Subject: HTA Programme - Change to Output Notification Guidelines Please be advised that there has been a change to NETSCC’s output notification policy. From now onwards, all study participant materials will be considered outputs and must be notified to your appointed Programme Manager via our online MIS through the ‘Update Output Notification’ task. All participant materials must include the NIHR logo whenever possible, following the NIHR branding guidelines. If an NHS organisation logo is used in the materials, the NIHR logotype must not be included on the same page. The appropriate logos should be accompanied by a funding statement such as the following: “This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research [name programme] (project number xx/xx/xx).” Participant material that has already been produced can still be used, but if you reprint or make changes to your protocol please do take the opportunity to add the logo and/or funding statement at that time. For further guidance on outputs please see the attached document ( section 4.8, refers specifically to participant materials). Information on outputs and the NIHR logo may also be found on the NETSCC website under the ’Acknowledgements and disclaimers’ section of the Project Outputs page. Please contact your Programme Manager for further clarification if needed. Kind regards Administration Team (Monitoring) National Institute for Health Research Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre University of Southampton Alpha House, Enterprise Road Southampton SO16 7NS Tel: 023 8059 5580 Email: