MICHIGAN JEWISH INSTITUTE Policy and Procedure Manual

Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. EAM 1050
Title: Updating Network Resources, Software and Accounts
Effective Date: April 2002
Page No.
1 of 2
This policy is intended to provide a process and procedure that will insure the orderly
and successful updating of all MJI network resources, software and accounts.
It is the policy of MJI that the MJI Network Administrator or his/her designees perform
all systems level and related administrative activity. Systems level privileges cannot be
provided to others as doing so puts the college at risk of being in violation of software
licenses, possible exposure to legal action, hacking and other significant dangers.
Additionally, in some instances, the unauthorized modification of systems resources
has caused instability to the network due to improper installation or other
incompatibilities introduced into the system. (See also policy 1001 Internet Usage and
other policies for other network and systems activities prohibited by MJI.).
All MJI employees will be oriented on this policy and procedure and will make it part of
their activities.
Attached to this policy are the forms that are to be used by all members of the MJI
Administration, Faculty and Student Body requesting any of the following systems
services. These forms also provide complete instructions regarding when they are to be
used and how to complete them.
All forms may be obtained from the MJI Administrative Offices or may be accessed
from the MJI systems folder containing all MJI policies and procedures, including this
one. The available forms and when they are to be used include:
used to add, modify or delete software
used to add, modify or delete a User
HARDWARE REQUEST used to add new, modify, relocate or remove hardware
Revised: April 9, 2002
Printed February 14, 2013
Policy and Procedure Manual
Functional Area:
Policy No. EAM 1050
Title: Updating Network Resources, Software and Accounts
Effective Date: April 2002
Page No.
2 of 2
The forms have also been attached here, for the convenience of those who may
receive a hard copy of this policy.
AUTHORIZATIONS: (at least one signature is necessary to enact this policy/procedure)
Revised: April 9, 2002
Other Senior Manager
Printed February 14, 2013
Software Load/Remove Request
The MJI Network Administrator must receive this form no less than
two weeks prior to the intended implementation date for software that
will be installed on workstations, and no less than three weeks prior
to the intended implementation date for software that will be installed
on the server.
Request Date:
Software Title:
(check one) Add___ Update___ Delete___
 or later
 this version only
Recommended vendor (optional):
Network enforced license:
 No
 Yes (contact Network Administrator re: can it be installed at MJI)
To be installed on:
 All machines in computer lab, library and administration
 A single machine (identify)_______________________________
 Multiple machines (identify):
 Other (contact Network Administrator re: compliance with policies)
Will students need this at home:  No
 Yes
Required for:
 Course:
 MJI operations:
 Other:
(contact Network Administrator re: compliance with policies)
Replaces existing software:
 No
 Yes (list software to be removed:
Date required:
Authorizing Signatures:____________________ (President or COO)
_____________________ Date: ________
(Department Head )
Revised: April 9, 2002
Date: ________
___________________ Date: ________
(IT Department Head)
Printed February 14, 2013
Computer User Account Request
This form should be completed whenever a new student registers, when
passwords have been forgotten and whenever a user terminates
association with MJI. Inactive accounts are routinely deleted from the
Request Date:
First name:
Last name:
Existing account name (if any):
Account type:
 Add new account
 Student
 Reset password
 Faculty (teaching
 Delete account
 Staff (position
To be completed by Network Administrator for new accounts. Form will be
returned to requestor:
New Account name:
Initial and reset passwords are the same as the account name. The user
will be required to change it when next logging onto the system.
Revised: April 9, 2002
Printed February 14, 2013
Hardware Install/Modify/Remove Request
The MJI Network Administrator must receive this form no less than
two weeks prior to the intended implementation date
Request Date:
(check one) Add___ Modify___ Move___ Remove___ or
Replace existing hardware:
 No
 Yes (completely identify hardware to be removed:
As Applicable:
Type of Hardware:
Current Location: _________________ Desired Location: _______________________
Recommended Vendor :
Maximum Budget Allocated: ___________
Intended disposition of removed hardware: ___________________________________
Required for:
 Course:
 MJI operations:
 Other:
(contact Network Administrator re: compliance with policies)
Date required:
Authorizing Signatures:____________________ (President or COO)
_____________________ Date: ________
(Department Head )
Revised: April 9, 2002
Date: ________
___________________ Date: ________
(IT Department Head)
Printed February 14, 2013