Mathematics 676-3 Homework (due Aug 30) 1) A. Hulpke

Mathematics 676-3
Homework (due Aug 30)
A. Hulpke
1) According to J.L. Borges, (The Library of Babel, Ficciones, 1944, here quoted from http:
// babel.asp):
is composed of an indefinite and perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries, with
vast air shafts between, surrounded by very low railings. From any of the hexagons
one can see, interminably, the upper and lower floors. The distribution of the galleries
is invariable. Twenty shelves, five long shelves per side, cover all the sides except
two; their height, which is the distance from floor to ceiling, scarcely exceeds that
of a normal bookcase. One of the free sides leads to a narrow hallway which opens
onto another gallery, identical to the first and to all the rest. To the left and right of
the hallway there are two very small closets. In the first, one may sleep standing up;
in the other, satisfy one’s fecal necessities. Also through here passes a spiral stairway,
which sinks abysmally and soars upwards to remote distances. In the hallway there is a
mirror which faithfully duplicates all appearances. Men usually infer from this mirror
that the Library is not infinite (if it were, why this illusory duplication?); I prefer to
dream that its polished surfaces represent and promise the infinite.[...]
There are five shelves for each of the hexagon’s walls; each shelf contains thirty-five
books of uniform format; each book is of four hundred and ten pages; each page,
of forty lines, each line, of some eighty letters which are black in color. [...] The
orthographical symbols are twenty-five in number. [...] These examples made it
possible for a librarian of genius to discover the fundamental law of the Library. This
thinker observed that all the books, no matter how diverse they might be, are made up
of the same [25] elements: the space, the period, the comma, the twenty-two letters of
the alphabet. He also alleged a fact which travelers have confirmed: In the vast Library
there are no two identical books.
a) Following the description as given by the bold sections; How many books does the library
b) Clearly the assertion “perhaps infinite number” of galleries in the first line of the quote is wrong.
How can one reconcile a finite number of galleries with the fact that a staircase goes up and down
from every gallery?
2) A restaurant near Vancouver offered Dutch pancakes with “a thousand and one combinations”
of toppings. What can one conclude?
3) Assuming you want to calculate bionomial coefficients on a computer that cannot handle
numbers bigger that absolute value 32767, which of the following four methods is preferrable, and
k!(n − k)!
= n(n − 1) · · · (n − k + 1)/k!
= 1,
= 1,
(Pascal’s Triangle)
Show that there are (n − 1)! cyclic permutations of a set of n points.
Get accustomed with the system GAP .
An introduction to GAP
You start GAP by clicking the GAP 4r4p7 (or newer) icon (on windows) or typing gap under Unix.
The program will start up and you will get a text prompt, looking like this:
You now can type in commands (followed by a semicolon) and GAP will return the result.
To leave GAP you can either call quit; or type <ctl>-d
The editing commands are similar as in the EMACS editor (depending on the setup, also cursor
keys might work):
<ctl>-p gets the previous line. (If the cursor is not at the start of the line, it gets the last line that
starts like the current one.)
<ctl>-n gets the next line.
<ctl>-f goes one character to the right.
<ctl>-b goes one character to the left.
<ctl>-a goes to the start of the line.
<ctl>-e goes to the end of the line.
<ctl>-d deletes the character under the cursor (insert is automatic).
<ctl>-k deletes the rest of the line.
If you want to obtain a copy of your work, you can use LogTo("filename"); which will create a
file with the input and output you got. (Note: The file will appear in the directory in which GAP was
started. Under Windows, you might have to give a full path such as LogTo("c:/mydisk/home");
— however note that paths in GAP are always given with forward slashes in Unix style, even under
Windows.) LogTo(); will switch logging off again.
• GAP is picky about upper case/lower case. LogTo is not the same as logto.
• All commands end in a semicolon!
• Type ? followed by a subject name (and no semicolon...) to get the online help.
• If you get syntax errors, use <ctl>-p to get the line back, and correct the errors.
• Incorrect input, interruption of a calculation (by pressing <ctl>-c – this can be useful if you
tried out a command that takes too long) or (heaven beware – if you encounter any please
let me know) bugs can cause GAP to enter a so-called break-loop, indicated by the prompt
brk>. You can leave this break loop with quit; or <ctl>-d.
• If you create larger input, it can be helpful to put it in a text file and to read it from GAP.
This can be done with the command Read("filename");.
• By terminating a command with a double semicolon ;; you can avoid GAP displaying the
result. (Obviously, this is only useful if assigning it to a variable.)
