AN ABSTRACT OF THE DISSERTATION OF Rebecca L. Poulson for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Oceanography presented on June 12, 2008. Title: The Influence of Early Diagenesis on Trace Element and Molybdenum Isotope Geochemistry Abstract approved: ______________________________________ James McManus This thesis investigates the influence of early diagenesis on trace metal and molybdenum isotope behavior in marine and lacustrine environments. Chapter one is a synthesis of previous research in all the marine environments investigated, providing an essential geochemical context for interpreting the observed behavior of Mo in these settings. Chapter two discusses Mo behavior in three sites from the anoxic Mexican continental margin. The data from these sites suggest that a unique Mo isotopic signature exists for authigenic Mo enrichments in anoxic sediments. Chapter three discusses Mo geochemical and isotopic behavior from a variety of marine environments to further constrain Mo behavior during early diagenesis. At sites representing end-member cases for oxic and anoxic conditions, the observed sediment Mo isotope compositions agree with those predicted from previously reported natural and laboratory fractionations. However, data from surface sediments of several study sites suggest that Mo associated with organic matter has an isotopic composition that is less fractionated (relative to modern seawater) than either oxic or anoxic authigenic Mo phases, and that this biogenic Mo may dominate the bulk sediment Mo pool in certain environments. In addition, redox cycling of Mn within the sediment column appears to strongly influence Mo geochemical and isotopic behavior. Chapter four investigates sediment geochemistry along a depth transect in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Permanent stratification of waters in this lake has produced a strong chemocline, with oxic conditions in the surface and sulfidic waters at depth. The sediment distributions of trace metals (specifically Mo and U) along this transect are investigated herein to evaluate changes in sediment geochemistry across this transition. Despite sulfur limitation in this freshwater system, conditions are sufficiently reducing (particularly at depths below the chemocline) to generate substantial authigenic metal enrichments. © Copyright by Rebecca L. Poulson June 12, 2008 All Rights Reserved The Influence of Early Diagenesis on Trace Element and Molybdenum Isotope Geochemistry by Rebecca L. Poulson A DISSERTATION submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Presented June 12, 2008 Commencement June 2009 Doctor of Philosophy dissertation of Rebecca L. Poulson presented on June 12, 2008. APPROVED: ____________________________________________________ Major Professor, representing Oceanography ____________________________________________________ Dean of the College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences ____________________________________________________ Dean of the Graduate School I understand that my dissertation will become part of the permanent collection of Oregon State University libraries. My signature below authorizes release of my dissertation to any reader upon request. ____________________________________________________ Rebecca L. Poulson, Author ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost I would like to thank my primary advisor and dear friend, Dr. Jim McManus. Without his mentorship, guidance, support, and unfailing sense of humor, none of this would have been possible. I would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to the faculty members of my graduate committee - Dr. Clare Reimers, Dr. Gary Klinkhammer, and Dr. Dave Graham - for donating their time and providing insightful comments throughout this process. I thank my friend and colleague Dr. Silke Severmann, who convinced me all this was possible, and provided invaluable assistance and support all along the way. I would also like to thank Dr. William Berelson, for providing many of the sediment samples discussed in this thesis, as well as thoughtful comments on the resulting manuscripts. I thank Dr. Christopher Siebert for teaching me how to make the measurements in the first place, and Angela Bice for doing all the dirty work. I would also like to thank Andy Ungerer, whose tireless efforts in the Keck Collaboratory made all of the analyses possible. I thank Rob Wheatcroft, Anna Pakenham, and Rhea Sanders for assisting with gamma detection. I thank the IGERT Subsurface Biospheres program (NSF #0114427) for providing me with invaluable research opportunities and financial assistance. In particular, I thank Julie Cope, who always has the answers. This work was funded by several NSF grants (OCE-0219651, EAR-0518322, OCE-0551605, OCE-0721102) and I am sincerely grateful for the opportunities afforded me. I would also like to thank the Nyanza Project - Andy Cohen, Kiram Lezzar, Catherine O'Reilly, Ellinor Michel, and Hudson Nkotagu - for allowing me to participate in their fantastic program and providing me with essential infrastructure that made all the African research possible. I thank my office mates Mark Nielsen and Jesse Muratli for tolerating my endless banter and contributing countless essential tidbits along the way. To all the Friends of the Plasma, I wish to extend my sincerest thanks - you have made COAS a fun and interesting place to work, and have been true friends throughout this process. I thank my family, who has always supported me in all my endeavors - your unconditional love and encouragement has never waned, and I would never have been able to accomplish all that I have without you. And finally, my Jake - for tolerating my stresses and sharing in my successes throughout each and every step of this process, I am forever grateful. CONTRIBUTION OF AUTHORS Dr. William Berelson provided the Mexico margin sediment samples discussed in Chapters 2 and 3 and provided thoughtful comments on both manuscripts. Dr. Christopher Siebert provided analytical assistance on the Mo isotope measurements and contributed helpful comments on Chapter 2. Dr. Silke Severmann assisted with the collection and preparation of sediment samples discussed in Chapters 3 and 4, supplied additional sediment data discussed in Chapter 4, and provided insightful contributions to both the Chapter 3 and 4 manuscripts. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page General Introduction ................................................................................... 2 Abstract ......................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................... 3 Mo in the Marine Environment ..................................................... 5 Mo Behavior During Early Diagenesis ......................................... 9 Study Sites for this Research ........................................................ 12 MANOP Sites .................................................................. 12 Peru Margin ...................................................................... 15 California Margin ............................................................. 18 Mexico Margin ................................................................. 29 Summary ....................................................................................... 36 References .................................................................................... 37 Authigenic Molybdenum Isotope Signatures in Marine Sediments .......... . 54 Abstract ......................................................................................... 55 Introduction ................................................................................... 55 Authigenic Molybdenum ............................................................... 57 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Results ........................................................................................... 59 Discussion ..................................................................................... 60 Conclusions ................................................................................... 62 Acknowledgments ......................................................................... 63 References .................................................................................... 64 Molybdenum Behavior During Early Diagenesis: Insights from Mo Isotopes ...................................................................................................... 71 Abstract ......................................................................................... 72 Introduction ................................................................................... 73 Molybdenum in the Marine Environment ..................................... 74 Lithogenic Mo .................................................................. 75 Biogenic Mo ..................................................................... 75 Authigenic Mo .................................................................. 76 Site Descriptions ............................................................................ 79 MANOP Sites .................................................................. 79 Peru Margin ..................................................................... . 79 California Margin ............................................................. 80 Mexico Margin ................................................................. 81 Methods ......................................................................................... 83 Results and Discussion .................................................................. 85 The Lithogenic Mo Correction .......................................... 86 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page The Authigenic Mo-Manganese Signature ........................ 87 The Authigenic Mo-Sulfide Signature ............................... 89 The Biogenic Mo Signature ................................................ 91 Authigenic Mo with Seawater δ98Mo (aq) Source ................. 92 Authigenic Mo with Manganese δ98Mo (aq) Source ............. 95 Conclusions ...................................................................................... 98 References ........................................................................................ 100 Sediment Geochemistry along a Chemocline Transect, Lake Tanganyika, East Africa ........................................................................ 117 Abstract ............................................................................................. 118 Introduction ....................................................................................... 119 Methods ............................................................................................. 121 Results and Discussion ...................................................................... 123 Age Model ............................................................................ 123 Regional Sedimentation ........................................................ 125 Sediment Distributions of Diagenetic Reactants .................. 126 Sediment Trace Metal Distributions ..................................... 129 Authigenic Accumulation of U and Mo ................................. 132 Conclusions ......................................................................................... 135 References ........................................................................................... 136 Conclusion ..................................................................................................... 159 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Page Bibliography .............................................................................................. 161 Appendix A: Additional Data Tables for Chapter 3 .................................. 170 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1.1 Major Mo sources to modern marine sediments ................................. 43 1.2 Published marine Mo isotope values and fractionation factors ........... 43 1.3 Schematic summarizing Mo behavior under various diagenetic regimes .................................................................................................. 44 1.4 Map of study areas .............................................................................. 45 1.5 Map of Peru margin and MANOP sites ............................................... 45 1.6 Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for MANOP sites M and H ....................................................................................... 46 1.7 Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for Peru margin ................................................................................................. 47 1.8 Map of California margin Borderland Basin sites .............................. 47 1.9 Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for the three inner basins of the California margin .................................................. 48 1.10 Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for the four outer basins of the California margin ............................................... 49 1.11 Pore water profiles of sulfate, ammonia, and phosphate for all Borderland basin sites investigated in this study .............................. 50 1.12 Map of Mexico margin sites ............................................................. 51 1.13 Pore water profiles of ammonia and sulfate for two Mexican margin sites, the Peru margin, and all Borderland basin sites investigated in this study ........................................................................................... 51 2.1 Measured Mo isotope compositions of various marine sediments ..... 66 2.2 All δ98Mo data (without lithogenic correction) from down-core profiles ................................................................................................. 67 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 2.3 Schematic of the authigenic Mo isotope system in marine sediments ............................................................................................. 68 3.1 Map of study areas .............................................................................. 104 3.2 Major Mo sources to modern marine sediments ................................. 104 3.3 Published marine Mo isotope values and fractionation factors .......... 105 3.4 Map of California margin study areas ................................................. 105 3.5 Map of Mexico margin study areas .................................................... 106 3.6 MANOP Site H Profiles ...................................................................... 107 3.7 Peru Margin Profiles ............................................................................ 108 3.8 Sediment Mo enrich concentrations and isotope compositions from Pescadero margin ................................................................................. 109 3.9 Sediment Mo enrich concentrations and isotope compositions from Magdalena margin ............................................................................... 110 3.10 Sediment Mo enrich concentrations and isotope compositions from Alfonso and La Paz basins, Mexico margin ...................................... 110 3.11 Pore water Fe and Mn profiles, sediment Mo enrich concentrations, and Mo isotope compositions from Santa Catalina and San Nicolas basins ................................................................................................. 111 3.12 Whole core average Mo enrich concentrations versus δ98Mo enrich values for all sites in this study ..................................................................... 112 4.1 Map of study area: Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania .................................. 139 4.2 Water column profiles from Northern Lake Tanganyika, Kigoma Basin ....................................................................................... 140 4.3 Down-core profiles of 210Pb and 137Cs used to create age models for all Luiche Platform sites ................................................................. 141 4.4 Down-core profiles of sediment carbonate contents for all Luiche Platform cores .......................................................................... 143 LIST OF FIGURES (Continued) Figure Page 4.5 Sediment Ti concentrations (%) versus estimated sedimentary lithogenic fractions (X LITH ) for all study sites .......................................... 143 4.6 Average total sediment, carbonate, and Ti accumulation rates for all study sites ............................................................................................ 144 4.7 Whole core average organic carbon (C org ) and total reducible iron sulfide (TRIS), C org and TRIS accumulation rates, and sediment C/S (C org /TRIS) ratios for all study sites .................................................. 145 4.8 Individual sample (left panel) and whole core average (right panel) sediment organic carbon (C org ) versus total reduced iron sulfide (TRIS) for all study sites ........................................................................................ 146 4.9 Whole core average sediment Mn:Ti and Fe:Ti ratios for all study sites .... 147 4.10 Pore water Mn and Fe profiles for all study sites ..................................... 147 4.11 Whole core average predicted and measured trace metal concentrations ......................................................................................... 148 4.12 Whole core average "enriched" U and Mo accumulation rates .................. 149 4.13 Whole core average "enriched" U and Mo versus whole core average organic carbon (%C org ) and total reduced inorganic sulfur (%TRIS) ......... 149 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1.1 Study Site Characteristics .................................................................... 52 2.1 Mo Isotope Compositions of Various Marine Depositional Environments ....................................................................................... 69 3.1 General site characteristics and average sediment Mo enrich data .......... 113 4.1 Water depths, locations, and sedimentation data for all study sites .... 150 4.2 Sediment data: major elements, carbon and sulfur contents, carbonate fractions, estimated densities, and mass accumulation rates ................ 151 4.3 Sediment trace metal data .................................................................... . 155 4.4 Average standard reference material compositions .............................. 158 LIST OF APPENDIX TABLES Appendix Table Page 1.1 Standard reference materials for Mo, Al, Ca, Fe, Mn, and Ti ............. 171 1.2 Sediment Mo concentration data .......................................................... 172 1.3 Sediment major element compositions and lithogenic Mo fractions ... 181 1.4 Sediment Mo isotope compositions ....................................................... 192 1.5 Average sediment Mo enrich concentrations and isotopic compositions ... 196 1.6 Detailed sediment data from previously published California and Mexico margin sites ............................................................................... 201 The Influence of Early Diagenesis on Trace Element and Molybdenum Isotope Geochemistry Rebecca L. Poulson 2 GENERAL INTRODUCTION 3 ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on molybdenum and molybdenum stable isotope geochemistry in marine and lacustrine sedimentary settings. In addition, this work examines a number of other redox-sensitive trace metals (e.g. U, Cd, and Re) whose behavior may also vary through the range of environments captured in this study. The sites that are studied have been chosen to represent a broad range in sedimentary oxidation-reduction (redox) potential. Sediments have been analyzed from a variety of locations, including the California continental margin, the Mexico margin, the Peru margin, and two Eastern Pacific hemipelagic sites. Decades of previous research at all the study sites provide the necessary diagenetic framework essential for interpreting redox-sensitive trace metal behavior. The purpose of this chapter is to review what is known about Mo geochemistry, to summarize the available geochemical data from these locations, and to provide a framework for the trace metal and Mo isotope data discussed in subsequent chapters. INTRODUCTION Information regarding the geochemical evolution of the global oceans is contained within the marine sediment and rock records. Interpretation of these ancient records leverages off our often imperfect interpretation of the chemical signatures that are sequestered within remnant geologic materials. We therefore continue to refine our understanding of proxy behaviors by investigating modern systems with characteristics that we seek to uncover from the geologic record. 4 This thesis focuses on the modern geochemical behavior of molybdenum and its stable isotopes along with a number of other elements (e.g. U, Cd, and Re). These trace elements have solubilities that are sensitive to the oxidation-reduction (redox) potential of the environment. Because of this sensitivity, these elements have been employed as proxies for the geochemical conditions of ancient depositional environments (e.g. Tribovillard et al., 2006, and references therein). Specific to this study, the solubility of Mo appears to be sensitive to the availability of reduced sulfur species; sediment Mo enrichments have been interpreted to indicate a lack of dissolved oxygen (e.g., Crusius et al., 1996; Dean et al., 2006). However, Mo behavior is also impacted by manganese and iron cycling in more oxygenated environments (e.g., Bertine and Turekian, 1973; Calvert and Pedersen, 1993; Chappaz et al., 2008). Sediment Mo enrichments thus occur in both well-oxygenated and reducing marine settings, and Mo concentrations alone are therefore difficult to interpret in terms of depositional redox conditions. Mo isotopes in conjunction with elemental ratios may provide a more robust paleochemical proxy. Molybdenum has seven stable isotopes (92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, and 100) with relative natural abundances from 9 to 24%. From an analytical perspective, we take advantage of the multiple isotopes of Mo by measuring Mo isotope ratios by the published 100/97Mo double spike technique (Siebert et al., 2001; all values reported in δ98Mo notation: δ98Mo = [(98/95MoSAMPLE/98/95MoSTANDARD -1) x 1000]). Recent work has identified marine sediment Mo isotope signatures unique to the dominant mechanisms controlling Mo speciation and enrichment (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003; 2006; Poulson et al., 2006). Laboratory experiments and natural samples have quantified Mo isotope fractionation in Mn-dominated systems (Barling et al., 2001, 2004; Siebert et al., 2003), but sulfidecontrolled Mo isotope fractionations remain poorly understood. 