C SCHOOL OF OCEANOGRAPHY The Rapid-Sampling Vertical Profiler Test Cruise, July 1982 "FRONTS 82" by OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Priscilla A. Newberger Herve H. Dannelongue Douglas R. Caldwell Thomas M. Dillon Stephen D. Wilcox James L. Cantey Reference 83-9 May 1983 I The Rapid-Sampling Vertical Profiler Test Cruise July 1982 Priscilla A. Newberger Herve H. Dannelongue Douglas R. Caldwell Thomas M. Dillon Stephen D. Wilcox James L. Cantey School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis OR 97331 Page TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction . . . . . I I . Cruise report . . . . III. FRONTS 82 data plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . a) Temperature, salinity and density profiles . . . . . . b) Plots of isotherms vs depth 6 . 192 226 226 254 266 d) Cable and terminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 e ) Winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 f) Onboard analog electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356 358 368 371 . . . . IV. The RAPID SAMPLING VERTICAL PROFILER a) Electronics . . . . . b) Sensors . . . . . . . c) Probe mechanical design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V. The analog to digital system a) Hardware . . . . . . . . . b) The data acquisition program . . VI. Processing the data . . . . . . . VII. Equipment and software performance . . 345 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c) Probe mechanical design d) Cable and termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374 374 e) Winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375 . . . . . . . 376 377 379 a) Electronics b) Sensors . . . . . . . . . . f) Onboard analog electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . g) Analog to digital system VIII. References . . . . . . . 371 373 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Assistance with this cruise was provided by Michael Brown and David Strehlow. Funding for the development of the RSVP , for our participation in this cruise, and for the preparation of this report has been furnished by the Oceanic Processes Division of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration. We especially thank W. Stanley Wilson for his encouragement. I. Introduction In this report we describe a preliminary version of a temperature/conductivity profiler that combines the calibration accuracy of a CTD with the vertical resolution of a microstructure instrument and the ease of deployment of an XBT. We also describe the results of a test of this version on a month-long cruise from Honolulu to 42 N and back in July 1982. This instrument system, which we call the Rapid-Sampling Vertical Profiler, has two versions. One uses a Neil Brown conductivity transducer and a fast-tip thermistor as sensors, and has a vertical resolution of 3 cm in salinity and temperature. The other has a micro-scale conductivity sensor, with a fast-tip thermistor. It has a resolution of less than one millimeter in conductivity,'but only 3 cm in the thermistor signal so that density information can still only be acquired on the 3-cm scale. The system used for this test and described in this document is only a trial version, definitely not the final version which is under construction in 1983. We will issue a report in 1984 which will describe the final version and the results of a test of it to be conducted as part of the "Mildex" experiment in October/November 1983. The probe is designed to be deployed from a ship moving at speeds to 8 knots, but on this cruise considerations involved with the other instruments in use kept the ship's speed at 4.2 knots. The other instruments were the Towed Thermistor/Conductivity Chain (Clayton Paulson, Oregon State University) and an Acoustic Doppler Log (Lloyd Regier, Scripps Institution of Oceanography). The RSVP has been designed to complement these instruments in producing a 3-dimensional picture of the temperature, salinity, density and shear fields in the upper ocean, and especially the spatial distributions of the gradients of these fields. The same suite of instruments will be used in the "MILDEX" experiment and in the "TROPIC HEAT" cruises of 1984 and 1986. 2 II. Cruise report The FRONTS 82 cruise lasted for 23 days from 4 July 1982 to 25 July 1982. During this period the towed thermistor/ conductivity chain (Clayton Paulson, OSU) and the acoustic doppler log (Lloyd Regier, SIO) were kept in operation around the clock, but the RSVP was deployed only between lunch and sunset (7 hours a day), mostly because we were allotted only three berths. During the cruise the weather was nice to fair with winds of 0 - 2 knots and swell 0 - 5 feet. II-1) were tried in order to determine the effect of design variation and possible Five versions of the RSVP (Table interaction among elements. The temperature-measurement system was the same for all units as was the conductivity circuitry. Each of these measurement systems is discussed in detail in section IV of this report. In addition to the vertically profiling RSVP, a similar unit equipped with a microconductivity sensor was modified to attach to Paulson's towed chain. It was hoped that the extremely fast response time of this sensor would enable us to calculate horizontal towed spectra of the temperature fluctuations. The unit did not work due to electronic and connector difficulties, but the technique shows great promise and will be used again. The RSVP units were deployed during 14 seven hour working periods. A profile was recorded every 6 minutes, so that about 65 profiles were recorded each day for a total of 890 profiles. This includes 662 profiles with Neil Brown conductivity sensor units and 228 with the Michael Head microconductivity sensor (Table 11-2). At the beginning of each working period (and more frequently if there was any question of the conductivity signal drifting), a file was recorded with the instrument in a bucket on deck and a water sample was taken to be analysed on shore. Additional surface water samples were taken every two hours throughout the cruise. Thus we are able to monitor any changes in conductivity calibration. 3 Table II-1. Description of RSVP units -------------------------------------------------------------------Unit # 1 2 3 4 5 6 CHAIN -----------------------------------------------------------------9V POWER DC/DC DC/DC #2 # 3 9V DC/DC DC/DC #3 #1 --------- -------------------------------------------------------BATTERY PRESSURE BATTERY FM FM DC DC DC #3 #7 # 10 # 20 # 20 CHAIN TEMPERATURE MODULE # 12 # 13 # 14 # 15 # 15 # 16 SENSOR FP07 FP07 FP07 FP07 # 73 FP07 # 75 FP14 # 72 FROM ------------------------------------------------------------------ # 77 REPLACED # 75 # 143 FP14 # 147 -----------------------------------------------------------------CONDUCTIVITY MODULE #2 #5 SENSOR NBIS NBIS # 479 # 844 #4 #6 #6 #3 NBIS MICRO MICRO MICRO # 743 #6 #6 #3 REPLACED MICRO #1 -----------------------------------------------------------------VOLTAGE REGULATOR # 10 # 11 # 12 # 17 # 17 # 15 REPLACED # 12 -------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit # 5 was used for one day only to test microconductivity powered by a dc/dc converter. Unit # 3 was not used after July 18. 4 Table 11-2. RSVP cast summary Number of casts ----------------------------------------------------------------DATE START END UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT UNIT LOCAL LATITUDE LATITUDE # 4 # 5 # 3 # 1 # 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------27 08' N 27 14' N 2 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------7 MOORING ----------------------------------------------------------------8 28 20' 28 44' N 52 ----------------------------------------------------------------6 N 9 30 02' N 30 36' N 60 ----------------------------------------------------------------10 31 57' N 32 23' N 41 15 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 48' N 34 23' N 11 33 12 35 51' N 36 19' 13 37 42' N 38 13' N N 59 68 73 ----------------------------------------------------------------14 39 35' N 40 05' N 71 ----------------------------------------------------------------15 41 30' N 41 59' N 44 25 ----------------------------------------------------------------16 42 45' N 42 26' N 11 58 ----------------------------------------------------------------17 MOORING ----------------------------------------------------------------18 39 38' N SURVEY 41 12 ----------------------------------------------------------------19 38 09' N 37 43' N 60 ----------------------------------------------------------------20 36 13' N 35 39' N 71 ----------------------------------------------------------------21 34 01' N 33 41' N 41 ----------------------------------------------------------------22 32 18' N 31 44' N 69 ----------------------------------------------------------------23 30 21' N 30 15' N 13 ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 III. FRONTS 82 data plots a) Temperature, salinity and density profiles The data collected were divided into sequences of consecutive profiles, one sequence per day unless there was an extended period with no data taken. There are a total of 19 sequences. An average sequence consists of 60 profiles. As a rule, profiles are 6 minutes apart. The data were processed as described in section VI. Twenty centimeter averages are plotted. For each sequence, two series of plots are presented: left-hand versus depth (in On the page, temperature (in degrees Celsius) meters). Profiles separated by 6 minutes in time are offset 3 degrees Celsius. If a profile is missing, consecutive profiles are 12 minutes apart in time, and correspondingly separated by 6 degrees Celsius on the plot. If there is a 12 minute gap at the end of a page within a sequence, the first profile on the next page is offset by 3 degrees. page, a plot of 5 variables versus depth for a chosen profile of the left hand page. The 3-lines in On the right hand the main panel are temperature (T, in degrees Celsius),. salinity (S, in parts per thousands) and density (unmarked, in grams per centimeter cubed). The mark plot in the main panel is the Brunt-Vaisala frequency, or buoyancy frequency (in cyles per hour). This frequency is computed from the potential density on a length scale of 2 meters. The right-hand panel shows the arc tangent of the stability ratio versus depth. The stability ratio (Turner,1973) is the most important external parameter indicating the relative strength of double-diffusive processes. Ruddick(1981) suggests that the (four quadrant) arc tangent of this quantity is a practical indicator of whether these processes can be important in a region. For values between minus PI/4 and zero double diffusion can occur. The water column is stable for values between zero and PI/2 while salt fingering may occur for values between PI/2 and 3PI/4. This parameter is computed over a 2 meter scale. The profiles are identified by tape name and tape file number. The tape name is a string of 8 characteres, 6 for the GMT date, one for the tape identification (A,B,C...), and one for the instrument type (N for NBIS conductivity sensor, M for microconductivity). For the left page, the tape name(s) is printed above the plot, and the file number is printed at the top of each profile. Location, wind and time of the sequence are shown at the bottom of the plot. 7 Following is a list of some of the profiles in which the problems discussed in section VII can be observed: -failing conductivity data line (1OJLA file 7, 10JLB file 1, 1OJLB file 10, 1OJLC file 1). -broken wire in winch connector (11JLC file 9). -x 5 on-board gain was too great for the temperature range observed at the southern stations so that the temperature profiles are not on scale to the end of the drop (sequences 6, 18). In addition the data from units 2 and 3 tend to be noisier because of the voltage regulator oscillation associated with the dc/dc power. For unit 4 (microconductivity), right hand page plots have been replaced by blank pages when the conductivity signal was unreliable (sequences 6, 11) and all sequences after the microconductivity sensor was replaced (Table 11-2, section VII). 9JL82AN 0. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 30. 15. 35. 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) SEQUENCE 1 START TIME LOCATION. Profi)e spacing 00:13 28°20'N 800m PAGE 1 GMT 07/09/82 151 °40'W WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 100° Ship's heading 0° 09JLA FILE 05 11 RRCWN (R) 200 .5 a ' 10. T °C 32. S °/O0 20. 1S. 25. -TT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I L. 022 DENSITY 1 1 0. BV CPH 15. 1 30. TT 9JL92AN , 9JL92BN 0. 50. 100. 150. I 200. . i0. 5. 11 I /. A 15. 20. SEQUENCE 1 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:09 GMT 28°29-N 800m /i - I /1 25. /30. 1 11 lI 35 L i 151 °40-W I 40. 111 45. I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 07/09/82 1 WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 6. m/s 1000 00 09JLA FILE 15 13 ARCTAN (R) , ops I ti 40 I I 6. AN r ON e a 1 w 120 S 160 % 0 200" 10. T °C I 32. 25.-1T I S °/°0 1.022 DENSITY I 0. 20. 15. BV CPH 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 1 1 15. 30. n 9JL92BN 0. 5o. 100. i50. 111 200. 10. 5. SEQUENCE 1 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 30. 15. 07/09/82 28°30-N 151 °40-W 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 02:03 GMT 800m 35. WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 1000 Ships heading 0° 09JLB FILE 07 15 ARCTAN (R) ! ! f r 40 80 ! 120 ti 160 1 200 10. 32. f T °C 20. 15. S °ioo 34. 25 .-TT 36. r 1.022 DENSITY I 0. BV CPH 1.025 1.028 I I 15. 30. 1 1 Tt 9JL82BN , 9JL82CN 35. SEQUENCE 1 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:58 GMT 28°35'N 800m 151 °40'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 07/09/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 6. m/s 1000 00 09JLC FILE 01 17 ARCTAN (R) f 40 f f f . 120 160 200 10. T °C S °/00 1.022 DENSITY 0. 25.-IT I I 32. 20. 15. BV CPH 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. ri 9JL82CN 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 1 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:53 GMT 28°35-N Boom 5. 30. 35. 151 °40-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 07/09/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ships heading 6. m/s 1000 00 09JLC FILE 10 19 ARCTAN (R) r r1 s r r r s r 200 10. 32. T °C 15. S °/pp 1.022 DENSITY 25.-IT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I 1 0. 20. BV CPH 15. 30. 0. 9JLe2CN 0. T--T --- T--1 , 9JLe2DN TI I i n T II 1 50. 100 150. 200. 5. 10. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 1 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:49 GMT 28°40'N 800m 4- . 30. 35. 151 °40'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 6 07/09/82 45. 40. WIND 6. m/s SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 00 1000 09JLD FILE 02 21 ARCTAN (R) , 40 i 80 It s 120 160 200 L-W-m 10. T °C 20. 15. 1 32. S °/pp 1.022 DENSITY I 0. 25. -IT 1 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I BV CPH 15. 30. 0. TT 9JL82EN 50. 100. 150. I, 200. 10. 15. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:24 GMT 30°03-N 800m J 20. SEQUENCE 2 START i I t IJ 25. i/ I 30. 35. 151046-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 07/09/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 2. m/s 1000 00 09JLE FILE 05 23 ARCTAN (R) ! ' I 40 I IT 32. S °/pp 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 9JL82EN ,9JLe2FN ,1OJLB2AN 0 50. i00. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 2 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:19 GMT 30°07N 800m 25. 30. 35. 151 °46-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 07/09/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED 2. m/s DIRECTION 100° Ships heading 0° 10JLA FILE 01 25 ARCTAN (R) 40 a 120 160 200 40 10. T °C I 32. 20. 15. I S °io 34. 1 36. 1 1 1.022 DENSITY 1.025 1.028 1 1 0. 25.-IT BV CPH 15. 30. 0. n 10JL82AN 0. N c1 50. 100. 150. I 200. I 1 1 I I 1 I/ i0. 5. 1 I 1/ 1 I 15. I/ I TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:14 GMT 30°11-N 800m 11 I 20.. SEQUENCE 2 START' 1 1 It I 25. 1 1 /1 I 30. I 11 1 1 11 35. I I /1 I 1 151 °47-W 1 1 1 1 45. 40. 1 1 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 07/10/82 1 WIND SPEED 2. m/s DIRECTION 100° Ship's heading 00 1OJLA FILE 07 ARCTAN (R) 27 r 40 120 160 r 200 10. 32. T °C 15. S °io, 1.022 DENSITY 20. 25 . -TT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. L 0. BV CPH 0. TT iPJL82AN ,1PJL82BN SEQUENCE 2 START TIME 01:09 GMT LOCATION 30015-N Profile spacing 800m TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 07/10/82 151045-W WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ships heading 2. m/s 1000 00 10JLB FILE 01 ARCTAN (R) nn 29 qF' r r 25.-1T 32. S 0/pp 34. 36. I 1. 022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 0. 1OJL82BN l l l TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:10 GMT 30°19N 800m 30. 35. 07/10/82 151045'W 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 SEQUENCE 2 START 25. 20. 15. WIND SPEED 2. m/s DIRECTION 1000 Ships heading 0° IOJLB FILE 1 1 31 ARCTAN (R) nn T CZ czp-- 40 80 120 160 200 10. T °C 32. S °/pp 20. 1S. 34. 25 .-TT 36. I 1.022 DENSITY 1.025 1.028 is. 30. l 0. BV CPH TT 1OJLB2CN 0. I T--T---F--l T r--F---T -T T T r1 m II I I I I I T-7- r-1 i 1--F--T--T 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. i5. 20. SEQUENCE 2 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:05 GMT 30°23--N BOOM, 25. 30. 35. 151 °45-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 6 07/10/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED 2. m/s DIRECTION 1000 Ships heading 00 33 1OJLC FILE 01 ARCTAN (R) ., 40 ti ti 120 160 200 10. T °C 32. S °/00 I 1. 022 DENSITY 0. 20. 15. BV CPH 25.-TT 34. 36. I I 1.025 1.028 , , 15. 30. 11 1OJL82CN 10. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 3 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:07 GMT 30°27-N 800m 25. 30. 35. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 07/10/82 45. WIND SPEED 151 °45-W Ships heading 0. m/s 1OJLC FILE 07 35 ARCTAN ., (R) ti 40 80 120 160 200 10. 32. T °C S 0/00 1.022 DENSITY t 0. 20. 15. 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 1 BV CPH 25.-IT 15. I 30. 1OJL82DN 0 50. 100. 150. 1 1 1 I I I 111119111/1-j 200. 5. 10. 20. 15. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:35 GMT 31 °55-N 800m 25. 30. 35. Il I I I I 07/10/82 151043-W I I I I I 45. 40. 1 1 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 SEQUENCE 4 START I WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 280° Ships heading 0° 1OJLD FILE 06 37 ARCTAN (R) . . ' l it ! ! i 0. 1 32. S °/oo i I 34. 36. 1 1.022 DENSITY 1.025 J 1.028 I 1 0. I BV CPH 15. 30. IT 1OJL82DN 11JL82AN , 0 50. 100. 150. 1 1 1 1 200. 5. 11 II 1 10. 1 1 1 1 d 15. I 1 TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:30 GMT 31 °59-N 800m 1 1 1 20. SEQUENCE 4 START 1 Ill 1 25. LI I 30. I I I11 11 35. 1 I I I 151 °43-W 1 1 40. I 1 45. 1 1 1 I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 07/10/82 1 WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2800 Ships heading 0° IOJLD FILE 14 39 ARCTAN (R) 0 40 120 160 200 L 10. -SR T °C 20. 15. t I 32. 6l i S 0/00 34. 25 . -TT 1 36. I 1.022 DENSITY I 0. BV CPH 1.025 1.028 I I 15. 30. IT 11JL82AN 0. 50. 100. 150. I 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 4 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:24 GMT 32°03-N 800rn 25. 30. 35. I I 40. 151043'W i 1 I 1 45. - 1 I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 07/11/82 1 WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 280° Ship's heading 0° 11JLA FILE 08 41 ARCTAN (R) nn c is i 1 40 'i 120 160 200 10. a--' T °C 25.-fl I S /00 1.022 DENSITY 34. 1.025 36. 1.028 I I 0. 20. 15. A 32. r 6 BV CPH 15. 30. 0. TT 11JLe2AN , 11JLe2BN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 4 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:18 GMT 32°07'N 800m , 25. 30. 35. 40. 