GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 22, NO. 3, PAGES 207-210, FEBRUARY 1, 1995 The large-scalesummer circulation of the California current P. Ted Strub and Corinne James Collegeof OceanicandAtmospheric Sciences, OregonStateUniversity Abstract. Satellite data from the Geosat altimeter and the AdvancedVery High ResolutionRadiometer(AVHRR) are usedto showthe large-scalestructureof the surfacecirculation of the California CurrentSystemin summer.These data showthe connectionbetweenan equatorward jet and temperature frontoff Oregonthatlieswithin100km of the of the U.S. west coast [Huyer et al., 1991; Smith, 1992]. The large-scalesatellitefields presentedin this paperprovide more complete,synopticcoveragethan possiblewith field surveysand add supportto the interpretation that during midsummerthe convoluted jet andtemperature front off Californiais connectedto the jet and front off Oregon. coast,similar to that first observedin the 1960's and 1970's, anda jet thatmeanders alongthe convoluted offshoreedge of a temperature frontoff California,asrepeatedly observed Data in the 1980's. Altimeters are satellite radar sensors that measure the sur- face heightof the ocean. This heightincludesthe height Introduction associated with currentsand the heightassociated with the marinegeoid(gravityfield), which wouldbe the heightof Studiesof seasonalupwellingin the CaliforniaCurrent a perfectlystill ocean. Since the marinegeoidis poorly System(CCS) off centralOregonand Washingtonin the known, a meanaltimeterheightfield mustbe subtracted to 1960's and 1970's first describedan alongshoreequator- eliminatethe unknowngeoid, which otherwisedominates wardjet that developsalonga narrowtemperature frontin the signal. This also eliminatesthe mean velocityfield, springand summer(causedby upwellingof colderwater leavingheight 'anomalies',contoursof which are approxinext to the coast). Velocitiesin the jet are of order 0.25 mate streamlinesof the temporallyvaryingflow field. ms-• [Huyer,1983]. The stronggradient in seasurface The Geosataltimeterflew in an exact repeat-orbitmistemperature (SST) andthejet moveoffshoreduringstrong, sionwith 17-dayrepeatsbeginningin November1986. The upwelling-favorable (southward) winds,butremainoriented data usedhere are from the first two yearsof this mission, fairly uniformlyparallelto thecoast.Thejet andfrontmove after which data dropoutsbecamemore numerous.These back towardthe coastand becomemore convolutedduring data were regriddedto positionsevery 7 km along subwind relaxations[Holladay and O'Brien, 1975]. satellitetracks (track separationapproximately130 km at Field studies off central and northern California in the mid-latitudes)and correctedfor environmentalerrorsat the 1980's found strong, narrow jets (velocitiesof 0.6-1.2 Jet PropulsionLaboratory[Zlotnicki et al., 1990]. Flags ms-•, withwidthsof •20-50 km),alongconvoluted tem- setduringthis processing were usedto eliminatedatafrom peraturefronts revealedby satelliteimages[Breaker and over land or suspected to be affectedby errorsin the tidal Gilliland, 1981; Mooers and Robinson, 1984; Kosro and model, pointingerror, etc. Orbit errorswere removedby Huyer, 1986; Rienecker and Mooers, 1989; Brink and first fitting multiple orbitsto a 1/revolutionharmonicand Cowles,1991, andotherpapersin the samevolume].While then filtering the data to remove scaleslonger than 3000 much is now known about the structureof thesejets on km. The two year mean height was removedto eliminate scalesof severalhundredkilometersand less,mostsurveys the marine geoid. A climatologicalmean dynamicheight have coveredtoo small a region to show their relation to field, relative to 500 m, was calculated from the mean denthe overallstructureof the CCS. Exceptionsto this are sur- sityfield of Levitus[ 1982] andaddedto thedatato partially veysreportedby Freitag and Halpern, [1981] and Smith, compensate for the removalof the altimetermean. This cli[1992], which appearto show a connectionbetweenthe matological meanflowconsists of a slow(< 0.1ms-•) and flow alongan SST front near Cape Blanco (43øN) and the broad southward flow. eddy field farther south. There is still debate,however,as The altimeter data are flagged as suspectand not used to the seasonaldevelopment of the system,the originof the within 30-50 km of the coast,althoughcontoursof height jets and eddiesand their relationto