5 It is the goal of this study to further constrain Mo isotopic behavior in the marine environment by analyzing well-characterized modern marine sediments from a range of depositional redox conditions. Decades of previous research at these study locations provide a framework for interpreting Mo behavior, and this chapter is an attempt to summarize and synthesize that work. This thesis combines published laboratory experimental results with observations from modern environments to fully characterize Mo geochemistry and associated isotopic fractionations in modern marine systems, providing a necessary context for future proxy applications. Mo IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT Under the oxygenated conditions predominant in the modern ocean, Mo exists primarily as the soluble molybdate ion (MoO42-; Figure 1) and is the most abundant dissolved trace element in seawater (Broecker and Peng, 1982). Molybdenum behaves conservatively in the open ocean water column, with a concentration of ~105 nM and a residence time of ~800,000 years (Collier, 1985; Emerson and Huested, 1991). Although there are currently a limited number of analyses (n = 6), modern seawater is thought to have a homogenous Mo isotopic composition of δ98MoSW = 2.3±0.1‰ (Figure 2, Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003). This seawater value is thought to be dictated by the balance between a near-zero input term (rivers) and the various sedimentary sink terms described below (Arnold et al., 2004; McManus et al., 2006). Despite the fact that seawater appears to be a uniform Mo reservoir, marine sediments exhibit a wide range in Mo concentrations and isotope values because bulk sediments reflect contributions from multiple sources or processes (Figure 1). With respect 6 to marine sediments, Mo deposits can be thought of as the sum of three dominant processes: 1) incorporation of lithogenic Mo into bulk sediment through continental weathering; 2) association of Mo with biological material which is delivered directly to the seafloor; 3) precipitation or adsorption as an authigenic solid phase (under both oxic and anoxic conditions; Figure 1). Lithogenic Mo Continental margin sediments include some quantity of terrigenous (lithogenic) material; the importance of the detrital contribution relative to the total bulk sediment is dependent upon the depositional environment. Though continental material delivers only a small quantity of Mo to marine sediments (typically ~1 ppm Mo in most igneous and sedimentary rocks; Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961), the lithogenic Mo contribution can constitute a significant fraction of the bulk sediment Mo inventory (Figure 1). Analyses of various terrigenous materials (e.g. granites, clastic sediments; n=12) constrain a homogenous isotopic composition of δ98Mo = 0.0±0.2‰ (Figure 2; Siebert et al., 2003), and this value is taken to represent the lithogenic (continentally-derived) Mo component in bulk sediment. As discussed in Chapter 2 (Poulson et al., 2006), to constrain the isotopic composition of sedimentary authigenic Mo, measurements of bulk sediment Mo isotope compositions require correction for dilution by the lithogenic contribution. Biogenic Mo Molybdenum is considered a biologically essential trace element, playing a key enzymatic role in a variety of processes, notably nitrogen fixation and nitrate reduction (e.g., Mendel and Bittner, 2006 and references therein). The relationship between organic matter 7 and Mo is complex because Mo is not only incorporated into cells, but it can also be sorbed to organic material in the water column (Figure 1; Tribovillard et al., 2004). There is limited data available to constrain a single organic matter Mo:C ratio. Reported Mo:C ratios in the nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria Trichodesmium erythraeum show large differences in the Mo:C ratios of natural and cultured samples (23 and 3 μmol/mol, respectively; Tuit et al., 2004). Available sediment trap studies report Mo:C ratios of ~9 nmol/mmol (Mazatlan margin; Nameroff et al., 1996) and ~4 nmol/mmol (Santa Barbara Basin; Zheng et al., 2000) in sediment trap materials. It is quite likely that Mo:C ratios in organic matter are variable, as they are dependent upon multiple environmental factors. In addition to this compositional variability, it is also likely that the preservation of Mo associated with organic material will vary. Recent experimental work has reported a -0.5‰ δ98Mo isotope fractionation associated with biological assimilation of Mo (Figure 2; Wasylenki et al., 2007; Liermann et al., 2005). Because it is unlikely that there is a single Mo:C ratio for organic matter, it is not possible to unequivocally quantify the organic sedimentary Mo component in marine sediments – at least based on the currently-available data base. However, as discussed in Chapter 3, biogenic Mo (Mo associated with organic matter) represents a distinct fraction of the total sediment Mo pool and (like the lithogenic Mo component) its isotopic contribution must be considered (Figure 1). Authigenic Mo Under well-oxygenated sedimentary conditions, Mo is most commonly found sorbed to solid-phase Mn and Fe-oxides. (Figure 1; e.g., Bertine and Turekian, 1973; Calvert and Pedersen, 1993; Chappaz et al., 2008). Experimental work by Barling and Anbar (2004) 8 revealed a large (2.7 ‰) fractionation between soluble molybdate (MoO42-) and Mo sorbed to Mn-oxides in the laboratory; that is, Mn-associated Mo bears a light isotopic signature relative to the dissolved phase. Those findings are consistent with results from modern FeMn crusts and Mn nodules (δ98Mo = -1.0 to -0.5 ‰) (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003), which demonstrate similar fractionation between seawater molybdate and Mnassociated Mo in natural samples (Figure 2). Negative Mo isotope compositions reported in Mn-rich sediments from San Clemente Basin on the California margin (δ98Mo = -0.8±0.4‰) also reflect the large fractionation between seawater Mo and Mn-associated Mo in sediments (Siebert et al., 2006). The specific mechanisms behind these observed isotope fractionations are not entirely clear; however, Mn-controlled authigenic Mo enrichments have the most negative sediment Mo isotope compositions measured to date. Under anoxic sedimentary conditions where sulfate reduction is a dominant electron transfer process, Mo is sequestered into sediments through complexation with ambient sulfide, forming less soluble thiomolybdates (MoOxS4-x2-) that may be scavenged by sulfidized organic matter or Fe-sulfide phases such as pyrite (Helz et al., 1996; Zheng et al., 2000). Helz et al. (1996) proposed a sulfide-controlled geochemical “switch” for Mo at ~10 μM H2S[aq] (Figure 3), where the dominant dissolved Mo phase abruptly transitions from molybdate (MoO42-) to tetrathiomolybdate (MoS42). Experimental work has shown that, in the presence of both H2S and S0-electron donors, thiomolybdate Mo(VI) may be reduced to Mo(V) or Mo(IV) polysulfide anions (Vorlicek et al., 2004); it remains unclear whether reduction of the metal itself is necessary for authigenic Mo accumulation. The pore water work of Zheng et al. (2000) proposed two thresholds for Mo-sulfide formation (Figure 3); at H2S[aq] concentrations of ~0.01 μM these authors proposed that Mo is removed from solution via coprecipitation of Fe-Mo-S phases, at higher H2S[aq] concentrations (~10 μM) they 9 postulate that Mo precipitates independent of iron. It may be that the sulfide thresholds proposed by Zheng et al. (2000) reflect changes in aqueous Mo speciation that impact solidphase Mo behavior. At low sulfide concentrations, thiomolybdate intermediate species (MoOxS4-x2-) may dominate the aqueous phase and be scavenged by solid-phase Fe-sulfides, while at higher sulfide concentrations tetrathiomolybdate (MoS42-) is likely to dominate, precipitating independently as a solid phase Mo-sulfide. An investigation of pore waters from Santa Monica Basin predicted a fractionation (-0.7‰) between pore fluids and sediment Mo deposits under reducing conditions (McManus et al., 2002). Initial data from anoxic sites on the Mexican continental margin reported in Chapter 2 suggest a unique Mo isotopic signature of δ98Mo = 1.6±0.1‰ for Mosulfide sediment enrichments that is consistent with the predicted fractionation (Figure 2; Poulson et al., 2006). The geochemical mechanisms responsible for the observed isotopic fractionation have not been identified. Reported Mo isotope compositions from “suboxic” surface sediments of the California margin span the full range between Mn-dominated and more reducing environments (δ98Mo = -0.8 to 1.6‰; Figure 2; Siebert et al., 2006), demonstrating the need for further refinement of the Mo isotope system in marine sediments before it may be successfully employed as a paleoproxy in geochemical reconstructions. Mo BEHAVIOR DURING EARLY DIAGENESIS In environments with high organic matter rain rates, the microbially-mediated breakdown of organic matter during early diagenesis proceeds through a well-known sequence of electron donors (e.g., Froelich et al., 1979). Sedimentary organic matter is oxidized by sequential reduction of the available oxidant with the greatest free energy 10 change (O2, NO3-, MnO2, Fe2O3, and SO42-). Figure 3 is a simplified depiction of the diagenetic sequence as reflected in pore water profiles. The depths of these diagenetic reactions are elastic - they may be compressed in the top few centimeters of sediment, stretched out over long distances within the sediment column, or even take place within the water column - depending upon the balance between electron donors and electron acceptors in any given setting. From a practical sedimentary perspective, oxygen penetration depth, availability of various electron donors, the rate of organic matter delivery to the seabed, as well as advective and/or diffusive properties of the sediments all play a role in determining the rates of early diagenesis in sedimentary environments (e.g. Froelich et al., 1979; Hartnett et al, 1998). The products and reactants of these reactions are observed in pore water profiles, and can be used to predict the dominant geochemistry of diagenetic environments (as generalized in Figure 3; e.g. Froelich et al., 1979). Several additional geochemical parameters not depicted in Figure 3 are often used to characterize depositional conditions. For example, ammonia is a known product of Fe and sulfate reduction reactions, and pore water ammonia enrichments are often used to suggest reducing sediment conditions (e.g. Froelich et al., 1979). Phosphate enrichments (above those predicted by organic matter decomposition alone) are also used to indicate Fe reduction in sediments; phosphate initially adsorbed to Fe-oxyhydroxides may be released into solution upon Fe reduction (e.g. McManus et al., 1997). The utility of Mo as a potential tool for tracking diagenetic processes in marine sediments is that Mo cycling is intimately linked to the cycling of several principal redox elements; not only is Mo associated with organic carbon deposited at the seafloor, but its authigenic cycling is primarily controlled by Mn, Fe, and S behavior. Essentially, Mo 11 cycling is tied not only to the geochemical reactions taking place within the sediments, but also the fuel that drives early diagenetic processes (i.e., organic matter). As previously discussed, Mo is most commonly found sorbed to solid-phase Mn and Fe-oxides under well-oxygenated conditions (Figure 3; e.g., Bertine and Turekian, 1973; Calvert and Pedersen, 1993; Chappaz et al., 2008). Upon depletion of available oxygen (and nitrate), Mn and Fe reduction ensue, releasing sorbed Mo back into solution. If Mn is reoxidized within the sedimentary column during diagenesis, some dissolved Mo may readsorb to reoxidized Mn and/or Fe in this oxidized layer (Figure 3). Alternatively, some dissolved Mo may diffuse downward in the sediment column, eventually reaching a depth where sulfate reduction is a dominant diagenetic process; here authigenic Mo can be removed from solution by the formation of insoluble Mo-sulfide complexes (see below and Helz et al., 1996; Figure 3). This study focuses on Mo geochemical and isotopic behavior during early diagenesis at several continental margin sites of the eastern tropical North Pacific (Figure 4, Table 1). In continental margin environments, decomposition of settling organic matter depletes oxygen in the water column, which in turn increases organic matter preservation (via reduced oxygen exposure time; e.g., Hartnett et al., 1998). Low bottom water oxygen concentrations can exclude benthic macrofaunal communities (thus minimizing sediment mixing via bioturbation). Model results suggest that, at total O2 fluxes less than ~100μmol/cm2/yr, diffusion is the dominant sediment transport mechanism (Meile and Van Cappellan, 2003). In combination, these environmental factors allow for the study of suboxic to anoxic diagenetic processes in shallow sediments underlying low-oxygen bottom waters (e.g., Froelich et al., 1979). Continental margin sediments are generally characterized by high 12 sedimentation rates that generate ideal conditions for investigating early diagenetic processes and the cycling of key elements associated with these reactions. STUDY SITES FOR THIS RESEARCH This study aims to further refine our understanding of Mo geochemical and isotopic behavior during early diagenesis through analyses of surface sediment cores from previously studied sites on the California, Mexico, and Peru continental margins, as well as two sites from the Manganese Nodule Program (MANOP; Emerson, 1984; Figure 4). To varying degrees, previous research at these locations allows for characterization of the regional dominant diagenetic processes, providing an important framework for interpreting Mo behavior. MANOP Sites Sediments were analyzed from two abyssal cores collected as part of the Manganese Nodule Program (MANOP; Emerson, 1984) in the eastern tropical Pacific (Figure 5). These two sites represent the most oxic conditions analyzed in this study; sediments are Mn-rich (1-7 wt.% Mn, Lyle et al., 1984) and bathed in well-oxygenated waters (110-150 μM O2; Bender and Heggie, 1984). These sites were selected because the anticipated high sediment authigenic Mo concentrations (e.g. Bertine and Turekian, 1973) should have Mo isotopic compositions representing an end-member case for authigenic Mo enrichment associated with Mn-rich, oxic sediments. 13 Site M MANOP site M is located 25 km east of the East Pacific Rise, at ~3100 m water depth (Figure 5; Klinkhammer, 1980). This site is influenced by hydrothermal sedimentation from the mid-ocean ridge crest, and was selected for the MANOP study to investigate supply of transition metals by hydrothermal precipitates during early diagenesis (Lyle et al., 1984). In addition to the hydrothermally-derived sediment component, site M has a high biogenic input flux (130 μg Corg/cm2yr; sediments 1-2 wt.% organic carbon) and the highest input of continental material of all five MANOP sites (Lyle et al., 1984). Site M is 1000 km off the coast of Central America, in the source region of the westward-flowing North Equatorial Current which efficiently delivers lithogenic material from the continent; surface sediments contain 9-13 wt.% continentally-derived feldspars (Lyle et al., 1984). Sediments at site M are marked by an oxidized zone in the top ~5 cm where oxygen reduction generates a nitrate maximum, though pore water profiles indicate that all available nitrate is reduced within the top ~10 cm of the sediment column (Figure 6; Klinkhammer, 1980). Evidence for Mn(IV) reduction occurs at 5 to 8 cm depth (Figure 6; Klinkhammer, 1980; Lyle et al., 1984), and the shallow depth of Mn reduction at this site may lead to net export of Mn from site M sediments into overlying waters (Heath and Lyle, 1982). Pore water profiles indicate that Fe(III) reduction begins ~15-20 cm (Figure 6; Klinkhammer, 1980), in agreement with an observed brown-green sediment color transition at 20 cm signifying the Fe(III)-Fe(II) redox boundary (Lyle, 1983). A marked increase in dissolved phosphate is also observed around 15-20 cm, likely reflecting the release of phosphate adsorbed to ferric hydroxides with the onset of Fe reduction (Emerson et al., 1980). Measured hydrogen sulfide is <1 μmol/kg throughout the uppermost 30 cm indicating little 14 or no sulfate reduction; however, increased NH4+ at depths greater than ~25 cm suggests some sulfate reduction may be occurring at depth (Emerson et al., 1980). Site H MANOP site H is located in the Guatemala Basin at a depth of about 3600 m (Klinkhammer, 1980), and was selected as a typical hemipelagic site for the MANOP study (Lyle et al., 1984). This site was found to have an abundance of manganese nodules; coverage estimated at ~300 nodules/m2 (Finney et al., 1984). These nodules have unusually high Mn/Fe ratios, suggesting a diagenetic source for the Mn precipitated at the nodule surfaces (Dymond et al., 1984). Modeled rates of bioturbation at site H decrease dramatically below 5 cm sediment depth, though aqueous Mn profiles suggest mixing may impact sediment geochemistry to a depth of at least 14 cm (Klinkhammer 1980; Kadko and Heath, 1984; Figure 6). Site H lies near the northern boundary of the eastward-flowing North Equatorial Countercurrent, which carries nutrient-poor waters into the eastern Pacific (Lyle et al., 1984). The organic carbon flux at site H is similar to that at site M (110 μg Corg/cm2yr), but surface sediment organic carbon contents are slightly lower at site H (0.6 to 1.4 wt.%; Lyle et al., 1984). Concentrations of continentally-derived feldspars (4-11 wt.%) are lower at site H than site M, suggesting a smaller contribution of lithogenic materials (Lyle et al., 1984). Site H currently lies at or just below the carbonate compensation depth, though it appears calcite preservation occurred there during the last glacial maximum; carbonate concentrations increase from ~1 wt.% in the surface sediments to ~20 wt.% below 15 cm (Lyle et al., 1984). 15 Pore water profiles reveal high nitrate concentrations (>30 μmol/kg) throughout the upper ~40 cm of sediment (Figure 6; Klinkhammer, 1980). Though nitrate reduction does not completely remove all available nitrate at this site, pore waters indicate Mn(IV) reduction begins between 10 and 15 cm depth (compared to ~5 cm at site M; Figure 6; Klinkhammer, 1980). Site H sediments are marked by a subsurface maximum in solid-phase Mn at ~9 cm, indicating Mn(II) re-oxidation at this depth (Lyle et al., 1984). Manganese nodules are also most prevalent in the uppermost 10 cm of sediment (Finney et al., 1984). No Fe (III) reduction is detectable in pore water profiles from the top ~40 cm of site H (Klinkhammer, 1980). The absence of Fe(III) reduction at this site is also suggested by the lack of a visible brown-green sediment color transition (sediments are brown to at least 10 m depth; Lyle, 1983). Peru Margin Sediments of the Peru margin investigated in this work were collected from a 264 m shelf site near 13oS (within the oxygen minimum zone; Suess et al., 1986; Figure 5). This site represents the most reducing open-ocean conditions of all study sites, due to the high organic carbon content and sulfidic nature of the sediments in this region (e.g. Reimers and Suess, 1983; Froelich et al., 1988). The Peru sediments were chosen with the expectation of high authigenic Mo concentrations (e.g. Böning et al., 2004), and the Mo isotope composition of these sediments is taken to represent an end-member Mo isotopic signature for authigenic Mo deposited under open-ocean reducing conditions. The Peru margin is a region of wind-driven perennial upwelling, resulting in high productivity in the surface waters and an associated intense oxygen minimum zone (OMZ, <5 μM O2) in the water column between 50 and 650 m (Suess et al., 1986). In one instance, 16 total depletion of nitrate (along with the presence of hydrogen sulfide) was observed within the water column in this region (Dugdale et al., 1977). The dominant surface current in the region is the equator-ward oxygen-rich Peru Chile Current, which turns away from the coast near 15oS (Wyrtki, 1967; Brockmann et al, 1980). North of ~15oS, the system is dominated by the high salinity, nutrient-rich, low oxygen southward-flowing Peru Undercurrent that flows from 5oS to 15oS, impacting the seafloor between 150-400 m depth (Hill et al., 1998). Organic carbon is preferentially accumulated on the outer shelf and upper slope (100-450 m water depth) between 11oS to 16oS, with strong bottom currents preventing significant accumulation on the mid-slope, resuspending and depositing sediments deeper on the continental slope (>2000 m; Reimers and Suess, 1983). An early study by Henrichs and Farrington (1984) near 15oS reported that denitrification was essentially complete within the uppermost 3 cm of sediment, with sulfate reduction being the dominant mechanism for organic matter remineralization. These authors observed H2S[aq] >200 μM in the surface pore waters of all sites located within the OMZ. Radiotracer incubations reported in Rowe and Howarth (1985) from a similar transect (also near 15oS) also concluded that sulfate reduction was the most important diagenetic process at work within the sediments off Peru. Fossing (1990) performed similar incubations on sediments from a transect near 15oS, and concluded that an average sulfate reduction rate of ~20 mmol SO42-/m2day was a best estimate for sediments within the OMZ. More than 50% of the total sulfate reduction occurred within the upper 20 cm of the sediment column at most sites, being most intense between 1 and 4 cm depth (Fossing, 1990). Unlike Henrichs and Farrington (1984), Fossing did not observe detectable sulfide in sediment pore waters until a depth of ~10-15 cm. This investigator found that solid-phase Fe-S was present between the sediment surface and the depth of free sulfide, and concluded that sulfate 17 reduced to sulfide in the top ~15 cm of sediment was either reoxidized or precipitated with ferrous Fe. These findings are consistent with those of Froelich et al. (1988) from sediments near 12oS, where low concentrations of dissolved Fe were found only to a depth of ~8 cm, with detectable sulfide below (Figure 7). Böning et al. (2004) analyzed shelf and slope sediments of the Peru margin between 9oS and 14oS, with sites covering depths above, within, and below the OMZ. These authors observed that Mn was depleted in all sediments relative to the lithogenic background, suggesting reduction of Mn-oxides within the suboxic water column, not within the sediments. The highest sulfate reduction rates were measured within the upper ~5 cm at all sites, with the highest total rates observed from sites at ~200 m water depth. Free sulfide was detected below ~10 cm in the sediment column at sites in ~100 m water depth, and below ~20 cm at sites ~250 m deep (Böning et al., 2004). Böning et al. (2004) also analyzed the sediments for Mo, reporting the highest concentrations in sites < 300 m water depth (≤150 ppm Mo in uppermost ~20 cm at 255 m). These authors suggested that the presence of H2S[aq] near the sediment-water interface (rather than delivery via incorporation with organic matter) was the most likely cause of Mo accumulation for sites within the OMZ. Because the Peru margin represents the most reducing conditions of all sites analyzed, these sediments are expected to have the highest Scontrolled authigenic Mo concentrations measured herein. This site was selected to represent an end-member for the authigenic sediment Mo isotope signature, where open-ocean anoxic conditions (low to no O2 and no sulfide in the overlying waters) and associated authigenic Mo deposits should dominate. 18 California Margin Off the coast of California, the southward flowing California Current overlies the more saline, oxygen-depleted, nutrient-rich California Undercurrent (Reid et al., 1958; Murray et al., 1983). This region experiences northerly winds most of the year, leading to offshore Ekman transport and associated upwelling. Upwelling is most intense in the spring; southerly winds dominate in late summer/fall leading to relaxed (or no) upwelling (Lynn and Simpson, 1987). The intense seasonal upwelling enhances biological productivity, and the associated high productivity zone bordering the East Pacific (combined with circulation patterns) results in a strong OMZ in the water column between depths of 200-1000 m (e.g. Sverdrup and Allen, 1939). Today, the OMZ is deeper and less intense off central California (~35oN) than off the Mexican margin (~23oN), reflecting ventilation in the north (van Geen et al., 2003). This explains why laminated sediments (indicative of low bottom water oxygen) are generally only preserved on the open margin within the OMZ at southern sites (south of ~24oN; Keigwin, 1998). The seven basins along the California margin investigated in this study are all part of a larger complex known as the Borderland Basins region, described in detail by Emery (1960). This region consists of approximately parallel belts of basins and banks (Figure 8). All together, there are at least 18 known basins in this region, four of which are now subareal. Basins with the flattest floors are generally those nearest shore, and the entire region is characterized by a general deepening of the basins with distance offshore; basins along each belt become deeper to the southeast. The topographic ridges surrounding the basins limit the exchange of water between adjacent basins. Because circulation is restricted, there are distinct inter-basinal differences in water chemistry that reflect both advection of new water into the basin as well as reactions within the basin water and sediments. 19 Most lithogenic sediment is transported to the Borderland basins via rivers, eolian deposition, and storm runoff. The outer basins are dominated by suspended particle transport, while turbidites are only generally important for the innermost basins (Emery 1960). The nearshore sites have higher lithogenic inputs than those farther offshore; it has been estimated that 40% of the total sediment input to the entire Borderland region can be accounted for by deposition within just six nearshore basins (Schwalbach & Gorsline, 1985). The three inner basins investigated in this study, Santa Barbara, Santa Monica, and San Pedro, comprise a single “belt” ~30 km offshore (Figure 8). The Santa Barbara Basin is 580 m deep, with a western sill to the Pacific at ~450-475 m depth (Sholkovitz, 1973). The Santa Monica Basin is 930 m deep, and is connected with the 890 m deep San Pedro Basin by a sill at 740 m (Emery, 1960). All three inner basins have sill depths well within the oxygen minimum zone, and these sites have the lowest measured bottom water oxygen concentrations (<10 μM, Reimers, 1987; Berelson et al., 1987; Jahnke, 1990; Table 1). Much of the deepest portions of these basins are characterized by laminated sediments (Finney and Huh, 1989), suggesting that diffusion generally dominates solute exchange over bioirrigation and bioturbation (Berelson et al., 1987). The inner basins are the most reducing environments studied on the margin (Figure 9); sulfate reduction dominates organic matter remineralization at these sites (e.g., Kaplan et al., 1963; Berelson et al., 1987; Jahnke, 1990). The other four basins in this study (moving offshore) are San Clemente, Santa Catalina, San Nicolas, and Tanner (Figure 8). The Santa Catalina and San Clemente basins are part of the same “belt” ~80 km offshore (parallel to the coast), San Nicolas is one of three basins in the next “belt” further west ~130 km offshore, and Tanner is one of four basins ~160 km offshore comprising the belt furthest from land (Figure 8). Santa Catalina (~1300 m deep), San Nicolas (~1800 m deep), and Tanner (~1500 m deep) basins all have 20 sill depths at or just below the base of the OMZ (1000-1200 m; Emery, 1960), and measured bottom water concentrations are generally between 15-35 μM (Reimers, 1987; Berelson et al., 1987). At these sites, organic matter is primarily oxidized by suboxic reactions (Mn and Fe reduction; Figure 10; e.g., Berelson et al., 1987; Shaw, 1990). San Clemente is the deepest Borderland basin site studied (~2100 m); its sill depth (~1800 m) is well below the oxygen minimum and sediments are bathed by relatively oxygen rich waters (~60 μM O2; Reimers, 1987). San Clemente represents the most oxic depositional environment studied in this region; aerobic processes dominate organic matter decomposition (Bender et al., 1989) and high concentrations of solid-phase Mn have been reported in surficial sediments (McManus et al., 2006; Figure 10). Inner Basins Santa Barbara Basin has a higher marine productivity, sedimentation rate (0.4 cm/yr; Reimers et al., 1990) and Corg rain rate compared to basins farther offshore (Crisp et al., 1979). The sill depth (~475 m) is within the oxygen minimum zone, leading to nearly anoxic bottom waters and the preservation of laminated sediments. These laminated sediments represent annual varves, the product of periodic flushing of the basin as outside waters spill over seasonally (Sholkovitz and Gieskes, 1971; Reimers et al., 1990). Seasonal flushing of the basin generally accompanies spring upwelling, temporarily delivering more oxygenated and nitrate-rich waters to the lower basin. This spillover is usually marked by a lack of detectable sulfide in the uppermost surface sediments, though conditions return to a more reducing state within three to four months with bottom water oxygen < 2 μM and H2S[aq] detectable just below the sediment-water interface (Reimers et al., 1990). Although the deep basin is periodically replenished with more oxygenated 21 seawater from outside the basin, several decades of research in Santa Barbara basin suggests that it is the most reducing of the all the Borderland Basins studied herein (Figure 9). High-resolution microelectrode work has shown the oxygen penetration depth in deep basin sediments can range from 0-0.5 cm (Reimers et al., 1996). Pore water nitrate and nitrite peaks occur within 0.25 cm of the sediment water interface, disappearing entirely by ~2 cm depth (Reimers et al., 1996; Figure 9). Small maxima in dissolved Mn at ~1 cm suggest some Mn (IV) reduction in these sediments, but larger dissolved Fe peaks suggest Fe reduction is a more prevalent mechanism for organic matter degradation in the most surficial sediments (Reimers et al., 1996; Figure 9). Sulfur isotopic data indicate that bacterial sulfate reduction is the dominant mechanism of organic matter oxidation in Santa Barbara; one study suggests sulfate reduction is responsible for nearly all of the observed carbon oxidation in deep basin sediments (Kaplan et al., 1963). Maximum sulfate reduction occurs within the top 2-4 cm of the sediment column, and decreases with depth (Reimers et al., 1996). Dissolved sulfide concentrations up to 15 nM have been observed in deep basin waters (>400 m), confirming that sulfate reduction is indeed an important process at work in the basin sediments (Kuwabara et al., 1999). Iron reduction reactions and subsequent Fe-S formation appear to regulate sulfide fluxes in the deep basin. Reimers et al. (1996) reported low ΣH2S[aq] concentrations (<0.5 μM) until a depth of ~4 cm, the depth where reduced Fe was no longer observed in pore water profiles. Alkalinity and NH4+ enrichments (Figure 11) are higher in pore waters of the deep basin than those of the slope (Sholkovitz, 1973). The higher alkalinity observed in deep basin sediments (a product of sulfate reduction) leads to better preservation of carbonates in the basin (10-12 wt.