marine ;c-'s5 C0 07 College of eo. 139 OCEANOGRAPHY ` Y NoV 9 1987 CTD Observations off Peru and Ecuador February 1988.AprN 1985 by Jane Fieischbein Adriana Huyer Richard E. Schramm Robert L Smith OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Date Report 138 Reference 87-28 September 1987 National Sclonce Foundation OCE-8017929, OCE-8110702, OCE8316014, 0CE8700930 College of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 CTD Observations off Peru and Ecuador February 1983 - April 1985 by Jane Fleischbein Adriana Huyer Richard E. Schramm Robert L. Smith Data Report 138 Reference 87-26 September 1987 National Science Foundation OCE-8017929, OCE-8110702, OCE-8315014, OCE-8709930 ABSTRACT As part of the Peru Currents study, CTD observations were made off the coasts of Peru and Ecuador between 3°N and 17°S from the R/V Wecoma, February-March 1983 and March-April 1985, November-December 1983 and April-May 1984. and from the R/V Endeavor, Repeated CTD sections were occupied within 300 km of the coast off Callao, Chimbote and Pimental, Peru; along 5°S off Paita, Peru; and between 2°N and 5°S along 85°W, 92°W and 95°W. The usual maximum sampling depth was 1000 m where bathymetry permitted; a few deeper stations were made (the maximum depth was 3091 m). Vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and sigma-theta vs. pressure and standard depth listings are presented for each of the 616 stations. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page List of Tables List of Figures Introduction 1 Sampling and Data Processing Procedures 17 Data Presentation 28 Profile Plots and Listings WL83L2 29 WL83L3 91 EN109 137 EN110 181 EN115 213 EN116 257 WL85L2 299 WL85L3 363 Acknowledgements 386 References 386 9 E14 P Xi 12/94 MBOS-211 1r99 LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Principal investigators and scientific personnel 4 participating in the Peru Currents cruises. List of moorings recovered and deployed during WL83L2. 15 Table 3. List of moorings recovered and deployed during EN109. 15 Table List of moorings recovered and deployed during EN116 16 Table 5. List of moorings recovered and deployed WL85L2. 16 Table 6. Characteristics of CTD probes used. 18 Table 7. Summary of comparisons between Neil Brown CTD Probes 20 Table 2. 4. and in situ calibration. Table 8. Stations edited during data processing. 25 Table 9. List of stations occupied during WL83L2 showing date, 31 time,location, wind speed and direction and atmospheric pressure. Table 10. List of stations occupied during WL83L3. Table 11. List of stations occupied during EN109. 139 Table 12. List of stations occupied during EN110. 183 Table 13. List of stations occupied during EN115. 215 Table 14. List of stations occupied during EN116. 259 Table 15. List of stations occupied during WL85L2. 301 Table 16. List of stations occupied during WL85L3. 365 93 LIST OF Fl UKES Page Figure 1. Location of CTD stations during WL83L2, 1-24 February 1983. 6 Figure 2. Location of CTD stations during WL83L3, 1-23 March 1983. 7 Figure 3. Location of CTD stations during EN109, 15-28 November 1983. 8 Figure 4. Location of CTD stations during EN110, 3-19 December 1983. 9 Figure 5. Location of CTD stations during EN115, 6-26 April 1984. 10 Figure 6. Location of CTD stations during EN116, 3-16 May 1984. 11 Figure 7. Location of CTD stations during WL85L2, 10-30 April 1985. 12 Figure 8. Location of CTD stations during WL85L3, 10-21 April 1985. 13 Figure Locations of current meter moorings of the Peru Currents 14 9. Study, 1981-1985. INTRODUCTION The Peru Currents project studied the variability in current, temperature, density and nutrient structure and the biological response to variability along the South cooperation of Peru and Pacific's eastern Ecuador, equatorial boundary. With the eight cruises were conducted between February 1983 and April 1985 from 3°N to 17°S off the NW coast of South Principal investigators and cruise participants for each cruise are America. The cruises aboard Oregon State University's R/V Wecoma listed in Table 1. and the University of Rhode Island's R/V Endeavor involved maintaining current meter moorings, biological sampling and hydrographic surveys. Repeated CTD sections were occupied off along 5°S off Paita, 95°W. Peru; Callao, Chimbote and Pimental, Peru; and between 2°N and 5° S along 85°W, 92°W and Only the CTD data are presented in this report. The R/V Wecoma departed on Cruise Weloc 83 leg 2 (WL83L2) from Balboa, Panama on 2 February 1983 and arrived at Callao, Peru on 23 February 1983 after completing Ill CTD stations (Figure 1, Table 9), recovering 4 current meter moorings and deploying 6 moorings (Table 2, Figure 9). A test cast was done at station 1; then CTD sections were completed along 85°W and 5°S off Paita, and off Pimental, Chimbote, Supe, Callao, San Juan and Atico, Peru (Figure 1). Leg 3 of Weloc 83 (WL83L3) departed Callao, Peru on 1 March 1983 and ended at Balboa, Panama on 24 March 1983 after completing 78 CTD stations. CTD sections were occupied off Chimbote and Pimental, Peru and along 81°30'W, 2°10'S off La Libertad, Ecuador, 5°S off Paita, Peru, 95°W, 92°W and near the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador (Figure 2, Table 10). The series of Peru Current cruises on the R/V Endeavor began with cruise EN109 departing Balboa, Panama on 13 November 1983. A total of 66 CTD stations were 3, Table 11). completed, In with sections along 85°W, and 5°S off Peru (Figure addition, 2 Inverted Echo Sounders and 5 current meter- moorings were replaced and 1 current meter mooring (10° offshore) was recovered but not replaced (Table 3, Figure The R/V Endeavor arrived at 9). Callao, Peru on 28 November 1983 and left port on 3 December to begin cruise EN110. Before returning to Callao on 19 December 1985, 55 CTD casts were done along lines off Chimbote, 10°30'S, near the Galapagos Islands (Figure 4, cruise EN115 departed 85°W, 5°S off Table 12). Paita, 92°W, 95°W, and The following spring, Peru on 6 April 1984 and repeated the CTD Callao, sections off Callao and Chimbote and along 10°30'S, 85°W, 5°S off Paita, 92°W, 95°W and in the vicinity of the Galapagos Islands for a total of 77 stations (Figure 5, Table Delays in the data collection occurred on 16 13). April while the ship's chief engineer was treated by a doctor on an Ecuadorian ship for a swollen eye, and again from the morning of 18 April to the afternoon of 20 April when the ship had to detour to Baltra Island to disembark the chief engineer for his worsening Callao, eye infection. Peru on 28 April; after exchanging scientific Endeavor left on 2 May from Callao on cruise EN116. EN115 ended in personnel, the R/V Seventy CTD stations were done along the repeated sections off Chimbote and Pimental and along 5°S off Paita, 82°W and 85°W (Figure 6, Table 14). Four current meter moorings were replaced, two moorings (5°S offshore and shelf) were recovered and not replaced, one mooring at 10°S shelf was deployed and the two Inverted Echo Sounders that were deployed on EN109 were recovered (Table 4, Figure 9). The series of Endeavor cruises ended on 16 May 1984 at Balboa, Panama. The 1985 Peru Currents cruise began with Weloc 85 leg 2 (WL85L2) on 10 March 1985 out of Callao, Callao, Peru. Chimbote, and Pimental, CTD sections were completed off San Juan, Peru and along 5°S, 82°W and 85°W for a total of 113 stations (Figure 7, Table 15). All of the 5 current meter moorings deployed on cruise EN116 were recovered (Table 5, Figure and one 9) mooring for the OSU-AOML TOGA program was deployed to be picked up by a NOAA ship a year 1986.) later. (NOAA's R/V Oceanographer failed to locate the mooring in WL85L2 ended on 1 April 1985 at Panama City, Panama and after exchanging scientific personnel, departed on cruise WL85L3 on 6 April 1985. During the final Peru Current cruise, 39 CTD casts were completed along 85°W, 5°S, 92°W, 95°W and near the Galapagos Islands, (Figure 8, Table returning to Balboa, Panama on 21 April 1985. 16) before 4 Table 1. Principal investigators and scientific personnel participating in the Peru Currents cruises. Cruise WL83L2 Principal Investigator Personnel on Board R. L. Smith, OSU A. Huyer, OSU A. R. L. Smith,' OSU B. Moore, OSU Huyer, OSU R. Schramm, OSU J. Fleischbein, OSU R. Still, OSU M. Miller, OSU R. Hevner, OSU CMDR W. D. Root, OSU J. Kogelshatz, DU Garcia, DHNM L. Benavides, WHOI R. de Rondan, IMARPE WL83L3 R. T. Barber, DU H. Pak, OSU A. Huyer, OSU R. J. F. H. H. T. Barber, DU Kogelshatz, DU Chavez, DU Pittock, OSU Pak, OSU R. M. T. M. F. P. D. Menzies, OSU CMDR Hevner, OSU Miller, OSU Arcos, INP Garcia, INP Medina, ESPOL Padilla, INOCAR W. Garcia, DHNM Maldonado Dong o IMARPE N. Lostaunau Espinoza, IMARPE M. , B. Rojas de Mendiola, IMARPE EN109 J. S. Allen, OSU R. L. Smith, OSU R. T. Barber, OSU A. Huyer, OSU R. Smith, OSU R. Schramm, OSU J. Fleischbein, OSU R. Still, OSU B. M. Moore, OSU Miller, DU J. L. W. J. J. E. Kogelshatz, DU Semple, DU Garcia, DHNM Chaplin, URI Szelag, URI Slater, URI N. Lostaunau Espinoza, IMARPE EN110 EN115 R. Barber, DU A. Huyer, OSU R. T. Barber, DU A. Huyer, OSU R. J. L. T. Barber, DU Kogalshatz, DU Semple, DU M. J. H. D. J. M. F. J. E. Pittock, OSU Enfield, OSU Fleischbein, OSU Park, OSU Chavez, DU Szelag, URI Slater, URI 0. L. E. C. L. P. F. Miller, DU Szelag, URI Slater, URI Sandoval, IMARPE Juarez, IMARPE IMARPE Robles, Amat y Leon, DHNM Intriago, INP Villamar, INP Table 1, continued EN116 A. R. J. R. Huyer, OSU L. Smith, OSU S. Allen, OSU T. Barber, DU A. R. R. R. J. Huyer, OSU L. Smith, OSU Schramm, OSU Still, OSU Fleischbein, OSU M. Park, OSU T. Paluszkiewicz, OSU E. Fahrbach, IM N. Lostaunau, IMARPE F. Gonzales Ganoza, DHNM J. Szelag, URI E. Slater, URI WL85L2 R. L. Smith, OSU A. Huyer, OSU R T. Barber, OSU R. L. Smith, OSU A. Huyer, OSU R. Schramm, OSU R. Still, OSU J. Fleischbein, OSU M. Miller, OSU F. Chavez, UD N. White, CSIRO M. Willis, OSU M. Cacho, DHNM R. Izaguirre de C WL85L3 R. T. Barber, DU A. Huyer, OSU Rondan, IMARPW Robles, IMARPE R. Schramm, OSU M. J. R. C. M. Willis, OSU Kogelshatz, DU Davis, U. of Texas Robes, IMARPE Jacinto, IMARPE Rondan, IMARPE R. Izaguirre de M. Davidson, DU M. Facklam, DU M. Cruz Edra, INOCAR C. Garzon, INOCAR P. Intriago, INP Institutions: CSIRO DHNM DU ESPOL IM IMARPE INOCAR INP OSU URI WHOI F. Ormaza, INP Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Direccion de Hidrografia y Navegacion de la Marina Duke University Escuela Scientifico Politechnica Oceanografico y Litoral Institut for Meereskunde, Kiel Instituto del Mar del Peru Instituto Oceanografico de la Armada Instituto Nacional de Pesca Oregon State University University of Rhode Island Woods hole Oceanographic Institution 6 N Ix 00 ' Santa Cruz Bahia de La Carbquez Libertad x 18,24 xxxx: 47 Poita x 20 52,76 o Chimbote joos 77 93 San Juan 9Q0 201000w Figure 1. 800 Location of CTD stations during WL83L2, 1-24 February 1983. 700 I 7 O°N 0 0 62 63 x x x x X 71-78 69/ X *S xSanta x 67X x x x 70 Cruz 45x x x xxx. La x x de Caraquez Libertad x x x Bahia 4,01 x x x x 48 53 22,36/23- 35 x xx)4s Paita x x 39 \ ./ I8 x MI6 X 12 Chimbote 10°S r- . Colloo San Juan 20°-I,IIIII,IIIiIiIIIIItI,IiItIIiIIIIIIIIII1700 90° I00°W Figure 2. 80° Location of CTD stations during WL83L3, 1-23 March 1983. 8 I0°N Ix 00 Santa Cruz himbote loos 57 Callao xx 66 Juan 900 Figure 3. 80° Location of CTD stations during EN109, 15-28 November 1983. 70° 9 I0°N 17 0° Cruz X Bahia x x x x 37 xxx x x _-x x 11,43x de Car"aquez Libertad 47 xx a 5 x x x Chimbote loos an Juan 20° i00°W Figure 4. 90° 80° Location of CTD stations during EN110, 3-19 December 1983. 70° 10 I0°N 37 Cruz x x x x x x xxxx)ocoo» 31,64x /7777 Paita x x x Chimbote x x x x x 26 22 Juan I00°W 90° Figure 5. 80° Location of CTD stations during EN115, 6-26 April 1984. 7Q0 II 0°N A Qo Santa s 69,70 x x x x x x Cruz x xx xx x x I-Y Bahia La de Cari quez Libertad 70 x x 49 0 San Juan 20° 1000w 900 Figure 6. 800 Location of CTD stations during EN116, 3-16 May 1984. 70° 12 4 113 x x x x Santa Cruz xx xx Bahia \ de Caraquez .. x x 83 Juan Figure 7. Location of CTD stations during WL85L2, 10-30 March 1985. 13 IO°N a 16 00 39 15 x x x x x x x x x x x Cruz x 11 -XX 8 X x x x x x x x x x x5 x x x 25 x IF Bahia de Car"quez La Libertad x 30 loos Juan 200 I000w Figure 8. 9Q0 80° Location of CTD stations during WL85L3, 10-21 April 1985. 7Q0 14 Eq. J 2* S SLOPE ECUADOR 7UAYAQUIL 30S85 WEST 5 S OFFSHORE TALARA PAITA 5 S SLOPE 60s - PERU S' S SHELF 10 S OUTERSLOPE 10' S OFFSHORE `l 1 \ HUARMEY 10' S SHELF 10' S SLOPE 12°S -I MOORING LOCATIONS 15°S 86°W 84°W 82°W 80°W 78°W 76°W Longitude (deg) Figure 9. Locations of current meter moorings 1981 - 1985. of the Peru Currents Study, 15 Table 2. Date List of moorings recovered and deployed Time 983) Feb. 6 8 9 9 11 14 14 15 15 16 Table 3. Date 2021-2247 1525-1725 1255-1332 1534-1552 1648-1807 1216-1352 1519-1533 1336-1535 1740-1905 1647-1834 85°W 5°S offshore 5°S shelf 5°S shelf 5°S slope 10°S shelf 10°S shelf 10°S outer slope 10°S outer slope 10°S offshore Recovered/ Location Lat Lone 4°12.2S 4°57.7 5°6.4 84°59.OW 82°33.1 81°20.3 5°6.3 81°20.8 5°5.1 10°3.5 10°3.8 10°17.3 10°12.8 10023.6 81°33.6 78°58.4 78°58.8 79°28.5 79°20.0 79°43.8 deployed deployed recovered deployed deployed recovered deployed recovered deployed recovered Recovered/ Location Mooring Lat (GMT) Lone 0745-940 IES#1,S/N#38 3°N 85°W 17 -0550 IES#2,S/N#41 2°S 85°W 18 18 20 20 20 21 23 23 25 25 26 1200-1616 1753-2015 1127-1317 1701-1748 1932-1951 1346-1522 1212-1311 1801-1915 1249-1332 1932-1953 1334-1504 5°S slope 4°12.2S 4°12.4 5°5.1 84°59.OW 84°57.2 81°33.6 5°S shelf 5°6.3 81°20.8 5°4.7 5°4.9 10°3.8 10°6.8 10°23.6 10°12.8 10°14.7 81°20.6 81°30.8 Nov. 15 Deployed List of moorings recovered and deployed during EN109. Time 983) Mooring (GMT) during WL83L2. Deployed recovered & dep lo yed recovered & de p lo y ed 85°W 85°W 5°S shelf 5°S slope 10°S shelf 10°S slope 10°S offshore 10°S outer slope 10°S outer slope 78°58.8 79° 8.9 79°43.8 79°20.0 79°19.4 recovered deployed recovered recovered deployed deployed recovered deployed recovered recovered deployed 16 Table 4. Date Time 1229-1349 1738-1942 2113-2131 1503-1617 1508-1527 1610-1655 2013-2250 1300-1500 3 3 3 4 5 8 8 9 10 11 11 12,25-1310 15 16 a.m. Table Date 985) Mooring (GMT) 984) May List of moorings recovered and deployed during EN116. 1200-1308 1735-2026 evening 5. 10°S 10°S 10°S 10°S 10°S 5°S 5°S Recovered/ Deployed outer slope outer slope 10°14.7S 10°15.1 79°19.4W 79°17.9 Recovered slope slope 10°6.8 79°8.9 Recovered 10°7.4 10°0.3 5°4.9 5°4.3 4°57.7 5°4.7 4°12.4 4°9.7 79°8.3 78°59.6 81°30.8 81°30.2 82°33.1 81°20.6 84°57.2 84°58.6 85°W 85°W Deployed shelf slope slope 5°S offshore 5°S shelf 85°W 85°W IES #2 IES #1 2°S 3°N Deployed Deployed Recovered Deployed Recovered Recovered Recovered Deployed Recovered Recovered List of moorings recovered and deployed during WL85L2. Time Location Mooring 1300-1530 OSU-AOML TOGA 15 15 15 23 1320-1406 1646-1751 1915-1940 1235-1330 1654-1727 10°S outer slope 10°S slope 10°S shelf 5°S slope 85°W Recovered/ Long Deployed 11°58.55 10°15.15 10°7.4 77035.2W 79°17.9W 79°8.3 10°0.3 78°59.6 5°4.3 81°30.2 4°9.7 84°58.6 Deployed Recovered Recovered Recovered Recovered Recovered Lat (GMT) Mar 13 24 Location Long Lat ii SAMPLING PROCEDURES, CALIBRATION AND DATA PROCESSING A Neil Brown Instruments Mark IIIb conductivity-temperature depth probe (CTD) was used to obtain continuous profiles of temperature and salinity versus pressure at each station. A General Oceanics rosette water sampler was mounted with the CTD, and a station consisted of one rosette-CTD cast lowered at about 45 m min. The CTD was equipped with a Beckman dissolved oxygen probe and during cruises WL83L2,, WL83L3, WL85L2 and WL85L3, the CTD was also equipped with a Sea Tech. Inc. transmissometer (#8031). The oxygen and transmissometer data will be presented in a separate data report. One of two CTD probes was used for each cruise. OSU's CTD probe #2561 fitted with a 1600 db pressure sensor was used for the R/V Wecoma cruises, and URI's CTD probe #2777 fitted with a 6500 db pressure sensor was used for the R/V Endeavor cruises. presented in Table 6. Characteristics of the probes used are In each probe, the fast response thermistor had been disabled and replaced in the circuitry with a precision 10 ohm resistor. Each CTD was set to sample at its maximum rate of 32 Hz. The time constant of the platinum resistance thermometer of each probe (Table 6) was determined from the slope of the phase spectrum between the measured temperature and conductivity as suggested by Millard, Toole and Swartz (1980). OSU's CTD probe #2561 was calibrated for pressure, temperature and conductivity by the manufacturer in November 1982 and a post-cruise calibration was done for temperature and conductivity in June 1985. URI's CTD probe #2777 was calibrated for pressure, temperature and conductivity by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in October 1983 and March 1984. situ calibration data were also collected for the temperature and conductivity sensors. Water samples were drawn from 2 or more Niskin In Id Table 6. Characteristics of the CTD probes used. Temperature Time Probe 2561 2777 Interval Constant 32 ms 32 ms 235 ms 205 ms P T C Resolution: 1600 db -2 to 30°C 0.025 db .0005°C .001 mmhos Accuracy: ± 1.6 db ± .005°C ± .005 mmhos 6500 db -2 to 30°C 1 to 65 mmhos 0.1 db .0005°C ± .005°C ± .005 mmhos Range: Range: Resolution: Accuracy: ± 6.5 