Pries, Fall 2015, 566 Abstract Algebra: Tentative Syllabus Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Starts 8/24 8/31 9/7 9/14 9/21 9/28 10/5 10/12 10/19 10/26 11/2 11/9 11/16 14 15 11/30 12/7 Topics C1-C2 Introduction to groups, subgroups C1-C2 Homomorphisms, Isomorphisms (Labor Day) C5 Products and semi-direct products C3 Quotient groups C4 Group actions C4 Sylow theorems C6 Free groups, Midterm C7, C9 Introduction to ring theory C8 Ideal theory C8 Euclidean and principal ideal domains C8 Unique factorization Class project Applications of group theory Thanksgiving break C13 Introduction to field theory Open conjectures Important dates: Midterm Friday 10/9 Final Wednesday 12/18 4:10-6:10 pm Homework 1: due Friday 8/28 Write clearly and skip lines. Compute: S0.1 4; S1.1: 1(de), 2(de), 6, 12. Turn-in: S1.1: 8, 9, 20, 22, 29.