151 °44-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 07/11/82 45. WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ships heading 6. m/s 2800 00 11JLA FILE 15 43 ARCTAN (R) 0 4 40 xp r U 120 160 r 200 L-lb-j 10. T °C l 32. 20. 15. I S °/°p 25.-IT 1 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I 1.022 DENSITY I 0. i BV CPH 15. J 30. r n 11JL82BN 5. 10. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 4 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:14 GMT 32011'N 800m 25. 30. 35. 151044'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 07/11/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 280° Ships heading 00 1 1 JLB FILE 06 ARCTAN (R) 40 120 160 I i 200 10. 32. T °C 15. S °/00 20. 25.-IT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. I 1.022 DENSITY 1 0. BV CPH s 45 11JLe2CN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 35. SEQUENCE 5 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:48 GMT 32°17N 800m 40. 151 °45-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 07/11/82 45. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 2500 Ships heading 0° 11JLC FILE 05 47 ARCTAN (R) is I i i 40 i 80 120 160 i . . 200 10. T °C 32. S °/oo 1.022 DENSITY 0. 20. 15. BV CPH 25 .-TT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 1 I 15. 30. TT 11JL82CN 50. 100. 150. 200. 35. .SEQUENCE 5 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:43 GMT 32021-N 800m 151 °46-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 07/11/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 2500 Ships heading 0° 1 1 JLC FILE 12 49 ARCTAN (R) 40 . . 'I. 1 80 . I 120 . 160 ti 200 10. 32. T °C S °/pq I 34. 25 . -1T 36. a 1.022 DENSITY 0. 20. 15. BV CPH 1.025 15. 1.028 30. TT r- r- r- r-j- r r-r- r i 5G --_L___ I.--I_J -J_-J l(;R SEQUENCE 6 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:06 GMT 33°57'N 800m TEMPERATURE (°C) PAGE 1 07/12/82 151 °50-W WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2500 Ships heading 0° 51 I.-_I---J---. r--r-I -- fem. ri 11a,CJ, SEQUENCE 6 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:01 GMT 34°01-N 900m TEMPERATURE (°C) PAGE 2 07/12/82 151 °50-W WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ships heading 6. rn/s 2500 00 53 1- Of -1 .. 1 J. 50 f L._1-,_J J__1 SEQUENCE 6 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:00 GMT 34°05-N 900tH TEMPERATURE (°C) PAGE 3 07/12/82 151 °50-W WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 250° Ship's heading 0° 55 1< I I ._..J I_k "- `I t-` TEMPERATURE ( °C) SEQUENCE 6 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:54 GMT 34°091N 900M PAGE 4 07/12/82 151 °50-W WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2500 Ships heading 00 57 J. 0, - r r -r-I - r--T --I T T r r' i r t r- r I i; r 1 -.L- lr r 1 r-1T r 1 ;' r r-T-r " mar' r 1 f-r l L 1 -1- SEQUENCE 6 START --,-1 J-j JJ_l._.__1 lI1._-.___ 1_11.1 r TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:48 GMT 34°13-N 900m- TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 07/12/82 151050-W WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2500 Ships heading 00 59 12JL82EN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. i5. 20. SEQUENCE 7 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:54 GIFT 35°534N 900m 25. 30. 35. 151°52-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 07/12/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2800 Ships heading 0° 61 12JLE FILE 07 ARCTAN (R) 40 . ' 80 120 i 160 r I i i 200 5. T °C 10. 15. 20. -Ti 1 32. S °/pp 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. I 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH TT 13JL82AN 0. II 50. 100. 150. 200. . 1 1 . I . . t . I . . 1 I 1 . A '. . 1 5. 10. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 7 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:00 GMT 35°57N 900m 1 `5. I 30. d. . .I I 35. . J. I . 151 °50-W . 1 . I 45. 40. . 1 1 . 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 07/13/82 . WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 280° Ships heading 0° 13JLA FILE 05 63 ARCTAN (R) 40 80 120 I 160 200 5. 32. T °C S °ioo 34. 20 . -TT 36. I I 1.022 DENSITY L 0. 15. 10. 8V CPH 1.025 1.028 I I 15. 30. IT 13JL82AN , 13JL82BN 0 1 25. SEQUENCE 7 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:06 GUT 36°01-N 900m, 1 Y 1 I 30. 1 1 1 I I 35. 1 1 1 1\ 40. 151049-W I 1 I 45. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 07/13/82 1 WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 6. m/s 2800 00 13JLB FILE 02 65 ARCTAN (R) 40 % 80 120 I % 160 200 5. T °C 32. S °/00 10. 1.022 DENSITY 20. -1T 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 1 1 0. 15. BV CPH 15. 30. IT 13J-L82BN , 13JL82CN 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 07 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:12 GIFT 36°05-N 900m 25. 30. 35. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 07/13/82 151 °49-W 45. 40. WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2800 Ships heading 0° 13JLB FILE 12 67 ARCTAN (R) 0 ti 40 80 rd 120 160 r ral 200 S. 32. T °C 15. 10. S °/°0 34. 20. -1T 36. I 1.022 DENSITY 1.025 1.028 1S. 30. I 0. BV CPH j R 10JL82CN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200.1 1] . I 5. 1 1 i I J111111111 111111111 10. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 7 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:12 GMT 36009-N 900m. 25. 11 1 1 111 i 1 I I 151 °49-W I I I I 45. 40. 30. I 1 I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 07/13/82 1 WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 280° Ships heading 0° 13JLC FILE 07 69 ARCTAN (R) ., r 40 120 r r r r rr r 160 Wd 5. 32. T °C S 0/00 1.022 DENSITY 0. 15. 10. BV CPH 20.-IT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. r 0. i3JL82CN , 13JL82DN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 7 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:13 GMT 36013'N 900m 40. 25. TEMPERATURE PAGE 6 07/13/82 151 °49-W 45. WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2800 Ship's heading 00 50. °C) 13JLD FILE 02 71 ARCTAN (R) 40 120 160 200 5. T °C 32. S °/. 10. 1.022 DENSITY 20.-U 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 1 1 0. 15. 8V CPH 15. 30. TT 13JL82DN T--l 0. I I I I T---I , -J I I I 50. 100. 150. 200.1 I I I " I 10. 5. , I ii i 15. 20. SEQUENCE 7 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 05:19 GMT 36017'N 900m , I 25.. 30. 35. 40. PAGE 7 07/13/82 151 °48-W WIND I I I I I 50. 45. TEMPERATURE ( °C) SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 2800 Ships heading if 0° 13JLD FILE 10 73 ARCTAN (R) ., i I 40 120 ti 160 % NON 5. T °C 32. S °ioo 10. 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 15. 20.-1T 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. n 13JLB2EN 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. SEQUENCE 08 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing P5. 15. 22:35 GMT 37°43-N 900m 30. 35. 151049'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 07/13/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ships heading 9. m/s 3400 0° 13JLE FILE 06 75 (R) ARCTAN ., .3 r. 40 I 1 ti : i 120 I I 160 ., ., 5. 32. T "C S 0, 1.022 DENSITY 20 . n I i 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I L 0. 15. 10. BV CPH 15. 30. R 13JLe2EN , 14JL82AN T --T 50. 100. 150. I 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 08 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:42 GMT 37048N 900M 25. 30. 35. 151 °49-W I I 40. I I 45. I I I I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 07/13/82 I WIND SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 3400 Ships heading 0° » 14JLA FILE 02 ARCTAN (R) 40 _. 120 . 160 5. T °C 10. 1 32. 20.-fl 1 S °/pp 1.022 DENSITY 0. 15. BV CPH 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 14JL82RN , 14JL82BN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 5. 10. 15. 220. SEQUENCE 08 START TIME o0o.48 GMT 37°52,'N LOCATION, Profile spacing 9O0rn 25. 40. 30. 151 °49'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 07/14/82 45. WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ships heading 9. rn/s 3400 00 14JLB FILE 01 79 (R) ARCTAN e e . . r 40 . rr N . r . 120 , 160 e r a- 200 5. T °C 10. 32. S 0/pp 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 15. 20 . -rr 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 0. Tt i4JL82BN , 14JL82CN 40. SEQUENCE 08 START TIME LOCATION Profile spocing oZ. oo GMT 37°561N 900m PAGE 4 07/14/82 151 °49'W 45. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) WIND SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 3400 Ships heading 0° 14JLB FILE 10 81 ARCTAN (R) ! i ! f ! % % 0 20 .-Ti 1 32. S °i,oo 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH i 1 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15, 30. 0. Ti 14JL82CN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. 5. 10. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 08 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:06 GUT 38°oO-N 900rn 25. 30. 35. 40. 151 °49,,W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 07/14/82 45. WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 9. m/s 3400 00 14JLC FILE 06 83 ARCTAN nn -r -+ (R) cc, 40 N 120 ' 160 200 5. T °C 10. S °ioo 34. I 1.022 DENSITY 0. J I I 32. 20. n 15. BV CPH 36. - 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 0. 11 14JLe2CN 14JL82DN , 0 50. 100. 150. I 1 11 10. 1 I 11 1 1 15. h TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04.:43 GMT 38°o4.N 900m I 20. SEQUENCE 08 START 1I I 1 11 1 1 25. 11 I I i 30. 1 1 1 I 35. 1 II 1 1 I 151°49-W I I I I 45. 40. I I 1 I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE :6 07/11/82 1 WIND SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 3400 Ships heading 00 14JLD FILE 02 85 ARCTAN (R) ' ' % I 20.-IT I 32. S °ioo 34. 1 1. 022 DENSITY 1.025 36. _J 1.028 1 0. BV CPH 15. 30. n 14JL82DN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. SEQUENCE 08 START TIME LOCATION. Profile spacing 05:119 GMT 38°06"'N 900m 20. 25. 30. 35. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 7 07/14/82 45. 40. WIND 151 °49-W Ship, SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 3400 heading 00 14JLD FILE 10 87 ARCTAN (R) 4 40 80 a,r 120 160 ti . 16 200 5. T °C 32. S o, 10. 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 15. 20.-T1 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. IT 14JL82EN 0. 50. i00. 150. 1 200. 10. 15. SEQUENCE 9 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:46 39°36'N 800m 20. 25. 11 a0. r. .1. 1 35. .1. . 07/14/82 1,510521W I I I I 45. 40. I I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °°C) PAGE 1 GMT l 111 WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 340° Ships heading 00 14JLE FILE 06 89 ARCTAN (R) I 40 s m 80 120 rt I 160 200 5. T °C 10. I I 32. S 0/00 1.022 DENSITY 0. 15. BV CPH 34. 20.-IT I 36. 1.025 1.028 15, 30. 0. 14JL82EN 15JL82AN , 0 50. 100. 150. 200. J 5. I { 10. II ,r 15. SEQUENCE 9 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:00 40°01 -N 800m I I 25. 20. 30. 35. I I I 1 I I I 07/15/82 151 °52'W 1 1 40., 1 I 45. 1 I 1 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 GMT 1 WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 340° Ship's heading 0° 15JLA FILE 05 ARCTAN 91 (R) ' i ' ' ' i 20. -TT 32. S °i o 1 .022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 34. 36, 1.025 1 .028 15. 30. 0. TT 15JL82AN , 15JL82BN 0. 50. 100. 150. 1 200. 30. 5. SEQUENCE 9 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:07 40°06'N 800m' I 35. It l I 1 1 I 07/15/82 151 °52-W 1 I 1 I 1 45. 40. TEMPERATURE PAGE 3 GMT 1 WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 5. m/s 3400 00 50. 15JLB FILE 02 93 ARCTAN (R) 0 m m ®® 40 C 80 m ® >p to k® ti ii 120 m S" 160 i i m i 200 5. T °C 32. S °/°0 10, 20:TT 34. 36, . 1 .022 DENSITY 0. r BV CPH 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 0. r i 15JL82BN , 15JL82CN I 10. 5. 15. SEQUENCE 9 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:06 40°10'N 800m I I 20. I I I I I I I 25. II I 30. I ( I I I I 35. l I 1 II I 07/15/82 151 °52-W I I I I I 45. 40. 1 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 GMT I WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 3400 Ships heading 0° 15JLB FILE 11 (R) ARCTAN f i I rr . 200 1 % 5. T °C I I 32. I S °/°0 34. I I 1 .022 DENSITY I 0. 15. 10. BV CPH 1.025 20.-IT I 36. -1 1.02e I I 15. 30. 0. 95 15JL82CN 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 15. SEQUENCE 9 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:12 40014'N 800rn 20. 25. 30. 35. 07/15/82 151 °52'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 GMT 45. 40. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 3400 Ship's heading 0° 15JLC FILE 07 ARCTAN I' 97 (R) i i i I i 20.-11 32. S 0/pp 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 34, 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 0 IT 15JL92CN , 15JL82DN 0 45. 40. SEQUENCE 9 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:19 40°18-N 800m TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 6 GMT 07/15/82 151°53-W 50. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 340° Ships heoding 00 15JLD FILE 04 99 ARCTAN (R) ' i ti i i' 20 . -TT L 32. 1 S 0/ 34, 38. 1.025 1.028 I 1 .022 DENSITY I 0. BV CPH I I 15. 30. 0 TT 15JL82DN 0 T I T--T--T-1 I T-T-f--T -F--T--T I I T--T---T--T 50. 100. 150. 200. '- I I I u I 5. III 1 Il I 15. SEQUENCE 9 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 05:25 40°22N 800m I 20. 1 1 , I T I I 25. I I I 30. 1 1 1 I I T 35. I I I I 07/15/82 151 °53'W T 1 40. 1 I 1 45. I 1 I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 7 GMT I WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 340° Ships heading 0° 15JLD FILE 13 101 ARCTAN (R) % ® i d in i i IF 16 Ps 20.-TT I 32. 1 S 0/00 1 .022 DENSITY I 0. 34. 36. 1.025 1.828 I BV CPH 15. I 30. 0. TT 15JL82EM 50. 100. 150. 200 PAGE 1 SEQUENCE 10 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:42 41030-M 800m TEMPERATURE ( °C) GMT 07/15/82 151 °59'W WIND SPEED 3. m/s DIRECTION 0400 Ship's heading 00 103 15JLE FILE 08 ARCTAN (R) 0 40 I 80 0 120 N 0 150 1:1 IF i 200 5. T °C 32. S °/. 1.022 DENSITY 34. 1.025 ti 1 0. 15. 10. BV CPH 15. 20.-U 3E. 1.028 I 30, 0. TT 15JL82EM , 1GJL82AM 0. 50. 100. 150. 10. 5. 15. SEQUENCE 10 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:54 41 °34'N 800m 25. 20. 30. 35. 07/15/82 152°00'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 GMT 45. 40. WIND SPEED 3. m/s DIRECTION 0400 Ship's heading 00 105 16JLA FILE 06 (R) ARCTAN nn 0 c;F 40 0 s 80 0I of 0 q6 120 160 L- 200 5. T °C 32. S °/00 I 10. 15. 34. 20.-IT 36. I 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 1.025 1.028 15. 30. TT 1GJL82AM 1GJL82BN , 0. So. 100. 150. 200. I I 1 lI_ I 1 1 1 10. 5. I I 1 1 I 15. I I TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:06 41041,'N 800m I I I 1 1 25. 20. 1 1 I 30. I 1 35. 40. GMT 07/16/82 152°00'W 45. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 SEQUENCE 10 START I WIND SPEED 3. rn/s DIRECTION 040° Ship's heading 0° 107 16JLB FILE 04 ARCTAN (R) 40 80 120 -. - 160 200 20, -TT 5. I 32. S 0/pp I I 34. 36. I I 1 .022 DENSITY 1,025 1,02e 15. 30. I 0. BV CPH TT 1EJL82BN 1BJL82CN . 0 5 0. f- 100.- 150. F- 200. I I 5. I I I I I 1 10. I I I I 1 15. I TIME LOCATION. Profile spacing 02:30 41 °47'N 800m I tA 1 1 25. 20. i 1 I 30. 1 1 1 1 I 35. 1 1 1 1 GMT 07/16/82 152°00'W I 1 t 1 1 I 45. 40. 1 I I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 SEQUENCE 10 START 1/ I WIND SPEED 3. m/s DIRECTION 0400 Ship's heading 00 16JLB FILE 17 ARCTAN 109 (R) i ii f i - i 0 15, 32, S 0/00 1.822 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. TT 16JL82CN 0 5o. 100. 150. I 2 00 I I I . 5. 10. 15. II TIME LOCATION I)ofile spacing 03:42 41052-N 800m i I i 1 25. 20. SEQUENCE 10 START 1 i i I 30. 1 I I I 40. 45. I 35. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 GMT 07/16/82 152°00'W 50. WIND SPEED 3. m/s DIRECTION 040° Ship's heading 0° 16JLC FILE 07 111 ARCTAN (R) 40 ~ 90 ' i 120 '. 160 i 200 5. T °C 1 I 10. 15. i 32. S /00 1.022 DENSITY i 0. BV CPH 20.-TT 1 , 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I I 15. 30. 0. IT i6JL82CN , 16JL82DN 0 50. 100. 150. 1 I 1 I' 1 15. 1 I TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:54 41 °57'N 800m I 1 I 1 I 25. 20. I 1 I 30. 1 1 1 1 I 35. 1 1 i ! GMT 07/16/82 152°00'W I 1 I I I 45. 40. 1 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 6 SEQUENCE 10 START 1 WIND SPEED 3. m/s DIRECTION 040° Ship's heading 00 18JLD FILE 03 ARCTAN 113 (R) i s 5. 32. T °C 10. S °!°0 i 34. 36. 1 1 .022 DENSITY I 0. 20.-TT BV CPH 1.025 1.02e I I 15. 30. 0. TT i Q:1 L_'_E=i`1 I- 100. f-- i 50. I- 200 0 j, START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:36 42°45'N Boom, TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 SEQUENCE 11 GMT 07/16/82 WIND SPEED 0. m/s 152°01-W Ship's heading 0° 115 i EAL_9 E_f 1 17 Tl._A2 AM 50 100. 150. lk'JkJ. L 1 I _I I 1_-L _L __L_I I _1_ I___L I I 5 r7 TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:48 42°49'N 800m GMT 07/16/82 (71 .. TEMPERATURE ( 0C) PAGE 2 SEQUENCE 11 START 40 WIND SPEED 0. m/s 152°01'W Ship's heading 00 117 i 7TL_R11`fM 1 7.J_1__92 E I'1 511 I i oo ti 1 1. LJ 1_ L_ I 10 k jr) QI 45 TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 SEQUENCE 11 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:00 42°44'N 800m GMT 07/17/82 WIND SPEED 0. m/s 152°02'W Ship's heading 1900 119 i 7JLAH 1-2B N1 1.7.1 L_9 M 50. girl SEQUENCE 11 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:12 42°39-N 800m , ` 07/17/82 ..J'_I TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 GMT - k. I ,. WIND SPEED 0. m/s 152°02-W Ship's heading 190° ,. 121 i.7JL82C:M i 50. ti } 22 00 PAGE 5 SEQUENCE 11 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:24 42°34'N 800m TEMPERATURE (°C) GMT 07/17/82 WIND SPEED 0. m/s 152°02-W Ship's heading 1900 123 17JL82DN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. 25. 10. SEQUENCE 12 START TIME LOCATION. Profile spacing 04:42 42°30'N 800m 30. 35. 40. 07/17/82 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 GMT 45. WIND SPEED 0. m/s 152°04'W Ship's heading 1900 17JLD FILE 06 ARCTAN 0 125 (R) ' i 40 80 120 160 200 5. T °C 10. I 32, S /00 1 .022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 15. 20. -TT I 1 34. 36. 1.025 1 .028 15. 30. TT 18JL82GN , 19JL82AN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. ,y 5. 10. 15. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:00 39°35'N 900m, 25. 20. SEQUENCE 13 START I I 30. II . I 35. II . I .r 07/18/82 152°34-W I I I. i 45. 40. I I£ I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 GMT I WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 030° 18JLG FILE 06 127 ARCTAN (R) 0 ' 40 80 s - ' s 120 ` ' 160 200 5. 32. T °C S 10. /00 34. I I 1.022 DENSITY 0. 15. BV CPH 20:TT 36. 1 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 0. TT 19JL92AN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. 5. 10. 15. SEQUENCE 13 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:06 39°36'N 900m 20. 25. 30. 35. 152°31'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 GMT 07/19/82 45. 40. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 030.° 19JLA FILE 06 ARCTAN 129 (R) I 15. I 32. S °/pp 1.022 DENSITY I 0. I I 34. 36. I I BV CPH 20. -TT 1.025 I 1.028 I I 15, 30. 0. TT 19JL82AN , 19JL82BN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:12 39°37-N 900m 30. 35. 40. GMT 07/19/82 152°33'W 45. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 SEQUENCE 13 START 25. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 030° 19JLB FILE 02 131 ARCTAN (R) 0 s ' , ti , 0. 32. S 0/00 1.022 DENSITY i BV CPH 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I I 15. 30. rr 19JL82BN 0. 50. 100. 150. 1 200. 1 1 1 5. ( J 1 1 1 10. 1 1 15. 20. SEQUENCE 13 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:18 39°35-N 900m, 25. 30. 35. 40. 07/19/82 152°35-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 GMT 45. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 0300 133 19JLB FILE 11 ARCTAN (R) 0 40 . I. a0 120 . ' ' .' a 160 . 