db 1 to 65 mmhos .001 mmhos 19 bottles mounted on the rosette and stored in round 4 oz. glass bottles with new poly-seal caps, with an additional outer seal of 'Parafilm'. Temperatures were recorded from 3 or 6 protected reversing thermometers mounted on one or two Niskin bottles. The reversing thermometers have an accuracy of ± 0.02°C and were corrected using the results of calibrations done once every 3 years at the Northwest Regional Calibration Center. Water sample salinity was determined by Guildline Model 8400 Autosal salinometers with precision of better than ± 0.002 and accuracy of ± 0.003. CTD data are recorded at actual sample depth after the bottle is tripped during the upcast. Occasionally due to large wire angles, the CTD and sample bottles do not remain at the same depth (and temperature) during soak time. When this resulted in relatively large differences between the sample and CTD temperature readings, these points were eliminated from the overall CTD sample comparisons. Duplicate salinity samples were drawn at each station during each cruise, except during EN110 when no duplicates were drawn. One sample from each pair was analyzed at sea either on OSU's Autosal on the RV Wecoma or on URI's Autosal on the R/V Endeavor except the first set of WL85L3 which was run on OSU's Autosal at the OSU Marine Science Center. Every third or fourth sample of the second sets was run on OSU's Autosal at the MSC or on URI's Autosal on the Endeavor to check the results of the analysis of the first sets. The comparison of the two sets for each cruise was within the Autosal's error limits so no further analysis was done on the second sets, and the first sets were used for the final comparisons. Results of the comparison between in situ sample data and the CTD output are summarized for each cruise in Table 7. The CTD pressure at the surface prior to and after a cast was recorded at regular intervals during 20 Table 7. Summary of the Comparisons between the Neil Brown CTD Probes and in situ calibration. Mean differences are compared by sample value minus CTD value. Std. No. of Samples Mean 270 461 461 -0.011 0.003 0.003 0.015 0.004 0.004 48 191 191 51 -0.001 0.002 0.002 -2.05 0.007 0.003 0.003 0.36 43 106 106 85 0.008 0.000 0.000 -2.21 0.017 0.005 0.004 58 173 173 91 0.001 0.002 0.002 -2.79 0.028 0.004 0.004 0.86 47 149 149 44 0.009 0.000 0.000 -2.63 0.010 0.003 0.003 0.56 95 162 162 62 -0.010 0.007 0.007 0.30 0.011 0.003 0.003 0.27 27 41 41 22 -0.014 0.010 0.011 0.60 0.011 0.002 0.002 0.20 A Dev. WL83L2-3 Temperature (°C) Conductivity (mmhos cm-2) Salinity (°/°°) EN109 Temperature (°C) Conductivity mmhos cm-2) Salinity (°/°° Pressure (db) EN110 Temperature (°C) Conductivity Salinity (°/°°) Pressure (db) 1.4.6 EN115 Temperature (°C) Conductivity Salinity (°/°°) Pressure (db) EN116 Temperature (°C) Conduc tiv it y Salinity (°/°°) Pressure (db) WL85L2 Temperature (°C) Conductivit y Salinity (°/°°) Pressure (db) WL85L3 Temperature (°C) Conducti v it y Salinity (°/°°) Pressure (db) 21 all the cruises except WL83L2 and 3. Pressure corrections of +2.0, +2.2, +2.8 and +2.6 were applied to the CTD pressure of cruises EN109, EN110, EN115 and EN116 respectively. the Weloc cruises. No pressure corrections were applied to data from The temperature differences for all cruises are within sampling and instrument errors (Table 7) so no further corrections were applied to temperature prior to processing. Sample conductivities were calculated using the sample salinity value with the CTD temperature and pressure values; a value of 42.909 mmho cm-1 for the conductivity of standard seawater at 15°C (Fofonoff, Hayes and Millard, 1974) was used to convert the measured conductivity ratios to conductivity. Sample conductivities were compared to CTD conductivities which had been corrected for temperature and pressure effects on the cell. The conductivity differences for CTD probe #2777 used on the Endeavor cruises #109, 110, 115 and 116 were within the sampling and instrument errors (Table 7) so no further corrections were applied to conductivity prior to processing the data for these cruises. Station 25. On cruise EN109 the CTD hit bottom on A recast was done immediately and on the real-time plot of the data, temperature appeared unchanged but salinity looked slightly offset from the first down cast. A comparison was done of the conductivity differences between stations 1-24 and 26-66, which had mean differences of .002 and .001 respectively, both within the instrument and sampling errors. For CTD probe #2561, used on the Wecoma cruises WL83L2, WL83L3, WL85L2, WL8513, the conductivity differences had means greater than the sampling and instrument errors (Table 7) so corrections were computed for a multiplication factor using the equation: 22 N (CS - CCTD)i i=1 N I (CCTD) i i=1 Where CS is the conductivity at the sample depth. of each sample and CCTD is the CTD conductivity The uncorrected CTD conductivity was then multiplied by the correction factor to arrive at the corrected conductivity. The conductivity correction applied to each station prior to processing the data was 1.000067 for cruises WL83L2 and WL83L3, 1.000166 for cruise WL85L2 and 1.000272 for cruise WL85L3. CTD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURES The CTD data are recorded with many stations on each tape. at sea on a Kennedy 9-track data logger, Data logging normally begins as soon as the CTD probe is in the water, and continues until after the probe has reached the maximum depth. The first step in data processing is to obtain a directory of the data tape using program NBCTD (Wecoma cruises) or URIDIR (Endeavor cruises). For each station, this directory lists the header data, the block number in which the instrument descent begins, and the maximum pressure. NBCTD (Wecoma cruises) or URITAP (Endeavor cruises) is then used to create disc files of pressure, temperature, conductivity, oxygen and transmissometer counts for each cast. This program also corrects the conductivity data for variations in cell geometry due to pressure and temperature changes. Using program CTDRED2 (up through EN109) or CTDRED6 we then apply the temperature, conductivity and pressure calibrations if necessary, and check for extraneous values and extreme gradients. This program applies a recursive filter designed by R. Millard (S. Hayes, NOAA/PMEL, pers. comm.) to the conductivity data to remove the phase 23 finite response time difference introduced by the #2561, 205 msec for probe #2777) of the (T=235 cosec for probe temperature sensor; this filter has the form C(n) = ao C(n-l) + (1-ao) Co(n) where Co(n) is the observed value and C(n) is the filtered value of the nth scan, and ao - T / (T + ti) - .880 for probe #2561, .865 for probe #2777 is a constant determined from the time constant T and the time interval ti between The same recursive filter is applied to the pressure data to reduce scans. the digitizing noise and ensure that the pressure data is in phase with the temperature and conductivity data at low frequencies (< 1 Hz). Practical salinity (Lewis, 1978) is computed from the temperature and the filtered conductivity and pressure data using standard algorithms (Fofonoff and Millard, 1983) and a value of 42.909 to convert conductivity to conductivity ratio (Fofonoff, Hayes and Millard, 1974). The filtered pressure data are used to eliminate the ascending scans caused by ship's motion. Data collected during descent are sorted into 2 dbar bins, and the extremes and averages of each variable are computed for each bin. Profiles of the temperature and salinity extremes are plotted to determine whether further editing is needed, and the 2 dbar mean temperatures and salinities constitute the processed data. When editing appears to be necessary, the original data files are examined in detail; data points that are rejected are replaced by linearly interpolated values, and the files are reprocessed using CTDRED6. presented in Table 8. Stations that were edited during processing are The stations also have footnotes in the listings in the body of the data report. The processed data files containing integral pressure, and average temperature, conductivity, salinity, transmission, etc., are archived. These 24 files are used to calculate other parameters of interest such as potential temperature (theta), potential density anomaly (sigma-theta), specific volume anomaly, geopotential anomaly, sound velocity, etc., from the new equation of state of sea-water (UNESCO, 1981) using standard algorithms (Fofonoff and Millard, 1983). In this data report we show only profile plots of temperature, salinity, and sigma-theta vs. temperature, salinity, anomaly. pressure, and tables of sigma-theta, specific volume anomaly and geopotential 25 Stations edited during data processing. Table 8. CrtIiCP WL83L2 Statine 9 nanth 552-553 db Prnhlcm Remedv Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 551-555 db. WL83L3 14 131 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 129-133 db. 46 104-109, 688-691 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 687-693 db. 96 390 db CTD signal level dropped CTD brought up to 360 and First started down again. cast joined with 2nd cast at 361 db, resulting in 2 minute gap. 12 687 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 685-689 db. 19 643-683 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated pro- cessed salinity 641-685 db. EN109 41 502-503 db Sudden increase in conductivity (possibly detritus in cell that finally washed out at 502 db) No changes to data. 47 39-41 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 37-43 db. 49 759-773 db Jump in conductivity Linearly 3 406-410 db Erratic spikes in all data channels 6 db gap in data 13 253-273 db Jump in conductivity Linearly 22 181-213, Jump in conductivity 865-911 db. Linearly interpolated processed salinity 179-215 db and 865-911 db. 25 123.1 db CTD hit bottom Ended cast at 123 db. 52 390 db Jump in conductivity Stopped cast at 390 db, brought CTD up to 350 db and restarted: 7 min. gap at 365 db where 2nd cast was joined original cast data. interpolated processed salinity 757-775 db. 405-411 db. interpolated processed salinity 251-275 db. Lb Table 8 continued Sta- Cruise EN110 tion Depth Problem Remedy 138-144 db 147-150 db Gaps in raw data Linearly interpolated processed 12 709 db Sudden decrease in conductivity, salinity No change made to data. 17 5 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed 9 salinity and temperature 141-147, 149-153 db. salinity 3-7 db-. 21 458-550 db Jump in conductivity Stopped cast at 550 db; brought CTD-up to 440 db and restarted;6 min. gap at 457-db where 2nd cast was joined to original cast data. 25 297-299 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 295-301 db.. EN115 30 45 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 43-47 db. 52 44-48 db Gap in raw data Linearly interpolated salinity 45-51 db. 14 71 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 69-73 db. 22 79-111 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 77-113 db. 32 811-837 db Jump in conductivity 45 10 db Cast stopped to enter correct filter for real time listing; cast restarted at 10 db. EN116 processed. Stopped cast at 902 db; brought CTD up to 762 db and restarted: 6 min. gap at 809 db where 2nd cast was joined to original cast data. 8 min. gap at 11 db where 2nd part of cast was joined to first part of cast. 12 459-465 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 457-467 db. 50 171-177 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 169-179 db 27 Table 8 continued Cruise EN116 Station 51 Depth Problem Remedy 15-419 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 413-421 db. WL85L2 52 915-917 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 913-919 db. 5 501 db Stopped CTD lowering while adjusting PDR to get bottom depth. 9 min. delay at 499-501 db where 2nd part of cast was joined to first. 14 111-117 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 109-119 db. 31 559-567 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 557-569 db. 42 551-581 db Jump in conductivity Stopped cast at 627 db; brought CTD up to 500 db and started; 4 min. gap at 539-541 db where 2nd cast was joined to original cast data. Recast had a jump in conductivity at 567-581 db so linearly interpolated processed salinity 565-583 db . 58 24-25 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 23-27 db. 83 501-503 db Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 499-505 db. 93 407-477 db Jump in conductivity Stopped cast at 579 db; brought CTD 350 db and restarted; 4 min. gap at 401-403 db where 2nd cast was joined to original cast data. WL85L3 8 551-557 Jump in conductivity Linearly interpolated processed salinity 549-559 db. zs DATA PRESENTATION The body of this data report presents from the 8 cruises. the data from all 616 stations There is one section for each cruise; each section begins with the map showing station locations, and a table listing the stations. For each station, we present vertical profiles of temperature, salinity and the density anomaly, sigma-theta and tabulations of selected parameters at standard depths. Header information for each station includes: STA NO STATION Consecutive station number The CTD section name. (initialed) and number of the station on the line (refer to Figures 1-8) LAT Latitude in degrees and minutes north or south of the equator LONG Longitude in degrees and minutes west of the Greenwich meridian DATE Day, month, year TIME Universal Time (Greenwich Mean Time) PROBE Serial number of the CTD probe DEPTH Sonic depth in meters, corrected according to Matthews Tables The data table for each station gives values of temperature in degrees Celsius (TEMP), practical salinity (SAL), potential temperature, (POTEN TEMP), density anomaly in kg/m3 (SIGMA THETA), specific volume anomaly in 10-8 m3/kg (SVA), and geopotential anomaly (dynamic height, DELD) in dynamic meters. 29 PROFILE PLOTS AND LISTINGS WL83L2 30 Ix t Santa Cruz Bahia de Caraquez s x 31 52,76 * Chrrmbote 77 82 Callao 103 III Figure 1. Location of CTD stations during WL83L2, 1-24 February 1983. 31 Table 9. List of stations occupied during WL83L2 showing speed and direction and atmospheric pressure. date, time, location, wind Wind Station Date Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Time 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 Feb. 6 Feb. 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 1801 1231 1621 No. Name 1 2 3 2013 0014 0409 0747 4 1121 8 5 6 7 1500 9 1931 10 2247 0224 0624 0942 1325 1709 2044 0024 0410 0807 0037 0325 0713 1019 1512 1845 11 2211 0117 0426 0706 0947 1856 0019 0155 0347 1213 1732 1824 1921 2036 2232 0126 0819 1102 1317 1517 1727 1818 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 TEST A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-11 A-12 A-13 A-14 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-18 A-19 A-15 AW AE A-16 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 B-5.5 41 B-8 B-7 42 43 44 45 46 47 43 B-8 B-9 B-10 FSMS B-12 B-11 B-10 B-9 C-9 C-8 C-7 C-6 C-5 C-4 Location Long. Lat. 4°44.6'N 3°00.0'N 2°30.1'N 2°00.0'N 1°30.1'N 1000.0'N 0°30.0'N 0°00.4'N 0°30.0'S 1°01.8'S 1°29.9'S 2°00.0'S 2030.0'S 2°59.9'S 3°30.0'S 4°00.0'S 4°29.9'S 4059.9'S 5°30.0'S 6°00.0'S 4°00.0'S 4°11.9'S 4°11.9'S 4°29.9'S 5°00.5'S 5000.0'S 5°00.0'S 5°00.0'S 4°59.9'S 5°00.1'S 5000.015 4059.9'S 5°02.5'S 5°00.0'S 4°58.1'S 5°06.3'S 5°00.0'S 5°00.0'S 5°00.0'S 5°00.0'S 5000.4'S 5°00.0'S 7°29.9'S 7°19.9'S 7°15.0'S 7°10.0'S 7°05.0'S 7°00.0'S 82°55.0'W 85°00.0' 84°59.9' 85°00.0' 85°00.0' 85°00.1' 85°00.1" 85°00.0' 85°00.1' 85°00.8' 85°00.0' 85°00.0' 35°00.0' 84°59.7' 85°00.0' 85°00.0' 85°00.0' 84°59.1' 85°00.0' 84°59.9' 85°00.0' 85°15.0' 84°45.0' 85°00.0' 84°30.0' 84°00.1' 33°30.0' 83°00.0' 82°40.0' 82°20.0' 32°00.0' 82°30.1' 81°38.1' 81°30.0' 81°25.7' 81°20.4' 81°10.0' 81°15.0' 81°20.0' 81°30.0' 31°40.5' 82°00.0' 81°30.0' 81°13.1' 81°04.0' 80°55.0' 80°46.0' 80°38.0' Dir. Spd. Pressure (°T) (kts) (mb) 60 80 70 70 65 50 40 40 50 AIRS AIRS AIRS 270 280 AIRS 60 AIRS 70 30 50 AIRS 295 270 270 215 150 210 AIRS 70 320 AIRS 8 1007.9 1007.0 1018.1 1006.4 1016.2 1009.0 1008.1 1008.0 1010.9 1009.1 1008.0 1010.3 1010.8 1008.8 1011.3 1012.5 1009.5 1009.0 1011.0 1009.2 1010.9 1012.1 1011.5 1010.2 1012.8 1012.1 1009.5 1011.1 1012.9 1011.1 1011.0 1011.3 1010.0 1010.9 1011.5 1011.0 1009.0 1007.5 1007.9 -- 7 9 8 6 8 6 5 4 ---7 10 -- 10 -- 10 10 8 -- 6 6 6 5 6 4 -6 6 -- 0 230 AIRS AIRS 20 270 7 -- -- -- 200 200 200 200 150 150 140 150 160 170 12 14 10 12 16 16 14 14 13 12 -- 12 5 1007.1 1006.5 1007.1 1008.5 1009.0 1010.1 1010.1 1010.0 1009.0 32 Table 9 cont'd. 1983 Wi nd Station Date Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. eb. eb. eb. 