%) versus the slope (5-7 wt.%; Sholkovitz, 1973). Pore water sulfate 22 depletions (Figure 11) are larger in deep basin sediments than those of the slope, reflecting the more reducing conditions at the basin floor (Sholkovitz, 1973). Pore water pH values generally increase with depth in the sediments, though a minimum at ~3 cm was observed that correlates with the observed depth of nitrate depletion and maximum sulfate reduction (Reimers et al, 1996). Measured pore water pH values are higher than bottom water (7.5), a feature attributed to the dominance of Fe reduction reactions consuming protons in the uppermost surface sediments (Reimers et al., 1996). Iron reduction is also suggested by the accumulation of excess phosphate in pore waters with depth (Reimers et al., 1996; Figure 11) Santa Monica Basin is connected with the San Pedro Basin by a sill at 740 m (Emery, 1960), and chemical profiles indicate similar diagenetic regimes in both basins (Figure 9). A surface mixed layer is evident in Santa Monica sediments from the basin slope underlying oxic bottom waters, but mixing is subdued in sediments of the deep basin below the sill depth (Huh et al., 1987). Oxygen is <5 μM in the water column below the sill depth, and the oxygen penetration depth is only ~0.2 cm in deep basin sediments (Berelson et al., 1996); therefore oxygen does not appear to play a major role in the breakdown of organic matter in the deep basin (Shaw et al., 1990). In fact, oxic mineralization of organic matter is estimated to account for only ~10% of the total carbon decomposition in the Santa Monica Basin (Jahnke, 1990). Pore water profiles indicate that nitrate reduction is complete within the top ~1cm of sediment, and Fe reduction begins just below this depth (Shaw et al., 1990; McManus et al., 1997; Figure 9). Pore water phosphate profiles are also consistent with shallow depths of Fe reduction (Figure 11); the observed phosphate flux from the sediments is in excess of that predicated solely from organic matter decomposition (McManus et al., 1997). A maximum 23 in solid phase Fe (8-11 wt.%) in the uppermost ~1 cm of sediment is contained within a yellow-brown surface oxidized layer (Finney and Huh, 1989). Below this depth, sediments are green in color and have less solid-phase Fe (5-7 wt.%), suggesting Fe reduced below ~1 cm diffuses upwards and is reoxidized at the sediment-water interface (Finney and Huh, 1989; Shaw et al., 1990). Despite the Mn maxima observed in the Mn profile depicted in Figure 9 (McManus et al., 1998), other published Mn profiles from Santa Monica Basin show little evidence of Mn reduction at this site (Shaw et al., 1990; McManus et al., 1998) suggesting that very little Mn is deposited or recycled in the deep basin, and that perhaps Mn-oxides are recycled in the overlying suboxic water column (Shaw et al., 1990). Sulfate reduction in the sediments of Santa Monica Basin is suggested by an observed decrease in pore water sulfate with depth, as well as nearly linear increases in alkalinity and NH4+ beginning just below the sediment-water interface (Figure 11; Jahnke, 1990; McManus et al., 1998). San Pedro Basin is next to Los Angeles, and receives more detrital sediment than basins farther offshore (Shwalbach and Gorsline, 1985). Bottom water oxygen contents in the deep basin are typically between 3-5 μM, though periodic flushing of the basin by colder, more oxygen- and nitrate-rich waters has been documented (~15 μM O2; Berelson, 1991). Flushing of the deep basin in San Pedro is more irregular than the annual flushing events observed in the nearby Santa Barbara Basin (e.g., Reimers et al., 1990) and may be related to El Niño climatic events (Berelson, 1991). Low bottom water oxygen concentrations in the basin limit bioturbation, preserving laminated sediments in the deep basin (Finney and Huh, 1989). The oxygen budget for San Pedro Basin, as determined over an 11-year study period (including times of flushing and stagnation), requires some oxygen consumption within the 24 water column (Berelson, 1991). Benthic flux studies indicate similar carbon oxidation rates in San Pedro Basin sediments and in the adjacent Santa Monica Basin (1.8 and 1.7 mmol/m2d, respectively); though the estimated net sulfate reduction rate in San Pedro is lower than Santa Monica (0.23 and 0.34 mmolS/m2d, respectively; Berelson et al., 1996). This difference is possibly due to higher rates of nitrate reduction in San Pedro, as reflected by higher benthic nitrate fluxes into the sediments of San Pedro than Santa Monica (-1.13 and -0.91 mmol/m2d, respectively; Berelson et al., 1996) Presley and Kaplan (1968) reported significant sulfate depletion in the pore waters of San Pedro sediments (as well as increasing ammonia concentrations with depth). These observations suggest sulfate reduction is a dominant process for organic matter degradation in this basin (Figure 11; Presley and Kaplan, 1968; Berelson et al., 1987; Leslie et al., 1990). Leslie et al. (1990) calculate sulfate reduction rates of ~8 μmole S/cm2yr in the uppermost sediments, decreasing exponentially with depth. High Fe concentrations in pore waters from the top 0-50 cm of sediment also suggest reducing conditions in San Pedro Basin (Figure 9; Presley and Kaplan, 1968; Leslie et al., 1990; McManus et al., 1997). Bruland et al. (1974) report a sharp decrease in solidphase Fe concentrations at ~2 cm depth, suggesting Fe reduction may be an important diagenetic process in the most surficial sediments. Pore water phosphate profiles also suggest Fe reduction (McManus et al., 1997; Figure 11). Near-surface pore water Fe and phosphate concentrations are lower in San Pedro than nearby Santa Monica Basin (McManus et al., 1997; Figures 9 and 11); however, as in Santa Monica, an excess phosphate flux was also observed from San Pedro sediments (McManus et al., 1997). It appears that pyrite formation removes available reduced Fe from pore waters in the sediment column <200 cm; below this depth, pore water H2S[aq] concentrations increase rapidly (to ~2 25 mM at 350 cm; Leslie et al., 1990). The lack of an observed minimum in solid-phase Mn concentrations in these sediments (Bruland et al., 1974) suggests that, as proposed for Santa Monica (Shaw et al., 1990), reduction of Mn-oxides is primarily taking place in the overlying water column in this basin. Outer Basins Santa Catalina has a sill depth of ~980 m (Emery, 1960), and measured bottom water oxygen is ~15 μM (Reimers, 1987). High resolution microelectrode profiles demonstrate the oxygen penetration depth is only 0.3-0.5 cm; however, cm-scale reversals in oxygen profiles below this depth suggest irrigation takes place through biogenic sedimentary structures (Reimers, 1987). Leslie et al. (1990) report smaller pore water TCO2 and ammonia gradients in Catalina surface sediments (0-30 cm) than those observed in San Pedro Basin, presumably reflecting the effects of bioturbation (Figure 11). Despite this irrigation, sulfate reduction rates of 4-5 μmole S/cm2yr are reported for surface sediments in Catalina basin (Leslie et al., 1990). Sulfate reduction is indicated by an observed decrease in porewater sulfate below the sediment-water interface, and sediments contain ΣH2S[aq] >4 mM below a depth of ~2 m (Figure 11; Presley and Kaplan, 1968; Leslie et al., 1990; McManus et al., 1998). Increases in pore water Fe and Mn concentrations below the sediment surface are evident in pore water profiles (McManus et al., 1998); though maxima are less than those observed in the more reducing inner basins (Figures 9 and 10). Similarities in Fe and phosphate profiles suggest that Fe and P cycling are linked in this basin (McManus et al., 1997; Figures 10 and 11). San Nicolas Basin is silled just below the OMZ (~1140 m), and bottom water oxygen is generally 20-35 μM (Berelson et al., 1987; Shaw, 1990), though sporadic periods 26 of “flushing” with more oxygen- and nitrate-rich waters have been observed (Berelson, 1991). The oxygen budget for this basin between times of flushing and stagnation can be entirely explained by oxygen uptake into the sediments, suggesting that oxygen uptake in the water column is not an important process at this site (Berelson, 1991). Evidence of bioturbation (e.g. worm tubes) is apparent in some cores from this site (Berelson et al., 1987); however, oxygen penetration depths as shallow as ~0.2 cm have been reported (Shaw, 1990). Pore water profiles show that nitrate is completely consumed by ~0.75 cm in San Nicolas sediments (Shaw, 1990; Figure 10). Pore water profiles also suggest that Mn(IV) reduction begins below ~0.5 cm; Fe release upon Fe reduction is evident below a depth of ~2 cm (Shaw, 1990; McManus et al., 1997; Figure 10). As in Santa Catalina, coincident maxima in San Nicolas Fe and phosphate profiles suggest that Fe and P cycling are linked in this basin (Berelson et al., 1987; McManus et al., 1997; Figures 10 and 11). Leslie et al. (1990) report TCO2 and ammonia profiles with slight increases over uppermost 10 cm of the sediment column, but large gradients are only evident below ~2 m depth. Sulfate profiles in surface sediments are generally vertical, suggesting little net sulfate reduction in the uppermost ~40 cm (Berelson et al., 1987; Shaw, 1990; Figure 11). Unlike the nearby Catalina Basin, ΣH2S[aq] in San Nicolas does not exceed ~1 mM over the top ~4 m of the sediment column, and lower sulfate reduction rates (~3 μmol S/cm2yr) have been reported for surface sediments in San Nicolas (Leslie et al., 1990). Tanner Basin has a sill depth of 1165 m and the bottom water oxygen concentration is ~25 μM (Berelson et al., 1996). The sediment oxygen penetration depth is modeled to be ~0.4 cm (Berelson et al., 1996). Small maxima in Mn, Fe, and phosphate profiles are reported in the uppermost 10 cm of the sediment column (Figures 10 and 11), but benthic Fe fluxes are among the lowest reported for the Borderland Basins (McManus et al., 1997; 27 1998). Sulfate concentrations are generally constant over the uppermost 25 cm, suggesting little or no net sulfate reduction in the uppermost sediments (McManus et al., 1998; Figure 11). San Clemente is the deepest and most oxic of all basin sites studied, with a sill depth well below the OMZ (~1800 m; Emery, 1960). Measured bottom water oxygen in San Clemente Basin is ~60 μM (Reimers, 1987). Bioturbation has been reported in basin sediments (Bender et al., 1989), and surface sediments contain high concentrations of solidphase Mn (~3 wt.%; McManus et al., 2006). Despite high bottom water oxygen concentrations, high resolution microelectrode profiles demonstrate the oxygen penetration depth is only ~0.5 cm in this basin (Reimers, 1987). Nitrate begins decreasing just below the sediment-water interface, and there appears to be a small zone of net nitrate production (due to O2 reduction and nitrification of NH4+) between 2-5 mm depth, followed by nitrate reduction below (Bender et al., 1989). Pore water profiles show nitrate is completely consumed at a depth between ~1.75 cm (Shaw, 1990; Figure 10) and ~4 cm (Bender et al., 1989). There is no dissolved Mn detectable in the pore waters of San Clemente until a depth of 0.5 to 1cm, below which Mn(IV) reduction ensues and Mn(II) is released into the interstitial waters (Bender et al., 1989; Shaw, 1990; Figure 10). Pore water profiles suggest Fe release upon Fe reduction below a depth of ~3 cm (Shaw, 1990; McManus et al., 1997). Phosphate concentrations generally increase with depth, but enrichments are lower than those reported from other basin locations (McManus et al., 1997; Figure 11). Sulfate and ammonia concentrations are generally constant, indicating sulfate reduction is not a dominant process in the top ~10 cm of sediment (Shaw, 1990; McManus et al., 1998; Figure 28 11). However, Bender et al. (1989) observed an increase in pore water NH4+ concentrations below ~5 cm depth, which they suggested reflects the onset of sulfate reduction. Bender et al. (1989) used pore water profiles, benthic lander fluxes, and assumed stoichiometries for the reactions of interest to calculate the relative importance of various oxidants for degrading organic matter in San Clemente sediments. Neglecting Fe reduction, these authors estimated that ~70% of organic carbon was degraded via O2. They estimated that nitrate and sulfate reduction were responsible for 16% and 13% of the total organic carbon degradation, respectively, with Mn-reduction representing <1% of the total organic carbon oxidation in San Clemente Basin. The representative sediment profiles depicted in Figures 9, 10, and 11 illustrate the range of geochemical environments found in the Borderland Basins region. In general, the nearshore sites are the most reducing, with bottom water oxygen concentrations < 10 µM. Bottom water oxygen contents increase in basins with distance offshore (e.g. Berelson, 1996). The largest sulfate depletions and ammonia and phosphate enrichments are observed in inner basin cores, reflecting the more reducing character of the near shore basins (e.g. McManus et al., 1997, 1998; Figure 11). Previously reported Mo isotopic compositions from Borderland basin sediments span the full range of Mo isotopic behavior observed in marine environments (Siebert et al., 2006). Additional sites analyzed in this work, notably those from San Nicolas and Santa Catalina Basins, were selected to further constrain marine Mo geochemical and isotopic behavior under suboxic conditions. Given the wealth of published geochemical data available for the sites investigated in this study, observed sediment Mo isotopic compositions can be confidently interpreted in light of the geochemical conditions specific to each depositional environment. 29 Mexico Margin The region off the Mexican margin investigated in this study experiences the same dominant currents and hydrography as the region investigated off of southern California. Though productivity off Southern California is generally higher than off of southern Baja California (van Geen et al., 2003), the same oxygen-deficient North Pacific Intermediate Water dominates subsurface currents and establishes an OMZ between depths of 500 and 1000 m (Thunell, 1998). This low oxygen core extends >1500 km off the coast of Mexico (Sansone et al., 2004). Within the Gulf of California, the movement of water masses is complex. There are alternating cores of flow into and out of the Gulf, with no apparent consistent seasonal or spatial patterns in flow (Castro et al., 2006). High salinity Gulf of California Water is present year round (Castro et al., 2006), but the subsurface waters are dominated by low-oxygen Pacific Intermediate Water that flows into the Gulf between depths of ~500 and 1000 m (Thunell, 1998). The anoxic bottom waters throughout this region limit bioturbation and allow for the preservation of laminated sediments underlying the OMZ (e.g. Calvert, 1966). The sediment cores investigated in this study are all subsampled from those previously reported in Sansone et al. (2004) and Berelson et al. (2005). There are two stations sampled off the west coast of Southern Baja: the Soledad Basin, and the open margin of the continental slope (Magdalena). Four sites were cored within the Gulf of California; two stations lie within depositional basins (Alfonso and La Paz), and two are from the open margin on the eastern side of the Gulf (Carmen and Pescadero). Two additional sites were cored off the western margin of mainland Mexico (south of Baja Peninsula); the open margin off of Mazatlan, and San Blas further to the south (Figure 12). 30 Because the sediments on this margin are bathed in low-oxygen waters (e.g. Thunell, 1998), we anticipate limited decomposition of organic carbon via aerobic processes. Evidence of denitrification and Mn reduction has been reported within the water column off mainland Mexico (e.g. Nameroff et al., 2002; Hartnett and Devol, 2003), suggesting diagenesis within the sediments will likely be dominated by reactions associated with Fe and S cycling. In addition, reported methane production at these sites also confirms reducing diagenetic conditions (Sansone et al., 2004). Sansone et al. (2004) focused on the processes controlling methane fluxes in the water column and sediments of this area. Berelson et al. (2005) sought to better understand anaerobic silica and carbon diagenesis throughout the region. While this study builds upon their previous findings, far less data is available in the literature for these locations than, for example, the Borderland Basin sites off of southern California previously discussed. As such, a detailed discussion of the anticipated diagenetic regimes within the sediments is not possible for many of these sites, and the sediment analyses of this study (both major element and trace metal work) will be required to fully characterize the nature of these sedimentary environments. W. Coast of Southern Baja Soledad Basin (sometimes called San Lázaro Basin) lies ~45 km west of the Baja California coast (Figure 12). Unlike the near shore basins off of southern California, the site is not measurably affected by human activity (Bruland et al., 1974). The basin has a very flat bottom with a maximum depth of 545 m and an effective sill depth of ~290 m (van Geen et al., 2003). Water column profiles within the basin show a reduction from ~8 to <5 μM O2 with depth, though a slight increase observed in the water column O2 profile near the bottom 31 may indicate spillover to the deep basin from waters outside (van Geen et al., 2003). A multi-year sediment trap study by Silverberg et al. (2004) found that the deep waters in the basin remained almost uniform in temperature and salinity, and this was taken to reflect the constant presence of North Pacific Intermediate Water that floods the bottom of the basin. Water column nitrate behaves conservatively with depth inside the basin (van Geen et al., 2003). The sediments of the deep basin are laminated (where bottom water is <5 μM O2), and the sedimentation rate appears to be steady at ~0.1 to 0.3 cm/yr (Bruland et al., 1974; van Geen et al., 2003; Berelson et al., 2005). The core analyzed in this study was collected from a water depth of 542 m in the deepest part of the basin, where bottom water oxygen was 0 μM and sediment laminations were preserved (Berelson et al., 2005). Previous work in this basin revealed organic carbon contents fairly constant with depth (~6 wt.%), while carbonate decreased from 20 wt.% to 10 wt.% below ~20 cm (Bruland et al., 1974). Sediment Mn and Fe concentrations were low and fairly constant with depth, (~2 wt.% Fe, ~150 ppm Mn; Bruland et al., 1974) suggesting they do not play a significant role in carbon oxidation at this site. Sansone et al. (2004) reported the largest surface sulfate gradient (0.24 mmol/L/cm) in Soledad sediments of all Mexican margin sites analyzed, with sulfate entirely depleted within the uppermost 80 cm of the sediment column (Figure 13). The Magdalena margin sediment core analyzed in this work was collected from a water depth of 713 m on the open margin of the continental slope (Figure 12). Bottom water oxygen at this depth was 1.3 μM, and sediments from this core were bioturbated in the top 23cm (Berelson et al., 2005). A steady sedimentation rate of ~0.03 cm/yr was estimated by van Geen et al. (2003) for a similar site on this margin at ~700 m water depth. Sansone et al. 32 (2004) noted a high surface sulfate gradient (0.2 mmol/L/cm; comparable to Soledad) for this site, with sulfate depleted by 100 cm depth in the sediment column. Gulf of California Alfonso Basin is located offshore the city of La Paz in La Paz Bay, on the southeastern coast of Baja within the Gulf of California (Figure 12). The southern portion of La Paz bay is shallow, but deepens towards the north and descends abruptly below 200 m to form Alfonso Basin, with a maximum depth of 420 m (Cruz-Orosco et al., 1989, 1996 in Silverberg et al., 2006) and a sill depth of ~325 m (Sansone et al., 2004). Bottom water oxygen at the study site has been measured as 0.5 μM, and the sediments are laminated with turbidite layers evident ~250 cm depth in the sediment column (Berelson et al., 2005). Surface sediments from within the deep basin are estimated to contain ~15 wt.% carbonate and ~30 wt.