200 5. T °C 32. S 0/ 1.022 DENSITY 0. 15. 10. BV CPH 20.-IT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 19JL92CM cl 0 TTT T 1 50. 100. 150. 1 1 1 1 5. 1 11 1 1h 10. I III I I 15. 111 I 20. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:15 39°36'N 900m 1 1' 1 25. 1 1 11 30. 1 1'1 I 35. 1i1 1 I I GMT 07/19/82 152°34-W 1 1 I I I 45. 40. 1 I 1 I 50. TEMPERATURE (°C) PAGE 1 SEQUENCE 14 START 111 WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 030° Ship's heading 1900 135 19JL92DN T--f 0. i -r-T --T rT I I -II T--T---j T TTT 1 I i i 50. 100. 150. 200. ,ii 5. 10. 11/11/11 15. SEQUENCE 15 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:12 38°08'N 900m 11111h 25. 20. I [ I I I ill 30. I I I I 35. I I I I I 152°02-W I I I I 45. 40. I I I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 GMT 07/19/82 I WIND SPEED 7. m/s DIRECTION 070° Ship's heading 1900 19JLD FILE 08 137 ARCTAN 0 (R) ' 40 I m m 80 r-M m ap 120 an- m 0 S 'r i 160 ' r® 200 1 WO 5. T °C 10. I 32. S 0/00 15. t 1 34. 36. 1 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 20. -IT i 1.025 1.028 15. 30. TT 20JL82AN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 35. SEQUENCE 15 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:00 38°03'N 900m 07/20/82 153°05'W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 GMT 45. 40. WIND SPEED 7. m/s DIRECTION 070° Ship's heading 190.° 139 20JLA FILE 05 ARCTAN (R) . , . , ti ,. 20 . -TT 32, S 0/pp I 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 34. 36. I 1 1.025 15. 1.028 30. 0. r 20JL82AN , 20JL92BN 0. 50. 100. 150. I 200. 9 1 201 1 SEQUENCE START 01:00 LOCATION 37°58'N Profile spacing '900m, 30. 35. 40. GMT 07/20/82 153°06'W 45. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 15 TIME 25. _ WIND SPEED 7. m/s DIRECTION 070° Ship's heading 190° 141 20JLA FILE 15 ARCTAN on 0 (R) SF 40 90 k 120 160 p 200 I I 32. 15. 10. 5. S 0/00 20.-TT I 34. 36. 1.025 1.029 15. 30. I 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH IT 2DJLe2BN 35. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:00 37°53'N 900m GMT 07/20/82 153°07-W 45. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 SEQUENCE 15 START 40. WIND SPEED 7. m/s DIRECTION 070° Ship's heading 1900 143 20JLB FILE 11 ARCTAN nn (R) SF 40 80 120 160 e s 200 5. 32, T °C S °/00 1.022 DENS TTY 0. 15, 10. BV CPH 20. -TT 34. 36 . 1.025 1.02e 15. 30. 17 20JL82CN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. TIME 03:00 LOCATION 37°48'N Profile spacing 900m 30. 35. GMT 07/20/82 153°07'W 45. 40. 50. -TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 SEQUENCE 15 START 25. WIND SPEED 7. m/s DIRECTION 070° Ship's heading 190° 2OJLC FILE 06 145 ARCTAN z 0 41 1 e® 40 80 120 160 mw 6I vN 200 5. 32. T °c S °/pp I 34. 1 1.022 DENSITY 0. is. 10. BV CPH 20.-IT 36. 1 1.025 1.028 is. 30. (R) 20JLB2CN 200. 5. 10. 20. 15. SEQUENCE 15 START TIME 04:00 LOCATION. 37°43-N Profile spacing 900m 25. 30. 35. 07/20/82 153008-W 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 6 GMT 45. 40. WIND SPEED 7. m/s DIRECTION 070° . Ship's heading 1900 20JLC FILE 13 147 (R) ARCTAN '' S 0 El; m m m 40 80 ' ®1 I - 120 m MM m . 1w 160 200 5, T °C I 32. 1 S 0/ 34. - I 1.022 DENSITY 0. 20 . -TT 10 BV CPH 1 J 36, I 1.025 1, 028 15, 30. TT 2OJL82DN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. 1 I 1 5. t 1 1 1 1 II 10. 1 1 15. 20. TIME LOCATION. Profile spacing 22:30 36°09-N 900m 30. 35. GMT 07/20/82 153°35-W 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 SEQUENCE 16 START 25. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 055° Ships heading 2000 2Z,; -D FILE 06 ARCTAN (R) Sp 22 r m u m IN I 25 AT 34. 32. Z22D SI i I 36. :.025 x.828 i.5 30. 149 20JL92DN , 21JL82AN a 0 Il A 11 5 T 50. 100. 150. 200. ''1 5. 20. 10. SEQUENCE 16 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 23:30 36°06'N 900m PAGE GMT 30. 25. 07/20/82 153038-W 35. 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) 2, WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 055° Ship's heading 2000 151 20 LD FILE 15 ARCTAN SF DD 0 (R) IN Iml 40 w 90 120 » IN [1 160 IN N 200 r W M 10. 32, 20. 15. °i0, I 1.022 DENSITY Z. r I T °C BV L.RH Iz 25.-Tf I j 34. 36. I I 1.025 4.028 15. 30. IT 21JL82AN 50. 100. 150. 200. 10. 5. 15. 20. TIME 00:30 LOCATION 36°03'N Profile spacing 900m 30. 35. GMT 07/21/82 153039-W 45. 40. TEMPERATURE ( PAGE 3 SEQUENCE 16 START 25. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 0554 Ship's heading 2000 50. °C) 21 JLA FILE 10 153 ARCTAN (R) Dn 0 40 to 80 a 120 0 0 IEO 0 a m 200 10 . I 32, T "C is. 20. 25.-IT 1 S 0/ l 1.022 DENSITY 0. I BV C* H 34. 38. I j 1.025 1.028 15. 30. H 21JL82BN 45. 40. PAGE 4 SEQUENCE 16 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:30 35°59N 900m TEMPERATURE GMT 07/21/82 153°40-W WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 0550 Ship's heading 200° 50. °C) 155 21JLB FILE 05 ARCTAN (R) SE ,on N 40 80 0 to 120 N IN Am N N N 160 of 200 10. T °C 1 t 32. 9 °/00 34. 1 I 1.022 DENSITY L Z. 20, 15, 41.025 I BV CRu 115. 25:R J 36. 1 I . 029 1 30. 0. 21JL82BN , 21JL82CN 0. 50. i00. 150. 200. 5. 10. 15. LA 20. SEQUENCE 16 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:30 35°54'N 900m. I 25. 30. 11 I 1 I J I 1 35. 1 11 1 I 07/21/82 153°41 'W 1. t I I 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 GMT I 1 WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 055° Ship's heading 200° 21JLB FILE 15 ARCTAN M 157 (R) SE N w Is 25 .-TT 32, S 0/00 34, 36. 1 I 1 .022 DENS I i Y ` . 025 i . 028 L 0. BV C'D'; ; 15, 30, TT 21JL82CN 0. 50. 100. 150. III 200. 5. 10. 15. 20. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:30 35°49-N 900m 25. 30. Il I I if I 35. I I I GMT 07/21/82 153041-W 1 1 I I I 1 I 45. 40. TEMPERATURE ( PAGE 6 SEQUENCE 16 START I WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ship's heading 5. m/s 055° 200° 50. °C) 159 21JLC rTL.E 10 ARCTAN (R) SE !fin Im w m w w m w w IV IN w 25 . --TT t 32. S °ic 1 .022 DENS r TY Z, BV CFH 34, 1, 025 15, 36. .028 30. 0 0. TT 21JL82DN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200.. 10. 15. 20. TIME 'LOCATION Profile spacing 04:30 35°44'N 900m 30. 35. GMT 07/21/82 153°42'W 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 7 SEQUENCE 16 START 25. WIND SPEED 5. m/s DIRECTION 055° Ship's heading 2000 21JLD FILE 08 ARCTAN 0 161 (R) I m 40 II 80 , 120 1. 180 '_ ti 200 5. -32. T °C 10. S °/90 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 15. 20. -TT 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 15. 30. TT 22JL82AN II 0. 1 T--r--T--f i T--1 50. 100. 150. I 200. I I I 1 ll I I 10. 5. 11 1 1 J 1 15. 1 1 TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:42 34°00'N 900m 1 1 1 I 1 1 25. 20. SEQUENCE 17 START 1 1 11 1 1 30. If I I 11 35. 1 1 I I I 07/22/82 154°12'W I I I I 45. 40. I I I I 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 GMT I WIND SPEED 8. m/s DIRECTION 050° Ship's heading 1900 22JLA FILE OG 163 ARCTAN (R) SF nF) w N N N w N N M 25 . -IT I I 32. S O/ 34, 3F. 3 .022 DENSITY L- i . @25 i . 128 i BV CPH 1,5, 30. IT 22JLe2AN , 22JL82BN -T-T-,--1 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. u 5. I 10. 15. 20. SEQUENCE 17 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:36 33°55-N 900m. I I. 25. If I 30. I If III 35. i I I I 07/22/82 154°13-W I I I 40. I 45. i 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 2 GMT I WIND SPEED B. m/s DIRECTION 050° Ship's heading 1900 22JLA F TLE 14 ARCTAN (R) 0 IV 0 40 60 miff 120 160 200 10, 32. . 1. 1 i °C 15 5 0/0° 022 DENST Y 0, BV CFH 20. 25.-TT 34. 36. :,025 1.028 15. 30. 0. 165 22JLB2BN , 22JLe2CN 0. 50. 100. 150. 200. 1 1 I 1 10. 5. 15. TIME 03:30 LOCATION 33°50-N Profile spacing 900m 30. 35. GMT 07/22/82 154013W 45. 40. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 SEQUENCE 17 START 25. 20. WIND SPEED 8. m/s DIRECTION 050° Ship's heading 1900 22JLB FILE 10 ARCTAN DO 0 167 (R) SF 40 80 120 i60 200 10. °C 15. I 32. 6 u!oo I i.022DEN6 TY i 0. BV C?H 20, 25 . -TT I I 34. 36. I I .025 4.028 I 1 15, 30. TT 22JL82CN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. START TIME LOCATION Profile spocing 04:24 33045-N 900m TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 SEQUENCE 17 GMT 07/22/82 154° 14'W WIND SPEED 8. m/s DIRECTION 0500 Ship's heading 1900 22JLC FILE OG 169 ARCTAN (R) qF 9 IN IN w w 0 w Im w w N w OF 0 IN IV 25 .-TT I 32. 1 . S '/,, 022 DENSITY 0, BV CRH 34, 1 , 025 t S. 36. 1.028 30. TT 22JL82CN 0. i TI 1 T --- T--T--7 I I T 1 50. 100. 150. 200. I I 1 5. I 1 11 1 1 10. it 1 1 I 15. I I TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 05:18 33°40-N 900m 1 d 1 20. I 1 1 I 1-i 25. 30. LJ I 35. I I GMT 07/22/82 154°14-W I 40. I I 1 I 45. i 1 1 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 5 SEQUENCE 17 START , WIND SPEED 8. m/s DIRECTION 0500 Ship's heading 1900 22JLC FILE 12 171 ARCTAN (R) rn _F r 0 x w w 0 w w N 40 tm 80 El 120 w 160 200 10. T °C 20. LS. 1 32. S 34. 259-TI 1 36. f 022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 1.025 i . 028 15, 30 . 0. IT 1, 1-1-1 _ 17 r I .- I I TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:30 32°18'N 900m GMT 07/22/82 154°44-W 1-.-1---.I -. I._ .1 ..1 TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 SEQUENCE 18 START -..1 __..I .- ._1--.1_ WIND SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 0600 Ship's heading 1900 22JLD FILE 05 173 ARCTAN (R) qp, Jn 1 0 O 40 i 20 K N 120 1B I 160 200 I I- 10. T °C 32. S 20. 15. 0/00 34. i 36. I 1.022 DENSITY 0. 25.-17 BV CPH 1.025 1.028 15. 30. TT 2,11 I__82 Ar r t' i,90 1 .5 0 . )__i._._1-__1__-_L_i_>_l-i__._I__t___)___l___1_.J. IJ 40.. _Jo SEQUENCE 18 START TIME 23:24 LOCATION 32°13'N Profile spacing 900m TEMPERATURE (°C) PAGE 2 GMT 07/22/82 154°44-W 4i)*, WIND SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 0600 Ships heading 1900 175 22JLD FILE 15 ARCTAN (R) m 0 as a 0 ti 40 0 80 I 0 120 m 160 a 200 10. 32. 1 T °C S 15. /00 1.022 DENSITY I 0. BV CPH 20. 25,-Ti 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 i I 15. 30. 0. Tr .-J__j TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 00:18 32°08-N 900m GMT 07/23/82 154°46-W 1.__1 ._....I -TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 3 SEQUENCE 18 START j J-1 --- A.- JJ.- A WIND SPEED 9. M/s DIRECTION 0600 Ship's heading 190.0 177 23JLA FILE 08 ARCTAN SE nn 2 (R) M rl m 2 ., OF i ti I 32. S 0/pp I I 34. 36. 1 I 1.022 DENSITY 1.025 I 0. BV CPH 15. J 1.028 I 30. =''. ;_i I_-$_ -r , r I--9;'i_= f, i ETif`I r r r r-- r--r- - r--T-- r--T- r r T- J---1- r- r- r i I C r i 51 1I--j A- -1 --1 --- d--_ .fir SEQUENCE 18 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 01:12 32003'N 900m TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 4 GMT 07/23/82 154°47'W WIND SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 0600 Ship's heading 1900 23JLB FILE 02 179 ARCTAN (R) SF F)fl IN El N 0 i 200 10. T °C I 32. S °/00 25. -TT I I 34. 36. I I 1.022 DENSITY 0. 20. 15. BV CPH 1,025 1.028 15. 30, 0. TT TF r 4 lei,. i.], TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 02:06 31058-N 900m f fJ ./t r TEMPERATURE PAGE 5 SEQUENCE 18 START --t-- r-L _ r-- T ---r T 1 1 ?, T -r1'T GMT 07/23/82 154049'W WIND SPEED DIRECTION Ships heading 9. m/s 060° 190° °C) 23JLB FILE 11 nn 0 181 (R) ARC T AN p. 0 if N m N N 40 N N 80 0 c 120 I 160 z 1 91 im 200 1 10. T °C I 32, S °/00 L 1.022 DENSITY i 0. 20. 15. BV CPH 25 .-TT I I 34. 36. 1.025 1.028 I 1 15. 30. i ol TT r - I r r, I r r r r -1- J. '2111. I5Z,. 117 -. --1--L_-J. _J..--L_-1 __- ------ _ _-i--_ .-1._-1-j-IL--1_1--11____L TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:06 31 °53-N 900M TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 6 SEQUENCE 18 START ---Al_l --j---IL--1--j,--- , GMT 07/23/82 154050-W WIND SPEED 9. rn/s DIRECTION 060° Shipos heading 1900 23JLC FILE 05 183 ARCTAN (R) M0 2 9 I In I 0 40 1 m r 80 m 120 6 11; 160 I 1 m 200 10. T °C 20. 1s. I 32. 1 S °/00 34, 1 1 1 .022 DENSITY i 0. 0 BV CPH 1 , 025 25.-TT 1 36. 1 1.02e t I 15. 30. 0. 5 TT ..f I_... r--- r-- r--r- T -1-- J .1 _J _J -J_J._ __T 1, i1 SEQUENCE 18 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 03:54 31 °49-N 900m TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 7 GMT 07/23/82 154°51'W C_1L1.. WIND SPEED 9. m/s DIRECTION 060° Ships heading 190° 23JLC FILE 13 ARCTAN 185 (R) 40 OF 91 80 120 160 200 10. T °C 15. I 32. S /00 , 1.022 DENSITY 0. BV CPH 20. 25--17 I I 34. 36. I I 1.025 1.028 15. 30. 0. U. JiLHIeld"I F SEQUENCE 18 START TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 04:48 31 °45'N 900m TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 8 GMT 07/23/82 154°52'W WIND SPEED 9. M/s DIRECTION 0600 Ships heading 1900 23JLD FILE 07 187 ARC T AN (R) SE Dn x 0 a a a 0 5 5 Y 11 N i 0 25.-17 32. S /00 1 34. 36. 1 1 1.022 DENSITY I 0. 1 1.025 1 BV CPH 15. 1 1.028 I 30. TT 23JL82EN 0 50. 100. 150. 200. I 25. TIME LOCATION Profile spacing 22:24 30°21 1N 900rn 35. i 1 1 I GUT 07/23/82 155°14'W I 40. 1 I 45. 50. TEMPERATURE ( °C) PAGE 1 SEQUENCE 19 START 30. 1 WIND SPEED 6. m/s DIRECTION 070° Ship's heading 200° 189 23JLE FILE O8 ARCTAN (R) 1n SE I 32. I . S 0,, 34. 36. 022 DENSITY 1.025 1.028 f ( 0. DV CPH i5. 30. 190 191 192 b) Plots of isotherms vs. depth Two additional plots are presented for each sequence of profiles. Each plot is a representation of isotherms for the whole sequence. The spacing between isotherms is 0.25 or 0.50 degree Celsius, as indicated in the bottom right hand corner of the plot. The first plot is two dimensional, depth (in meters, 50 versus profile number (10 profiles per meters per inch inch). ) The second plot is a different representation of the same information, and the scales along the axis are the same. The "profile number" axis is directed 45 degrees below the horizontal, and thus the profiles underlying the isotherms are staggered and can be shown. The vertical axis is depth (in meters), the horizontal axis is temperature (in degrees Celsius, 5 degree Celsius per inch). This plot is not in true perspective since distances are preserved along each axis. This presentation has the advantage that distances measured from the plot are proportional to the quantities represented. 193 JoSL'0:umI 1. -U. I U vm 3 s '09 'ZL # 3IIAOId 0-£ 1 '$Z "0I -DNAnOAs Z)-Cz -a %Wvds w ont 0 m H 'EST 'Es ',0 L 9 * 7171 -Oad z DN nd-s 197 0,SZ'0 ^.plr, i W. wl aL m _3 H 9 AL ,Bq T '2S '.QL °ii9 'ES '2Z ,9T 4 7"11JCS d sr U ENCE R Ia. 20 40 3.9. 50. 60, PROFILE #" 70 ., r-F---r 21.5 1 0 0X , I I I i I I I I I I i . I-A -I I I a ISJ';:-i i 5PncING W.25°C L i v 202 I L T Lrl 1 T ;,- (W) HJ.d-I G 203 temperature L Q) CID I 204 (N) HIdBQ 205 N CD U7 206 1-4 (W) HldG 207 temperature Im 208 Q Q (W) h1_d -- G 209 U U z I Ui tri CJ Ito 210 I I 1 I :-y (W) HJd3 211 ZTe tQ (M) DEPTH 213 214 b u1 (W) Hid3a 215 216 a (W) Hld3G 217 kempercrture a rv^ CI'S IL 218 I~1 r 1 r- T-1 1 1- l; 1 (W) 1 Hid z 220 ts co I I i-e 221 222 223 224 225 226 IV. The RAPID SAMPLING VERTICAL PROFILER a) Electronics The RSVP circuitry is mounted on a "motherboard" (Figures IV-a-1 - IV-a-3) which makes it possible to remove or replace individual modules easily. These modules may be potted in epoxy resin to protect the electronics. Unpotted modules were used successfully to depths of 240 m on the FRONTS 82 cruise. In the form used, the motherboard provides space for two dual thermistor modules or one dual thermistor module and a signal isolation module, a conductivity module, voltage regulator, pressure module and either batteries or a DC/DC converter. All of the units on FRONTS 82 were configured with one thermistor module, conductivity, pressure and a module to provide isolation for the conductivity signal (Figure IV-a-4). Besides providing a backbone for the electronics of the RSVP, the motherboard provides for the direction of power (Figure IV-a-5) and signal (Figure IV-a-6) through the unit. Connectors at the top of the board provide an interface between the probe electronics and the data link (Figure IV-a-7, Table IV-a-1). Additional signals such as battery and regulator voltage are brought out through these connectors. These are used for onboard instrument used with the data link. check out and are not POWER: Two methods of providing power to the units were used on FRONTS 82. The first (that used in the past) is four 9 v alkaline "transistor" batteries mounted within the instrument case just in front of the motherboard (Figure IV-a-8). These batteries work well under pressures as great as 2000 PSI. They will last for at least 10 hours of continuous use at the temperatures of the subarctic oceans. Since power to the unit is turned off whenever the data link is unplugged, longer. the time between battery changes is much The development of data link/retrieval line with 16 or more conductors has made it possible to power the units with DC power from the surface. With this improvement it has become possible to use an instrument throughout a cruise without opening it. In this mode a high isolation DC to DC converter (Figure IV-a-9) replaces the batteries. This unit provides two isolated DC power sources (Figures IV-a-10, IV-a-11), one used to power the conductivity, the other the temperature, pressure and signal isolation module. 227 In either mode the conductivity module is powered separately to prevent interference between it and the other modules. The temperature circuitry is supplied by a voltage regulator module (Figures IV-a-12, IV-a-13). The conductivity uses unregulated power. TEMPERATURE: The temperature circuit used in this instrument has been discussed in detail (Caldwell and Dillon,1981). It is a simple DC bridge (Figure IV-a-14) with the variation in resistance of a thermistor used to measure temperature. Each temperature module (Figure IV-a-15) comprises two identical bridge circuits. On the FRONTS 82 cruise the module was used in the redundant mode, one thermistor used with two independent circuits. A jumper on the motherboard (Figure IV-a-16) allows the selection of this mode or the use of two thermistors. Redundant recording of the signal has been used in the past to remove the incoherent noise, originating primarily in the first stage operational amplifiers, from the temperature signal. For FRONTS 82 one temperature channel was contaminated by 60 cycle noise on board the ship and this technique has not been used. Details of the design requirements leading to the selection of components are discussed by Caldwell and Dillon (1981). Briefly, low-noise and low-drift OP-7 operational amplifiers from Precision Monolithics and low-drift Vishay resistors are used to keep electronic noise as low as possible. CONDUCTIVITY: The conductivity circuit (Figures IV-a-17, IV-a-18) of the RSVP is identical with that discussed by Caldwell and Dillon (1981). In principle this circuit is similar to others used to drive four electrode conductivity cells in that a feedback loop keeps the voltage across the receiver electrodes constant, the driver electrodes supplying whatever current is required. Additional requirements for use in the RSVP include small size, low power consumption and the ability to operate under pressures to at least 300 decibars and yet have small temperature sensitivity. The cell is driven by a 3 kHz oscillator passing from electrode A to electrode D (Figure IV-a-19). Direct current is prevented from degrading the electrodes by capacitors in series with each. After passing through electrode D. the current is sensed by an operational amplifier in a currentsensing mode. The output of this current-to-voltage circuit is rectified, amplified, and offset to yield a DC output centered about zero in ocean waters. A voltage change of 0.2 volts corresponds roughly to a salinity change of 1 ppt or a temperature change of 1 degree C. 228 The heart of this circuit is the feedback control loop. The voltage across the receiver electrodes (B and C of Figure IV-a-19) is amplifier, amplified by a high impedance differential rectified and compared to a reference voltage. The output of this rectifier-integrator controls the amplitude of the oscillator through an FET current sink. Thus the oscillator supplies whatever current is required to maintain the amplified output of the receiver electrodes at a level determined by the reference. Component selection is discussed Important by Caldwell (1981). considerations include avoidance of or compensation for changes in components with temperature and pressure. The capacitors used to protect the receiver (C1 and C2) and the blocking capacitor C3 are critical. Electrocube series 652A capacitors are used wherever the value of capacitance is important. Low-drift Vishay resistors must be used in the differential amplifier and rectifier preceding the comparison of voltage level with the reference. The diodes in the rectifier are a serious source of temperature sensitivity. This effect is minimized by the configuration and choice of component values. Additionally the use of an identical rectifier in the output circuit tends to balance this effect. Residual temperature sensitivity is compensated for by a thermistor (Ti) mounted on the circuit board. Op-7 operational amplifiers are used wherever dc drifts are damaging, that is in the rectifiers and output amplifiers. OP-12 operational amplifiers, also electrodes from Precision Monolithics are used otherwise as they consume much less current. PRESSURE: Because the case is fluid filled and this fluid transmits the pressure from the water outside, the pressure transducer can be mounted directly on the circuit board. Two different pressure circuits were used on the FRONTS 82 cruise. The first (Figures IV-a-20, IV-a-22a) converts the voltage output of the transducer to an oscillating output with pressure. The frequency varies from 500 Hz at atmospheric pressure to 1300 Hz at full frequency dependent upon the range. This signal is added to the thermistor signal in the probe and is extracted from it again in the shipboard system. The frequency modulated system was required when the limiting factor was the number of conductors in the data link. The development of the new line with 16 or more conductors has allowed us to test a DC pressure module (Figures IV-a-21, IV-a-22b). This circuit amplifies the pressure signal and transmits it to the surface on a separate channel. 