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 Time No. Name 2050 49 50 C-3 C-2 51 C-1 D-1 2211 0008 1928 2135 0012 0201 0349 0527 0717 1910 2102 2252 0052 0256 0632 0231 2109 2346 0125 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 17 0902 72 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 1052 1240 1409 1528 2323 0102 0232 0430 0559 73 74 75 76 77 78 18 1557 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 1714 1844 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 20 20 20 2126 2326 0139 0323 0623 0919 1231 1308 1405 1453 9°50.0' S D-4 D-5 D-6 D-7 9°54.9'S 10000.0'S 10°05.0'S 10010.0'S D-8 D-9 D-10 17 17 2011 D-3 D-7 0310 0513 0700 71 D-11 D-12 D-11A D-11 D-10 D- 9 D- 8 D-7 D- 6 D- 5 D- 4 D-3 D-2 D-1 PS-1 PS-2 79 PS- 3 80 PS-4 81 PS- 5 82 E-1 E- 2 E- 3 E- 4 E-4 E-5 E- 6 E- 7 90 E-8 91 E-9 92 93 94 95 6055. O'S D-2 60 61 Lat. 6°49.9'S 6°45.6'S 9°40.0'S 9045.0'S 59 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Location E-10 N-1 N- 2 N- 3 10010.0'S 10°15.0'S 10°20.0'S 10°25.O'S 10°30.2'S 10°45.0'W 10°37.5'S 10°30.0'S 10°25.0'S 10°20.0'S 10°15.O'S 10°10.0'S 10°05.O'S 9059.6'S 9055.5'S 9°50.0'S 9045.0'S 9°40.0'S 10°52.O'S 10°57.O'S 11°02.O'S 11007.0'S 11°12.0'S 12°00.0'S 12004.9'S 12°10.O'S 12°15.O'S 12°15.O'S 12°20.O'S 12°25.O'S 12°30.O'S 12°39.9'S 12°50.O'S 13°00.O'S 15°02.5'S 15°06.O'S 15008.5'S Long, 80°29.0' W 80°20.2' 80°11.4' 78°24.0' 78°33.0' 78°42.0' 78°52.7' 79°00.0' 79°08.9' 79°17.9' 79°17.9' 79°27.0' 79°36.0' 79°45.0' 79°57.3' 80°20.0' 80°06.9' 79°54.0' 79°45.0' 79°36.0' 79°27.0' 79°18.0' 79°09.0' 78°59.6' 78°51.0' 78°42.0' 78°33.0' 78°24.0' 77°43.0' 77°57.0' 78°06.0' 78°15.0' 78°23.5' 77°14.0' 77°23.0' 77°31.9' 77°40.0' 77°40.0' 77°43.9' 77°58.0' 78°06.0' 78°24.0' 78°42.0' 79°00.0' 75°26.0' 75°30.0' 75°32.5' Dir. Spd. Pressure (°T) (kts) (mb) 150 12 1008.0 205 175 190 170 180 170 150 140 150 130 150 150 150 150 150 140 160 150 150 155 150 150 150 150 150 160 170 170 170 160 160 150 140 170 170 170 170 170 160 160 160 150 150 160 160 160 15 13 12 10 12 14 jr 1008.0 1008.5 1010.0 1009.0 1010.0 1010.6 1011.6 1011.0 1009.7 1009.9 1008.5 1008.2 1010.0 13 12 12 12 14 14 16 14 18 16 16 19 14 14 14 15 15 14 16 12 10 11 15 16 13 8 10 14 14 15 13 15 15 14 12 12 14 18 15 1010.1 1009.1 1008.9 1007.0 1007.5 1008.1 1009.0 1009.0 1008.5 1008.0 1007.2 1008.8 1008.9 1009.1 1007.3 1008.2 1009.1 1009.9 1009.7 1008.9 1008.1 1007.7 1007.0 1007.0 1007.5 1009.0 1009.8 1009.1 1008.0 1009.0 1009.0 1009.0 1008.7 33 Table 9 cont'd. 1983 Wind Station Date Feb. Feb. Dir. 'Spd. Pressure (°T) (.kts) (mb) Time No. Name 20 1543 96 N-4 15°11.0'S 75°40.0'W 160 16 20 1707 1911 97 N-5 75°39.9' 98 99 100 75°45.0 17 16 75°50.0' 75°55.0' 150 150 14 15 21 0202 101 N-6 N-7 N-8 N-10 150 150 2122 2333 15°15.0'S 15°20.0'S 15°25.0'S 15°30.O'S 15°40.O'S 76°05.0' 150 17 21 0413 0630 102 15050.1 'S 76°15.0' 150 20 21 21 2138 15°59.9'S 16°15.0'S 21 2231 21 22 0233 108 PA-5 22 22 22 0418 0623 0840 109 110 PA-7 PA-8 PA-9 76°24.9' 73°42.5' 73°45.2' 73°47.4' 73°50.0' 73°52.5' 73°57.5' 74°04.0' 74°10.0' 150 AIRS AIRS 160 160 140 150 140 150 15 --10 22 2352 0109 103 104 105 106 107 20 20 20 Feb. Location 111 N-11 N-12 PA-1 PA-2 PA-3 PA-4 Lat. 16019.1 'S 16°22.9'S 16°27.0'S 16°31.0'S 16°40.0'S 16°49.9'S 16°59.9'S Lon4. 1008.6 1007.9 1006.9 1006.5 1007.0 1007.4 1008.3 1008.0 1006.0 1006.2 1007.5 11 1008.1 11 1008.1 15 14 15 1008.0 1007.5 1006.5 34 TEMPERATURE, 16 1'0 22 28 STA NO 1 02 FEB 1983 PRESS 3 28.943. 28.325 28.062 27.960 27.247 26.552 26.396 24.721 22.300 20.228 18.692 17.679 17.168 16.888 16.616 15.922 14.705 13.986 13.586 12.850 11.875 9.600 8.028 6.810 5.188 4.333 4.326 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 24 26 35 33 STATION 1 STA NO 2 03 FEB 1983 PRESS 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP A-1 LAT: 1231 GMT SAL 28.236 28.318 28.458 28.197 27.767 27.327 26.309 24.562 21.826 20.089 18.355 17.478 17.123 16.670 33.011 33.349 33.825 33.952 33.844 33.705 34.301 16.161 15.213 14.321 13.711 34.977 34.954 13.166 12.636 10.431 8.274 6.959 6.150 5.241 4.366 4.344 34.627 34.723 34.793 34.826 34.911 34.979 35.000 34.951 34.928 34.901 34.864 34.752 34.652 34.602 34.581 34.570 34.579 34.580 28 36 600 800 1000 1005 LAT: 1801 GMT SAL TEMP 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TEST 32.274 32.721 33.178 33.402 33.294 33.182 33.464 34.045 34.625 34.785 34.901 35.001 34.995 34.989 34.997 34.930 34.935 34.923 34.905 34.855 34.797 34.690 34.642 34.598 34.578 34.586 34.586 4 44.6 N PROBE 2561 POTEN SIGMA TEMP 28.942 28.323 28.058 27.953 27.237 26.540 26.382 24.706 22.284 20.212 18.674 17.660 17.148 16.867 16.594 15.898 14.678 13.957 13.554 12.816 11.837 9.555 7.976 6.753 5.121 4.255 4.248 THETA 20.040 20.579 21.009 21.211 21.360 21.496 21.758 22.710 23.854 24.543 25.029 25.357 25.476 25.538 25.609 25.718 25.992 26.137 26.207 26.318 26.463 26.786 26.997 27.136 27.327 27.430 27.431 LONG: 82 55.0 W DEPTH 3878M SVA 769.3 717.8 677.1 658.2 644.3 DELD 0.023 0.075 0.144 0.211 0.276 631.6 0.340 607.0 516.3 407.3 341.8 0.402 0.460 0.506 0.543 295.7 0.575 264.8 0.603 253.7 0.629 248.1 241.7 231.5 205.9 0.654 0.678 0.702 0.757 192.7 0.806 186.7 176.5 163.6 134.0 114.5 101.6 83.9 74.6 0.854 0.899 Y 0.985 1.133 1.257 1.365 1.549 1.707 74.5 1.711 TEST 3 0.0 N LONG: 85 PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.235 28.316 28.453 28.190 27.758 27.316 26.296 24.547 21.811 20.072 18.338 17.459 17.103 16.649 16.138 15.190 14.295 13.683 13.135 12.603 10.395 8.233 6.912 6.096 5.174 4.287 4.265 20.826 21.053 21.365 21.547 21.607 21.644 22.416 23.197 24.061 24.586 25.057 25.337 25.474 25.598 25.699 25.895 26.087 26.199 26.290 26.367 26.690 26.966 27.118 27.209 27.314 27.421 27.424 0.0 W DEPTH 2968M SVA 693.9 672.4 642.9 626.0 620.7 617.6 544.1 469.7 387.5 337.7 293.1 266.6 253.9 242.4 233.0 214.5 196.8 186.8 178.7 171.8 141.3 115.8 101.9 93.8 85.1 75.4 75.2 04 f0 TEMPERATURE Te :22' 22 24 26 33 34 35 28 DELD 0.021 0.069 0.134 0.198 0.260 0.322 0.380 0.431 0.474 0.510 0.542 0.570 300 0.596 0.621 0.644 0.667 0.718 700 0.766 0.812 0.856 0.935 1.061 1.169 1.267 1.444 1.604 1000 1.609 SALINITY STATION 2 A-1 28 36 5E TURE TEMPERATURE 28 22 16 10 ON £ £0 834 £861 VIS SS3bd L OL dW31 221'8Z 201'82 LLO'8Z Of Z00'9Z O4 591'12 LZ9'9Z OS 09 200'92 OL 6L9'cZ OZ 09 06 001 £LL'L! 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OIL OL£'91 9ZZ'SL S96',£ L4£'% OL6'4£ £OZ'SL LS9'GZ 506'SZ 101'9Z ,9Z',L SZZ ,S8'£L 9£L'£L OSZ ZS£'ZL 00£ 004 005 009 009 OOOL LOOL ,89'6 09£'9 01Z'L LLL'9 6ZL'S L6Z'4 99Z', 9£Z',1 S£6',£ 9Z8'£L ,98'4£ SOL'f1 ZS6',£ 058',£ 611',£ 959',£ 91£'21 649'6 61£'9 £L9',£ LLS',£ LZZ'L 695'4£ 085'7£ 185'7£ 900'0 LOSS 190'0 LZL'0 L8L'0 042'0 9'LZS 962'0 94,'8 Z9Z'L 992'9 LZO'5 OLS'4 L91', 801',£ 901'4£ 901',£ POTEN YWOIS dW31 Y13"1 22L'8Z 660'82 2L0'82 S66'LZ 9SL'LZ LLL',£ N :SNO1 380bd 195Z 699'2 169'12 £OL'LZ O£L'L! ,8 6'65 M H1d30 W4LOf VAS 0130 6'219 6'019 9'019 900'0 190'0 ZZL'0 ,'809 £81'0 0'09 ,4Z'0 680'4£ LLL'4£ 609'9! 084'4£ 696'52 859'4£ 599'£2 918',£ LSL'LZ 888',£ 609'12 046'4£ SL8'61 296'4£ 81£'81 ZZO'S£ 400'81 16L'1Z 9SL'ZZ ,L6',£ 486',£ 686',£ L96',£ 456',£ L06',£ SS8'4£ 6,6'91 LOS'SZ 0,5'91 ,91'91 £8L',& L19'5Z £0£'0 LS£'0 904'0 £'6L£ S,4'O 9'01£ ,£87'0 4'ZZ£ 815'0 L'28Z 675'0 L'LLZ 9L5'0 L'LSZ 209'0 S'L,Z LZ9'0 £OL'SZ O'££Z 1S9'0 466'SZ L60'9Z OLZ'9Z 9'502 401'0 ?'L61 SSL'0 L6£'9Z 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300 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 700 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1000 33.5 34 34.5 35 SAUNRY 35.5 1005 A-4 TEMP 28.458 28.049 27.840 27.691 27.371 26.146 24.606 24.312 22.689 22.188 20.886 19.626 18.758 17.119 16.093 15.847 14.761 14.188 13.836 13.000 10.463 8.301 7.371 6.413 5.082 4.435 4.432 LAT: 0014 GMT SAL 1 30.1 N PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.457 28.047 27.836 27.684 27.362 26.135 34.971 24.593 34.948 24.297 34.957 22.673 35.021 22.170 35.041 20.867 35.016 19.606 35.024 18.737 34.973 17.097 34.981 16.071 34.980 15.824 34.950 14.735 34.954 14.159 34.942 13.803 34.885 12.965 34.760 10.427 34.654 8.259 34.617 7.322 34.585 6.358 34.569 5.016 34.578 4.356 34.578 4.352 21.621 21.748 21.840 21.942 22.170 22.796 23.444 23.516 23.997 24.187 24.562 24.878 34.168 34.157 34.188 34.258 34.424 34.738 25.107 25.471 25.718 25.773 25.992 26.118 26.184 26.311 26.691 26.964 27.072 27.178 27.332 27.413 27.413 LONG: 85 0.0 W DEPTH 288014 SVA 617.6 605.8 597.4 588.1 566.7 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34.785 34.649 34.609 34.591 34.570 34.575 34.575 0 30.0 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.233 28.140 27.831 27.129 26.281 25.701 25.384 24.388 22.088 21.105 20.935 19.969 18.382 17.287 16.165 15.882 14.459 14.047 12.923 12.164 10.733 8.120 7.106 6.534 5.476 4.480 4.465 21.595 21.645 21.846 22.293 22.832 23.098 23.211 23.496 24.196 24.471 24.548 24.822 25.208 25.499 25.771 25.831 26.082 26.150 26.339 26.453 26.656 26.981 27.096 27.160 27.278 27.397 27.399 LONG: 85 0.1 6 DEPTH 23920 TEMPERATURE 10 D4 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 28.338 28.137 27.840 27.025 26.678 26.315 25.324 24.031 23.473 23.067 21.969 20.499 19.665 19.473 17.256 16.251 14.811 13.651 13.327 12.110 9.634 8.057 7.241 6.536 5.394 4.343 4.312 A-9 LAT: 1931 GMT SAL 34.061 34.089 34.261 34.777 34.993 35.035 35.016 34.955 34.998 34.983 34.995 35.061 35.047 35.228 35.116 35.090 35.029 34.949 34.934 34.859 34.722 34.644 34.612 34.590 34.569 34.579 34.578 DELL) 620.0 615.6 596.9 554.5 503.5 478.4 468.1 441.2 374.7 348.8 341.9 316.0 279.5 0.006 0.062 0.123 0.180 0.232 0.282 0.329 0.374 0.416 0.452 0.486 0.519 0.548 226.2 220.8 197.4 191.6 173.9 163.5 144.7 114.3 104.1 99.1 7 89.1 78.2 0.599 0.622 0.674 0.722 0.767 0.810 0.885 1.013 1.122 1.224 1.413 1.582 1.584 251.9 0.576 78.0 LIN INT SAL 551-555DB STATION 9 A-8 STA NO SVA 10 1.8 S 16 22 28 LONG: 85 0.8 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 2188M 1 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.338 28.135 27.835 27.018 26.669 26.304 25.311 24.016 23.457 23.048 21.950 20.478 19.643 19.449 17.233 16.227 14.785 13.623 13.295 12.077 9.600 8.016 7.192 6.481 5.326 4.264 4.233 21.581 21.668 21.895 22.546 22.820 22.966 23.260 23.604 23.801 23.908 24.229 24.682 24.893 25.081 25.549 25.765 26.042 26.227 26.282 26.465 26.803 26.992 27.087 27.166 27.295 27.423 27.426 SVA 621.4 613.4 592.1 530.3 504.6 491.0 463.4 430.9 412.5 402.7 372.4 329.4 309.7 292.1 247.6 227.1 201.2 184.0 179.4 162.2 130.1 113.1 105.1 98.4 87.2 75.2 74.9 DELD 0.006 0.062 0.122 0.178 0.230 300 0.279 0.328 0.372 0.414 0.455 0.494 0.529 0.561 0.591 0.618 0.642 0.695 700 0.742 0.788 0.830 0.903 1.022 1.131 1.232 1.417 o0 1.582 1000 .5.5 1.587 22 34 SIGMA B 241 34.5" SALINITY STATION 10 A-9 26 35 128 35.5 39 TEMPERATURE 28 22 16 10 STA NO 11 04 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 TEMP 28.339 28.312 28.143 28.082 26.734 26.306 24.890 22.981 22.046 21.756 21.340 20.664 20.163 19.756 19.109 16.950 14.714 14.047 13.525 12.182 9.824 8.291 7.424 6.590 5.161 4.255 4.225 A-10 LAT: 2247 GMT 1 29.9 S LONG: 85 0.0 W DEPTH 2206M PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 33.997 34.013 34.151 34.276 35.030 35.072 35.048 35.045 35.003 35.025 35.040 35.132 35.130 35.214 35.269 35.150 35.035 34.986 34.953 34.877 34.734 34.654 34.619 34.587 34.568 34.577 34.578 28.339 28.310 28.139 28.075 26.725 26.295 24.877 22.967 22.030 21.738 21.321 20.643 20.141 19.732 19.084 16.926 14.688 14.018 13.494 12.149 9.789 8.249 7.375 6.534 5.094 4.178 4.147 21.532 21.554 21.713 21.828 22.830 22.998 23.416 23.979 24.213 24.312 24.438 24.692 24.825 24.996 25.207 25.648 26.068 26.173 26.257 26.466 26.780 26.965 27.066 27.157 27.322 27.431 27.435 626.0 624.4 609.6 599.1 503.6 488.0 448.4 395.0 373.1 364.1 352.4 328.5 316.2 300.2 280.5 238.4 198.8 189.3 181.9 162.3 132.4 115.9 107.3 99.3 84.2 74.2 73.9 0.006 0.063 0.124 0.185 0.240 0.290 0.337 0.380 0.418 0.455 0.491 0.524 0.557 0.588 0.617 0.642 0.696 0.744 0.790 0.834 0.906 1.030 1.141 1.244 1.425 1.586 1.590 SALINITY A-10 STATION 11 STA NO 12 05 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP A-11 LAT: 0224 GMT SAL LONG: 85 0.0 W 2 0.0 S DEPTH 2622M PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 21.022 21.414 675.0 637.8 615.6 0.007 0.066 0.128 615.4 521.9 0.190 0.248 27.914 33.133 27.914 10 28.483 33.902 20 30 34.175 50 28.390 28.439 26.664 26.129 28.480 28.385 60 25.983 70 1 34.205 21.650 21.657 34.747 28.432 26.655 35.022 26.118 486.4 0.298 25.269 35.076 35.134 80 23.561 35.185 90 100 110 21.751 35.064 35.141 25.969 25.254 23.545 21.734 21.158 23.102 23.367 23.917 24.342 478.5 453.7 401.5 361.1 0.346 0.393 0.436 0.473 24.559 340.8 0.508 20.268 19.608 18.903 35.089 20.248 35.064 19.586 321.5 307.0 0.541 0.573 35.201 18.880 280.1 0.602 17.130 16.403 14.761 13.983 13.452 12.473 10.083 8.397 7.297 6.573 5.212 4.400 4.390 35.158 35.125 35.034 17.107 16.379 14.735 13.954 13.420 12.440 10.048 8.355 7.248 24.765 24.920 25.207 25.611 25.757 26.057 241.7 0.628 227.9 0.651 199.8 187.9 180.3 0.704 0.753 0.799 166.2 0.842 135.5 117.0 105.9 98.9 85.0 76.3 76.1 0.917 1.042 1.154 1.257 1.440 40 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 21.177 34.988 34.955 34.898 34.750 34.661 34.613 34.589 34.567 34.574 34.576 6.518 5.145 4.322 4.311 22.639 23.015 26.188 26.274 26.426 26.749 26.954 27.079 27.161 27.315 27.414 27.416 10 TEMPERATURE 16 1.601 1.607 STATION 12 A-11 22 28 40 TEMPERATURE 10 16 22 28 STA NO 13 05 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 300 175 700 1000 SIGMA B 22 34 0 33.15 2,4 26 34.5 35 2B 35.5 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 28.220 28.853 28.484 27.645 27.224 26.406 25.991 25.600 25.170 24.859 23.619 21.365 20.017 18.735 17.700 15.706 14.291 13.611 12.615 12.089 10.488 8.343 7.346 6.414 5.318 4.387 4.373 A-12 LAT: 0624 GMT 2 30.0 S LONG: 85 PROBE 2561 0.0 W DEPTH 3073M SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 33.056 34.103 34.447 34.745 34.820 34.865 34.901 34.899 35.007 35.119 35.231 35.252 35.271 35.242 35.141 35.059 35.004 34.960 34.904 34.876 34.772 34.657 34.615 34.585 34.567 34.574 34.574 28.220 28.850 28.480 27.638 27.215 26.395 25.978 25.585 25.152 24.839 23.598 21.344 19.995 18.712 17.676 15.683 14.265 13.582 12.584 12.057 10.452 8.301 7.298 6.359 5.251 4.308 4.293 20.865 21.443 21.824 22.323 22.515 22.810 22.967 23.088 23.302 23.482 23.936 24.593 24.971 25.281 25.460 25.866 26.135 26.244 26.402 26.482 26.696 26.959 27.074 27.178 27.303 27.415 27.416 690.0 635.0 599.0 551.7 533.7 506.0 491.4 480.3 460.3 443.6 400.5 338.1 302.3 273.0 256.1 217.4 192.3 182.5 167.8 160.6 140.8 116.5 106.4 97.1 86.4 76.1 76.0 0.007 0.067 0.129 0.186 0.241 0.292 0.342 0.391 0.438 0.483 0.525 0.563 0.594 0.623 0.650 0.673 0.723 0.770 0.814 0.855 0.931 1.056 1.167 1.269 1.450 1.612 1.617 SALINITY STATION 13 A-12 TEMPERATURE STA NO 14 05 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 27.948 27.944 27.123 26.483 26.198 26.145 25.269 25.161 24.863 24.468 24.017 23.453 22.502 19.697 16.952 15.874 15.048 14.081 13.201 12.139 9.845 8.197 7.233 6.405 5.309 4.621 4.559 A-13 LAT: 0942 GMT SAL 34.602 34.606 34.720 34.803 34.886 34.919 34.813 34.852 34.918 34.987 34.943 35.170 35.224 35.173 35.159 35.106 35.054 34.988 34.938 34.876 34.734 34.650 34.610 34.585 34.568 34.571 34.569 L I N I NT SAL 129-133DB 2 59.9 S LONG: 84 59.7 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 3243M POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.948 27.942 27.119 26.476 26.189 26.133 25.256 25.146 24.846 24.449 23.996 23.431 22.478 19.673 16.929 15.850 22.114 22.120 22.471 22.737 22.890 22.932 23.123 23.187 23.328 23.499 23.601 23.939 24.255 24.981 25.654 25.864 26.010 26.167 26.311 26.473 26.777 26.976 27.086 27.179 27.305 27.387 27.393 15.021 14.052 13.169 12.106 9.810 8.156 7.185 6.350 5.241 4.541 4.479 SVA 570.3 570.2 537.0 512.0 497.8 494.3 476.4 470.8 457.8 441.8 432.5 400.7 370.9 301.7 237.5 217.6 204.4 189.9 176.6 161.5 132.7 114.7 105.2 97.0 86.1 79.3 10 1 22, '28 DELD 0.006 0.057 0.113 0.165 0.215 0.265 0.314 0.361 0.408 0.453 0.496 0.538 0.577 0.611 0.637 0.660 0.712 700 0.762 0.807 0.849 0.923 1.043 1.152 1.253 1.435 1.602 1000 78.7 1.608 33. 22 SIGMA 34 SALINITY STATION 14 A-13 26 35 28 41 TEMPERATURE 10 04 16 22 28 STA NO 15 05 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP 28.266 27.901 20 25.747 30 25.367 40 25.152 50 25.046 60 24.631 70 24.372 80 24.188 90 23.991 100 23.637 110 22.880 120 21.024 130 18.365 140 17.174 1 10 300 150 175 700 1000 L 33. SALINITY 16.701 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 15.277 14.519 13.974 12.794 11.007 8.205 6.995 6.282 5.389 4.589 1005 4.548 A-14 LAT: 1325 GMT SAL 34.229 34.709 34.842 34.866 34.897 34.902 34.868 34.890 34.912 34.933 34.931 35.066 35.136 35.172 35.151 35.138 35.073 35.017 34.987 34.902 34.793 34.637 34.603 34.583 34.567 34.567 34.566 3 30.0 S LONG: 85 PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.265 27.899 25.742 25.361 25.143 25.035 24.618 24.357 24.171 23.972 23.616 22.857 21.001 18.343 17.151 16.676 15.250 14.489 13.942 12.760 10.970 8.164 6.948 21.731 22.211 22.996 23.132 23.221 23.258 23.358 23.454 23.525 23.601 23.704 24.026 24.599 25.320 25.595 25.698 25.974 26.097 26.190 26.366 26.621 26.964 27.113 27.194 27.295 27.387 27.391 6.228 5.321 4.508 4.468 0.0 W DEPTH 3356M SVA 607.0 561.4 486.8 474.3 466.2 463.1 453.9 445.3 438.9 432.1 422.7 392.2 337.9 269.2 243.1 233.6 207.9 196.7 188.5 172.0 148.2 115.8 102.4 95.4 87.2 79.2 78.8 DELD 0.006 0.060 0.111 0.159 0.206 0.252 0.298 0.343 0.387 0.431 0.474 0.515 0.551 0.580 0.606 0.630 0.685 0.736 0.784 0.829 0.909 1.037 1.146 1.245 1.427 1.592 1.596 STATION 15 A-14 STA NO 16 05 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 27.946 27.819 27.680 26.947 26.023 25.814 25.510 25.147 24.318 23.419 22.916 21.461 18.859 17.913 17.642 16.012 14.281 13.754 13.246 12.673 11.000 8.212 6.904 6.231 5.158 4.384 4.375 A-15 LAT: 1709 GMT SAL 34.693 34.745 34.994 34.906 34.985 34.994 35.006 35.029 35.014 34.976 35.035 35.154 35.169 35.149 35.161 35.087 35.003 34.975 34.945 34.912 34.804 34.646 34.595 34.580 34.561 34.570 34.571 4 0.0 S LONG: 85 0.0 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 3466M POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.946 27.817 27.676 26.940 26.014 25.802 25.497 25.131 24.301 23.400 22.896 21.439 18.837 22.184 22.265 22.498 22.668 23.019 23.092 23.196 23.325 23.564 23.801 23.992 24.492 25.193 25.414 25.490 25.818 26.136 26.226 26.307 26.397 26.630 26.970 27.120 27.198 27.317 27.412 27.414 17.891 17.619 15.989 14.256 13.725 13.215 12.640 10.963 8.171 6.857 6.177 5.091 4.305 4.295 SVA 563.6 556.2 534.4 518.7 485.5 479.0 469.5 457.6 435.2 413.0 395.1 347.7 281.0 260.1 253.2 222.1 192.2 184.2 177.0 169.0 147.4 115.3 101.6 94.9 84.7 76.4 76.3 04 10 TEMPERATURE 16 DELD 0.006 0.056 0.110 0.163 0.213 0.261 0.309 0.355 0.400 0.442 0.483 0.520 0.551 0.578 0.604 0.628 0.679 700 0.726 0.772 0.815 0.893 1.023 1.129 1.228 1.407 1.567 1 1.573 STATION 16 A-15 22 28 42 1.0 TEMPERATURE 16. 