MICHIGAN JEWISH INSTITUTE Policy and Procedure Manual

‫ב "ה‬
Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. FM 1501
Faculty Congress: Bill of rights and responsibilities
Adopted Date: February 17, 1997; Policy Date: February 26, 2013
Page No. 1 of 6
This policy is intended to provide a process and procedure that will insure the uniform
administration of core faculty rights and responsibilities. Additional rights and
responsibilities are provided via the MJI Academic Catalog and Student
Handbook, The Faculty Orientation Memo and the MJI Policy and
Procedures Manual , currently maintained and updated in digital “pdf” format and
which are respectively, publically published on the MJI website (www.MJI.edu), on the
FAQ page, item 105 and the FAQ page pmanual subpage for the Orientation Memo
and other policies and procedures.
This policy is also intended to publish in a single location how MJI directly and
concisely meets ACICS standards for faculty. These standards are quoted directly from
the current ACICS Criteria with certain phrases numbered and emphasized as
“elements” to be identified in the remainder of this policy and procedure statement:
“The effectiveness of any institution depends upon contemporary teaching strategies and practices
and upon the knowledge, ability, and commitment of its faculty. The selection, orientation, guidance,
stimulation, and evaluation of the teaching staff is one of the most significant responsibilities of the
administration. The faculty should actively participate in developing the total educational program of
the institution.
The faculty shall have a clear responsibility, distinct from that of developing institutional policy, to
participate in administering and implementing policy, especially as it pertains to academic affairs.
The institution shall adopt and publish a policy on the responsibility and authority of faculty in
matters of academic governance. At a minimum, the policy should address the role of faculty in
1. development of the educational program of the institution;
2. selection of course materials, instructional equipment and other educational
3. systematic evaluation and revision of the curriculum;
4. assessment of student learning outcomes; and
5. planning for institutional effectiveness.”
The following statement was adopted by the MJI Board of Trustee’s Executive
Printed February 26, 2013
‫ב "ה‬
Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. FM 1501
Faculty Congress: Bill of rights and responsibilities
Adopted Date: February 17, 1997; Policy Date: February 26, 2013
Page No. 2 of 6
Committee on February 10th, 1997, whereupon it was submitted to the Faculty Congress
on February 17, 1997 and unanimously approved:
Education is a cooperative effort between student and faculty. Both parties
must fulfill certain obligations in order to contribute to the efficiency and
integrity of the instructional process. The Michigan Jewish Institute
encourages adherence to the following detailed principles:
The following are general responsibilities incumbent on all faculty members: to promote
the mission of the Michigan Jewish Institute; to maintain and exhibit professionalism
and academic excellence; to provide service to the institution; and to exhibit scholarship
within the academic community .
Specifically, all Faculty members have the following responsibilities:
to contribute to and remain abreast of the latest developments in their fields;
to continually pursue teaching excellence;
To treat all students with respect and fairness;
To encourage differing viewpoints and demonstrate integrity in evaluating their
To adhere regularly and punctually to the scheduled class and final examination
times, and arrange for notification of absence and subsequent coverage of classes;
To establish and maintain appropriate office hours;
To present, at the beginning of each term, the following course information:
a. course objectives and general outline;
b. classroom procedures to be followed, expectations concerning class
attendance, and proposed dates of major examinations and papers;
c. grading policy
d. where appropriate, a schedule of activities and laboratory times;
lists of texts and other materials needed for the course;
Printed February 26, 2013
‫ב "ה‬
Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. FM 1501
Faculty Congress: Bill of rights and responsibilities
Adopted Date: February 17, 1997; Policy Date: February 26, 2013
Page No. 3 of 6
late enrollment, withdrawal and other special policies.
To provide a written course syllabus, and adhere to it within reasonable limits;
To be thoroughly knowledgeable in course content, and to prepare and present the
material conscientiously;
a. To be informed of Institute services and recommend their use to students
when advisable;
b. To adhere to the following policies regarding written work and grades:
c. grade and return written work promptly;
d. submit final grades by the scheduled time;
e. allow students to examine final examinations and other written material
which is not returned.
To implement procedures for student evaluation of faculty teaching, while preserving
student anonymity;
To behave appropriately in dealing with students so as to preserve a scholarly
To be cognizant of the Michigan Jewish Institute’s mission to provide an
environment which adheres to Jewish tradition.
(The five “elements” in the above General Purpose section of this policy are
addressed in the following statements and identified as such with their respective
element number in bolded and underlined parentheses.)
The Faculty Congress is the means by which the faculty of the Michigan Jewish Institute
can express to the President of the college and to the Board of Trustees their considered
opinion and judgments upon matters of educational policy affecting the college
community. Although any faculty member may have direct access to the President
and/or the board, this organization is considered to be the official channel of
communications between the faculty and the board.