% organic matter (Silverberg et al., 2006). A sediment accumulation rate of 0.04 cm/yr estimated from sediment traps (Silverberg et al., 2006) agrees well with reported 210 Pb-determined sedimentation rates of 0.05, 0.04, and 0.06 cm/yr (Nava-Sanchez (1997); Perez-Cruz (2000); Rodriguez-Castaneda (2001) in Silverberg et al., 2006) and 0.05 cm/yr (Gonzalez-Yajimovich, 2004 in Berelson et al., 2005). Sansone et al. (2004) reported a surface sulfate gradient of 0.14 mmol/L/cm at this site, and observed that pore water sulfate was depleted by 170 cm depth. La Paz Basin lies just east of Alfonso Basin, at the northeast edge of La Paz Bay (Figure 12). This site is much deeper (~900 m), with a measured bottom water oxygen concentration of 0 μM. (Berelson et al., 2005) The open Carmen margin lies on the eastern side of the Gulf of California. The two cores analyzed from the Carmen margin were collected at 575 and 800 m water depth on the 33 continental slope, where measured bottom water oxygen concentrations were 0.2 and 1 μM, respectively (Berelson et al., 2005; Figure 12). Sediments from both cores were laminated, with no signs of bioturbation (Berelson et al., 2005). Baba et al. (1991) estimated that 8090% of total sedimentation along the eastern margin of the central and southern Gulf was of terrigenous origin. The site at 575 m depth was found to have a low surface sulfate gradient (0.06 mmol/L/cm), and sulfate concentrations were greater than 3 mmol/L throughout the upper 4 m of the sediment column (Sansone et al., 2004). The Pescadero slope, also on the eastern margin of the Gulf of California, was cored at 506 and 600 m water depth (Figure 12). Measured bottom water oxygen was 0 μM for both sites, and both cores had laminated sediments (Berelson et al., 2005). At the 600 m site, a surface sulfate gradient of 0.17 mmol/L/cm was reported, and all sulfate was depleted by 180 cm depth (Sansone et al., 2004). Berelson et al. (2005) estimated that 40% of TCO2 flux across the sediment-water interface was from a reaction zone much deeper within the sediment column. W. Coast of Mainland Mexico The Mazatlan margin is perhaps the best studied of all the Mexican margin sites investigated in this work, with several previous studies reporting water column and sediment data from transects across the margin. Here, the Mexican margin has a narrow continental shelf with a shelf break at ~200 m and a gradual deepening of the continental slope to ~3000 m (Hartnett and Devol, 2003). The oxygen minimum zone intersects the continental slope off of Mazatlan between ~100 and 1000 m water depth; water column oxygen is <5 μM between ~150 and 800 m water depth, and nitrate profiles indicate nitrate depletion in the water column (Nameroff et al., 2002; Hartnett and Devol, 2003). A water column Mn 34 maximum (~8 nmol/kg at 400 m) suggests suboxic conditions in the water column (Nameroff et al., 2002). Sediments from below the core of the OMZ are not bioturbated, preserving sediment laminations (Hartnett and Devol, 2003). There is an organic carbon concentration maximum on the mid-slope off Mazatlan in sediments just deeper than the core of the OMZ. This maximum is thought to be caused by winnowing by currents on the outer shelf, preferential accumulation of organic matter in fine-grained sediments, and the offshore decrease in primary productivity (and therefore less settling of organic matter) (Ganeshram et al., 1999). At depths below 250 m, sediment organic carbon contents are less than those observed in sinking particles, suggesting remineralization of organic matter at the sediment-water interface (Nameroff et al., 2002). The core analyzed in this study was collected from 442 m water depth (near site NH15P of Ganeshram et al., 1999; Figure 12), containing laminated sediments and notable turbidite layers between 250 and 400 cm (Berelson et al., 2005). Measured bottom water oxygen at this site was 0.2 μM (Berelson et al., 2005). Similar to the sediments of the Carmen margin, sediments of this site were found to have a low surface sulfate gradient (0.06 mmol/L/cm; Sansone et al., 2004; Figure 13). A sedimentation rate of 0.015 cm/yr has been reported for a similar site on this margin (Ganeshram et al., 1999). Hartnett and Devol (2003) analyzed pore fluids and sediments from several sites transecting the Mazatlan margin. At the 420 m site (nearest our core depth) bottom water oxygen was measured at 0 μM and no oxygen was detectable in pore waters. These authors report benthic nitrate fluxes of ~-1.1 mmol/m2d and sulfate reduction rates of ~0.9 mmol/m2d from chamber deployments at this depth. Hartnett and Devol (2003) estimate that denitrification is regionally responsible for ~40% of the total carbon oxidation in Mazatlan 35 margin sediments, with sulfate reduction representing ~80% of carbon oxidation in shallow sites and less than 20% for deeper sites (calculations ignore Mn and Fe reduction contributions because they are assumed to be small). Sulfate reduction is also suggested by ammonia enrichments observed in pore water profiles at this site (Hartnett and Devol, 2003; Figure 13). The San Blas station lies south and landward of Tres Marias Island chain, and is the southernmost Mexican margin site investigated in this study. This site was cored within a basin 430 m deep that is silled at ~300 m (Berelson et al., 2005; Figure 12). Reported bottom water oxygen at this site is 0 μM, and sediment laminations are present. Sansone et al. (2004) report a surface sulfate gradient of 0.10 mmol/L/cm for the San Blas site, similar to that observed on other open margin sites (Carmen and Pescadero). Sansone et al. (2004) observed the highest surface sulfate gradients and largest methane fluxes on the Pacific side of Baja California (e.g. Soledad, Figure 13); inside the Gulf of California and off the Mexican mainland, sulfate gradients and methane fluxes were generally much lower and more variable (e.g. Mazatlan, Figure 13). Despite these differences, all the Mexico margin sites are presumed to contain relatively anoxic sediments; bottom water oxygen concentrations are low (<5 μM) and laminated sediments are present at all but the Magdalena site. Published sulfate and ammonia gradients from sites on the Mexican margin are similar to those from Peru and the most reducing inner basins of the California margin (Figure 13), further suggesting anoxic sedimentary conditions at the Mexico sites. As discussed in Chapter 2, initial sediment Mo isotope measurements from the Soledad, Mazatlan, and San Blas sites suggest a unique Mo isotopic signature for anoxic Mo enrichments (Poulson et al., 2006). Observations from several additional sites on the Mexican margin will further constrain Mo behavior under reducing conditions. 36 SUMMARY Although there are significant similarities among all the sites discussed here, there are important differences in sediment geochemistry that allow us to evaluate Mo behavior across a broad range of diagenetic regimes. The MANOP sites represent the most oxic sedimentary conditions of this study; electron transport is dominated by oxygen and nitrate consumption and manganese reduction, and these sites have a thick Mn-rich layer which controls Mo behavior (e.g., Klinkhammer, 1980). In the sediments of the outer California borderlands basins these diagenetic regimes become compressed spatially, and the onset of subsequent diagenetic reactions of iron and sulfate reduction. Within the near-shore basins of the California margin and throughout the Mexico margin, iron and sulfate reduction become increasingly important; free sulfide is present in the uppermost sediment column in Santa Barbara Basin (e.g. Reimers et al., 1990). It is likely that some of the Mexico margin sites also have sulfide present in the upper sediment column; however, the limited data preclude a more exhaustive characterization of the sulfur cycling in these settings. Along the Peru margin, it is well know that the sediments are sulfidic and organic rich (e.g. Reimers and Suess, 1983; Froelich et al., 1988); these sediments represent an end-member case for sedimentary reducing conditions in this study. 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Published marine Mo isotope values and fractionation factors from Barling et al., 2001, McManus et al., 2002, Siebert et al., 2003 and 2006, Poulson et al., 2006, and Wasylenki et al., 2007. Figure 3. Schematic summarizing Mo behavior under various diagenetic regimes. At left, a general sequence of diagenetic processes and associated pore water profiles. At right, schematic depicting Mo geochemical behavior under various diagenetic conditions. Inset: Mo(aq) speciation diagram adapted from Helz et al. (2004). 44 45 Figure 4. Map of study areas showing approximate locations of all sites investigated. Figure 5. Map of Peru margin and MANOP sites. Figure 6. Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for MANOP sites M and H. All data from Klinkhammer (1980). 46 47 Figure 7. Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for Peru margin. Data from Froelich et al., 1988 (near 12oS, 183m water depth). Figure 8. Map of California margin Borderland Basin sites. Figure 9. Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for the three inner basins of the California margin. Iron and manganese data for Santa Barbara from McManus (personal comm.; core analyzed in this study, MC22); nitrate data from Reimers et al. (1996) (core BC12). In Santa Barbara basin, depth of red “anoxic” zone (as in Figure 3) estimated from Fe profile and depth of detectable sulfide (12cm) reported in Sholkovitz (1973). Data for Santa Monica and San Pedro basins from cores analyzed in this study; Fe and Mn data from McManus et al. (1998); nitrate data from McManus (personal comm.). 48 Figure 10. Pore water profiles and generalized diagenetic regimes for the four outer basins of the California margin. Iron and manganese data for all sites from cores analyzed in this study (McManus et al., 1997; 1998; personal comm..); nitrate data from Santa Catalina, Tanner, and San Clemente from McManus (personal comm.); San Nicolas nitrate data from Shaw et al. (1990). Depth of blue “oxic” zone (as in Figure 3) estimated from reported oxygen penetration depths (Berelson et al., 1996). 49 Figure 11. Pore water profiles of sulfate, ammonia, and phosphate for all Borderland basin sites investigated in this study. Sulfate data for Santa Barbara basin from Sholkovitz (1973); sulfate data for San Nicolas from Berelson et al., (1987); sulfate data for all other basins from McManus et al. (1998). Ammonia data for San Pedro and San Clemente basins reported in McManus et al. (1997); data for all other sites from McManus (personal comm.). Phosphate data for Santa Barbara basin from Reimers et al. (1996); phosphate data for San Nicolas from Berelson et al., (1987); phosphate data for all other basins from McManus et al. (1997). 50 51 Figure 12. Map of Mexico margin sites. Figure 13. Pore water profiles of ammonia and sulfate for two Mexican margin sites, the Peru margin, and all Borderland basin sites investigated in this study. Sulfate data for Soledad and Mazatlan sites from Berelson et al. (2005). Sulfate data for Peru margin from McManus (personal comm.) Sulfate data for Santa Barbara basin from Sholkovitz (1973); sulfate data for San Nicolas from Berelson et al., (1987); sulfate data for all other California basins from McManus et al. (1998). Ammonia data for Mazatlan site reported in Hartnett and Devol (2003); data for Peru margin from McManus (personal comm.). Ammonia data for San Pedro and San Clemente basins reported in McManus et al. (1997); data for all other sites from McManus (personal comm.). 52 Table 1. Study Site Characteristics. Depths of oxygen penetration, Mn reduction, and detectable sulfide are estimated from pore water data, water column measurements, sediment data, and geochemical modeling (references listed). OLW is overlying water; SWI is sediment-water interface. Data from [1] Klinkhammer (1980); [2] Lyle et al. (1984); [3] Kadko (1981); [4] Bender and Heggie (1984); [5] Suess et al. (1986); [6] Froelich et al. (1988); [7] Fossing (1990); [8] McManus et al. (2006); [9] Emery (1960); [10] Reimers et al. (1990); [11] Reimers et al. (1996); [12] Shaw et al. (1990); [13] McManus et al. (1998); [14] Berelson et al. (1996); [15] Bruland et al. (1974); [16] Berelson et al. (1991); [17] Leslie et al. (1990); [18] Reimers et al. (1987); [19] Berelson et al. (1987); [20] McManus et al. (1997); [21] Bender et al. (1989); [22] van Geen et al. (2003); [23] Berelson et al. (2005); [24] Cruz-Orosco et al. (1989); [25] Sansone et al. (2004); [26] Ganeshram et al. (1999); [27] Nameroff et al. (2002); [28] Hartnett and Devol (2003). 53 54 AUTHIGENIC MOLYBDENUM ISOTOPE SIGNATURES IN MARINE SEDIMENTS Rebecca L. Poulson, Christopher Siebert, James McManus, and William M. Berelson Geology Geological Society of America 3300 Penrose Place PO BOX 9140 Boulder, CO 80301-9140 Volume 34, No. 8, doi: 10.1130/G22485.1 55 ABSTRACT We present new Mo isotope data from the Mexican continental margin that, in conjunction with previous data, allow us to propose a mechanistic description of the Mo isotope system in marine sediments. We hypothesize that there are unique environmentallydependent Mo isotope signatures recorded in marine sediments that reflect the mechanisms responsible for authigenic Mo accumulation. Open-ocean anoxic sites, defined as having dissolved oxygen and sulfide concentrations near zero in the overlying water, exhibit a δ98/95Mo isotope signature of +1.6‰. We believe this value reflects Mo sulfide formation via diagenetic processes within sediments. Quantitative formation of Mo sulfide within the sulfidic water column of euxinic environments results in sediment isotope values similar to the modern seawater value (+2.3‰), as typified by samples from the highly-sulfidic Black Sea. In contrast to these reducing settings, manganese oxide-rich sediments have measured Mo isotope values that are more negative (relative to seawater) than any other sediment samples analyzed to date, similar to Fe-Mn crusts (~-0.7 ‰). Most measured Mo isotope compositions of marine sediments from open ocean settings appear to reflect a mixture of lithogenic Mo (0.0‰) and the Mo signature of a specific authigenic Mo accumulation mechanism. We therefore suggest that Mo isotopes may record unique signatures that reflect the dominant chemical mechanism for Mo sequestration into sediments. INTRODUCTION Molybdenum enrichments in reducing marine environments have been used in paleochemical reconstructions (e.g., Crusius et al., 1996), and the Mo isotope system has 56 recently been utilized to the same end (Siebert et al., 2003; Arnold et al., 2004; Anbar, 2004). Studies have demonstrated significant natural variations in modern sediment Mo isotope compositions (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003; Siebert et al., 2006), but interpretation of these data is equivocal because not all mechanisms generating sediment isotope signatures have been constrained. We present new Mo isotope data from several marine anoxic sediments that, in conjunction with previous data, allow us to propose a possible mechanistic description of the Mo isotope system in marine sediments. There are essentially three major reservoirs of Mo in the marine environment: seawater, lithogenic materials, and authigenically precipitated Mo. In modern seawater, Mo exists primarily as the soluble molybdate complex (MoO42-). It has a conservative distribution with a concentration of ~100 nM, and a residence time of ~800 kyr (Morford and Emerson, 1999, and references therein). Although data remain limited (n = 6), isotopic analyses of modern seawater indicate a uniform Mo isotope composition of δ98MoSW = +2.3‰ (Fig. 1) (Siebert et al., 2003; Barling et al., 2001), which is consistent with seawater being a well-mixed reservoir (Anbar, 2004). Data are presented in delta notation as δ98Mo = ((98/95MoSAMPLE - 98/95MoSTANDARD) – 1) × 1000). Analyses of terrigenous materials (e.g., granites, clastic sediments) yield an average Mo isotope composition of ~0.0‰ (n = 13) (Siebert et al., 2003), and we take this value to be representative of the lithogenic background in marine sediments. Lithogenic Mo can be an important component of the total Mo measured in a sediment sample, thus measured sediment Mo isotope compositions require correction for the lithogenic Mo contribution. One of the potential strengths of Mo isotopes lies in the observation that, to date, only authigenic accumulations of Mo in marine sediments show significant isotopic variability, and it is this strength that we wish to exploit. 57 AUTHIGENIC MOLYBDENUM Molybdenum is a trace metal that forms authigenic deposits under both oxic and reducing conditions. In oxic sediments, where aerobic respiration is the primary pathway for organic material decomposition, Mo is sequestered through adsorption onto Mnoxyhydroxides (Bertine and Turekian, 1973; Calvert and Pedersen, 1993). Authigenic Mo accumulated under oxic conditions has measured Mo isotope values more negative (relative to seawater) than any other samples analyzed to date (Fig. 1). Analyses of Fe-Mn crust surfaces produce an average (n = 6) value of δ98Mo = 0.7 ± 0.1‰ (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003), which corresponds to a ~3.0‰ fractionation between modern seawater and the adsorbed Mo species (Fig. 1). This fractionation is in good agreement with experimental determinations of isotope fractionation during Mo-adsorption (2.7‰) (Barling and Anbar, 2004). The exact speciation of adsorbed Mo is unknown, but recent quantum mechanical calculations consistent with natural observed fractionations suggest MoO3 is a potential candidate (Tossell, 2005). Under reducing conditions, where anaerobic processes dominate electron transport, Mo is sequestered into sediments via Mo sulfide formation. Pore fluid studies of Zheng et al. (2000) argue for two separate thresholds of Mo sulfide formation; coprecipitation of Mo-FeS phases at dissolved sulfide concentrations of ~0.1 μM, and Mo-S precipitation without Fe at sulfide concentrations of ~100 μM or more. Authigenic precipitation of Mo at ~0.1μM sulfide likely corresponds to the initial formation of thiomolybdate intermediate complexes (MoOxS4-x2-), which can be scavenged by sulfidized organic and Fe-S phases (Helz et al., 1996). 58 At high dissolved sulfide concentrations a “geochemical switch” is proposed where the dominant dissolved Mo phase transitions from soluble molybdate to less soluble tetrathiomolybdate (MoS42-) (Helz et al., 1996). This presumably corresponds to the ~100 μM sulfide threshold proposed by Zheng et al. (2000), where Mo depletion in pore waters was observed in the absence of Fe-S precipitation. It is assumed that in euxinic settings with high dissolved sulfide concentrations, the “geochemical switch” threshold will be met, and the dominant dissolved species may be MoS42- rather than MoO42- (Helz et al., 1996). Previous work has proposed that because the conversion of MoO42- to MoS42- in euxinic waters is quantitative, any transient fractionation between species will not be recorded in the underlying sediments; as evidenced by sediments from the euxinic Black Sea with Mo isotope compositions analytically indistinguishable from the modern seawater value (δ98Mo = +2.4‰) (Barling et al., 2001; Arnold et al., 2004) (Fig. 1). Though restricted euxinic basins are rare in the modern ocean, they were more widespread on the ancient Earth, and represent an important Mo isotopic end-member composition as the most reducing authigenic Mo deposits in the marine environment (e.g., Arnold et al., 2004). A fractionation between MoO42- and Mo sulfide is suggested by the findings of McManus et al. (2002), who calculate a 0.7‰ fractionation as dissolved Mo is removed into sediments in Santa Monica Basin. We propose that this isotopic signature would most likely be preserved in open-ocean anoxic sediments (defined here as those areas having dissolved oxygen and sulfide concentrations near zero in the overlying bottom water) where thiomolybdates (MoOxS4-x2-) are formed through diagenetic processes within the sediments. In this study we have analyzed Mo isotope compositions from a suite of modern anoxic sediments to determine if such a fractionation exists. 59 RESULTS We selected three sites on the Mexican continental margin for Mo isotope analysis. Each site has low bottom water oxygen concentrations (Table 1), and presumably no dissolved sulfide present. The Soledad and San Blas sites are located within depositional basins, while the Mazatlan site is from the open continental margin. The Soledad basin is 545 m deep with an approximate sill depth of 250 m (van Geen et al., 2003; Silverberg et al. 2004). The San Blas basin is 430 m deep, with an approximate sill depth of 300 m (Berelson et al., 2005). The Mazatlan station is at a depth of ~440 m, and is located near the sites previously discussed in Ganeshram et al. (1999) and Hartnett and Devol (2003). The two basin sites have higher sedimentation rates than the open margin Mazatlan site, yielding authigenic Mo accumulation rates of 2.19 and 5.29 nmol/cm2/yr compared to 1.28 nmol/cm2/yr on the open margin (Table 1). At the Soledad site, it has been shown that a significant portion of organic carbon degradation can be attributed to sulfate reduction (Berelson et al. 2005), and it is reasonable to assume that sulfate reduction and methanogenesis are dominant processes regulating electron transport at all three sites in this study. Mo isotope analyses of sediments from all three anoxic sites demonstrate a strikingly invariant average Mo isotope composition of δ98Mo = +1.6 ± 0.1‰ (1SD, n = 29) (Table 1, Fig. 2). A mathematical correction was applied to all Mo isotope compositions post analysis, to account for lithogenic Mo (Table 1). This correction was applied based on the mass balance assumption that the total Mo isotope composition measured is a mixture of the lithogenic Mo (0.0‰) present and the authigenic Mo signature: δ98MoSEDSXSEDS = δ98MoLITHXLITH + δ98MoAUTHXAUTH. For all sites in this study, the lithogenic Mo component 60 was ≤8% of the total Mo concentration, resulting in a very small isotopic correction (Table 1). The data from these anoxic sites indicate Mo isotopes record a fractionation of 0.7‰ between seawater and Mo sulfides diagenetically produced within the sediments (Fig. 1), which is consistent with the Mo isotope fractionation calculated by McManus et al. (2002). DISCUSSION The anoxic Mo isotope signature determined in this study, when combined with existing sediment Mo isotope data, allows us to construct a model for the behavior of Mo isotopes in authigenic marine deposits (Fig. 3). This model proposes that there are unique environmentally-dependent Mo isotope signatures recorded in marine sediments, each reflecting the primary mechanisms responsible for authigenic Mo accumulation. Adsorption of an oxic Mo phase (presumably MoO3) in Mn-rich sediments produces an adsorbed Mo isotope signature more negative than any other sediments measured to date, being as much as 3‰ lighter than the modern seawater value (e.g., Barling et al., 2001): δ98Mo(MoO42-aq) - δ98Mo(MoO3s) ≈ 3.0‰ (1) We further propose that transformation of pore water MoO42- to MoO3S2- and other subsequent thiomolybdates (such as MoS42-) within sediments via diagenetically-produced sulfide results in an anoxic authigenic Mo sediment isotope composition that is consistently 0.7‰ lighter than overlying water: δ98Mo(MoO42-aq) - δ98Mo(MoOxS4-x2-) = 0.7‰ (2) In euxinic environments, syngenetic formation of dissolved MoS42- within the sulfidic water column is presumably quantitative, thus the fractionation between species (equation 2) is not observed in the underlying sediments. 61 Recognition of distinct environmentally-dependent Mo isotopic signatures and the importance of a lithogenic Mo correction allows for a refined interpretation of previously measured Mo isotope data from sediments along the California margin (Siebert et al., 2006). After application of the lithogenic correction, all but one value can be resolved to either the oxic or anoxic signatures (Table 1). The exception is data from Tanner Basin, where the corrected Mo isotope value is δ98Mo = +0.5‰. We suggest that this value indicates either a mix of the oxic and anoxic Mo sources at this site, as proposed in Siebert et al. (2006), or another unidentified process that is dominating Mo accumulation. The corrected Mo isotope compositions of sediments from Santa Monica and San Pedro basins are consistent with the anoxic signature observed in the Mexican margin sediments (Table 1), indicating that sulfidization of Mo is the dominant mechanism of authigenic Mo accumulation at these sites. In contrast, the corrected Mo isotope compositions of Mn-rich sediments from San Clemente Basin are consistent with the oxic Mo isotope signature as measured in Fe-Mn crusts (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003) (Table 1), indicating that Mo adsorption onto Mnoxyhydroxides is the dominant source for the accumulating Mo (Siebert et al., 2006). These observations lead us to conclude that for most marine sediments measured to date, the average recorded Mo isotope signature is indicative of the dominant authigenic Mo accumulation mechanism. Molybdenum isotope data from Cariaco Basin sediments (δ98Mo = +1.8‰ (Arnold et al., 2004)) and shallow margin sediments of the Black Sea (δ98Mo = +1.7‰ (Nägler et al., 2005)) (Table 1) suggest that sediment Mo isotope compositions in restricted basin environments are heavier than the open-ocean anoxic value. Although these reported values are consistent with data from our anoxic sites, they have not been corrected for lithogenic Mo and their authigenic Mo isotopic compositions are likely to be heavier. We propose that 62 heavy Mo isotope compositions for sediments in restricted basin environments may reflect Mo limitation (Algeo and Lyons, in press), such that inadequate resupply of dissolved MoO42- drives aqueous Mo isotope compositions to heavier values as Mo sulfides are precipitated (dashed line in Figure 3). We believe that the relative 0.7‰ fractionation between MoO42- and authigenic Mo sulfide remains constant, and suggest that sediment Mo isotope values heavier than those observed at open-ocean sites reflect a shift in the isotopic composition of the dissolved MoO42- pool. The fractionation between these Mo species is no longer observed in sediments when full euxinia is reached (as in the deep Black Sea) because the dissolved Mo pool has been quantitatively converted from MoO42- to MoS42-. Previous application of the Mo isotope system in paleochemical reconstruction has relied on a simple mass balance between the oxic and reducing Mo sinks (Arnold et al., 2004). The recognition of a unique Mo isotope signature in open-ocean anoxic sediments, in conjunction with the potential impact of Mo limitation on Mo isotopic behavior in restricted environments, obfuscates the use of Mo isotopes to constrain paleoredox conditions. Further investigations to elucidate the affect of Mo limitation on sediment Mo isotope compositions are warranted before the Mo isotope system can be effectively employed as a paleochemical proxy. CONCLUSIONS We suggest that there are two primary Mo isotope fractionations recorded in marine sediments: an oxic fractionation (~-3.0‰) reflecting Mo adsorption to Mn-oxides, and an anoxic fractionation (~-0.7‰) indicative of thiomolybdate (MoOxS4-x2-) formation. As previously proposed, in environments where sulfide concentrations exceed 100 μM there 63 appears to be quantitative conversion of aqueous MoO42- to the MoS42- phase, such that no observable fractionation is recorded in the sediments. We further note that authigenic signatures can be obscured by the lithogenic Mo contribution, and measured sediment Mo isotope compositions require correction for this affect. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Ariel Anbar, Tim Lyons, John Crusius, and Jane Barling provided constructive criticism on an early version of this manuscript. This research was supported by NSF grant OCE-0219651 to JM and NSF grants OCE-0002250 and OCE-0129555 to WMB. 64 REFERENCES Anbar, A.D. 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(2005) Sedimentary Mo isotope record across the Holocene fresh-brackish water transition of the Black Sea. Chem. Geol. 219, 283-295. 65 Siebert, C., Nägler, T. F., and Kramers J.D. (2001) Determination of molybdenum isotope fractionation by double-spike multicollector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 2, 2000GC000124. Siebert, C., Nägler, T.F., von Blanckenburg, F., and Kramers, J.D. (2003) Molybdenum isotope records as a potential new proxy for paleoceanography. