LDC FUNDING FOR RESEARCH ACTIVE STAFF NETWORKS APPLICATION FORM PART A Details: Name: Dr Becky Fisher and Dr Claire Rocks Job Title: Project Officer (Postgraduate Recruitment) and Teaching Fellow (Computer Science) Staff No: Department/Centre/Unit/Faculty: Various Departmental Administrator (name): Purpose / Objective of the Research Staff Network: The Vice-Chancellor recently signed the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) Manifesto because the ‘University hope[s] to make a demonstrable and visible commitment to an approach to “public engagement”’ (see < http://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/why-does-itmatter/manifesto/signatories/university-warwick>). The Public Engagement Staff Network arose in response to these strategic plans, and is intended to facilitate, inspire and support interdisciplinary public engagement initiatives across the University. The Network had its inaugural meeting in May 2013, at which 150 members of staff were able to share their experiences and make useful contacts. The Network is currently supported by the Public Engagement Working Group, which brings together public engagement experts from across the institution. These individuals offer their time and expertise for free and will drive forward future efforts to secure additional funding for Network activity. This bid has support from members of the Senior Management Team, a number of whom also participate in the high-level Public Engagement Steering Group: - ‘Great initiative – Warwick research is so fabulous, everyone should know about it.’ – Professor Jan Palmowski, Pro-Vice Chancellor - ‘Training and support for public engagement is an essential research activity. This proposal fills a huge gap in our provision.’ – Christina Hughes, Pro-Vice Chancellor Sandy Sparks, LDC Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013 We seek funding to support the future innovative and strategically important activities of the Network, including the continued involvement of the Working Group. This funding would allow the Network to: - Provide a series of termly meetings to create a space for sharing best practice and encouraging collaboration across disciplinary and professional boundaries - Invite external speakers and specialists in public engagement to inspire future activity - Make a significant contribution to the University’s commitment to public engagement. - Collate and provide an overview of public engagement/ outreach activity across the University - Coordinate and support public engagement/ outreach activity across the University - Raise awareness of external and internal public engagement/ outreach opportunities - Provide opportunities for skills development and training through peer to peer learning - Build a culture of public engagement at all levels and in all sectors of the institution - Improve ability to respond to large scale/cross-disciplinary engagement opportunities The Network currently has around 130 members, however, the membership is growing, with new members signing up throughout the summer and joining the 132-strong community in the LinkedIn group. Details of the Skills/ Development Activity(ies) (Max 500 words): 3 Network meetings/mini-summits (termly) to include: - examples of best practice outside of the University - sharing of current activity within the University - skills development workshops - unconference sessions - time for networking The network also hopes to respond to specific requests for training and development (the network working group will seek further funding where required) Specific events in response to network needs such as: - training courses - themed events e.g. engaging through stand-up comedy The upcoming Network mini-summit will offer innovative and exciting events, structured around a festival format. Different ‘stages’ will allow examples of best practice to be disseminated, while a Sandy Sparks, LDC Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013 designated zone for making connections will allow lay the foundations for future projects. The minisummit will allow participants to vote for themes for the future events. Date of your activity/event(s), if known: Network meetings/mini-summits: 30th October, 2:30 – 5.15pm. We anticipate attracting around 150-200 participants, with a corresponding increase in membership of the Network. Term 2 (date and time TBC) Term 3 (date and time TBC) More specific events TBC If you have a website, please give the URL: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/insite/staff_info/working_life/public_engagement/public_engagement_ network/ OR warwick.ac.uk/publicengagement Please state which events will be open to other University of Warwick research staff: All events Is this a new network or existing network? Existing Existing (since May 2013) Scope/ Evaluation / Impact of activity(ies) proposed (Please give us an estimate of the numbers of staff who will be involved and an indication of how you will measure the impact of the activity/activities. If you intend to follow up the activity by disseminating information, or using the outcomes to support other staff development activities, please also let us know this) Estimated 200 members. The Network is already 130-strong, and we anticipate that the planned mini-summit will increase numbers substantially. The impact of the mini-summit and all Network activities will be measured via online surveys that explore the usefulness of the activity, best features and areas that can be improved. These surveys will continue to update existing snapshopts of the level of public engagement activity across members. In order to secure the sustainability of the Network and to add value to the events, recording of interviews with speakers at mini-summits will be available for wider dissemination. Speakers will also be asked to contribute extra information (e.g. top tips) which will be available on the website. Sandy Sparks, LDC Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013 How do you plan to let research staff know about your events/meetings? - Website - Email distribution list - LinkedIn - Posters - Insite - Digital screens How do you plan to share the learning / best practice with other University of Warwick Research Staff Networks? - Session at the Warwick Network Day - Blog posts on the Public Engagement Network website What is the benefit of your activity/activities to: The University - Improving ability to respond to large scale/cross disciplinary engagement opportunities - More joined up approach to public engagement - Raising the profile of University - Building skills and capacity within staff Your department/organisation - The network is intended for staff across all departments Research agenda - Raising awareness of research strengths - Encouraging wider audiences to engage in the research process - Opportunity to generate new research ideas/avenues through facilitated networking and discussion Total amount of funding requested: £2250 We are seeking funding for 3 mini –summits at £750 each. Funding is required to cover external speaker costs, refreshments and the production of materials (such as promotional posters, and hard copy/electronic resources to be used at the Network events and to ensure sustainability of the Network) Sandy Sparks, LDC Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013 Breakdown of funding requested (approximate): A contribution to external speaker costs (3 summits @ £150 per summit) £450 A contribution to refreshments (3 summits @ £500 per summit) £1150 A contribution to promotional materials and resource development £300 *Signature of Applicant: …………………………………………………………. Date: ………………………………... Head of Department’s signature: Head of Department: **Signed: …………………………………………………… (please print) ……………………………………………….…………….… Date: ……………………………... Please send your completed form either in hard copy or electronically to Sandy Sparks (Sandy.Sparks@warwick.ac.uk) in the Learning and Development Centre, University House. If you have any queries, please contact Sandy to discuss (either via email at the above address or on extn 74121). *You can either sign a hardcopy, scan in your signature or email the application which will be taken as your signature. **Your HOD can either sign a hardcopy, scan in their signature or send an email to Sandy Sparks stating they support your application. Approved by: ……………………………………………………..……..…. (for LDC use) Date: ……………………………. Amount approved: £………………………………………….…………… Sandy Sparks, LDC Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013 PART B Report: Funding awards are conditional upon a report being produced after the event or activity which reflects on the value and impact of the activity in order to share best practice. We ask you to do this by completing Part B of this form within 2 weeks of the event or by 31 July 2014 for a series of events. (Please note that funding may be retracted where reports are not produced). Please tell us: How you felt the event/activity went: How many research staff were involved in a) the organisational process: and b) presenting at the event itself: How it has contributed to the Department/ University/ Research Agenda: What has been learnt: What would be done differently next time: Impact/results/benefits: Budget (provide breakdown of amounts spent): £ £ £ *Signature of Applicant: ……………………………………………………… Date: ………………………………………. Please send your completed report either in hard copy or electronically to Sandy Sparks (Sandy.Sparks@warwick.ac.uk) in the Learning and Development Centre, University House. *You can either sign a hardcopy, scan in your signature or email the report which will be taken as your signature. Report received (date): ……………………………….. (for LDC use) Sandy Sparks, LDC Amount spent: £ …………………………………… Research Active Staff Network Funding August 2013