.8 0.68 0.91 0.92 0.17 Mg2+ -•0.2 -1.0 0.90 0.98 0.94 0.11 K+ Li + 0.11 0.014 0.19 0.035 0.14 0.025 0.43 0.078 0.42 0.075 0.044 0.0066 Si 0.59 0.88 0.79 1.1 1.2 0.32 No entry denoteslack of data. Values are given in millimolars. 19931. 6. Hydrothermal Fluid and Chemical Fluxes Hydrothermalfluid and chemicalfluxes for Crater Lake are calculatedusing a massbalanceequationof the hydrologic budgetwhich is WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON 9941 Table 6. Fluid Flux and Chemical Parameters for Mass Balance 2.5 Calculations :• 2 []Gravity g: x Submersible x• [] [] v 1.5ßBox • ß 't-' X Water Budget FluidFlux 107m3yr'l Li+, gM Na+, mM K+, mM Ci', mM Springrunoff 2a 1 0.1 0.025 0.015b Precipitation 11a 1c 0.013 b 0.006 b 0.014 b Evaporation 6.3d 0.1e NetSeepage 6.7d 6.7 0.455 0.044 0.274 0.14 290 19 1.1 12 0.0013 e 0.0006 e 0.0014 _ 0.5 _ Hydrothermal _ 0 -, , , , I , , , , I , , , , I .... 0 1 2 I • • • • I • • • •- 3 4 5 6 aAbout 85%ofthefluidinputisfromdirect precipitation [Nathenson, b1990] foratotal input of13.1 m3yr'•[Redmond, 1990]. 0.1 , , , , i , , , , i , , , , i , , , , i , • , , i • • •', _ Simpson[ 1970a]. _ CAssumes nowater-rock interaction instream runoff, thus equal to •• 0.08• Gravity - x Submersible • o Peepers th• valueinstream runoff. _ • 0.06 • ß Box • - • 0.04 • 0.02 • •Redmond[ 1990]. eEstimated tobeonetenth ofthatinprecipitation. • Q • 0 - GC 1, 2, 3 ,,,1•,,,1•,,,I,,,,I 0 1 2 .... 3 4 x - fluxesin the lake aredefinedby combining(10) and(11) and accountingfor the chemicalcompositionof eachfluid flux' - Vhydro [ Chydro ' Clake] = Clake Vnet seepage + I .... - 5 6 _ _ _ _ - • Gravity • 0.4- xSubmersible • o Peepers • - ,ox '• 0.2 Cevap Vevap-Cprecip Vprecip-Cruno ff rmnoff;(12) whereC is concentration and V is volumeflux. For Na, C1,Li, and K we assumethat(1) no termsarerequiredfor diagenetic reactionas the hydrothermalfluid upwellsinto the lake, (2) thereareno dissolution, precipitation, adsorption, or desorption reactionsin the water column,and (3) thereare no dominant biogenicsources or sinksof theseelements.Giventheconcentrationsandwaterfluxesin Tables6 and7, we reduce(12) to a seriesof equationsfor eachelement.For example, - Vhydr o [ Nahydr o- Nalake ] = 2.7x 107molNayr'•. (13) The dominatetermin (12) is the termfor net seepage, whichis equalto thevolumetricnetflux of waterto basement multiplied 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 by the compositionof lake water. The compositionof lake wateris knownto withina few percent;however,thevolumetric Sodium (mM) net seepage is probably only known to within 10-20% Figure 8. Concentrations of C1,Li, andK versusNa. Lines [Redmond,1990]. C1,Li, Na, andK fluxesfrom hydrothermal represent mixingrelationships definedby massbalancecalcula- sourcesare 8.8, 2.5, 7.9, and 1.6 times, respectively,greater tions. Symbolsrepresentthe differentsamplingtechniques thanthe combinedfluxesfrom precipitationandrunoff. In the (opensquares,gravi• cores; solidtriangles,box cores; open calculations abovewe assumed thatdiageneticandburialfluxes diamonds, peepers;andcrosssigns,submersible samples).All 0 -, , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , , , , I , , , ,- of the data are shown. Table 7. Parameters for Mass Balance Calculations precipitation+ runoff = evaporation+ net seepage, (10) whereeachtermrepresents a measuredfluid flux. Net seepage of water from the lake is definedby net seepage+ mixing = total seepage-hydrothermal+ mixing. Parameter Value Volume of lake• 17.3 km3 Areaofdrainage basin b 67.8km2 Areaof lakeb 53.2km2 Areaoflakedeeper than350m (11) Power output below350m,MW 22.3km2 15to31c 23+ 8d 30+ 5e aRedmond [ 1990]. The mixing flux accountsfor waterthat seepsinto the upper basement, mixeswith hydrothermal fluids,andupwellsthrough the sedimentcolumninto the lake. Althoughthe mixing terms cancelin (11), they are includedbecausethey are importantin conceptualizingfluid flow throughthe basement. Chemical bphillips [1968]. CThe conductive power output thatisnotassociated withthereservoir fluid is at most3 MW [Williamsand VonHerzen,1983]. dMcManus etal.