22 8 STA NO A-16 17 05 FEB 1983 PRESS LAT: 2044 GMT TEMP SAL 4 29.9 S POTEN TEMP e SIGMA THETA 27.645 27.595 27.569 27.493 27.111 26.052 22.355 22.483 22.494 25.647 I 23.147 3 10 20 27.646 27.598 34.791 27.574 34.943 30 40 50 60 34.958 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 27.500 27.120 26.063 25.661 25.123 24.129 21.965 20.640 20.089 19.552 18.725 140 17.797 17.053 14.660 35.161 35.147 17.773 150 35.021 13.766i 34.974 14.634 13.737 13.315 34.948 34.915 34.833 34.654 34.603 34.578 34.558 34.570 13.283 4.429 24.338 24.740 24.895 25.032 25.243 25.452 25.621 26.069 26.223 26.296 26.387 26.567 26.957 27.098 27.203 27.305 27.398 34.571 4.386 27.404 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 or. 12.736 11.473 8.344 7.110 6.180 5.245 4.509 4.466 34.940 34.970 34.975 35.004 35.047 35.088 35.137 35.187 35.197 35.191 35.190 LONG: 85 PROBE 2561 25.108 24.113 21.947 20.621 20.068 19.530 18.702 17.028 .12.702 11.435 8.302 7.062 6.127 5.178 22.530 22.662 23.001 23.346 23.676 0.0 W DEPTH 3483M SVA DELD 547.3 0.016 535.4 0.054 534.8 0.108 531.9 0.161 519.7 0.214 487.8 0.264 474.2 0.312 455.6 0.359 424.5 0.403 361.6 0.442 323.5 0.476 309.1 296.4 276.5 256.9 241.0 0.508 0.538 0.567 0.593 0.618 198.7 0.673 184.5 178.1 170.0 153.6 116.7 103.9 0.720 0.765 0.809 0.890 1.023 1.133 1.232 1.412 1.575 1.580 94.4 86.0 78.0 77.4 STATION 17 A-16 STA NO 18 06 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 TEMP SAL 4 59.9 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 28.140 34.994 35.003 35.095 35.094 35.154 35.179 35.173 35.181 35.161 25.744 25.073 24.269 22.758 20.241 19.101 25.133 18.564 17.849 17.071 35.130 35.024 34.978 34.952 34.915 34.864 34.680 34.609 34.576 34.563 34.570 34.571 16.359 14.782 13.788 13.341 12.702 11.871 8.824 7.249 6.309 5.100 4.132 4.105 25.265 25.449 25.622 25.766 34.650 28.059 34.787 28.057 27.831 26.662 26.090 25.895 34.921 25.758 25.089 24.286 22.776 20.260 19.120 18.585 17.871 17.094 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 4.209 4.183 SIGMA THETA 22.088 22.218 22.394 22.752 23.001 23.062 23.110 23.323 23.635 24.076 24.817 28.141 16.383 14.808 13.817 13.372 12.736 11.910 8.868 7.298 6.364 5.167 175 A-17 LAT: 0024 GMT 34.898 34.988 27.826 26.655 26.082 34.987 25.883 26.039 26.215 26.287 26.387 26.508 26.896 27.076 27.178 27.317 27.431 27.434 TEMPERATURE LONG: 84 59.1 W 0± 10 16 DEPTH 3939M SVA DELD 572.8 0.006 560.7 544.4 510.6 487.3 481.9 477.7 457.8 428.4 386.7 0.057 0.112 0.166 316.2 286.3 274.1 256.8 240.5 227 . 1 201.5 185.3 179.0 170.0 159.4 122.9 106.2 97.1 84.7 74.2 73.9 0.215 300 0.264 0.312 0.359 0.403 0.444 0.480 0.510 0.538 0.564 0.589 0 . 613 0.666 700 0.714 0.760 0.803 0.885 1.023 1.137 1.239 1.418 1.578 1000 1.581 3: 34.5 SALINITY STATION 18 A-17 22 28 43 TEMPERATURE 16 10 a,4 STA NO 28 22 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 .300 140 150 175 loo 10004 0 34 33.5. 35.5 35 3J4 19 06 FEB 1983 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 TEMP 28.236 28.124 28.029 27.524 26.843 26.476 26.337 25.460 24.392 23.612 21.918 20.907 19.261 17.899 16.777 16.073 14.512 13.724 13.239 12.688 11.783 9.710 7.593 6.550 5.135 4.304 4.297 A-18 LAT: 0410 GMT 5 30.0 S LONG: 85 0.0 W DEPTH 3792M PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 34.570 34.695 34.709 34.737 34.882 34.987 35.006 35.045 35.101 35.163 35.153 35.156 35.174 35.125 35.112 35.087 35.020 34.975 34.953 34.916 34.857 34.729 34.617 34.576 34.556 34.569 34.569 28.236 28.121 28.024 27.517 26.833 26.465 26.323 25.445 24.375 23.593 21.898 20.886 19.239 17.877 21.997 22.128 22.170 22.356 22.684 22.880 22.939 581.5 569.4 565.8 548.5 517.6 499.3 494.1 465.7 431.0 404.8 359.5 333.1 290.4 261.6 236.9 223.4 195.7 183.6 176.3 169.0 157.6 132.9 109.9 0.006 0.058 0.115 23.241 23.608 23.886 24.364 24.645 25.094 25.399 25.659 25.804 26.100 26.232 26.315 26.397 26.527 26.797 27.040 27.154 27.316 27.420 27.420 16.755 16.049 14.486 13.695 13.208 12.654 11.744 9.664 7.543 6.494 5.069 4.226 4.219 99.6 84.8 75.5 75.4 0.171 0.223 0.274 0.324 0.372 0.417 0.459 0.497 0.532 0.563 0.590 0.615 0.638 0.690 0.737 0.782 0.825 0.907 1.052 1.171 1.275 1.460 1.62 1.625 STATION 19 A-18 TEMPERATURE STA NO 20 06 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1lf15 TEMP 28.154 28.159 28.112 28.065 27.025 26.088 25.285 24.501 23.530 22.367 21.438 20.078 18.405 17.795 17.192 16.300 14.651 13.894 13.298 12.849 11.994 9.368 7.540 6.535 5.190 4.266 4 26A A-19 LAT: 0807 GMT SAL 34.618 34.618 34.649 34.733 34.923 34.961 35.019 35.098 35.053 35.107 35.143 35.153 35.124 35.141 35.149 35.128 35.029 34.979 34.925 34.905 34.870 34.710 34.614 34.574 34.552 34.566 LONG: 84 59.9 W 6 0.0 S DEPTH 404314 PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 28.154 28.157 28.108 28.058 27.016 26.077 25.272 24.486 23.513 22.349 21.419 20.057 18.384 17.773 17.169 16.276 14.625 13.865 13.267 12.815 11.955 9.323 7.491 6.480 5.123 4.188 %4 566 4 IRS SIGMA THETA SVA 22.059 22.059 22.098 22.177 22.656 22.982 23.274 23.572 23.826 24.203 24.489 24.865 25.272 25.437 25.590 25.784 26.077 26.200 26.281 26.357 26.498 26.839 27.046 27.154 27.306 575.5 576.0 572.7 565.6 520.2 489.5 462.0 434.0 410.1 374.5 347.5 312.0 273.3 257.9 243.7 225.4 197.9 186.7 179.5 172.9 160.5 128.7 109.3 99.5 27.421 27.422 04 16 1'p 28 2 DELD 0.006 0.058 0.115 0.172 0.226 300 0.277 0.325 0.369 0.412 0.451 0.487 0.520 0.549 0.575 0.600 0.624 0.677 700 0.724 0.770 0.814 0.898 1.044 1.162 1.267 85.8 1.452 75.2 1.612 1000 75.2 1.616 33 5 26 34 - - - j Sq . STATION 20 A-19 128 35.5 n 44 TEMPERATURE 10 16 28 22 STA NO A-15 21 07 FEB 1983 PRESS 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 34 TEMP 28.287 27.977 27.714 26.332 25.877 25.676 24.772 23.982 23.406 23.011 22.256 21.386 19.615 17.775 16.491 16.143 14.466 13.826 13.147 12.453 10.988 8.149 6.961 6.314 5.404 4.534 4.516 r 4 0.0 S LONG: 85 0.0 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 3460M LAT: 0037 GMT SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.287 27.974 27.709 26.325 25.868 25.665 24.760 23.968 23.390 22.992 22.236 21.364 35.171 19.593 35.149 17.752 35.127 16.468 35.113 16.120 35.012 14.440 34.976 13.797 34.934 13.116 34.892 12.420 34.800 10.951 34.645 8.107 34.596 6.914 34.580 6.260 34.565 5.336 34.567 4.454 34.568 4.435 22.154 22.350 .el 22.461 22.894 23.066 23.136 23.414 23.668 23.849 23.958 24.229 24.508 25.000 25.448 25.738 25.808 26.103 26.212 26.319 26.425 26.629 26.980 27.112 27.188 27.291 27.394 27.396 34.802 34.927 34.960 34.947 34.987 34.996 34.997 35.020 35.035 35.027 35.101 35.149 TEMPERATURE 22 )7 FEB 1983 DRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1003 TEMP 28.068 27.862 27.712 27.044 26.189 25.925 25.444 24.679 23.404 22.269 21.657 20.254 19.392 18.254 17.330 16.383 14.506 13.561 13.026 12.217 10.616 8.272 6.968 6.202 5.140 4.395 4-384 LAT: AW 0325 GMT SAL 34.978 34.971 34.961 34.912 34.971 34.966 35.010 35.053 35.013 35.106 35.156 35.172 35.162 35.164 35.151 35.124 35.015 34.961 34.930 34.881 34.781 34.650 34.596 34.576 34.562 34.569 34.569 566.5 548.1 538.0 497.1 481.0 474.8 448.7 424.8 407.9 398.0 372.4 346.1 299.5 256.9 229.4 223.0 195.3 185.6 175.9 166.2 147.4 114.4 102.4 96.0 87.6 78.4 78.2 DELD 0.017 0.056 0.110 0.163 0.211 0.259 0.306 0.349 0.391 0.432 0.470 0.506 0.538 0.566 0.590 0.612 0.663 0.711 0.756 0.799 0.876 1.005 1.113 1.212 1.396 F 1.561 1.565 A-15 STATION 21 ;TA NO SVA 4 11.9 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.067 27.860 27.708 27.037 26.180 25.914 25.431 24.664 23.388 22.251 21.637 20.233 19.370 22.358 18.231 17.307 16.359 14.480 13.533 12.995 12.184 10.580 8.230 6.921 6.149 5.074 4.317 4305 22.421 22.463 22.641 22.957 23.036 23.219 23.485 23.832 24.229 24.439 24.832 25.051 25.342 25.558 25.761 26.097 26.255 26.341 26.462 26.681 26.964 27.111 27.199 27.320 27.410 27.411 LONG: 85 15.0 W 16 10 04 22 28 26 35 35.5 DEPTH 3538M SVA 546.9 541.4 537.8 521.2 491.4 484.3 467.4 442.3 409.5 372.0 352.4 315.1 294.5 267.1 246.7 227.6 195.9 181.4 173.8 162.7 142.3 115.9 102.5 94.8 84.4 76.6 7# I. DELD 0.005 0.055 0.108 0.162 0.212 =300 0.261 0.309 0.354 0.397 0.436 0.473 0.506 0.537 0.565 0.591 0.614 0.666 700 0.713 0.757 0.800 0.875 1.005 1.114 1.212 1.391 n 1.551 luuuII 1 SSL 33.5 22 1 .1 34 =SIGMA -t - 241 34.5 1 SAJ JN(TY STATION 22 AW II 45 TEMPERATURE 10 16 28 22 23 STA NO 07 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 34 26 35 SAIJNf lY 35.5 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 27.868 27.624 27.253 26.167 25.793 25.421 24.152 23.400 22.527 22.185 22.010 20.684 19.184 18.368 17.963 17.092 15.051 13.570 13.062 12.406 11.068 8.345 7.394 6.478 5.367 4.365 4.344 AE LAT: 0713 GMT SAL 34.948 34.970 34.962 34.960 34.961 34.938 34.897 34.955 35.038 35.047 35.111 35.186 35.181 35.164 35.177 35.153 35.044 34.960 34.932 34.894 34.807 34.658 34.613 34.584 34.565 34.568 34.570 4 11.9 S LONG: 84 45.0 W PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.867 22.401 22.497 22.612 22.955 23.073 23.171 23.524 23.789 24.104 24.208 24.307 24.728 25.119 25.313 25.424 25.617 26.001 26.252 26.334 26.435 26.620 26.960 27.066 27.169 27.295 27.412 27.417 27.621 27.248 26.160 25.784 25.410 24.139 23.385 22.511 22.167 21.990 20.663 19.162 18.345 17.939 17.067 15.024 13.542 13.031 12.373 11.031 8.304 7.345 6.423 5.299 4.287 4.265 DEPTH 3413M SVA 542.8 534.1 523.6 491.2 480.4 471.5 438.1 413.2 383.5 374.0 365.0 325.1 288.0 269.8 259.6 241.4 205.2 181.7 174.4 165.2 148.3 116.4 107.3 98.0 87.1 76.3 75.9 DELD 0.005 0.054 0.107 0.158 0.206 0.254 0.299 0.342 0.382 0.420 0.456 0.491 0.522 0.549 0.576 0.601 0.657 0.705 0.749 0.792 0.870 0.998 1.109 1.212 1.397 1.561 1.566 STATION 23 AE TEMPERATURE 24 07 FEB 1983 STA NO PRESS 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 TEMP 27.724 27.623 27.549 26.782 25.993 25.839 A-16 LAT: 1019 GMT SAL 34.895 34.911 34.931 34.940 34.962 34.975 35.027 35.084 35.124 35.187 35.179 POTEN SIGMA TEMP 27.724 THETA 22.408 22.454 22.493 22.746 27.620 27.544 26.775 25.984 25.828 23.012 SVA DELD 542.3 0.016 538.2 0.054 534.9 511.2 486.2 481.1 0.108 0.161 0.210 0.259 461.6 433.9 0.306 389.1 0.392 364.8 306.0 274.7 265.0 0.430 0.463 0.492 0.519 0.544 18.647 18.199 17.472 35.180 18.628 35.171 35.159 18.178 17.450 23.070 23.279 23.573 24.046 24.305 24.924 25.254 25.360 25.529 16.865 16.186 35.150 35.118 16.842 16.162 25.668 25.802 236.2 0.569 223.6 0.592 14.540 13.768 13.409 12.761 11.665 8.748 7.082 6.393 5.226 4.397 4.370 35.016 34.972 34.951 34.912 34.847 34.674 34.601 14.514 13.739 13.378 12.727 11.627 8.705 7.034 6.339 5.159 4.318 4.291 26.091 196.6 184.7 179.8 170.7 0.645 0.692 0.738 0.782 156.1 0.863 121.4 103.7 96.9 86.0 0.999 1.110 1.210 1.392 25.292 24.464 22.957 22.221 19.925 34.583 34.556 34.571 34.571 10 4 29.9 S LONG: 85 0.0 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 3494M 25.279 24.449 22.941 22.203 19.907 26.221 26.279 26.380 26.542 26.910 27.100 27.180 27.305 27.411 27.415 249.1 76.5 76.1 16 22 28 300 0.351 0 w tr U) CL 700 1.553 1000'x 0 33:5 1.557 22 34 SIGMA 6 24 34.5 SALI NITY STATION 24 A-16 26 35 `28 35.5 46 TEMPERATURE 10 16 22 STA NO 25 B1 LAT: 07 FEB 1983 1512 GMT 379.0 KM FROM SHORE 28 PRESS TEMP 28.009 10 27.908 20 27.825 30 26.737 40 26.067 50 25.450 60 24.509 70 23.905 80 23.146 90 21.052 1 00 19.137 110 18.938 120 18.548 130 17.727 140 17.296 150 16.309 175 14.452 200 13.920 225 13.161 250 12.515 300 11.591 400 8.874 500 7.484 600 6.515 800 5.284 1000 4.378 10 05 4.365 5 STATION 25 STA NO 26 07 FEB 1983 B-2 LAT: 1845 GMT 324.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1 000 1 007 TEMP 28.361 28.016 27.699 27.512 26.367 26.052 25.419 24.194 23.604 22.380 20.354 19.722 19.435 18.987 18.506 17.222 14.998 13.988 13.405 12.766 11.217 8.449 7.188 6.406 5.245 4.367 4.349 SAL TEMP 34.714 34. 776 34.789 34.799 28.361 28.014 27.695 27.505 34.986 26.358 34.998 26.041 34.988 25.406 34.886 24.179 34.927 23.587 35.053 22.362 35.086 20.336 35.083 19.702 35.084 19.414 35.095 18.964 35.119 18.482 35.133 17.197 35.041 14.972 34.985 13.959 SIGMA THETA 22.063 22.224 22.337 22.407 22.913 23.021 23.210 23.504 23.709 24.157 24.739 24.905 24.980 25.104 25.244 25.570 26.010 26.185 SVA POTEN TEMP 28.008 27.905 27.820 26.730 26.058 25.439 24.496 23.891 23.130 21.035 19.119 18.919 18.527 17.705 17.272 16.285 14.426 13.891 13.130 12.482 11.552 8.830 7.435 6.460 5.216 4.299 4.286 04 10 SIGMA THETA 22.226 22.279 22.367 22.731 23.009 23.168 23.409 23.606 23.968 24.595 25.075 25.130 25.234 25.453 25.555 25.770 26.107 26.198 26.321 26.419 26.554 26.898 27.055 27.164 27.301 27.410 27.412 575.1 560.2 549.8 0 . 006 543.7 495.7 485.8 468.2 440.5 421.3 378.8 323.6 308.1 301.3 289.8 276.8 245.9 204.3 0.167 16 0.057 0 . 112 0 . 218 0.267 0 . 315 0.361 0 . 404 0.444 0 . 478 0.510 0 . 540 0.570 0 . 598 0.624 700 0 . 680 0 . 729 0 . 775 34.918 34.821 13.374 12.732 26.281 26.38.4 11.180 170.3 26.604 0.818 34.662 34.605 150 . 0 8.406 7.140 0 . 899 34.581 34.558 6.351 5.178 26.947 27.088 27.176 27.304 34.567 34.567 4.288 27.411 4.270 27.413 117.7 1.031 105.0 1 . 142 97 . 3 1 . 243 86.0 1.424 76.4 1.585 76.2 1.590 SVA 559.7 554.9 547.0 512.7 486.5 471.7 449.1 430.7 396.5 337.0 291.5 286.6 277.0 256.4 247.0 226.7 195.0 187.0 175.7 166.8 154.9 122.7 108.5 98.6 86.4 76.5 76.4 DELD 0.028 0.056 0.111 0.164 0.214 0.262 0.308 0.352 0.394 0.431 0.462 0.491 0.519 0.545 0.571 0.594 0.646 0.694 0.739 0.782 0.863 0.999 1.114 1.217 1.401 1.563 1.567 TEMPERATURE DELD 188 . 2 179 . 6 34.952 34.776 34.803 34.883 34.901 34.990 34.946 34.886 34.908 35.093 35.144 35.109 35.113 35.120 35.140 35.137 35.113 35.013 34.983 34.940 34.900 34.846 34.684 34.615 34.583 34.560 34.567 34.567 0.5 S LONG: 84 30.0 W PROBE 2561 D EP TH 3969M B-1 5 0. 0 S LONG: 84 0.1 W PROBE 256 1 DEPTH 3856M POTEN SAL 5 1 34 STATION 26 B-2 22 28 47 TEMPERATURE 28 22 16 10 27 07 FEB 1983 STA NO 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 SIGMA 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 28 24 34. 22 1000 3 SALINITY LAT: 2211 GMT 268.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 700 B-3 TEMP 28.264 28.072 27.906 27.678 26.803 26.169 25.769 24.660 21.965 21.110 20.073 19.370 19.145 18.646 18.207 17.735 15.110 13.570 12.915 12.362 10.842 8.141 6.959 6.267 5.289 4.399 4.397 LONG: 83 30.0 W 5 0.0 S DEPTH 3476M PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 34.502 34.594 34.646 34.743 34.926 34.986 35.002 35.105 35.088 35.112 35.083 35.102 35.108 35.116 35.126 35.133 35.044 34.965 34.926 34.894 34.795 34.648 34.594 34.579 34.557 34.565 34.565 28.264 28.070 27.902 27.671 26.794 26.158 25.756 24.645 21.949 21.093 20.054 19.350 19.123 18.624 18.183 17.709 15.083 13.542 12.884 12.328 10.805 8.100 6.912 6.213 5.221 4.320 21.936 22.069 22.162 22.311 22.730 22.976 23.113 23.530 24.300 24.555 24.812 25.010 25.073 25.207 25.324 25.446 25.988 26.256 26.359 26.444 26.651 26.983 27.112 27.193 27.298 27.406 27.407 587.3 575.0 566.6 552.8 513.2 490.2 477.5 438.1 364.8 340.8 316.6 298.0 292.4 280.0 269.1 257.8 206.5 181.3 172.0 164.4 145.3 0.006 0.058 0.115 0.171 0.225 0.275 0.323 0.369 0.409 0.444 0.479 0.508 0.537 0.566 0.593 0.620 0.676 0.724 0.768 0.810 0.888 1.015 1.123 1.221 1.403 1.567 1.570 4.317 114.1 102.5 95.5 86.7 76.9 76.9 STATION 27 B-3 TEMPERATURE B4 LAT: 0117 GMT 213.0 KM FROM SHORE 28 08 FEB 1983 STA NO PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 TEMP 28.351 28.152 28.005 27.499 26.843 25.874 25.162 24.262 23.342 22.232 100 20.930 110 19.893 120 19.206 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1003 18.351 15.954 15.079 13.584 12.994 12.342 11.751 10.082 8.174 6.866 6.120 5.198 4.332 4.330 5 0.0 S LONG: 83 PROBE 2561 0.0 W 10 16 DEPTH 3807M SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA 34.410 34.518 34.594 34.824 35.051 35.018 35.088 35.123 35.102 35.117 35.112 35.126 35.150 35.160 35.087 35.039 34.969 34.936 34.893 34.854 34.743 34.649 34.591 34.576 34.561 34.570 34.570 28.350 28.150 28.000 27.492 26.834 25.863 25.149 24.247 23.326 22.214 20.911 19.873 19.185 18.328 15.932 15.057 13.559 12.967 12.312 11.719 10.047 8.133 6.819 6.067 5.131 4.253 4.251 21.838 21.985 22.091 22.429 22.811 23.092 23.364 23.663 23.918 24.248 24.605 24.892 25.089 25.314 25.831 25.990 26.256 26.351 26.446 26.530 26.744 26.979 27.122 27.209 27.312 27.418 27.418 596.7 583.0 573.4 541.5 505.4 479.1 453.4 425.3 401.3 370.2 336.4 309.3 290.9 269.7 220.5 205.4 180.6 172.1 163.5 156.0 136.0 114.5 101.4 DELD 0.006 0.059 0.117 0.173 0.226 300 0.275 0.321 0.365 0.406 0.445 0.480 0.512 0.542 0.570 0.595 0.616 0.664 700 0.708 0.750 0.790 0.863 0.985 1.094 93.8 1.191 85.2 1.370 75.7 1.530 1000 75.7 1.533 STATION 28 B-4 22 28 48 TEMPERATURE 10 16 22 28 STA NO 29 B-5 LAT: 08 FEB 1983 0426 GMT 176.