March/April 2013 Volume 4, Issue 1 Match 2013 is a great success — Meet our new interns The 2013 Na onal Resident Match is final, and there is a new intern class. Our Department received 852 applica ons for 15 posi ons. A er interviewing 111 outstanding medical students, the program successfully filled all 15 posi ons within the top 25 students listed on our Match list. Ten out of the 15 are AOA members, and the Mean USMLE Step 1 Score for the en re group is 245. Thank you to all of the residents and faculty who contributed to this recruitment and selec on process, ensur‐ ing that we filled our spots with a stellar group of medical students. Special recogni on goes to the Office of Educa onal Affairs staff and the Associate Program Directors who worked relessly to make this year’s Match a success. 2013‐2014 Intern Class Louise Alexander Mark Bombulie David Byrne Joy Dean Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine University of Texas Medical School at Houston University of Texas School of Medicine at San Antonio Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine Chief residents named for 2013‐2014 The new Anesthesiology chief residents for the 2013‐2014 academic year have been selected and they are Drs. Adam Kingeter, Jenna Walters, and Andrea Westman. Congrats to this trio as they take the reins from outgoing Chief Residents Drs. Bret Alvis, Jenna Helmer Sobey, and Adam King. Adam Kingeter, MD Adam began his residency in July 2010 a er receiving his medical degree from the University of Texas Medical School at Houston. He received his bachelor’s de‐ gree in Biology from Texas Chris an Uni‐ David Grune University of Michigan Medical School Match 2013 con nued on page 2 New Department Profile published The new Anesthesiology Depart‐ ment Profile is now available online at All Department members should have received a copy from their administra‐ ve staff. To request addi onal copies to share with special visitors and recruits, please contact Communica ons/Marke ng Coordinator Jill Clendening, 615‐322‐4841 or via email, Chief Residents con nued on page 2 Fond Farewells, Page 3 Update from Kijabe, Page 5 Progress Report, Page 7 Volume 4, Issue 1 Match Results, con nued from page 1 Jenne e Hansen Meredith Herzog University of Illinois College of Medicine at Rockford Ohio State University College of Medicine Mark Jensen University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine Andrea Keohane University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine Bradley Kook Ma hew Parks Britany Raymond Ric Sedlak Medical College of Wisconsin Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine Emory University School of Medicine Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine Chief Residents for AY 2013‐2014 named Patrick Knight University of Cincinna College of Medicine David Zacharias Mayo Medical School Glory of the Golden LMA Story con nued from page 1 versity (Fort Worth, TX). Adam was recently accepted into the BH Robbins Scholars Program. His hobbies include playing the saxophone and piano, cooking, playing golf and traveling. Jenna Walters, MD Jenna began her residency in July 2010 a er receiving her medical degree from the Medical University of South Carolina College of Medicine. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology from the College of Charleston (Charleston, SC). In her free me, Jenna en‐ joys running, Pilates and reading. She loves anything to do with the beach and spending me with her fiancé, family and friends. She is currently applying to pain fel‐ lowships, and a ends West End Methodist Church. Andrea Westman, MD Andrea began her residency in July 2010 a er receiving her medical degree from University of Texas Medical School at Houston. Andrea received her bachelor’s de‐ gree in biology from Baylor University (Waco, TX). Her hobbies include traveling, cooking/baking, reading, and watching sports (especially her favorite team, the San Antonio Spurs). Andrea also loves watching Baylor sports and cheering against TCU, Dr. Kingeter’s alma mater (sorry, Adam!). She enjoys browsing Parnassus, a cool local bookstore, and going to cooking classes. 2 Volume 4, Issue 1 Chief Residents Drs. Bret Alvis, Adam King, and Jenna Helmer Sobey (above with award recipi‐ ent Dr. Dusty Watson) began a new tradi on in academic year 2012‐2013 called the Golden LMA Resident of the Month Award. The award recognizes a resident who has performed be‐ yond expecta ons on their rota on, who has gone the extra mile to provide excellent pa ent care, and who has displayed outstanding lead‐ ership and teamwork. Residents are nominated by faculty, and the award is presented on the last Friday of each rota on at Grand Rounds. The recipient receives the pres gious Golden LMA plaque and $100. Farewells to two faculty members extraordinaire “Goodbyes, they often come in waves.” ― Jarod Kintz, author April and May will be bi ersweet for the Vanderbilt De‐ partment of Anesthesiology as we say fond farewells to two of our stalwart faculty members, Shan‐ non Hersey, MD, and John Algren, MD. On April 30th, a farewell recep on will be held for Shan‐ non Hersey, MD, Chief of the Division of Ambulatory An‐ esthesia. Dr. Hersey has accepted a posi on at the Uni‐ versity of Wisconsin as Medical Director of Anesthesia Opera ons effec ve July 1. She first came to Vanderbilt for an internship in Medicine/Pediatrics. She then com‐ pleted her residency in Anesthesiology and a fellowship in Pediatric Anesthesiology at Vanderbilt before she joined the staff as an assistant professor. She was promoted to associate professor of clinical anes‐ thesiology and became the director of the newly formed Division of Ambulatory Anesthesia in 2008. She success‐ fully grew the Division to include four satellite surgery centers, including the latest in 2011, Vanderbilt Bone & Joint