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20 August 2010 12:14:06
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Man injured after falling in shaft_
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Malta risks heavy infringement costs
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University of
Malta’s Launches
Institute for
Urgently needed: €170,000 from the
Ministry of Health to give babies with
Down’s a better future
Hundreds of heart patients sent home
Bull jumps barrier, 40 people harmed
Man injured after falling in shaft
22 January 2010 18:42
Missing man found
The Prime Minister Dr Lawrence Gonzi launched the University of Malta’s new
Institute for Sustainable Development, at the Aula Magna Valletta Campus on Friday
Malta in breach of EU building energy
regulations, says Leo Brincat
22 January.
MAM calls for urgent provision for
Professor Juanito Camilleri, Rector and Chairman of the Institute, and Dr Maria Attard, Director of
the elderly, fears for safety of
the Institute, spoke about the University’s significant steps in the provision of quality higher
emergency patients
education in line with the strategic goals of the country and of the University. This new Institute
continues to reflect this specific direction, featuring study programmes aimed at increasing
No comment from holidaying PBO on
Camilleri resignation threats
entrepreneurship and specialised capacity in the country and with projects that aim to bring
together academic and non-academic information into one accessible map-based databank for use
Labour publishes letter from EU
in policy decisions, research and business start ups.
about power station
MFSA 'examining' investors'
Professor Michael Batty, Bartlett Professor of Planning and Director of the Centre for Advanced
complaints on VFM
Spatial Analysis at University College London delivered a keynote speech about climate change
Police to send for Sandra Camilleri
and modelling, outreach and sponsorship, with examples from London-based projects.
after PBO alledgedly threatens her
During the launch, the Prime Minister referred to the importance of new approaches to support
Independent Schools under threat
sustainable development, particularly ones that incorporate and encourage the use of Information
Technology. He
Barefoot man admits to taking money
was also pleased to see the Institute had already started collaboration with major stakeholders,
from prostitue girlfriend
amongst which the Malta Council for Science and Technology, Malta Information Technology
Agency, the Ministry of Finance, the Economy and Investment, the Ministry for Infrastructure,
Transport and Communications, Malta Enterprise, the National Statistics Office, the Cleaner
Technology Centre and private companies like CVA Technology and GEOSYS, which supported the
launch event.
Jobs in Malta
IT, ICT, IGaming, Accounting,
Financial Services careers in
departments, institutes and centres were amongst the guests at the launch. Information
distributed included a questionnaire to obtain feedback related to possible collaboration between
the Institute and entities in the economic and industry sectors.
The Institute for Sustainable Development was set up to promote and endorse sustainability
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through the adoption of interdisciplinary research and diversity. It concentrates on the
deployment of Information Technology, such as Geographic Information Systems, to support
decision making and strategy, whilst encouraging science and technology commercialisation to
enhance infrastructures, productivity and entrepreneurship. In
focusing on
development, the Institute encourages initiatives and research that boost Malta’s quality of life.
October 2010 will see the introduction of new degree programmes. The competencies and skills
gained by students following these programmes will reflect the needs of the country and are bound
to be appreciated by potential future employers. The Institute will also set up the infrastructure for
policy-makers and researchers to be able to access previously unexplored data and to promote
spatial thinking and encourage enterprise – thereby raising awareness of the importance of
20/08/2010 12:14
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tony abela - 23 January 2010 12:14
Su stainable De velopment! My Foot! Wh y MEPA was no t one of th e bodie s presen t? Ve ry
o bvio u s I gu ee s. It is th e very aim th at MEPA sh ou ld h ave been set u p f or, bu t wh ich h as no
teeth to im pleme nt, especially wh en th e ne w propos ed refo rm by th e PN Governme nt
remove d any ref ere ncie s to "Su s tain able De velo pment" from th e lege slation re lated to
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20/08/2010 12:14