• everything after a hash mark (#) is a comment.
We now do a few easy calculations. If you have not used GAP before, it might be useful to do these
on the computer in parallel to reading.
GAP knows integers of arbitrary length and rational numbers:
gap> -3; 17 - 23;
gap> 2^200-1;
gap> 123456/7891011+1;
The ‘mod’ operator allows you to compute one value modulo another. Note the blanks:
gap> 17 mod 3;
GAP knows a precedence between operators that may be overridden by parentheses and can
compare objects:
gap> (9 - 7) * 5 = 9 - 7
gap> 5/3<2;
* 5;
You can assign numbers (or more general: every GAP object) to variables, by using the assignment
operator :=. Once a variable is assigned to, you can refer to it as if it was a number. The special
variables last, last2, and last3 contain the results of the last three commands.
gap> a:=2^16-1; b:=a/(2^4+1);
gap> 5*b-3*a;
gap> last+5;
gap> last+2;
Objects separated by commas and enclosed in square brackets form a list.
Collections of objects are represented by such lists. Lists are also used to represent sets.
gap> l:=[5,3,99,17,2]; # create a list
[ 5, 3, 99, 17, 2 ]
gap> l[4]; # access to list entry
gap> l[3]:=22; # assignment to list entry
gap> l;
[ 5, 3, 22, 17, 2 ]
gap> Length(l);
gap> 3 in l; # element test
gap> 4 in l;
gap> Position(l,2);
gap> Add(l,17); # extension of list at end
gap> l;
[ 5, 3, 22, 17, 2, 17 ]
gap> s:=Set(l); # new list, sorted, duplicate free
[ 2, 3, 5, 17, 22 ]
gap> l;
[ 5, 3, 22, 17, 2, 17 ]
gap> AddSet(s,4); # insert in sorted position
gap> AddSet(s,5); # and avoid duplicates
gap> s;
[ 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 22 ]
Results that consist of several numbers are represented as list.
gap> Factors(2^126-1);
[ 3, 3, 3, 7, 7, 19, 43, 73, 127, 337, 5419, 92737, 649657, 77158673929 ]
There are powerful list functions that often can save programming for-loops: List, Filtered,
ForAll, ForAny, First. The notation i -> xyz is a shorthand for a one parameter function.
gap> l:=[5,3,99,17,2];
[ 5, 3, 99, 17, 2 ]
gap> List(l,IsPrime);
[ true, true, false, true, true ]
gap> List(l,i -> i^2);
[ 25, 9, 9801, 289, 4 ]
gap> Filtered(l,IsPrime);
[ 5, 3, 17, 2 ]
gap> ForAll(l,i -> i>10);
gap> First(l,i -> i>10);
A special case of lists are ranges, indicated by double dots. They can also be used to create
arithmetic progressions:
gap> l:=[10..100];Length(l);
[ 10 .. 100 ]
We can write permutations in cycle form and multiply (or invert them):
gap> a:=(1,2,3,4)(6,5,7);
gap> a^2;
gap> a^-1;
gap> b:=(1,3,5,7)(2,6,8);; a*b;
Note: GAP multiplies permutations from left to right, i.e. 1, 2, 3) · (2, 3) = (1, 3). (This might differ
from what you used in prior courses.)
Running GAP under Windows
The standard setup of GAP is a program that runs in the DOS Window, which inconveniently does
not offer scrolling and proper copy/paste.
Saving your work
It is possible (unless you are in a brk-loop) to save the current state of a GAP session. This is
done with the command SaveWorkspace(filename); where filename is the file in which the
workspace will be stored. (You must have permission to write it, thus under Windows you may
have to give a full path to a user directory.)
To restore a saved GAP session, you start GAP with the extra command line option -L and give the
saved workspace as parameter. Again this is obvious under Unix, under Windows it requires some
contortion. The following assumes that you run GAP through the rxvt window:
1. Open the DOS-shell (MS-DOS icon).
2. go in the disk and the directory that contains the saved workspace. In this example we assume
for simplicity that this is the directory containing rxvt (Your paths may vary and you will
have to adapt the commands accordingly):
cd \gap4r3\rxvt
3. start GAP through rxvt by the command given in the gap.bat file, appending the -L option
to load the workspace:
rxvt.exe -fn fixedsys -sl 1000 -e /cygdrive/c/GAP4R3/BIN/gapw95.exe -L myws
Once GAP restarted you are back at the point you left when saving the workspace. All variables
are assigned as they were and you can continue the calculations.