GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 23, NO. 23, PAGES 3503-3506,NOVEMBER 15, 1996 The geochemistryof Atlantic hydrothermal particles E. M. Ludford and M. R. Palmer Departmentof Geology,BristolUniversity,Bristol,UnitedKingdom C. R. German Southampton Oceanography Centre,Southampton, UnitedKingdom G. P. Klinkhammer COAS, OregonStateUniversity•Corvalis Abstract. Particleswere collectedfrom the dilute portion of neutrallybuoyanthydrothermalplumesfrom four Mid-Atlantic Ridge sites (MARK, 23øN; TAG, 26øN; Broken Spur, 29øN; Lucky Strike, 37øN). Comparison of data from proximal portions of the TAG (Atlantic) [Gertnan et al., 1991; this study] and North Cleft (Pacific) [Feely et al., 1994] plumes show that oxyanion (e.g., V) scavengingis more efficient at TAG, possiblydue to a higher proportionof Fe removed as sulfidesat North Cleft and/or the more vigorousmixing in the high energyTAG buoyantplume. Chalcophileelements(e.g., Cu) showtwo stageremoval. They are precipitatedas sulfides during initial mixing of vent fluids with seawater and are sedimentedfrom the buoyantplume. In the dilute plume they are scavengedfrom seawaterby Fe oxyhydroxides. The REE show continued scavengingin the neutrally buoyant plume mounted on the OSU ZAPS sled [Klinkhammer et al., 1995]. Lucky Strike was sampledduring the 1992 FAZAR program [Langmuiret al., 1993]. Broken Spur,TAG and MARK were sampled in 1993 during RRS Charles Darwin cruise 77 [Elderfield, 1993]. After recovery, the filter housingswere rinsed with clean water, sealedin polythenebags and frozen. On return to Bristol, the filters were refluxed with cone. HNO 3 and then diluted to 5% solutions. Semi-quantitative analysesby ICP-MS were used to set standardconcentrations for calibrationof analyses(_+5%)by standardadditionsfor V, Mn, and Cu, with 100 ppb Ga internalstandard,alsoby ICPMS. Rare earth elements(REE) were determinedby ICP-MS (+10%) at OSU. A1 andP weremeasured (-+5%)by ICP-AES. Fe was measured(-+5%)by AAS. The data and samplelocations arelistedin Table 1. Data areexpressed asmolesof particulate andlowerlevelsin 1993samples, compared to 1988samples metal per litre of filtered seawater,allowingdirect comparison with vent-fluid and seawater concentrations. [German et al., 1990] suggesting that the amount of scavengingis related to particle recycling. Discussion Introduction The impactof vent fluids on seawaterchemistryis modified by reactionswithin hydrothermalplumes during mixing with seawater[e.g., Trocine and Trefry, 1988; Feely et al., 1990; German et al., 1990, 1991] Hence, an understandingof processesoperating within plumes is needed to assessthe impact of hydrothermal activity on the oceans. Vent fluids have been sampledfrom TAG (26øN), MARK (23øN), Lucky Strike (37øN) and Broken Spur (29øN) [Edmondet al., 1995; Colodner et al., 1993; James et a/.,1995], but studies of particles from the associatedplumes have been confined to TAG [e.g., Trocine and Trefry, 1988; German et al., 1990, 1991]. In this study we report the first particulatedata from Broken Spur, MARK and Lucky Strike, and presentnew data from the more dilute portionsof the TAG plume, which have allowed for a more detailed understandingof processes operatingwithin hydrothermalplumes. During initial mixing of vent fluids with seawater, sulfide and sulfatemineralsform andmostdropout of the plumeclose to the vent. Further dilution results in precipitation of Fe oxyhydroxides,together with scavengingand coprecipitation of elements from the vent fluids and enl.rained seawater. Fine- grained oxideshave slow settling velocities and can remain in the neutrally buoyant plume for long periods. Fe is the dominantelement in hydrothermalparticles and so is used to indicate the hydrothermalinput and degree of dilution [e.g., German et al., 1991]. As the plume ages,remaining sulfide and sulfate minerals dissolve. The level of Fe decreases with distancefrom the vent site and so may be usedto infer the age of particles, although low Fe levels axe also observedat the upper and lower edgesof the laterally dispersedparticleplume. Trocine and