in Franklin, Tennessee. On May 16th, a re rement celebra on will be held for John Algren, MD, our vice‐chair for educa onal affairs and residency program director. Over the past decade, Dr. Al‐ gren has led a team of faculty and staff in advancing our anesthesiology residency and fellowship programs, as well as programs in medical student educa on and con nuing medical educa on. Dr. Algren joined the faculty in 1999 as an associate professor of anesthesiology and pediatrics. He also began serving as director of the Pediatric Anesthe‐ sia Fellowship Program in 1999. In 2000, he was promoted to professor of anesthesiology and pediatrics, and in 2003, he became the vice‐chair for educa onal affairs and residency program director. In 2010, he also began serving in the role of interim vice chair for pediatric anes‐ thesiology. Thanks in large part to Dr. Algren’s leadership, the Anesthesiology residency program at Vanderbilt is na onally recognized for outstanding clinical training in anesthesiology, cri cal care and pain medicine. The program also ranks high for innova ve professional de‐ velopment programs, such as the B.H. Robbins Scholars Program and Vanderbilt Interna onal Anesthesia. 3 Volume 4, Issue 1 McEvoy joins faculty as new Educational Affairs Vice Chair Ma hew D. McEvoy, MD, is joining the Anesthesiology Department faculty in late April in the role of Vice Chair for Edu‐ ca onal Affairs, as well as residency program director. He succeeds John Al‐ gren, MD, upon his re rement. Dr. McEvoy completed his undergraduate educa on at Harvard University and his medical school and residency training at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC). A er joining the anesthesiology faculty at MUSC in 2006, McEvoy devel‐ oped academic and leadership interests around resident educa on and educa‐ onal research in competency‐based ed‐ uca on. He became the Vice Chair for Ma hew McEvoy, M.D. Educa on and residency program direc‐ tor at MUSC in 2009. He has been awarded two Research in Educa on Grants from the Founda on for Anesthesia Educa‐ on and Research (FAER) in support of his research on simula‐ on modules for high‐stakes, competency‐based training and the use of decision support tools in the periopera ve arena. “The Department is excited that Dr. McEvoy will be able to combine his interests in transforming res‐ ident educa on and his research focused on educa onal effec veness for the long term benefit of our current and future trainees and graduates,” said Warren Sandberg, MD, PhD, chair of the Depart‐ ment of Anesthesiology. “As the new Accredita on Council for Graduate Med‐ ical Educa on milestones and the new American Board of Anesthesiology exam‐ ina on requirements are introduced, Ma will collaborate with many other faculty and staff within the Department and School of Medicine to create the best methods for implemen ng these new requisites, while also assessing their impact on resident training and pa ent outcomes.” Clinically, Dr. McEvoy will join the Mul specialty Adult Anes‐ thesiology Division, concentra ng on anesthesia for complex head and neck surgical pa ents, liver transplanta on, and thoracic surgery. He will be joined in Nashville by his wife, Amy, and their five children; Kendall, 12; Morgan, 11; Gavin, 9; Garre , 8; and Ansley, 6. Learn about impact of sequestration, revenue reduction Academic medical centers throughout the United States are taking neces‐ sary steps to address the sudden and significant reductions in health care and research revenue due to sequestration and other state and federal legislation. Please read a letter from Jeff Balser, MD, PhD, Vice Chancel‐ lor for Health Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine, which ad‐ dresses Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s response to these reductions. Also, if you were unable to a end the recent presenta on by Anesthesiology Department Chairman Dr. Sandberg: “VUMC and Departmental Outlook A er Sequestra on and in a Changing Health Care Economy,” it is available online. You must use your VUNetID to access the talk. Also, drag the slide bar at the bo om of the screen forward 3 minutes, 45 seconds. 4 Volume 4, Issue 1 Vanderbilt Interna onal Anesthesia con nues to thrive The most recent round of Anesthesiology residents who traveled to Kijabe, Kenya, to par cipate in a month‐long interna onal rota on included Drs. Chris Sobey, Jenna Helmer Sobey, James “Jay” Barron, Michael Adams, Adam King, and Joe Schlesinger. Dr. Schlesinger’s wife Kira, a Vanderbilt Divinity School graduate and an ordained dea‐ con in the Episcopal Church, also traveled with the group and performed chaplain du es during her visit. Vanderbilt Interna onal Anesthesia Director Dr. Mark Newton, had this to say a er their rota on: “I am not 100% sure but I would doubt if any program in the US, or the world, has a be er global health experience within any academic program. I am very proud of these six, and if I was in a anesthesia group prac ce, I would hire each one. “I must send special recogni on and gratefulness to Adam, Michael and Jay. They were here during our prac ‐ cal examina on process and thus were our ‘External Ex‐ aminers’ for our non‐physician providers. Each accepted the role as professionals and taught, tested and learned in a very prac cal manner the posi on of an educator in an‐ esthesia. They did exams in preopera ve assessment, gen‐ eral anesthesia and regional anesthesia, all in the theatre while the student was actually doing the case. The NPAs will be responsible for en re hospitals, 100‐plus beds, in the rural se ng of Kenya and these three, through this process have become an integral part of these future NPAs. The tes ng was at a higher level, probably higher than the physicians in this country, and each of these three men were amazing. They did not get to perform the more fun ac vi es like more blocks like many of the others who ro‐ tate through Kijabe, but what they did in this process will have a much greater impact for Africa. I would be honored to write a le er of recommenda on for these guys. “These residents all come back to VUMC with new insight and gained leadership skills which add to their previous training in the VUMC Department of Anesthesiology. Thank you for assis ng me in being able to train these young leaders in anesthesia. Each would be an huge plus to any department or private prac ce group.” Dr. Adam King assists in the training of non‐physician care pro‐ viders in Kijabe, Kenya. Dr. Joe Schlesinger, le , and his wife Kira, front right, dance with Maasai warriors during their visit to Kenya. Drs. Chris Sobey and Adam King care for a very ill child at Kijabe Hospital. 