SDAG Notes Friday, August 17

SDAG Notes
Friday, August 17
1. SDAG Meeting Schedule for Fall
a. We agreed to meet on Tuesdays from 10-11 for the Fall
2. Convocation - Cheryl is meeting with Angelina and Peter to firm up sessions.
3. Web Assessment Tool and New Assessment Web Page
Reviewed new Student Development page – we think this will work well. Still need a
place to put our assessment plans that is easy to access.
Student Development Assessment
Review the learning outcomes, plans, and past
assessments for your program.
Find out what your outcomes are
and familiarize yourself with
Find out which outcomes you are
assessing and when.
Familiarize yourself with available
assessment resources.
Identify programs and courses
with shared outcomes. Determine
who to collaborate with on
assessment activities.
Conduct assessment and meet with
colleagues if appropriate for coordination.
Perform assessment: gather
data, tabulate and analyze the
Meet with colleagues who you
have shared and division
outcomes with. For programs
with shared outcomes there
should be coordinated
Report assessments and participate in
Report assessment results using
the Assessment Reporting Tool.
Create a new assessment report,
or 'close the loop' on previous
assessment based
Engage in relevant assessment
dialogue sessions.
4. Assessment Plans – posting on artifacts page until we have a better place
5. Program Review – shared information from Angelina re CTL. The main issue is
whether or not to report it “twice” – group agreed that we should continue to report
it in recommended changes and then again as a CTL to cover all our bases and
because the final CTL report then has opportunity for additional info
We need clarification on whether or not CTL is something that must always
occur, or are there assessments in which it would be okay not to CTL. It
seems that this is something we should always be doing. A CTL report is only
opened when an author checks the box noting that changes/actions are
indicated that is within the main reporting form. If you do an assessment and
no follow up is needed, then you don’t check the box, and you’re done.
Can CLT also be defined as not needing to re-assess anymore? If so can we
have a box to check off on that or place to indicate it? Maybe in a situation
where you thought that you needed to do additional assessment, and then
for some reason you find that you don’t. Perhaps a process changed that was
outside of your control, etc. Then I would go into the CTL and close it by
explaining that additional assessments are no longer needed.
We also need clarification on the time-line for CLT – should it be done within
one year or can we do it at a later time? You establish your own time-line.
Some will get closed in the next reporting cycle, but we expect that some will
take a few to several years before there is enough time to implement
something and reevaluate.
Need a format for CTL to ensure we report in a robust and consistent
manner (possible categories: year, method, results-what year gathered
from, improvements recommended, will be re-assess next year or not?) –
the text box we have now may not provide the detail we need. The main
report (where you checked the box asking if changes are indicated) asks you
to describe what the changes are and how they will be implemented. That
collects some of the info. I think the rest of the info regards planning, which
for now is part of a separate process that is led by the VPI and Erik. You
might ask them.
If we do a CLT and still need to re-assess the following year, do we continue
to report it in the CLT section of that outcomes assessment or create a brand
new assessment report? If the assessment actually leads to a discovery that
causes an additional need for assessments, then I’d say to create a brand
new assessment report. The CTL is just to follow up on actions/changes
you’ve already discovered whereas this would be a new discovery. However,
I can see where you might do the assessment but not get enough info to
know if what you did really had an impact, in which case I’d recommend just
leaving the loop open until you have enough info.