GRUPPO ASTM-SIAS “Technological opportunities to improve efficiency and safety on the roads” Joint ITU/UNECE Workshop on “Intelligent transport systems in emerging markets – drivers for safe and sustainable growth” Roberto ARDITI, SINA Geneva ,27 June 2013 AGENDA THE INNOVATION OF ITS FOR ROAD OWNERS AND OPERATORS OPPORTUNITY FOR ITS TO FACE FATALITIES IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES ITS OPENS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMERGING COUNTRIES UNECE PLATFORM AS A BRIDGE TO WORLDWIDE BEST PRACTICES Traditional OPERATION •Surveillance •Fee collection •Traffic Management •Patrolling •Equipment control Technological •Monitoring, AID, etc. •E Fee collection •Real time information •Remote enforcement •Remote control Operator has an increased efficiency and capability of action in time and space THE INNOVATION OF ITS FOR MOTORWAY OPERATORS Intelligent transport systems: Tools to improve traffic efficiency and safety. Siim Kallas; Vice-President EC 15/05/2013: ITS could reduce the number of road fatalities by up to 7%, as well as the number and severity of accidents, CO2 emissions and cost of infrastructure repairs. IN-VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY ROADSIDE ICT INFRASTR. AGENDA THE INNOVATION OF ITS FOR MOTORWAY OPERATORS OPPORTUNITY FOR ITS TO FACE FATALITIES IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES ITS OPENS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMERGING COUNTRIES UNECE PLATFORM AS A BRIDGE TO WORLDWIDE BEST PRACTICES A WIDE RANGE OF INFRASTRUCTURE QUALITY Comparison of Asian infrastructure quality with the world, selected countries 2008 Electric Air power Region/country Road Rail Ports Overall Country groupings World 3,8 3,0 4,0 4,7 4,6 3,8 G7 5,7 5,4 5,4 5,8 6,4 5,7 Asia 3,7 3,6 3,9 4,6 4,1 3,8 Asian regional averages East Asia 4,7 4,8 4,8 5,1 5,3 4,6 Southeast Asia 4,2 3,2 4,3 5,1 4,7 4,2 Central Asia 3,1 3,6 3,2 4,2 3,6 3,5 South Asia 3,1 2,8 3,4 4,2 2,8 2,9 Selected countries Singapore 6,6 5,6 6,8 6,9 6,7 6,7 Hong Kong 6,4 6,2 6,6 6,7 6,7 6,3 Malaysia 5,7 5,0 5,7 6,0 5,8 5,6 Korea 5,8 5,8 5,2 5,9 6,2 5,6 Taipei, China 5,6 5,7 5,5 5,7 5,9 5,5 Thailand 5,0 3,1 4,4 5,8 5,5 4,8 Brunei Darussalam 5,1 n.a. 5,0 5,6 5,4 4,7 China 4,1 4,1 4,3 4,4 4,7 3,9 Azerbaijan 3,7 4,0 4,2 5,2 3,9 3,9 Kazakhstan 2,5 3,6 3,2 3,7 4,3 3,5 Georgia 3,5 3,5 3,9 4,2 4,4 3,2 Tajikistan 2,6 3,3 1,6 3,5 1,7 3,2 Pakistan 3,5 3,0 3,7 4,2 2,5 3,1 Cambodia 3,1 1,6 3,4 4,2 4,2 3,1 India 2,9 4,4 3,3 4,7 3,2 2,9 Philippines 2,8 1,8 3,2 4,1 4,2 2,9 Indonesia 2,5 2,8 3,0 4,4 3,9 2,8 Vietnam 2,6 2,4 2,8 3,9 3,2 2,7 Bangladesh 2,8 2,3 2,6 3,4 1,9 2,2 Nepal 1,9 1,3 2,9 3,5 1,7 1,9 Mongolia 1,4 2,1 2,4 2,7 2,9 1,7 Scores: 1 = underdeveloped; 7 = extensive and efficient by international standards. Source: ADB and ADBI (2009). Roberto Arditi SINA Milano Roberto Arditi SINA Milano A FEW FIGURES ON FATALITIES AND ISSUES IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES Global status report of WHO 1.24 million of roads fatalities each year. What about low and middle income countries: •Over a third of road traffic deaths are among pedestrians and cyclists; •35% only of the countries have policies to protect these road users A WIDE RANGE OF MOBILITY ISSUES RESULTS IN A WIDE RANGE OF SOLUTION Infrastructure Driver’s behavior Operation ITS can promote the best use of what is existing THE OPPORTUNITY/IMPACT OF ITS INFORMATION ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES (Driver assistance systems) ENVIRONMENT DRIVER CONVENTIONAL DRIVING VEHICLE AGENDA THE INNOVATION OF ITS FOR MOTORWAY OPERATORS OPPORTUNITY FOR ITS TO FACE FATALITIES IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES ITS OPENS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMERGING COUNTRIES UNECE PLATFORM AS A BRIDGE TO BEST PRACTICES WORLDWIDE Growth complexity system Growth added value of services Intermodal in-vehicle services stand-alone services integrated roadside services In-vehicle services Growth ICT deployment roadside and on board Time cooperative systems ITS OPENS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMERGING ECONOMIES • Emerging countries have the opportunity to leapfrog the structural hindrances moving directly to a state-ofthe-art network. AGENDA THE INNOVATION OF ITS FOR MOTORWAY OPERATORS OPPORTUNITY FOR ITS TO FACE FATALITIES IN TRANSITION COUNTRIES ITS OPENS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMERGING COUNTRIES UNECE PLATFORM AS A BRIDGE TO WORLDWIDE BEST PRACTICES Priorities and programs European Institutions Legal instruments Member States Road Operators Other UN Regions Continental scale deployment Industry and services ITS OPENS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMERGING COUNTRIES Authors: • UN-ECE Transport Division • Italian Ministry of Infrastructures and Transports. • German federal Ministry for Transports, Constructions and Urban development • ASTM/SIAS Group- SINA S.p.A. • cations/its_sustainable_mobility.h tml ITS OPENS NEW OPPORTUNITIES FOR EMERGING COUNTRIES The study is composed by three parts: CONTAINS: A) SHYNTETIS OF THE ACTUAL TECHNOLOGIES B) COMPETENCES AND INSTITUTIONAL ACTIVITIES OF UNECE SHOWING THE CURRENT ADDRESSES AND CONCERNS OF UNECE FOR ROAD TECHNOLOGY POLICY CONTAINS THE CONCRETE ACTIONS CHOSEN TO ACHIEVE THE OBJECTIVES IN THE PREVIOUS SECTION GRUPPO ASTM-SIAS Thanks for your kind attention roberto.arditi