5 Volume 4, Issue 1 Lee joins faculty as chief of new Division of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology Lorie A. Lee, MD, will be joining Vanderbilt’s Department of Anesthesiology faculty in September in the role of Chief of the newly formed Division of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology. With Vanderbilt’s Clinical Neurosciences Ins tute a rac ng more referrals for service, the increasing volume led to the decision to form the new division. Anesthesiology faculty spe‐ cializing in neuroanesthesia have been providing a growing number of complex anesthesia and seda on services, includ‐ ing anesthesia for placement of deep brain s mula on for treatment of movement disorders such as Parkinson’s, and, most recently, for pa ents with obsessive‐compulsive disor‐ der. VUMC has six designated neurosurgical opera ng rooms where anesthesia services are provided for neurosurgeries, including brain tumor, blood vessel malforma on, aneurysms, stroke interven on, trauma, complex spinal procedures, func‐ onal neurosurgery and chronic pain management. Neuroan‐ esthesia is also provided in neurointerven onal radiology suites, and at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vander‐ bilt. Dr. Lee is currently a professor of Anesthesiology and Neuro‐ logical Surgery at Univer‐ sity of Washington (Sea le, WA). She is na‐ onally recognized in the fields of ION and spine, and is a valued member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ closed claims group and the Anesthesia Pa ent Safety Founda on. She co ‐edits the APSF News‐ le er. Dr. Lee received Lorrie Lee, MD her medical degree from the West Virginia University School of Medicine (Morgantown, WV). She completed a fellowship in transplan‐ ta on research at Massachuse s General Hospital (Boston, MA) and completed her residency in anesthesiology at the University of Washington (1998), You will learn more about Dr. Lee and the new Division of Neurosurgical Anesthesiology as the year progresses. Save These Important Dates Plan to a end this year’s events related to the Eighth Annual Dr. James Phythyon Endowed Lectureship in Pediatric Anesthesiology. A welcome recep on for the invited speaker, Dr. Wetzel, Chairman of the Depart‐ ment of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics at Keck School of Medicine, Uni‐ versity of South California, will be on Thursday, versity of South California, will be on Thursday, April 11th at 6 p.m. at the Sandberg residence. Then, Dr. Wetzel will present his lecture, “Meaningful Use of Complex Medical Data,” on Friday, “Meaningful Use of Complex Medical Data,” on Friday, April 12th at 6:30 a.m., 214 Light Hall. a.m., 214 Light Hall. Mark your calendar for the Department of Anesthesiology Annual Recog‐ ni on and Awards Ceremony on June on and Awards Ceremony on June 21st, at 6:30 a.m., 214 Light Hall. a.m., 214 Light Hall. Also, please mark your calendar for the Department’s Annual Gradua on Dinner for the Class of 2012. This event will be at the Student Life Center on June on June 22nd. The Recep on will begin at 6:30 p.m., followed by dinner at 7:30 p.m. (By invitation only.) 6 Volume 4, Issue 1 FY13 Departmental Pillar Goals: Academic Performance Goal Target for Reach Result Publica ons (count) % of pubs in Reach ‘aspira onal’ journals FY 13 > FY12 Renewable Grant Fund‐ ing 4% increase in new, re‐ newable funding Reach APS Savings Reach 8% under budget Predict Reach Award Nomina ons >FY11 Reach Hand hygiene compliance success: Our March numbers Anesthesiologists are leading the way in hand hy‐ giene compliance at Vanderbilt University Hospital. (No observa ons were recorded at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt.) Congratula ons on this significant contribu on to our pa ents’ safety, and keep it up! March Compliance Numbers Anesthesiologists: 97% (all but 1 of 30‐something observa ons) CRNAs: 97% (all but 1 of 30‐something observa ons) Anesthesia Techs: 100% 7 Volume 4, Issue 1 As our department grows and we add members or as individ‐ uals assume new roles, these changes will be announced via email, as well as in our newsle er. Please welcome the fol‐ lowing individuals or congratulate them on new responsibili‐ es. If your division has recent hires or changes in status since January which are not included in this announcement, please contact Jill Clendening at 322‐4841 or via email: Antonio Hernandez, MD, joined our department in January as an associate professor of clinical anesthesiology in the Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology. Liming Luan, PhD, joined our department in Feb‐ ruary as a staff scien st in the laboratory of Ed Sherwood, MD, PhD. Cleo “C.C.” Carter, BA, joined the Periopera ve Clinical Research Ins tute in January as a research analyst. C.C. coordinates several stud‐ ies, including an inves ga on into the possible neurotoxic effects of anesthesia in pediatric pa‐ ents. Lianyi Chen, MS, joined our department in March as a research assistant II in the