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 211, 159–171. Siebert, C., McManus, J., Bice, A., Poulson, R.L., and Berelson, W.M. (2006) Molybdenum isotope signatures in continental margin marine sediments. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 241, 723-733. Silverberg, N., Martínez, A., Aguíñiga, S., Carriquiry, J.D., Romero, N., Shumilin, E., and Cota, S. (2004) Contrasts in sedimentation flux below the southern California Current in late 1996 and during the El Niño event of 1997–1998. Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. 59, 575–587. Tossell, J.A. (2005) Calculating the partitioning of the isotopes of Mo between oxidic and sulfidic species in aqueous solution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 69, 2981–2993. van Geen, A., Zheng, Y., Berhard, J.M., Cannariato, K.G., Carriquiry, J., Dean, W.E., Eakins, B.W., Ortiz, J.D., and Pike, J., 2003, On the preservation of laminated sediments along the western margin of North America. Paleoceanography 18, 1098, doi: 10.1029/2003PA000911. Zheng, Y., Anderson, R.F., van Geen, A., and Kuwabara, J. (20000 Authigenic molybdenum formation in marine sediments: A link to pore water sulfide in the Santa Barbara Basin. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 4165–4178. 66 Figure 1. Measured Mo isotope compositions of various marine sediments and the presumed dominant electron transport processes for each environment. Oxic sediment Mo isotope data are from Fe-Mn crust surfaces (Barling et al. (2001); Siebert et al., 2003). Suboxic sediment Mo isotope data are average site compositions from California margin sites of Siebert et al. (2006). Anoxic sediment Mo isotope data are average site compositions from three Mexican margin sites of this study. Euxinic sediment Mo isotope data are deep Black Sea sediments from Barling et al. (2001) and Arnold et al. (2004). All data are shown without lithogenic Mo correction. 67 Figure 2. All δ98Mo data (without lithogenic correction) from down-core profiles of the three anoxic Mexican margin sites in this study; errors shown are 2-SD. The average Mo isotope composition of all measured samples is δ98Mo = +1.6 ± 0.1‰ (1-SD, n = 29) (Table 1). 68 Figure 3. Schematic of the authigenic Mo isotope system in marine sediments depicting the measured oxic (δ98Mo = 0.7‰), anoxic (δ98Mo = +1.6‰), and euxinic (δ98Mo = +2.3‰) Mo isotope signatures and proposed Mo chemical behavior. Measured Mo isotope compositions of marine sediments from open ocean settings appear to reflect a mixture of lithogenic Mo (δ98Mo = 0.0‰) and the authigenic Mo signature of either the oxic or anoxic Mo accumulation mechanisms. Measured Mo isotope values for restricted basin sediments suggest a change in the isotopic composition of dissolved Mo (dashed line at top) to heavier values as Mo is removed in the presence of dissolved sulfide. 69 Table 1. Mo Isotope Compositions of Various Marine Depositional Environments. All samples processed and analyzed for Mo and Al concentrations and Mo isotope compositions as described in Siebert et al. (2006). δ98Mo values are δ98Mo = ((98/95MoSAMPLE 98/95 MoSTANDARD) - 1) × 1000), standard used is JMC-ICP Mo standard solution (lot 602332B). Errors on reported δ98Mo values are 1-SD for all samples averaged; number of samples averaged for suboxic and anoxic data is the number of samples analyzed from a detailed down core profile averaged to determine the total site δ98Mo value reported (Fig. 2). For all other data, number of samples averaged is the total number of separate samples reported in previous studies. Lithogenic Mo correction applied as: δ98MoSEDSXSEDS = δ98MoLITHXLITH + δ98MoAUTHXAUTH. Authigenic Mo in sediments was estimated from the relationship: MoAUTH = MoMEASURED - [(Mo/AlLITHOGENIC) x AlMEASURED]. The background lithogenic Mo:Al ratio used in this calculation was 11 × 10-6 (g g-1); an average of background minimum Mo:Al values previously measured from sites along the California and Chile margins, ranging from 8 to 14 x 10-6 (g g-1) (Siebert et al., 2006). Authigenic Mo accumulation rate (MoAUTH) is calculated using the authigenic Mo concentration and the local sedimentation rate as determined by 210Pb analyses. Carbon oxidation rates and bottom water oxygen concentrations previously reported in Berelson et al. (2005). For the Soledad and San Blas sites, total CO2 profiles showed curvature indicative of some bioirrigation, such that the values for carbon oxidation are likely to be minimum values. 70 71 MOLYBDENUM BEHAVIOR DURING EARLY DIAGENESIS: INSIGHTS FROM Mo ISOTOPES Rebecca L. Poulson, James McManus, Silke Severmann, and William M. Berelson 72 ABSTRACT This study presents molybdenum concentration and isotope data from surface sediments of the central eastern tropical Pacific and the coastal Peru, Mexico, and Southern California margins spanning a wide range of sedimentary diagenetic conditions. The environments studied have been chosen to represent a broad range in oxidation-reduction (redox) potential, which provide a framework for the behavior of this redox-sensitive element. Molybdenum concentrations in marine sediments reflect a combination of three primary sources: lithogenic Mo associated with continental weathering, biogenic Mo associated with organic matter, and authigenic Mo deposited via either oxic (sorption to Mnoxides) or anoxic (precipitation of Fe-Mo-S solids) mechanisms. Our data suggest these components have distinct Mo isotope compositions, and all modern marine sediments appear to reflect some mixture of these sources. Molybdenum associated with organic matter represents an isotopically discrete source of Mo to the bulk sediment inventory with a composition of δ98/95Mo = ~ 2.0‰, and this biogenic Mo dominates the sedimentary Mo pool in surface sediments at some locations. Authigenic Fe-Mo-S deposit with a seawater aqueous Mo source have a unique Mo isotopic signature (δ98/95Mo = 1.63 ± 0.02 ‰, SDOM, n=136). Manganese-rich hemipelagic sediments from the eastern tropical Pacific also have a unique Mo isotope signature (δ98/95Mo = -0.5±0.1‰, n=14) that reflects fractionation between ocean water and authigenic Mo associated with Mn oxides. In addition, redox cycling of Mn within the sediment column appears to strongly influence Mo geochemical and isotopic behavior. 73 INTRODUCTION Information regarding the geochemical evolution of the global oceans is contained within the marine sediment and rock records. Interpretation of these ancient records leverages off our often imperfect interpretation of the chemical signatures that are sequestered within remnant geologic materials. Specific to this work, sediment distributions of molybdenum appear to be sensitive to the availability of reduced sulfur species, which is often assumed to imply a lack of dissolved oxygen. This observation has led to the use of sediment Mo abundance as a proxy for past reducing conditions (e.g., Crusius et al., 1996; Dean et al., 2006). However, Mo is also enriched within metal oxides and these deposits are generally formed in the presence of dissolved oxygen (e.g., Bertine and Turekian, 1973; Calvert and Pedersen, 1993; Chappaz et al., 2008). Because authigenic Mo enrichments occur in both oxidized and reducing environments, sediment Mo concentrations alone are inadequate proxies for depositional redox conditions. Recent work has identified sediment Mo isotope signatures that are unique to the specific mechanisms that control Mo speciation and sedimentary enrichment (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003; Poulson et al., 2006). Therefore, Mo isotopes, in conjunction with elemental abundances may provide a more robust paleochemical proxy than either Mo concentrations or isotope compositions alone. Laboratory experiments and natural samples have quantified Mo isotope fractionation in Mn-dominated systems (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003; Barling and Anbar, 2004); however, the possible range in Mo isotope fractionation under more reducing conditions remains poorly defined. In this study, Mo geochemistry is investigated in reducing sediments from three continental margins of the eastern Pacific, as well as two open-ocean Mn-rich sites (Figure 1). Defining the possible range of isotope signatures and 74 developing an understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the observed sediment Mo isotope signatures is an important prerequisite for employing Mo as an effective proxy for local or even global geochemical fluctuations. MOLYBDENUM IN THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT Under the oxygenated conditions predominant in the modern ocean, Mo exists primarily as the soluble molybdate ion (MoO42-; Figure 2; e.g. Emerson and Huested, 1991), and is the most abundant dissolved trace element in modern oxic seawater (Broecker and Peng, 1982). Though considered an essential micronutrient (e.g., Mendel and Bittner, 2006 and references therein), Mo behaves conservatively in the open ocean water column with a concentration of ~105 nM and a residence time of ~800,000 years (Collier, 1985; Emerson and Huested, 1991). In addition, although there are currently only a limited number of analyses (n = 6), modern seawater is thought to have a homogenous Mo isotopic composition of δ98MoSW = 2.3 ± 0.1‰ (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003; Figure 3; δ98Mo = ([98/95MoSAMPLE/98/95MoSTANDARD -1] x 1000)), as would be expected given its long oceanic residence time. Although modern seawater appears to be a uniform Mo reservoir both in terms of its concentration and isotopic composition, analyses of marine sediments reveal that Mo geochemical behavior can be quite dynamic (e.g. Siebert et al., 2006). When interpreting the sediment record, it is important to recognize that bulk sediment Mo concentrations and isotope compositions reflect multiple sources and processes that contribute to the total solidphase Mo (Figure 2). Delivery of Mo to marine sediments can be thought of as the sum of three dominant processes: 1) incorporation of lithogenic Mo into bulk sediment through 75 continental weathering; 2) association of Mo with biological material which is delivered directly to the seafloor; 3) precipitation or adsorption as an authigenic solid phase (under both oxic and anoxic conditions). Lithogenic Mo Some fraction of all marine sediments contains a component of continental material, and the relative importance of this terrigenous detrital component depends on a number of processes. Though continental material delivers only a small quantity of Mo to marine sediments (e.g., Turekian and Wedepohl, 1961; Taylor and McLennan, 1985), this contribution represents a discrete fraction of the total measured bulk sediment Mo (Figure 2). Analyses of various terrigenous materials (e.g., granites, clastic sediments; n=12) suggest a homogenous isotopic composition of δ98Mo = 0.0 ± 0.2‰ (Figure 3; Siebert et al., 2003), and this value is taken to represent the lithogenic Mo component in bulk sediment (δ98MoLITH). To constrain the isotopic composition of sedimentary authigenic Mo, measurements of bulk sediment Mo isotope compositions require correction for dilution by the lithogenic contribution (Poulson et al., 2006). Biogenic Mo Molybdenum is considered a biologically essential trace element, playing a key enzymatic role in a variety of processes, notably nitrogen fixation and nitrate reduction (e.g., Mendel and Bittner, 2006 and references therein). The relationship between organic matter and Mo is complex because Mo is not only incorporated into cells, but it can also be sorbed to organic material in the water column (Tribovillard et al., 2004). There are limited data available to constrain the organic matter Mo:C ratio. Reported Mo:C ratios in the nitrogen- 76 fixing bacteria Trichodesmium erythraeum show differences in the Mo:C ratios of natural and cultured samples (23 and 3 μmol/mol, respectively; Tuit et al., 2004). Available sediment trap studies report Mo:C ratios of ~9 nmol/mmol (Mazatlan margin; Nameroff et al., 1996) and ~4 nmol/mmol (Santa Barbara Basin; Zheng et al., 2000) in sediment trap materials. It is quite likely that Mo:C ratios in organic matter are variable, as they are dependent upon multiple environmental factors. In addition, it is also likely that the preservation of Mo associated with organic material will vary. Recent experimental work has reported a -0.5‰ δ98Mo isotope fractionation associated with biological assimilation of Mo (Figure 3; Wasylenki et al., 2007; Liermann et al., 2005). Biogenic Mo (Mo associated with organic matter) is generally only a small fraction of the total sediment Mo pool, but its isotopic contribution must be considered. Authigenic Mo Authigenic enrichment of Mo occurs through different mechanisms under both oxic and anoxic conditions. In the presence of oxygen, Mo has been shown to associate with solid-phase Mn and Fe-oxides (e.g., Bertine and Turekian, 1973; Calvert and Pedersen, 1993; Chappaz et al., 2008), and adsorption to Mn-oxides results in both sediment Mo enrichment and Mo isotopic fractionation (e.g., Barling et al., 2001; Figures 2 and 3). Experimental work by Barling and Anbar (2004) revealed a large (2.7‰) fractionation between soluble molybdate (MoO42-) and Mo sorbed to Mn-oxides in the laboratory; that is, Mn-associated Mo had a light isotopic signature relative to the dissolved molybdate phase (Figure 3). These findings are consistent with field results (Barling et al., 2001; Siebert et al., 2003), which exhibit a similar fractionation between seawater molybdate and Mn-associated Mo in ferro-manganese crusts or nodules (Figure 3). The specific mechanism responsible for 77 the observed isotope fractionations is not well constrained, though quantum mechanical calculations suggest the fractionation may reflect adsorption of a minor aqueous species (MoO3) to the Mn-oxide surface (Δ98MoMoO4-MoO3 = 2.4‰; Tossell, 2005). Though the mechanisms remain unclear, Mn-controlled authigenic Mo enrichments have the most negative sediment Mo isotope compositions measured to date. Molybdenum association with metal oxides is often dynamic in marine sediments. During organic matter diagenesis, once oxygen is consumed Mn and Fe reduction may ensue, releasing sorbed Mo back into solution. If Mn is reoxidized within the sedimentary column during diagenesis, some dissolved Mo may re-adsorb to this reoxidized metal. Alternatively, some dissolved Mo may also diffuse downward in the sediment column if there is a deeper sedimentary Mo sink. Under anoxic sedimentary conditions where sulfate reduction is the dominant microbially mediated organic matter degradation process, Mo is sequestered into sediments through complexation with sulfide, forming less soluble thiomolybdates (MoOxS4-x2-) that may be scavenged by sulfidized organic matter or Fe-sulfide phases such as pyrite (Helz et al., 1996, 2004; Zheng et al., 2000). Helz et al. (1996) proposed a sulfide-controlled geochemical “switch” for Mo at ~10 μM H2S(aq), where the dominant dissolved Mo phase abruptly transitions from molybdate (MoO42-) to tetrathiomolybdate (MoS42). The pore water work of Zheng et al. (2000) proposed two thresholds for Mo-sulfide formation; at H2S(aq) concentrations of ~0.01 μM these authors proposed that Mo is removed from solution via coprecipitation of Fe-Mo-S phases, whereas at higher H2S(aq) concentrations (~10 μM) they postulate that Mo precipitates independent of iron. It may be that the sulfide thresholds proposed by Zheng et al. (2000) reflect changes in aqueous Mo speciation that impact solidphase Mo behavior. At low sulfide concentrations, thiomolybdate intermediate species 78 (MoOxS4-x2-) may dominate the aqueous phase and be scavenged by solid-phase Fe-sulfides, while at higher sulfide concentrations tetrathiomolybdate (MoS42-) is likely to dominate, precipitating independently as a solid phase Mo-sulfide. An investigation of pore waters from Santa Monica Basin predicted a fractionation of -0.7‰ between pore fluids and sediment Mo deposits under reducing conditions (McManus et al., 2002). Anoxic sediments from three sites on the Mexican continental margin suggest a unique Mo isotopic signature of δ98Mo = 1.6±0.1‰ for Mo-sulfide sediment enrichments (Poulson et al., 2006), which is consistent with the predicted fractionation from a dissolved seawater Mo source (Figure 3). Reported Mo isotope compositions from “suboxic” surface sediments of the California margin span the full range between Mn-dominated and more reducing environments (Figure 3; Siebert et al., 2006; Poulson et al, 2006). Sediments from the most anoxic basins (Santa Monica and San Pedro) have Mo isotope signatures consistent with those observed on the Mexican margin (core average δ98Mo values of 1.4‰ and 1.6‰; respectively), while sediments from the welloxygenated San Clemente basin have reported Mo isotope values consistent with Mnassociated Mo (core average δ98Mo = -0.8‰; Figure 3; Siebert et al., 2006; Poulson et al, 2006). In Tanner basin, a site where environmental conditions are between these two extremes, sediment Mo isotope compositions are intermediate and more variable than those reported in other settings (core average 0.5‰; Figure 3; Siebert et al., 2006; Poulson et al, 2006). The range of Mo isotope compositions measured on the California margin, and our incomplete understanding of the mechanisms responsible for this variability, demonstrate the need for further refinement of the Mo isotope system in marine sediments. This study aims to further constrain Mo distributions and isotopic fractionation in the marine environment. 79 As described in detail below, we have selected sites that represent end-member cases for authigenic Mo enrichment (under both oxic and anoxic conditions) as well as additional sites from the California and Mexico margins where intermediate (“suboxic”) conditions prevail. SITE DESCRIPTIONS MANOP Sites Two sediment cores from the eastern tropical Pacific (cores collected as part of the Manganese Nodule Program, MANOP sites M and H) represent the most oxic conditions of all sites analyzed in this Mo study; sediments are Mn-rich (1-7 wt.% Mn, Lyle et al., 1984) and bathed in well-oxygenated waters (110-150 μM, e.g. Bender and Heggie, 1984). Both sites are from water depths greater than 3000 m; site M is located ~25 km east of the East Pacific Rise, and site H is located in the Guatemala Basin (Figure 1, Table 1). Site M was selected for the original MANOP study to investigate hydrothermal sedimentation (Lyle et al., 1984). Site H, originally selected as a representative hemipelagic site, is marked by the presence of Mn-rich ferromanganese nodules (Finney et al., 1984). Peru Margin The Peru margin is a region of wind-driven perennial upwelling, resulting in high productivity in the surface waters and an associated intense water column oxygen minimum zone (OMZ, <5 μM O2) (Suess et al., 1986). Sediments of the Peru margin investigated in this work were collected from a shelf site near 13oS cored at 264 m water depth (Figure 1, Table 1). This site represents the most reducing open-ocean conditions of all study sites, due to the high organic carbon content and sulfidic nature of the sediments in this region (e.g., 80 Reimers and Suess, 1983; Froelich et al., 1988). Several authors have noted the presence of free sulfide in pore waters from surface sediments (<15 cm) on this margin, but sulfide is absent from the bottom water (e.g., Froelich et al., 1988; Fossing 1990; Böning et al., 2004). California Margin Off the coast of California, intense seasonal upwelling enhances biological productivity, and the associated high productivity zone bordering the East Pacific (combined with circulation patterns) results in an OMZ in the water column between depths of 200 and 1000 m (e.g., Sverdrup and Allen, 1939). The four basins investigated along the California margin are all part of a larger complex known as the Borderland Basins region, described in detail by Emery (1960) (Figure 4, Table 1). This entire region is characterized by a general deepening of the basins with distance offshore; basins along each parallel belt become deeper to the southeast. In general, the nearshore basin sites are the most reducing; bottom water oxygen contents increase in basins with distance offshore (e.g. Berelson et al., 1996). The nearshore basins investigated here, Santa Barbara and Santa Monica, are part of a single “belt” of basins ~30 km offshore (Figure 4). The Santa Barbara Basin is 580 m deep, with a western sill to the Pacific at ~450 - 475 m depth (Sholkovitz, 1973). The Santa Monica Basin is 930 m deep, and is connected with the San Pedro Basin by a sill at 740 m (Emery, 1960). These inner basins have sill depths well within the OMZ, and these sites have the lowest measured bottom water oxygen concentrations (<10 μM) (Reimers, 1987; Berelson et al., 1987; Jahnke, 1990). The deepest portions of these basins are characterized by laminated sediments (Finney and Huh, 1989), suggesting that diffusion generally dominates solute exchange over bioirrigation and bioturbation (Berelson et al., 1987). The inner basins are the most reducing environments studied on this margin; sulfate reduction 81 dominates organic matter remineralization at these sites (e.g., Kaplan et al., 1963; Berelson et al., 1987; Jahnke, 1990). The other two basins investigated in this study, Santa Catalina and San Nicolas, are located further offshore (Figure 4); Santa Catalina is located ~80 km from the coast, and San Nicolas is one of three basins in the next “belt” further west (~130 km offshore). Santa Catalina (~1300 m deep) and San Nicolas (~1800 m deep) basins both have sill depths at or just below the base of the OMZ (1000-1200 m) (Emery, 1960), and measured bottom water concentrations are generally between 15-35 μM (Reimers, 1987; Berelson et al., 1987). At these sites, organic matter is primarily oxidized by suboxic reactions (Mn and Fe reduction) (e.g., Berelson et al., 1987; Shaw et al., 1990). Mexico Margin The Mexican margin sites investigated in this study experiences the same dominant currents and hydrography as the region investigated off southern California. Though productivity off Southern California is generally higher than off of southern Baja California (van Geen et al., 2003), the same oxygen-deficient North Pacific Intermediate Water dominates subsurface currents and establishes an OMZ between depths of 500 and 1000 m (Thunell, 1998). This low oxygen core extends >1500 km off the coast of Mexico (Sansone et al., 2004). Today, the OMZ is deeper and less intense off central California (~35oN) than off the Mexican margin (~23oN), reflecting ventilation in the north (van Geen et al., 2003). This difference explains why laminated sediments (indicative of low bottom water oxygen) are generally only found on the open margin within the OMZ at southern sites (south of ~24oN; Keigwin, 1998). Anoxic or very low oxygen (<1 μM) bottom waters throughout this 82 region limit bioturbation and allow for the preservation of laminated sediments underlying the OMZ (e.g. Calvert, 1966). Because the sediments on this margin are bathed in low-oxygen waters, decomposition of organic carbon via aerobic processes is presumably limited. Evidence of denitrification and Mn reduction has been reported within the water column off mainland Mexico (e.g., Nameroff et al., 2002; Hartnett and Devol, 2003), suggesting diagenesis within the sediments is dominated by reactions associated with Fe and S cycling. The diagenetic production of methane at these sites also confirms reducing conditions within the sediments (Sansone et al., 2004). All the Mexican margin sites are presumed to contain relatively anoxic sediments; bottom water oxygen concentrations are low (<5 μM) and laminated sediments are present at all but the Magdalena site (Berelson et al., 2005). The sediment samples investigated in this study were all subsamples of cores previously studied by Sansone et al. (2004) and Berelson et al. (2005) (Figure 5, Table 1). One station is located off the west coast of Southern Baja on the open margin (Magdalena); the remaining four sites are located within the Gulf of California. The Magdalena sediment core analyzed in this work was collected from a water depth of 713 m on the continental slope, and sediments from this core were bioturbated in the top 2-3cm (Berelson et al., 2005). Of the four sites located within the Gulf of California (Figure 5), two lie within depositional basins (Alfonso and La Paz), and two are from the open margin on the eastern side of the Gulf (Carmen and Pescadero). Alfonso Basin is located in La Paz Bay, and has a sill depth of ~325 m (Sansone et al., 2004). The sediment core analyzed in this study was collected from a water depth of 542 m in the deepest part of the basin (Berelson et al., 2005). La Paz Basin lies just east of Alfonso Basin at the northeast edge of the bay; this site was cored at ~900 m water depth (Berelson et al., 2005). Two cores were analyzed from the 83 Carmen margin continental slope (collected at 575 and 800 m water depth) on the eastern side of the Gulf of California (Berelson et al., 2005). The Pescadero slope, also on the eastern margin of the Gulf of California, was cored at 506 and 600 m water depth (Berelson et al., 2005). METHODS All sediment cores from the California, Mexico, and Peru margins were collected using a multi-corer (Barnett et al., 1984). Organic carbon was measured using an elemental analyzer, with samples first acidified to remove inorganic carbon prior to analysis (after Verardo et al., 1990). Solid-phase metal analyses were performed on 50-100 mg of dry ground bulk sediment samples digested using a series of HCl, HNO3, and HF digestion steps (either on a hot plate or by microwave digestion (CEM, MARS 5000)). These two methods are generally analytically indistinguishable (Appendix Tables 1, 2, and 3). Major element compositions (Al, Ca, Fe, Mn, and Ti) were measured on total sample digestions by inductively-coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES, Teledyne Leeman Prodigy; Appendix Tables 1 and 3). For the same bulk sediment sample digestions, trace element concentrations were determined by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS, Thermo PQ ExCell; Appendix Tables 1 and 2). The reproducibility of analytical techniques was evaluated by performing replicate analyses of multiple standard reference materials (Appendix Table 1). Major element concentrations (Al, Fe, Mn, and Ti) analyzed by ICP-OES for all standard reference materials are typically reproducible within 5% (1-SD), and agree reasonably well with previously reported values (Appendix Table 1). For Mo concentrations determined by 84 ICPMS, as well as those produced during isotopic analyses (Nu Instruments high resolution multi-collector inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometer, MC-ICPMS), standard reference materials were typically reproducible to <13% (1-SD) and agree with published values, with the exception of the standard reference material NBS-1645 (Appendix Table 1). This standard is a river sediment standard, and it has been the most difficult matrix for our group to reproduce analytically (as noted by its relatively high uncertainty). Our Mo concentration data for NBS-1645 does not agree with the published value (34 ppm, Potts et al., 1992), but we have confidence in our value (18 ± 2 ppm), as it represents replicate digestions, multiple analytical techniques, and analyses of 38 separate sample aliquots (Appendix Table 1). Separate bulk sediment samples (~100 mg) were digested for Mo isotopic analyses (Appendix Tables 1 and 4). Samples were spiked with a 97Mo and 100Mo double isotope tracer and Mo was separated from the sediment matrix using a previously published column separation technique (Siebert et al., 2001, 2006). Mo isotope compositions were analyzed on a Nu Instruments MC-ICPMS. All Mo isotope measurements are reported relative to a Johnson Matthey ICP Mo standard solution (lot #602332B). At present there is not an accepted standard for interlaboratory comparison; normalizing measured values to different standards could potentially generate offsets between reported Mo isotope values from different lab groups. Four of the standard reference materials have also been run several times to evaluate the reproducibility of Mo isotope analyses (PACS-2, n=11, SDO-1, n=10, SX-12280, n=25 and NBS-1645, n=38); reproducibility for these standards is ≤ 0.3‰ (Appendix Table 1). I present these different reference materials in part because there is no internationally accepted standard reference material for Mo, and wish to establish a baseline of comparison for our 85 data. In general, analyses of individual samples tended to reproduce better than the standard reference materials with an average of 0.1‰ (e.g., Appendix Table 4). Replicate digestions and ICP-OES, ICPMS, and MC-ICPMS analyses were performed on ~20% of all natural sediment samples in this study (Appendix Tables 2, 3, and 4). The average reproducibility of these data for Mo concentration is better than 10% (1SD), which is consistent with other measures of reproducibility. There are a number of samples within the data set for which analyses reproduced poorly, but are nonetheless part of the average. In general, these analytical anomalies have little impact on end-members that emerge from the overall data set, given its large size and breadth of environmental coverage. RESULTS & DISCUSSION The total Mo reservoir in marine sediments reflects multiple Mo sources with unique Mo isotopic compositions (Figure 2). The fractions of each Mo component relative to the total sediment Mo concentration (Xn) and their isotopic signatures (δ98Mon) can be expressed by the mass balance equation: 1) δ98MoMEAS = δ98MoLITH(XLITH) + δ98MoBIO(XBIO) + δ98MoMn-AUTH(XMn-AUTH) + δ98MoS-AUTH(XS-AUTH) In this model X is the fraction of each Mo pool, MoLITH represents the lithogenic Mo associated with continental weathering, MoBIO represents the biogenic Mo fraction associated with organic matter deposition, and the authigenic Mo enrichments are represented as MoMn-AUTH (Mo associated with Mn-oxides) and MoS-AUTH (Mo-sulfides 86 formed in reducing sediments). It is often possible to simplify this equation; for example, Mn-controlled authigenic Mo deposits occur under oxygenated conditions where Mo-sulfide formation is negligible. The relative importance of each source to the total bulk Mo reservoir is dependent upon geochemical conditions specific to the sedimentary environment. The Lithogenic Mo Correction As previously discussed, the fraction of lithogenic Mo in bulk sediment samples (XLITH) can be estimated from a regional background Mo:Al ratio. For all sites in this study, a lithogenic Mo:Al ratio of 11 x 10-6 was used, the median value from a range of background Mo:Al values (8 to 14 x 10-6) previously observed in sediments from the Californian and Chilean margins (McManus et al., 2006). This value is also consistent with typical reported values for igneous rocks and sandstones (Mo:Al = 6 to19 x 10-6 in Turekian and Wedepohl (1961); Mo:Al = ~19 x 10-6 in Taylor and McLennan (1985)). The fraction of lithogenic Mo was calculated as: 2) MoLITH = AlMEAS x (MoLITH:AlLITH); MoLITH = AlMEAS x (11x10-6) For all sites in this study, the estimated lithogenic Mo contribution was ≤ 1 ppm Mo (Appendix Table 5). The δ98Mo value of 0.0‰ measured in terrigenous materials (Siebert et al., 2003) has been suggested as the δ98MoLITH isotopic signature, such that measured Mo isotope compositions of bulk sediment samples can be corrected for “dilution” by the lithogenic fraction (Poulson et al., 2006). For all sediments in this study, the mass balance (Equation 1) was simplified to: 87 3) δ98MoMEAS = δ98MoLITH(XLITH) + δ98MoENRICH(XENRICH) where MoENRICH represents the sediment Mo enrichment over any lithogenic contribution. For all sedimentary environments, MoENRICH represents some combination of authigenic enrichment (either Mn- or S-controlled) and organic matter deposition (Figure 2), such that: 4) δ98MoENRICH = δ98MoBIO(XBIO) + δ98MoMn-AUTH(XMn-AUTH) + δ98MoS-AUTH(XS-AUTH) This lithogenic Mo correction allows for more accurate interpretation of Mo isotopic variability in sediment Mo enrichments, reported herein as δ98MoENRICH values (Table 1, Appendix Table 5). It is important to recognize that this choice for the lithogenic Mo signature is simply our "best guess" given the currently available data set. Later refinements may deliver a different estimate for the lithogenic component, both in terms of concentration and isotopic composition. It is also important to recognize that for many sites, the potential inaccuracies in this estimate are small when compared to the bulk signature. The Authigenic Mo-Manganese Signature Surface sediments from the Mn-rich MANOP sites H and M in the eastern Equatorial Pacific have significant MoENRICH concentrations associated with Mo sorbed to Mn-oxides (Figure 6, Table 1). Site H, in particular, may be considered “proto-typical” Mnrich sediment, with Mn concentrations of ~5 wt.% (Lyle et al., 1984; Appendix Table 3). Likewise, pore water Mn data at site H indicate that sediments are oxygenated to ~12 cm, with Mn reduction below this depth (Klinkhammer, 1980; Figure 6). Sediment Mo 88 concentrations reflect the process of Mn reduction at depth; the upper ~10 cm are highly enriched in Mo (>50 ppm) with MoENRICH concentrations decreasing below this depth (Figure 6, Table 1). This solid phase Mo decrease suggests Mo is released back into pore fluids as host Mn-oxide is reduced. We take Site H to represent an end-member case for open-ocean authigenic Mo enrichment associated with Mn-oxides (MoMn-AUTH), such that: 5) δ98MoENRICH = δ98MoMn-AUTH(XMn-AUTH) Consistent with the dominance of Mn cycling, site H sediments have the most negative Mo isotopic compositions measured in this study (Table 1) with an average δ98MoENRICH value for all site H samples of -0.5±0.1‰ (n=14; Table 1; Figure 6). This value suggests a fractionation between a seawater aqueous Mo source and the authigenic Mo pool of Δ98MoSW-Mn-AUTH = 2.8‰; consistent with previously reported Mo isotope data from FeMn crusts (Figure 3; Siebert et al., 2003; Barling et al., 2001), previously reported data from Mn-rich sediments (Siebert et al., 2006; Poulson et al., 2006), and the experimental work of Barling and Anbar (2004). Site M sediments are less fractionated (relative to seawater) than those measured at site H; nevertheless, δ98MoENRICH values from site M are generally negative, suggesting Mn cycling is a primary control on Mo behavior at this site (Table 1). Pore water data suggests Mn reduction at a depth of only ~5 cm at site M (Klinkhammer, 1980) and solid phase MoENRICH concentrations also decrease below this depth (Table 1). It is worth noting that the δ98MoENRICH value calculated for the deepest sample at this site is suspect (-0.8‰; Table 1, Appendix Table 5); given the uncertainties associated with the lithogenic Mo estimate, the 89 magnitude of the lithogenic correction for this sample (XLITH = 0.87; Table 1) may have produced a spurious result. The Authigenic Mo-Sulfide Signature Surface sediments from the Peru continental margin have the highest authigenic Mo concentrations of all sites analyzed in this study (>80 ppm; Figure 7; Table 1). The Peru site is the most enriched in organic carbon (>14% Corg; Appendix Table 5), due to the influence of the Peru coastal upwelling system (Suess et al., 1986). This high Corg, low O2 environment leads to anoxic diagenesis in surface sediments; pore water data from a similar site on the Peru margin reveal H2S concentrations >1mM within the uppermost ~20 cm, with the highest sulfate reduction rates observed within a few cm of the sediment surface (Fossing, 1990). Authigenic Mo dominates the bulk sediment Mo pool throughout this core (XLITH ≤ 0.02; Table 1); we therefore take this site to represent the end-member case for open-ocean authigenic Mo enrichment associated with Fe-Mo-S and/or Mo-S precipitation (MoS-AUTH), such that: 6) δ98MoENRICH = δ98MoS-AUTH(XS-AUTH) The average δ98MoENRICH value for all Peru samples is 1.5±0.1‰ (n=10; Figure 7; Table 1). This value suggests a fractionation between a seawater aqueous Mo source and the authigenic Mo pool of Δ98MoSW-AUTH-S = 0.8‰, a value consistent with pore water predictions (Δ98Mo = 0.7‰; McManus et al., 2002) and the previously reported anoxic sediment Mo isotope signature (δ98Mo = 1.6‰; Poulson et al., 2006; Figure 3). Authigenic Mo enrichment in anoxic environments is controlled by the formation and deposition of Mo- 90 sulfides (e.g. Helz et al., 1996); however, it is unknown whether the observed Mo isotope fractionation occurs during aqueous Mo species transformations or results from processes controlling solid phase Mo enrichment. We suggest that sorption of Mo-sulfides to pyrite may be the mechanism responsible for the observed isotopic signature. Pyrite (FeS2) is thought to be the most important hostphase for Mo in anoxic sediments (e.g., Huerta-Diaz and Morse, 1992). In fact, recent work has suggested that pyrite formation in reducing sedimentary microenvironments may capture Mo more efficiently than previously believed (Tribovillard et al., 2008). Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that sorption of Mo-sulfides to pyrite results in the formation of a Mo-Fe-S cubane structure that, once formed, is highly resistant to desorption (Helz et al., 1996). The formation of Mo-Fe-S cubanes significantly alters the bonding environment around the Mo atom (Bostick et al., 2003; Vorlicek et al., 2004), and this restructuring is a plausible mechanism for fractionating Mo isotopes. Experimental work has shown the degree of Mo-sulfide sorption to pyrite varies with dissolved sulfide concentration; at high dissolved sulfide concentrations, sorption of Mo-sulfides is suppressed, implying that sulfide competes with Mo for surface sites (Bostick et al., 2003). It may be that the primary mechanism responsible for both solid phase Mo enrichment and isotopic fractionation in reducing environments is sorption to pyrite, and that this mechanism will be sulfide-dependent. At low dissolved sulfide concentrations, most sediment Mo-sulfides should therefore be sorbed to pyrite, potentially resulting in highly fractionated sediments (relative to the seawater aqueous Mo source). This process is one explanation for the sediment Mo isotope compositions observed in this study. Further experimental work is warranted to constrain the role of sorption as a mechanism for fractionating Mo isotopes. 91 At present, however, we cannot dismiss the possibility that Mo isotopes are fractionated by processes associated with aqueous phase transformations. It is possible that the formation of thiomolybdate species (MoOxS4-x2-) fractionates Mo isotopes in the aqueous phase. In fact, quantum mechanical calculations predict a large (~7‰) fractionation between MoO42- and MoS42- species (Tossell, 2005). Experimental work has shown that, in the presence of both H2S and S0-electron donors, thiomolybdate Mo(VI) may be reduced to Mo(V) or Mo(IV) polysulfide anions (Vorlicek et al., 2004). Changes in bonding around the Mo atom, whether associated with S and O substitutions or with reduction of Mo, could result in isotopic fractionation between dissolved Mo species. Subsequent scavenging and deposition of these fractionated Mo species may be responsible for the observed authigenic signature. The Biogenic Mo Signature Data from sites on the Mexico margin suggest that biogenic Mo (MoBIO) may be a dominant sedimentary component in some marine environments. In particular, sediments from both cores taken on the Pescadero slope have the lowest concentrations of MoENRICH (2.0±0.2 ppm; n=19; Figure 8) and the lowest observed sediment MoENRICH:Corg ratios (~0.5) of all sites analyzed on the margin (Table 1). Though it is not possible to accurately quantify the relative contributions of biogenic and authigenic Mo in these sediments, the low MoENRICH:Corg ratios indicate these sediments are likely the least impacted by authigenic Mo enrichment. We therefore suggest the following mass balance for these sediments: 7) δ98MoMEAS = δ98MoLITH(XLITH) + δ98MoBIO(XBIO); or δ98MoENRICH = δ98MoBIO(XBIO) 92 and we expect biogenic Mo (MoBIO) to dominate the δ98MoENRICH values measured at these sites. Sediments from both Pescadero sites have the heaviest δ98MoENRICH values measured on the margin, specifically in the uppermost ~4cm, averaging 2.1±0.2‰ for all samples over this depth range (n=11; Figure 8; Table 1). Assuming that this value represents the Mo isotopic composition of the organic sedimentary Mo component (δ98MoBIO), the data suggest a small fractionation between seawater Mo and biogenic Mo (~0.2±0.2‰; Figure 8); similar to the fractionation of 0.5‰ reported for biological uptake of Mo from solution in laboratory experiments (Figure 3; Wasylenki et al., 2007; Liermann et al., 2005). Further analyses of organic matter-associated Mo are warranted to discern if a unique isotopic signature for biogenic Mo exists, but it does appear that biogenic Mo can be an isotopically relevant fraction of the bulk Mo in certain environments. However, the ultimate fate of this component remains unclear; biogenic Mo may not survive early diagenetic processes and thus may have little impact in the rock record. Alternatively, some of this Mo may end up as a source for deeper Mo precipitation upon organic matter decomposition (and subsequent Mo release). Authigenic Mo with Seawater δ98Mo(aq) Source All the Mexican margin sites are presumed to contain relatively anoxic sediments; bottom water oxygen concentrations are low (<5 μM) and laminated sediments are present at all but the Magdalena site (Berelson et al., 2005). These conditions suggest Fe/S-controlled processes are likely to dominate authigenic Mo enrichment at most if not all of these sites. Data from the Pescadero sites, however, suggest that Mo associated with organic matter may 93 be a substantial sedimentary component in some locations, and we therefore propose a more complete sediment mass balance for Mexican margin sediments: 8) δ98MoMEAS = δ98MoLITH(XLITH) + δ98MoBIO(XBIO) + δ98MoS-AUTH(XS-AUTH) The sediment δ98MoENRICH values are taken to reflect a combination of both sedimentary biogenic and authigenic Mo phases (MoBIO and MoAUTH-S). Downcore data from the Magdalena margin suggest the presence of two isotopically discrete sedimentary Mo sources (Figure 9). The sediments are bioturbated in the uppermost 2-3 cm (Berelson et al., 2005), and mixing likely inhibits the formation of Fe/S-controlled authigenic Mo deposits in the most surficial sediments. Sediment MoENRICH concentrations remain low throughout the uppermost ~3 cm, increasing below this depth (Figure 9, Table 1). Within the mixed layer, sediment δ98MoENRICH values are consistent with a biogenic Mo component (1.9±0.1‰; n=5; Figure 9; Table 1). Below the mixed layer sediments are more fractionated (relative to a seawater source), suggesting that an authigenic Mo phase dominates the sediment Mo pool in the deepest portions of the core (average 1.3±0.1‰; n=4; Figure 9; Table 1). It is worth noting that this site also has the highest sediment Ca concentrations of all sites analyzed (~13 wt.% Ca; Appendix Table 3), and carbonate mineral phases may play an as yet undefined role in the sediment Mo isotope compositions observed. Sediment data from Alfonso basin suggests a gradual transition from organic matterdominated sedimentary Mo to Fe/S-controlled authigenic enrichment with depth at this site. Measured δ98MoENRICH values are heaviest near the sediment-water interface (~2.0‰), suggesting MoBIO dominates the sediment Mo pool (Figure 10; Table 1). Sediment δ98MoENRICH values are increasingly more fractionated (relative to seawater) with depth, 94 approaching values consistent with the previously reported authigenic Mo signature (1.7± 0.1‰ below ~30cm, n=4; Figure 10; Table 1). Similar Mo isotopic behavior is also observed in sediments from the La Paz basin; however, the sediment Mo enrichment is less pronounced over the shorter depth range analyzed (MoENRICH < 9 ppm; 0-7 cm; Figure 10; Table 1). Data from the Carmen sites suggest little or no increase in MoENRICH with depth (average for both cores is 5.4± 0.8 ppm; Table 1); intermediate sediment δ98MoENRICH values suggest Carmen sediments are a mixture of sedimentary biogenic and authigenic Mo phases (core averages 1.8±0.1‰ and 1.7±0.2‰; Table 1). Sediments from the most reducing basins analyzed on the California margin (Santa Barbara and Santa Monica) have relatively invariant average down core δ98MoENRICH values consistent with those observed on the Peru margin (1.5±0.2‰ and 1.6±0.1‰, respectively; Table 1). Heavier δ98MoENRICH values suggesting the influence of a biogenic Mo component are not observed. There is likely a discrete biogenic Mo component present in both the Santa Barbara and Santa Monica basins, but it may be that this fraction is too small to exert a detectable influence on the measured sediment Mo isotopic compositions. As stated previously, Mo:C ratios in sediment trap materials from the California margin are only half those reported on the Mexico margin, suggesting less Mo is associated with organic matter deposition in the California sites (~4 nmol/mmol in Santa Barbara Basin, Zheng et al., 2000; ~9 nmol/mmol for Mazatlan margin, Nameroff et al., 1996). Average δ98MoENRICH values from all sediment cores of the Mexican margin (excluding Pescadero), as well as those from the Peru margin and the two inner basin California margin sites, define a mean Mo isotope signature of δ98MoENRICH = 1.7±0.2 ‰ (1SD, n=84; Table 1). Including published data from three additional sites on the Mexican margin (Appendix Table 6; Poulson et al., 2006), and two additional reducing inner basins of 95 the California margin (San Pedro and Santa Monica; Appendix Table 6; Siebert et al., 2006; Poulson et al; 2006), the average is 1.63 ± 0.02 ‰ (error is standard deviation of the mean, SDOM, n=136; Table 1). It appears that Fe/S-controlled authigenic Mo enrichments with a seawater aqueous Mo source bear a unique Mo isotopic signature (δ98MoAUTH-S) that is ultimately recorded in marine sediments, despite any additional variability introduced by an organic matter-associated Mo sedimentary component. This final distinction is indeed important; many of the sites converge on a single isotope value despite a significant range in Mo concentrations, very distinct differences in pore water sulfide concentrations, and presumably differences in the relative contributions of MoAUTH-S and MoBIO. This invariant Mo isotope signature further strengthens the revised marine Mo budget described in McManus et al. (2006). It does in fact appear that continental margins represent an important oceanic sink for Mo, and that such deposits have a unique Mo isotopic composition. This additional Mo sink complicates the Mo isotope paleoproxy, suggesting the Mo isotope composition of seawater is not constrained by a simple two-component mass balance (Arnold et al., 2004; McManus et al., 2006). Authigenic Mo with Manganese δ98Mo(aq) Source Sediments from the outer basins of the California margin (Santa Catalina and San Nicolas) have the most dynamic range in measured δ98MoENRICH compositions of all sites analyzed in this study (Table 1, Figure 11); from values consistent with organic matter (δ98MoBIO) to values consistent with Mn-associated authigenic Mo deposits (δ98MoAUTH-Mn). However, pore water profiles from these sites suggest Mn oxides undergo reductive dissolution and are not preserved in sediments from both basins (Figure 11), and we therefore anticipate the ultimate authigenic Mo phase is associated with Fe-Mo-S/Mo-S 96 precipitation (XAUTH-S). We therefore assume that the mass balance equation (Equation 8) governing the other reducing margin sites of this study applies at these sites as well. We propose that the same mechanisms responsible for authigenic Mo-sulfide enrichment in other margin settings also impact Mo behavior at these sites, but that the aqueous Mo source is not necessarily seawater (δ98MoSW). Instead, we suggest that these sites typify environments where Mn-cycling within the sediment column influences Mo isotopic behavior. It appears that fractionated Mo released during Mn-reduction (δ98MoMn) and Mo associated with organic matter likely supplies the aqueous Mo that is subsequently deposited in authigenic phases at depth, resulting in more fractionated sediment Mo isotopic compositions than those observed in other margin settings. Both these outer basin sites have the lowest sediment MoENRICH concentrations and the lowest MoENRICH:Corg ratios measured in all sites from this study (Table 1). These low ratios could suggest little or no authigenic enrichment, or a dominance of biogenic Mo in these sediments, but we suggest that the low sediment MoENRICH:Corg ratios reflect Mo-poor organic matter preservation on the California margin relative to that preserved on the Mexican margin. Mo isotope data from these California sites indicate that biogenic Mo may in fact comprise an important sedimentary component at these sites, particularly in the most surficial sediments. In addition, despite the low overall measured sediment MoENRICH concentrations, both cores display slight increases in solid-phase Mo with depth which presumably reflects authigenic Fe-Mo-S/Mo-S precipitation at depth (Figure 11, Table 1). The assumption of an Fe-Mo-S/Mo-S authigenic phase at depth is bolstered by observed increases in total reduced sulfur (up to ~0.5 wt.