ב"ה MICHIGAN JEWISH INSTITUTE Policy and Procedure Manual Functional Area: Title: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Policy No. CM 1680 Grades Submission - Semester End Effective Date: June 2001 Page No. 1 of 3 GENERAL PURPOSE: This policy is intended to provide a process and procedure that will promote faculty procedural efficiency regarding the timely submission of student grades, which in turn will promote the accuracy of official record keeping of those grades and reporting of same to students in a timely manner. POLICY: It is the policy of MJI that final grades for individual faculty teaching courses with twenty-five or fewer students (across no more than two sections of a specific course) are due within one week of the final examination. For courses with more than twentyfive students (across all sections, per faculty member) an additional three days (not including Shabbat) may be taken to submit final grades. Exceptions to the foregoing require prior approval of the Dean of Academic Administration or his assigns. Exceptions will be granted only for compelling reasons. This policy applies to all faculty, of any rank or classification, full-time or part-time, who teach one or more courses during any time that the college is in session. All MJI faculty will be oriented on this policy and procedure and will make it part of their classroom management activities. PROCESS: Grades for all resident programs of the college are to be submitted to the Academic Administration Offices on the grading forms provided to faculty by the office. Revised: February 2013 Printed February 11, 2013 ב"ה MICHIGAN JEWISH INSTITUTE Policy and Procedure Manual Functional Area: Title: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Policy No. CM 1680 Grades Submission - Semester End Effective Date: June 2001 Page No. 2 of 3 All faculty members must submit grades in accordance with the official MJI Academic Calendar that is published each academic year and is also made part of numerous MJI publications (e.g., Academic Catalog). If a faculty member cannot comply with a scheduled date of grade submission, the faculty member must submit a written letter of explanation to the Dean of Academic Administration by no later than seven (7) working days prior to the date scheduled for grade submission. The letter must include an alternative date by when the faculty member proposes to submit the grades. The Dean, will decide whether to grant a request for additional time to submit grades based on: a) Whether the faculty member’s explanation for the late submission of grades is reasonable; and, if so, b) Whether the alternative date proposed by the faculty member is reasonable. The Dean will respond to the faculty member’s request within three business days after receipt. The Dean’s determination about whether to extend a faculty member additional time to submit grades is entirely within the Dean’s discretion. The Dean’s determination is final and cannot be appealed. Students have a right to receive their grades in a timely and orderly manner, absent extraordinary circumstances. If an extension is granted to the faculty member, the Dean will provide a letter to the faculty member indicating the new due date for the faculty member’s grades. This date will be one that is determined by the Dean to be reasonable under the circumstances and may not necessarily be the alternative date requested by the faculty member. If the Dean determines that the explanation provided by the faculty member for the late Revised: February 2013 Printed February 11, 2013 ב"ה MICHIGAN JEWISH INSTITUTE Policy and Procedure Manual Functional Area: Title: CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT Policy No. CM 1680 Grades Submission - Semester End Effective Date: June 2001 Page No. 3 of 3 submission of grades is not reasonable, an extension will not be granted. The timely submission of grades (along with other measures) is a component of the Faculty Performance Evaluation. Moreover, final payment of semester salaries is withheld until all semester duties are completed, including submission of grades. If a faculty member severs his/her relationship with MJI and is not adhering to this Grades Submission Policy, pay will continue to be withheld until all grades are submitted and, if appropriate, procedures are put into place to satisfy incomplete (I) marks within one semester of terminating tenure at MJI. GRADE CHANGES: In the event that an instructor discovers that he or she has made a grading error, the instructor may request a correction of the final grade. Such requests are subject to approval by the Dean. Final grades cannot be changed after two semesters from the end of the term for which the grade was assigned. (After one semester, marks of I (incomplete) will be automatically changed to Fs.) A grade appearing on a student's academic record at the time of his or her graduation cannot be changed subsequent to the graduation date. AUTHORIZATIONS: (at least one signature is necessary to enact this policy/procedure) _______________________________ President ______________________________ Dean Of Academic Administration Revised: February 2013 Printed February 11, 2013