laborato‐ ry of Jerod Denton, PhD. Monica Nevels, ACNP, joined our department in December as an acute care nurse prac oner in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit. Monica was previ‐ ously employed at Vanderbilt, working as a regis‐ tered nurse in the Surgery Intensive Care Unit for five years. She has been volunteering as a nurse at the Siloam Family Health Center since 2011. Chris ane Schubert, PhD, joined our depart‐ ment in February as a post‐doctoral research fellow in the Center for Research and Innova on in Systems Safety (CRISS). She will be conduc ng human factors research with Richard Holden, PhD. Debra Collins, MBA, joined the Periopera ve Data Systems Research group in January as project manager of Health Informa on Systems. She is a cer fied Project Management Professional (PMP) and a Cer fied Scrum Master (CSM). Travis Spain, EMT‐IV, CNA, CerATT, joined our department in February as a clinical trials associ‐ ate I in the Periopera ve Clinical Research Ins ‐ tute. Krzysztof Dworski, BS, joined our department in March as a research assistant I with the Center for Research and Innova on in Systems Safety (CRISS). 8 Volume 4, Issue 1 Emily Spring, PA, joined our department in Feb‐ ruary as a physician assistant in the Cardiovascu‐ lar Intensive Care Unit. Daniel Swale, PhD, joined our department in January as a post‐doctoral fellow in the Research Division. He is working in the laboratory of Jerod Denton, PhD, and his research will focus on the development of novel mosquito insec cides to limit the transmission of malaria and other vector‐ borne diseases. Jingbin Wang, MS, joined our department in January as a research assistant II, and she is working in the laboratory of Ed‐ ward Sherwood, MD, PhD. Donna Ray Anthony, BS, who was em‐ ployed as an administra ve assistant I for the Cer fied Registered Nurse Anesthe sts Division since 2009, has joined the Division of Obstetric Anesthesiology as an adminis‐ tra ve assistant II. Callie Hanks, BA, who first joined our de‐ partment in mid‐October as administra ve assistant in the Chair’s office, has moved into a new role as a program coordinator in the Administra on Division. Jeffrey Mar n, MD, who completed his an‐ esthesiology residency at Vanderbilt in De‐ cember, has been named an instructor in clinical anesthesiology in the Division of Mul specialty Adult Anesthesiology Heidi Smith, MD, MSCI, who completed her anesthesiology residency at Vanderbilt in December, began a fellowship in the Division of Pediatric Anesthesiology in January. Do You Have A VU Portrait?? Please note, if you are a new Anesthesiolo‐ gy Department faculty member and have not yet scheduled a professional Vanderbilt portrait, please contact your division’s administrative assistant to schedule a portrait. These photos are used on our Department website, and they are important to have on file for possible news events, as well as for professional activities such as speaking engagements and promotion of educational activities. 9 Volume 4, Issue 1 Items listed in the Department Update are self‐reported by Division Chiefs and all department members, and any omis‐ sion is not inten onal. Items include all ac vi es by depart‐ ment members since the last published newsle er. If you have an ac vity or accomplishment to be listed, please email informa on to Marke ng/Communica ons Coordinator Jill Clendening, Monthly e‐mail reminders are sent reques ng these updates. for Global Health (CUGH) in mid‐March in Washington, D.C. During the three‐day mee ng, Dr. McQueen spoke during a special panel on “The Global Surgical Deficit.” CUGH represents members from 56 countries and 110 universi es. Accomplishments of Note Pra k Pandharipande, MD, is now serving in a new role for the Department; he has been named Associate Chief of the Division of Anesthesiology Cri cal Care Medicine. Promo ons: Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, has been promoted to As‐ sociate Professor of Anesthesiology.‐Equipment‐Principles‐ Applica ons‐Consult/dp/0323112374/ Ma hew Weinger, MD, led a session, “Understanding the Role of Technology in Pa ent Safety,” at the Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology (SPA) mee ng in March. He also was a leader of the SPA Workshop, “Inves ga ng Adverse Events.” Nora Azzazy, MD, (Cri cal Care Fellow) was awarded the tle “Provider of the Month” in Febru‐ ary by SICU staff. The nomina on noted: “She’s a great fellow who does an excep onal job communi‐ ca ng with nursing, etc., and listen‐ ing to our concerns. She is engaging during rounds, is personable with pa ents and their families, and a great educator.” Kelly McQueen, MD, MPH, has been promoted to Associate Professor of Anesthesiology Pra k Pandharipande, MD, MSCI, has been promot‐ ed to Professor of Anesthesiology Chad Wagner, MD, has been promoted to Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology. Kelly McQueen, MD, MPH, par cipat‐ ed in the Consor ‐ um of Uni‐ versi es 10 Volume 4, Issue 1 On April 15, the (Ehrenwerth, Eisenkra and Ber‐ ry, eds) will be re‐ leased. Along with co ‐editor James Berry, MD, Brian Rothman, MD; Paul St. Jacques, MD; and Ma Weinger, MD, contributed chapters. This work updates the 1993 first edi on with the very latest on hardware, informa cs, and the theory behind modern anesthesia equipment. Pre‐order at h p:// Brian Rothman, MD, will be pu ng his talents as a for‐ mer CPA to good use as he has been appointed treasurer for the Society for Technology in Anesthesia (STA). Gina Whitney, MD, has been se‐ lected for the Vanderbilt University Medical Center Pa ent Safety Scholarship Program, a program of the Na onal Pa ent Safety Founda‐ on. The scholarship includes mem‐ bership in the American Society of Professionals in Pa ent Safety, an online pa ent safety curriculum, and an evidence‐based exam leading to the Cer fied Professional in Pa ent Safety creden al. Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, will con nue to serve as Chair of the ASA Abstract Review Subcommi ee on Outcomes and Database Re‐ search for the year 2014. Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, was a co‐author on a paper “The financial burden of re‐excising incompletely excised so ssue sarcomas – a cost analysis” that was selected as Best Paper: Tumor and Metabolic Bone Disease at the 2013 Annual Mee ng of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons in March. Published in partnership with the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilita on and the Department of Biosta s cs, this is an example of the mul disciplinary research that can be successfully achieved through the mining of intraopera ve records by the Vanderbilt Peri‐ opera ve Data Systems Research (PDSR) group. Pra k Pandharipande, MD, has been invited to serve as a member of the Seda on Consor um on Endpoints and Procedures for Treatment, Educa on, and Research (SCEPTER). The consor um is sponsored by the Analge‐ sic, Anesthe c, and Addic on Clinical Trial Transla ons, Innova ons, Opportuni es, and Networks (ACTTION) public‐private partnership with FDA. The goal of SCEPTER is to accelerate development of pediatric and adult seda‐ on products with greater efficacy and safety by improv‐ ing the design, analysis, and interpreta on of seda on clinical trials. The objec ve of the group’s first mee ng in September is to develop evidence‐based consensus rec‐ ommenda ons for efficacy outcome measures for clini‐ cal trials of pediatric and adult procedural seda on trials. Please send us your news to share with other Vanderbilt alumni and faculty. News can include personal news, accomplishments and achievements. In addition, send us your mailing address, e‐mail address and other current contact information so we can keep you updated on all the latest news and upcoming events. Please send news via e‐mail to Communications/Marketing Coordinator Jill Clendening at: , by calling 615‐322‐4841 or by mail to: Vanderbilt University Department of Anesthesiology 1211 21st Avenue South 722 Medical Arts Building Nashville, TN 37212 11 Volume 4, Issue 1 Accomplishments of Note VPEC Co‐Director Susan Calderwood, MD; Russ Kunic, FNP‐ BC; Shannon Brooks, NP, TVC VPEC; and Heather Richey, NP, in‐ pa ent VPEC nurse prac oner, represented Vanderbilt well at the 8th Annual Periopera ve Medicine Summit, cosponsored by The Cleve‐ land Clinic and the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Russ Kunic led a breakout session, “Mid‐level Providers in Periopera ve Medicine” and was a panel member for the discussion: “Various Models of Delivering Preopera ve Care: Which Makes Sense in an Era of Value‐based Care?” Our pediatric anesthesiologists represented our Depart‐ ment wonderfully at the Society for Pediatric Anesthesi‐ ology’s March 2013 mee ng. VCH a endings Tom Aus n, Brian Donahue, Drew Franklin, Stephen Hays, Elisabeth Hughes, Jill Kilkelly, Humphrey Lam, Amanda Lorinc, Kimberly Nesbi , Thanh Nguyen, Thomas Romanelli, Sco Watkins, and Gina Whitney all had posters/presenta ons/PBLDs. Also, ALL FIVE pediatric anesthesiology fellows were authors on presenta ons: David Gooden, Carrie Menser, Katharine Modes, Jere‐ my Shelton, and Heidi Smith. Several anesthesiology residents were co‐authors on presenta ons. Here’s a breakdown: PBLD: “‘What’s the big hurry?’ ‐ Fast Track Pediatric Cardiac Surgery: Does the Risk Outweigh the Bene‐ fits?” Sco Watkins, MD; Heidi Smith, MD, MSCI Poster presenta on: “Risk Factors and Mortality Associated with Acute Kidney Injury in Children Fol‐ lowing Congenital Cardiac Surgery.” Sco Watkins, MD; Kelly Williamson VMSII, Mario Davidson, Brian Donahue, MD, PhD Oral presenta on selected as the third prize winner of the American Academy of Pediatrics John J. Downes Resident Research Award: “Risks of Noncar‐ diac Surgery and Other Procedures In Children with Complex Congenital Heart Disease.” Brent McNew, MD; Sco Watkins, MD; Brian Donahue, MD, PhD Poster: “Evalua on of Pediatric Emergency Checklist 12 Volume 4, Issue 1 for Intraopera ve Cri cal Events.” Sco Watkins, MD; Gina Whitney, MD; Shilo Anders, PhD Poster: “Anesthe c Management of a Pa ent with Isovaleric Acidemia.” Roy Kiberenge, MD; Humph‐ rey Lam, MD; Thanh Nguyen, MD; Thomas Aus n, MD Poster: “Intraosseous Rapid Sequence Induc on in a Pa ent with Intussuscep on.” Ma hew Hamilton, Humphrey Lam, MD; Thanh Nguyen, MD; Thomas Aus n, MD Pro/Con Debate: “Are we missing the rave? Using ketamine rou nely in the opera ng room.” Con – Stephen Hays, MD, FAAP PBLD: “Mitochondrial Disease: Have We Come To A Consensus For Anesthe c Management?” Modera‐ tors: Kimberly Nesbi , MD; Thomas Romanelli, MD Poster: “Mul modal Pain Rehabilita on in a Pediat‐ ric Pa ent with Meralgia Paresthe ca.” David Gooden, DO; Drew Franklin, MD Poster: “Periopera ve Management of a Pediatric Pa ent with Catecholamine‐Induced Cardiomyopa‐ thy and Biventricular Assist Devices.” Jeremy Shelton, MD; Drew Franklin, MD; Brian Donahue, MD, PhD Poster: “Pain Management and Rehabilita on in a Pediatric Pa ent with Parsonage‐Turner Brachial Plexi s.” Jeremy Shelton, MD; Drew Franklin, MD Poster: “Evalua on of the Skin to Epidural Space Dis‐ tance in Young Children Using Magne c Resonance Imaging.” Drew Franklin, MD; Amanda Lorinc, MD; Elton Greene, Ma hew Shotwell, Cur s Wushensky. Poster: “Epidurography During Placement of Thorac‐ ic Epidural Catheters in Adolescents Undergoing Minimally‐Invasive Pectus Excavatum Repair.” Thomas Aus n, MD; Jenna Helmer‐Sobey, MD; Drew Franklin, MD. PBLD: “Evidence Based Opioid and Benzodiazepine Weaning Following Complicated Norwood Pallia on in an Infant with Hypoplas c Le Heart Syndrome.” Carrie Menser, MD; Drew Franklin, MD PBLD: “Children Who