Medicines for Heart Failure

Medicines for Heart Failure
Most people with heart failure will need to take several
different medicines every day. These heart failure medicines
may help you feel better right now. Over time they will help
your heart to improve. Your health care provider will choose the
best medicines for you. It is very important that you take your
medicines as prescribed even after you start feeling better.
• Do not run out of medicines. Keep your prescriptions filled.
• Do not skip doses.
• Do not stop medicines without talking with your doctor.
• Talk to your doctor before you take any other medicines and
herbal remedies. That includes those you can buy without a
ACE Inhibitors
Brand name and (Generic Name)
Capoten® (captopril), Vasotec® (enalapril),
Prinivil®/Zestril® (lisinopril), Accupril® (quinapril),
Altace® (ramipril), and Monopril® (fosinopril)
ACE inhibitors are usually the first drugs used
to treat heart failure. They relax the blood
vessels. This reduces the workload on the
heart. They also block the harmful effects of
the hormone-like substances that make heart
failure worse. Hormones are chemicals
released in your body that affect other parts of
the body. ACE inhibitors help keep your heart
from getting worse. They may help you feel
better, live longer, and go to the hospital less
ACE inhibitors lower blood pressure. Your
doctor may prescribe them because of other
benefits even if you do not have high blood
Dizziness is a common side effect.
• Try taking your ACE inhibitor at another
time of the day if it makes you dizzy.
• If you feel dizzy when you wake up in the
morning or when you get up after sitting for
a long time,
--move your feet around and up and down
before you stand up.
--stand up slowly and stand in one place for
a few seconds before you start walking.
When your doctor orders lab tests, be sure to
get them done.
DO NOT take ACE inhibitors if you are
pregnant or think you may be pregnant.
Call your doctor if you have
• Dizziness for more than 5-10 minutes after
you get up
• Fainting spells
• Coughing that will not go away
• Skin rash
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This is for education only. Ask your own doctor any questions you have about your health. © 2008 by Vanderbilt University.
All rights reserved. Vanderbilt Medical Center Patient & Family Centered Care HC-0062 06/09
Get medical help immediately if
• Your lips or throat swell. It is a rare but
serious side effect.
Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
Brand name and (Generic Name)
Atacand® (candesartan), Avapro® (irbesartan),
Cozaar® (losartan), Diovan® (valsartan)
Angiotensin receptor blockers are similar to
ACE inhibitors. They relax the blood
vessels. This reduces the workload on the
heart. They also block the harmful effects of
the hormone-like substances that make heart
failure worse. Hormones are chemicals
released in your body that affect other parts of
the body. Angiotensin receptor blockers help
to keep your heart from getting worse. They
may help you feel better, live longer, and go
to the hospital less often.
Angiotensin receptor blockers lower blood
pressure. Your doctor may prescribe them
because of other benefits even if you do not
have high blood pressure.
Side effects
Dizziness is a common side effect. Let your
doctor know if you feel dizzy.
• It may help to take this medicine at different
times of the day.
• If you feel dizzy when you wake up in the
morning or when you get up after sitting for a
long time, you may want to try
--moving your feet around and up and down
before you stand up.
--standing up slowly and standing in one place
for a few seconds before you start walking.
When your doctor orders lab work, be sure to
have it drawn.
DO NOT take angiotensin receptor blockers if
you are pregnant or think you are pregnant.
Call your doctor if you have
• Dizziness for more than 5-10 minutes after
you get up
• Trouble walking with the dizziness
• Fainting spells
• Coughing that will not go away
• Skin rash
Brand name and (Generic Name)
Zebeta® (bisoprolol), Coreg® (carvedilol), and
Toprol® (metoprolol succinate)
Beta-blockers help lower blood pressure and
slow your heart rate. They also block the
harmful effects of some of the hormone-like
substances that make heart failure worse.
Hormones are chemicals released in your body
that affect other parts of the body. Beta-blockers may improve the pumping action of your
heart over time.
Beta-blockers lower blood pressure. Your
doctor may prescribe them because of other
benefits even if you do not have high blood
pressure. They may help you feel better, live
longer, and go
to the hospital less often.
Side effects
These side effects are common in the first two
weeks after starting the medicines but usually
disappear over time.
• feeling tired
• dizziness
• slower heartbeat
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Call your doctor if you have any of
these side effects
• Fluid buildup. Keep a daily record of your
• Wheeze or have more shortness of breath
• Low blood pressure. Know your normal
blood pressure.
• Low pulse. Know your normal pulse rate.
Aldosterone Angonist
Brand name and (Generic Name)
Aldactone® (spironolactone) and
Inspra® (eplerenone)
Aldosterone antagonist decreases the harmful
effects of aldosterone. Aldosterone controls
the balance of salt and water in the body.
Side effect
• High potassium level in your blood
Brand name and (Generic Name)
Lasix® (furosemide), Bumex® (bumetanide),
Demadex® (torsemide), and HCTZ®
Diuretics, or "water pills," help rid your body
of extra fluid that may collect in your lungs,
stomach, or feet and ankles. When you have
less fluid, your heart does not have to work so
hard. Diuretics may also rid your body of
potassium. You may need a prescription for
potassium supplements if your potassium level
becomes too low.
When your doctor orders lab tests, be sure to
get them done.
Side effects
Side effects include dizziness, weakness, gout,
and muscle cramps. These are usually caused
by low potassium.
Call your doctor if you have any of
these side effects
• Muscle cramps
• Dizziness
• Fast heartbeat
When your doctor orders lab tests, be sure to
have them done.
Hydralazine and Isosorbide
Brand name and (Generic Name)
Imdur® (isosorbide mononitrate), Isordil® (isosorbide dinitrate) and Apresoline® (hydralazine)
The combination of hydralazine and isosorbide relaxes the blood vessels and makes them
Call your doctor if you have any of
these side effects
• Dizziness
• Headache
• Nausea
• Vomiting
Digoxin® (Lanoxin) can help your heart
muscle pump blood better. It can also regulate
a heartbeat that is too rapid or irregular. Not
all heart failure patients need to take digoxin.
When your doctor tells you to get lab tests, be
sure to get them done.
Call your doctor if you have
• Blurred, bluish or yellowish vision
• No appetite
• Nausea or vomiting
• Pulse that is too slow or too fast
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