Trefry [1988] and German et al. [1991] observeduniform particulateMn levels in the TAG plume, in the range 100-200 nM/1, although German et al. [1991] observedincreasingMn (200-300 nM/l) at high (>100 nM/1) particulateFe levels. Most samplesin this studyshowsimilar Sampling and Methods behavior (Fig l a). A few have much higher Mn levels, typically at low Fe concentrations. Figure lb shows mixing Particleswere collectedfrom the neutrally buoyantplumes betweenhigh Fe and low Mn/Fe and low Fe and high Mn/Fe, usingStandAlone Pumps(SAPS) equippedwith lgm pore-size consistentwith mixing between the [:e-rich plume and Mnfilters. SAPS were suspendedfrom the ship, on moorings,or rich backgroundmaterial [cf.Trocine and Trefry, 1988]. The mixing line passesabove the average Mn/Fe of background particulatesfrom the deep North Atlantic [Sherrell and Boyle, Copyright1996by theAmericanGeophysical Union. 1992] indicatingan additionalsourceof particulateMn. This may be due to the rift valley topographypreventingdispersal Papernumber96GL02078. 0094-8534/96/96GL-02078505.00 of the plume. Our data are consistentwith uptakeof dissolved 35O3 3504 LUDFORD ET AL.: GEOCHEMISTRY Table1. Elemental concentrations in plu OF PARTICULATES IN HYDROTHERMAL •articulates fromMARK(23øN TAG (26ø1 x andLuck, øN Longitude øW InM/1 Fe'IriM/11 A1 Mn pM/1 Im Depth ILatitude V pM/1 Cu pM/1 *C e' Snakepit [ 317T 317B 323T 323B 3304 3093 3366 3409 329T 329B 3407 3444 TAG 403T 403B 409T 409B PLUMES 23ø22.13 23ø22.13 23022.09 23022.09 23ø22.12 23ø22.12 ' ' ' ' ' ' 44057.06 44ø57.06 44ø57.12 44ø57.12 44ø57.19 44ø57.19 ' ' ' ' ' ' 6 3 5 9 3 - 0.89 1.53 2.99 2.01 - 210 112 127 182 8.6 13 4.1 31 530 172 26008.24 26008.24 26008.24 26•08.24 ' ' ' ' 44049.58 44049.58 44049.59 44049.59 ' ' ' ' 50 38 4 5 0.52 0.62 1.06 0.30 37øN). [Er ' ' pM/1 pM/1 2.49 2.18 1.74 1.97 1.08 - 0.91 0.80 0.59 0.69 0.30 0.09 0.034 0.026 0.017 0.023 0.011 - 0.13 0.11 0.08 0.09 25 5.7 30 257 631 42 10 0.03 - 0.040 0.021 0.015 0.016 0.003 - 189 193 190 339 239 174 32 27 1405 647 40 20 0.98 1.36 1.43 2.54 0.89 1.04 0.60 0.91 0.046 0.050 0.020 0.024 0.18 0.20 0.10 0.11 0.070 0.078 0.025 0.027 I 3340 3440 3081 3231 Broken SpurI 106B 502T 502B 509T 509B 520T 520B 526T 526B 528T 528B 2728 2890 2953 2727 2827 2688 2888 2840 2940 2763 2863 29ø10.11 29010.04 29010.04 29009.73 29009.73 29009.85 29009.85 29009.24 29009.24 29ø09.17 29ø09.17 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 43010.34 43010.50 43010.50 43010.46 43010.46 43010.54 43010.54 43010.57 43•10.57 43ø10.51 43ø10.51 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 3 4 4 2 9 2 14 9 9 10 7 0.19 1.14 1.34 1.00 0.94 0.88 1.88 0.93 0.63 1.11 0.97 150 173 882 165 215 182 3780 150 209 130 152 5.9 38 21 11 13 19 27 259 225 10 4.9 101 368 466 267 899 38 769 480 435 102 61 1.54 1.73 1.72 1.60 1.66 1.73 1.30 1.89 1.12 1.80 1.25 0.48 0.70 0.58 0.51 0.59 0.55 0.58 0.73 0.41 0.75 0.44 0.019 0.027 0.021 0.020 0.025 0.025 0.021 0.030 0.015 0.032 0.018 0.09 0.09 0.08 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.10 0.13 0.06 0.13 0.07 0.022 0.023 0.020 0.013 0.033 0.026 0.035 0.045 0.016 0.048 0.016 SL-25 SL-31 SL-39 1780 1000 2270 37016.92 37ø16.81 36027.82 ' ' ' 32•14.64 32014.65 33ø37.16 ' ' ' 10 1.4 34 0.79 1.37 1.56 260 150 1810 50 10 520 50 30 930 0.81 1.23 2.32 0.57 0.37 1.51 0.024 0.004 0.066 0.16 0.11 0.46 0.054 0.023 0.18 7000 4.3e7 1.5e8 1.8e7 5.44 4720 9540 4940 21.4 2350 6120 2320 1.06 1720 3540 2480 6.2 510 1100 400 5.5 99 290 68 Seawater 29øNFluid 26øNFluid 23øNFluid 1 2.0e6 5.6e6 2.6e6 1000 2.5e8 6.8e8 4.5e8 BrokenSpurfluid datafrom [ameset al. (1995), TAG andMARK from Edmondet al. (1995) andMitra et al. (1994). *A completeset of REE data are availablefrom the authors. 