Refuse Surgery: A Case‐Based Discussion.” Liz Hughes, MD; Carrie Menser, MD Accomplishments of Note Poster: “Anesthesiologist as Leader of Coordina‐ on‐of‐Care Team for Complex Pediatric Pa ents Requiring Mul ple Procedures.” Jill Kilkelly, MD, Jill S. Kinch, Ira S. Landsman, MD, Betsy Beazley, RN index.html?ar cle=13895 Poster: “A case of Tumor Lysis Syndrome From Intraopera ve Dexamethasone.” Thanh Nguyen, MD; Tom Aus n, MD; Humphrey Lam, MD; Katharine Modes, MD Poster: “Difficult Lung Isola on in a Child with Cys c Fibrosis undergoing Lung Resec on for a M. abscesses” Thanh Nguyen, MD; Tom Aus n, MD; Humphrey Lam, MD; Katharine Modes, MD “Evalua on of Dynamic Ultrasound in Arterial Ac‐ cess for Children Undergoing Surgery,” Alex Hughes, MD; Brian Donahue, MD, PhD. (Presented at the CCAS Mee ng as well as SPA.) Read a blog by Mark Newton, MD, about his work at Kijabe Hospital in Kenya and the importance of bring‐ ing new technologies to the more remote corners of the world to improve educa on, communica on and pa ent care. Its posted on the Health eVillages web‐ site: h p://‐from‐the‐field/a ‐note‐from‐dr‐mark‐newton‐kijabe‐hospital‐kenya/ In the News Vanderbilt Medicine magazine, winter edi‐ on (see le ), featured a great cover photo of Vanderbilt Interna onal Anesthesia Director Mark Newton, MD, promo ng a story on interna onal medicine ini a ves at Vanderbilt, including VIA, as well as an ar cle on the Sleep Apnea ini a ve, an effort in which many of our faculty members were key players. Interna onal Medicine ar cle: h p:// index.html?ar cle=13888 Sleep Apnea ar cle: h p:// Brian Rothman, MD, was featured in a package of ar cles regarding mobile healthcare technol‐ ogy in a March edi on of Nashville Business Journal. Joseph Schlesinger, MD; Jenna Helmer Sobey, MD; Chris Sobey, MD; James “Jay” Barron, MD; Michael Adams, MD; and Adam King, MD, have completed a month‐long rota on at Kijabe Hospital as part of the VIA program. (See photos on page 5.) Julian Bick, MD, was a contributor to the Heartworks eLearn online TEE course. The course is endorsed by the American Society of Echocardiography and is available for CME credit. Web‐ site h p:// Principal Inves gator Heidi Smith, MD, MSCI, has received up to $100,000 in VICTR funding for her project: “Pediatric Delirium in Infants and Young Children: Valida on of the PreSchool Confusion Assessment Method for the Intensive Care Unit (psCAM‐ICU) Smith HAB, Fuchs DC, Brink ED, Ely EW, Pandharipande PP Principal Inves gator Daniel Byrne, MS, Director of Quali‐ ty Improvement and Program Evalua on in the Depart‐ ment of Biosta s cs, has received up to $125,000 in VICTR funding and will be working with Jesse Ehrenfeld, MD, MPH, and the Periopera ve Data Systems Research group on “Cornelius ‐ A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Real‐Time Personalized Predic ve Modeling Decision Support System to Reduce Pressure Ulcers among Hospi‐ talized Pa ents.” 13 Volume 4, Issue 1 Accomplishments of Note Accolades for Avinash Kumar, MD during the Society of Cri cal Care Medicine Annual Congress: Was inducted as a Fellow of the College of Cri cal Care Medicine (FCCM) Gave the “Anesthesia Year in Re‐ view” literature review discussion Presented a poster on Obesity and post‐CPB induced AKI The Division of Anesthesiology Cri cal Care Medicine Fellowship has been approved for two addi‐ onal fellowship posi ons for a total of eight. Congratula ons to Fellowship Program Director Liza Weavind, MD, and fellowship coordinator Kimberly Palmiter for this success. Jonathan Wanderer, MD, gave a talk at the Society for Technology in Anesthesia Annual Mee ng in Janu‐ ary: “AIMS Decision Support: What Can Be Done Today?” Elizabeth Card, RN, CPAN, CCRP, taught a Nursing Research class at Lipscomb University to the under‐ graduate nursing students. Kelly McQueen, MD, gave a presen‐ ta on, “Surgical and Anesthesia Infrastructure in Ethiopia,” at the College of Surgeons of East, Central and Southern Africa’s Annual Gen‐ eral Mee ng and Scien fic Confer‐ ence in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Four collabora ve projects with Ortho Trauma were presented at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons mee ng in March – two were podium presenta ons. McDonald, M., Ehrenfeld, J.M., Jahangir, A.A., Obremsky, W.T., Sethi, M.K. “Ankle Radiographs in the Early Postopera ve Period: Do they Ma er?” Yoneda, Z., Jahangir, A.A., Ehrenfeld, J.M., Powell, M., Obremsky, W.T., Sethi, M.K. :Length of Stay and American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Status in the Orthopaedic Trauma Pa ent.” Alamanda, V., Archer, K., Mathis, S., Ehrenfeld, J.M., Halpern, J.L., Schwartz, H.S., Holt, G.E. “The Financial Burden of Re‐excising Incompletely Excised Sarco‐ mas ‐ A Cost Analysis.” (Selected as Best Paper: Tumor and Metabolic Bone Disease.) Jerod Denton, PhD, gave a seminar at the Center for the Inves ga on of Membrane Excitability Diseases at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. His talk was “Small‐molecule modulators of in‐ ward rec fier potassium channels: novel tools for integra ve physiolo‐ gy and therapeu cs.” Dr. Denton also presented an invited seminar in February for the Department of Biology at Western Kentucky University en tled “Inward rec fier potassium channels: Novel drug targets for glob‐ al health.” 14 Volume 4, Issue 1 Alamanda, V., Kang, B., Ehrenfeld, J.M., Obremsky, W.T., Yoneda, Z., Sethi, M.K., Jahangir, A.A. “The Orthopaedic Trauma Pa ent: Risk Factors Influencing Follow Up.” The scien fic abstract: “Non‐Convulsive Seizures and Non‐Convulsive Status Epilep cus in a Neurological In‐ tensive Care Unit: Risk Factors and Outcomes” was pre‐ sented in March during the American Academy of Neu‐ rology Annual Mee ng. The research was submi ed by several Vanderbilt faculty, including John Barwise, MB, ChB, Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Director of the Neuro Care Unit. Publica ons listed in this newsle er reflect publica ons that were reported from January through March 2013. Anders S, Albert R, Miller A, Weinger MB, Doig AK, Behrens M, Agu er J. Evalua on of an integrated graphical display to promote acute change detec on in ICU pa ents. Int J Med Inform. 