ETSI Security Standardisation Dr. Carmine Rizzo CISA, CISM, CISSP, ITIL, PRINCE2


ETSI Security Standardisation

Dr. Carmine Rizzo


ETSI Technical Officer – ETSI Standardisation Projects

ETSI Security Standardisation

ITU-T SG17 (ITU - Geneva 13 February 2009): ETSI Security Standardisation


World Class Standards

‰ Introduction

‰ ETSI Security activities in Technical Bodies

‰ ETSI Security horizontal activities

2 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards



‰ ETSI Security activities in Technical Bodies

‰ ETSI Security horizontal activities

3 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards

The three roles of ETSI













ESO (European Standards Organization): standardization for European needs

GSP (Global Standards Producer): standardization for the global level

SPO (Service Providing Organization): services such as interoperability testing, forum management etc.

ETSI STQ Workshop - Prague, 17-19 June 2008 4

World Class Standards

The role of Security Standards

‰ Information Security Standards are essential to ensure interoperability

‰ Standardisation ensures products are compliant with


Adequate levels of security

¾ Legislations

‰ ETSI 1988-2009: over 20 years of experience in Security

‰ All ETSI Members participate directly in the standardisation process

ETSI Security Overview 5

World Class Standards

‰ Introduction


ETSI Security activities in Technical Bodies

‰ ETSI Security horizontal activities

6 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards

Areas of security standardisation

‰ Next Generation Networks (NGN)

‰ Mobile/Wireless Communications (GSM/UMTS, TETRA, DECT…)

‰ Lawful Interception and Data Retention

‰ Electronic Signatures

‰ Smart Cards

‰ Algorithms

‰ Emergency Communications / Public Safety


‰ Quantum Key Distribution (QKD)

‰ In 3GPP: SAE/LTE and Common IMS

ETSI Security Overview 7

World Class Standards

NGN Security standardisation

‰ ETSI TISPAN WG7 standardizes NGN security

‰ Achievements


Security Requirements, Design Guide, Architecture

¾ Analysis of risks and threats

‰ Current work

¾ Lawful Interception / Data Retention


IPTV, RFID, safety services (emergency communications)


T elecommunication and I I nternet converged S ervices and P rotocols for A dvanced N etworking

ETSI Security Overview 8

World Class Standards


‰ Security Standardisation: key success factor for GSM

‰ IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity)

¾ Protection/deterrent against theft

‰ FIGS (Fraud Information Gathering System)


Terminate fraudulent calls of roaming subscribers

‰ Safety Services (enhancements for UMTS)

¾ Priority access for specific user categories

¾ Location services

ETSI Security Overview 9

‰ TErrestrial Trunked RAdio


World Class Standards

‰ Mobile radio communications

¾ Used for public safety services (e.g. emergency scenarios)

‰ Security features


Mutual Authentication

¾ Encryption

¾ Anonymity

10 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards

Lawful Interception

‰ Delivery of intercepted communications to Authorised Organisations


To support criminal investigation, counter terrorism

¾ Applies to data in transit

Data Retention

‰ Directive 2006/24/EC

¾ Data generated/processed in electronic comms needs to be retained

¾ Applies to data location

‰ ETSI Data Retention standard published in 2008

TB Lawful Interception (LI) works with both LI and DR

• Define Handover Interface from Operator to Authorised Organisation

ETSI Security Overview 11

World Class Standards

Electronic Signatures

‰ TB ESI (Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures)

¾ Supports eSignature EC Directive – in cooperation with CEN


Created ETSI electronic signatures


Successful international collaboration (US, Japan)

‰ Current work


Digital accounting (eInvoicing)


Registered EMail (REM) framework


ETSI electronic signatures in PDF documents

ETSI Security Overview 12

World Class Standards

Smart Cards

‰ ETSI Smart Card Standardisation

¾ TB Smart Card Platform (SCP)

¾ GSM SIM Cards: among most widely deployed smart cards ever

¾ Work extended with USIM Card and UICC Platform

‰ Current work

¾ Further extend the smart card and UICC platforms

• Global roaming

• Secure financial transactions

• Operate in M2M communications

USIM: U MTS S ubscriber I I dentity M odule

UICC: U niversal I I ntegrated C ircuit C ard

M2M: M achine-toM achine

ETSI Security Overview 13


World Class Standards

‰ ETSI is world leader in creating cryptographic algorithms / protocols

¾ ETSI SAGE (Security Algorithm Group of Experts)