10000 I []MARK I X Lucky Strike ß [] 100 2•) , 0.1 • 40 ! De 60 , ß 0.01 background •O• 0.001 )articulates 0.1 I 10 100 1000 Fe (nM/I) Figure 1. Particulatedata from Atlantic plumesa) Mn vs Fe concentrationsb) Mn/Fe ratio vs Fe concentrations(symbols as in Fig. la, open circles= TAG 1988 [German et al., 1991]. Mn by Fe-rich particles,but at a rate which is slow, suchthat mixing with background material obscurescorrelation with hydrothermalFe. Trace elementversusFe plots show three typesof behavior in neutrally buoyanthydrothermalplumes [Trocine and Trefry, 1988; Feely et al., 1990; German et al., 1990, 1991], 1) linear correlation, characteristicof conservativemixing (e.g., V); 2) negative deviation from mixing, indicating removal with respect to Fe (e.g., Cu); 3) positive deviation from mixing, indicative of continued scavenging beyond initial coprecipitation(e.g., REE). Linear relationships are seen for elements occuring as oxyanionsin seawater,e.g., V [Middleburg et al., 1988; Feely et al., 1990] (Fig. 2). This probably reflects changesin the surface charge of Fe oxyhydroxides. At pH <6.7, in the buoyant plume where acidic vent fluids are concentrated, FeOOH has a positive surfacecharge [Stumm and Morgan, 1981] and is an effective anion scavenger. As the vent fluids are dilutedby seawater,the pH increasesand the surfacecharge becomes negative so the Fe oxyhydroxides become more efficient cation scavengers.The V/Fe ratio is lower (2.76) in plume particlesfrom the North Cleft site, Juande Fuca Ridge, North Pacific [Feely et al., 1994] than at TAG (4.54) (Fig. 2). V is an oxyanion in seawater and largely conservative, althoughAtlantic levels are slightly lower (23 nM/kg) than in the Pacific (30-35 nM/kg) [Middleburg et al., 1988]. The LUDFORD ET AL.: GEOCHEMISTRY OF PARTICULATES IN HYDROTHERMAL PLUMES 3505 3000 1500 -e-PaCificI' ' -o-AtlanticI • 1ooo 2000 .© • ø• > 500 •' • Q'Q'•23.97 +2.76x r= 1 • . ---y •-2.s•+,.5,• ,= • 0 • 0 ' 100 ' 200 ' 300 •inear (1ooo 400 0 oø 50 Fe (n M/I) Figure 2. V vs Fe particulateconcentrations in plumes from the Pacific (North Cleft [Feely et al., 1994] and the At]antic (TAG [Ger•n et al., 1991' •d this study]). higher V/Fe ratio in Atlantic particles, suggeststhe TAG particles are more efficient oxyanion scavengersthan those from North Cleft. Hence, scavenging may not be an equilibrium process with a constant distribution coefficient between dissolvedand adsorbedoxyanions. This may reflect limitation by the number of scavengingsites on particles or kinetic controls. Site limitation i•nplies differences in particle compositionat the two sites;if a higher proportionof particulate Fe present as sulfides rather than oxyhydroxides would reducethe scavengingefficiencyof particlesat a given Fe level. The H2S/Fe ratio of North Cleft vent fluids are higherthan at TAG [Butterfieldand Massoth,1994; Edmondet al., 1995] favoring formation of Fe sulfides, although most sulfides drop out close to the vent site [Feely et al., 1994]. The TAG hydrothermalsite is one of the largest, with the plume rising up to 400 m [Rudnickiand Elderfield, 1993], but the North Cleft field is smaller (plume only rises 150 m above its source) [Baker et al., 1993]. Hence, particles in the TAG buoyant plume may undergo more vigorous mixing (and more efficient scavenging) with entrained seawater during the interval the Fe oxyhydroxidesmaintain a positive charge. Speerand Hellrich, [1995] suggestthat plumesgrow for up to a month before becomingunstableand sheddingfrom their source. Rotation of parcelsof fluid due to rotationof the Earth is thought to result in a barocyclinic vortex pair, an anticyclonicvortex of plume fluid at the spreadinglevel and a cyclonicvortex of ambientfluid aroundthe risingplume. This is thoughtto limit entrainmentof ambimt fluid into the rising plume, resulting in recycling of plume fluid from above, consistentwith recycling of particles [German and Sparks, 1993]. Laboratory experiments[Hellrich and Battisti, 1991] show that as a plume grows it becomesunstable, parcels of fluid are shed off axis and the processbegins again. The timescaleof this processis ~2 weeks. During recycling, the particles pass through the buoyant plume and may become positively charged and continue to scavenge oxyanions. Hence, extensiverecyclingat TAG, may also explain the more efficientscavengingof V comparedto North Cleft. Chalcophile elements, e.g. Cu, show negative deviations from a mixing line with Fe, indicatir•gpreferential