2012 Dec;81(12):842 ‐51. Balaguer JM, Yu C, Byrne JG, Ball SK, Petracek MR, Brown NJ, Pretorius M. Contribu on of endogenous bradykinin to fibrinolysis, inflamma on and blood product transfusion following cardiac surgery: A ran‐ domized clinical trial. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013. In press. Bruehl S, Apkarian AV, Ballantyne JC, Berger A, Borsook D, Chen WG, Farrar JT, Haythornthwaite JA, Horn SD, Iadarola MJ, Inturrisi CE, Lao L, Mackey S, Mao J, Sawczuk A, Uhl GR, Wi er J, Woolf CJ, Zubieta JK, Lin Y. Personalized medicine and opioid analgesic prescribing for chronic pain: opportuni es and challenges. J Pain. 2013 Feb;14(2):103‐13. Brummel NE, Jackson JC, Girard TD, Pandharipande PP, Schiro E, Work B, Pun BT, Boehm L, Gill TM, Ely EW. A combined early cogni ve and physical rehabili‐ ta on program for people who are cri cally Ill: the ac vity and cogni ve therapy in the intensive care unit (ACT‐ICU) trial. Phys Ther. 2012 Dec;92(12):1580‐ 92. Burkle FM, Nickerson JW, von Schreeb J, Redmond AD, McQueen KA, Norton I, Roy N. Emergency surgery data and documenta on repor ng forms for sudden‐ onset humanitarian crises, natural disasters and the exis ng burden of surgical disease. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2012 Dec;27(6):577‐82. doi: 10.1017/ S1049023X12001306. Deer TR, Prager J, Levy R, Rathmell J, Buchser E, Bur‐ ton A, Caraway D, Cousins M, De Andrés J, Diwan S, Erdek M, Grigsby E, Huntoon M, Jacobs MS, Kim P, Kumar K, Leong M, Liem L, McDowell GC 2nd, Panchal S, Rauck R, Saulino M, Sitzman BT, Staats P, Stanton‐ Hicks M, Stearns L, Wallace M, Willis KD, Wi W, Yaksh T, Mekhail N. Polyanalgesic Consensus Confer‐ ence‐‐2012: consensus on diagnosis, detec on, and treatment of catheter‐ p granulomas (inflammatory masses). Neuromodula on. 2012 Sep‐Oct;15(5):483‐ 95; discussion 496. Ehrenfeld JM. Which is the original and which is the modified rapid sequence induc on and intuba on? Let history be the judge! Author's reply. Anesth Analg. 2013 Jan;116(1):265. Ehrenwerth J, Eisenkra J, Berry J. 2nd edi on of Anesthesia Equipment: Principles and Applica ons. Phila‐ delphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2013. Epstein RH, Dexter F, Rothman B. Communica on latencies of wireless devices suitable for me‐cri cal messaging to anesthesia providers. Anesth Analg. 2013 Apr;116(4):911‐8. doi: 10.1213/ANE.0b013e31826bb60e. Epub 2013 Feb 5. Girard TD, Ware LB, Bernard GR, Pandharipande PP, Thompson JL, Shintani AK, Jackson JC, Di us RS, Ely EW. Associa ons of markers of inflamma on and coagula on with delirium during cri cal illness. Intensive Care Med. 2012 Dec;38(12):1965‐73. Grueter BA, Robison AJ, Neve RL, Nestler EJ, Malenka RC. ∆FosB differen ally modulates nucleus accumbens direct and indirect pathway func on. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 2013 Jan 29;110(5):1923‐8. Hain PD, Gay JC, Beru TW, Whitney GM, Wang W, Saville BR. Preventability of Early Readmissions at a Chil‐ dren's Hospital Pediatrics. 2013 Jan;131(1):e171‐81. Harden RN, Wallach G, Gagnon CM, Zereshki A, Mukai A, Saracoglu M, Kuroda MM, Graciosa JR, Bruehl S. The osteoarthri s knee model: psychophysical characteris cs and puta ve outcomes. J Pain. 2013 Mar;14(3):281‐9. Harden RN, Oaklander AL, Burton AW, Perez RS, Richardson K, Swan M, Barthel J, Costa B, Graciosa JR, Bruehl S. Complex regional pain syndrome: prac cal diagnos c and treatment guidelines, 4th edi on. Pain Med. 2013 Feb;14(2):180‐229. Helwani MA, Saied NN. Intraopera ve plateau pressure measurement using modern anesthesia machine ven lators. Can J Anaesth. 2013 Apr;60(4):404‐6. Hernandez A,Cogdill R, Hinojosa‐Laborde C, Restrepo M. Comparison of silicone spray versus water soluble lubrica ng jelly for the aid in bronchoscopic examina on. 15 Volume 4, Issue 1 Journal of Anesthesiology and Clinical Science 2013, 2‐7. Holden RJ, Brown RL, Scanlon MC, Karsh BT. Modeling nurses' acceptance of bar coded medica on administra‐ on technology at a pediatric hospital. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012 Nov‐Dec;19(6):1050‐8. Holden RJ, Brown RL, Scanlon MC, Karsh BT. Pharmacy workers' percep ons and acceptance of bar‐coded medi‐ ca on technology in a pediatric hospital. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2012 Nov‐Dec;8(6):509‐22 Hughes CG, Morandi A, Girard TD, Riedel B, Thompson JL, Shintani AK, Pun BT, Ely EW, Pandharipande PP. Associa on between Endothelial Dysfunc on and Acute Brain Dysfunc on during Cri cal Illness. Anesthesiology. 2013 Mar;118(3):631‐639. Huntoon MA; Editor‐In‐Chief, Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine. A humble farmer‐on fer le ground. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013 Jan;38(1):1‐2. Huntoon MA. Case reports, cover updates, sta s cs, and targeted intrathecal infusions. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013 Mar;38(2):89‐90. Ivakine EA, Acton BA, Mahadevan V, Ormond J, Tang M, McQueen KA. Measuring global surgical dispari es: a survey of surgical and anesthesia infrastructure in Bang‐ ladesh. World Journal of Surgery 1/2013. 