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 SIGMA+9 24 34.5 800 26 35 SALINITY 1000 1003 TEMP SAL 4 59.9 S POTEN TEMP 28.241 28.259 28.265 27.693 34.264 34.332 34.456 34.691 26.778 35.096 25.958 35.080 24.893 35.132 24.450 35.233 23.552 35.197 22.466 35.199 20.666 35.183 19.546 35.205 18.101 35.211 17.204 35.161 16.230 35.088 15.268 35.046 13.974 34.993 13.461 34.960 12.958 34.930 12.194 34.870 10.694 34.780 7.987 34.639 6.984 34.598 6.166 34.577 5.283 34.566 4.224 34.572 4.221 34.572 LONG: 82 40.0 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 3514M SIGMA THETA SVA 28.241 28.257 28.260 27.686 26,768 25.947 21.764 21.811 21.903 22.266 22.866 23.112 24.880 23.479 24.435 23.690 23.535 23.929 22.447 24.244 20.647 24.730 19.526 25.044 18.080 25.415 17.182 25.595 16.207 25.768 15.245 25.954 13.949 26.194 13.433 26.275 12.927 26.354 12.161 26.458 10.658 26.666 7.946 26.999 6.936 27.111 6.112 27.204 5.215 27.306 4.147 27.431 4.143 27.431 603.8 599.7 591.4 557.1 500.2 477.1 442.5 422.8 400.3 B-6 LAT: 0706 GMT 140.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 TEMP 28.624 28.536 28.149 27.568 26.747 25.455 24.843 20 30 40 50 60 70 23.870 80 22.608 90 21.410 100 20.336 110 19.387 120 17.893 130 17.202 140 15.947 150 15.301 175 13.673 200 12.785 225 12.364 250 11.956 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 10.225 7.904 6.907 6.114 5.012 4.345 4.331 SAL 33.998 34.168 34.534 34.705 34.850 35.051 35.081 35.083 35.085 35.135 35.162 35.153 35.144 35.143 35.096 35.059 34.971 34.907 34.884 34.859 34.753 34.639 34.598 34.576 34.568 34.577 34.577 5 0.1 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 28.624 28.534 28.144 27.561 26.738 25.444 24.830 23.856 22.592 21.393 20.317 19.368 17.873 17.180 15.925 15.278 13.648 12.758 12.334 11.923 10.190 7.863 6.860 6.061 4.947 4.266 4.253 SIGMA THETA 21.439 21.597 22.000 22.318 22.690 23.246 23.455 23.749 24.116 24.491 24.802 25.045 25.415 25.582 25.839 25.957 26.239 26.370 26.435 26.495 26.727 27.011 27.121 27.210 27.339 27.422 27.423 LONG: 82 20.0 W DEPTH 4177M SVA O4 10 0.006 0.060 0.120 0.177 0.230 0.279 0.324 0.368 0.409 370.6 0.448 324.5 0.483 294.9 0.514 259.7 0.542 242.8 226.5 209.0 186.6 179.5 172.5 163.0 143.7 112.4 102.5 94.3 85.9 74.2 74.2 STATION 29 B-5 STA NO 30 08 FEB 1983 DELD 0.567 0.590 0.612 0.661 0.707 0.751 0.793 0.871 0.997 1.104 1.202 1.382 1.542 1.544 TEMPERATURE 16 22 28 DELD 634.9 0.006 620.3 0.063 582.1 552.2 517.0 464.3 0.123 0.180 0.233 0.282 444.7 0.327 300 417.1 382.4 347.0 0.371 0.411 0.447 317.6 0.480 294.7 0.511 259.7 0.538 244.0 0.563 219.7 0.586 208.7 0.608 182.2 0.657 700 170.2 0.701 164.6 0.742 159.4 0.783 137.7 0.858 111.2 0.979 101.5 1.086 93.7 1.184 82.3 1.359 75.4 1.517 1000 325 75.3 1.521 22 34 SIG24 B 34.5 INITY STATION 30 B-6 26 35 Lei 35.5 49 STA NO 31 08 FEB 1983 B-7 LAT: 0947 GMT 5 0.0 S LONG: 82 PROBE 2561 0.0 W DEPTH 5267M 103.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 60 70 28.253 28.257 27.919 25.929 25.505 25.086 24.730 24.543 80 23.898 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 23.324 21.106 19.453 18.940 17.789 16.726 16.158 13.913 13.262 12.489 11.938 10.196 8.239 7.085 6.325 5.099 4.373 4.368 1 10 20 30 40 50 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 STATION 31 STA NO 32 08 FEB 1983 158.0 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 B-5.5 LAT: 1856 GMT B-7 4 59.9 S PROBE 2561 LONG: 82 30.1 W TEMP SAL 34.343 34.338 34.506 34.958 34.967 34.968 34.957 34.964 34.951 34.969 35.148 35.140 35.148 35.139 35.121 35.094 34.965 34.932 34.901 34.864 34.751 34.655 34.605 34.582 34.565 34.579 34.579 10 POTEN TEMP 28.253 28.255 27.915 25.922 25.497 25.075 24.717 24.528 23.882 23.306 21.087 19.433 18.918 17.767 16.704 16.134 13.888 13.234 12.459 11.906 10.161 8.197 7.037 6.271 5.032 4.295 4.289 SIGMA THETA 21.820 21.816 22.053 23.028 23.166 23.296 23.396 23.458 23.641 23.823 24.584 25.018 25.156 25.437 25.678 25.790 26.185 26.294 26.424 26.502 26.731 26.974 27.103 27.188 27.327 27.420 27.421 TEMPERATURE 16 SVA 598.4 599.3 577.0 484.2 471.5 459.5 450.4 444.8 427.8 410.8 338.5 297.3 284.4 257.9 235.2 224.7 187.4 177.6 165.6 158.7 137.3 115.0 103.4 96.0 83.6 75.6 75.6 22 DELD 0.006 0.060 0.119 0.172 0.220 0.267 0.312 0.357 0.401 0.443 0.480 0.512 0.541 0.568 0.593 0.616 11 0.666 0.712 0.754 0.795 0.869 0.993 1.101 1.201 1.380 1.538 1.542 28 DEPTH 3884M KM FROM SHORE TEMP 28.831 28.441 28.133 28.032 27.251 26.551 25.834 24.837 23.738 22.915 21.049 19.939 17.852 16.193 15.030 14.347 13.567 13.051 12.636 12.049 10.794 7.953 7.103 6.201 5.256 4.250 4.220 SAL 33.683 33.920 34.618 34.680 34.872 34.994 35.047 35.083 35.084 35.194 35.199 35.187 35.187 35.102 35.048 34.995 34.966 34.929 34.899 34.867 34.786 34.640 34.604 34.578 34.563 34.571 34.572 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.831 28.439 21.134 21.442 22.068 22.148 22.546 22.861 23.126 23.460 23.788 24.111 24.639 24.927 25.458 25.787 26.008 26.115 26.257 26.333 26.394 26.483 26.653 27.005 27.100 27.200 27.307 27.427 27.431 28.128 28.024 27.242 26.540 25.820 24.822 23.722 22.897 21.030 19.919 17.831 16.172 15.008 14.325 13.543 13.024 12.605 12.016 10.758 7.912 7.055 6.147 5.189 4.172 4.142 SVA DELD 664.2 635.1 575.6 568.4 530.8 501.1 476.2 444.7 413.7 383.3 333.3 306.1 255.6 224.3 203.4 193.4 180.5 173.8 168.6 160.5 0.007 0.066 0.126 0.183 0.239 0.290 0.339 0.385 0.428 0.468 0.504 0.536 0.564 0.588 0.609 0.629 0.675 0.720 0.763 0.803 145.1 0.880 111.8 1.004 103.8 1.112 94.7 1.211 85.8 1.392 74.6 1.551 74.2 1.555 STATION 32 B-5.5 J 50 TEMPERATURE 16 10 22 28 33 STA NO B-8 LAT: 09 FEB 1983 0019 GMT 62.7 KM FROM SHORE 3 20 30 300 40 50 60 Q 0 w w Li 700 S 1000 0 33.5 - 22 SIGMA B 24 34 34.5 28 26 35 . 35.5 SALINITY 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 PROBE 2561 LONG: 81 38.1 W DEPTH 2654M SVA DELD 625.5 591.2 0.019 0.061 518.1 0.117 478.7 474.9 467.0 456.9 438.2 423.2 0.166 0.214 0.261 0.307 0.352 0.395 25.475 350.5 287.9 253.6 0.435 0.467 0.494 25.558 25.681 25.728 25.832 26.080 26.216 246.0 234.5 230.3 220.7 197.6 185.2 0.518 0.542 0.566 0.588 0.640 0.688 26.374 170.6 160.0 0.733 0.774 0.848 0.972 1.080 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.356 27.918 26.531 25.260 25.113 25.106 24.807 24.238 34.013 34.303 34.732 34.761 34.760 34.871 34.898 28.355 27.916 26.526 25.253 25.104 25.095 24.794 21.539 21.900 22.668 23.085 34.936 24.223 23.727 34.948 35.094 35.154 23.710 21.410 19.107 23.689 35.121 17.554 35.108 35.095 35.088 35.101 35.024 17.169 16.606 16.381 15.973 14.592 34.977 34.917 13.780 12.776 TEMP PRESS 10 2.5 S 5 21.428 19.124 17.573 17.189 16.627 16.404 15.996 14.618 13.808 12.806 12.016 9.942 8.234 7.025 6.413 5.033 4.374 4.368 23.130 23.217 23.328 23.528 24.454 25.112 34.866 '11.983 26.489 34.733 9.907 34.657 8.192 26.760 26.975 34.607 6.977 27.113 134.4 114.8 102.5 34.590 6.359 27.183 96.7 1.180 34.569 34.577 34.577 4.967 4.295 4.289 27.338 27.418 82.5 75.8 1.358 1.516 27.419 75.7 1.519 STATION 33 B-8 TEMPERATURE STA NO 34 PRESS TEMP B-9 LAT: 09 FEB 1983 0155 GMT 47.6 KM FROM SHORE 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1 000 1 003 28.482 28.089 27.141 25.270 25.145 25.022 24.533 24.282 22.875 20.806 19.008 18.300 17.237 16.487 16.230 15.821 14.525 13.570 12.593 11.859 10.397 8.268 7.002 6.327 5.171 4.402 4.395 SAL 5 0.0 S LONG: 81 30.0 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 1972K POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 33.802 28.482 34.172 28.087 34.529 27.136 34.730 25.263 21.339 34.774 25.136 23.131 34.898 34.891 25.012 24.520 34.901 24.267 35.051 35.003 35.172 22.859 20.789 18.990 23.263 23.405 23.489 24.014 35.119 35.112 35.080 35.101 35.101 35.015 34.960 34.899 18.281 34.857 11.827 34.762 34.659 10.361 34.607 34.587 6.954 6.273 34.570 5.105 34.578 4.323 34.578 4.316 27.416 27.417 17.217 16.466 16.208 15.797 14.499 13.542 12.563 8.226 21.746 22.322 23.059 24.554 SVA 10 22 28 DELD 644.5 606.0 551.3 481.3 474.8 462.7 0.006 0.063 0.121 0.171 0.219 300 0.266 449.4 0.312 441.9 0.356 392.1 0.399 340.8 0.436 S ww 25.156 25.294 25.549 25.702 25.778 25.872 26.093 26.252 26.402 26.512 26.704 26.972 27.116 283.7 0.466 270.8 246.8 0.494 0.520 232.4 0.544 225.5 216.9 196.3 181.7 167.8 0.567 0.589 157.7 0.772 140.0 115.2 102.1 0.847 27.191 95.7 1.179 27.323 84.2 76.0 76.0 1.358 1.516 1000 X3.5 1.518 0.641 0.688 0.732 5 W a 700 0.971 1.080 22 34 SIGMA B 24I 34.5 SALJNITY STATION 34 B-9 26 35 1281 35.5 51 TEMPERATURE B-10 LAT: 0347 GMT 39.8 KM FROM SHORE 26 22 16 10 35 STA NO 09 FEB 1983 1 10 20 30 300 40 50 SIGMA B X34 5TM 34 28 35.5 26 35 2.41 22 24.772 100 110 120 130 140 150 24.650 24.043 23.320 22.728 21.898 21.027 19.465 17.468 16.583 16.040 15.247 175 13.974 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 13.468 12.665 11.821 10.297 60 70 80 90 700 28.256 27.844 26.284 25.468 991 8.527 7.188 6.435 5.345 4.555 LONG: 81 25.7 W DEPTH 1023M PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 33.923 28.256 21.504 34.507 34.592 34.716 34.806 27.841 26.279 25.461 24.764 22.078 22.640 628.7 574.2 520.8 488.0 0.006 0.060 0.115 0.165 461.7 0.212 34.882 34.938 34.896 34.905 34.954 35.018 24.639 24.030 23.305 22.712 21.880 21.008 453.1 432.1 415.2 398.6 0.258 0.303 0.345 0.386 35.047 19.445 35.089 35.082 35.056 35.067 34.976 34.952 34.903 34.854 34.764 34.671 17.448 16.562 16.018 15.224 13.948 13.439 12.635 11.789 10.262 8.485 34.614 7.140 34.593 6.380 34.571 34.576 5.277 4.476 SAL TEMP PRESS 4 58.1 S 22.988 23.268 23.363 23.587 23.768 23.946 24.218 373.0 0.424 24.507 24.944 25.476 345.8 0.461 304.4 0.493 253.8 0.520 25.681 234.5 0.545 25.787 224.6 206.9 187.9 180.2 168.8 157.3 138.1 118.3 104.2 0.568 0.589 0.638 0.684 0.728 0.768 0.843 0.969 25.975 26.180 26.267 26.391 26.517 26.723 26.942 27.096 27.182 27.303 27.398 96.8 86.4 78.0 1.081 1.181 1.363 1.521 N STATION 35 B-10 6 72 TEMPERATURE 18 24 30 0 NO 36 09 FEB 1983 STA PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 137 TEMP 28.252 27.470 26.992 25.574 24.559 24.358 23.675 22.806 22.357 21.494 20.096 17.569 16.778 15.248 14.586 LAT: FSMS 1213 GMT 5 6.3 S PROBE 2561 LONG: 81 20.4 W DEPTH 148M 75 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 32.996 34.536 34.545 34.692 34.871 34.886 34.931 34.916 34.925 34.942 35.046 35.058 35.070 35.016 35.002 28.252 27.468 26.988 25.568 24.551 24.348 23.662 22.792 22.341 21.477 20.077 17.550 16.758 15.228 14.565 20.809 22.220 22.381 22.936 23.381 23.453 23.690 23.932 24.066 24.320 695.4 0.007 560.5 545.6 493.0 450.9 444.4 422.3 399.5 387.1 363.2 319.9 258.1 239.4 210.1 197.5 0.062 0.117 0.170 0.216 0.261 N 0.305 0.345 0.385 0.422 0.456 175 0.484 0.509 0.532 0.547 24.777 25.427 25.626 25.935 26.069 SIGMA-B 2503220 22 33 24 34 SALINITY STATION 36 FSMS 26 35 28I 36 52 TURE TEMPERATURE 18 12 06 24 30 Q 30 STA NO 37 09 FEB 1983 B-12 LAT: 1732 GMT 10.7 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20' 23 70 100 18 20 3 32 SO 4 22' 33 29.158 27.670 27.010 27.076 SAL 31.296 33.886 34.362 34.432 0.0 S LONG: PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 29.158 27.667 27.005 27.071 81 10.0 W DEPTH SIGMA SVA THETA 19.236 21.667 22.238 22.269 28M DELD 846.5 0.008 613.5 559.3 556.4 0.071 0.129 0.146 26 35 34 SALINITY TEMP 5 STATION 37 B-12 TEMPERATURE 06 STA NO 38 B-11 LAT: 1824 GMT 20.0 KM FROM SHORE 09 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP SAL 5 POTEN TEMP 1 28.695 10 27.916 27.489 25.800 24.416 23.914 23.779 23.602 20 30 40 50 60 69 33.087 34.507 34.554 34.535 34.867 34.882 34.894 34.914 0.0 S PROBE 2561 28.694 27.914 27.484 25.793 24.407 23.904 23.767 23.588 SIGMA THETA 20.732 22.054 22.229 22.749 23.421 23.583 23.632 23.699 LONG: 81 15.0 W DEPTH 73M SVA DELD 702.8 576.4 560.2 510.9 447.0 432.1 427.8 421.7 0.007 0.065 12 18 24 30 30 0.121 0.176 0.223 0.267 0.310 0.348 T 70 100120 32 22 33 SIG 24-8 26 34 35 SALINITY STATION 38 B-1 1 281 36 53 TEMPERATURE 30 24 18 12 06 39 09 FEB 1983 LAT: B-10 1921 GMT 29.0 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 75 PRESS 1 10 20 TEMP 28.884 27.920 26.686 30 25.654 40 24.511 50 24.397 60 24.281 70 23.383 80 23.082 90 21.865 100 19.462 110 18.492 119 17.739 175 20 L 32 22 SIGMA-© 24 33 34 SAL 32.218 0.0 S 5 LONG: PROBE 2561 81 20.0 W DEPTH 123M SVA DELD POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.884 20.017 22.042 22.479 22.899 23.389 23.430 23.476 23.757 23.854 24.240 24.935 771.4 0.008 577.6 0.068 25.199 25.387 34.493 27.918 34.547 26.682 34.675 25.648 34.862 24.502 34.871 24.387 34.884 24.268 34.906 23.368 34.918 23.065 34.973 21.848 35.036 19.444 35.056 18.473 35.059 17.718 536.2 0.124 496.5 0.175 450.2 446.6 442.7 416.2 407.4 370.9 0.222 0.266 0.311 0.353 0.395 0.434 304.8 0.468 280.0 0.497 262.3 0.521 28 36 26 35 SALINITY STATION 39 B-10 40 LAT: B-9 2036 GMT 09 FEB 1983 47.6 KM FROM SHORE STA NO PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1003 5 0.0 S PROBE 2561 TEMP SAL POTEN TEMP 28.581 28.127 27.922 26.586 25.103 24.772 24.408 23.313 22.362 20.841 19.265 17.423 16.296 15.657 14.974 14.590 13.830 13.220 12.518 11.498 10.534 33.982 34.050 34.522 34.575 34.780 34.830 34.887 34.934 34.917 34.995 35.062 35.101 35.079 35.089 35.055 35.016 34.976 34.936 34.894 34.833 34.777 34.677 34.628 34.584 34.571 34.578 34.578 28.581 28.125 27.917 26.579 25.095 24.761 24.395 23.299 22.346 20.824 19.247 17.405 16.277 15.637 14.953 14.568 13.804 13.192 12.488 11.467 10.498 8.614 7.513 6.131 5.076 8.657 7.563 6.185 5.142 4.408 4.407 " 4.329 4.328 28' LONG: 81 30.0 W SIGMA THETA DEPTH 1057M SVA 634.8 21.441 615.9 21.642 575.9 22.064 531.5 22.533 473.2 23.148 460.4 23.286 446.2 23.440 23.798 412.3 387.8 24.059 342.3 24.539 298.0 25.006 25.496 251.6 228.0 25.745 213.6 25.899 201.8 26.025 196.9 26.079 185.0 26.210 176.5 26.305 166.7 26.413 153.0 26.560 141.2 26.692 119.8 26.926 108.7 27.053 94.1 27.207 83.8 27.326 76.1 27.416 76.1 27.416 DELD 0.006 0.063 0.122 0.178 0.228 0.274 0.320 0.363 0.403 0.439 0.471 0.498 0.522 0.544 0.565 0.585 0.632 0.677 0.721 0.760 0.834 0.963 1.078 1.177 1.356 1.515 1.518 SAUNITY STATION 40 B-9 54 TEMPERATURE 16 '22 28 STA NO 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 W CL 700 22 24 3 1000 L 33. 400 500 600 800 SIGMA STATION 41 STA NO 42 B-7 LAT: 10 FEB 1983 0126 GMT 103.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 TEMP 28.796 28.677 28.173 26.966 25.738 24.762 24.445 23.528 22.181 20.809 19.961 18.517 17.558 16.420 15.455 14.441 13.692 13.276 12.594 12.130 10.844 8.186 7.139 6.203 5.144 4.388 4.364 35 SALINITY SAL 34.264 34.304 34.542 34.883 34.964 34.969 34.973 35.065 35.099 35.146 35.161 35.142 35.134 35.121 35.055 34.996 34.957 34.947 34.900 34.874 34.794 34.652 34.611 34.580 34.564 34.578 34.577 35.5 B-8 LAT: 2232 GMT 67.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 300 41 09 FEB 1983 1000 1007 TEMP 28.503 28.090 26.554 25.381 25.243 24.709 24.282 23.618 22.573 21.129 19.810 18.194 17.726 16.580 16.174 15.409 14.143 13.228 12.406 11.823 10.163 8.145 6.962 6.224 5.191 4.461 4.433 SAL 34.083 34.279 34.750, 34.780 34.917 34.889 34.933 34.985 35.031 35.110 35.153 35,153 35.148 35.094 35.081 35.067 34.993 34.943 34.891 34.854 34.746 34.651 34.606 34.583 34.567 34.578 34.579 0.4 S 5 LONG: 81 PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.503 28.088 26.549 25.374 25.235 24.698 24.269 23.603 22.557 21.112 21.543 21.826 22.674 19.791 18.175 17.706 16.559 16.152 15.386, 14.117 13.200 12.376 11.791 10.128 8.104 6.914 6.170 5.124 4.381 4.353 23.063. 23.209 23.350 23.512 23.749 24.0866 24.549 24.934 25.347 25.459 25.691 25.776 25.939 26.158 26.309 26.432 26.516 26.732 26.984 27.120 27.201 27.318 27.410 27.414 40.5 W DEPTH 2697M SVA DELD 625.0 598.3 517.6 480.9 467.4. 454.3 439.2 417.0 385.2 341.4 304.9 265.8 255.5 233.5 225.7 210.4 0.006 190.1 176.2 164.9 157.3 137.2 113.9 101.7 94.6 84.7 76.7 76.4 0.062- 0.117 0.166 0.214 0.260 0.305 0.348 0.388 0.425 0.457 0.485 0.511 0.536 0.559 0.580 0.630 0.676 0.719 0.759 0.832 0.95,6 1.064 1.162 1.340 1.502 1.507 B-8 TEMPERATURE 0.0 S LONG: 82 0.0 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 5011M 5 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 28.796 28.675 28.169 26.959 25.729 24.751 24.432 23.514 22.165 20.792 19.943 18.498 17.538 16.399 15.433 14.419 13.667 13.248 12.564 12.097 10.807 8.145 7.091 6.149 5.078 4.309 4.285 21.582 21.652 21.998 22.645 23.092 23.395 23.494 23.836 24.248 24.663 24.901 25.258 25.489 25.750 25.919 26.096 26.224 26.302 26.403 26.473 26.650 26.979 27.100 27.201 621.2 615.0 582.3 520.9 478.5 450.0 441.0 408.8 369.7 330.5 308.1 274.4 252.6 227.9 212.0 195.3 183.7 176.8 167.7 161.5 145.3 114.5 103.8 94.6 27 . 321 84.3 27.418 27.420 75.9 75.6 SVA 10 16 22 28 DELD 0.006 0.062 0.122 0.178 300 0.227 0.274 0.318 0.361 0.400 0.435 0.467 0.496 0.522 0.546 0.568 0.589 0.636 700 0.681 0.724 0.765 0.842 0.969 1.079 1.177 1.355 S ion 1.514 'Vu" I.y. 1.518 33.5 22 34 SIGMA +8 24 34.5 SAUNFTY STATION 42 B-7 26 35 28 35.5 55 TEMPERATURE lb 10 c4 22 28 STA NO 43 C-9 LAT: 0819 GMT 182.0 KM FROM SHORE 12 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP 28.109 28.112 20 28.091 30 26.887 40 25.908 50 25.165 60 24.338 70 24.102 80 22.855 90 21.532 100 20.130 110 18.997 1 10 120 130 140 150 175 18.151 16.643 15.896 15.186 14.261 200 13.710 225 12.961 250 11.814 300 10.214 400 8.070 7.073 500 6.256 600 5.046 800 4.232 1000 4.201 1007 7 29.9 S LONG: PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 34.824 34.823 34.824 34.892 34.975 34.983 34.966 35.185 35.106 35.140 35.150 35.160 35.144 35.116 35.088 35.055 35.005 34.976 34.918 34.826 34.731 34.640 34.601 34.580 34.559 34.566 34.566 28.109 28.110 28.087 26.880 25.899 25.154 24.325 24.088 22.839 21.514 20.111 18.977 18.130 16.622 15.874 15.163 14.236 22.229 22.228 22.236 22.677 23.048 23.283 23.521 23.757 24.062 24.461 24.848 25.150 25.351 25.694 25.845 25.979 26.142 26.236 26.344 26.496 26.712 26.987 27.101 27.195 27.328 27.425 27.428 559.3 559.8 559.5 517.8 482.8 460.7 438.4 416.3 387.6 349.8 313.2 284.7 265.8 233.3 219.2 206.5 191.6 183.3 173.5 159.2 139.1 113.6 103.6 95.3 83.4 74.8 74.5 0.006 0.056 0.112 0.166 0.216 0.263 0.308 0.351 0.391 0.428 0.461 0.491 0.518 0.543 0.566 0.587 0.637 0.683 0.728 0.769 0.844 0.968 1.076 1.175 1.352 1.510 1.515 13.681 12.930 11.781 10.179 8.029 7.025 6.202 4.980 4.154 4.123 STATION 43 C-9 TEMPERATURE STA NO 44 12 FEB 1983 C-8 LAT: 1102 GMT 7 19.9 S LONG: 81 13.1 W PROBE 2561 16 DEPTH 3816M 146.