the larger scaleCali- shownbelow are extrapolatedto the coast.Field data from fornia Current [Strub et al., 1991]. They have been char- summeroff northernCaliforniagenerallyshowcolderwater acterizedas offshoresquirtscausedby local convergenceslying inshoreof a strongjet, which flows alongthe sharp [Davis, 1985], as manifestations of an offshoreeddy field gradientin SST (seebelow). In this paperwe combinethe that impingesthe coast[Mooersand Robinson,1984] or contouredaltimeterheight fields with satelliteSST fields as part of a largeralongshore jet that extendsalongmuch (from channel4 of the AdvancedVery High ResolutionRadiometer[AVHRR], with 1 km resolutionextendingto the coast)to show the locationof the temperaturefronts. In Copyfight1995 by the AmericanGeophysical Union. the 30-50 km closestto the coast,the edgeof the coldest water is a better estimate of the location of the southward jet than the extrapolatedcontoursof altimeterheights. In addition,both the altimeterfields, which take 17 days for Papernumber94GL03011 0094-8534/95/94GL-03011 $03.00 207 208 STRUB AND JAMES: SUMMER • ' June 87 •• . CURRENT June 87 11' •" :. •Ca•e Bl•co 1• CALIFORNIA ß ,•t ss•.c) t 11' !••• •ape B!•co 1• '•'-'"' , ' Cape BI• 1• • •o • , /• .. ., - lg5 -1•0 -1•5 -1gO -1•5 -1•0 Fibre 1. Summer 1987. (a) Dynamic height relative to 500 db from a cruise June 9-18, 1987, contouredat 2.5 cm intervalsand overlainon an AVHRR imagefrom June 16, 1987. Geosatheights from individual17-daycyclesin (b) Juneand (c) July,1987,contouredat 5 cm inte•als andoverlaidon SST fieldscoincidentin time with the altimetercycles(June16-18 andJuly 14-15). The climatological mean dynamicheightrelative to 500 m has beenaddedto the data. •o • -.-. •.•..• . . .. ..... ,.....• ..... ß , . ..... . .••,••o • ,• Jul• 88 . sswc) : ",, •'.. 1, • -sswc) •.. 45 "! •] ß :.. ' 45 pe Blanco. I Cape 40 35 ..... -130 -125 -120 -1•0 -125 -120 Figure 2. Summer 1988. Two independentestimatesof the flow fields in mid-July, 1988: (a) Geosat height from a single cycle in July 1988, contourexland overlaid on a coincidentSST field (July 17, 1988), as in Figure 1; and (b) estimatesof surfacevelocityfrom automatedfeaturetracking(Kelly and Strub, 1992) using five pairs of SST imagesover a 36 hour period aroundJuly 17, 1988, overlaidon the sameJuly 17 SST field as in (a). STRUB AND JAMES: SUMMER CALIFORNIA completecoverage,andfield surveys,whichtakea week or more for completion,have the potentialfor distortingcurrentsthat changeoverperiodsof severaldays. The AVHRR fields, however,are nearlyinstantaneous, allowingcomparisons between the AVHRR SST fields and the altimeter and surveyheight fields to test the degreeof distortionin the heightfields. CURRENT 209 intersectthe coastand imply a break in the alongshorejet near Cape Blanco in June and betweenCape Blanco and Cape Mendocinoin July,we infer the continuityof thisjet from the continuousnature of the strongSST gradientin thesesameregions. With respectto seasonal development, bandsof coldSST becamepermanentfeaturesof the AVHRR imagesin late March 1987, appearingnext to the coastalcapes [Kosro et al., 1991], while the altimeter fields from late March Results In Figure l a we showthe dynamicheightfield from a field surveyin Juneof 1987 between37.5ø-41.5øN, overlaid on an AVHRR imagefrom mid-June.In Figureslb and l c, we presentthe altimeterheightfieldsfrom single17-day cyclesduringJuneandJuly 1987,overlaidon mid-Juneand mid-JulyAVHRR SST fields. Contoursof dynamicor altimetric heightsare approximatestreamlinesfor the surface flow, with the directionof the flow indicatedby the arrows (lower heightsto the left when facingin the directionof the flow). The speedof the currentis inverselyproportional to the spacingbetweenthe contours.Besidesprovidingcomparisonsbetweenfield and satellitedata,thesefiguresshow the differencein the coverageprovidedby the satellitedata in comparisonto conventionalship surveys. Field surveysin Februaryand March 1987 did not find a strongjet in the region50 km and fartheroffshore,while a strong,equatorwardjet was clearly found in April, May and June 1987 [Kosro et al., 1991]. In the April-June surveys,the equatorwardmeanderingjet separatedcolder (inshore)water from warmer (offshore)water (Figure In a separatestudy,surfacedriftersdeployedcloserto the coastbetween37ø- 41øN in March 1987 sampleda strong jet located20-40 