37(1) 22‐31. Li FD, Sexton KW, Hocking KM, Osgood MJ, Eagle S, Cheung‐Flynn J, Brophy CM, Komalavilas P. In mal thickness associated with endothelial dysfunc on in human vein gra s. J Surg Res. 2013 Mar;180(1):e55‐62. McPherson JA, Wagner CE, Boehm LM, Hall JD, Johnson DC, Miller LR, Burns KM, Thompson JL, Shintani AK, Ely EW, Pandharipande PP. Delirium in the Cardiovascular ICU: Exploring Modifiable Risk Factors. Crit Care Med. 2013 Feb;41(2):405‐413. Moore DC, Yoneda ZT, Powell M, Howard DL, Jahangir AA, Archer KR, Ehrenfeld JM, Obremskey WT, Sethi MK. Gunshot vic ms at a major level I trauma center: a study of 343,866 emergency department visits. J Emerg Med. 2013 Mar;44(3):585‐91. Olsen RB, Bruehl S, Nielsen CS, Rosseland LA, Eggen AE, Stubhaug A. Hypertension prevalence and diminished blood pressure‐related hypoalgesia in individuals repor ng chronic pain in a general popula on: the Tromsø study. Pain. 2013 Feb;154(2):257‐62. Pressey JC, Huang MY, Ng D, Delpire E, Salter MW, Raphemot R, Weaver CD, Denton JS. High‐throughput Woodin MA, McInnes RR. Neto2 is a KCC2 interac ng screening for small‐molecule modulators of inward protein required for neuronal Cl‐ regula on in rec fier potassium channels. J Vis Exp. 2013 Jan 27;(71). hippocampal neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2013 Feb Saritas T, Borschewski A, McCormick JA, Paliege A, Dathe 26;110(9):3561‐6. C, Uchida S, Terker A, Himmerkus N, Bleich M, Demaretz Kougias P, Tiwari V, Barshes NR, Bechara CF, Lowery B, S, Laghmani K, Delpire E, Ellison DH, Bachmann S, Mu g Pisimisis G, Berger DH. 2012, Oct 29. Modeling anes‐ K.SPAK Differen ally Mediates Vasopressin Effects on the c mes. Predictors and implica ons for short‐term Sodium Cotransporters. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013 Feb;24 outcomes. Journal of Surgical Research. 2012 Oct 29. (3):407‐18. Kumar AB, Hata JS, Bayman EO, Krishnan S. Implemen ng a hybrid web‐based curriculum for an elec ve medical student clerkship in a busy surgical intensive care unit (ICU): effect on test and sa sfac on scores. J Surg Educ. 2013 Jan‐Feb;70(1):109‐16. Kynes JM, Schildcrout JS, Hickson GB, Pichert JW, Han X, Ehrenfeld JM, Westlake MW, Catron T, Jacques PS.An Analysis of Risk Factors for Pa ent Complaints About Ambulatory Anesthesiology Care. Anesth Analg. 2013 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print] Lebrun DG, Dhar D, Sarkar MI, Imran TM, Kazi SN, 16 Volume 4, Issue 1 Shanmugasundararaj S, Das J, Sandberg WS, Zhou X, Wang D, Messing RO, Bruzik KS, Stehle T, Miller KW. Structural and func onal characteriza on of an anes‐ the c binding site in the second cysteine‐rich domain of protein kinase cδ. Biophys J. 2012 Dec 5;103(11):2331‐ 40. Sherman AL, Bruehl S, Smith CA, Walker LS. Individual and Addi ve Effects of Mothers' and Fathers' Chronic Pain on Health Outcomes in Young Adults With a Childhood History of Func onal Abdominal Pain. J Pediatr Psychol. 2013 Jan 17. Starr S A, Baysinger C L, Inhaled Nitrous Oxide In Oxygen for Labor: U lizing a blender device to provide pa ent‐ controlled analgesia, The Sensor, vol 23 pp 6‐9, 2013. Suneja M, Kumar A. Secondary oxalosis induced acute kidney injury in allogra kidneys. Clinical Kidney Journal. 2013 Jan; Volume 6, Issue 1: 84‐86. Thompson A, Mahajan A. Periopera ve management of cardiovascular implantable electronic devices: what eve‐ ry anesthesiologist needs to know. Anesth Analg. 2013 Feb;116(2):276‐7. Will Costello, MD, and his wife Sarah welcomed their 4th li le boy, Zane Stewart Costello, on February 25. Whitney G, Daves S, Hughes A, Watkins S, Woods M, Kreger M, Marincola P, Chocron I, Donahue B. Implementa on of a transfusion algorithm to reduce blood product u liza on in pediatric cardiac surgery. Paediatr Anaesth. 2013 Mar 18. [Epub ahead of print Accepted for Publica on Manuscript from Chad Wagner, MD: “Episodic Mono‐ plane Transesophageal Echocardiography Impacts Post‐ opera ve Management of the Cardiac Surgery Pa ent” has been accepted for publica on in the Journal of Cardio‐ thoracic and Vascular Anesthesia Manuscript from Jon Wanderer, MD (with co‐authors Jonathan Charnin, William Driscoll, Keith Baker): “Decision Support Using AIMS Records and ACGME Case Logs for Resident OR Assignments,” has been accepted for publica on by Anesthesia & Analgesia. Roy Neeley, MD, and his wife Maya welcomed their third son on Janu‐ ary 23rd. Paolo was apparently eager to catch up to his brothers – he was born five weeks early and was 5 lbs., 10 oz. Svanah Mar n, 12‐year‐old daughter of Dawn Mar n who works in Administra on and her husband Kelly, is already a well‐known horseman in the realm of Tennes‐ see Walking Horses. The straight‐A student who’s been riding since the age of five, has won two Reserve World Championships, and she’s become the talk of the Ten‐ nessee Walking Horse Celebra on in Shelbyville, Tenn. Riding a new horse named “In a Danger Zone,” Svanah recently won first place in her division, Juvenile Show Pleasure, at a show in Jack‐ son, Missis‐ sippi. What’s next? Svanah, her parents and “Danger Zone” travel to a horse show in Pana‐ ma City Beach for the duo to compete. 17 Volume 4, Issue 1 Nashville Healthcare Leaders experience simula on training U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, MD, brought the inaugural class of the Nashville Health Care Council Fellows to visit CELA in March, and Drs. Ma Weinger, Arna Banerjee and Nathan Ashby led the group through several role‐playing/simula on scenarios and debriefings. The 33 fellows in‐ clude representa ves from many sectors of Nashville’s $70 billion health care industry, including venture capital, public rela ons, providers, insurers and academics, with the goal of engaging industry leaders in clearly defining health care’s greatest challenges and exploring strategies to resolve those issues. From le to right: Ray Booker, STP Educa onal Specialist; Arna Banerjee, MD, STP Director; Sen. Bill Frist, MD; Jordan Halasz, STP Opera ons Manager, Ma Weinger, MD; and Nathan Ashby, MD, during the visit to CELA by the Nashville Health Care Council Fellows. Below and to le , the fellows par cipate in challenging, simulated clinical situa ons. 24 Volume 4, Issue 1