Health Care for people with learning disabilities The drive for improvements. Carol Robinson What I will cover The recent drive for improvements- where have they come from? What are the key issues- some figures, some important factors and the response The Improving Health and Lives programme The Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities Initial warning from DRC in 2006 The study, which examined eight million primary care records, included four area based in- depth studies and extensive consultation exercises, showed that people with learning disabilities are much more likely than other citizens to have significant health risks and major health problems. The Drivers for Change Led to ‘Six Lives’ investigation Recommended that health bodies confront whether can meet needs of people with learning disabilities in line with current anti discrimination law & guidance. Says that people with learning disabilities and their families essential to delivery of personalised services & equal outcomes Sir Jonathan Michael’s Inquiry The Independent Inquiry into Access to Healthcare for People with Learning Disabilities reported in July 2008.The Inquiry found evidence of a significant level of avoidable suffering due to untreated ill-health, and the likelihood that avoidable deaths are occurring. What do we know about the health of people with learning disabilities ? People with learning disabilities have shorter lives- the (all cause) mortality rate is 3 x higher than in the general population One in 7 people with L D rate their health as ‘not good’ and carers of children say similar about their sons and daughters Increased mental health problems Increased prevalence amongst adults problems especially amongst those on the autistic spectrum (20-33% of those known) ◦ 36% of children with learning disabilities have psychiatric disorders ◦ Suggested by some studies 3x higher incidence of schizophrenia More physical health problems Among people with learning disabilities: the leading cause of death is respiratory disease (46%-52%), with rates much higher than for the general population (15%-17%) Coronary heart disease accounts for 14-20% of deaths They are less likely to have solid tumours but some groups such as people with Down’s syndrome are more susceptible to leukaemia. Helicobacter pylori is linked to stomach cancers and is much more common amongst people who have lived in institutions The determinants of health inequalities-- a summary inequalities Social inequalities- poverty, poor housing, unemployment Specific conditions giving rise to increased health problems Reduced health literacy and communication issues Personal health risks such as poor diet and lack of exercise Unequal treatment affecting both quality of life and life expectancy Some Government Initiatives to help tackle the inequalities Valuing People – health action plan & tool kit Quality Outcomes Framework- People should be identifiable from GP records Health checks (directed enhanced service) 2009 CQUIN (Darzi 2008) (commissioning for quality & innovation) PSA 16 (2008)- employment & settled accommodation Improving Health and Lives Response to the Michael’s Inquiry set up in 2010 A partnership: Three-year project funded by Department of Health. Aims to: Provide better, easier to understand, information on the health and wellbeing of people with learning disabilities. Gather information from across England to help hospitals and other providers of health and social care, to understand better the needs of people with learning disabilities, and their families and carers. Identify quality improvements that will ensure the best possible health outcomes Working with 6 partner areas and 3 new commissioning groups Some types of output Review of information on inequalities Information about annual health checks Guidance for commissioners about reasonable adjustments, health checks, etc Self assessment tools Easy read information CIPOLD NFRC at University of Bristol- covering council areas Looking at all deaths of people with learning disabilities Process is to determine: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Whether death was premature Whether death was expected Whether there were modifiable factors Good practice and recommendations for future How does it work Based on model for inquiry into child deaths Team of trained investigators gather information and compile a timeline and a form C.This provides a summary and explains the sources of information and then gives cause of death as understood, lists of relevant factors and Local Review panel’s view on the death. Overview panel decides if the assessment of local review panel is reasonable. Control cases to check not a more generalised issue Some issues emerging: Mental Capacity Act 2005 – widespread poor understanding A mix of good and poor practice even for the same individual and in the same hospital Not all are premature deaths PM not done even when cause of death uncertain Potential for improving practice is enormous but may be difficult. Some reference materials Health Inequalities and People with Learning Disabilities in the UK: 2011 Implications and actions for commissioners and providers of social care. Evidence into practice report no. 4 by Sue Turner, November 2011 Improving the Health and Wellbeing of People with learning disabilities: an evidence based commissioning guide for emerging Clinical Commissioning Groups. Draft document by Matt Hoghton and Royal College of General Practitioners publications/