km from the coast[Magnell et al., 1990]. Thesefield data suggesta seasonaldevelopmentof thisjet in 1987 between37ø- 41øN, with the jet originatingcloser to the coast. On the offshoreside of the jet in June, 1987 (Figure la), Kosro et al., [1991] found a shallow (20 m deep)and narrow(10-20 km wide) bandof veryfreshwater at the northernboundaryof the surveyregion (41.5øN). It was hypothesizedthat this fresherwater originatedmuch farther north in the Columbia River plume [Strub et al., 1991]. The larger fields of satellitealtimeterdata in Figures lb and l c indicategenerallyequatorwardflow from southern Oregon(42.0ø- 44.0øN) to southernCalifornia, following the scallopededgeof the colderwater. In the regionof the field survey during June, 1987 (37.5ø- 41.5øN), there is good agreementbetweenthe dynamicheight field derived from in situ measurements of density(Figure l a) and the altimeterheight and AVHRR SST fields (Figure lb). The locationof the jet in both the dynamicheightfield (Figure la) and altimeterheightfields (Figureslb and lc) alongthe stronggradientin the instantaneous SST field indicatesthat these height fields do not badly distort the flow field, althoughspecificinstantaneous featuresmay be misplacedby 50-100 km in the surveyand altimeterfields. The general agreementof satelliteand in situ data givesus confidence in the ability of the combinationof altimeterand AVHRR fields to representthe large-scalestructureof the circulation. Althoughthe extrapolated contoursof altimeterheight and April, 1987, (not shown)were the first to reveal lower heightsin the region 50-100 km from the coast, between 35ø- 39øN and 42ø- 44øN. These regionsof low heights expandedandconnectedin May andJuneto form the fields from June and July shownin Figure 1. This structurewas gone by late December. Thus, thesesatelliteobservations, in combinationwith the previouslydescribedfield observations lead to the hypothesisthat an SST front and jet developedwithin 20-40 km of the coastby mid-March 1987, movedoffshorein April and becamethe convolutedjet observedin subsequentsurveysand satellitedata. Previous observations off California in 1981 and 1982 also docu- mentedthe fairly rapid developmentof a front andjet after the onsetof southwardwindsand its offshoremigrationbeyond the shelfbreakin April [Strub et al., 1987]. This is in contrastto observations off Oregon,wherethefrontand jet remainoverthe shelffor mostof the springand summer [Huyer, 1983]. Thus, we believethe resultsfrom 1987 are representativeof other years. After a similar seasonaldevelopmentof the SST fields in 1988, field surveysin June and July 1988 concentrated on the region between37ø-39øN, where a jet was found flowing offshore from Point Arena to the southwest,with peakvelocities of approximately 1.2 ms-•, as determined by surface drifters [Swensonet al., 1992]. A ribbon of fresherwater was again observedon the offshoreedgeof thejet[Huyer etal.,1991].InFigure 2a,•healtimeter field from July, 1988, showsthat this offshorejet connectsto a strongcycloniceddy at 37øN, 127øW and then continuesto the southinto a moreconvolutededdyfield. Thereis good agreementbetweenthis representation of the flow field and the hydrographicand drifter data [Huyer et al., 1991; Brink and Cowles, 1991]. The satellite data shows even more stronglythan in 1987 that thejet observedin the surveysat 125øW,37.5øN is part of a continuousflow, this time from well north of the Columbia River to southern California, providingsupportingevidencethatthe ribbonof freshwater came from much farther north. An independentestimateof the flow field in July 1988 was calculatedusingan automatedfeaturetrackingprocedure [Emeryet al., 1986] on a sequence of 6 AVHRR imageswithin a 36-hourperiod. Kelly and Strub [1992] describethe methodin detail and show overall agreementbetween the satellite estimates and the velocities derived from field surveysand surfacedrifter tracks during July, 1988, althoughthe methodunderestimates the maximummagnitudesof velocitiesin thejet. Here, the methodis appliedto a larger,relativelycloud-freeregionbetween35ø- 46øN. The resultingfield of surfacevelocities(Figure 2b) includesmany of the featuresfound in the altimeterheight field. Specifically: 1) a narrowjet is found on the offshore side of an SST front, 20-50 km from the coast off cen- tral Oregon(44.0ø- 45.0øN); 2) the front and jet separate 