229 SIGNAL ISOLATION: It is necessary to isolate the conductivity circuit electronically from the other modules to prevent contamination of the signal via a capacitive path from the data link to the sensor. In addition to using isolated power, the output of the conductivity module is isolated and related to the signal common by a simple differential amplifier circuit (Figures IV-a-23, IV-a-24). 230 PICTORIAL VIEW RSVP Gomm SOW Figure IV-a-1. Io)U MB e:-z. --33 1 Pictorial view of the RS VP probe showing the motherboard, potted modu les and the location of sensors (dwg no. 82-2 1501). 'No' 2-21So1 A mm I OTI Avo l I 4 Figure IV-a-2. Photographs of the open RSVP unit. 232 u-1 0 0 O 0 O 00 O -U 00 . o O 0 0 O -o O O O O O 0 o 0 o o 6 0 O o 0 0 0 g1a1WIiM 13.0 -MrKS IS3 IRONS DC/CCLrJ fOnM[C TAB - - (36.0 CM) ex a Cl?) -al 20.3 I"C"S (7/. B C11) Oµ 0 OO O 0 C B.N T SIDE B (Toe NOTES : h. 015 (ITEM 5). SLIGHTLY BOUND CORNERS. P116 SH00TM ALL BRILL. f PUCKS, .104 INCR D1A (BIT 037)n FOR RAIL MOUNTING CM FIB. 3. DRILL, 33 PULLS, .063 INC. !A("' 652) POW STAWD- 5. OPT TERMINAL (1111 1) MOUNTIIO ON PMP. DRILL. 53 PULES, .061 INCA CIA (BIT 946) QI SOCLIT PIN (ITEI 5) 1100117ING on TWO. MOUNT, RITIT AND SOLDER STANDOFF TERMINALS (no 4) 6. MOUNT AND 90LDER SECRET PINS (ITEM 5) 35 PULLS, 7. MOUNT AND SOLDER 5OCt6T PINS (IT121 5).18 P1.0603. OR WD SIDE LABELED -A- (BOTTEM). 4. 6. 0. 11. 12. 5166 UStIJCD -B- ON WB. 33 PLACES. L? THIN TAILS OF 50CIET PINS (ITEM 5). TO WITHIN .090 MOWN? BATTERY S P= 82-21742, ITEMS 12 AND 13. R. MOON? CLINT 0357 (ITEM II) PER 82-24940. IF SSLECTED7 MOUNT AND SOLDER DC/OC POWER 063? (ITEM 10) PEE 2-21777. CUT A DUAL SOCKET CONNECTOR PROM STRIP (ITEM 6). AND SOLDER TO DC/OC OUTPUT COWLS RINGS. COAT GOLDEN JOINTS WITH EPOXY (1TEM 7). CUT A SINGLE SOCKET CONNECTOR FROM STRIP (ITEM B) AND SOLDER TO or PRESSURE OUTPUT CARLE WIRE. COAT SOLDER JOINT WITH EPOXY (19171 7). 501JMM WIRES FROM ISOLATION 60601.0 CREEK AND BUCK, TO 110TIIER BOARD TERMINALS (5) AND 1T). PAC OUTPUT AND JUMPER WIRES DOWN TO MOTHER BOARD 1IT1' DABS OF QUICK SET EPOXY (ITEM 7). BE CAREFUL AROUND SOCKETS AND TERMINALS. WIRE TABLE al. Ne. 1 2 2129 9-B.I. -it D 27- 28' DRTTER,1' CPCLE R`: P NYr =IF'!' STRIP C.Gw/ECTOI', EP2XY, QU1CV, :.LT CT C S0CkF7 PINS 50 - 29 25 26 16 37 I 2 1 STANDOFF TERMINALS Pv06', BOTHER EC i 1'.D CUT r'uT CHOLE WuINS.I)ZS)' 2-<,S1.3 _f_n NT`- E 114221 S I . Ore.. T ' Ble06 MOTHERBOARD ASSY ero SDW 10162 Figure IV-a-3. LEE 7D y.1RE, TEtL')N INSUL tl 20 Pv.'G Ne.- 1R A #01 SICV+1 CLAMP ASSV DC/ DC POWER LIN IT 2-21769 MOUNT NOSE ASSEMBLE (ITEM 1), ATTACH WIRES FROM B05L ASST TO MOTHER BOARD. MUTT AND 50IALR OUTPUT CABLE ROWING ASSEMBLE ITEM 2). IE S511.63 DT "01111? AND SOLDER BATTERY CABLES (ITEM 9 IRK UTTEPY CLIP., BATTERY, qV 71 02.2'7Y6 INCH OF WD. FILE SHOO H. MOUNT ALL JUMFER WIRES PER HIRE LIST, ON SIDE D. A. 13. RE TIES 3 OR IYB SIDE LIBELED -B- (TOT). C B%x. seo Motherboard assembly diagram (dwg no. 82-21561). 82-2/561 T- I sF 233 7 t3 rtM DUDC POWER 8V 28v VOl.T. BATT. 5 TT RE6 =Sv ±RV *qV (Cons) DC PWR PWR COND. C ON Lt 1 COND RF 6. CTErIPJ MODULE 5v /7777 SEA wRTtR T'CMP GND VOLT ("MR) ISOLATION DC PWR MODULE TEMP. MODULE. PRESSURE r L MODULE I Fr L IDc I NC L' 1 2 3 S 6ND DC/DC OuT CHECKOUT Bcx BLOCK DIAGRAM RSVP OVERBOARD UNIT SDw Io/81 8 Z_ WALE - owaro. 82 -2/SO8 E11tT +w eo owo me Figure IV-a-4. Block diagram of the RSVP overboard unit no. 82-21508). (dwg 1 of t A 234 +T BoN.,. DC POWER T GNP (TV) 5 t7 I1 7 GnD F -r s. -T 6.11+.. -v WN OW -IN vo 1-T RE6. v fop TEMP. PRESSURE Mf I .s, 4-1 I2}, +v /3 >J C 6ND C OtD 14(CC0P) POWER R -a }' Wks -{v-----IYY DC/ 18 DC/DC '9 POWER FLOW, MCTMEReDARD WIRING 5Dw ro/91 0 e3-siseo 82-21.14 sms savor asu.,..cs..uc. ® iisen o..sso Figure IV-a-5. Motherboard power flow diagram (dwg no. 82-21514). S1 OF 1 J 'A 235 ONTPuT CO MroECT3XOWN M T GND T SAID CTcMP) Dc POWER 6 T Gn0 M +T t" VOLT REG. -5- -Tbal. 7 9to r oND.-+ *5 TEMP. IA TEMP. V `p/ 1bt-t1O ' 2 TEMP, /7 m _ - 3. SPIN 1i>m wt1 + 2A - '--. 2E L! _ _ _ ZAC_wme (COND.) DC C AND CG +c s.tl.i POWER ! C GND -C a.+ SIGNAL FLOW, MOTHER BOARD WIRING Figure IV-a-6. Motherboard signal flow diagram (dwg no. 82-21513). ar 3 I sol *c NDl/CT1yITr 236 NOT(= : CONNECTOR , AM PHENOL (MALE) 222. - I I N 19 220 -831 -02- SOCKET PIN S-MAIN RELIEF 2Z2.-518 BACK SIDE (WIRING SIDE) PIN I FACE V1EW OUTPUT CABLE WIRING ASSY., MOTHER BOARD DRAWN SDW 10/82ISSUED Figure IV-a-7. SIZE FSCM NO. A SCALE 82.-2.1500 I DWG. NO. 82.-21563 SHEET I OF- 2_ Output cable wiring assembly, motherboard (dwg no. 82-21563). 237 lO TERMINAL POST D WIRE HOLE BACK OF SOCKET i 6 TEMP. JUMPER Oo SOCKET 0 4B OO 0 O ® Q®8 1 5 n 13 '0 % ®to 14 O 0, .o H Ic E OO SHORT CABLE (+9V) TERMINAL4k RED WIRE - 9 BLACK WIRE - 5 RED WIRE BLACK WIRE I. ® ® o® o (COND) DC POWER TERMINAL* LONG CABLE (+9V) SHORT CABLE (-9 V) 0 IA OA (TEMP.) DC POWER NOTE: O 160 0 0 E II RED WIRE - 10 BLACK WIRE - 6 LONG CABLE 7 3 (-9 \ V) RED WIRE - 8 BLACK WIRE - 4- SEE 82.-21745, BATTERY CONNECTOR A55Y FOR SHORT CABLE LONG CABLE DETAILS BATTERY POWER WIRING, TO MOTHER BOARD DRAWN SDW IO/BL ISSUED Figure IV-a-8. SIZE A FSCM NO. $2-'2-1500 SCALE - DWG. NO. 82.-2174.1 SHEET Battery power wiring to motherboard (dwg no. 82-21741. I OF I REV. A Ik i t- 0 wN' u h a cb Hs I u a s w at e c-aV o lO.+I 913 - ti y1l` L1J. -444L I IL 1. 4 9 ' p c_ w a u a Pkani 1.11wOW, IIIIn:M1 IPlI cJ i 'ro IlhnMI ma y. ai..s I IMN ^I cF til' et i cstat y m it I ^ I --r c 4s I 1" az 11 OF 11 a tie IT4 -C Ilk Figure IV-a-9. Photographs of DC/DC converter mounted on motherboard. °t tt, a re w ulw r ,ulyil 1I " w 239 R3--IC 2 Be 722 Al INPUT a6 v 20 1Nhilhkl t V "RR-BROWN 722 Vj 0 IC 1 vr1oa RECT. 402 FIOr CM2 V+ RS C2 33 Si' -VA 20 B.zV Z"1 10 E SJ OSC, a MC 781O5C6 Vs DRIVER +8 2Y Ira a 3 1 RECT cane .6 MT. R2 20 Cr. z V- a 3 -&zy (-'I. 3v -bl) IC 't LM 3209-5 Figure IV-a-10. DC/DC power unit schematic (dwg no. 82-21761). a.. M, M ..gin 6 ,' te mm icm 2 .' 4 5 7 6 10 11 12 13 14 hmualunnulununlnutudunmilnullmilnlunhluuuitluuuiuulunbNl6n!u!heaint16:uluafm v 'Ic I'FT2ITrr I 111 I 13f I ,rra 41 1em 2 4 5 7 8 10 i1 12 13 14 i.Iuulnnluuliiulll:l nuhmuulu!!nulununlunnninnludmi+iul:Itaiuuuneuuundmunuun:un:b me, Figure IV-a-11. Close-up of DC/DC converter module. 241 NEVIStON Lift I R1 R2 3t6K IGOK +V Irywjr DOTE OESCRW11ON I PNOYIIL laIii6I8I 16D'-' 14 NNr-- i- esq. os± I + S.Sv 1-1 1y. ]._ +5.1'I o1 -r *.IV 1rjrE-- . i P,EF PART5 LIST 8 -2053/KI.V/i. - C1 2. L2J +1.23v IC2 - 3+% +.Slv 1 0.1 ,.. Of- ar lv .I'c,WF-P, PlrvP IS +V, 1"N y I- -V, kl. :CTS C1u-r PUI V"L1 f1?F. RE eIST01: 2N:2ZZA (x) ICI. R3 71LO22CP ICL 100 9,*1 D -, T GND --< R7 R11 100 look >- T GND rc2 03 OV Ov S +-..`` fir,) )Cl A12 2N210GA -.33v -g.4ty lOOK 49 R9 tL C4 .l. 10 V.4y RB 11tPuT RIO took -V - 1. 06,1 - S.1 V )- OUT Q4 2N Z2222A t. lSv Si NLr-I R T IC VoLTRGE REGULATOR - TEMP. SOW 6/Bo SIZE Sc. NO SCL Figure IV-a-12. Voltage regulator schematic (dwa no. RO-205(1). ONO NO. 80-2030 L El 36 3 Figure IV-a-13. Photograph of voltage regulator. 243 C1 REVISION RA yl2K R3 took +1.230 R+ 100K I.I K { C1 1 CISC. .0:71 IN LV r- 'V' ICS A 16/26/8tl SD W UPDATE r I!1-.I NOTES' ICI. `1 eowc v A QI zT 3.ov 1. (JSTALL 7Vr1°FR WIRE. HOLE I TO HOLE 2. 2. SLE PARTS LIST SO- 2043 /RE, h 3. ALL CAPS. 12' 0 TO3oc 0.2.V/'cLI. ±.37V 012 V/or 1N DATE DESCMWIMM LTR C4 n Ta wr_ RI I I4-,k 1N N12 look R13 Ptry 12.1k SK ----- ', Fit L IS +5V, S AD30ST OFFSET pb'S UNTIL OD-TPUT ISTERO VOLTS, WIIN SELECTED TEMPERhTURE(RESESTANCE) AT INPUT. L. AD7U5T CAL PDIS uNT11 CJTVUT HAS PROPEF V0t.TA6E STOP WITH TWO SELEC7EO RESISTIVE INPUTS. 7 PRo6RAMMIN6 7UNPERS 1 AID2 ARE C3001 -v- --A4 OP- A'MP POW6P - FIN 7 PIN U. l5 -6V. .01 IC 1 +.60 RESISTOR VALuES INOMMS. ALL IN MICRO FARADS . CAL H LOCATED OHF MOTHEPBOARD SEE. E OL T YFOTMEPSOARD A55Y DRAWIII6 92-115(-,Z FOF DE`-{RIPTION. IC4 18 IV -- >--+Sv CS Io SC 11E1.1FITIC - T 64D TEMPERATURE CIRCUIT IM... SSVED SPW SizE TIC.. NO 060 5 SCKE - owc Figure IV-a-14. Temperature circuit schematic (dwg no. 80-2040). 60 - 2 0,f 0 S..EET I .F 1 .e+ 244 '1 P>.-8 9113i A,i64f2 s to THS 100 TUB 2 U17 ._____ -J t9 its.i 3 245 JUMPER I - REDUNDANT MODULE. OUTPUTS, (WIRE, C-+A) SINGLE THERMISTOR. USED IN POSITION A, SEE SENSOR WIRING 52. JUMPER Z - SEPARATE OUTPUTS,TWO (wIRE,C-B) THERMISTORS REQUIRED THERE ARE TWO TEMPERATURE MODULE SOCKET AREAS ON THE MOTHER5OARD. WHEN USING BOTH TEMP. MODULES, A SECOND JUMPER MUST BE SELECTED FOR THE SECOND AREA. Figure IV-a-16. Jumper selection of one or two thermistor mode (dwg no. 82-21562). 246 C5 .001rS-' FIT REVISION I'I:fk 3 R24 R2,- F.kt WE '-kMa REDRAWN, UPDATED APPAwµ 101,21/e2-l I NOTES n SELECT R24,RIS, R34 J111 IPER1 AND 7Ur1PEIr L putIN.TEST. SEE PSSY DAF+WING 74 - Son G. 2. OP-AMP POWER.- F'1N7 15 +VI PINT IS -V. '. COND. Pov)CR 15 FULLY ISOLATED FROM TLMf-t Rr1uIP.L PO' 1P\, SEE POWs P, TLUVJ, MOTHERBOARD DRpvJ18'IG 82-2151'4. 4. EEC PART51-f51. 90- /P..L.1 A. RF515'rOP R37 SETS O!.rTrNT CFFSE T. 1 COND. SENSOR COND. .POWER +v ?.- +v.8.ln+ 9.1. (IIr4A) ISOLATED -v nl+d CONDUCTIVITY OUTPUT OVT p 133.n StNS1Y.) >-CGtr oA*WN (11 ,.Ut IV-a-17. CONDUCTIVITY CIRCUIT -4.8v TO T GND Figure S:01, T1aTIC SOW 7 174 SRE f{CYIIC. B "Wo Conductivity circuit schematic (dwg no. 79-5002). owawo. -79- soon sllEn 1 jr e1 pv L1Z n lea -9C ' 4 s w C_ I 1 r id _ = l ,.w Z )t,tEie.F?1.;ffrf#ik:'fQti3 , 248 H AMPL. OSC CONTR. J8C7 I- IK lN Al B DIFF. AMP. RECT. F RI. I Cell Ra R16 X40.2 k REF R38 R39 R37 RECT. OUT J CURRENT TO VOLTAGE Figure IV-a-19. Block diagram of the conductivity circuit. 249 RE VISION pit I/IIOY . I A I UPDATE R6 IO RS (+,1.8v ... n ) }-- T 5ND took look +-5V TEMP. RE0UI. TCP >_ t v CII V. y- -SV TEMP REGULR1 t +1%1 v PRESS'JRE SEN'iOR I F. 1C3 IC1 R7 .10.2k FM K I ZIC - 0rA7 3 4 1I + I VOLT P-Y C3 Soo- 1300 Hr suUARE uIRVG .001 At, 537K IOK 7 :k ?- OUT CL C2 1 IC 2 -j 5F R1 OFFSET 1_, >-- T GNU CAL IJUTE S 1. SELECT R1 PT PRE-CAL TEST, 500 ORIKOHM, FOR 500 Ht OUT AT SEA LEVLL. ^. SELECT R3 AT PRE-CAL TEST, 1K TO 5k, FOR FULL RAIIGE GAL. (SOOTO 1300NL). SCNEMw71C 3. OPRMP f'oWER,IC2,3, PIN 7 is +\/, FIN 4 IS -V. II. SEX PAPTS LIST FM So- 3033. os.w. SOW SIZE 7/80 13 seat O - PRESSURE KM MO. Figure IV-a-20. Frequency modulated pressure circuit schematic (dwg no. 80-2030). MO 80-2030 theft I .r I A 250 REVIS?ON LTR DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVAL A +5v L +Z.Sv s IC 3 I CZ .s ADS80 a PR Z' 55'j,R . SEr;SC R r---+f---i F,2-- 2k ;4 IK 7.C1 PSSu.^F CAL = i Iy 0 7o-1-v f. S. O7C+120M( IC IC 1 2k l +Sv R G. ?- T G-'\. D O FF5 cT -,5'v C7 NOTE:... 1. SELECT RI rT PRE- C= _ TEST S_ .%n _ CHt- 2. =ii, S ° =5 S L- I'. T -52 Univveersity ISSUED REC. y. i!J 15 V. - E;Z PRESSURE School of Oceanography DRAWN TEI"(P OUT RT SEF LEVE:. `.'P-Amp POW=R, PIN 7 15 -V Plrl Oe on Tom. SIZE FSCM NO. i 14". A - SCALE DWG. NO. -.- SHEET bISN(P 4RAP.ICS INC. REORDER NO 20500 Figure IV-a-21. Direct current pressure circuit schematic (dwg no. 82). REV. (p A I .R r111)11111!1111E1169 1.1311 4 t 2 USA 100 TNS 1 1 1 , 1 1 ? tt t? 6 7 6 0 3 I 23 l4 II F' I I I J 041 10 TNS 100 TNS .IJhII ,I IlhII,, Ij 111I111,s+-1 11 PICKETT USA I-t 1111 ¢,1.14 ? I Figure IV-a-22. Photographs of a) FM pressure module and b) DC pressure module. u 252 REVISION LTR DESCRIPTION SE DATE I IE;:`/5:I N F., APPROVAL 'Dt, -}. '-..TENT _- r;EC:t1-taTO:R C-39 49 GNDC T. ISOL"fiTED- ZLh: K w RE ouT PuT 2K ^Hk C - SIGNAL O TEMP REV, _S`QR UCTES; M =,T R3- F-4 rr-ND TO 1,1H;INI _ 2, T HI5 MCDU.S_ 3c CHM5 P' G INTO '=, - :. cN THE !"!GrL= _= M PV _U FC SCCItET- )C1 r1 OTY REDO CODE IDENT PART OR IDENTIFYING NO. NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTI0N I PARTS LIST !:u on Mate University ^ b15-GP (PninICS M c .YJ PFORDER NO 20500 School of Oceanography J50LRT )N :!RzJ SIZE FSCM NO. DRAWN ISSUED 1. DWG. NO. CV') SCALE A Figure IV-a-23. Signal isolation circuit schematic (dwg no. ). 82- NOTE SHEET ,,,,,, 1«s 2 3 a Is hlll!#1'Iu'' Figure IV-a-24. Photograph of signal isolation module. 254 b) Sensors Except for the pressure transducer, which is mounted on the pressure module circuit board, all RSVP transducers are mounted in the nose cone at the front of the instrument body. THERMISTORS: Thermistors used on FRONTS 82 were FASTIP THERMOPROBE, Model no. FP07DA103N-A made by Thermometrics of Edison, NJ (Figure IV-b-1). These thermistors are made so that the temperature sensitive bead lies in a 0.007" diameter protrusion which sticks out perhaps 0.020" from the end of an at most 0.085" diameter glass cylinder (Table IV-b-1). The variation of the resistance of this thermistor with temperature is calibrated at OSU using a minimum of 10 temperature calibration points nominally distributed over the calibration range at 2 degree intervals. Resistance vs temperature characteristics over a narrow range are given by an exponential relationship between resistance and the reciprocal of temperature (Table IV-b-2). The thermistor must be mounted in such a way as to prevent salt water from reaching the leads and entering the probe. Assembly of the thermistor unit must include installation of an o-ring seal and insulating sleeves (Figure IV-b-2). CONDUCTIVITY CELLS: Two conductivity transducers were used on FRONTS 82. The is the Neil Brown Instrument System conductivity cell (Figure IV-b-3). The response and flow characteristics of this cell have been examined in detail (Gregg et al, 1982). In our application this cell must have wires soldered to the cell connector area and the solder joints encapsulated in first epoxy (Figure IV-b-4). The connections must be made in such a way as to identify the pairs of electrodes, one inside and one outside for each pair, so that the proper connections to the electronics can be made (Figure IV-b-5). The sensor is purchased from NBIS to meet these requirements. The sensor is mounted to the probe with an o-ring seal. The second transducer is the microconductivity cell manufactured by Michael Head Systems (Figure IV-b-6). This extremely small cell has separation of approximately 0.005" between electrodes and a total width of only 0.03". The transducer as purchased is attached to a stainless steel tube and is mounted on the nose cone with an o-ring seal (Figure IV-b-7). 255 PRESSURE: Kulite Model PTQH-360-15OSG (250 PSI) pressure transducers (Figure IV-b-8, Table IV-b-3) were used on the FRONTS 82 cruise. These were mounted directly on the pressure module circuit board (see Figure IV-a-22). These sensors have an output of approximately 100 mvolts per full scale rated pressure and are used in both the frequency modulated and direct current pressure modules. Since these are mounted within the probe no special mounting is necessary. Care must be taken however to remove the parylene-c insulation from the pins before the unit is plugged in or soldered. 256 Table IV-b-1. Thermistor specifications 1. FASTIP THERMOPROBE, model no. FP07DA103N-A Thermometrics, Edison, NJ. 2. 1OK ohm +- 25%, Resistance: nominal 3. 4. 5. 29K at 0 °C 8K at 30 °C. Dissipation constant: Maximum power: Time constant: 0.25 mW/ °C, in still water. 0.006 watt. 5-10 mS, plunge test in water to 63.2% change per MIL-T-23648. 6. Probe body material: 7. Probe dimensions: Glass, bora-silicate, Corning 012. nominal body diameter 0.085" maximum diameter at 0.055-0.060" tip 0.5" length. 8. Leads: 0.012" diameter x7/8" minimum 9. Bead material: length, tinned dumet. Type "A", per material 10. 11. 12. Bead dimension: system code MIL-T-23648. Sensitivity: Pressure test specifications: 0.007". see Table IV-b-2. Thermistors must pass salt water meg-ohm tests: Minimum resistance 100 megohms, after 24 hour pressure test at 500 PSI in 3% salt 13. OSU calibration: water solution. This test is conducted by Thermometrics. Minimum of 10 temperature points over the selected temperature range. Ohmmeter power loading approximately 0.000015 W at 15 °C. 14. Thermometrics calibration: Single point calibration at a selected temperature. Cost is based on lot setup charge and unit cost per each calibration temperature point. Calibration accuracy is approximately 10 millidegrees. Specification reference: Catalog No. 181-A. Harold Broitman, Thermometrics, and 257 Table IV-b-2. Resistance vs temperature, narrow range calibration R(T) = R(T0) exp[ B x [1/(273.15 + T) - 1/(273.15 + To)] R(T) = resistance at temperature T, T = the calibration temperature, °= 25 °C for Thermometrics calibration = 15 °C for middle of in house calibration. B is approximately equal to 3420 (the mean over the 1982 units), typically, 3540+- 15%. Example: Calculate and 30 °C. R(T) for a typical thermistor at 0, 15 = 28.57 K ohm R(15) = 14.89 K ohm R(30) = 8.28 K ohm R(0) Table IV-b-3. Pressure sensor specifications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Kulite, Model no. P QH-360-10OSG (100 PSI) (250 PSI) PTQH-360-25OSG PTQH-360-50OSG (500 PSI) (1000 PSI) PTQH-360-1000SG The PTQH-360-25OSG was used on FRONTS 82. Special conditions: a) Basic unit, without nulling and compensation network. b) Screen over the vent. c) Coated with parylene-c insulation. d) Sealed gauge pressure unit. Input-output resistance - approximately 2000 ohms. Full scale output - approximately 100 millivolts per full scale rated pressure. Zero balance +- 50 mV at 5V excitation. Combined error (linearity & hysteresis) - not given. Zero shift vs temperature - not given. Sensitivity shift vs temperature - not given. Maximum pressure - two times rated pressure. Basic unit - 5 wire open bridge version. Suggested operating temperature - 0 to 25 °C. THS THS U.! It 11_1_ it.1 I1.1 Ii.i 3 1 Figure IV-b-1. Photograph of unmounted thermistor. 259 MEVISION 6-7 ATE OESL7DIf1DN APPROVAL _,A 1j /c,/92 O a. REP THEMISTOR SPECIFICATION, 62.21723. 9. FOR ITEM 4, STRIP A .5 INCH LENGTH OF INSULATION FROM A #2.4 AWO INSULATED HOOKUP WIRE. L 10. PRODUCT OFf A. THEtMOMETRICS, INC. EDISON, N.J. 2K INCH--i B. PARKER C. ALPHA ,4S 7 NOTES: 1. CUT LEADS TO .4 INCHS. G LEAVE PROTECTOR TUBE (ITEM S) IR POSITION OVER S A 19 PRoTEGTOR TUBE,TFT-200 2. INSTALL 0-RING, ITEM 2. If A 24 INSULRTING SLEEVE, PVC 3. 