[1993]. eThiswork. 9942 WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON were not significantfor theseelements. For example,the upwellinghydrothermalfluids. This areais about33% of the basedon observadiagenetic fluxofK tothelakebased onthediffusional gradient areabelow350 m andis largerthanexpected of pore water concentrations from GC 1, 2, and 3 and the surfacearea of the lake is about9% of the hydrothermalflux, tions. In contrast,porewaterthat flowsthroughbacterialmats and manganesecrustshas measuredupwellingspeedsin the whereasthe depositionalflux of K to the sediment-water range of1000to14,000 cmyr-•.Onthebasis ofthisrange of interfaceis 11% of the hydrothermalflux. Similarly, .the velocitiesthe areathroughwhichporewatermustflow is about diagenetic anddepositional fluxesforNa areabout4% and3%, 1.5km2(6.7%)to 0.10 km2(0.45%). A smallerareais required respectively, of thehydrothermal flux. Thesefluxesfor Li and if flow is more focused. Consideringthe arealextentof mats C1are lessthan 2% of calculatedhydrothermalfluxes. andmanganese crustsin the southemportionof the SouthBasin We canthencombineanytwo of theseequations (e.g.,(13)) andthemanyhightemperature measurements atlessthan20 cm to determinemixing relationships betweenthe hydrothermal depththat reflect fasterspeedsof upwellingthan the results herein,we canaccountfor all of theporewaterflow fluid in basement andlakewaters(Figure8). Providedthereis presented primarilyone sourceof hydrothermal fluidsto the lake,the fromthesediment,buttheportionof thisflow thatoriginatesas composition of the end-member hydrothermal fluid mustfall pristinehydrothermalfluid from deepwithin the basementis alongthisline. Samples thatbestfit theselinearrelationships equivocal. are thosefrom box coresandpeepers,which haveporewater upwelling speeds thatareatleastanorderof magnitude greater 7. Constraints on the Composition thanthat calculatedfrom gravitycoredata. Thesefasterflows allow lesstime for water-rock/sedimentreactionsto occur, and fluxesfromth:sereactionsaresmallrelativeto transport fluxes; of the Hydrothermal Fluid The compositionof the fluid in basementis constrainedby thuschangesin concentration are lesslikely to be observed thecomposition of themostalteredporewater,elementalratios [Wheat and McDuff, 1994]. The fit betweenthesedata and mixing lines supportearlier conclusionsthat most of the from sitesthat have the fastestporewatervelocities,and mass balanceconsiderations.In this sectionwe usethesecomposi- hydrothermalinput to the lake is in the southernbasin tionsandratiosin conjunction withempirical geothermometers , [McManuset al., 1993]andsuggestthatwe locatedthe sitesof which are based on measuredtemperaturesand chemical active venting that accountfor the observedchangesin the analysesof fluids from a rangeof land-based hydrothermal water column.Ion-ion relationships shownin Figure 8 further illustratethe effects of low-temperaturewater-rock/sediment reactionon the upwellingporewater. If we assumethat C1is conservative duringupwellingfrombasement, thentheselowtemperaturereactionsadd Na, Li, and K to porewater. We expectthesereactions to occurbelowthe sampledsectionin an settings[e.g.,Fournier and Rowe, 1966;Fouillacand Michard, 1981;Fournier, 1981, 1990; Giggenbach,1988; Kharaka and, Mariner, 1989], to place limits on the maximum extent of chemicalalterationof the hydrothermalfluid andto estimatethe temperature at depthin basement.Determiningthermodynamic boundariesfor mineral phasesis not in the purview of this environment which is warmer than lake water, because the paper,which focusessolely on the subsurfaceflow regime