210 STRUB AND JAMES: SUMMER from the shelfaroundCapeBlanco(42ø- 43øN); 3) thejet formsa largemeanderaroundCapeMendocino,thenflows onshoreand to the south,into the jet that flows southwest from Point Arena; and 4) the jet continuesaroundthe cycloniceddyand througha field of two anticyclonic eddies that were alsosampledby the drifters[Brinket al., 1991]. The cycloniceddyat 37øN, 127øWwasparticularlywell documented by the driftersandshownto persistfor at least threemonths,entrainingandreleasingdriftersduringJuneAugust[Swensonet al., 1992]. Otheraltimeterfields(not shown)suggestthat it existedfrom May throughOctober. The anticyclonic eddiesat approximately 35øN, 124øWand 35øN, 126øW were shorterlived. The anticycloniceddy farther offshore at 39ø-40øN, 129ø-130øW in July 1988, more clearlyseenin Figure2a, can be tracedback in the altimeterfields to an eddy found in February1988, closer to the coast. Thus, eddiesassociatedwith the jet may last up to six months. Closerto shore,eddiessuchas these have alsobeenshownto causestrongoffshoretransports of sedimentand organicmatter[Washburnet al., 1993]. Summary Geosataltimeter data from two years,along with coin- CALIFORNIA CURRENT Brink, K.H., and T.J. Cowles, The Coastal Transition Zone Pro- gram,J. Geophys.Res.,96, 14,637-14,647, 1991. Brink, K.H., et al., Statisticalpropertiesof near-surfaceflow in the California coastaltransitionzone,J. Geophys.Res., 96, 14,69314,706, 1991. Davis, R.E., Drifter observations of coastalsurfacecurrentsduring CODE: The methodand descriptiveview, J. Geophys.Res., 90, 4741-4755, 1985. Emery, W.,J.,•A.C. Thomas, M.J. Collins, W.R. Crawford, and D.L. 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Robinson,Turbulentjets and eddies in the California Current and inferred cross-shore transports, convolutedmeanderingpattern.Eddiesassociated with the jet may persistfor 3-6 monthsand play an activerole in Science, 223, 51-53, 1984. offshoretransport.The exactnatureand dynamicsof the M.M., and C.N.K. Mooers,Mesoscaleeddies,jets and development of the large-scale mid-summer jet are still un- Rienecker, frontsoff Point Arena, California,July 1986, J. Geophys.Res., known, leavingunansweredquestionsaboutthe difference 94, 12,555-12,569, 1989. in behavioroff Oregonand California,the locationand dy- Smith, R.L., Modem ocean upwelling, in Upwelling Systems: namicsof the separationof the jet from the shelf,and the EvolutionSincethe Early Miocene, SpecialPublicationNo. 64, C.P. Summerhayes, W.L. Prell andK.C. Emeis,Eds. Geological relation of the jet to the surroundingeddies. Society,London, pp. 9-28, 1992. Strub, P.T., J.S. Allen, A. Huyer, and R.L. Smith, Large-scale Acknowledgments. This work wassupported by fundingfrom structureof the springtransitionin the coastaloceanoff western grant958128 from theJetPropulsionLaboratoryandgrantsNAGWNorth America, J. Geophys.Res., 92, 1527-1544, 1987. 2475 and NAF-5-30553 from NASA. Altimeter data were obtained Strub, P.T, P.M. Kosro, A. Huyer, and CTZ collaborators,The from the Jet PropulsionLaboratory.AVHRR data were obtained nature of the cold filamentsin the California Current System, from Mark Abbott and the dynamicheightfield was providedby J. Geophys.Res., 96, 14,743-14,768, 1991. Mike Kosro. The field data were collectedduring the Coastal Swenson,M.S., P.P. Niiler, K.H. Brink, and M.R. Abbott, Drifter TransitionZone program, sponsoredby the Office of Naval Reobservationsof a cold filament off Point Arena, California in search,throughthe CoastalSciencessection,whichalsosupported July 1988, J. Geophys.Res., 97, 3593-3610, 1992. someof the work leadingto this paper. Dudley Cheltonmadevalu- Washburn,L., M.S. Swenson,J.L. Largier,P.M. Kosro,and S.R. able commentson a previousdraft of the paperand four anonyRamp, Cross-shelfsedimenttransportby an anticycloniceddy mous reviewersmade suggestionsthat resultedin a much clearer off Northern California, Science, 261, 1560-1564, 1993 and more focusedpaper. Zlotnicki, V., A. Hayashi, and L.-L. Fu, The JPL-Oceans8902 References versionof Geosataltimetrydata,Rep. JPL D-6939, JetPropul. Lab., Pasadena,Ca., 17 pp. plusfigures,March, 1990. Breaker, L., and R.P. Gilliland, A satellitesequenceof upwelling alongthe Californiacoast,in, CoastalUpwelling,F.A. Richards (Ed.), AmericanGeophysical Union, Washington, D.C., p. 8784, 1981. (received7/21/94; revised10/6/94; accepted11/9/94.)