Line-of-sight clear sky XPD and CPA statistics

TABLE I-4 – Line-of-sight clear sky XPD and CPA statistics+
Path number
Transmit station
TX site name
TX country(1)
TX latitude (–90..+90) (degrees)
TX longitude (0..360) (degrees) E
TX altitude amsl hgt (m)
TX antenna height ag ht (m)
TX 3 dB beamwidth t (degrees)
TX antenna type
TX antenna diameter D (m)
TX antenna feed type
TX clear-sky level XPD0 (dB)
TX maximum XPD level XPDmax (dB)
TX maximum side-lobe angle (degrees)
TX relative level of maximum side lobe (dB)
Receive station
RX site name
RX country(1)
RX latitude (–90..90) (degrees)
RX longitude (0..360) (degrees) E
RX altitude amsl hgr (m)
RX antenna height ag hr (m)
RX 3 dB beamwidth r (degrees)
RX antenna type
RX antenna diameter D (m)
RX antenna feed type
RX radome? (Y/N)
RX figure of merit (dB(K–1))
RX clear-sky level XPD0 (dB)
RX maximum XPD level XPDmax (dB)
RX maximum side-lobe angle (degrees)
RX relative level of maximum side lobe (dB)
RX dynamic range (dB)
RX integration time (s)
Measurement: Experiment No.
Data sampling interval (s)
Calibration interval (days)
Data resolution (dB)
Path length l (km)
Terrain type (land/sea/mixed)
Path profile (file name)
Start date (
End date (
Duration d (days) (2)
Frequency f (GHz)
Polarization (L/C)
Polarization tilt angle p (degrees)
Table: (3)
Cross-polar discrimination exceeded for percentage of time, XPD (dB)
Co-polar attenuation exceeded for percentage of time, CPA (dB)
Percentage of time
Use ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes.
Duration is the total time of valid measurements for this dataset, expressed as a real number (e.g. 339.888 days).
The ratio of duration to the period identified by the start and the end dates of this dataset is the availability (e.g. start=2001/1/1,
end=2001/12/31, duration= 339.888 days corresponds to 93.12 % availability).
Submissions should comply with the acceptance criteria specified in Rec. ITU-R P.311.
+ In addition to the tables provided in this document the submitter is requested to provide the data files according to the instructions
available on ITU-R SG 3 Web page: Study Group 3 databanks - DBSG3.