¾ ETSI is owner and/or custodian of a number of security algorithms

‰ Algorithms for GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, TETRA, DECT, 3GPP

‰ Developed

¾ UEA1 (standard algorithm for confidentiality)

¾ UIA1 (standard algorithm for integrity)

‰ Developed also a second set of algorithms

¾ UEA2 and UIA2, fundamentally different in nature from UEA1 and UIA1

¾ Advances in cryptanalysis are unlikely to impact both sets of algorithm

UEA: U MTS E ncryption A lgorithm

UIA: U MTS I I ntegrity A lgorithm

ETSI Security Overview 14

World Class Standards

Emergency Communications / Public Safety

‰ EMTEL ( ETSI Special Committee on Emergency Telecommunications )

¾ Co-operation with other TBs and partnership projects, including 3GPP

¾ Requirements for telecommunications infrastructure

‰ MESA ( Mobility for Emergency and Safety Applications )

¾ Partnership project: ETSI, TIA (USA), other members globally

¾ Define digital mobile broadband “system of systems” (interoperability is key!)

15 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards

GSM ongoing work (public safety)

‰ GSM onboard aircrafts

¾ Prevent undesired communications

• Between terrestrial networks and handheld terminals on aircrafts!

‰ GSM eCalls

¾ Automatic emergency calls from vehicles

• In case of crash or other catastrophic events

‰ GSM Direct Mode Operations (DMO)

¾ Terminals to communicate directly

• In tunnels (e.g. railways) or breakdown of telecomms network infrastructure

16 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards

SAE/LTE and Common IMS (in 3GPP)

‰ System Architecture Evolution / Long Term Evolution (SAE/LTE)


Deliver Global Mobile Broadband at increased data throughput

¾ Security features: integrity and confidentiality

• Developed in 3GPP and ETSI SAGE

‰ Common IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)

¾ Architectural framework to deliver IP multimedia to mobile users

¾ Security requirements from TISPAN, CableLabs and 3GPP2

17 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards


‰ RFID Security and Privacy by design

¾ In TISPAN WG7 to act on EC Mandate December 2008 (M 436)

• RFID as gateway for the future “Internet of Things” (IoT)

‰ More RFID work in other TBs


Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS)

ETSI Security Overview 18

World Class Standards

Quantum Key Distribution

‰ New ETSI Industry Specification Group (ISG)

¾ Create an environment for quantum cryptography in ICT networks

¾ Security Assurance Requirements

• Requirements for users, components, applications

• Security certification of quantum cryptographic equipment

ETSI Security Overview 19

World Class Standards

‰ Introduction

‰ ETSI Security activities in Technical Bodies


ETSI Security horizontal activities

20 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards

OCG Security

‰ Operational Co-ordination ad hoc Group on Security (OCG Sec)


Chairman: Charles Brookson

¾ Technical Officer: Carmine Rizzo

‰ Horizontal co-ordination structure for security issues

¾ Ensure new work is addressed by proper TB

¾ Detect any conflicting or duplicate work

ETSI Security Overview 21

World Class Standards

Future Challenges

‰ ETSI to address open issues on security

¾ Prioritization in security standardisation

¾ Security Metrics

¾ Privacy

¾ How to “evaluate” security standards in implementation

¾ …

‰ ETSI is ready to address these challenges


Proactively supporting its Members according to requirements and trends

¾ Proactively promoting security standardisation


In collaboration with other SDOs

22 ETSI Security Overview

World Class Standards

ETSI Security Workshop

‰ Yearly event hosted at ETSI premises, Sophia Antipolis, France

‰ Security standardisation keeps evolving

¾ New threats arising

‰ ETSI needs feedback to:


Ensure timely standardisation on gaps or hot topics

¾ Initiate new work according to the requirements of ETSI Membership

‰ Next, to be confirmed


5th ETSI Security Workshop 2010 (possibly 19-21 January)

¾ Watch for the Call for Papers



Reports and presentations of all ETSI Security Workshops

ETSI Security Overview 23

World Class Standards

ETSI Security White Paper

‰ ETSI achievements and current work in all security areas

‰ List of all security-related ETSI publications

‰ Edition No. 2 published in October 2008

¾ Carmine Rizzo (ETSI Security point of reference)

¾ Charles Brookson (Chairman of ETSI OCG Security)


‰ Freely downloadable

ETSI Security Overview 24


Available for your


ITU-T SG17 (ITU - Geneva 13 February 2009): ETSI Security Standardisation
