Erasmus+ Key Action 1: Delivery and implementation Activities

Erasmus+ Key Action 1:
Delivery and implementation
UCL has been granted an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) which is valid until 2020. UCL will continue
to apply for one 16 month project per year for the duration of the charter to cover the activities listed above.
UCL has been awarded funding for a project under Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ programme for 2015/16. This
began on 01 June 2015 and will run until 30 September 2016. The following activities are supported under this Key
Student Mobility for Studies (Programme Countries)
Student Mobility for Traineeships (Programme Countries)
Staff Mobility for Teaching and Training (Programme Countries)
Key actors
Given the size of the grant and number of participants (over 360 outbound individuals last year) delivery of the
project is split between a number of key actors in different areas of the university. They are as follows:
Within Student and Registry Services (SRS):
Erasmus Institutional Coordinator (EIC)
Study Abroad Team (SA)
Assessment and Student Records (ASR)
Access and Admissions (ADM)
Within Human Resources (HR):
Organisational Development (OD)
Within the Office of the Vice Provost International (VPI):
Global Engagement Office (GEO)
Governance structure
The EIC will arrange termly meetings with all key actors (or their representatives) as an opportunity to share
knowledge, discuss developments or policy changes and any other relevant business. Each operational section will
report to their own section heads; however, final sign-off for any decision which affects the project as a whole will be
taken by the EIC. The EIC will also prepare an annual report on Erasmus+ activities will be presented to key
stakeholders (or relevant committees), reporting on outcomes of the annual project, as well as progress against
targets in the Global Engagement Strategy (GES) and other departmental objectives.
UCL Student Support and Wellbeing
University College London Gower Street London WC1E 6BT
Version 01 - 02 November 2015
Division of responsibility
Institutional Coordination (EIC)
 Advising on Erasmus+ regulation
as it relates to all areas of
Erasmus+ (both Key Action 1
and Key Action 2)
 Ensuring that the institution
remains compliant with the terms
of its Erasmus Charter for Higher
Education (ECHE), Grant
Agreement and any other
guidelines issued by the
Erasmus+ National Agency (NA)
the British Council (BC)
 Managing the institutional
Erasmus+ grant, including the
grant for Organisational Support.
 Monitoring balance of
established inter-institutional
agreements and, with the GEO,
negotiating with partner
universities to restore balance
where necessary
 Acting as first point of contact for
UCL academic departments with
operational queries relating to an
existing Erasmus+ mobility
 Completing all required reporting
within the specified deadlines
Student Mobility – SRS
 Promotion, coordination and
selection of participants for of
outbound student mobility
opportunities (SA)
 Advising on Erasmus+ regulation
as it relates to all areas of
Student Mobility (SA)
 Ensuring that required participant
documentation is completed
correctly and within specified
deadlines (SA)
 Making grant payments to
eligible outbound students (SA)
 Admitting, teaching and
assessing incoming Erasmus+
students to the standard
expected by our partner
institutions and by the Erasmus+
programme (ADM, ASR)
 Providing incoming students with
an academic transcript at the end
of their period of study (ASR)
Staff Mobility - OD
 Promotion, coordination and
selection of participants for
outbound staff mobility
 Payment of outgoing staff travel
 Advising on Erasmus+ regulation
as it relates to staff mobility
 Advising departments on
arrangements for inbound staff
 Reporting on staff mobility and
budget use using the EC Mobility
 Supplying the EIC with staff
mobility data for the annual
funding bid
Partnership Management - GEO
 Advice and guidance on
institutional strategy and policy
as it relates to EU mobility
 Creation, renewal and
termination of inter-institutional
 Management of the Erasmus
Partnership database
 Providing regular updates to key
stakeholders on the following:
o New partnerships
o Changes to existing
o Lapsed or terminated
o Changes or updates to
institutional strategy or
policy on outward mobility