%) in the uppermost 30 cm of Santa Catalina sediments (Leslie et al., 1990). The Mo isotope profile in the Santa Catalina sediments suggests biogenic Mo is the dominant Mo pool in the most surficial sediments; measured δ98MoENRICH values at the 97 surface are consistent with those observed in the Pescadero sediments from the Mexican margin (Figure 11, Table 1). δ98MoENRICH values steadily decrease down core, approaching negative values consistent with Mn-controlled authigenic Mo behavior (Figure 11, Table 1). We propose that Mo released from Mn-oxides during Mn reduction (δ98MoMn) likely supplies the aqueous Mo that is subsequently deposited at depth; that is, the initial source of aqueous Mo to these sediments is isotopically fractionated (relative to seawater), altering the ultimate Mo isotope composition of authigenic Fe-Mo-S phases. Pore water profiles from San Nicolas basin suggest a Mn reduction zone at ~3-7 cm depth, with an oxygenated zone above (Figure 11). Solid phase Mo profiles also suggest this diagenetic distribution (Figure 11, Table 1), with slight Mo enrichment in the very surface (possibly sorbed to Mn oxides), Mo depletion in the Mn reduction zone (presumably released upon reduction of the Mn-oxide host), and gradual authigenic enrichment at depth (presumably associated with Fe-Mo-S/Mo-S precipitation). The light δ98MoENRICH value of the uppermost sediment sample suggests a mix of biogenic Mo (MoBIO) and Mo sorbed to Mn-oxides (MoAUTH-Mn). Within the Mn-reduction zone, sediment δ98MoENRICH values are heavier, suggesting MoBIO is a more dominant component of the bulk sediment Mo pool. Mo enrichment at depth likely reflects Fe/S-controlled authigenic Mo enrichment (MoAUTH-S), but sediment δ98MoENRICH compositions decrease to negative values (Figure 11, Table 1). As in Santa Catalina, sediment δ98MoENRICH values suggest the aqueous source of Mo for enrichment is not seawater Mo (δ98MoSW), but Mo released during Mn-reduction (δ98MoMn). The data from these two sites suggest that, in certain settings, Mn cycling may exert even greater control of Mo geochemical and isotopic behavior than previously thought. Manganese reduction within the sediment column may release fractionated Mo back into solution which is subsequently incorporated into authigenic phases at depth. This process 98 appears capable of generating a broad range of sediment Mo isotope values, and further work is warranted to better constrain the impact of Mn cycling on sedimentary Mo isotope signatures. CONCLUSIONS Molybdenum concentrations in marine sediments reflect a combination of multiple primary sources: lithogenic Mo associated with detrital material (MoLITH), biogenic Mo associated with organic matter deposition (MoBIO), and authigenic Mo deposited via either oxic (sorption to Mn-oxides, MoAUTH-Mn) or anoxic (precipitation of Fe-Mo-S solids, MoAUTH-S) mechanisms. These sources each appear to have distinct Mo isotope compositions, and all modern marine sediments appear to reflect some mixture of these sources. MANOP site H and the Peru margin site have the highest MoENRICH concentrations of all sites analyzed, and both sites have unique and relatively invariant core average δ98MoENRICH compositions (Figure 12). We therefore presume the bulk sedimentary Mo pool at these sites to be dominated by authigenic deposits, and take the core average sediment δ98MoENRICH values to reflect the discrete Mo isotopic signatures of these authigenic Mo phases. Many of the Mexico and California margin sites have sediment δ98MoENRICH values consistent with the (δ98MoAUTH-S) authigenic isotope signature, and we propose that sorption of Mo-sulfides to pyrite may be responsible for the observed fractionation. Heavier sediment δ98MoENRICH compositions (less fractionated relative to a parent seawater δ98Mo source) measured on the Pescadero margin (Figure 12), as well as in the most surficial sediments of many other margin sites, suggest that an additional Mo 99 component may be controlling Mo isotope values near the sediment-water interface. We propose that Mo associated with organic matter is a discrete source of Mo to marine sediments that is less fractionated (relative to a seawater source) than authigenic phases, and that biogenic Mo dominates the sedimentary Mo pool in surface sediments at many locations. Indeed, core average sediment δ98MoENRICH values from all sites on the Mexican margin, as well as two reducing inner basins of the California margin, appear to reflect a mixture of both biogenic (MoBIO) and authigenic (MoAUTH-S) phases (Figure 12). Data from the Santa Catalina and San Nicolas basin sediments suggest that when Mn reduction is an important source of aqueous Mo within the sediment column, it is reflected in the isotopic composition of the authigenic sediment fraction (Figure 12). It appears that different sources of aqueous Mo (seawater [δ98MoSW] versus Mo released from Mn-oxides [δ98MoMn]) can generate very different Mo isotopic compositions in the precipitated authigenic phases. Bulk marine sediment δ98Mo values represent the mass balance of multiple primary Mo source components. Because these sources have unique isotopic signatures, sediment Mo isotope compositions reflect the dominant mechanisms responsible for Mo enrichment in different marine environments. 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Figure 2. Major Mo sources to modern marine sediments: 1) Lithogenic Mo terrigenous material incorporated into bulk sediment, 2) Biogenic Mo – sorbed to or incorporated into organic material, 3) Authigenic Mo - directly precipitated as a solid phase within the sediments (under both oxic and anoxic conditions). 105 Figure 3. Published marine Mo isotope values and fractionation factors from Barling et al., 2001, McManus et al., 2002, Siebert et al., 2003 and 2006, Poulson et al., 2006, and Wasylenki et al., 2007. Figure 4. Map of California margin study areas showing approximate locations of all sites investigated. Sites reported in this study in colored symbols; sites with previously published Mo isotope data show in grey (Siebert et al., 2006; Poulson et al., 2006). 106 Figure 5. Map of Mexico margin study areas showing approximate locations of all sites investigated. Sites reported in this study in colored symbols; sites with previously published Mo isotope data show in grey (Poulson et al., 2006). Figure 6. MANOP site H profiles. All pore water data (left panel) from Klinkhammer (1980). Dashed line indicates estimated depth of Mn reduction (~12 cm). Sediment Moenrich concentrations (center panel) and δ98Moenrich values (right panel) from Appendix Table 5. All error bars (ppm and ‰) are 1-SD errors for average replicate sample digestions. 107 Figure 7. Peru margin profiles. All pore water data (left panel) from Froelich et al., 1988 (near 12oS, 183m water depth). Sediment Moenrich concentrations (center panel) and δ98Moenrich values (right panel) from Appendix Table 5. All error bars (ppm and ‰) are 1-SD errors for average replicate sample digestions. 108 Figure 8. Sediment Moenrich concentrations and isotope compositions from Pescadero margin. Sediment Moenrich concentrations and δ98Moenrich values from Appendix Table 5. All error bars (ppm and ‰) are 1-SD errors for average replicate sample digestions. 109 110 Figure 9. Sediment Moenrich concentrations and isotope compositions from Magdalena margin. Hatched section and dashed line indicate bioturbated layer (0-3 cm). Sediment Moenrich concentrations and δ98Moenrich values from Appendix Table 5. All error bars (ppm and ‰) are 1-SD errors for average replicate sample digestions. Figure 10. Sediment Moenrich concentrations, and Mo isotope compositions from Alfonso and La Paz basins, Mexico margin. Sediment Moenrich concentrations and δ98Moenrich values from Appendix Table 5. All error bars (ppm and ‰) are 1-SD errors for average replicate sample digestions. Figure 11. Pore water Fe and Mn profiles, sediment Moenrich concentrations, and Mo isotope compositions from Santa Catalina and San Nicolas basins. Pore water Mn and Fe data (left panel) from McManus et al., (1997; 1998; personal comm.). Sediment Moenrich concentrations (center panel) and δ98Moenrich values (right panel) from Appendix Table 5. All error bars (ppm and ‰) are 1-SD errors for average replicate sample digestions. 111 Figure 12. Whole core average Moenrich concentrations versus δ98Moenrich values for all sites in this study. Shaded regions represent whole core averages (ppm and ‰) and associated 1-SD errors (data from Appendix Table 5). The full range in average Moenrich concentrations for Peru margin sediments (55 ±24 ppm, n=10) extends past the scale depicted (as indicated by the red arrow). 112 113 Table 1. General site characteristics and average sediment Moenrich data. Bottom water oxygen data for all Mexican margin sites (and Santa Monica) from Berelson et al., 2005. All other bottom water oxygen values compiled from Bender and Heggie (1984); Berelson et al. (1987) and (2005); McManus et al. (2006). Average sediment Moenrich concentrations, isotopic compositions, and Mo:C ratios from Appendix Table 5. Fractions of lithogenic Mo (XLITH) calculated in Appendix Table 5; assumed Mo:Al ratio for lithogenic background is 1.1 x 10-5 (McManus et al., 2006; Poulson et al., 2006) Details of lithogenic correction (δ98Moenrich values) described in text. 114 Table 1. (Continued) 115 Table 1. (Continued) 116 Table 1. (Continued) 117 SEDIMENT GEOCHEMISTRY ALONG A CHEMOCLINE TRANSECT, LAKE TANGANYIKA, EAST AFRICA Rebecca L. Poulson, James McManus, and Silke Severmann 118 ABSTRACT This study presents sediment geochemical data from five sites along a depth transect in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Permanent stratification of the lake waters leads to the production of a chemocline at ~150 m water depth. We present a variety of radiochemical, biogenic (organic carbon, carbonate, total reduced sulfur), and trace metal (Mo, U, Re, Cd, and V) data to characterize the burial response of these elements to changes in sediment reducing character across this transition. Sediment accumulation rates are derived from 210Pb and 137Cs profiles, and the resulting age models are verified by reasonable alignment of the sedimentary calcium carbonate records from all sites. The CaCO3 profiles exhibit peak concentrations of 60-70% that appear to be centered ~1870 AD, which is roughly coincident with the termination of the Little Ice Age (c.1850) and the most recent lake high stand (c.1880). Sediment C/S ratios agree with reported freshwater C/S values at the shallowest site, but decrease to lower values at the deeper locations. The lacustrine-like shallow sediment C/S ratios (~22 wt./wt.) are consistent with these sediments generally being sulfur limited, which is not surprising in this freshwater system. However, the deeper sites exhibit lower C/S ratios (6± 2), perhaps indicative of a system where diagenesis is dominated by sulfate reduction. The distribution of redox-sensitive trace metals, specifically U and Mo, suggest authigenic metal enrichment at these sites, particularly in sediments from depths below the chemocline. These data, along with the sediment C/S ratios, imply that overlying water column oxygenation limits both sulfate reduction and authigenic trace metal enrichment. Sites closest to the reported chemocline depth appear to be governed by similar geochemistries; that is, there are similarities in the observed trends of carbon, sulfur, and trace metal behavior at these sites. Despite sulfur limitation in this freshwater system, 119 conditions appear to be sufficiently reducing (particularly at depths below the chemocline) for substantial reduced sulfur accumulation and authigenic metal enrichment within the sediments. INTRODUCTION Lake Tanganyika is the largest of the East African Rift Valley lakes and is the second largest (by volume) body of freshwater in the world, with an estimated total volume of ~18,940 km3 (Hutchinson, 1957). The lake occupies a ~650 km north-south trough that is ~50 km wide and ~1.4 km deep at its deepest point (Figure 1, Edmond et al., 1993). The equatorial "endless summer" climate leads to permanent thermal stratification in the lake (e.g. Hecky, 2000) with temperatures of 25-27oC typical in the surface waters and a uniform deep water temperature of 23.3±0.05 oC (Degens et al., 1971; Edmond et al., 1993). Recent climate warming is reflected in increasing lake temperatures, with a warming trend of 0.1oC per decade in surface waters over the last century, and an overall increase of ~0.3oC in measured deep water temperatures since ~1940 (O'Reilly et al., 2003).The thermocline is positioned at ~40-50 m water depth much of the year, but during the cool trade-wind season (April-September) mixing of surface waters deepens the thermocline to ~150 m (Huc et al., 1990; Edmond et al., 1993). The combined effects of stratification and organic matter degradation produce a strong chemocline at ~150 m water depth (Figure 2; Degens et al., 1971; Edmond et al., 1993). Water column profiles are marked by a sharp decrease in oxygen concentrations to <5 μM and depletion of detectable nitrate above the chemocline (Degens et al., 1971; Edmond et al., 1993). Below ~150 m, ammonia and sulfide concentrations increase steadily, and 120 phosphate concentrations increase with depth throughout the entire water column (Figure 2; Edmond et al., 1993). Despite increasing water column sulfide concentrations, reported sulfate concentrations are relatively constant at ~40 μM throughout the water column, decreasing slightly only below ~1000 m water depth (Degens et al., 1971). The pH of the lake is ~8.5 (Edmond et al., 1993), and waters are supersaturated with respect to calcium carbonate (Cohen et al., 1997). This study investigates the geochemistry of surface sediments from depths (~72 m to 332 m) transecting the chemocline off the Luiche Platform, a deltaic deposit off the eastern shoreline just south of Kigoma, Tanzania (Figure 1, Table 1). A full suite of analytical techniques are employed to characterize the sediment geochemical conditions above, within, and below the chemocline. The microbially-mediated breakdown of organic matter, both in the water column and within the sediments, proceeds through a well-known sequence of electron donors, similar to what is observed in marine sediments (e.g., Froelich et al., 1979). Organic matter is oxidized by sequential reduction of the available oxidant with the greatest free energy change (O2, NO3-, MnO2, Fe2O3, and SO42-). These reactions (in conjunction with stratification) are responsible for the observed water column chemocline (Figure 2, Degens et al., 1971; Edmond et al., 1993), and directly affect the behavior of key reaction constituents within the sediments. Variations in the sediment distribution of these elements (e.g. C, S, Fe, Mn) are therefore indicative of the dominant diagenetic reactions and the extent of reducing conditions along the transect. The sediment distributions of redox-sensitive trace metals (e.g. V, Mo, Cd, Re, U) are investigated herein to further constrain sediment geochemistry across the chemocline transect. In general, these metals are more soluble under oxidizing conditions, but changes in solubility and oxidation state lead to authigenic sedimentary enrichments under reducing 121 conditions (e.g. Tribovillard et al., 2006 and references therein). The specific geochemical mechanisms responsible for authigenic enrichment are different for each of these metals, and these differences impact the accumulation patterns of these metals across the transect. In particular, this work investigates the observed trends in authigenic U and Mo accumulation, and the relationship of these metals to organic carbon delivery and degradation within the sediments. Previous work in Lake Malawi utilized changes in the distribution of redoxsensitive trace metals over several meters of the sediment column to infer paleo-excursions in the depth of the chemocline (Brown et al., 2000). This study investigates the accumulation patterns of redox-sensitive trace metals in surficial Lake Tanganyika sediments (<30 cm), providing a modern context for future interpretation of metal distributions in longer sediment records. METHODS All sediment cores from the Luiche platform were collected using a multi-corer, which is a smaller version of that described by Barnett et al., (1984). Two companion cores for each multi-core deployment were sectioned shipboard; one was stored for 210Pb and 137Cs determination, the other was sectioned shipboard under nitrogen and samples were centrifuged for pore water separation. All sediment samples were freeze dried and ground before further analysis. 210Pb and 137Cs were determined by γ-ray spectroscopy (e.g., Gilmore and Hemingway, 1995) as described in Wheatcroft and Sommerfield (2005). In short, ~30 g of dried ground sediment were counted for >24 hr on two equivalent Canberra GL2020RS LEGe planar (2000 mm2) γ-ray detectors and activities were corrected to the date of core 122 collection; detector efficiency and self-absorption corrections are described in Wheatcroft and Sommerfield (2005). Solid-phase metal analyses were performed on ~100 mg of dry ground bulk sediment samples from the cores processed shipboard. Sediments were first digested using a series of HCl, HNO3, and HF digestions (either hot plate or microwave (CEM, MARS 5000)). These two methods are generally analytically indistinguishable (Tables 2-4). For Re and Cd, there appears to be some loss in samples digested via the hot plate method (presumably during combustion in an 800oC furnace before acid digestion); only microwave digestions are reported for Re and Cd (Tables 3 and 4). Major element compositions (Ca, Fe, Mn, and Ti) were measured on total sample digestions by inductively-coupled optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES; Teledyne Leeman Prodigy) (Table 2). For the same bulk sediment sample digestions, trace metal concentrations (V, Mo, Cd, Re, U) were determined by inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICPMS; Thermo PQ ExCell) (Table 3). The reproducibility of analytical techniques was evaluated by performing replicate analyses of multiple standard reference materials (Table 4). Major element concentrations analyzed by ICP-OES for all standard reference materials are typically reproducible within ~5%, and agree reasonably with published values (Table 4). Trace metal concentrations determined by ICPMS in the standard reference materials were typically reproducible within ~10% and agree with reported values (Table 4). Replicate digestions and ICP-OES and ICPMS analyses were performed on ~15% of all natural sediment samples in this study (Tables 2 and 3). The average reproducibility for most elements typically is better than ~10%, which is consistent with our other measures of reproducibility. However, it is worth noting that the total measured sediment concentrations of Mo, Cd, and Re are at the low end of our typical 123 analytical range, adding to the uncertainty of measured values (averaging ~20% for these metals). For example, the average standard deviation on replicate Cd analyses is only 0.01 ppm, but on average this error represents ~35% of the total sample Cd concentration (Table 3). Additional data for these sediments was supplied by Silke Severmann (University of California - Riverside). Calcium concentrations were determined on carbonate extractions using sodium acetate-acetic acid buffer (pH 4.5; Tessier et al., 1979; Table 2). Total carbon (TC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC) were measured using an elemental analyzer (Eltra CS500). For TIC, acidification was done online (20% HCl); total organic carbon (TOC) was calculated by difference (Table 2). Total reduced inorganic sulfur (TRIS) was measured by single-step chrome reduction (Fossing and Jørgensen, 1989; Table 2). RESULTS & DISCUSSION Age Model Sediment age models were generated from 210Pb- and 137Cs-derived sedimentation rates and confirmed by correlation of all sediment calcium carbonate records (Figures 3 and 4). To derive linear sedimentation rates (LSR) from the 137Cs data, the depth of maximum 137 Cs was estimated in each sediment profile, and assigned an age of 1961 (Putyrskaya and Klemt, 2007; orange dashed line in Figure 3; Table 1). All 137Cs-LSRs were then calculated as 137Csmax depth (cm)/ 45 yr (2006-1961) (Table 1). The 1961 date represents the average date of origin for two 137Cs maxima reported in lake sediments from the Southern Alps (Putyrskaya and Klemt, 2007). There is uncertainty associated with the application of northern hemisphere 137Cs timing to the southern hemisphere sites of this study; however, it 124 appears to be a reasonable estimate for the 137Cs maxima observed in the Tanganyika sediments. Only one sediment interval from the 232 m site contained detectable levels of 137 Cs (Figure 3); the 137Cs-LSR from an estimated ~2 cm 137Cs maximum is therefore poorly constrained at best. The depth of the modern sediment mixed layer was estimated from near-surface perturbations in 210Pbxs and 137Cs profiles (black dashed lines in Figure 3). When possible, a single best fit ln 210Pbxs data regression was used to calculate sedimentation rates below the mixed layer (e.g. Nittrouer et al., 1979; Figure 3, Table 1). For the 335 m site, the average of two separate 210Pb-derived sedimentation rates determined above and below an apparent discontinuity at ~3 cm depth was used (Figure 3, Table 1). The 210Pb profiles from the 72 m and 107 m sites also suggest a possible disruption in sedimentation at ~6-8 cm depth, but the data are interpreted herein with a single regression (Figure 3, Table 1). Due to low 210Pb activities in the 232 m core, the 210Pb-LSR for this site was calculated from only the uppermost ~3 cm of data (Figure 3), and the estimated sedimentation rate for this site therefore has considerable associated uncertainty. For each site, the 137Cs- and 210Pb-derived LSRs were averaged and a single sedimentation rate was applied to the entire core length (Figure 3, Table 1). There is limited data available for comparison, but McKee et al. (2005) report 210Pb-derived sedimentation rates from two nearby river deltas that are generally consistent with our estimates. These authors report sedimentation rates of ~0.15cm/yr for two shallow (<100 m) cores taken in the Gombe and Mwamgongo River deltas, located to the north of our study area. McKee et al. (2005) suggest that sedimentation rates have increased in recent decades (reporting a value of 0.25 cm/yr for recent sediments in the Mwamgongo delta), perhaps due to increased rainfall in the early 1960s. Division of the 210Pbxs profiles in this study into shorter sediment 125 intervals could provide a more detailed history of temporal changes in sedimentation. However, application of a single average sedimentation rate to each full core length reasonably aligns the sedimentary calcium carbonate records from all sites (Figure 4), suggesting the estimated sedimentation rates are an adequate approximation of sedimentation over the core histories analyzed for the purposes of this study despite the assumption of constant compaction. Regional Sedimentation Bulk sediment mass accumulation rates (MARs) were calculated as: MAR (mg/cm2yr) = [LSR (cm/yr) * (1-Ï•) * ρ * 1000] using the average 137Cs- and 210Pb-derived LSRs, average porosities (Ï•) estimated from wet and dry sediment weights, and the densities of bulk sediment solids (ρ) calculated from the relative fractions of principal sedimentary components (after Davis et al., 1999; Table 2). Sedimentary carbonate fractions were calculated from both solid-phase Ca and TIC concentrations assuming CaCO3 stoichiometry (CaCO3 = [Ca] * (100/40); CaCO3 = [TIC] * (100/12)). The average value from these two separate estimates was taken to represent the total sediment carbonate fraction (XCARB) and assigned an average density of 2.71 g/cm3 (Carmichael, 1982; Table 2). Similarly, the sediment Corg content was used to estimate the bulk sediment organic matter fraction (XOM): OM (wt. %) = Corg (wt. %) * (1.7); the value of 1.7 used approximates the typical H, C, and O content of organic matter (e.g. Caplan and Bustin, 1996). The organic fraction was assigned a density of 1.0 g/cm3 (Carmichael, 1982; Table 2). The remaining sediment (1 XCARB - XOM) was assumed to represent the detrital component of lithogenic materials (XLITH), with an average density of 2.65 g/cm3 (Carmichael, 1982; Table 2). Bulk sediment densities were then calculated as: Bulk ρ = (XCARB*(2.71 g/cm3)) + (XOM*(1.0 g/cm3)) + 126 (XLITH*(2.65 g/cm3)). This estimate ignores a sedimentary biogenic silica component which cannot be constrained with the available data. Nevertheless, the lithogenic sedimentary fractions calculated from the carbonate and organic matter estimates co-vary with measured sediment Ti concentrations, suggesting these are reasonable approximations of the bulk sedimentary components (Figure 5). Average whole-core bulk sediment mass accumulation rates are highest in the shallow 72 m site and decrease with site depth (Figure 6, Table 2). Not surprisingly, average carbonate and Ti mass accumulation rates also generally decrease with site depth (Figure 6). In all but the shallowest (72 m) site, carbonate accumulation rates are lowest (<5 mg/cm2yr) over the last 50 yrs (Figure 6). Average carbonate accumulation rates during the latter part of the Little Ice Age (c. 1550-1850 AD) are higher than modern rates, but average carbonate accumulation rates are highest at all core locations during the 100 year period following the Little Ice Age (Figure 6). This period (1850-1950 AD) includes the most recent maximum lake high stand (c. 1878 AD; Alin and Cohen, 2003). The trend in Ti mass accumulation rates (taken to represent terrigenous inputs) is opposite that of carbonate, with the highest accumulation rates in the modern (1950 to present) and Little Ice Age periods, and the lowest rates in between (Figure 6). The peak in carbonate sedimentation appears to be centered ~1870 AD (Figure 4), which is roughly coincident with the termination of the Little Ice Age and the most recent lake high stand. Sediment Distributions of Diagenetic Reactants Core average sediment organic carbon concentrations increase with site depth, from ~3% at the 72 m site, to ~6% at 335 m (Figure 7, Table 2). Average total reduced inorganic sulfur (TRIS, presumably produced by sulfate reduction) also increases with site depth, from 127 ~0.1% at the 72 m site, to ~1% at the deepest sites (Figure 7, Table 2). Despite similar trends in total sediment concentration, the accumulation patterns for these two sediment components differ along the transect (Figure 7). Organic carbon accumulation is highest in the shallowest site (~0.14 mg/cm2yr), and burial rates generally decrease with site depth (Figure 7). In contrast, TRIS accumulation is lowest at the 72m site (0.06 mg/cm2yr) but averages ~0.2 mg/cm2yr for all other sites (Figure 7). Berner and Raiswell (1984) argued that sediment C/S ratios can be used to differentiate between sediments deposited in marine and freshwater environments, because sulfur limitation in lacustrine settings drives sediment C/S ratios to high values. Indeed, sediment C/S ratios (Corg/TRIS) for the shallowest study site are high (22±8), consistent with reported values for freshwater systems (Berner and Raiswell, 1984; Figures 7 and 8). The high average C/S ratio for the 72 m site likely reflects the combined effects of higher oxygen concentrations (>30 μM; Edmond et al., 1993) at this depth inhibiting sulfide formation, and the high rate of Corg burial at this site (Figure 7). Whole core average C/S ratios for all other sites decrease with site depth, however, approaching values more consistent with marine C/S ratios (average C/S = 6±2, n = 35; marine C/S = 2.8±1.5, Berner and Raiswell, 1984; Figures 7 and 8). In fact, whole core average C/S ratios for all sites generally trend along a slope similar to the reported marine relationship, but the regression has a non-zero intercept (Figure 8). This non-zero intercept implies higher carbon burial relative to sulfur compared to marine systems (Figures 7 and 8). The average sediment C/S in the 335 m site may reflect the increasing impact of sulfur limitation with depth; however, given the relatively large associated errors, it is consistent with the general trend (Figure 8). All average C/S ratios reflect sulfur limitation in this system, but the low sediment C/S ratios measured in all but the shallowest site suggest a 128 similar relationship between sulfate reduction and organic carbon oxidation for all the deeper sites (Figures 7 and 8). Sediment Fe and Mn contents were also measured as potential indicators of the dominant sedimentary redox conditions, as both Fe(III) and Mn(IV) oxides are known electron acceptors for organic carbon degradation (e.g., Froelich et al., 1979). Sediment Fe:Ti and Mn:Ti ratios do not appear to be affected by changes in the sedimentary carbonate fraction, suggesting these metals are dominantly associated with the terrigenous detrital fraction (Table 2). Sediment Mn:Ti ratios generally decrease with sediment depth at all sites, and whole core average Mn:Ti ratios also decrease with site depth across the transect (Figure 9, Table 2). Samples of the regional bedrock were not analyzed in this work, but others have characterized the dominant bedrock lithology as Proterozoic metasedimentary and late Paleozoic-early Mesozoic non-marine sedimentary rocks (Cohen et al., 1997). Mn:Ti ratios in samples from the shallowest site are consistent with reported Proterozoic sedimentary rock values (average Mn:Ti ~0.15; Taylor and McLennan, 1985 and references therein), suggesting a detrital source. Lower Mn:Ti ratios in deeper sites suggest Mn reduction is an active process, both within the sediments (particularly in the deepest sites) and in the overlying water column (e.g. Klinkhammer and Bender, 1980). Pore water Mn profiles provide further evidence of Mn reduction, with apparent recycling (loss) of Mn to pore waters and deep lake waters (Figure 10). Sediment Fe:Ti ratios are relatively invariant at all sites, averaging 11.9±0.5 for all samples analyzed (1-SD, n=52; Figure 9; Table 2). Whole core average Fe:Ti ratios are consistent with, but slightly higher than, the reported values for Proterozoic fine-grained sedimentary rocks (average Fe:Ti ~9; Taylor and McLennan, 1985 and references therein). The apparent invariance of measured Fe:Ti ratios suggests the sedimentary Fe pool is likely 129 dominated by detrital Fe, with no evidence of Fe reduction occurring within the sediment column. However, total reduced inorganic sulfur (TRIS) in these sediments increases with site depth, reflecting the increasingly reducing character of the sediments with depth (e.g. Raiswell et al., 1988; Table 2). Pore water profiles suggest Fe reduction may be an active process in these sediments, particularly below ~10 cm depth in the sediment column (Figure 10). The observed increase in sedimentary reduced sulfur without an observable change in sediment Fe:Ti ratios suggests that if detrital Fe is reduced within the sediment column, it is likely precipitated with sulfide as pyrite. Unlike Mn, the data suggest reduced Fe is not lost to the overlying water column through diffusion. Sediment Trace Metal Distributions To quantify the authigenic enrichments of trace metals along the study transect, it is necessary to consider the multiple sources potentially contributing these metals to the bulk sediment pool. The fraction of sedimentary carbonate varies greatly over the depth ranges analyzed at all sites (from <5% to ~70%, Figure 4, Table 2); any metal incorporation into carbonate could potentially affect sediment metal contents. These metals may also be contributed to the lake sediments in association with terrigenous detrital material delivered by riverine or eolian inputs. To better constrain the authigenic metal fraction, the carbonate and detrital metal contributions were estimated from sediment carbonate and Ti concentrations ("predicted" metal concentrations in Figure 11). Sediment metal concentrations in excess of the predicted carbonate and lithogenic contributions are considered the "enriched" fraction, and are taken to primarily represent the authigenic deposition of these metals (XENRICH, Table 4). However, some metals are considered biologically essential, or form known associations with organic matter (e.g. Tribovillard et 130 al., 2004; Lane et al., 2005; Mendel and Bittner, 2006), and additional contributions associated with organic matter deposition may impact sediment metal distributions. The estimated metal enrichments therefore also potentially include metals directly associated with organic matter, but no attempt was made to separately estimate "organic" metal contributions. Sediment Cd:Ti ratios also do not appear to be affected by changes in the carbonate fraction, but Metal:Ti ratios for the remaining suite of trace metals (V, Mo, Cd, and Re) all appear to be influenced (to varying degrees) by carbonate inputs; coincident maxima in Metal:Ti and carbonate profiles suggest some contribution of carbonate-associated metals to the total sedimentary metal pool. Carbonate metal contents taken from the literature were used to estimate the carbonate fraction of the total bulk sediment metal concentration (XCARB; Table 3). Average carbonate metal concentrations for V (20 ppm), Mo (0.4 ppm), and U (2.2 ppm) were taken from Turekian and Wedepohl (1961). These authors did not report a value for carbonate Re; instead, 1.2 ppb Re reported for whole rock limestone was used (Pierson-Wickmann et al., 2000). Estimated carbonate metal contributions typically represent <30% of the bulk sedimentary metal pool, though higher metal-carbonate fractions are estimated for the shallow 72 m site (Table 3). Average Metal:Ti values for Proterozoic sedimentary rocks were used to estimate the sediment detrital metal fractions of V, Mo, and Cd at our study sites (XLITH, Table 3; V:Ti = 0.027; Mo:Ti = 1.4x10-4; Cd:Ti = 1.1x10-5; Taylor and McLennan, 1985 and references therein). For these same Proterozoic formations, the average reported U concentrations (4-6 ppm) are higher than values measured in this study (average U = 2.4±0.6 ppm, n=52; Table 3) and no Re data are reported (Taylor and McLennan, 1985). The lowest measured U:Ti and Re:Ti ratios from this study (U:Ti = 1.1x10-4; Re:Ti = 1.6x10-7) were 131 used to estimate the lithogenic fraction of these metals. The estimated lithogenic metal fractions typically represent about half of the total sedimentary metal pool (Table 3). The combined estimated carbonate and lithogenic contributions of each metal are shown in Figure 11 ("predicted" values). Predicted metal concentrations agree reasonably well with measured values for all metals in the 72 m site, suggesting little or no distinguishable authigenic enrichment of these metals at this shallow depth (Figure 11). The estimates reasonably predict the entire measured bulk sediment V pool at all site depths (Figure 11, Table 3), suggesting V is primarily associated with the detrital sedimentary component; there appears to be little or no authigenic vanadium enrichment in any of the study locations. There are differences in the specific behavior of the other measured trace metals, but in all cases the difference between predicted and measured metal concentrations (the presumed "enriched" fraction, Table 3) is greatest at the deepest site (Figure 11). It is worth noting here that the "predicted" Re concentrations rely on poorly constrained carbonate and lithogenic Re values; we are therefore hesitant to further interpret the small (~1 ppb) estimated "enriched" Re fractions (Figure 11). Estimated authigenic Cd enrichments are low for all sites in this study; the maximum average estimated enrichment is only ~0.06 ppm in the deepest site (Figure 11, Table 3). Nevertheless, the estimates suggest some amount of Cd enrichment at all depths, increasing below the chemocline (Figure 11). Cadmium exists in a single coordination state (Cd2+), and is rapidly immobilized in sediments under suboxic conditions (e.g. McCorkle and Klinkhammer, 1991). Authigenic Cd enrichment is thought to be primarily achieved through CdS formation; Cd is efficiently immobilized in sediments in the presence of trace levels of free sulfide (<5 μM), though remobilization of Cd upon subsequent reoxidation of sediments has been suggested (e.g. van Geen et al., 1995; Rosenthal et al. 1995; and 132 references therein). However, Cd is also known to form associations with organic matter; recent work has identified a Cd-containing carbonic anhydrase in marine diatoms (Lane et al., 2005). Association of Cd with biological material is further suggested by the relatively invariant Cd:Corg ratio reported for particulate marine organic matter (~3x10-6; Rosenthal et al., 1995). In light of this reported Cd:Corg relationship, delivery of Cd to the sediments in association with organic carbon can adequately account for the entire measured bulk Cd pool in the Tanganyika sediments. Based on the available data, it is not possible to discern whether the estimated "enriched" Cd fraction in these sediments reflects authigenic CdS precipitation or delivery of Cd associated with organic matter; in truth, both processes likely impact the observed Cd distributions. Authigenic Accumulation of U and Mo Authigenic accumulation of U is primarily achieved through the reduction of soluble U(VI) to the more insoluble U(IV), at sediment Eh conditions similar to those required for Fe(III) reduction (e.g. Anderson et al., 1989; Klinkhammer and Palmer, 1991). The exact mechanism for U reduction remains unclear; microbial reduction of U has been observed (e.g. Lovley et al., 1991), but abiotic reduction of U linked to sulfate reduction has also been proposed (Klinkhammer and Palmer, 1991). In addition, some amount of U may be delivered to the sediments through sorption to organic matter in the water column (e.g. Anderson et al., 1989; Klinkhammer and Palmer, 1991; Zheng et al., 2002a). Maximum authigenic U accumulation appears to be taking place in the Tanganyika sediments just above the chemocline depth; calculated accumulation rates are slightly lower in the deepest sites (Figure 12). However, given the uncertainties associated with these estimates, enriched 133 U accumulation rates for all sites below 72 m may be essentially the same; only the lowest accumulation rate estimated for the shallowest location is markedly different (Figure 12). High C/S ratios measured in the shallow (72 m) site sediments suggest a suppression of sulfate reduction, presumably due to the higher bottom water oxygen concentrations at this depth (Figure 8). Assuming a link between sulfate and U reduction, this may explain the low U accumulation rate at the 72 m site relative to deeper locations (Figure 12). However, it is also possible that some amount of U may be reoxidized in these sediments, such that the low U accumulation reflects loss of U from the sediments in the oxygenated shallow site (Zheng et al., 2002b). The linear relationship between core average Uenrich and TRIS across all sites on the transect further suggests that the reduction of U is primarily tied to sulfate reduction in this environment (Figure 13). A similar linear relationship between core average Uenrich and Corg is suggested for all but the shallowest site (Figure 13). As stated previously, the low Uenrich value for the 72 m site likely reflects lower rates of sulfate reduction relative to the high Corg burial, as well as some potential loss of U to overlying water due to reoxidation. The Uenrich/Corg burial ratio observed in the deeper sites (0.36 Uenrich ppm: Corg %; Figure 13) is about one-third of the values observed in marine continental margin environments (~1.2 Uauth ppm: Corg %; McManus et al., 2006). Nevertheless, the positive correlation between U and C burial in Lake Tanganyika sediments suggests similar preservation of the diagenetic relationship between authigenic U accumulation, sulfate reduction, and organic carbon degradation in this freshwater system. Molybdenum is considered a biologically essential element (e.g. Mendel and Bittner, 2006 and references therein), and may be delivered directly to the lake sediments in association with organic matter. Therefore some amount of the estimated "enriched" Mo may be of biogenic origin. However, because the estimated Moenrich concentrations are near 134 zero for the three shallowest sites, the relationships between core average Moenrich and Corg (or TRIS) along the transect are not easily constrained (Figure 13). Authigenic Mo accumulation in reducing environments is primarily associated with the transformation of the soluble molybdate ion (MoO42-) to less soluble thiomolybdates (MoOxS4-x2-) that may be scavenged by sulfidized organic matter or Fe-sulfide phases such as pyrite (Helz et al., 1996; Zheng et al., 2000). Experimental work has shown that, in the presence of both H2S and S0- electron donors, thiomolybdate Mo(VI) may be reduced to Mo(V) or Mo(IV) polysulfide anions (Vorlicek et al., 2004); it remains unclear whether reduction of the metal itself is necessary for authigenic Mo accumulation. Helz et al. (1996) proposed a sulfide-controlled geochemical “switch” for Mo at ~10 μM H2S(aq), where the dominant dissolved Mo phase abruptly transitions from molybdate (MoO42-) to tetrathiomolybdate (MoS42). The marine pore water work of Zheng et al. (2000) proposed two thresholds for Mo-sulfide formation; at H2S(aq) concentrations of ~0.01 μM these authors proposed that Mo is removed from solution via coprecipitation of Fe-Mo-S phases, whereas at higher H2S(aq) concentrations (~10 μM) they postulate that Mo precipitates independent of iron. Estimates of Mo enrichment in the Tanganyika sediments suggest authigenic Mo deposition is inhibited above the chemocline depth (Figures 11 and 12). The estimated authigenic Mo accumulation rates are essentially zero for the three shallowest sites, but authigenic Mo appears to be accumulating in the sediments of the two deepest sites (Figure 12). The observed pattern of Mo accumulation suggests that sulfide concentrations sufficient for authigenic Mo-sulfide precipitation are limited to sediments below the chemocline depth, where oxygen is no longer detectable, and free sulfide >10 μM persists in the water column (Figure 2, Edmond et al., 1993). 135 CONCLUSIONS The sediment C/S ratios for all study sites are consistent with these sediments generally being sulfur limited, as would be expected in this freshwater system. At the shallowest site, C/S ratios agree with reported freshwater values; however, the deeper sites exhibit lower C/S ratios. The low C/S ratios observed in deeper sediments likely reflect the importance of sulfate reduction for organic matter degradation in this system. Accumulation of authigenic U occurs at all sites along the study transect, while significant authigenic Mo accumulation is limited to sites below the chemocline. 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Down-core profiles of 210Pb and 137Cs used to create age models for all Luiche Platform sites. 137Cs data plotted in orange diamonds, 210Pb data included in sedimentation rate regressions shown in grey squares (additional data 210Pb shown in black circles). Black dashed lines indicate estimated depths of sediment mixing, orange dashed lines indicate estimated depths of 137Cs maxima. 137Cs-derived linear sedimentation rates in orange, 210Pbderived linear sedimentation rates in black. Linear sedimentation rates outlined in boxes are average values used in age models. 142 143 Figure 4. Down-core profiles of sediment carbonate contents for all Luiche Platform cores. Left panel: carbonate versus depth in the sediment column as measured. Right panel: profiles set to ages from site-specific 210Pb- and 137Cs-derived linear sedimentation rates. Figure 5. Sediment Ti concentrations (%) versus estimated sedimentary lithogenic fractions (XLITH) for all study sites. Lithogenic sediment fractions estimated from % total sediment in excess of carbonate and organic matter fractions. 144 Figure 6. Average total sediment, carbonate, and Ti mass accumulation rates for all study sites. Errors are 1-SD for average values. Figure 7. Whole core average organic carbon (Corg) and total reduced inorganic sulfur (TRIS), Corg and TRIS accumulation rates, and sediment C/S (Corg /TRIS) ratios for all study sites. All errors are 1-SD for whole core averages. Marine and freshwater C/S values from Berner and Raiswell, 1984). 145 Figure 8. Individual sample (left panel) and whole core average (right panel) sediment organic carbon (Corg) versus total reduced iron sulfide (TRIS) for all study sites. Errors are 1-SD for whole core averages. Marine and freshwater C/S values from Berner and Raiswell, 1984). 146 147 Figure 9. Whole core average sediment Mn:Ti and Fe:Ti ratios for all study sites. All errors on Mn:Ti and Fe:Ti ratios are 1-SD for whole core averages. Figure 10. Pore water Mn and Fe profiles for all study sites. OLW indicates values measured in the overlying water samples. averages. "Predicted" values are estimated metal contributions from carbonate and terrigenous detrital inputs. All sediment "enriched" metal concentrations estimated from difference between predicted and measured (see text). Figure 11. Whole core average predicted and measured trace metal concentrations. Errors are 1-SD for whole core 148 149 Figure 12. Whole core average "enriched" U and Mo accumulation rates. Error bars are propagated from 1-SD uncertainties in whole core averages of the two terms (MetalENRICH and MAR). Dashed line indicates chemocline depth (~150 m). Figure 13. Whole core average "enriched" U and Mo versus whole core average organic carbon (%Corg) and total reduced inorganic sulfur (%TRIS). All errors are 1- SD for whole core averages. Table 1. Water depths, locations, and sedimentation data for all study sites. See text for detailed description of linear sedimentation rate (LSR) and sediment mass accumulation rate (MAR) calculations. 150 151 Table 2. Sediment data: major elements, carbon and sulfur contents, carbonate fractions, estimated densities, and mass accumulation rates. All reported values are from separate total sediment digestions. Errors (1-SD) listed when more than one replicate digestion was performed. Sediment total inorganic carbon (TIC), total organic carbon (TOC), and total reduced inorganic sulfur (TRIS) data from Silke Severmann (UCRiverside). See text for detailed description of carbonate, density, and mass accumulation rate (MAR) calculations. 152 Table 2. 153 Table 2 (Continued) 154 Table 2 (Continued) 155 Table 3. Sediment trace metal data. All reported values are from separate total sediment digestions. Errors (1-SD) listed when more than one replicate digestion was performed. Carbonate (XCARB) and lithogenic metal contributions (XLITH) estimated from published values (see text). Estimated sediment "enriched" metal fractions (XENRICH) calculated from difference of measured and predicted metal concentrations (see text for details). 156 Table 3 (Continued) 157 Table 3 (Continued) Table 4. Average standard reference material compositions. Average values are from separate replicate digestions (n=# of samples). For all but Cd and Re, averages represent mix of hot plate and microwave digestion techniques; reported Cd and Re averages from microwave digests only (see text). 158 159 CONCLUSION The data from this thesis suggest that early diagenetic processes can generate Mo isotope compositions in marine sediments that span the full range of values previously observed in natural environments. There appear to be discrete isotopic signatures for endmember oxic (~-0.5‰) and anoxic (~1.6‰) authigenic Mo deposits; however, these signatures can be obscured by additional sedimentary Mo contributions. Notably lithogenic material (~0‰), while typically representing only a small portion of the total sediment bulk Mo pool, can effectively "dilute" the authigenic signal. In addition, heavier sediment Mo isotope compositions (less fractionated relative to a parent seawater δ98Mo source) measured in the surface sediments of many sites suggest that an additional Mo component may be controlling Mo isotope values near the sediment-water interface. I propose that Mo associated with organic matter is a discrete source of Mo to marine sediments that is less fractionated (relative to a seawater source) than authigenic phases, and that biogenic Mo dominates the sedimentary Mo pool in surface sediments at many locations. Data presented here further suggest that when Mn reduction is an important source of aqueous Mo within the sediment column, it is reflected in the isotopic composition of the authigenic sediment fraction. It appears that different sources of aqueous Mo (seawater [δ98MoSW] versus Mo released from Mn-oxides [δ98MoMn]) can generate very different Mo isotopic compositions in the precipitated authigenic phases. Bulk marine sediment δ98Mo values therefore represent the mass balance of multiple primary Mo source components with an observed range over all study sites of -0.8 to +2.3‰. Trace metal concentrations in lake sediments were also investigated in this work, to investigate whether metal limitation in a freshwater system inhibits the formation of 160 authigenic metal enrichments as observed in marine environments. 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For some samples, aliquots of the same sediment digestion were analyzed by both methods; the average of these two analyses (and 1-SD error) are listed under "Both" so as not to place undue weight on a single digestion when calculating the final sample Mo concentration average. Samples listed in bold font were processed by microwave digestion; all other samples processed by hot plate digestion. 173 Appendix Table 2. 174 Appendix Table 2 (Continued) 175 Appendix Table 2 (Continued) 176 Appendix Table 2 (Continued) 177 Appendix Table 2 (Continued) 178 Appendix Table 2 (Continued) 179 Appendix Table 2 (Continued) 180 Appendix Table 2 (Continued) 181 Appendix Table 3. Sediment major element compositions and lithogenic Mo fractions. All reported values are from separate total sediment digestions. Errors (1-SD) listed when more than one replicate digestion was performed. Al, Ca, Fe, and Mn for MANOP H (Vulcan BC37, same core) and MANOP M (Pluto 25BC, companion to Mo core) from Lyle et al. (1984); data not corrected for carbonate dilution. Samples listed in bold font were processed by microwave digestion; all other samples processed by hot plate digestion. Appendix Table 3. 182 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 183 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 184 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 185 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 186 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 187 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 188 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 189 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 190 Appendix Table 3 (Continued) 191 192 Appendix Table 4. Sediment Mo isotope compositions. All reported values are from separate total sediment digestions. Errors on Average values are 1-SD for all analyses; errors reported for individual Mo isotope analyses are 2SE instrumental errors from individual runs. 193 Appendix Table 4 (Continued) 194 Appendix Table 4 (Continued) 195 Appendix Table 4 (Continued) 196 Appendix Table 5. Average sediment Moenrich concentrations and isotopic compositions. Average bulk sediment Mo concentrations from Appendix Table 2, average bulk Mo isotope compositions from Appendix Table 3, average %Al from Appendix Table 4. Assumed Mo:Al ratio for lithogenic background is 1.1 x 10-5 (McManus et al., 2006; Poulson et al., 2006). %Al (Appendix Table 4) and %Corg values for MANOP H (Vulcan BC37, same core) and MANOP M (Pluto 25BC, companion to Mo core) from Lyle et al. (1984); data not corrected for carbonate dilution. %Corg value for Peru is average from McManus et al., (2006); companion core. MoLITH and XLITH values in italics do not have corresponding %Al data; reported values calculated from core average %Al values. 197 Appendix Table 5. 198 Appendix Table 5 (Continued) 199 Appendix Table 5 (Continued) 200 Appendix Table 5 (Continued) 201 Appendix Table 6. Detailed sediment data from previously published California and Mexico margin sites. All previously published data listed in italics (Siebert et al., 2006; Poulson et al., 2006); all other data are from replicate recent sample digestions. All Mo values listed represent separate total sediment digestions (analyzed by either ICPMS or MCICPMS as indicated). Errors on Average Mo concentrations are 1-SD for all analyses. For some samples, aliquots of the same sediment digestion were analyzed for Mo by both methods; the average of these two analyses (and 1-SD error) are listed under "Both" so as not to place undue weight on a single digestion when calculating the final sample Mo concentration average. All Mo isotope values reported are separate total sediment digestions. Errors on Average values are 1-SD for all analyses; errors reported for individual Mo isotope analyses are 2SE instrumental errors from individual runs. All Al, Ca, Fe, and Mn values are replicate digestions and analyses of the same bulk sediment sample. Errors (1-SD) listed when more than one replicate digestion was performed. Assumed Mo:Al ratio for lithogenic background is 1.1 x 10-5 (McManus et al., 2006; Poulson et al., 2006). 202 Appendix Table 6. 203 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 204 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 205 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 206 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 207 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 208 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 209 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 210 Appendix Table 6 (Continued) 211 Appendix Table 6 (Continued)