3 O28 A** M 002 µ11%E, MAGNET BEAD DURING ASS! AND STORAGE. WIRE 24 INCHES, BMW INSULATION OFF END WITH MATCH (3 S60DNDS), SCRAPE WITH EIACTO KNIFE TO BRIGHT COPPER, TIN END UP TO INSULATION, COT TINNED PORTION TO .2 INCH LENGTH. CUT MAGNET 4. TIN LEADS OF THEMISTOR APPROX. .25 INCH. 5. SOLDER WIRE TO THEIIQSTOR LEAD. 6. SLIDE INSULATING S.R.VE.S UP WINES AND OVER SDLDER JOINTS, (T13 PLACES). 7. GREASE (ITEM 6) O-RING HEAVILY BEFORE INSTALLING FINISHED T®RNISTOR ASSEMBLY IN CALIBRATION FIRITURE OR ROSWRE. 2 t CYO, - .wR O. /0A ME.ICU1ww, - HAKE VERY RAT OVEI.APPING JOINT WITS SOLAR DOM PROTRUDING LESS THAN .010 INCH MAISMIM. MOTE PART! RJA TFIERMISTOR ASSY SDW Io/$ JMDY[D [ MD. 2-z/soo DwG. N0 WALE W/I i.aeii woo .w. Figure IV-b-2. /08 O-EYING , 1.1179 I LE IFP070RIOIN-A I THERMISTOR SENSOR 1 Thermistor assembly drawing (dwg no. 82-21721). IOC 82-21721 IMEET I Tr 1 LID 4 4v`" "M"" -tee , r-E 261 REVISION or><a.raM U11 OATS B UPDATE, POTTC D Alai A- [ 10/2&/82 WAS BO - 2011 n/s/N2 1. EODtMECTOR AREA. SOLOFA WIRES (ITEM 4) TO ODND. CELL WIRE LENGTH TO BE 12 INCHES. SEC SHEET 2, 2. DICAPSDLATE SDLDIII JOINTS AS FM DINEISIONS. LENGTH OF POTTING TO BE .45 INCHES. 3. ALL DII®ISIONS IN INQIS, EXCEPT AS INDICATED. 4. PRODUCT OF. A. J'DcJ MAMMON NEIL BROWN INSTRUMENT SISTELS, INC. CATANET. WA. 02534 (6t7-563-9317) A WIRE, At 29 AWG STRANDED Al, 3 I ENCAPS4LRT ING I 2 Oil 1 1 10084 B (O-RING, NITRILE rw.rio. P8AT$L T CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR ASST - waa eAoww t'WL SOW q D, !t C 48 NEIL BROWN CCNDUCTIV IT,( CELL I I/ A wor L Figure IV-b-4. MAR. L_ 181 Neil Brown conductivity sensor assembly drawing (dwg no. 82-21730). 262 s REVISION W1R2. LTR C DESCRIPTION I DATE APPROVAL -, r I WAS 6Rf ZN NOTES DRIVEN ELECTROpE.s L ONE INSIOE, ONE OuTCICE). R-Ee-E1v-m S- --ELECTRODES. schoolOI !:eon state . Oceanography DRAWN University ISSUED ,J Inf.. '-- C0NCU^T1V17Y SE,.;`_. - IE IL SIZE FSCM NO. G SZ-L/Soo N TY PE DWG NO. SCALE C1 A Figure IV-b-5. Neil Brown conductivity sensor electrode placement (dwg no. 82-21730). C? G I ! 3O SHEET Z r ,: REV. 263 Ii S1AL Ii 10 TNS loo THS 43.,...,,9 ,. , .,?,1.1 Figure IV-b-6. .1 lei lT PICKETT U9.A. I...fi 1 e 9 , Photograph of Michael Head microconductivity sensor. 264 REVISION DECC1IIPnow DATE I MIWMIIL 10162 1 ELECTRODE DETAIL 10/1 f_,2SV DIR .04 O .1s- WIRE, 121rrCH NnTE ; 1. S ALL L'IMEN510N5 IN INCH'-. ELLCT cOOL pIMEN5ION5 APPROX. 010 0 - RING, N ITRILE q EPOXY Y 3 ELECTRODE, 4 2 &LRSS TUBE I TUBE, SS, .250 DIA x 1.75 e I PMTS LIST HEAD MICRO-COND. PRODS ASSY Sow 1o/ab/B2 USUN Figure IV-b-7. on Fscr so. DWD. No 8 8z-2is0D Z/1 I Microconductivity sensor assembly drawing (dwg no. 82-21732). 82-2/732 OWT I of 265 REVISION L DESCRIPTION PRE55 !L. IQ, E. DATE I APPROVAL P III F !5 Mt.IST SCRPPEC CLEAN OF 'PRRYLENE-C... NSv_=^-',Jti GEFOkE UNIT CAN FE PLUGG:,- i''; oR SOLDERS L. 2. Al- O/fr ENS i'^1. IN INCHES- School Ot Oceanography Oegon DRAWN S 7- !J University ISSUED PRESSLARE SENSC SIZE FSCM NO. DWG. NO. P 81-21SGY SCALE ? / _ 4 Figure IV-b-8. Pressure sensor specifications (dwg no. 82-21728). SPEC);= 1C=T:O 32-21728 SHEET 7 266 c) Probe mechanical design The mechanical part of the probe comprises the instrument body, the nose cone in which the sensors are mounted, the oil bladder, stabilizing fins and the instrument termination (Figure IV-c-1, Table IV-c-1). A lead cylinder secured between the nose cone and the motherboard provides the weight necessary to insure that the instrument descends vertically at the desired speed. These must be designed so that the sensors are protected from breakage under normal conditions while at the same time the flow passing the sensors must be as unobstructed as possible. The sensors must be mounted in such a way that damaged sensors can*be replaced, but sea water cannot enter the case. The probe is not pressure sealed, thus the oil bladder is required as a reservoir to insure that the instrument body remains full of oil under pressure. A means of connecting the probe to the data link/retrieval line must be provided that allows the data link to be changed if necessary, that protects the connectors from salt water, and is strong enough to pull the instrument through the water and back onto the deck. NOSE CONE: The nose cone (Figure IV-c-2) is machined from a 2" PVC rod. Threaded holes are positioned to hold the various sensors that can be inserted into the nose cone. Sensor guards of 0.125" stainless steel rod prevent the sensors from being inadvertently touched and broken. The instrument end is machined to fit inside the stainless steel body and indentations for o-ring seals are made in this area (Figures IV-c-3,IV-c-4). The retainers (Figures TV-c-5 - IV-c-7) to be used with each of the sensor types (thermistors, NBIS conductivity, microconductivity) are made from Delrin rod. One of the two fill holes located in the nose cone. The basic nose cone is modified to accept the microconductivity transducer (Figure TV-c-8) or to attach to the thermistor/conductivity chain (Figure TV-c-9). for oil is also BODY: The probe body is constructed of 2.0" O.D., 0.49 W 304 stainless steel tube (Figures IV-c-10, IV-c-11). INSTRUMENT TERMINATION: The upper end of the probe (Figures TV-c-12, IV-c-13) must provide both mechanical and electrical connection to the data link/retrieval line. An oil bladder is required to insure that the electronics compartment remains completely oil-filled under pressure. The bladder, a 4.5" tube of I.D. 0.125" wall thickness), is supported by the body plug and the bladder support (Figures IV-c-14 IV-c-17). The second oil-fill hole is located in the bladder nalgene 180 (1.5" 267 support. The body-connector housing (Figure IV-c-18) passes through the bladder and contains #24 insulated wires joining two amphenol connectors. These connectors, located within the body plug and the body-connector housing, mate with connectors in the probe and the line termination A termination collar (Figure IV-c-19) turns to allow the line termination to be screwed into the probe. respectively. FINS: The RSVP requires fins to stabilize its movement through the water. These comprise an acrylic tube 3.3" long, 2.0" I.D., 0.125" wall thickness, with three fins, 0.125" thick, 3" long, 3" wide at the base tapering to 2.25" at the tip. The fins are glued to the tube and reinforced at both sides of the joint with acrylic 0.125" thick and 0.3" wide. The tube slides freely on the instrument body so that they are at the top when the instrument is falling and at the rear on retrieval. 268 Table IV-c-1. RSVP parts list 510 Line termination 511 512 513 Strain relief Line connector housing Cable snubber Connector - Amphenol 222-11N19 plug Strain relief - Amphenol 222-518 Safety line 520 15' nylon boot lacing Instrument termination 521 522 523 524 526 Body connector housing Connector - Amphenol 222-12N19 receptacle Cable - 19 strands #24 insulated wire 9" long Termination collar Bladder support Fill plug Instrument connector housing 526-1 sleeve 526-2 housing Strain relief - Amphenol 222-518 527 Connector Body plug - 540 Body 530 Nose cone 530/1 Thermistor 530/2 530/3 530/4 532 533 535 Amphenol 222-12N19 Modification Conductivity Modification Microconductivity Modification Chain Modification Thermistor retainer (may be modified to microconductivity retainer by increasing hole size to 17/64". Weight Conductivity retainer 535-1 tightener 535-2 spacer eals Parker 2 series o-rings nitrile 002 010 011 111 114 115 212 215 223 - stainless steel 6 - 32 x 1/4" socket head 6 - 32 x 1 1/2" round head Fasteners 10-32x31/2" flat head Misc. Hardware -stainless steel 1/8" x 3/4" groove pin Figure IV-c-1. Photographs of RSVP unit and winch. Figure IV-c-2. Photograph of nose cone with sensors. 271 52 - 530 N0 S E CONE RSVP yj!l 3 L 915"' >;. 7HREi4DS g `eL?C ILI) 6 -32 Y or 1.4yC"' . C' .516 'THREADS T?ATCRIAL: 2.0"PVC RaD 006 D-D' CO" UCT V!TY EF Figure IV-c-3. 2eA. 2 -2 21 'Q "Ri WG /110 DI j T =. 9i S Top [lCD RSVP nose cone, machinist's drawings (dwg no. 82-530). 272 <`1 hZRI i `TOR // E CGi/Egg-S-C MGC 2 - S3O 1 y JA/\) 8? r_ E'gr. F-f SECTIONS 5.4lrniGrrflisrG'rt{Rt TVs 3.90=-F r Figure IV-c-4. J, CAN TEY RSVP nose cone showing hole for thermistor (dwg no. 82-530/1). 273 T,Jv r1AT R.AL: SCALE; 2 /.. -!1JAN 3 D-LR nr ROC 1 J. CANT ',' Figure IV-c-5. Thermistor retainer (dwg no. 82-532). 274 PSVP CONDUCTIVITY '10L HOSE CORE 52.-53c/2 82-S30 2-011 4 JA/. 32 D-D' SFCrIOH! H--1.qo -; N056 S GUARD, CONDUCTIVITY+THff. fTISTOR al : 2.25"L Y lii.-) S.S. ROD J. CANTEY Figure IV-c-6. Mount for Neil Brown conductivity (dwg no. 82-530/2). 275 2 S1. CGAI; G"i1`;1 7/ R=TA:A,i-- A-sEf±ry8-s 5q JA !4 82-53s-I 82-535-2 f-raCEF N 7 i 30 y SCA2- "2y1 MI,TL-nL"1;/ D=LRlh' ROD CA, ^i T"-- Y Figure IV-c-7. Neil Brown conductivity retainer (dwg no. 82-535). 276 -530Zz y'JAN 2 i NO Tt ; THEn%,4f! -nR Rc r4!NEk' 8<"-S3 klrrN eENTER WOLL= 0 6(7- 7-C 1746,11r WI i /1 ;WJ, tics J. CA /V rE,v Figure IV-c-8. Mount for Head microconductivity (dwg no. 82-530/3). 277 Figure IV-c-9. Nose cone modification for use with thermistor chain (dwg no. 82-530/4). ,-' _-_ J. Figure IV-c-10. Photograph of RSVP with nose cone, body and instrument termination. 279 RSVP IODY n 82-5y0 g/ JAN 82 MATERIAL: 2.0" O.D.,.OggW 30'/ S.S. TUc= Ivor5S; 1. ENDS IDENTICFL 8.:fT 60'° o>:FSI-r 2. EAC/y END 1l!"D 14A vE.VG 7WP. E I'GLES AT 127° INTERVAL.. 3, CHAMFER NDS AND 3rIVE:EN ,C ,/ANC 15 Of INTERIOR of DEBURR Icy "D HOLES Figure IV-c-11. RSVP body specifications (dwg no. 82-540). 280 I sS' 281 VP I// TT U IcNT TEFl1Il'iATlfJ 50-1 '(-,(- Sri -521 BODY CONNECT0R HOUSINS 80-c22 rERMINATION COLLAR 8O -523 BLADDER, SUPPORT 80-521! FILL L\ L PLUG 80-526 INST?Ur, ;T 80-526-1 82-527 SLEEVE BODY PLUG CONNBC r R 60-526-2 Holly Irj6 STRAEPI RELIEF 2z2-Si8 A!tP.!E/I' L 222 -121'119 RcCEPTACLE J. CANTLY I? F!".117 81 Figure IV-c-13. Components of the instrument termination (dwg no. 80-520C). 282 r - 1.70 '-----1.60" 7" ----' MATERIAL: 2.0"PVC ROD "I $CALF; 1f CANT ,E Y Figure IV-c-14. Body plug (dwg no. 82-527). 283 -IN 1 LI(1C,'_IT GAI;`dcrIGI;_ MATERtAL HOUSING C2(6-2 'MATERIAL: -" PVC ROD J. CANTEY qSEPT 81 Figure IV-c-15. Instrument connector housing (dwg no. 80-526D). 284 ?SVP BLADDER -((PPrPT NOr : A;SE!`i84E -rER, /Jnl rro,J Co,44,4 [ ($6-S22) r4 3o Y CoiifFe rod Hole. iiv !fir 2 o) AND ;4 %E } r# C CErEENr TD SADDER .5u/-)poFr PRIOR r© TrRIAL: ! 1.75" PVC A -bRI.GjIA/i; q/12 TAl)pj1 F)/,z 1.10 pOL Y U//,VEC7 M' I/O(A_TiG WALL. . TAP T1Rt( J.CANTEY gSff PT 31 Figure TV-c-16. Bladder support (dwq no. 80-523C). j 2P5 _ I P J L_ PLUG--- " RI Iii G 2-111 MATERIAL /8, DELREN RGD SCALE: 4'-1 J. CANTEY 26 JAN 81 Figure TV-c-17. Oil fill plug (dwg no. 80-525). 286 RSVP BODY CONNECTOR HOUSING SO -521 C DRILL Y&' D aY HOLES / AFTER ASSEMBLY THREADS : YZ -20 WRINGS 2-LIZ 2-115 MATERIAL: I.?S"PVC ROD Figure IV-c-18. Body connector housing (dwg J. CANTEY 9SEP81 no. 80-521C). 287 so -522 C rERIf ,'MATIGN1 CEL LA R R SV // 4 1.75 --1.312 -1.11t 4-OO°0: i x i W w I7ATERIAL: 1.75 "DEL47 ' SCALE: 2 -Ai J. CA(!TEYI gSEPT81 Figure IV-c-19. Termination collar (dwg no. 80-522C). 288 d) Cable and terminations The cable (Figure IV-d-1) used with the RSVP is manufactured by Cooner Wire Company, Chatsworth, CA. This cable is required to be waterproof to 500 PSI in sea water with a breaking strength of greater than 400 pounds. The conductors are #32 AWG solid wire with triple poly-nylon insulation. The overall diameter is 0.095". For FRONTS 82 1400 feet of continuous cable was required to reach the desired depth. Two versions of the line were used, one with 10 and one with 16 conductors. The ends of this cable must be terminated with electrical connectors and strain relief mechanisms that can stand up to shipboard deployment. INSTRUMENT END TERMINATION: a) Clean threads of line-connector housing (Figures IV-d-2, IV-d-3) with Freon TF. b) Place o-ring into line-connector housing. c) Thread cable thru: 1) safety line (not shown) 2) strain relief (Figure IV-d-4) 3) line-connector housing 4) cable snubber (Figure IV-d-5) 5) Amphenol strain relief d) Solder jumpers and wires to female pins and insert into Amphenol plug, jumpers first. e) Check for shorts between wires. f) Coat pins and wires with "5-minute" epoxy. g) Check for shorts between wires. h) Tie knot in cable above Epoxy. i) Position Amphenol strain relief onto plug. Fill cracks between strain relief and plug with clay. j) Apply MEK (methyl ethyl ketone) to threads of Amphenol strain relief. k) Fill Amphenol strain relief with polyurethane (Products Research and Chemical Corporation PR-1592 Amber) and slide cable snubber into place in end of strain relief. Lightly coat strain relief threads with polyurethane and screw plug assembly into line connector housing. Carefully apply MEK to inside threads of line-connector housing. DO NOT allow MEK to come into contact with the cable jacket. MEK will severely weaken it. Fill cavity with polyurethane. Screw strain relief into line-connector housing. Allow polyurethane to cure 3 days at room temperature before use. 1) Check for shorts between wires and continuity through cable. m) Thread safety line through line-connector 289 housing and tie off. n) Place o-ring onto line-connector housing. WINCH END TERMINATION: a) Remove tabs from Amphenol strain relief. b) Thread cable through: 1) line-connector housing (Figure IV-d-6) 2) Amphenol strain relief (Figure IV-d-7). c) Tie knot in Kevlar. d) Solder wires to female pins and insert into Amphenol plug. e) Check for shorts between wires. f) Position Amphenol strain relief onto plug. Fill cracks between strain relief and plug with clay. g) Screw plug assembly into line-connector housing. h) Check for shorts between wires. i) Center cable in line-connector housing and fill with "5-minute" epoxy. j) Check for shorts between wires and continuity through the cable. k) Place o-ring onto line-connector housing. 290 PART * 570 - COONER WIRE CO. OCEANOGRAPHY CABLE- .095" OVERALL DIA. .015" WALLTNICKNESS POLYURETHANE UPJOHN *2363, YELLOW, PIN HOLE FREE WATERPROOF INSULATION. 16 EACH CONDUCTORS, # 32 AWG (ft .009 OVERALL), = 290 okras/CABLE, 6pp TRIPLE POLYURETHANENYLON INSULATION. WIRES SPIRALED AROUND CORE. CORE, STRAIN MEMBER KEVLAR *29, THREE STRANDS OF 3000 DENIER DIA.ft .050 OVERALL BREAcING STRENGTH 400 POUNDS. CABLE LENGTH : 1400 FEET : 140 FEET (426.7 METERS 3 1o y.) OCEANOGRAPHY CABLE STEVE WILCOX 1/8/82 SKETCH APPROX. 4.0/I COONER WIRE PART *57O Figure IV-d-I. Cooner wire sketch, part #570. 291 LINE TERMINATION INSTRUMENT END STRAIN RELIEF (80-5IIA) LINE CONNECTOR HOUSING (SO-512C) 0-RING 2-215 0-RING Z-114 CABLE SNUBBER (80-5138) 12 STRAIN RELIEF (AMPHENOL 222- 5 18) PLUG (AMPHENOL 22Z-11N19) Scale: I in. = 2 in. SZ-30,102 Figure IV-d-2. 11-18-82 JC, MD6 Line termination - instrument end (dwg no. 82-30,102). 292 80-5120 B-B' THREADS 2 s, +.0024 2. 1 RfCTt C/ftt,.*A( art3n i u.*rr/(s:.eu ti MATE IAL: 11,75" PVC RGD j"p"R!tiC -FAP.Y..E/ 2 - 215 IV. TRZLE 2 11y N1TRILE a-- t-R5.9 16k- L:30*= j :.oo:: ' 1.75 C - C, SFPT .31 Figure IV-d-3. Line connector housing - instrument end (dwg no. 80-512C). 293 RSVP STRAIN RELIEF 80-511A MATERIAL : MOLDED R T V (G E 31 or 54, 0) Figure IV-d-4. Strain relief - instrument end (dwg no. 80-511A). 294 PSV 80-5i38 .125" V MAI TERIAL: PVC RO 0 SCALE: y- . J, CANTL Y 22 JAiJ 81 Figure IV-d-5. Cable snubber (dwg no. 80-513B). 295 RSVP WINCH03 LINE CONNECTOR HOUSING 8L-683 3 MAR8L MATERIAL: PVC SCALE : z: i J. CANTEY Figure IV-d-6. Line connector housing - winch end (dwg no. 82-683). 296 LINE TERMINATION - WINCH END LINE CONNECTOR HOUSING 82 - 683 O-RING 2-113 STRAIN RELIEFAMPHENOL 222-SIB PLUGAMPHENOL 222-IlN19 Scale-. 21n.= l in.. 82-30,101 Figure IV-d-7. Line termination 82-30,101). 11-18-82 MDB - winch end (dwg no. 297 e) Winch The RSVP winch system (Figure IV-e-1, Table IV-e-1) is an electrical winch driven by a 3/4 hp 110V variable speed dc motor. Speed reduction is 5/1, allowing a maximum retrieval rate of approximately 2.5 m/s at 45 pound cable tension with a spool radius of 3 inches. While the winch may be powered either in or out, in practice the cable free wheels out and is powered only on the retrieval cycle. With this version of the RSVP probe, drops to 220 m were achieved at 5 knots ship speed with a consistent turn-around time of 6 minutes. The winch system consists of an aluminum box mounted on a swiveling base with a fishing rod and pulley as a line guide. The drive train incorporates a moveable gear to act as a decoupler, and the cable spool is mounted on a cantilevered shaft to allow rapid cable change with minimum data gathering interruption. Data is transmitted through slip rings mounted in the hollow drive shaft. The mount system consists of the rail mount (Figure IV-e-2), pole holder (Figure IV-e-3), pole, and snatch block. Because level-wind, it is necessary to provide a means of keeping the line from piling up. This is accomplished by using a flexible pole and allowing the operator to swivel the winch about a vertical axis. The pole the winch does not have a is a solid fiberglass fishing "boat rod" about 6 ft long, designed for use with greater than 50# test line. All hardware was removed and the butt machined to 1" diameter. The block mount (Figure IV-e-4) is a stainless tube with a bent piece of 1/8" rod welded on to form a D. The block mount is epoxied to the end of the pole. The snatch block used is a Blockits #343K. The supplied roller is replaced with one (Figure IV-e-5) machined from Delrin which fits closer to the cheek plates so that line cannot catch between the cheeks and roller. The winch drive train (Figures IV-e-6, IV-e-7) is designed to free-wheel out as easily as possible. A modified bicycle brake allows the operator to stop the cable at the end of a drop. The clutch is then engaged to reel the probe in. Details of the construction of the drive train are shown in Figures IV-e-8 - IV-e-11. The winch is driven by an electric motor, Dayton #2M169 (Figure IV-e-12). The controller, Dayton #2M171, is located in a waterproof aluminum box (Figures IV-e-13 - IV-e-16). This box is mounted on the top of the winch frame which houses the drive train unit. The electrical system and operator are protected by a ground-fault circuit- 298 The winch is powered by ship's power through a waterproof connector. interrupter. Data is transmitted from the cable through the slip ring assembly (Figures IV-e-17, IV-e-18, details shown in Figures IV-e-19 - IV-e-26). This assembly is located within the hollow shaft on which the cable spool is mounted (Figures IV-e-27 - IV-e-29) and extends out the other side of the winch frame. A deck cable (Figure IV-e-30) connects to the stationary end of the slip rings and transmits the signals to the laboratory. The winch frame (Figures IV-e-31, IV-e-32, details Figures IV-e-33 - IV-e-42) is constructed of aluminum plate due to the critical alignment required between the long shaft and the short shaft (Figures IV-e-9, IV-a-10). The three side plates were stacked and the edges milled and holes bored simultaneously. Silicone sealant was used between the plates and to seal all screw holes. A crank (Figure IV-e-43) that can be used to retrieve the probe in the event of winch failure is available. This was not required on the FRONTS 82 cruise. 