as products of thesereactions aremuchdifferentthanthosedefined constrainedby pore water chemicalandthermaldata. Two geothermometers useconcentrations of Li andNa by GC 1, 2 and3 fromareaswith low heatandporewaterflow andwhereflow is probablyrestricted to thatfromsediment to predictfluid temperature[Fouillac and Michard, 1981]: compaction. Log (NaJLi)=-0.38 + 1000/ [ T (øC) + 273.15], (14) Equation(12) alsoprovidesa meansto calculatethe residence time of ions in the lake. The calculated residence time for Na, Li, K, and C1 is about250 years. Note that thesecalculaLog (Li)= 1.44- 2258 / [ T (øC) + 273.!51, (15) tionsareindependent of theparticularvolumeflux or concentration of the hydrothermalfluid; however,theseparametersdo where concentrations are in molar units. Anothergeothermoprovidesomeconstraints on the residence time of waterin the meteris basedon NaJK. We usedTruesdelrs[1976] equation: lake. For example,if thehydrothermal fluid hasa concentration Log (NaJK)=- 0.8573 + 855.6 / [ T(øC) + 273.15], (16) of 4.6 mMNa, thehighestconcentration measured in porewater samples,thenthehydrothermal fluid flux is at least5% of that are in unitsof milligramsper kilogram, fromprecipitationandrunoff,andtheresidence time for water where concentrations in the lake is about130 years. If the concentration of Na were becauseit providesthe best fit to data below 250øC, yet it are below 150øC. We higher,thenthehydrothermal waterflux wouldbe lower,but an providesa poormeasureif temperatures additionalflux of lakewateris requiredto dilutethis hydrother- chosethesethreegeothermometers because(1) our samplesare mal fluid to concentrations observedin theporewaterdata. The from surfaceexpressionsof venting that are susceptibleto overalleffectof thisdilutionwill producethe samenet resultas chemicalalterationwhile upwellingintothe lake, in contrastto described before. Much of the hydrothermalfluid that upwells samplesfrom boreholesthat provide a meansfor collecting intothe lakeis probablydilutedto a concentration of 2.3 mM pristine fluids from basement and are the basis for Na, which is consistentwith results from BC 8 and D, or geothermometers and (2) they includethe least reactive elepossiblyas low as0.85 mM, asobservedin BC 6. Thisvaria- mentsin pore watersfrom box coresand peeperscollectedin tion resultsin a calculatedrangeof waterresidencetimesfrom the CraterLake systemfromwhicha geotemperature canbe of Li substitutedinto (15) 90 to 130 yearsandwaterfluxes(hydrothermal plusmixing) calculated.Measuredconcentrations thatrangefrom 65ø to 135øC. from6.85x 107to 0.65 x 107m3yr -l. Thisnetwaterflux from resultin calculatedtemperatures the sediments(hydrothermalplus mixing) is consistentwith These temperaturesare minimums becausedilution of the and submersible observations of the extentof porewaterflow in the hydrothermalfluid with lakewaterlowersthe concentration southernbasin. If mostof the porewater flow from the sedi- thus the calculatedtemperature. By substitutingLi/Na and ment has a concentrationof 2.3 mM Na and is upwelling at a K/Na ratios defined by mass balance calculations(equation are 166øCand speedof 200 cmyr -l, ascalculated fromprofilesof boxcores (13)) into(14) and(16), calculatedtemperatures and peepers,then an area of 7 km2 is requiredto vent the 197øC, respectively. Low-temperaturewater-rock/sediment WHEAT ET AL.: HYDROTHERMAL INPUTS TO CRATER LAKE, OREGON reactions in CraterLakeresultin lowerLi/Na andhigherK/Na; thus 160øCis likely to be a lower bound,and 200øC is likely to be an upperbound. If we usethe averagetemperature of 180øC in (14) through(16), then the end-memberhydrothermalfluid hasa compositionof 19 mMNa. Given a 19 mMNa hydrothermal fluid and the massbalanceequation(13), the composition ofthe hydrothermal fluid is 0.24 mMLi, 1.2 mMK, and 12 mM C1. Mixing lines betweenthis fluid and lake waterfit the pore