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP SAL POTEN TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 28.182 28.140 27.628 26.245 25.674 25.293 24.572 23.614 21.978 20.644 19.398 18.200 16.804 15.741 15.489 15.140 14.453 13.768 12.900 11.855 9.969 8.246 7.194 6.381 5.176 4.300 4.258 34.846 34.848 34.855 34.964 34.984 34.987 35.085 35.037 35.055 35.095 35.131 35.143 35.128 35.065 35.067 35.038 34.994 34.960 34.911 34.847 34.738 34.654 34.606 34.581 34.561 34.564 34.565 28.182 28.138 27.624 26.238 25.666 25.282 24.559 23.599 21.962 20.627 19.380 18.181 16.784 15.720 15.468 15.117 14.427 13.740 12.869 11.823 9.935 8.205 7.145 6.326 5.109 4.222 4.180 SIGMA THETA SVA 22.222 22.238 22.410 22.934 23.127 23.247 23.541 23.789 24.272 24.668 25.025 25.338 25.665 25.862 25.921 25.977 26.092 26.211 26.351 26.505 26.759 26.971 27.088 27.179 27.315 27.416 27.421 560.0 558.9 542.9 493.2 475.2 464.1 436.5 413.2 367.5 330.0 296.2 266.7 235.7 217.1 211.8 206.8 196.4 185.6 172.8 158.4 134.5 115.2 104.9 DELD 0.006 0.056 0.112 0.163 300 0.211 0.258 0.304 0.346 0.385 0.420 0.451 0.480 0.504 0.527 0.549 0.570 0.620 0.668 0.713 0.754 0.827 0.949 1.060 96.9 1.160 86.9 1.341 75.8 1.503 75.3 1.506 81 30.0 W DEPTH 5772M 34 SAUNITY STATION 44 C-8 56 TEMPERATURE 28 22 16 10 STA NO 45 C-7 LAT: 12 FEB 1983 1317 GMT 127.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP 7 15.0 S POTEN SAL TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 SIGMA 24 1000 1007 STATION 45 C-6 LAT: 1517 GMT 108.0 KM FROM SHORE 46 12 FEB 1 983 STA NO PRESS TEMP 27.539 27.475 20 26.774 30 25.632 40 25.390 50 25.035 60 24.398 70 23.993 80 22.647 90 21.359 100 18.598 110 17.122 120 16.803 130 16.065 140 15.145 1 10 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 14.961 14.061 13.244 12.245 11.548 9.214 8.281 7.193 6.498 5.217 4.121 4.074 14.321 13.576 12.414 11.234 9.545 8.000 7.100 6.394 5.275 4.406 4.375 27.711 27.704 27.249 25.765 25.315 24.728 24.261 23.093 21.677 20.396 18.572 17.389 16.492 15.831 15.340 14.986 14.296 13.548 12.384 11.203 9.511 7.959 7.052 6.339 5.207 4.328 4.295 SIGMA THETA 22.458 22.460 22.600 23.042 23.171 23.412 23.563 23.896 24.332 24.729 25.243 25.531 25.727 25.861 25.946 26.011 26.116 26.246 26.430 26.588 26.808 26.998 27.100 27.180 27.303 27.410 27.414 SVA DELD 537.4 537.6 524.7 482.8 471.0 448.4 434.4 402.9 361.7 324.1 275.4 248.2 229.7 217.3 209.4 203.5 0.005 0.054 0.107 0.158 0.205 0.251 0.295 0.337 0.376 0.410 0.440' 194.1 182.2 165.0 0.466 0.490 0.512 0.534 0.554 0.604 0.651 0.694 150.2 0.734 129.6 0.804 112.5 0.924 103.7 1.032 96.9 1.133 86.3 1.317 76.6 1.477 76.2 1.483 I TEMPERATURE 7 10.0 S LONG: 80 55.0 W DEPTH 1223M PROBE 2561 04 SIGMA THETA SVA 34.970 34.967 34.946 34.849 34.859 34.971 34.990 35.032 35.071 35.112 35.115 35.127 35.146 35.078 35.051 35.042 34.989 34.926 34.876 34.837 34.703 34.658 27.539 27.473 26.770 25.625 25.381 25.024 24.385 23.978 22.631 21.342 531.1 529.6 510.1 483.3 0.005 0.053 0.105 0.154 475.9 457.8 438.4 424.3 384.4 347.3 277.9 242.8 234.4 223.3 0.202 300 14.938 14.036 13.216 12.215 11.516 9.181 22.524 22.544 22.752 23.037 23.120 23.314 23.521 23.674 24.095 24.487 25.216 25.588 25.679 25.798 25.985 26.019 26.172 26.293 26.452 26.554 26.857 202.7 188.7 177.7 162.9 153.6 124.8 0.559 0.608 0.654 0.697 0.736 0.805 8.239 7.145 6.443 5.150 4.044 3.997 26.970 27.093 27.171 27.310 27.444 27.450 115.4 104.5 97.9 85.4 72.7 72.1 0.925 1.034 1.136 18.581 17.104 16.783 16.044 15.124 10 16 22 DELD POTEN TEMP LIN INT SAL 103.111DB LIN INT SAL 687-693DB 24.739 24.274 23.107 21.693 20.413 18.590 17.408 16.512 15.852 15.362 15.009 34.956 34.956 34.947 34.913 34.900 34.982 34.996 34.984 35.029 35.094 35.147 35.142 35.121 35.096 35.063 35.045 34.988 34.954 34.890 34.806 34.710 34.641 34.604 34.584 34.560 34.571 34.571 4.0 W DEPTH 2993M C-7 SAL 34.612 34.589 34.562 34.575 34.576 27.711 27.706 27.253 25.772 25.324 LONG: 81 PROBE 2561 0.249 0.294 0.337 0.378 0.414 0.446 0.471 0.495 0.518 205.7 0.539 700 1.321 1.479 1000 1.482 3: 34 SALINITY STATION 46 C-6 28" 57 TEMPERATURE 16 10 22 28 47 C-5 12 FEB 1983 1727 89.5 KM FROM SHORE STA NO PRESS 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 307 9.569 9.542 10 350 20 500 33.5 SIGMA-8 24 22 34 26 35 34.5 28 7 5.0 S LONG: 80 46.0 W PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 35.014 27.571 35.007 27.445 34.993 26.464 34.870 25.458 34.962 24.964 34.926 24.278 34.984 23.831 35.002 22.439 35.041 21.552 35.048 21.044 35.071 17.327 35.078 16.662 35.073 16.456 35.058 15.723 35.057 15.642 35.044 15.566 34.947 13.635 34.909 13.125 34.847 12.004 34.772 10.579 34.721 9.535 34.724 9.507 22.547 22.583 22.885 23.105 23.325 23.504 23.681 24.096 24.375 24.520 25.491 25.655 25.700 25.856 25.874 25.881 26.223 26.298 26.470 26.673 26.812 26.819 SAL TEMP 27.571 27.447 26.469 25.465 24.972 24.289 23.844 22.453 21.567 21.061 17.344 16.680 16.475 15.743 15.664 15.590 13.659 13.152 12.033 10.609 1 150 LAT: GMT DEPTH 317M SVA DELD 528.9 525.9 497.4 476.8 456.2 439.6 423.1 383.8 357.6 344.1 251.6 236.3 232.4 217.7 216.3 216.0 183.8 177.2 161.1 141.8 129.2 128.7 0.005 0.053 0.104 0.153 0.200 0.244 0.288 0.329 0.365 0.400 0.431 0.455 0.479 0.501 0.523 0.544 0.594 0.640 0.681 0.719 0.786 0.795 35.5 SALINITY STATION 47 C-5 TEMPERATURE 018 21 24 27 30 25 26 36 v 48 12 FEB 1983 STA NO C-4 LAT: 1818 GMT 72.1 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 75 TEMP 27.621 27.415 27.272 26.493 25.611 24.463 23.968 22.935 22.273 SAL 35.027 35.023 35.021 34.971 35.026 34.953 34.979 35.006 35.019 7 0.0 S PROBE 2561 LONG: 80 38.0 W DEPTH 76M POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 27.621 27.412 27.267 26.486 25.602 24.453 23.956 22.920 22.258 22.541 22.605 22.650 22.861 23.178 23.472 23.640 23.963 24.161 529.5 523.7 519.9 500.2 470.3 442.6 427.0 396.6 377.9 0.005 0.053 0.105 0.156 0.205 0.250 0.293 0.335 0.355 30 70 100 L-22 34 23 34.5 SIGMA-0 24 35 SALINITY STATION 48 C-4 35.5 58 TEMPERATURE .018. 24 '21 27 30. i 49 12 FEB 1983 C-3 LAT: 2050 GMT j 53.1 KM FROM SHORE STA NO PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 59 70 400 22 SIGMA-O. 23 24 35 34.5 34 { 25' 27.317 26.931 26.675 25.130 24.765 24.355 24.063 35.019 35.008 34.995 34.916 34.962 34.988 34.991 LONG: a POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.317 26.928 26.670 25.124 24.757 24.344 24.050 22.633 22.749 22.821 23.242 23.388 23.531 23.621 i 80 29.0 W 'DEPTH SVA 520.7 510.0 503.5 463.7 450.2 437.0 428.8 63M DELL 0.005 0.052 r 0.102 0.151 0.196 0.241 0.280 26 35.5 SALINITY SAL TEMP 6 55.0-S -PROBE 2561 36 STATION 49 C-3 11 TEMPERATURE OY8 50 12 FEB 1983 STA NO C-2 LAT: 2211 GMT 34.4 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 41 TEMP 26.732 26.489 26.148 24.924 24.393 24.393 SAL 35.006 34.999 34.986 34.918 34.962 34.962 6 49.9 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 26.732 26.487 26.144 24.917 24.385 24.384 22.810 22.882 22.980 23.306 23.499 23.500 LONG: 80 20.2 W DEPTH 21 24 23 SIGMA-0 24 27 30 30 45M SVA DELD 503.8 497.3 488.3 457.6 439.6 439.6 0.005 0.050 0.099 0.147 0.191 0.196 70 100E22 34 - i4.5 - 35: SALINRY STATION 50 C-2 25 35.5: 26 1 36 59 TEMPERATURE 018 27 24 21 30 30 51 No 6 45.6 S C 0008 GMTT. 16.5 KM FROM SHORE 13AFEB 1983 TEMP PRESS 26.227 26.101 25.686 1 10 20 27 25.291 LONG: 80 11.4 30m PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 34.988 34.979 34.954 34.938 26.227 26.099 25.682 25.285 22.955 22.989 23.099 23.209 SVA DELD 489.8 0.005 487.0 0.049 477.0 0 . 097 466.8 0. 130 70 SIGMA-8 24 35 23 100 L22 34.5 34 26 36 25 35.5 SALINITY C-1 STATION 51 TEMPERATURE 018 LAT: 1928 GMT 13 FEB 1983 6.7 KM FROM SHORE STA NO PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 81 52 TEMP 25.349 24.191 23.713 23.590 23.349 23.255 23.197 22.998 21.913 21.847 D-1 9 40.0 S LONG: PROBE 2561 85M POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 35.049 35.021 35.015 35.011 35.004 35.003 35.001 34.993 35.020 35.022 25.349 24.188 23.709 23.584 23.341 23.245 23.184 22.983 21.897 21.831 23.274 459.4 0.005 23.603 428.4 415.7 0.045 0.087 413.0 407.1 404.9 403.8 399.3 368.3 366.4 0.128 0.169 0.210 0.250 23.883 23.935 24.263 24.283 24 27 30 78 24.0 W DEPTH SAL 23.740 23.773 23.839 23.867 21 0.291 0.329 0.333 30 70 SIGMA-8 100 22 34 23 34.5 2.4 35 SALINITY STATION 52 D-1 25 35. 5 26 1 36 60 TEMPERATURE 18 12 24 30 STA NO Q 53 D-2 LAT: 13 FEB 1983 2135 GMT 25.4 KM FROM SHORE 75 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 175 100 110 119 2501 20 SIGMA-0 24 34 22 1 32 33 26 TEMP 25.935 25.772 25.438 24.314 23.497 23.355 23.019 22.911 22.107 20.864 19.945 17.772 16.072 9 45.0 S LONG: PROBE 2561 78 33.0 W DEPTH 127M DELD POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA 35.075 35.068 35.068 35.143 35.021 35.086 35.059 35.134 35.048 35.065 35.085 25.935 25.770 25.433 24.307 23.489 23.344 23.007 22.897 22.091 20.847 23.112 23.158 23.262 23.660 23.809 23.901 23.978 24.066 24.230 24.586 19.926 24.847 35.077 17.754 16.054 474.8 470.9 461.4 423.8 410.0 401.7 394.7 386.7 371.4 337.8 313.2 261.4 25.777 SAL 35.052 25.392 0.005 0.047 0.094 0.139 0.180 0.221 0.261 0.300 0.338 0.374 0.406 0.435 224.9 0.456 281 35 36 SALINITY STATION 53 D-2 12' STA NO 54 D-3 LAT: 14 FEB 1983 0012 GMT 44.2 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 155 TEMP 27.683 27.675 26.053 24.550 23.890 23.514 22.327 22.081 21.857 21.029 20.588 19.273 17.515 14.877 14.659 14.536 14.468 SAL 35.159 35.159 35.208 35.115 35.120 35.110 35.019 35.045 35.163 35.112 35.162 35.124 35.093 35.006 35.002 34.995 34.993 9 50.0 S TEMPERATURE 24 30 26 35 28 36 LONG: 78 42.0 W PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.683 27.672 26.048 24.544 23.882 23.504 22.315 22.067 21.842 21.011 20.569 19.253 17.495 14.857 14.638 14.514 14.446 22.619 22.623 23.177 23.568 23.769 23.872 24.145 24.234 24.387 24.577 24.735 25.052 25.467 26.009 26.053 26.075 26.088 DEPTH 159M SVA DELD 521.9 522.0 469.5 432.6 413.9 404.4 378.7 370.6 356.5 338.7 324.0 294.0 254.6 203.0 199.1 197.3 196.2 0.005 0.052 0.102 0.147 0.189 0.230 0.269 0.306 0.343 0.378 0.411 0.442 0.469 0.492 0.512 0.532 0.542 250 32 22 33 SIGMA=8 24 34 STATION 54 D-3 61 i TEMPERATURE 18 12 C6 30 24 T 55 STA NO D-4 LAT: 14 FEB 1983 0201 GMT 65.7 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 75 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 135 1°75 250120 VI 3 22 SIGMA-9 24 6 33. 34 35 L SAL TEMP 27.804 27.806 27.783 26.308 25.190 24.261 23.628 23.258 22.793 21.224 20.451 19.442 17.204 15.537 15.487 35.111 35.111 35.108 35.183 35.363 35.209 35.205 35.286 35.400 35.183 35.215 35.220 35.090 35.040 35.045 9 54.9 S LONG: 78 52.7 W PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.804 27.804 27.778 26.301 25.182 24.250 23.615 23.244 22.776 21.207 20.432 19.422 17.184 15.517 15.466 22.544 22.544 22.550 23.079 23.562 23.727 23.911 24.082 24.303 24.578 24.813 25.082 25.540 25.889 25.904 DEPTH 143M SVA DELD 529.1 529.6 529.5 479.3 0.005 0.053 0.106 0.157 0.202 0.245 0.286 0.325 0.362 0.398 0.431 0.461 0.488 0.511 0.521 433.7 418.3 401.1 385.3 364.6 338.6 316.6 291.2 247.7 214.5 213.3 28 3E SALINITY STATION 55 D-4 TEMPERATURE O6 STA NO 56 D-5 14 FEB 1983 0349 82.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 141 TEMP 27.705 27.707 27.712 26.820 24.889 24.793 24.207 23.531 22.986 21.493 20.090 18.663 16.847 15.804 15.396 15.380 LAT: 10 GMT SAL 35.115 35.114 35.115 35.174 35.151 35.370 35.293 35.389 35.509 35.411 35.250 35.165 35.032 35.047 35.041 35.040 0.0 S PROBE 2561 12 SIGMA THETA SVA 27.704 27.705 27.708 26.813 24.881 24.783 24.194 23.517 22.970 21.475 20.072 18.644 16.827 15.783 15.374 15.358 22.580 22.579 22.578 22.910 23.493 23.689 23.807 24.080 24.330 24.678 24.934 25.238 25.580 25.834 25.922 25.925 525.7 526.2 526.8 495.5 440.2 422.0 DELD 24 30 a LONG: 79 0.0 W DEPTH 149M POTEN TEMP 18 75 0.005 0.053 0.105 0.157 0.204 0.247 411.1 0.288 385.5 0.328 362.1 0.366 329.2 0.400 305.0 0.432 175 276.2 0.461 243.8 0.487 219.8 0.510 211.7 0.531 211.5 0.533 SIGMA-0 20 250 32 22 33 28 24 35 SALINITY STATION 56 D-5 62 TEMPERATURE 16 10 22 28 57 14 FEB 1983 STA No D-6 PRESS SAL TEMP 5.0 S LAT: 10 0527 GMT 101.0 KM FROM SHORE SIGMA THETA POtEN TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 300 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 700 20 1000 33.5 SIGMA-8 26 35 24 34.5 22 34 28 35.5 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 803 27.691 27.708 27.707 27.385 25.929 25.091 24.409 23.811 23.224 22.007 20.795 19.906 18.482 17.465 16.639 16.002 14.546 13.810 13.030 12.464 9.817 7.795 6.920 6.293 5.041 5.051 35.095 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35.161 35.096 35.002 34.984 34.980 34.965 34.943 34.908 34.859 34.803 34.668 34.555 34.534 34.549 34.563 34.563 LONG: 79 27.0 W PROBE 2561 SIGMA THETA 27.932 27.646 27.549 27.497 27.384 26.852 24.721 23.412 22.859 22.450 21.602 19.239 16.969 22.486 22.576 22.609 22.633 22.687 22.869 23.581 23.901 24.152 24.387 24.640 25.084 25.596 26.033 26.136 26.165 26.212 26.281 26.373 26.490 26.621 26.909 27.096 188.6 184.8 178.9 170.6 159.8 148.2 121.5 103.8 0.005 0.053 0.106 0.158 0.210 0.261 0.307 0.349 0.388 0.425 0.459 0.490 0.517 0.539 0.559 0.577 0.624 0.670 0.713 0.754 0.831 0.965 1.078 27.197 94.6 1.177 27.335 27.432 27.434 82.5 73.8 73.6 1.353 1.509 1.513 13.336 12.746 11.948 11.011 8.679 6.800 5.896 4.851 4.058 4.037 27.899 27.636 27.595 27.469 26.600 25.138 24.247 23.873 23.207 22.711 21.731 20.254 19.088 17.191 15.890 14.816 13.984 13.008 12.402 11.593 9.964 8.287 6.881 6.052 4.899 4.219 4.213 22.499 22.579 22.593 22.637 22.914 23.439 23.735 23.920 24.108 24.368 24.656 24.961 25.189 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18.621 17.607 15.976 14.380 13.442 13.132 12.828 12.031 10.794 8.745 7.006 5.807 4.881 4.096 4.065 TEMPERATURE 62 15 FEB 1 983 D-10 LAT: 0052 GMT 176.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 27.856 27.856 27.728 27.570 26.869 25.891 25.334 24.616 23.969 22.064 20.850 19.237 17.368 16.212 15.268 14.713 13.550 13.009 12.586 11.781 10.739 8.840 7.293 6.127 4.820 4.105 4.070 1 36.0 W DEPTH 3211M SVA DELD 529.7 0.005 528.1 0.053 521.4 0.105 519.2 0.157 516.0 0.209 460.2 0.258 420.3 0.302 397.0 0.343 374.5 0.381 354.7 0.418 330.0 0.452 301.0 0.483 273.4 0.512 253.9 0.539 223.8 0.562 194.5 179.8 176.0 171.8 161.0 145.8 123.1 105.3 94.4 82.7 74.5 74.1 0.583 0.429 0.674 0.718 0.759 0.836 0.970 1.083 1.182 1.358 1.515 1.519 D-9 STATION 61 STA NO LONG: 79 PROBE 2561 0 25.0 S LONG: 79 45.0 W PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 35.078 35.079 35.069 35.076 35.110 35.245 35.305 35.370 35.513 35.329 35.458 35.271 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20 30 40 50 60 70 TEMP 27.937 27.942 27.947 27.147 34.959 25.684 24.526 23.869 35.358 22.447 35.415 35.499 35.359 35.264 35.100 35.090 35.070 34.924 34.846 34.867 34.911 80 90 21.606 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 19.062 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 SAL 20.146 17.272 16.344 15.856 14.724 13.940 13.042 12.828 12.208 11.688 10.912 8.934 7.310 6.238 4.799 4.072 4.056 34.961 34.960 35.158 35.358 35.528 10 30.2 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.937 27.940 27.943 27.140 25.676 24.515 23.856 22.433 21.590 20.129 19.044 17.254 16.324 15.836 14.703 13.919 13.018 25.213 25.531 25.743 25.840 25.979 26.085 26.287 26.364 26.454 26.524 26.641 26.866 12.801 34.869 34.832 '11.656 34.798 10.876 34.655 8.890 34.577 34.542 34.535 34.563 34.563 7.261 6.184 4.734 3.996 3.979 12.179 LONG: 79 57.3 W DEPTH 6330M SVA DELD 22.387 22.387 22.386 22.794 23.406 23.760 24.086 24.412 24.712 544.2 544.6 545.2 506.6 0.005 0.054 0.109 0.163 25.002 27.050 27.167 27.337 27.439 27.441 448.6 0.210 415.2 384.6 353.7 325.5 298.1 278.3 248.2 228.2 219.3 0.253 0.293 0.330 0.364 0.395 0.424 0.451 0.474 0.497 206.1 0.518 196.1 177.5 0.538 0.585 170.8 0.628 162.7 156.5 146.2 125.8 108.7 97.9 82.1 73.0 72.9 0.670 0.710 0.785 0.921 1.038 1.141 1.320 1.476 1.479 STATION 63 D-1 1 D-12 LAT: 10 45.0 S LONG: 80 20.0 W 15 FEB 1983 0632 GMT DEPTH 5065M PROBE 2561 250.0 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 64 PRESS TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 SAL 27.548 27.549 27.552 27.289 25.846 24.495 23.416 23.125 22.979 22.425 21.204 19.565 18.066 16.679 15.575 14.905 14.144 13.621 13.044 12.522 11.408 8.438 7.266 35.113 35.113 35.113 35.210 35.155 35.171 35.096 35.164 35.368 35.432 35.378 35.247 35.166 35.072 35.021 35.014 34.981 34.944 34.909 34.880 34.806 34.608 34.566 6.223 34.534 4.943 4.020 4.000 34.534 34.556 34.557 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 27.548 27.547 27.548 27.283 25.837 24.484 23.403 23.110 22.962 22.629 22.629 22.629 22.788 23.203 23.628 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225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 25.698 24.970 23.981 22.731 22.057 20.670 19.094 17.572 16.193 15.286 14.525 13.399 12.926 12.233 11.686 10.535 8.695 7.220 6.182 4.897 4.083 4.066 35.455 35.505 35.507 35.414 35.472 35.388 35.205 35.106 35.031 34.991 34.969 34.906 34.895 34.848 34.823 34.754 34.646 34.568 34.537 34.535 34.560 34.561 POTEN TEMP ,. 