removal from the buoyantplume due to settlingof densesulfidesduring initial mixing of seawater with vent fluids [German et al., 1991] or dissolutionof suspendedsulfizleswith reprecipitation of Fe oxides and release of dissolvedCu [Metz and Trefry, 1993]. Maximum particulateCu/Fe ralios in the TAG (0.028) and MARK (0.07) plumesoccurat higtt Fe levels. Decreasing particulateCu/Fe ratios at higher dilulion are consistentwith removalof Cu in the dilute plume. At Broken Spur maximum particulateCu/Fe ratios are at low Fe levels (2-4 riM/l). This 100 150 200 250 Fe (n M/I) Figure 3. ParticulateCu vs Fe concentrationsin the Atlantic plumes (symbolsas in Fig. l a). may indicate that Cu is reprecipitatedwith oxyhydroxidesin the more dilute plume. At low Fe levels (_<50nM/1) at Broken Spur, Cu showsa positive deviationfrom linear mixing (Fig. 3) and increasingCu/Fe ratios with decreasingFe (Fig. 4a). Similar patterns are seen at North Cleft [Feely et al., 1994] (Fig. 4b). Hence, Cu showstwo-stagebehavior;precipitation and removal by settling-dissolution during early plume evolution, removing most of the dissolvedCu from the vent fluids [German et al., 1991; Metz and Trefry 1993], followed by scavengingof Cu from seawaterin the dilute plume. REE exhibit positive deviationsfrom a linear mixing trend with particulateFe, indicative of continuedscavengingin the neutrally buoyant plume [German et al., 1990]. The REE/Fe ratios in fluids from MARK, TAG and Broken Spur are similar (1.06-1.09x10 -6) [Mitraet al., 1994;Klinkhammer et al., 1994; James et al., 1995]. The minmnum REE/Fe ratios in particles [e.g., Nd/Fe(min ) TAG1.8x10 -5]arehigher than in fluids, indicating that the REE are derived from seawaterin addition to vent fluids [German et al., 1990]. ParticulateREE concentrations in the TAG particlesare half those in the 1988 data set [German et al., 1990], e.g., 32B, [Fe] 49 nM/1, [Nd] 2.0 pM/1 [Germanet al., 1990]; 403T, [Fe] 50 nM/1, [Nd] 0.89 pM/1. Extensiveparticlerecyclingat TAG [German and Sparks, 1993] may also explain the differencein REE between 1988 and 1993, and may reflect different residencetimes of Fe oxyhydroxidesin the recycling plumes at the different sampling times. 150 o ! '•x 100 LL 50 0 •1t ø ,.,•, •ø o o 0 50 o Ooo 100 o 150 o 200 250 O15 x v10 0 100 200 300 400 Fe (nM/I) Figure 4. a) Particulate Cu/Fe vs Fe concentrations in Atlantic plumes (symbols as in Fig. l a). b) ParticulateCu/Fe ratios vs Fe concentrations in North Cleft site, Juan de Fuca Ridge [Feely et al., 1994] plume. 3506 LUDFORD ET AL.: GEOCHEMISTRY OF PARTICULATES Conclusions IN HYDROTHERMAL PLUMES phosphorous distributionsin the northeastPacific,Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 96, 305-318, 1990. Particleswere collectedfrom the dilute plumesat the MARK (23øN), TAG (26øN), Broken Spur (29øN) and Lucky Strike (37øN) vent sites on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Comparisonof the TAG data with those from the North Cleft field, Pacific [Feely et al., 1994] show that the oxyanion scavenging efficiency at TAG is greater. This may be due to a limited number of scavengingsites on the Pacific particles (due to a higher proportion of Fe sulfides), more turbulent mixing in the higher energy TAG site, leading to more effective scavenging, or more extensive recycling of particles in the buoyant plume. Comparison of data from this study with samplescollected from proximal portions of the TAG plume [German et al., 1990, 1991] show chalcophile elements undergotwo-stagereaction. Cu is preferentiallyremovedfrom the buoyantplume as sulfides,leading to negativedeviations from a linear mixing line with particulateFe levels [German et al., 1991]. At greaterdilution there is scavengingof Cu from seawater by Fe oxyhydroxides, leading to elevated Cu/Fe ratios in the dilute plume. The REE show continuedreaction with particles, with higher REE/Fe ratios in the dilute plume. Continual scavengingof REE from seawaterin the neutrally buoyant plume confirms that hydrothermal systemsare a net sink for REE. 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