299 Table IV-e-1. Winch parts list Mount System 613 612 Rail mount 614 Block mount Snatch block Pole - solid fiberglass tapered rod designed for greater than 50# test line 607 606 - Blockits #343K Snatch block roller 615 Frame 610 611 620 621 622 623 630 631 Motor mount Front Side #1 Side #2 Side #3 Bearing mount Bottom Top Drive train Bearings 4 ea R6 closed 2 ea R10 closed 2 ea R20 closed 2 ea R20 open Gears Bevel 20 degree pressure angle, 12Pd Pinion 18T dpitch = 1.5", Bore 0.625" Gear 54T dpitch = 4.5", Bore 0.625" Keyway 3/16" 1 set screw Spur 14.5 degree pressure angle, 20 Pd, 3/8" face, 1/2" shoulder 1 ea 48T Dpitch=2.4", Bore 1 ea 40T Dpitch=2.0", Bore 2 ea 80T Dpitch=4.0", Bore 0.652", 0.375", 1.250", 2 set screw 2 set screw 2 set screw 1 ea 40T Dpitch=2.0", Bore ).875", 1.0" face, no shoulder Bevel shaft 5/8" x 3.78", 3/16 keyway / 2 flats @ 90 degrees other end Idler shaft 3/8" x 2.5", 2 flats @ 90 degrees 0.525" from end 300 Table IV-e-1 (continued) 624 642 643 641 640 Clutch mount 625 626 Brake mount Eccentric shaft Detent handle Short shaft Long shaft Splash shield Brake lever Brake - Modified "atom" bicycle rear drum brake Line restraint plates 670 671 Spool retainer Crank Spacers 5/8" I.D. x 7/8" O.D. x 0.050" x 1.000" 3/8" I.D. x 5/8" O.D. x 0.050" x 1.000" 605 603 629 Data transmission assembly Deck cable wiring Plug o-ring Parker 2-221 nitrile 627 Connector mount Connector - Amphenol 165-28 Cable - see wiring diagram 83-603 Connector 628 Connector 695 694 - Amphenol 222-11N19 Connector bracket - Amphenol 222-12N19 Stationary connector housing Slip ring shaft Bushing 0.500" I.D. xO.555" O.D. x 0.50L" 6-32 clearance hole Flex coupling H.H. Smith #164 691 Slip ring cap Slip ring - Airflyte 692 693 Slip ring body Slip ring rear body Amphenol 222 series Spool connector Connector - Amphenol 222 series Connector - 680 Electronics CAY 110-20 301 Table IV-e-1 (continued) Electrical system Connector as required for specific research ship Cable - 14-350 Neoprene Waterproof connector - Russell Stoll 20A 115V #3729 plug #3743 receptacle Ground fault circuit interrupter - 11OV Controller - Dayton #2M171 Motor - Dayton #2M169 Waterproof shaft Toggle switch boot - APM Hexseal #1030 Electrical box with covers 661 660 Aluminum standoff 4-40 female threaded 1/4"d x 1" Waterproof electrical cord grips Cable 14-250 Neoprene Gaskets - molded from self leveling RTV 734 silicone Seals Parker polypak 12500250 APM hex seal 1030 Parker 2 series o-rings nitrile 006 010 016 019 020 221 113 115 119 128 Fasteners - stainless 0-80x1/4" 2-56x1/4" 10-32x1/2" 10-32x3/4" 10-32x1/2" 10-32x3/4" 5/16"-18x3/4" 6-32x3/16" 1/4"-20x1/4" steel flat hd flat hd flat socket hd flat socket hd socket hd socket hd socket hd set set 4-40x3/8" 6-32x1/4" 6-32x1/2" 6-32x2" 10-32x1/2" 1/4"-20x4" 3/8"-16x3/4" 10-32x1/4" 5/16"-18x1/4" round hd round hd round hd round hd round hd hex hd hex hd set set Misc. hardware - stainless steel 1/8"x3/4" groove pin 3/16" roll pin 3/16" key 10-32 blind press nut 1132-NBS-EXRR-.056 6-32 blind press nut 932-NBS-EXRR-.040 (Precision metal products) 30? I ii 303 RSVP WI,YCH 3 32-413 1S OCT82 BALL MOUNT Y) MArERIAL : STEEL L 5IA rE.S SCALE:.[-1 J. CANFY Figure IV-e-2 Rail mount (dwg no. 82-613). 304 RSVP WINCH #3 _ 82=612__ POLE H OL PER I I SCALE; 2:1 J, CANTL Y Figure IV-e-3. Pole holder (dwg no. 82-612). -- ?.: cc '- -44 L, z4c 305 WI11CN' BLOCK mo(NT 11` V 82-61y I 1 OCT 11-32 'I 11.1r4 MATERIAL: SrAIN[ESS STEEL J. CANTEY Figure IV-e-4. Block mount (dwg no. 82-614). 306 SNATCH LIXK_ P 0%LE R _ 82__ti2.c ----?8 Oc_T82 A -A i MA-12 Figure IV-e-5. AL: (. Li1,A! J, CA NTEY Snatch block roller (dwg no. 82-615). WINCH'3 DRIVE TRAIN 62- 606 LIAR 20FSsa INPUT l, SUArr q6 iurN SNIH SpACtR %'ID )i 00 .0501 BEARINGS Ni0 ;S& E7 / o ):I RAt10' El N-! mob' DfuAfru1J A11 Rif ar 3.001 BEVEL GEARS c PINION L1I.5' se rurN BEVEL SUArr LCAA 17SLAWo $1T$JAr 3.I.21i lad' MCSSDRt AACIE 1j, N(VWAV 1111 SCOW JEJ'$041 cr NlurN 2FAfs(.r10' I.Mf.I1f £'EAM 0 i SL.a'r IDLER SNfn ' fPACLR tim.%o0 Afar gI BEARINGS SPUR GEARS /.root o NiV DfPAAruA( Jl,R(I cI-=E7 _ . l J PRISSURE ANNIE GEAR2NI F15*2 v.- S 20 0, va FACE Aro rttrN 1 ¼ ' SMOULDER s 1 1 CIN fl1I IDLER SHAFT O IN o SHOUIDEA 2"1.1bs 2 riAnV +O LINE SPOOL ef.re 81AWK --ZFn 70,5110 St .Yv 111,'SNAFI L23 ivLt LN- C7 O N1 1/t"'. ii, 6'11 I BMW S 111420 .shuo10 in , CLUTCH BEARINGS R20 DO 612-1 BEARINGS Ping (ECFNrRtC SNAFI 612.1 rU I_ "° CO14AA &°12.2 GEAR 20FS10 (IUICN ry;UNr 424 5 SHAFF I FACE NO SMOULDER 1D Trf rN NO Sit SCREWS IENI HANDLE 64S en 5/(IFof L 11 4LIIM BRAKE LEVER .a(r? I1I OO 0 :RORrsNAfr Civil l °fS1.2k,' DRACKEI 62S COMA 1(4110 N AiJaNV FNr4NAfIONAL ASS VIA[ SPOOL DRAM 110UNr 626A BRAKE Atom' clang SPOOL RETAINER LONG SHAFT 470 Lg01 REAR ORUr1 9AAA1 Ivfl I1[4(100: 1 15111 AAEA War I &DA 1 1.10' 11 NI1A LIRE RESTRAINT f AAPL too $OUYr fL Arc lc fivl J. CANTEY 7 OCT82 w CD V ap E a F3 (j(('tif l l ! I ; i 1114!111 I I i! I Ip 11 iE: U It 309 R _ yF W%AIc w '3 2- y2 FLCFN 7-.P/C S,//AFT S A- 7iI167rr 442-1 NC %E: . RrlL A FrEk AS-fEI` 6-1. Y TB DETERMINE RADIAL FOSITrow N LEVER b ,,q2-3 -375-- rlj=1o -=2 JATF_RIAL, SrciNL5Ss cozlw 6y2-2 L- ) qraP /g -Ik 17ATERIAL: ALU111/VUN MAr RIAL: DELRIN J, CA IV i Y Figure IV-e-8. Eccentric shaft (dwg no. 82-642). 310 _____R kP WINCH 9 62-6yG _ FE882 LONG S/MFr 6'10-1 !--1.0.0 TAB t74 t ,'JAI. : a ,IFS g,"i SG a1LS.S 3IPS So/Ea y 316'.r " ROD 3f4 J2 -r-----y ' PIATE 1I6 S.S. 6-?z`'5 :S. SErc n.j Figure IV-e-9. -2O Long shaft (dwg no. 82-640). 4Z U) 311 i r : NA:T 6L11-1 "j 4 rE F!AG ; 1 I11 j 52-6y1-i .4 v OD C6S ruSE 31.L- 82-6'/L-2 rA"%`f Z.^. 62f 1-2 '1ArE,P1AL: ALUHINUt'l J. CANTS Y Figure IV-e-10. Short shaft (dwg no. 82-641). 312 D(TENT y,9,V&.= 757 5 S2 82-E'/3 SPR1,/G Wi 11 ruP,t,e; oI /1 rEP.1/:.: STAINLESS W! , , CHROME NICKEL ALLOY, HARD NArZ*)IAL; .'.f 40a _1. CA.4JTEY Figure IV-e-11. Clutch detent handle (dwg no. 82-643). 82- 608 WINCN ELECTRICAL SYSTV 1 II ur IIIIN tint CII/NI I INUAIwra AM NIK(N F "d IVIr(N NOOr ( '4J O1/fKI 1 V,JWl1 roll I I 0 .1®I N/II roroi- * 62.9(0 (IILI(ICAI WI - _. a W(0/14I (MY rANY f, roar 9U N111A SLG I'M Mr7ar *'2 MK/ Ill141Hg1 1.wt Irl Kti w IOA 1111 A(((PI4I1A 371) PINS fi710 41.811 IMP El 1 CANiY 20 OCI82 w Figure IV-e-13. Photograph of controller and electrical box. 315 RSVP W1NC/ 3 GLECTRiCAL BOX 82-0140 TOP ,V-BOTrom OPEN 2 2 MNR_82___P_AGEI 1Q-32 BLIND PRESS NUTS -TOP 10-32 CLEARANCE /. &A BOrron MAT/=RIAL 1GA. A/W?/NNN 9L 10-32 BLIND PRESS Nafs AM. ti U. PhD. (A NODIIEJ 113 2-N8S-M.QT COVER 6-32 BLrAID PRESS NUTS PnP 932,VBS EXRR -.oqo J. CANTfY Figure IV-e-14. Winch electrical box specifications (dwg no. 82-660/1). 316 R= V? WIN6 1 3 E2 - 60 2.2 MAR 82 ELECTRICAL SOX BB 1T8 ON, ti OFF ED W pq wER 1 It 3" 6% = C-C Figure IV-e-15. Winch electrical box controls (dwg no. 82-660/2). =A 6E2 317 ZSV WINCI- - -- ---20 Ocr 2 f0-661- (vh7'E R i-ROOF 'PA FT MATERIAL ALUHrNUl7 0 b 1ATERrAL. DELRIN 14 J. CANTEY Figure IV-e-16. Winch electrical controls - waterproof shaft (dwg no. 82-661). PLU: 420, 318 UI CONNECTGP IHPNZNo_ UJ26 CONAL--TOR MOUNT. 627 CABLE See r2RtNS AOKf.M Q2. Z CON14!CTDP Am w144k 222 SLRJZ UZZ p RIA -- Nuc U#$ S1e COM !CTO! £9ACXET CONNECTOR .,NSLC/ff4Cti +0. ?222)N21 JIM= frfalw R[Kf'em STS 7WAY CON(R WDLTK SLIP RIAK SHAFT 6 I, ecn ttxgc AN" ILL .sa'. F212 MLG %' St1.SFT C0YIPLLIC WN S/fIT/f d'Xf S 64 RINC CAP poi SLIP RIAK ARRYIE tUC?R VJ CAT 110-20 2!P PING WDT c12 SLIP lIAC (REAR CAP 4 t1 OReic 006 Comew A NN NENOL 222 SLR2# 0 CIB j I wirnc Ptn ID ISN %-JIM N0(l. !fea -C90! I Li RITAINL4L% 2 tOVNFCTOB A d.M 222 f2RN! I L-J Figure IV-e-17. Winch data transmission assembly (dwg no. 82-605). a Figure IV-e-18. Photograph of data transmission system. 320 J': \'C k' SV CONNECTOR C5 _o fGcG TAP 10 -3Z 0 R:NG 2-123 ;.1 11 Figure IV-e-19. Connector bracket (dwg no. 82-628). ;t Y 321 411 t, LAC CO'JJECTOP &fOf."/T RS 1"i 52 -,.2,7 1.6 r E c $2 ; -L---220 - -90 " -1.700" F I H rj, N FLA.VGL El.GE6 ON r.I ,-L ATE-, i.1 f r`I TNRES D -5/.4/0 Y/. LE ?0° SPge, IN6 --1. G6G =-yi I MArE,C AL: ,,ALUHINUoy PLATE A zips Scf 1:^ ALli/1NUy PL1E J, CA1rEy Figure IV-e-20. Connector mount (dwg no. 82-627). 322 RSVP L'INCH "3 82 - 929 15 JUN- 82 PL U6 THREAD 6-32 MA riRIAL : 1.75"pt'L R06 HeA 6-32,1/y" SS SCREW !y eA "(, SS 41ASHER h'// NYLON WE88:NG 1"WID Figure IV-e-21. Waterproof plug (dwg no. 82-629). J. (AN TEY 323 R, VP WI AJt,4/ ? 2 -6 9!' 16 MAR 82 :Lt.F RI1'6 srarl:v.r CGNNECTG,p /!O!(S1A/ NOTE: CIRCC(LAR GROOVE CUT WITH %8" NOLE 3Aln/ I f--THREAD 6 -32 I r/l EAD 1/2-20 MATERZAb. IE4R2W SCAB! 2:1 J. CAvTEY Figure IV-e-22. Slip ring stationary connector housing (dwg no. 82-695). 324 RSVP 'f-82-Q 9y L-A A11116, S-AIA Fr 17/k V'rE: 2UKA I EFuZt'. D J-,'J. J. 111,47'z-,P.',44 L : %g S.. ruE .os5 wcc SCALE 2.'! J. C'A,VrZY Figure IV-e-23. Slip ring shaft (dwg no. 82-694). 325 R 5_l!/KCX ' 1 SLIP RING C41 Z -----_8 ' R 84 - AKp - POL Y PA K 12SC 02 r0 T/.1,PEA D 2 S6 SIX ,DL14 E KENL Y S, ACE. ArE°ML, AG C11-1i j,1' SCALE 2 :1 .l. C4Av; -may Figure IV-e-24. Slip ring cap (dwg no. 82-691). 326 BODY CLEARANCE DRILL "sue-r p c- o N,, r<R_AL: -i rI' EF FENLy SPACE,/ _ COuNrEesz. K 2-.S7, FLAT HEAD ' N.kE f NULEf t vs,Cy c ED - CC L',vr R r Nr' 2, SL =LpT AlcAZ J,':N.i :?Y Figure IV-e-25. Slip ring body (dwg no. 82-692). T//RAE HOLE) EVENLY J. CANTET SPACED 327 P. : VP vrllc# SLIP PING /?EAR CAP ---:998 L N .1 .CDuA'TER`. NK 0.5C 2-HOLE$ oP Zra O 'R:N(, 2.019 TNRER 2 S6 3 HOLES EvFNLY SAACLD N -'AZ A-;2 OIL FILL PL LG w/6 32 S[AF;/. A,WI 2-066:6,Y. N6 'fATERIAL ; ,AL41AWUhj J. (A //r '/ Figure IV-e-26. Slip ring rear cap (dwg no. 82-693). 328 SPOOL CONNECTO4P 6z-6aC-2 ,,12f SPOCL CONVECTOR RErcrN,:R I\I i1F T 2 _ /.y i IJfL-f:ii Sz-(e BC-1 5 POOL CONNES rO R NOa szNG O R, 1v.', 2 -113 J, 4n: /Vr:Fv Figure IV-e-27. Spool connector retainer and housing (dwg no. 82-680). 329 RSVP WINCH= 18 FE8 52 7C; SPOOL RETAINER i AP r4 f8 s- s,., .QoLs 2 10 i J I I .l' i^ ? AAAA,[ JA4 A A A A i `DIAL: 1/4 x18y=/y=. SGCYT NEAR CAP SCREW J. CANT -y Figure IV-e-28. Spool retainer (dwg no. 82-670). i 330 P=UP WINCH - DECK CABLE CONNECTIONS Cable 9733 M YELLOW: -Blue foil BLUE -Blue foil- '14, 1 HI L Ch . 1 LO 6 Ch. 2 HI Ch. LO Ch. 3 HI 3 8 Ch. 4 HI Ch. 4 L0 4 D BLACK ' J ORANGE- Ch. 5 HI 5 K Ch. 5 LO 10 H Data shield N Monitor shield C RED - B WHITE ''I -Blue foil-Blue foil Ch. 3 LU 9 %, BLACK V a - 5 V Monitor + batters (T) 11 GREEN Y DC/DC (A) DC/PC (A) 13 14 DC/DC (B) iv -Blue foil BLAC;: REP -Red foil- kLACK ? BLUE = ---}-- BLACK ; T----BROWN . -Blue foil BLACK 7-1 YEL.UWi foil ri L A C K ---Green Ch. r GREEN -1 -Blue foil -Green Data lintL numbs E RED -.=T -Red foil _ Connector code RED RED 62-6 WHITE DC/ DC (B) S Chassis ground Spare Spare Spare 12 16 (shield spares) (to winch slip rings) Spare Spare Figure IV-e-29. Deck cable connections (dwg no. 82-603). 17 18 ,._ 331 332 WINCH °3 FRAME 82-607 O'. S[DE '1 G20 S1DF'z G2L toTCR fOuNT 620 SIDE 'Z 422 FRONT G11 J. CANTEY 11 OCT 82 Figure IV-e-31. Winch frame drawing (dwg no. 82-607). 333 3 2_61 _- ------1 FEE,-32 ;,7_1700t F, b ALM,l{H P4Al5 CAL = 2:1 (j ir1Y Figure IV-e-32. Motor mount (dwg no. 82-610). 334 FRONT --- 7 87-5 p I MA TRIAL: ALU/71//U,i PL,vE SCRL_ : 2: 1 I (ANTCy Figure IV-e-33. Winch frame front (dwg no. 82-611). 335 7. i '7.00"-------- -S.50'- NOTE: TAP EDGE TAP y "NPT na wT 6EAR GQSE OU 6A6E i c .1: A! a L; ;YI,V /,l,'1 SCALE 2:1 J. CA'I'T:- Figure IV-e-34. Winch frame side #1 (dwg no. 82-620). 336 RSVP w,,,L' S2 21 SIDE 0-2 2FEB2 r I n'_ "A Figure IV-e-35. Winch frame side #2 (dwg no. 82-621). 337 V r ro 7.66" 11 MATERI4 L :13 iLulmI Iat1 Figure IV-e-36. Winch frame side #3 (dwg no. 82-622). 338 ASV wrw r,_._ E E.4RIM', /`'1011 / T f' -- - ? Fee (,'/;7fy Figure IV-e-37. Bearing mount (dwg no. 82-623). 339 0077 H ELATE 0 0 0 0 ,ZS IIATEPL4L. ?f'AL&lfiwa f PLAT= Figure IV-e-38. Winch frame bottom plate (dwg no. 82-630). 340 =/C-=a _32 3.2"--Y 200 0 0 0 Figure IV-e-39. Winch frame top plate (dwg no. 82-631). 341 .7r rv% lINCf1 #J 52-624' jCLIITC/-/ 110 UNT --- _ --- TAP Z C -32 Lei. .J 7 NcrS: LEr_NT HOLES. Di?IL1 AF7ER AIEF-m&YAS !/EE.iSAy EXAcr E:!TE IWAS. DThI= /SIGNS UNIAfPCRTA,VT MATERIAL: AL tU1: N!!tY J. fAN7L Y Figure IV-e-40. Clutch mount (dwg no. 82-624). 342 RSJLP111/U e3-_!aRAKF /"MOUNT a47 2 yFEB 32 .PACKET iA,vT Y Figure IV-e-41. Brake mount bracket (dwg no. 82-625). 343 RSVP WINCH 3 52-626- . 2'f FLB 32 RI\Kc' , EVPP, MATh RT AL: STA J. CANTEY Figure IV-e-42. Brake lever (dwg no. 82-626A). 344 p1/ fly ,'_ 8.2 C kA A0<' kc J I I a2-671-2 to i j''' lF1N c..' t:! r.!./ . !'COIL` -, 2Q S. Figure IV-e-43. Crank (dwg no. 82-671). v 6-71 345 f) Onboard analog electronics The signal from the RSVP is transmitted from the probe, through the data link, winch data transmission system and deck cable and through on board analog filters, amplifiers and possibly differentiators before being digitized and recorded. This is accomplished by a dual amplifier-filter unit (Figures IV-f-1, IV-f-2) which can be rack mounted in the ship's laboratory. This module allows the selection (Figures IV-f-3, IV-f-4) of 40 or 80 Hz filters for the undifferentiated signal and 40, 80, 400 or 800 Hz for the signal to be differentiated. Undifferentiated outputs include x1, x1 filtered, x5 and x50. The differentiated signal is output x1, with selectable gain as well as the root-mean-square and the logarithm of the rms. The power is supplied to this unit by a transformer located in the module (Figures IV-f-5, IV-f-6). The signal from the RSVP unit is received (Figure IV-f-7) by a high -impedance differential amplifier. The selectable filters are fixed frequency low-pass Cauer-elliptic, 7 pole, 0 dB, passband gain filters (Frequency Devices, Inc, model 7438-f). Undifferentiated signals are offset with voltages from 0.1 to 1.0 V, selectable from the front panel (Figure IV-f-8). The offset signal is passed through a x 5 gain stage. This signal is offset again and an additional x 10 gain applied. A bar display on the front panel (Figure IV-f-9) allows the operator to monitor the amplified voltage levels. The input signal is also differentiated using an operational-amplifier-based differentiator circuit (Figure f-10). This circuit has a unity gain frequency of 15.9 hz, high frequency corner at 796 hz and a high frequency gain of 50. The gain applied to the differentiated signal is selectable from the front panel. Additional outputs include the rms of the differentiated signal averaged over 0.2 s and the log of the rms. An older version of this circuitry was used for one RSVP temperature channel and for DC pressure on FRONTS 82 since a sufficient number of the new module was not ready. This has been described by Caldwell and Dillon (1981). An FM discriminator circuit which produced an output voltage dependent upon the pressure oscillator frequency was used to decode the FM pressure signals that were added to the temperature channels in the probe. 346 i cc C. V 347 REVISION xi riLr x1 OUT LO- PASS OUT oUT xs xSO OUT Q O 0 11 to I. r a: li. 40 Nt DC DC AMP INPUT AMP 80 Nt LO 400 HI d/dt NI 8fJ0 N1 AC AMP LOG AC AIMS OUT OUT LOG OUT NVii BLOCK DIAGRAM Jr t RSVP DUAL AMPLIFIER- FILTER *W:..O9fif-. AC RMS M 82- 07 1__'hv./ ula/ei Figure IV-f-2. Block diagram RSVP dual amplifier-filter (dwg no. 82-20708). .a. sa w. I &: - 20708 re I a A I j 348 REvISION LIPJ FRONT As D"WN PqN EL JnlAlie .dOW COMPONENTS 11111O It INPVT IE ILT OIIT OUT P-01111 iE LO-No A N1D-SOON! AS is OI0SET AS OUT Nd0 OSSPLIIY OrritT xs0 ISS OUT DISPLAY PO AI T tO to-Pals fII et II DISPLAY M s ANALOG INPUT AND FILTER BOARD BOARD I NOTES: 1. SEE PARTS L1 9T e2- 20717 [B INSIST PeJ IL I OUT Al PILT out xS OUT xso OUT BACK PANEL COMPONENTS SYSTEM WIRING DIAGRAM - SDW SNEET S or. 2 82-207 3 Figure IV-f-3. System wiring diagram - input/filter board, analog board (dwg no. 82-20713/1). 349 REVISION FRONT L) 3F B IIEDRRWR OR) Ti-, V. PANEL COMPONENTS Tf?W go^ AC AC AC 8 RIN OUT Rns OUT Loo OUT Z JE I/O RS7 BOARD 10 Rae so FUNCTION Ih A BOARD !I ) AC AC RMS L04 OUT OUT OUT ).)1,M1UN 1/0 CONNECTOR OUT N 11ov f4 AC WOOL BACK PANEL COMPONENTS SYSTEM WIRING ...-« SDw SIZE DW i. Figure IV-f-4. SNEET 2 or 2 "O' 82-2.0713 System wiring diagram - function board, power supply board, I/O board (dwg no. 82-20713/2). MqEV B 350 REVISION LA Fe t 117' 1 *v Y B 2F 22 R57 10 t Nfl .1'111i ' IA0... JMS Rse so - ._ ____> D +v TO 1/o CONNicloR ANALOG OND 21 - lsv 1/4 A /0011.110. v -> E I -v DC Poi GNo TIRSt Et E GROUP .m1. R01s..1.e01a SCH ErtrI1G 1/0 Sn .1.1$..w .a .s. ama snW 'file: Figure IV-f-5. Schematic: I/O board (dwg no. 82-20821). FSOH K D . s. F- ., 1 a 351 REVISION I1. .COIRIp 1 1 ..1. 1 St DC POWER SuPPLY NorES 1. . THE MEAT SINK AREA OF INC POWER SUPPLY HAS BEEN SING STRNTIALLY REDUCED. SCHEMATIC i:_U. wL.mn tii POWEP SUPPLY as el s.. Figure IV-f-6. Schematic: R2 tn7rn I Power supply (dwg no. 82-20841). I e2- 208ie1 I.._1 «l IT 352 NOTE5: 1. FILTER CUBES (I'l. -f4) RAE, LOCRT*D ON SOCkETS HOUNTiD TO CIRCUIT BOARD T81. 2. 3. POWER TO FILTER CUBE SOCKETS, Ptri js IS +;5VI PIN -Vs 15 -ISV, PIN '*Nd 15 ANA1.0.e GNA FILTER CUOES (fl - Fs) ARE FIXED FREQUENCY LOW-PRSS CAUER-ELLIPTIC, 7 POLE, OJ6 PAS5BRNP GRIN FILTERS{ MODEL 7436-f, FREQUENCY DfjICES, INC- 415V -ISV -<A OP-AMP POWER (T81), PIN 7 Is 1SV, PIN 4 IS -tSV. S SEE PARTS LIST, 81-20742. t?F -< 4 -<z4 1 °-v -<i A& 10 ANALOG C2 GNO DC PWR $NO Figure IV-f-7. J- ->i 11 W>17>Y Ii:ir7il SCHEMATIC (I/F) INPUT AND FILTER {. - 21>- , asss Schematic: input/filter board (dwg no. 82-20761). BOARD j YR is 0.82 -2070 0 1"82-2076.1 s - 1 I a I 353 is OFFSET AND 6R1N DC AMPLIFIERS REVISION mrea. I A 111n FROM 1C IS ( P.41) R25 92 D2 ,OR - SJ REF TO DISPLAY, RU IOK R28 10K FOR 2ok IC 2G(Pnl S) RX 1OK -rw v IC 22 IC Sr C71 .i C67 C61 02 .001 X1 FILTER D . - 2K R19 Took R21 "so R27 10K OUT R31 10K IMOKZ (tSV) 10 k -, 1R 19 E t IM S 11 ICA Ago R23 lob( 4.TTK 1 12 >-1-- 7 V OUT (f sv) IC23 e w IC21 R33 44."K M v NOTES 1I 1. MRTU ID RESISTORS, *5011S, R 17-18, R21-221 R27-21, 831-32. 2. ANALOG OP-AMP POWER, PIN 7 Is V, Pill of IS -Y. 8N0 3 5EE PARTS LIST, 02-20782. -v SCHEMATIC ANALOG BOARD 82-20700 f"82 - 20781 SDW 1112181 Figure IV-f-8. -a, Schematic: analog board - gain and offset (dwg no. 82-20781/2). . 1 . I. 2 354 1 7 +S.ooov I Iy vftTAGE R1) k REF. K13 4 4V I Am " A IS RIL RElK 1K tSeaOv DISPLAY Ic if IC is REP. az SELECT RS TO LOWER Re?. VOLTAGE TO + 5.000 VOLTS. TRIM R11E,40 TO AD745T DISPLAY BRIGHTNESS. S. AO7UST R16 TO CENTER" THE LIGHTED DISPLAY 4.99K c a.1 t. MATCH RESISTORS, I S'004. P 11-11. 3. SELECT Rq TO i? REF. VOLTAGE re +S.DOOV, + 9.3Sv RI,S L NOTES i 1. OP-AMP POWER, P1N7Is +V, PIN 4 IS -V. 4.g4K Ic i REVISION I R14 I/PPP*k 1e m K -S.ooov WITH DV INPUT. 6 DISPLAYS DP LI 1 ARE LOCATED ON FRONT PANEL. XS DISPLAY +'V IC 25 XSO DISPLAY +v DPI iC tG C73 33 P37 low is 33 1 --- R39 ION v fIVM FROM IC 2O(TN 4) D3 (OTOIov) lCtl(PING) F-O- rs D4 b R3B IK +V Y 4- DP2 CTA 1 9 w -- -O-% R4O IK N9 to -er ANALOG 1 z ONO -V TURBULENCE GROUP DC POWeR Z OND ar.e w ary..., VOWS SOW 1ajolt Figure IV-f-9. SCHEMATIC ANALOG BOARD r. a.. 92 - 20 781 8 r92 .?0700 -a I Schematic: analog board - front panel display (dwg no. 82-20781/1). I 355 REVISION Nit DI F F EP ENT IN.TOA I / 11 C7L X00 f.f 1GagL C7: I Hq1 2K IGOK 'f --11----'r.r'PCr+ .Q/WI IWITCN I R42 rr 1.5k f (..117'.'.) v fwu.N' NFu (...,e 44 C v 15.9 Na f, (-1h fr.' C.,...) = AC OUT R%3 s 744 NZ (..y q.+) : LOG AMPLIFIER RMS 3183 Pt IC 35 50 LOG puT 3.4 V f.S. C81 22 7 SC N E M A-1 IC Reuel«x ` >eu VI n, z Figure IV-f-10. Schematic: function board (dwg no. FUNCTION BOhRD H d2 - 20700 82-20801). 0. 82 - ?06'01 & 356 V. The analog to digital system a) Hardware The data acquisition system was based on an LSI 11/23 microprocessor, with a 16-bit data word. To meet the resolution requirement, we use a 16 bit analog to digital converter, with a theoretical static resolution of one part thousand. We chose the DATA TRANSLATION DT 2762/5716-SE-B-PGH, with programmable gain and 16 single ended inputs. Even though fewer signals were recorded for any configuration, 16 permanent hardware inputs allow us to in sixty five operate all our sampling scheme changes in software. High resolution is counterbalanced by slow conversion speed, and care had to be taken to maintain a high throughput rate. A DATA TRANSLATION DT 2769 Real Time Clock was used to generate the sampling interrupts. It was modified to increase its interrupt priority level. The data were written in 800 bpi NRZI to a 7 track magnetic tape, in 'core-dump' mode, 4 tape characters per 16 bit word. We used a CIPHER 80X tape transport with a DILOG DQ120 controller. A DATA TRANSLATION DT 2766 12 bits 4 channels D/A was used to monitor the digitized signal, mainly during development of the software. LOGIC: The hardware is controlled directly by the data acquisition program, loaded in resident memory. The RT-11 operating system is bypassed. The sampling rate and number of channels are software selectable. The configuration chosen was 15 channels at 90Hz, that is a 1350 Hz (741 microseconds throughput rate for the program and A/D. The maximum throughput rate of the software is about 555 microseconds (Figure Y-a-1). With a Nyquist frequency of 45 Hz, all harmonics of 60Hz, the line frequency, are aliased to 30Hz, making data processing easier. The 16 hardware channels are scanned following a software-selected configuration, depending on the sensors used. The 4 channels of the D/A are selected at run time. The sequence of events for one sample is sketched in Figure V-a-1. The clock is set to overflow when a sample is to be taken. The clock status is checked repeatedly by the program. If overflow is detected, the converted value held in the A/D data buffer is read and the next sample is taken immediately (i.e. the sample and hold circuit of the A/D is switched to hold on the next channel). 