Printed February 26, 2013
‫ב "ה‬
Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. FM 1501
Faculty Congress: Bill of rights and responsibilities
Adopted Date: February 17, 1997; Policy Date: February 26, 2013
Page No. 4 of 6
Composition of the Faculty Congress: The Faculty Congress shall be composed of all
full- and part- time faculty members. Adjunct faculty will be considered members of the
Faculty Congress and will be entitled to vote.
Functions and Responsibilities: The Faculty Congress has responsibility for
formulation and review of educational policy (1), (5) affecting the college as a whole.
The Faculty Congress shall recommend to the President and the Board of Trustees
policies affecting faculty rights and responsibilities, faculty welfare, and generally
accepted principles of academic freedom. Academic standards, curricular development
(1), (2), (3), changes in courses (2), and similar academic matters are primarily the
responsibility of the faculty and the Dean, subject to review and approval by the
President; final authority to approve educational policy is vested in the Board of
Trustees. Degrees are conferred by the Board of Trustees, and granted by the Institute.
Procedures: The Faculty Congress may consider matters referred to it by the President,
or upon its own initiative, and may make recommendations to the President and to the
The President is expected to secure the judgment of the Faculty Congress on any
proposed change in educational policy (1), (5) or any matter affecting faculty rights and
responsibilities, before taking formal action thereon.
The decisions of the Faculty Congress shall become College policy when approved by
the President acting in the stead (within his authority) of the Board of Trustees.
In the event that the President disagrees or disapproves of a Faculty Congress action, he
shall either forward the said action to the board for final resolution, or return the said
action along with recommendations to the Faculty Congress for reconsideration.
(Faculty Congress Meetings): Meetings of the Faculty Congress shall be held regularly
during the academic year; a schedule will be published prior to the beginning of that
year. Notice of each meeting, along with a copy of the agenda and all pertinent
Printed February 26, 2013
‫ב "ה‬
Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. FM 1501
Faculty Congress: Bill of rights and responsibilities
Adopted Date: February 17, 1997; Policy Date: February 26, 2013
Page No. 5 of 6
documents, shall be sent by an officer of the Faculty Congress to each faculty member at
least three days prior to the meeting (excepting the eventuality of extraordinary
Committees: The Institute seeks faculty input in all functions of the institution and
therefore maintains a number of standing academic committees. These committees
consist of faculty members representative of the various concentration areas. Members
of the committees are selected from the Faculty Congress and approved by the Dean.
Academic committees are chaired by the Academic Dean. These committees meet on a
regular basis and report to the President, who retains final decision-making
responsibility. From time-to-time, the President or the Academic Dean may appoint
ad-hoc faculty committees. Every effort is made to assure all faculty of the opportunity
to participate in the various committees. The following is a list of the standing
committees of the Institute:
 General Education Committee - This committee oversees ongoing General
Education curriculum development (1), (3) and program review (1), (3). It is the
responsibility of this committee to insure that student assessments meet general
education goals (4).
 Business Information Systems Committee - This committee oversees ongoing
Business Information Systems curriculum development (1), (3) and program review
(1), (3). It is the responsibility of this committee to insure that student assessments
meet Business Information Systems goals (4).
 Computer Information Systems Committee - This committee oversees ongoing
Computer Information Systems curriculum development (1), (3) and program review
(1), (3). It is the responsibility of this committee to insure that student assessments
meet Computer Information Systems goals (4).
 Industry Liaison Committee - The major responsibility of this committee is to
develop methods for seeking out contacts with business and industry (2), for the
Printed February 26, 2013
‫ב "ה‬
Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. FM 1501
Faculty Congress: Bill of rights and responsibilities
Adopted Date: February 17, 1997; Policy Date: February 26, 2013
Page No. 6 of 6
purpose of ascertaining career and employer needs (5). The committee will also seek
out potential cooperative sites and employers for students.
 Admissions and Academic Policy Committee - The major responsibility of this
committee is to continuously review admissions and academic policies and practices, to
assure that the Institute is maintaining its standards. Modifications and alternative
procedures may be recommended (5).
In addition to the above processes identified by the initial MJI faculty congress of 1997,
other academic programs such as the Judaic Studies program have been developed and
accredited by ACICS. These are similarly overseen by faculty committees which are
generically described:
Accredited program titled Committee - This committee oversees ongoing
program title curriculum development (1), (3) and program review (1), (3). It is
the responsibility of this committee to insure that student assessments meet
Program Title goals (4)
AUTHORIZATIONS: (at least one signature is necessary to enact this policy/procedure)
Dean of Academic Administration
Printed February 26, 2013