27.934 27.934 27.925 27.923 27.397 25.686 24.957 23.966 22.715 22.039 20.651 19.074 17.552 16.172 15.265 14.503 13.374 12.899 12.204 11.654 10.499 8.652 7.172 6.128 9 4.832 4.006 3.989 SIGMA THETA 22.392 22.392 22.395 22.396 22.665 23.476 23.738 24.037 24.331 24.567 24.885 25.160 25.464 25.733 25.908 26.057 26.245 26.332 26.432 26.517 26.674 26.896 27.054 27.171 27.326 27.436 27.438 SVA DELD 543.7 0.005 544.1 544.3 544.7 519.4 442.3 417.8 389.7 362.0 0.054 0.109 0.163 0.217 0.264 0.307 0.348 0.386 339.8 0.421 309.7 283.8 254.9 229.5 213.0 199.0 181.6 173.8 164.8 157.1 142.9 122.7 108.2 97.5 83.4 73.4 73.2 0.453 0.483 0.510 0.534 0.556 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25.186 35.352 24.124 35.472 23.550 35.381 22.337 35.409 21.182 35.365 20.065 35.130 17.846 35.080 16.379 35.061 15.898 35.018 15.078 34.981 14.102 34.912 12.860 34.838 11.613 34.812 11.189 34.752 '10.231 34.661 8.728 34.571 7.122 34.538 6.088 4.906 34.550 4.084 34.561 34.562 4.075 22.631 22.632 22.636 22.644 22.681 23.136 23.494 23.873 24.133 24.414 24.757 25.024 25.410 25.723 25.819 25.969 26.152 26.353 26.537 26.596 26.719 26.897 27.064 27.177 27.329 27.428 27.430 45.0 W DEPTH 4333M SVA 520.8 521.1 521.2 521.0 517.9 474.8 441.0 405.3 380.9 354.4 322.1 296.9 260.1 230.5 221.6 207.4 190.6 171.8 154.6 149.5 138.5 122.8 107.2 96.8 83.2 74.3 74.2 DELD 0.005 0.052 0.104 0.156 0.208 0.259 0.305 0.347 0.387 0.423 0.457 0.488 0.516 0.540 0.563 0.584 0.634 0.679 0.720 0.758 0.829 0.960 1.074 1.175 1.354 1.511 1.513 STATION 67 D-10 68 17 FEB 1983 STA NO D-9 LAT: 10 20.0 S 0125 GMT 157.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP SAL PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 27.568 27.572 27.557 27.561 27.531 27.439 25.224 24.171 23.375 22.242 20.870 19.332 18.170 16.452 16.174 15.786 14.540 13.688 12.005 11.157 9.852 8.319 7.064 6.011 4.995 4.205 4.181 35.118 35.118 35.119 35.119 35.121 35.129 35.318 35.495 35.426 35.350 35.153 35.151 35.187 35.050 35.065 35.062 35.003 34.959 34.855 34.805 34.725 34.632 34.559 34.525 34.545 34.557 34.558 27.568 27.570 27.552 27.554 27.522 27.427 25.210 24.157 23.358 22.224 20.851 19.313 18.149 16.431 16.152 15.763 14.515 13.659 11.976 11.126 9.817 8.277 7.016 5.958 4.930 4.128 4.103 SIGMA THETA 22.626 22.625 22.632 22.631 22.643 22.679 23.519 23.971 24.154 24.422 24.652 25.057 25.380 25.688 25.764 25.851 26.081 26.227 26.481 26.601 26.768 26.943 27.070 27.183 27.323 27.421 27.424 LONG: 79 36.0 W TEMPERATURE 10 16 DEPTH 3793M SVA 521.3 521.8 521.7 522.2 521.5 518.5 438.7 395.9 378.8 353.6 331.9 293.5 263.1 233.8 226.9 218.9 197.5 184.1 160.0 148.9 133.6 118.0 106.5 96.1 83.8 75.1 74.8 DELD 0.005 0.052 0.104 0.157 0.209 0.261 0.309 0.350 0.389 0.426 0.460 0.491 0.519 0.543 0.567 0.589 0.640 0.688 0.732 0.770 0.841 0.968 1.079 1.180 1.358 1.517 1.523 SALINITY STATION 68 D-9 22 28 68 STA NO 69 D-8 LAT: 10 15:0 S 17 FEB 1983 0310 GMT PROBE 2561 138.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 27.298 27.306 27.308 27.310 27.253 25.997 24.372 23.331 22.908 21.944 20.882 19.290 17.639 16.213 15.155 14.402 13.982 13.448 12.945 11.915 10.537 8.432 7.029 6.221 5.082 4.352 4.335 SAL POTEN TEMP 27.297 27.303 27.304 27.303 27.244 35.275 35.275 35.275 35.275 35.277 35.276 2-5.985 35.252 24.360 35.202 23.317 35.273 22.892 35.146 21.926 35.099 20.863 35.108 19.270 35.122 17.619 35.084 16.192 35.038 15.133 34.995 14.379 34.978 13.956 34.949 13.420 34.916 12.914 34.854 11.883 34.768 10.501 34.638 8.390 34.565 6.982 34.566 6.167 34.556 5.016 34.560 4.274 34.560 4.256 STATION 69 D-8 STA NO 70 D-7 LAT: 10 10.0 S LONG: 79 18.0 W 0513 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH 1660M 120.0 KM FROM SHORE 17 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1 000 1 005 TEMP 26.503 26.507 26.509 26.462 25.026 24.280 23.988 23.526 22.564 20.932 19.872 17.949 16.745 15.753 15.038 14.338 13.838 12.971 12.396 11.899 10.696 8.259 7.476 6.474 5.288 4.462 4.453 SAL 35.191 35.192 35.192 35.199 35.415 35.344 35.440 35.420 35.465 35.220 35.221 35.124 35.099 35.052 35.033 34.993 34.970 34.909 34.890 34.854 34.784 34.645 34.610 34.575 34.557 34.558 34.559 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 26.503 26.505 26.504 26.456 25.018 24.269 23.975 23.512 22.548 20.914 19.854 17.930 16.725 15.733 15.017 14.316 13.813 12.943 12.366 11.867 10.660 8.218 23.021 23.022 23.022 23.043 23.652 23.824 23.984 24.105 7.427 6.419 5.221 4.383 4.374 24.417 24.686 24.969 25.385 25.656 25.849 25.994 26.116 26.204 26.334 26.434 26.502 26.668 26.963 27.052 27.163 27.298 27.394 27.396 SVA 483.5 483.9 484.4 482.8 425.1 409.1 394.3 383.2 353.7 328.3 301.6 262.2 236.5 218.4 204.7 193.4 185.6 173.7 164.7 158.7 143.5 116.0 108.7 98.6 86.7 78.2 78.1 LONG: 79 27.0 W DEPTH 2073M SIGMA SVA THETA 22.832 501.6 0.005 502.3 0.050 502.8 0.100 503.2 0.151 501.7 0.201 464.2 0.250 418.8 0.294 393.4 0.334 376.9 0.373 360.4 0.410 22.830 22.829 22.830 22.850 23.248 23.727 23.996 24.174 24.351 24.608 25.036 25.459 25.769 25.973 26.103 26.180 26.269 26.345 26.498 26.685 26.931 DELD 27.079 336.1 295.6 255.4 226.1 206.8 194.5 187.9 180.0 173.3 159.0 141.9 119.2 105.6 27.188 95.8 27.321 27.408 84.1 76.7 76.6 27.409 0.444 0.476 0.504 0.528 0.549 0.569 0.617 0.663 0.707 0.749 0.823 0.954 1.065 1.165 1.345 1.506 1.511 TEMPERATURE 10 16 22 28 DELD 0.005 0.048 0.097 0.145 0.190 300 0.232 0.272 0.311 0.348 0.382 0.413 0.442 0.467 0.490 0.510 0.530 0.578 700 0.623 0.665 0.706 0.781 0.909 1.023 1.127 1.311 1.476 1 1.480 22 34 SIGMA 8 34. SALINITY STATION 70 D-7 26 35 28 35.5 69 TEMPERATURE STA NO 28 22 16 10 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 SIGMA-B, 24 22- 36 35.5 35 TEMP 26.168 26.168 26.172 26.156 24.119 23.390 22.913 23.402 23.049 22.569 21.606 20.356 18.831 17.710 16.025 15.293 14.637 13.614 13.113 250 12.268 9.902 300 7.743 400 7.100 500 6.552 600 5.332 800 5.180 831 5.0 S LAT: 10 D-6 0700 GMT 100.8 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 20 34 71 17 FEB 1983 LONG: 79 PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 35.155 35.155 35.156 35.165 35.132 35.039 35.017 35.402 35.521 35.505 35.487 35.391 35.227 35.159 35.070 35.037 35.004 34.927 34.918 34.869 34.724 34.616 34.592 34.577 34.558 34.556 26.167 26.166 26.167 26.149 24.110 23.380 22.900 23.388 23.032 22.551 21.587 20.336 18.809 17.688 16.002 15.270 23.100 23.100 23.101 23.113 23.711 23.855 23.977 24.128 24.321 24.447 24.705 24.972 25.245 25.471 25.802 25.942 26.061 26.218 26.313 26.442 26.760 27.016 27.091 27.154 27.294 27.311 14.611 13.585 13.082 12.235 9.867 7.703 7.052 6.496 5.264 5.111 9. 0 W DEPTH 866M SVA DELD 476.0 476.4 476.8 476.1 419.4 406.1 394.8 380.9 362.9 351.3 327.1 301.9 276.1 254.7 223.3 210.1 199.4 184.9 176.4 164.5 134.4 110.5 104.6 99.6 87.2 0.005 0.048 0.095 0.143 0.187 0.229 0.269 0.308 0.345 0.3800.414 0.446 0.474 0.501 0.525 0.547 0.598 0.646 0.691 0.734 0.810 0.930 1.037 1.140 1.326 85.7 1.352 SALINITY D-6 STATION 71 TEMPERATURE 12 LAT: 0902 GMT 80.8 KM FROM SHORE 72 17 FEB 1983 STA NO PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 141 TEMP 25.902 25.905 25.696 23.826 23.305 23.191 22.346 22.313 21.115 20.363 19.810 18.460 17.614 16.150 15.033 14.937 D-5 9 59.6 S 18 24 30 LONG: 78 59.6 W PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 35.065 35.065 35.070 35.164 35.152 35.210 35.041 35.360 35.182 35.161 35.224 35.150 35.144 35.070 35.022 35.015 25.902 25.903 25.692 23.820 23.297 23.181 22.334 22.299 21.100 20.346 19.792 18.441 17.594 16.129 15.012 14.916 23.115 23.115 23.183 23.820 23.965 24.042 24.157 24.409 24.606 24.794 24.989 25.278 25.483 25.773 25.987 26.002 DEPTH 145M SVA DELD 474.6 475.0 468.9 408.5 395.2 388.2 377.7 354.1 335.5 317.9 299.8 272.4 253.2 225.7 205.4 204.0 0.005 0.047 0.095 0.138 0.178 0.217 0.256 0.292 0.326 0.359 0.390 0.419 0.445 0.469 0.491 0.493 250 120 22 33 SIGMA-8 24 26 SAL 44ITY 35 STATION 72 D-5 28 36 70 TEMPERATURE 12 18 24 30 LAT: STA NO 73 D-4 1052 GMT 17 FEB 1983 63.6 KM FROM SHORE 75 PRESS TEMP 25.838 25.842 20 24.939 30 23.571 40 22.903 50 22.800 60 22.805 70 21.593 80 20.905 90 20.774 100 19.589 110 17.178 120 15.732 130 15.387 137 15.039 1 10 250. 20 32 22 33 26. 35 24 34 9 55.5 S PROBE 2561 LONG: 78 51.0 W DEPTH 14414 SAL PATEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 35.122 35.122 35.109 35.135 35.058 25.838 25.839 24.935 23.564 22.894 23.178 23.177 23.445 23.874 24.010 24.084 24.192 24.383 24.615 24.695 25.032 25.561 25.849 25.920 25.984 468.6 469.0 443.9 403.4 390.9 384.2 374.3 356.4 334.6 327.4 0.005 0.047 0.093 0.135 0.175 0.214 0.252 0.288 0.323 0.356 245.3 218.0 211.5 205.6 0.415 0.438 0.459 0.474 35.117 22.790 35.260 35.061 35.119 35.176 35.205 35.109 35.046 35.037 35.020 22.793 21.579 20.890 20.757 19.571 17.160 15.713 15.367 15.018 295.7 0.387 36 STATION 73 D-4 TEMPERATURE O6 74 D-3 LAT: 1240 GMT 44.2 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 17 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP 24.888 24.886 20 24.800 30 23.467 40 23.375 50 22.784 60 22.661 70 22.117 80 21.526 90 21.042 100 20.125 110 17.994 120 15.844 130 14.899 140 14.194 150 13.935 151 13.915 1 10 SAL 35.060 35.058 35.064 35.118 35.225 35.113 35.137 35.137 35.243 35.192 35.136 35.087 35.050 35.010 34.978 34.970 34.969 9 50.0 S LONG: PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 24.887 24.883 24.796 23.422 23.423 23.453 23.891 24.000 24.086 24.140 24.295 24.540 24.634 24.839 25.346 25.827 26.007 26.134 26.183 26.186 23.461 23.367 22.774 22.649 22.103 21.511 21.025 20.107 17.975 15.825 14.879 14.174 13.914 13.893 12 18 24 30 26 35 28 36 78 42.0 W DEPTH 155M SVA DELD 445.2 445.6 443.1 401.7 391.8 384.0 379.2 364.9 341.9 333.2 314.1 265.9 220.2 203.2 191.3 186.9 186.6 0.004 0.045 0.089 0.131 0.171 0.210 0.248 0.285 0.321 0.354 0.387 0.416 0.439 0.460 0.480 0.499 0.501 75 175 250 L20 32 22 33 SIGMA-& 24 34 SAUNITY STATION 74 D-3 71 TEMPERATURE 30 24 18 12 06 a 75 STA NO D-2 LAT: 17 FEB 1983 1409 GMT 25.3 KM FROM SHORE 9 45.0 S PROBE 2561 75 TEMP PRESS 24.449 24.435 20 23.734 30 22.958 40 22.840 50 22.782 60 22.453 70 21.798 80 20.351 90 18.753 1 10 175 100 110 119 SIGMA-8. 34 15.612 15.500 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA 35.083 35.083 35.132 35.001 35.004 35.007 35.028 35.094 35.116 35.076 35.082 35.045 35.043 24.449 24.433 23.730 22.952 22.832 22.772 22.441 21.784 20.336 18.737 17.004 15.595 15.482 23.572 23.577 23.823 23.950 23.986 24.007 24.117 24.351 24.762 25.147 25.577 25.875 25.899 430.9 430.9 407.8 DELD 0.004 0.043 0.086 396.1 0.126 393.0 0.165 391.6 0.204 381.5 0.243 359.5 0.280 320.6 0.314 284.2 0.345 243.4 0.371 215.2 0.393 213.2 0.413 28 26 35 24 22 33 20 '250 32 17.021 LONG: 78 33.0 U 123M DEPTH 36- SALINITY STATION 75 D-2 TEMPERATURE 21 018 STA NO 76 D1 LAT: 17 FEB 1983 1528 GMT 6.7 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 81 TEMP 23.921 23.847 23.345 23.106 23.005 22.937 22.645 21.083 20.424 20.389 9 40.0 S 27 24 30 LONG: 78 24.0 N PROBE 2561 DEPTH 86M SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 35.005 35.006 35.010 34.997 34.991 34.995 35.005 35.048 35.060 35.058 23.921 23.845 23.340 23.100 22.997 22.927 22.633 21.070 20.409 23.671 23.694 23.844 23.904 23.929 23.952 24.044 24.513 24.700 421.5 419.7 405.8 400.5 398.5 396.7 388.4 344.0 326.5 0.004 0.042 0.084 0.124 0.164 0.204 0.243 0.280 0.313 20.374 24.709 325.7 0.317 30 70 100 Q 22 33.5 23 34.: 34.5. SALINITY STATION 76 D-1 35 35.5 72 TEMPERATURE 018 24 21 '27 30 30 LONG: 77 48.0 W= LAT: 10 52.0 S PS-1 55M DEPTH PROBE 2561 2323 GMT 8.5 KM FROM SHORE 77 17 FEB 1983 STA NO I PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 51 70 S1GMA=O 1000 33.5 24 34.5 34 :25, SAL TEMP 35.123 35.203 35.312 35.326 35.317 35.267 35.267 24.681 24.341 24.257 24.228 23.815 23.315 23.319 POTEN SIGMA TEMP 24.681 24.338 24.253 24.222 23.806 23.305 23.308 THETA 23.533 23.696 23.804 23.824 23.940 24.049 24.048 SVA DELD 434.7 419.5 409.6 408.2 0.004' 397.5 387.5 387.7 0.043 0.085 0.126 0.166 0.205 1 0.209 26 35 35.5 SALINITY STATION 77 PS-1 TEMPERATURE 08 12 18 PS-2 LAT: 10 57.0 S LONG: 77 57.0 W 0102 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH 173M 27.4 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 78 18 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP 25.236 10 25.083 20 23.824 30 23.072 40 22.870 50 22.352 60 22.001 70 21.423 80 20.926 1 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 171 19.891 18.171 17.467 16.559 14.718 13.666 13.391 12.777 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 35.151 25.236 35.305 25.081 35.361 23.820 35.197 23.066 35.242 22.862 35.285 22.342 23.385 23.549 23.969 24.066 24.159 24.339 35.296 21.989 24.447 35.293 35.369 35.180 35.173 35.130 35.087 34.991 34.947 34.941 34.905 24.606 24.801 24.933 25.368 25.507 25.691 21.410 20.910 19.875 18.154 17.448 16.540 14.698 13.646 13.370 12.754 26.031 26.221 26.273 26.369 SVA 24 Q 75 DELD s1 448.7 0.004 433.5 393.9 385.1 376.6 359.8 349.9 335.2 317.0 304.6 263.5 250.5 233.2 200.8 182.9 178.2 169.5 30 0.045 0.086 0.125 0.163 0.200 0.236 0.270 0.303 0.334 0.362 0.388 0.412 0.434 0.453 0.471 0.507 14 I 175 2501-20 32 22 33 SIGMA-$ 24. 34 SALINITY STATION 78 PS-2 26 35 28 36,. 73 TEMPERATURE r 04. 10 28 22', 16 PS-3 LAT: 11 2.0 S LONG: 78 6.0 W 0232 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH 334M 46.1 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 79 18 FEB 1983 PRESS 3 10 150. 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 W N N,. W, 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 IL 350 5.00 20 SIGMA-B, '22 34 33.5 300 329 24 26 34:5' 35 TEMP 27.156 27.161 26.682 24.951 23.579 22.838 21.930 20.315 19.295 17.708 16.561 15.206 14.726 14.452 14.054 13.794 12.923 12.482 12.128 11.601 10.412 9.379 SAL 35.332 35.331 35.323 35.459 35.401 35.500 35.426 35.205 35.211 35.137 35.084 35.025 35.006 34.991 34.976 34.962 34.901 34.880 34.859 34.829 34.753 34.685 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 27.155 27.159 26.678 24.945 23.570 22.828 21.919 20.302 19.280 17.693 16.545 15.189 14.708 14.433 14.034 13.773 12.900 12.455 12.099 11.569 10.377 9.342 22.920 22.919 23.065 23.707 24.074 24.364 24.566 24.839 25.112 25.453 25.687 25.951 26.041 26.089 26.162 26.206 26.337 26.408 26.461 26.538 26.694 26.816 155.1 140.9 129.3 0.015 0.049 0.098 0.143 0.184 0.220 0.255 0.288 0.318 0.345 0.370 0.392 0.412 0.432 0.451 0.470 0.514 0.557 0.598 0.638 0.712 0.751 28 35:5 PS-3 TEMPERATURE 1IQ. 80 18 FEB 1983 493.3 493.8 480.2 419.4 384.8 357.5 338.7 312.8 287.2 254.9 232.9 207.9 199.6 195.3 188.6 184.7 172.7 166.5 162.0 DELD SALINITY STATION 7.' STA NO SVA 28 22 PS-4 LAT: 11 7.0 S LONG: 78 15.0 W 0430 GMT DEPTH 432M PROBE 2561 64.9 KM FROM SHORE P RESS TEMP SAL fb1EM TEMP 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 425 27.192 27.192 27.198 27.196 26.849 24.349 22.639 21.252 20.555 19.187 17.463 16.574 15.665 14.984 14.618 14.012 13.355 12.835 12.127 11.660 10.325 7.884 7.243 35.320 35.320 35.320 35.320 35.289 35.460 35.483 35.395 35.386 35.229 35.135 35.095 35.027 35.017 35.008 34.924 34.911 34.900 34.854 34.830 34.748 34.611 34.583 27.191 27.190 27.193 27.189 26.840 24.338 22.626 21.238 20.540 19.171 17.447 16.556 15.646 14.964 14.597 13.990 13.330 12.808 12.098 11.628 10.289 7.843 7.202 SIGMA THETA 22.900 22.900 22.899 22.900 22.989 23.890 24.409 24.731 24.913 25.154 25.511 25.693 25.850 25.993 26.067 26.131 26.258 26.354 26.457 26.528 26.706 26.992 27.062 SVA DELD 495.2 495.6 496.1 496.5 488.5 402.8 353.7 323.3 306.3 283.6 249.7 232.7 217.9 204.5 197.8 191.8 180.3 171.7 162.4 0.015 0.050 'j'S01 0.099 0.149 0.198 0.243 0.280 0.314 0.345 0.375 0.401 0.425 0.448 0.469 0.489 350 0.508 0.555 0.599 0.641 156.1 0.681 139.8 0.755 113.0 0.878 106.2 0.905 500120 33.5: 22 34 A -8 102M4 34.5 SALINITY STATION 80 PS-4 26 35 }, 28 35.5' 74 TEMPERATURE STA NO 28 22 10. 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 300 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 700 SIGMA-B 22 34.5 35 300 400 500 600 800 ,261 26 35.5 2,4 PS-5 LAT: 0559 GMT 82.9 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 120 1000 34: 81 18 FEB 1983 801 36. TEMP 27.394 27.399 27.403 27.404 26.156 25.079 22.959 21.923 20.411 19.114 17.844 16.255 15.275 14.771 14.237 14.034 13.512 12.986 12.293 11.661 10.646 8.040 6.735 6.104 5.411 5.402 11 12.0 S PROBE 2561 LONG: 78 23.5 W DEPTH 851M SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA 35.212 35.218 35.218 35.218 -Y 35.311 35.543 35.463 35.427 35.273 35.282 35.164 35.064 35.015 35.009 34.941 34.946 34.938 34.902 34.845 34.826 34.771 34.612 34.555 34.562 34.554 34.554 27.394 27.397 27.399 27.397 26.147 25.068 22.946 21.910 20.396 19.098 17.827 16.237 15.257 14.751 14.216 14.012 L 13.487 12.959 12.263 11.629 10.609 7.999 6.688 6.050 5.343 5.334 22.753 22.757 22.756 22.757 23.224 23.733 24.302 24.569 24.866 25.213 25.441 25.743 25.927 26.034 26.096 26.144 26.246 26.326 26.419 26.525 26.668 26.969 27.111 27.200 27.281 27.282 509.2 509.2 509.8 510.2 466.0 417.8 363.9 338.8 310.7 278.0 256.4 227.8 210.5 200.6 194.8 190.6 181.5 174.5 DELD 0.005 0.051 0.102 0.153 0.202 0.246 0.286 0.321 0.353 0.383 0.409 0.433 0.455 0.476 0.495 0.515 0.561 0.606 166.1 0.648 156.4 0.689 143.6 0.7.64 115.3 0.892 102.2 1.000 94.6 1.098 88.5 1.281 88.4 1.282 19 SALINITY PS-5 i STATION 81 TEMPERATURE 018 27 24 21 30 II STA NO 82 LAT: 12 E-1 1557 GMT 12.6 KM FROM SHORE 18 FEB 1983 PRESS 3 10 20 30 40 50 55 TEMP 23.904 23.550 22.782 22.346 22.306 22.259 21.878 SAL 35.193 35.297 35.273 35.176 35.179 35.197 35.193 0.0 S LONG: 77 14.0 W PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 23.903 23.548 22.778 22.340 22.298 22.249 21.867 SIGMA THETA 23.818 24.001 24.206 24.257 24.271 24.299 24.403 DEPTH 30 I Ir Q 61M SVA DELD 407.5 390.4 371.3 0.012 0.040 0.078 366.8 0.115 365.9 363.7 353.9 0.152 0.188 0.206 I 70 22 33.5 100 23 34 SIGMA-6 24 25 34.5 35 SALINITY STATION 82 E-1 J 26 35.5. 