357 aArA ,lc quisi rioN TinEb SEQuEn)c loo ID . PRO*RAr oa Eva vrs 300 Zoo 400 Q< I I' SocrwARE A19 4 , 60 N, CSR : conko, 0m4 cfahu ntc4r- Da R. : cUx4vx Ieufer RT C : tft\ lime doc't Figure V-a-1. 3IS ps Timing diagram for the data acquisition system. 358 b) The data acquisition program program was written by Bob Eifrig in the C programming language. It uses the 16-bit A/D board The data acquisition and will write data on either magnetic tape or floppy disk. It is designed to be easy to use and to make log-keeping during data acquisition simple and reliable. These goals are met by requiring the operator to select one of three "formats" and to enter the external parameters such as gains and offsets from the keyboard. A gain of 2 on the A/D board (voltage range of +5 to -5 V) and a scan rate predetermined of 90 Hz are set as default values. All parameters are recorded in the "header" column of the tape or disk file. The scan rate and channel assignments of the four D/A's are selected by the commands SETUP or MODIFY. The option to enter all parameters from the key board is retained but was not used during FRONTS 82. Data are recorded as 16-bit integers. A scan consists of a header channel and fifteen data channels. The header word in each scan is written during overhead time between samples so that the time between the last data word of one scan and the first of the consecutive words within a next is the same as between scan. 2048 integer words (128 scans) are written to a tape record. The cabling is identical for all of the formats, only the desired inputs are sampled. Fourteen of the fifteen input connectors are used. Fifteen data channels plus the header channel are recorded. The input connectors are assumed to be cabled as follows: INPUT # INPUT # INPUT # INPUT # INPUT # INPUT # INPUT # 1.....RSVP 2.....RSVP 3.....RSVP 4.....RSVP 5.....RSVP INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT INPUT 8.....RSVP # # # # # # # 6..... RSVP 7..... RSVP T1 x 1 T1 x 5 T2 x 1 T2 x 5 Cx1 Cx5 dC/dt x (onboard amplifier gain) pressure 9.....CHAIN T x 1 10.....CHAIN T x 5 11 ..... CHAIN dT/dt x (onboard amplifier gain) 12 .....CHAIN C x 1 x (onboard amplifier gain) 13 .....CHAIN dC/dt x (onboard amplifier gain) 14.....CHAIN pressure # 15 .....SHORT 359 CONFIGURATIONS: There are four choices of configuration, the three configuration. predetermined formats and the general Each is identified by a number which is recorded in the header column of the data file. The configurations and their identification numbers are: # 1. GENERAL: # 2. RSVP with Neil Brown conductivity: Number of channels, A/D board gains and channel assignments are set at run time. No questions about external parameters are asked. The following inputs are recorded. The program asks for the external parameters listed in parenthesis. a) RSVP temperature channel 1: x1 x 5 (OFFSET) b) RSVP temperature channel 2: x1 x 5 (OFFSET) c) RSVP conductivity x1 x 5 (OFFSET) d) RSVP pressure e) CHAIN microconductivity f) CHAIN temperature x1 dC/dt (GAIN) x1 x 5 (OFFSET) g) CHAIN pressure (Paulson) Data file configuration: data channel input name connector 1 2 3 ............. 1........... RSVP .............2...........RSVP ............. 3........... RSVP .............4...........RSVP .............5...........RSVP .............6...........RSVP 7 .............8...........RSVP 4 5 6 Ti x 1 T1 x 5 T2 x 1 T2 x 5 Cx1 Cx5 pressure 8............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 9............ 14........... CHAIN pressure 10............ 13........... CHAIN 11 .............9...........CHAIN 12..... .....10...........CHAIN 13............ 12........... CHAIN 14............ 13........... CHAIN 15............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt T x 1 T x 5 C x 1 dC/dt dC/dT 360 # 3. CHAIN microconductivity: The following inputs are recorded. The program asks for the external parameters listed in parenthesis. a) CHAIN microconductivity b) CHAIN temperature x1 dC/dt (GAIN) x1 x 5 (OFFSET) dT/dt (GAIN) c) CHAIN pressure (Paulson) Data file configuration: data channel input name connector ............. 9........... CHAIN T x 1 2............ 10........... CHAIN T x 5 1 3............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 4............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 5............ 12........... CHAIN C x 1 61........... 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 7............ 13:.......... CHAIN dC/dt 8............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 9............ 14........... CHAIN pressure 10............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 11............ 11........... CHAIN dT/dt 12............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 13............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 14............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dt 15............ 13........... CHAIN dC/dT 361 # 4. RSVP with microconductivity: The following inputs are recorded. The program asks for the external parameters listed in parenthesis. a) RSVP temperature channel 1: x1 b) RSVP temperature channel x 5 (OFFSET) x 5 (OFFSET) c) RSVP conductivity d) RSVP pressure 2: x1 dC/dt (GAIN) Data file configuration: data channel input name connector ............. 1........... RSVP ............. 2........... RSVP 3 ............. 7........... RSVP 4 ............. 7........... RSVP 5 .............5... ......RSVP 6 .............7...........RSVP 7 ............. 7........... RSVP 8 .............7...........RSVP 1 2 .............8...........RSVP 9 10 .............7......... .RSVP 11 .............4...........RSVP 12 .............7...........RSVP 13 .............7...........RSVP 14 ............. 7........... RSVP 15 .............7...........RSVP Ti x 1 Ti x 5 dC/dT dC/dT C x 1 dC/dT dC/dT dC/dt pressure dC/dt T2 x 5 dC/dT dC/dT dC/dt dC/dT 362 RUNNING THE PROGRAM: The data acquisition program is run on an LSI 11/23 equipped with a video terminal and printer. The operator enters commands and parameters from the video terminal (the console device); a log is kept on the printer. The RT-11 assignment command can be used to run the program from the printing device. Three types of questions are asked by the program: a)"COMMAND (list)" type: The answer is the first letter of the desired command. The list includes all available commands. b)"Default" type: The question includes a value for the answer. Hit [RETURN] to keep the displayed value. Enter the desired value and [RETURN] to change. c)"YES/NO" type: In response to anything except a yes or no the program will repeat the question. To return to command mode while being asked a question type [ESC] then [RETURN]. To abort recording, printing or scrolling and return to command mode just type [ESC]. 363 COMMANDS: FORWARD (F): The tape proceeds forward until the next EOF is reached. The tape is positioned at the beginning of the next file ready to read or write data. Control is returned to the operator's console only after the operation is complete. BACKWARD (B): The tape moves backward until an EOF is encountered. If the tape had been at the beginning of a file, BACKWARD will move it to the beginning of the previous file. Control is returned to the console only after the operation has been completed. REWIND (R): Rewinds to beginning of tape at fast speed. Control is returned immediately so that nontape operations can be carried out. OFFLINE (0): Takes tape drive off line. WRITEEOF (W): Writes EOF on tape and positions tape for next file. VERIFYTIME (V): Displays time currently "default" type checked or set. in memory in a question so it can either be QUIT (Q): Leaves the program and returns control to the operating system (RT-11). Do not use if running from a bootable tape. PRINTERLOG (P).: Acts as a toggle switch for the printer. If the printer and the console are the same device the PRINTERLOG switch should be off. SETUP (S): Selects a setup configuration (GENERAL, NEIL BROWN RSVP, CHAIN MICROCONDUCTIVITY, MICROCONDUCTIVITY RSVP) and asks for external parameters, scans per seconds and D/A assignments. Except for general, specifying a setup configuration automatically specifies the assignment of tape channels to input connectors, and determines the questions to be asked about external parameters. After entering the "S" command, the operator is asked for choice of setup. This is a command type question to be answered by the first letter of the configuration and 364 [RETURN]. The program then asks the questions appropriate for this choice. All questions must be answered. If a question is not applicable, the answer must be "9999", not zero. The only exceptions are the "SCANS/SEC" and D/A assignment questions which are of the default type. MODIFY (M): Modifies parameters within a given set-up configuration. Values previously entered are displayed in a series of default type questions. LISTPARAMS (L): Lists the current parameters entered by SETUP or MODIFY. "L" does not change values. HALTINGLIMITS (H): Limits the number of records for recording or playing back data. The limit is in effect only for the first run after "H" is commanded. To limit a series of files "H" must be commanded before each. ANALOGOUT (A): Plays back previously recorded data through the D/A converters. TAPERUN (T): Records data on tape using the most recent set-up. "Tape name?" and "Batch?" are of the default type. The batch number is incremented automatically. If PRINTERLOG is toggled ON, the set-up parameters are printed. Afiswer Yes [RETURN] to begin recording. If PRINTERLOG is ON a startup message is printed. To stop recording, hit [ESC]. The computer will write the current buffer to the tape, write 2 EOF's and retreat to the first of these EOF's, ready to write the next file. If PRINTERLOG is ON, a message is logged. Control is returned to the console with another "Tape name?" question so that data recording can continue without returning to command mode. To leave the TAPERUN loop and return to command mode, hit [ESC] and then [RETURN]. DISKRUN (D): Records data on disk using the most recent set-up. Once the program is in memory, both floppy drives can be used for data recording. The file name is of the form DATA REF NAME>. BATCH NUMBER>. Recording starts on the 365 "primary device" (DYO: or DY1:). When the "primary device" is full, recording switches to the other, creating a file with the same name, and so on until IESC] is hit to stop recording. The operator must change disks as needed. Before using QUIT the system disk must be replaced or the system will crash. NOWRITERUN (N): The same as TAPERUN except that the data is not written to tape and the batch number is not incremented. It is used to check the system by means of D/A outputs, for example. Messages are printed if PRINTERLOG is ON. EXAMINE (E): Examines data previously recorded on tape or disk. The tape must be positioned at the beginning of the desired file before the command is given. "RECORD:1?" is of the default type. Answer 0 to begin at the current record. Answer "Read from tape?" with "No" to read from disk. "SCAN:1?" is of default type and may be used to select starting scan. EXAMINE will read an entire file and then stop. To abort, hit [ESC]. The tape will now be positioned in the middle of a file and a "B" or "F" is required to get to the beginning of, a file. The parameter values in effect are not changed by EXAMINE. EXAMINE displays on the "operator's console". To obtain a permanent record control must be changed to the printer using the RT-11 assign command before running the program. PRINTERLOG must be toggled off to run from a printing device. CHECKTAPE (C): Summarizes the files on a tape and the header information in each file. Before starting, the tape must be positioned at the beginning of the desired file. Checking continues until EOI is reached. The tape is positioned at the first of the two EOF's that constitute the EOI. 366 Because it leaves the tape in position to begin writing the next file, CHECKTAPE can be used to reposition the tape for the resumption of data acquisition. GENBOOT (G): Creates a bootable tape of the program. A blank, write-enabled tape must be ready at the load point and the tape drive must be on-line before this command is used. To use a tape created by GENBOOT, use the following ODT commands, entered from the console: 772522/10000 resets CSR of tape controller 772524/177777 772522/60011 772522/60003 tape spaces forward one record tape spaces forward one record $S/350 [CR] load PSW with 350 load PC7 with 0 R7/0 [CR] P [CR] starts system This will boot the system from the tape and enter the command mode of the program. The program tape can then be rewound and removed, and a data tape mounted. All commands are effective except QUIT which will crash the system. 367 HEADER FORMAT: One header word is written at the beginning of each scan. These provide a description of the instrument used, the gains and offsets (external parameters) as well as the tape name, run and batch number, date and time recorded, inputs sampled, scan rate and other internal parameters of the-data acquisition program. All values are biased by 10,000. to prevent zero or negative values. SCAN NUMBER HEADER (Number on tape - 10,000) 1. 2. 3. Number of data channels (0 - 15) Record number (1, 2, 3,...) 7. Seconds (0 - 59) Hours x 100 + minutes (0 - 2359) Month x 100 + day ( 101 - 1231) Year x 100 + program version number Batch number (position of file on tape) 8. Run number 9. TAPERUN or DISKRUN) Clock rate: 1 => 1MHz, 2 => 100KHz, 3 => 10KHz,... 10. Scans per second 41. - 44. Input connectors for each channel Gain for each channel Channel number for four D/A outputs 45. Set-up identification 4. 5. 6. 11. - 25. 26. - 40. (number of file from entering data acquisition loop ie. 1 => General 2 => RSVP with NBIS conductivity 3 => CHAIN microconductivity 4 => RSVP with microconductivity 46. - 53. Data set name 54. 55. 56. RSVP unit number (Tape name or disk file name) (1 7-bit ASCII character 57. 58. 59. 6b. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. - 83. 84. - 128. RSVP first per word) thermistor module number RSVP second thermistor module number RSVP RSVP RSVP RSVP conductivity module number pressure module number voltage regulator module number DC/DC power module RSVP thermistor number RSVP conductivity sensor number CHAIN unit number CHAIN thermistor module number CHAIN conductivity module number CHAIN DC/DC power module CHAIN thermistor number CHAIN conductivity sensor number Offset or gain for each channel (zero if not specified) Integers 84 to 128 respectively 368 VI. Processing the data The data must be read from the tape, calibrated, manipulated and presented in such a way that they can be used and understood. We use an LSI 11/23 based microcomputer to collect and to analyse the RSVP data. The programs used are written in Fortran. Each program reads the output of the previous stage, acts on the data and writes to disk. All output files are in the same format so that actually (but not logically) the programs, except for the one that reads the magnetic tape, can be run in any order. This allows considerable flexibility in data analysis and will allow easy modification of the analysis process as changes are made to the instrumentation. For instance, we expect that the amount of filtering required will be less as changes now being planned (section VII) are incorporated. Use of command files make it possible to run the entire analysis with one or two commands from the keyboard. We have recorded the data on magnetic tape on a seven track tape transport so that the first step is to read and unpack the 16 bit words. Channels to be analysed are selected and calibrated. The standard selection for FRONTS 82 is temperature (xl and x5), conductivity (xl and for Neil Brown equipped units x5) and depth (pressure). The program reads the tape name, conductivity type, gains, offsets and other required parameters from the header words on the tape. The operator selects only the name of the output file, the tape files to process, the depth range and the name of a file of weights to be used to filter the depth series. The filter used is a triangular running filter, the usual length is nine points (O.ls or from 20 - 40 cm). Longer filters are used if the depth record is noisy because of the voltage regulator oscillation (section VII-a) or the absence of analog filtering (section VII-f). Calibration coefficients are read from a data file and applied to the data. The calibrated data is then written to a disk to await further processing. At this point there has been no averaging and only the depth record has been smoothed. The unaveraged series are next treated to remove "spikes" inserted by the digitizer (section VII-g). A scheme to identify spikes in terms of the difference between successive points is used and points identified as spikes are replaced by interpolation. This scheme is only successful if real differences between successive points are less than the criteria selected and if the spikes in question are isolated points. At this point there is a difference between the treatment of the Neil Brown and microconductivity data. At the probe descent rates (200 - 400 cm/s) used on FRONTS 82 the spatial response of the Neil Brown conductivity cell and the 369 thermistor is comparable. No correction is needed to calculate salinity, and then density from the calibrated conductivity and temperature. The Michael Head microconductivity sensor is much faster. Large spikes are calculated in the salinity each time the probe passes through a sharp temperature gradient. We are attempting to use the microconductivity data to better understand the thermistor response so that the temperature can be corrected carefully before computation of the salinity. At present we are using a much simpler and not totally satisfactory correction. Examination of salinity plots indicates that for a drop speed of about 300 cm/s and sensor placement as on the current instrument a lag of the temperature by 3.5 samples (about 0.03s) reduces the spiking. This correction compensates for the vertical displacement of the two sensors and partially for the relative slowness of the thermistor. It is certainly not ideal and much work remains to be done. It does allow the calculation of salinity and density profiles that are useful except possibly at the smallest scales. The series have still not been averaged or smoothed in any way. Spikes have been removed and the temperature series has been modified if it is to be used with microconductivity to calculate salinity. The temperature and conductivity series are next filtered to remove noise above 20 Hz. A five point weighted mean (1-3-4-3-1) is used. Sampling at 90 Hz, 60 Hz noise is aliased to 30 Hz so that the filter is designed to remove this frequency completely. Five-centimeter averages of the data are computed next. At the descent rates used on FRONTS 82 this means a 1 or 2 point average near the surface (descent rate of about 400 cm/s) increasing to 4 or more as the instrument slows. Salinity is calculated from the five-centimeter averaged temperature, conductivity and depth series. A polynomial fitted to 660 points generated with the conductivity equation of Accerboni and Mosetti (1967) with the pressure corrections of Bradshaw and Schleicher (1965) is used for this calculation. The standard error of this fit is 1.7 parts per million. The program used to calculate salinity includes the options of calculating potential temperature (Bryden,1973), density, sigma t, buoyancy frequency (using the UNESCO high-pressure equation of state, Millero, Chen, and the arc tangent of the Density or sigma t and the buoyancy frequency are routinely calculated. Bradshaw and Schleicher,1980) stability ratio (Ruddick,1981). The five-centimeter averages of temperature, salinity, and density form the basic data set which is used in further analysis. 