water data from box core and peepersamples(Figure 8). As noted above, these samplesrepresentthe most pristinefluids 9943 Oregon. Pore water issuesfrom the lake floor at speedsof tenthsof a centimeterper year to tensof thousands of centimetersperyear and are derivedfrom mixing deeplake waterwith thermally and chemicallyaltered fluids from basement. We have estimateda hydrothermalend-membertemperatureand composition based on geothermometersand mass balance calculations.Whenthesecompositions aresubstituted into flux equations (e.g., (13)), a volumetric hydrothermalflux is calculated. This studyillustratesthe powerof porewaterchemicaldata andthermalprofilesin sedimentto constrain thepatternof fluid setting.Similarstudieshavebeen Other geothermometerssuch as Si [Fournier and Rowe, circulationin a hydrothermal conductedin hydrothermalsystemson the flanks of the mid1966, 1977],Na-K-Ca-Mg [FournierandPotter, 1979], K-Mg [Giggenbach,1988], andNa-K-Mg [Fournier,1990] havebeen ocean ridge axes [e.g., Wheat and Mottl, 1994; Wheat and developedbut are inappropriatefor use with samplesfrom McDuff, 1995], and the sametechniquesemployedhereinare applicableto groundwaterflow into freshand estuarinewater. Crater Lake, becausethe rate of reactionof Si, Ca, and Mg thatis elucidated by these within sedimentand basementis fast enoughandtoo complex Oneof themostimportantparameters to reducethe data to a single trend that can then be used in techniquesis an estimatefor the chemicalcompositionof the fluid in basement.Thiscomposition thenconstrains thepathfor calculationsfor the temperatureat depth. Given a temperatureof 180øC in the reservoir and the fluid flow, the extent of reaction in basement,and mass, geothermometers listedin (14)-(16), we calculateda basement thermal, and chemical fluxes from fluid circulation. reservoirconcentrationfor Li, Na, and K. By substitutingthis Acknowledgments.Many individualscontributed theirtime concentration into appropriateequations thataresimilarto (13), we calculatethe volumetric hydrothermalfluid influx to the andeffortduringthe field and laboratoryportionsof this work. of the generous help lake. This fluid flux coupled with a temperatureof 180øC The authorsareparticularlyappreciative resultsin a total power input to the lake of 30 + 5 MW. This providedby M. Buktenica,J. Milestone,andthe restof the lake calculationis basedsolely on geothermometers and general crewat CraterLakeNationalPark. G. WhippleandC. Meredith hydrologicmassbalancedataandis consistent with (1) elemen- provided analytical assistance. C. G. W. is indebtedto R. tal ratiosof porewater concentrations from zonesof focused McDuff for financial supportduring the field portionof this thethoughtfulreviewsfrom D. upflow;(2) Williamsand l/on Herzen's[1983] estimateof 15 to program.We greatlyappreciate 31 MW, basedon 62 measurementsof sedimentheat flow and Issler,I. Hutcheon,andan anonymousreviewer. This research temperatureprofilesin the water column;and(3) McManuset wasfundedby theU.S. NationalParkServiceundercooperative al.'s [1993] estimateof 23+8 MW, basedon the watercolumn agreement CA 9000-3-0003, CPSU, College of Forestry, thermalinventory.The agreementbetweenthesethreeestimates OregonStateUniversity. IMS, University of Alaska Fairbanks is significant,becauseall threeestimatesare basedon different contribution 2488. data setsand techniques. Further, this agreementprovides credibility to our estimateof the temperatureand composition References of thehydrothermalfluid. In addition,our calculatedtemperature,whichis about10 timesthe highestmeasuredtemperature, is in the rangeof that predictedby Williamsand l/on Herzen Bacon, C. R., Eruptive history of Mount Mazama and Crater [1983], who estimateda temperatureof 100ø to 200øC at a Lake Caldera, Cascade Range, U.S.A., J. I/olcanoi. 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