Fair Housing Survey For Agencies The State of New Jersey is in the process of conducting an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing. We would appreciate it if you would complete the following survey regarding your agency’s experience with fair housing issues. Organization Name: _______________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________ County: __________________________________ For statistical purposes, please identify your occupation: Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Disability Advocate Fair Housing Advocate Education Provider Local Government Official Home Buyer Mortgage Lender Public Housing Authority Official Real Estate Developer Real Estate Sales Professional Other (Please Specify 1. How many complaints did your agency receive over the past 12 months? 0 1-10 11-20 21-30 Over 31 Don’t Know If your answer is “0” or “don’t know”, skip to question 3. 2. Identify the types of housing discrimination complaints that your agency has received over the past 12 months. Source of Income Color Religion Age National Origin Gender Race Disability Familial Status Other_________________________ 3. Rate each statement below indicating the degree to which possible barriers to fair housing exist. a. The concentration of affordable housing in certain geographic areas. not a barrier minor barrier moderate barrier severe barrier don’t know b. Discrimination in credit and lending practices. not a barrier minor barrier severe barrier moderate barrier don’t know c. The lack of housing information translated into other languages. not a barrier minor barrier moderate barrier severe barrier don’t know d. Land use and zoning barriers not a barrier minor barrier severe barrier moderate barrier don’t know 4. Rate each group’s knowledge and awareness of fair housing laws? a. Residents not a barrier severe barrier minor barrier moderate barrier don’t know b. Large property landlords and property managers not a barrier minor barrier moderate barrier severe barrier don’t know c. Small property landlords and property managers not a barrier minor barrier moderate barrier severe barrier don’t know d. Real estate agents not a barrier minor barrier severe barrier don’t know e. Bankers and lenders not a barrier minor barrier severe barrier moderate barrier don’t know moderate barrier f. Appraisers not a barrier severe barrier minor barrier moderate barrier don’t know 5. Why don’t people report housing discrimination? Didn’t know where to report Aren’t sure of their rights Afraid of retaliation Didn’t think that it would make any difference 6. Do you believe that there is a disproportional concentration of minorities in declining and deteriorating neighborhoods? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes No Don’t Know question 63 7. Do you believe that affordable housing is concentrated in only deteriorating and declining neighborhoods? Answer Options Response Percent Response Count Yes No Don’t Know 8. What steps do you think the State should take to address these impediments? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. Please describe any actions taking place in your community to promote fair housing. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________