370 An abbreviated procedure may be used to generate series for plotting. Spike removal and filtering are omitted and an averaging interval of 20 cm is used. Temperature to be used with microconductivity must still be modified to prevent spiking in the calculated salinity. The plots in section III were generated in this manner. 371 VII. Equipment and software performance Many of the problems encountered on FRONTS 82 were Some of the variations tried clearly worked better than others, some circuits require modification to developmental. work well in the complete system and some combinations interacted badly. Other problems arose from our lack of experience with this instrument system and with the 16 bit analog to digital converter. For the most part the system functioned well and choices for the final design are being made on the basis of ease of operation and manufacture or for the better of two acceptable alternatives. a) Electronics After the cruise each of the overboard electronics units was bench tested extensively and data from each was analysed to determine noise levels and to identify the problem areas. Several problems have been identified and are being corrected. 1) Module connection failure The most damaging problem was the failure of the module hold-down system. Shrinkfit bands used to secure the modules swelled with exposure to oil allowing modules to unplug. in opening the case made breakage likely whenever the probe was opened and thus compounded the problem. The Difficulty modules were sucessfully, if messily, held in place by a combination of Scotch 810 Magic Tape and lacing twine. The modular concept has been required in the design and development stage. In the future the basic RSVP circuitry will be mounted on a single board. Modules required for specialized applications or for further development will be attached to a motherboard with a screw down system. The change to single board construction will also make it easier for less skilled personnel to build the system and reduce construction time. 2) DC to DC power interaction with the voltage regulator Higher noise levels were found on units 2 and 3, both of which were powered from the surface through DC to DC Post-cruise bench tests show that an interaction between the DC to DC converter and the voltage regulator resulted in a 500 - 600 mV peak-to-peak complex triangular waveform at 1.5 kHz on the output of the voltage regulator. This resulted in a 30 - 40 mV peak-to-peak noise on the converters. temperature output and for unit 3 on the direct-current pressure output as well. Capacitors added to the voltage regulator input lines have corrected this problem. These capacitors are included in the schematic (Figure IV-a-10). 372 3) Sensor wiring cross talk Unshielded wires through the nose cone were used to connect the sensors and the electronics. The conductivity sensor is driven at a frequency of 3 kHz. This frequency is picked up by the temperature and adds a 6-8 mV peak-to-peak noise to the temperature channels. Shielded cable, made as short as possible, will be used in the future. The distance between the sensors and the input ampilfiers will be reduced by moving the DC to DC converter module to the top of the unit. This will also prevent the power wires from the surface from extending down the length of the electronics, a possible source of additional noise. Routine difficulties: The difficulty in opening the units resulted in breakage of several kinds: module failure, bent pins on modules, broken wires on modules and motherboard, broken wires on the instrument connector. These problems have been solved by several modifications which make it possible to open the instrument without struggle. Wiring mistakes and bad solder joints occurred when sensors were replaced. The oil coating over the instrument makes it difficult to handle and careful cleaning with freon is required before soldering. Increased protection of the sensors will result in less damage and make sensor replacement even less frequent than on FRONTS 82 where only one thermistor and one microconductivity sensor were replaced. The lids of the DC/DC power chips came off, probably as a result of cycling from the surface to 240 m, but the units continued to operate exposed to the oil. A shield can be purchased for this chip and as additional protection we plan to cast it in hard epoxy. There is an 800 kHz, 5 mV peak-to-peak noise on the temperature channels of units with DC/DC power that is not found in battery powered units. Since the temperature signal is filtered at a much lower frequency before recording and since the level is very small, this noise is not We will use power from the surface in the standard RSVP unit. The advantages are that it will be unnecessary to open a unit routinely to change batteries and we will be able to increase the voltage regulator output level thus increasing the output voltage range. significant. In the past a major problem has been interaction between the oscillators in the conductivity and the frequencymodulated pressure circuitry. This problem has been reduced 373 to the point that it is not evident in the processed data by isolating the conductivity circuit. Beating as the pressure oscillator frequency changes can still be seen on an oscilloscope in the laboratory. Since the DC pressure module worked well and removes any possibility of oscillator beating this pressure circuitry will be used in the future. Additional changes to the electronics: 1) The conductivity circuit will be changed to take advantage of the availability of single chip differential amplifiers and to include a single chip signal isolation stage. Additional filtering will be done to remove the 6 kHz ripple on the output. 2) The body diameter has been increased to 2.25" to allow for redesign of the electronics packaging. b) Sensors The thermistors and the Neil Brown conductivity cells have been used for many years and continue to behave satisfactorily. The mounting system used on this cruise was successful with no leaks developing after many profiles to 240 m. The FP07 thermistors used this time have a faster time constant (and thinner glass over the bead) than the FP14 thermistors used in the past. Only one was broken while in use in the course of the cruise indicating that the faster thermistors can be used. The Michael Head Systems microconductivity probe was tried with one of our instruments for the first time on FRONTS 82. The extremely small size of this sensor may allow us to determine the temperature microstructure from rapidly-falling or towed instruments. For all of the sensors the greatest risk of breakage occurs in handling rather than in use. Preliminary examination of the data shows that the first microconductivity sensor used provided usable measurements of the salinity and that the differentiated conductivity may be used to determine some of the parameters of the turbulent This sensor was broken during the cruise and replaced by another, apparently the same. With this sensor the salinity appeared to change abruptly in the course of a profile and surface values from closely spaced profiles varied by several parts per thousand. It has not yet been determined what the difference between the sensors was or how to distinguish between them easily. Pressure tests will be carried out on the newly acquired sensors. mixing. 374 c) Probe mechanical design Mechanically the RSVP instrument worked well. Better sensor protection and easier opening are the main improvements needed. Some design changes to make the instrument easier to manufacture and assemble are also being made. An increase to a 2.25" body diameter is required to allow for redesign of the electronics package. Design changes for easier assembly are being made primarily to the instrument termination. The diameter has been increased by 0.25" to increase space for keying and other minor modifications. This will allow lengthening the oil-fill plug so that threads will be engaged until the o-ring is freed. difficult to assemble and unreliable. Screwed and pinned The glued joints in this section have been joints will be used in their place. Polyurethane will be used for the oil-bladder as it is not affected by the freon used to clean the probe. Additional drain holes have been added to increase the speed of filling and draining the oil from the instrument. The major difficulty with the probe was the force required to open the unit after it had been assembled for long periods. Damage to the electronics occurred almost every time the probe was opened. The o-ring compression has been reduced slightly by deepening the grooves in which they are mounted. A lever-type instrument opener has been built and provisions for its use incorporated into both the redesigned nose cone and body plug. To prevent even the infrequent damage to sensors that occurred on this cruise the nose cone is being redesigned. If possible the sensors will be enclosed within the nose cone in such a way that water circulation around the sensors is good. At present we are considering mounting all of the sensors into 0.25" stainless tubes and using a standard mount similar to that used with the microconductivity. d) Cable and termination Six lines were used during FRONTS 82, four with 16 conductors, two with 10 conductors. Of the 16-conductor lines two apparently failed after 100 drops, one after 400 drops and the other is still good after 120. One of the 10-conductor lines failed electrically after 145 drops, the other snagged on the pulley and tore after 9. These represent worse case estimates of line/termination durability. The line was changed whenever there was any possibility that it was failing. 375 Lines which have been in salt water under pressure for several hours and wet for days may show faults that do not appear in laboratory tests. The same type lines will be used on the MILDEX experiment of October/November 1983 and additional evaluation of the lines will be made at that time . The termination procedure will be changed and simplified. The safety line proved to be unnecessary and will not be used. The line termination will be cast in one-piece and be reusable. These changes will make the assembly easier and the one piece construction will prevent any strain between the two pieces. The line is twisted in the course of each drop. The cause of the twisting is not known. A large number of sharp bends form in the line after 200 drops. This twisting seems to be one of the factors limiting the lifetime of the line. e) Winch The changes to the winch system are minor, mostly for ease of operation, construction or maintenance. The winch is mounted so that it can be turned about a vertical axis. For this cruise the axis passed approximately through the center of mass of the winch system. This made mounting the winch on the ship's rail easier, however a large force from the operator was required to keep the winch correctly aligned. The swivel axis will be moved to the corner between the motor and the spool in the future. Occasionally the line overruns while free-wheeling out due to the large inertia and low friction of the system combined with the wave-caused motion of the ship. The slack line can snag on any nearby protrusion including the pulley itself. By-passing the pulley during the free-wheeling phase will prevent snagging on it, but does not solve the fundamental over-running problem and fouling on other obstructions can occur. An operator with minimum training can overcome this problem by damping out the line surges with light finger friction on the spool. The drive train performed as expected with no malfunctions or excessive wear. A minor problem discovered during teardown was compression of the long shaft at the set screw flats, making it difficult to remove the slip rings. Smaller set screw flats and not tightening the set screws so tightly should prevent this problem. oil leakage into the motor, oil seals will be added to the clutch mount. The brake mount will be modified to completely cover the bearing mount hole and to include a To prevent 376 seal. With this modification the splash shield can be eliminated. The size of the cable spool is marginal for the amount of cable now used. A larger spool would allow use of longer or thicker cables as well as allowing elimination of the line-restraint plates. Sealed bearings have been used wherever possible to prevent corrosion but open bearings are used on the long shaft to decrease drag when the cable is free-wheeling. Z RUST, used in the winch box, apparently substantially decreased corrosion of bearing races and gear shoulders below the levels found after the cruise of January 1981. The data transmission assembly functioned with no difficulties throughout the cruise. To increase the rate at which the slip ring housing can be filled with oil the o-ring of the slip ring rear cap will be moved 0.5" toward the base line. Filling can then be almost accomplished before the slip ring cap is closed. Minor oil leakage was noted in the connector mount area. This can be stopped by adding an oil seal to the short shaft and o-rings to the bearing mount and short shaft spacer. The deck-cable connector was disconnected at the end of each working period. Pins were occasionally bent when the cable was reconnected. One connector had to be replaced due to an intermittent open condition in one conductor. The present connector will be replaced by a screw-on type requiring redesign of the connector mount, connector bracket and plug. It was discovered that, if forced, the data link connector can be mated 180 degrees out of phase. The spool connector housing must be completely seated in the retainer, engaging the connector keys prior to the keying is obvious. o-ring, so that the feel of The top of the winch frame was designed to serve as the bottom of the electrical box. To facilitate assembly and maintenance a separate electrical box bottom will be used in the future. An oil seal should be added to the motor mount to prevent oil accumulation in the motor and fouling of the brushes. All aluminum parts must be heavily anodized to prevent corrosion. f) On-board analog electronics There were no problems with the dual amplifier modules during the cruise. The older amplifiers such as that used for one of the redundant temperature channels are less 377 convenient and are being phased out. The amplified temperature signal from the old amplifier contains bursts of 60 Hz noise presumably radiated by some equipment aboard ship. This noise, if present at all, is much smaller on the other temperature channel, within the noise level of the instrument. Some problems in data analysis were created by choices made in setting up the on-board electronics. For FRONTS 82 the x1 and x5 output of the two temperature and the conductivity channels were digitized and recorded. The overboard gain in the conductivity and temperature circuits was too high for the x5 output to remain on scale throughout a profile in the southern region where surface water was warm. A gain of four would have enabled the operator to offset the temperature signal once for a working period and be assured that the signal would remain within the proper range. The overboard voltage range will be increased on the new model and the onboard gains adjusted accordingly. Direct current signals were intended to be filtered at 40 Hz before digitizing. During the FRONTS 82 cruise the unfiltered x1 temperature output through the old amplifier was used instead of the x1 filtered. The DC pressure output was also recorded unfiltered. As a result the pressure signal required heavy digital filtering before use. g) Analog to digital system A/D CONVERTER: The theoretical resolution of a 16 bit board is one part in sixty five thousand, called a least significant bit (lsb). In all situations, we found that, intermittently, for any analog input the occurences of samples around the mean were not normally distributed. For a signal with a mean of digital value n, the digitization noise rms was 1 to 2 lsb, but the distribution of samples around the mean had relative peaks away from n, at n+4, n+8, n-4, n-8, or similar values. In some cases, such peaks would be as far away from the mean as n+16, n+32, increasing the digitization rms noise level to 5 lsb. The spectrum of this noise is flat to 675 Hz. The recorded signal exhibits spikes of magnitude 4, 8, 16, 32 lsb. Easily recognizable when looking at the difference between consecutive samples, these spikes are removed during processing (section VI). The intermittency of the phenomenon makes it difficult to diagnose. After trying all hardware combinations and different softwares, we believe the noise source is the A/D board or the computer backplane. These two possibilities will be investigated as more hardware becomes available. 378 Changes to the digital system will include: D/A CONVERTER: To examine the variations of the digitized signal in real time, the D/A will be programmed to display the 12 lsb of the difference between two consecutive samples if required. MICROPROCESSOR BACKPLANE: backplane used was bulky and badly ventilated. backplane. The ideal replacement would have a mechanical attachment of the The PLESSEY It will be replaced by a smaller boards. TAPE TRANSPORT: The CIPHER 80X tape transport performed well but was damaged on the way back to OSU. Despite manufacturer's attempts to repair it, only 'core-dump' mode is usable. It will be replaced by a 9-track required. drive, to minimize the amount of tape DATA ACQUISITION PROGRAM CHANGES: The data acquisition program caused no problem. Improvements under way are: Replacement of ESCape by H as a control character to exit the recording loop, making it impossible to exit accidentally by leaving the finger on the key. Implementation of a display subroutine to examine data the recorded between drops. D/A of the 12 lsb of the difference between two consecutive samples for detection of digitization Display on the spikes. Write-up of a complete description of the steps necessary to change or create a set-up in the field. 379 VIII. References Accerboni,E. and F. Mosetti (1967) A physical relationship among salinity, temperature and electrical conductivity of sea water, Bollettino di Geofisica IX: 87-96. Bryden, H. (1973) New polynomials for thermal expansion, adiabatic temperature gradient and potential temperature of sea water, Deep Sea Research 20: 401-408. Bradshaw, A. and K.E. Schleicher (1965) The effect of pressure on the electrical conductance of sea water, Deep Sea Research 12: 151-162. Caldwell, D.R. and T.M. Dillon (1981) An oceanic microstructure measuring system. Ref. 81-10, School of Oceanography, Oregon State University,Corvallis OR 97331. Gregg, M.C., J.C. Schedvin, W.C. Hess, and T.B. Meagher (1982), Dynamic Response Calibration of the Neil Brown conductivity cell. Journal of Physical Oceanography 12: 720-742. Bradshaw and K.E. Schleicher (1980), A new high pressure equation of state for sea water, Millero, F.S., C.-T. Chen, A. Deep Sea Research, 27: 255-364. Ruddick, B. (1981) A practical indicator of the stability of the water column to double-diffusive activity, (Personal communication). Turner, J.S. (1973) Buoyancy effects in fluids. Cambridge University Press.