75 TEMPERATURE 30 24 18 12 O6 6 83 STA NO E2 1714 GMT 31.3 KM FROM SHORE 75 PRESS TEMP 4.9 S LAT: 12 18 FEB 1983 TEMP 25.053 24.832 24.347 23.969 22.873 21.941 21.566 20.950 19.454 17.882 16.784 16.442 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 107 175 SIGMA-0 24 22 33 250 L20 32 DEPTH 112M SVA DELD 434.2 0.004 23.896 428.2 411.8 401.3 0.043 0.085 0.126 371.6 357.3 347.6 326.2 0.165 0.201 0.237 0.271 294.7 258.6 238.5 0.302 0.329 0.354 231.4 0.371 SIGMA THETA POTEN SAL 23.538 23.605 35.279 35.279 35.318 35.319 35.313 35.167 35.168 25.053 24.830 24.343 23.962 22.865 35.247 20.937 24.212 24.366 24.471 24.700 35.162 19.439 17.867 16.768 16.425 25.033 25.415 25.628 25.705 35.143 35.075 35.071 LONG: 77 23.0 W PROBE 2561 23.781 21.931 21.554 28 36 26 35 SALINITY STATION 83 E-2 TEMPERATURE 84 18 FEB 1983 STA NO E-3 LAT: 1844 GMT 49.9 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 157 TEMP 24.938 24.750 24.546 23.942 23.207 22.825 22.261 20.567 19.641 18.753 17.351 16.174 15.992 15.467 15.180 14.497 13.635 12 10.0 S 12 18 24 22 33 SIGMA-8 24 34 26 35 30 LONG: 77 31.9 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 165M SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 35.204 35.204 35.206 35.275 35.330 35.351 35.410 35.267 35.237 35.221 35.125 35.065 35.055 35.021 35.005 34.970 34.922 24.938 24.748 24.541 23.936 23.199 22.815 22.249 20.553 19.627 18.737 17.334 16.157 15.973 15.447 15.159 14.474 13.613 23.516 23.574 23.638 23.870 24.128 24.254 24.461 24.819 25.041 25.258 25.531 25.763 25.797 25.890 25.941 26.064 26.208 436.3 431.1 425.5 403.8 379.6 367.9 348.6 314.8 294.0 273.7 247.9 226.0 223.0 214.4 209.8 198.3 184.6 0.004 0.043 0.086 0.128 0.167 0.205 0.240 0.273 0.304 0.332 0.358 0.382 0.404 0.426 0.447 0.468 0.481 75 175 250 20 32 SAUN!TY STATION 84 E-3 28 36 76 TEMPERATURE 16 10 22 28 STA NO 85 18 FEB 1983 67.2 KM PRESS E4 LAT: 2011 GMT 12 15.0 S PROBE 2561 FROM SHORE TEMP SAL POTEN SIGMA THETA TEMP 1 10 150 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 350 I20 500120 SIGMA-B 22 212 33.5 24 34 26 35 34.5 28 35.5 SALJNITY 200 225 250 300 400 401 LONG: 77 40.0 W DEPTH 1204M 25.593 25.284 35.203 35.200 24.6'76 35.189 24.672 35.135 23.589 23.596 22.772 22.505 21.493 20.872 20.592 20.238 19.605 18.787 17.058 15.810 14.316 14.007 13.412 12.500 12.177 11.581 9.557 8.040 8.011 35.286 35.364 35.282 35.233 35.230 35.233 35.244 35.190 35.083 35.032 34.907 34.927 34.908 34.872 34.854 34.816 34.686 34.611 34.610 25.593 25.282 22.163 22.495 21.481 20.858 20.577 `20.221 19.587 18.768 17.1138 15.?90 14.295 13.985 13.387 12.473 12.148 11.549 9.524 7.999 7.970 23.315 23.488 23.585 23.866 24.220 24.356 24.53'8 24.711 24.785 24.883 25.057 25.227 25.569 25.821 26.054 26.135 26.244 26.399 26.448 26.532 26.787 26.969 26.973 SVA 455.5 447.0 430.5 404.1 370.8 358.3 337.4 325.1 318.5 309.5 293.2 277.4 244.9 221.0 198.9 191.4 181.6 167.4 163.2 155.7 131.6 115.3 114.9 DELD 0.005 0.045 0.089 0.131 0.170 0.206 0.241 0.274 0.306 0.338 0.368 0.396 0.423 0.446 0.467 0.486 0.533 0.576 0.618 0.658 0.729 0.851 0.852 STATION 85 E-4 TEMPERATURE STA NO 86 E-4 LAT: 18 FEB 1983 2126 GMT 67.2 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 000 003 TEMP 25.691 25.339 24.668 23.581 23.187 22.549 21.309 21.069 20.655 20.132 19.617 18.807 16.941 15.990 14.526 13.816 13.369 12.686 12.143 11.615 9.783 7.911 6.984 6.185 5.131 4.508 4.499 SAL 35.209 35.195 35.189 35.150 35.294 35.364 35.264 35.248 35.230 35.234 35.253 35.210 35.093 35.044 34.959 34.921 34.906 34.882 34.853 34.821 34.703 34.612 34.569 34.554 34.549 34.552 34.553 12 15.0 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 25.691 25.337 24.663 23.575 23.179 22.539 23.289 23.387 23.588 23.882 24.106 24.343 24.615 24.669 24.768 24.911 25.061 25.237 25.605 25.790 26.049 26.170 26.251 26.370 26.454 26.529 26.763 26.989 27.088 27.183 27.310 27.385 27.386 21.297 21.055 20.640 20.115 19.599 18.787 16.921 15.969 14.505 13.794 13.345 12.659 12.113 11.584 9.749 7.871 6.937 6.132 5.064 4.428 4.419 LONG: 77 40.0 W 04 10 16 22 28 34.5 35 35.5 DEPTH 120411 SVA 458.0 449.0 430.3 402.6 381.7 359.5 333.9 329.2 320.1 306.8 292.9 276.4 241.4 224.0 199.5 188.1 181.0 170.2 DELD 0.005 0.045 0.089 0.131 300 0.170 0.207 0.242 0.275 0.307 0.339 0.369 0.397 0.423 0.446 0.467 0.487 700 0.533 0.577 162.7 0.618 156.0 0.658 134.0 0.730 113.3 0.852 104.7 0.961 96.3 1.061 85.3 1.241 1000 If 33.5 79.2 1.405 79.1 1.408 34 SAUNRY STATION RR F-4 77 TEMPERATURE 16 STA NO 87 LAT: 2326 GMT 85.8 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP 25.559 25.512 20 24.990 30 24.624 40 23.618 50 22.878 60 22.492 70 21.241 80 20.231 90 19.250 100 18.422 110 16.889 120 15.417 130 14.690 140 14.359 150 13.727 175 13.032 200 12.736 225 12.345 250 11.860 300 10.822 400 8.009 500 6.902 600 6.196 800 5.023 1000 4.378 1003 4.365 1 10 STATION 87 E-5 18 FEB 1983 SAL 35.192 35.190 35.187 35.213 35.288 35.403 35.427 35.325 35.244 35.279 35.190 35.070 34.885 34.905 34.941 34.875 34.856 34.878 34.867 34.834 34.769 34.610 34.555 34.555 34.548 34.555 34.555 12 20.0 S LONG: 77 PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 25.559 25.510 24.985 24.618 23.610 22.868 22.480 21.228 20.216 19.234 18.405 23.317 23.331 23.489 23.620 23.976 24.279 24.408 24.681 24.892 25.175 25.318 25.599 25.796 25.971 26.071 26.153 26.280 26.357 26.426 26.494 26.635 26.972 27.089 27.183 27.322 27.401 27.402 16.871 15.398 14.670 14.338 13.705 13.008 12.709 12.315 11.828 10.785 7.969 6.855 6.142 4.957 4.299 4.286 E-5 TEMPERATURE 88 19 FEB 1983 E-6 LAT: 12 25.0 S LONG: 77 58.0 W 0139 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH 2012M 105.0 KM FROM SHORE STA NO PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 TEMP 25.419 25.403 25.062 25.050 25.002 23.206 22.415 21.781 20.537 18.178 17.258 16.112 15.078 13.995 13.579 13.424 13.122 12.752 12.278 11.824 10.918 8.660 6.943 5.888 4.862 4.228 4.214 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 35.197 25.419 23.364 25.401 25.057 25.043 24.994 23.196 22.403 21.767 20.522 18.163 17.241 16.094 15.060 13.976 13.560 13.403 13.098 12.725 12.249 11.792 10.881 23.369 35.197 35.198 35.199 35.214 35.350 35.406 35.372 35.380 35.149 35.120 34.892 34.837 34.780 34.815 34.883 34.916 34.894 34.862 34.835 34.775 34.632 34.531 34.514 34.534 34.553 34.554 23.475 23.480 23.506 24.144 24.414 24.567 24.914 25.347 25.549 25.643 25.834 26.023 26.137 4.151 26.221 26.309 26.366 26.435 26.501 26.623 26.891 27.064 27.190 27.329 27.415 4.136 27.417 8.617 6.896 5.836 4.798 SVA DELD 450.8 450.7 441.0 441.0 439.0 378.5 353.1 339.0 306.2 0.005 0.045 0.090 265.1 246.1 237.3 219.3 201.5 190.8 183.1 175.4 170.5 164.5 158.7 148.0 123.2 107.0 95.2 83.0 75.7 75.5 04 0.134 300 0.178 0.218 0.254 0.289 0.321 0.350 0.375 0.400 0.423 0.444 0.463 0.482 700 0.527 0.570 0.612 0.652 0.729 0.864 0.980 1.081 1.258 1.417 1.420 STATION 88 E-6 48.9 W DEPTH 1548M SVA 455.3 454.4 439.8 427.6 394.1 365.6 353.7 328.1 308.2 281.5 268.2 241.6 223.0 206.5 197.3 189.7 178.1 171.4 165.4 159.5 146.8 114.9 104.5 96.3 84.0 77.4 77.2 DELD 0.005 0.046 0.090 0.134 0.175 0.213 0.249 0.283 0.314 0.344 0.371 0.397 0.420 0.441 0.461 0.481 0.527 0.570 0.612 0.653 0.730 0.858 0.968 1.069 1.247 1.408 1.410 78 TEMPERATURE 28 22 16 10 89 19 FEB 1983 STA NO 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 33.5 35.5 35 34.5 34 LAT: 0323 GMT 122.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1000 E7 1005 TEMP 26.453 26.456 26.355 26.026 24.397 22.771 21.994 20.398 19.783 18.176 16.358 14.892 14.938 14.672 14.189 13.853 13.350 12.857 12.258 11.850 10.958 9.295 7.792 6.417 4.850 4.184 4.161 SAL 35.268 35.266 12 30.0 S POTEN TEMP 26.453 26.453 35.257 26.351 35.252 35.478 35.454 35.417 35.208 35.309 35.144 34.975 34.829 34.967 35.003 34.974 34.959 34.939 34.904 34.864 34.834 34.778 34.677 34.576 34.525 34.527 34.554 34.554 LONG: 78 PROBE 2561 26.020 24.388 22.760 21.982 20.385 19.768 18.160 16.342 14.875 14.920 14.653 14.168 13.832 13.326 12.830 12.229 11.817 10.921 9.250 7.742 6.362 4.785 4.107 4.083 6.0 W DEPTH 2933M SIGMA SVA THETA 23.095 23.094 476.5 477.0 DELD 0.005 0.048 23.119 23.219 23.889 24.349 475.0 0.095 24.541 24.819 341.0 -0.259 314.8 0.292 292.2 0.322 265.4 0.350 236.4 0.375: 215.7 -0.398 206.9 0.419 199.0 0.439 191.4 0.458 186.0 0.477 178.2 0.523 171.8 0.567 164.0 0.609 159.3 0.649 148.5 0.726 25.060 25.344 25.650 25.868 25.965 26.050 26.132 26.191 26.280 26.353 26.440 26.495 26.617 26.825 26.979 27.131 466.0 0.142 402.4 0.186 359.0 0.224 130.0 0.865 115.9 1013 27.325 83.3 27.420 27.423 75.1 74.8 0.986 1.095 1.274 1.433 1.436 SALINITY STATION 89 E-7 STA NO 90 E-8 LAT: 12 19 FEB 1983 0623 159.0 KM `FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP GMT SAL LONG: 78 24.0 W PROBE 2561 DEPTH 4774M POTEN TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 26.876 26.884 26.880 26.736 25.491 23.299 21.270 19.459 18.190 17.393 16.547 16.072 15.165 14.448 14.011 13.698 13.114 12.722 12.346 12.080 11.262 9.393 7.696 6.581 4.903 4.200 4.163 35.287 35.287 35.286 35.269 35.496 35.475 35.378 35.227 35.179 35.112 35.049 35.059 34.953 34.901 34.902 34.911 34.897 34.894 34.883 34.868 34.803 34.683 34.588 34.539 34.511 34.549 34.550 TEMPERATURE 39.9 S 26.875 26.882 26.875 26.729 25.482 23.288 21.258 19.446 18.176 17.377 16.531 16.055 15.147 14.429 13.991 13.677 13.090 12.695 12.316 12.048 11.224 9.348 7.646 6.526 4.839 4.123 4.085 SIGMA THETA 22.976 22.974 22.975 23.009 23.570 24.211 24.712 25.081 25.367 25.511 25.664 25.781 25.904 26.020 26.114 26.187 26.296 26.372 26.438 26.478 26.582 26.814 27.003 27.120 27.306 27.415 27.419 SVA 04 10 16 22 28 DELD 487.9 0.005 488.5 0.049 488.8 0.098 486.1 0.146 432.9 0.193 300 372.1 324.6 289.8 262.8 249.4 235.1 224.2 212.6 201.8 193.1 186.4 176.7 169.9 164.2 161.0 152.0 131.1 113.5 102.8 85.2 75.6 75.2 0.233 0.268 0.299 0.326 0.352 0.376 0.399 0.421 0.441 0.461 0.480 0.525 700 0.569 0.610 0.651 0.729 0.872 0.994 1.102 1.289 1.448 1000 1.452 22 34, 34.$ SALINITY STATION 90 E-8 26 35 28; 35.5 79 TEMPERATURE STA NO 28 22 16 10 TEMP 26.773 26.771 26.779 26.781 25.307 21.703 19.957 19.423 18.721 17.432 15.730 15.030 14.362 13.990 13.762 13.534 13.028 12.684 12.302 11.887 11.263 9.557 8.012 6.734 5.113 4.233 4.219 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 700 300 400 500 600 800 335 -34 E-9 LAT: 0919 GMT 197.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS lfnn 91 19 FEB 1983 1000 1005 34. 12 50.0 S LONG: 78 42.0 W DEPTH 5081M PROBE 2561 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 35.262 35.262 35.261 35.262 35.452 35.411 35.288 35.253 35.217 35.070 34.896 34.852 34.841 34.864 34.894 34.885 34.876 34.880 34.863 34.840 34.821 34.701 34.607 34.539 34.524 34.545 34.545 26.773 26.769 26.774 26.774 25.298 21.693 19.945 19.410 18.707 17.417 15.714 15.014 14.344 22.989 22.991 22.989 22.989 23.592 24.617 24.997 25.111 25.263 25.469 25.733 25.856 25.992 26.088 26.160 26.200 26.297 26.369 26.431 26.493 26.596 26.801 26.972 27.100 27.293 27.408 27.409 486.6 486.8 487.5 488.0 430.8 333.3 297.4 287.0 272.8 253.4 228.3 216.9 204.2 195.2 188.7 0.005 0.049 0.097 0.146 0.194 0.231 0.263 0.292 0.320 0.347 0.371 0.393 0.414 0.434 0.453 0.472 0.517 0.560 0.602 0.643 0.720 0.862 0.986 1.096 1.287 1.450 1.454 13.971 13.742 13.512 13.004 12.657 12.272 11.854 11.225 9.512 7.960 6.677 5.047 4.155 4.141 185.1 176.5 170.3 164.9 159.5 150.8 132.5 116.9 104.9 86.9 76.3 76.3 SALINITY E-9 STATION 91 TEMPERATURE I LAT: 13 0.0 S E-10 STA NO 92 1231 GMT 19 FEB 1983 234.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1003 TEMP 27.223 27.225 27.226 25.973 22.463 19.975 19.458 19.040 18.416 17.704 15.742 14.777 14.460 14.258 13.985 13.793 13.365 12.973 12.583 12.315 11.517 9.924 8.363 7.023 5 . 266 4.305 4.302 LONG: 79 PROBE 2561 DEPTH 4630M SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA 35.257 35.257 35.257 35.505 35.383 35.285 35.268 35.233 35.167 35.153 34.941 34.913 34.971 34.988 34.978 34.965 34.942 34.919 34.895 34.883 34.835 34.724 34.622 34.554 34.523 34.541 34.541 27.222 27.223 27.222 25.966 22.455 19.966 19.447 19.027 18.402 17.689 15.726 14.760 14.443 14.239 13.964 13.771 13.340 12.945 12.553 12.282 11.479 9.877 8.310 22.843 22.842 22.842 23.427 24.380 24.990 25.112 25.194 25.301 25.467 25.765 25.958 26.071 26.128 26.178 26.209 26.280 26.342 26.401 26.445 26.560 26.758 26.930 27.07 27.274 27.397 27.398 500.6 501.1 501.5 446.2 355.5 297.7 286.5 279.0 269.1 253.6 225.3 207.2 196.7 191.6 187.0 184.4 178.3 172.9 167.9 164.3 154.3 136.9 6.966 5.199 4.227 4.224 0.0 W 121.1 107.8 88.9 77.6 77.5 10 04 28 16 DELD 0.005 0.050 0.100 0.149 300 0.189 0.221 0.250 0.278 0.305 0.332 0.356 0.377 0.397 0.416 0.435 0.454 0.499 7000.543 0.586 0.627 0.707 0.853 0.981 1.094 1.290 1000 1.455 1.457 i .1 tIG2 -B' 34.5 SALINITY' STATION 92 E-10 26. 35' uu TEMPERATURE 18 24 21 27 30 Cr 30 N-1 LAT: 15 2.5 S LONG: 75 26.0 W 1308 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH SOM 2.4 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 93 20 FEB 1983 PRESS 21.775 21.758 21.488 30 21.199 40 21.002 45 20.904 1 10 20 70 100 22 SIGMA-8 23 34 33.5 24 34.5 25 35 SAL TEMP 35.290 35.290 35.315 35.267 35.268 35.274 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 21.775 24.503 24.508 24.602 24.646 24.701 24.732 21.756 21.484 21.193 20.994 20.896 SVA DELD 342.2 0.003 342.1 0.034 333.5 0.068 329.8 0.101 324.9 0.134 322.1 0.150 26 35.5 SALINITY STATION 93 N-1 06 N-2 LAT: 15 6.0 S LONG: 75 30.0 W 1405 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH 121M 12.0 KM FROM SHORE STA NO T 12 TEMPERATURE 18 24 SIGMA-8 24 34 26 30 94 20 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP 23.657 23.242 20 22.559 30 22.010 40 21.537 50 21.186 60 20.934 70 20.624 80 20.058 1 10 90 100 110 117 19.301 17.874 16.321 16.172 SAL 35.358 35.349 35.346 35.345 35.320 35.303 35.301 35.301 35.279 35.234 35.111 35.043 35.046 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 23.657 23.240 22.555 22.004 21.529 24.016 24.131 24.325 24.480 24.594 21.177 24.677 20.923 20.611 20.043 19.285 17.857 16.303 16.154 24.746 24.830 24.964 25.128 25.393 25.712 25.749 SVA 388.6 378.0 359.9 345.5 335.1 327.5 321.4 313.8 301.3 286.1 261.1 230.8 227.5 75 DELD 0.004 0.039 0.075 0.110 0.145 0.178 0.210 0.242 0.273 175 0.302 0.330 0.354 0.370 250 20 32 22 33 SALINITY STATION 94 N-2 35 28 36 81 TEMPERATURE 18 12 24 30 STA NO 95 N-3 LAT: 15 20 FEB 1983 1453 GMT 18.3 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 75 TEMP SAL 8.5 S POTEN SIGMA THETA TEMP 1 I 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 173 175' SIGMA-:0 32 33 -- 26 35 24 22 250120 34 35.341 35.329 35.305 35.313 35.315 35.319 35.354 35.286 35.260 35.253 35.166 35.033 34.996 34.957 34.921 34.906 34.871 23.974 23.675 22.714 21.532 21.239 21.216 21.223 20.193 19.598 19.437 18.342 16.565 15.605 14.759 13.771 13.267 12.569 23.909 23.988 24.249 24.588 24.669 24.679 24.704 24.930 25.067 25.103 25.315 25.643 25.835 25.992 26.175 26.267 26.379 75 32.5 W DEPTH 174M SVA DELD 398.8 391.6 367.2 335.3 327.9 327.4 325.4 304.2 291.6 288.4 268.6 237.4 219.3 204.6 187.3 178.7 168.5 0.004 0.040 0.078 0.113 0.146 0.179 0.211 0.243 0.272 0.301 0.330 0.355 0.378 0.399 0.418 0.437 0.477 28 36 SALINITY STATION 95 23.974 23.677 22.718 21.538 21.247 21.226 21.235 20.206 19.613 19.453 18.360 16.583 15.623 14.778 13.791 13.288 12.592 LONG: PROBE 2561 N-3, 'TEMPERATURE; 10 STA NO 96 20 FEB 1983 N-4 LAT: 15 11.0 S 1543 GMT 31.8 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP SAL PROBE 2561 POTEN LONG: DEPTH 575M SVA DELD 1 24.039 35.336 24.039 401.0 1'0' 23.690 23.160 SIGMA THETA .23.886 35.329 35.319 0.004 23.688 23.156 23.984 24.133 22.579 392.0 378.3 0.040 0.078 35.321 22.573 21.720 21.240 20.822 35.317 35.302 35.290 24.301 362.6 0.115 21.71.2 24.540 24.662 70 80 340.2 329.0 319.4 20.396 0.151 0.184 0.216 20.383 19.756 305.0 19.771 35.342 35.293 'TEMP 20 30 40 50 60 21.230 20.810 -24,76-7 24.922 25.051 293.1 0.248 0.278 25.147 25.238 284.2 0.307 25.455 275.9 255.5 0.335 0.361 90 19.212 35.229 19.196 100 110 18.733 17.655 35.188 35.121 18.716 17.636 120 16.135 35.018 16.116 25.736 130 140 150 15.142 13.943 13.346 12.454 11.746 11.345 228.9 0.385 34.978 34.921 34.907 15.123 13.923 13.325 25.929 26.143 26.256 34,.865 12.430' 34.821 26.402 210.7 190.3 179.8 166.4 0.407 0.427 0.446 0.489 11.721 11.317 26.503 157.2 0.529 26.561 152.2 10.908 0.568 26.615 147.5 0.605 9.976 7.575 6.498 6.050 26.727 26.904 27.105 137.6 113.5 102.6 98.0 0.676 0.801 0.908 0.973 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 565 '10.011 34.798 34.771 34.706 7.615 6.544 34.551 34.515 .6..100 34.509 10.938 2 MIN GAP AT 361 OB 27.15.9 16 22 28; 26 35 28 35.'5 75 40.0 W 225 525 .9. 750-133.5 22 34 SIGH -ef 34.5 SALINITY STATION 96 N-4 II .II 82 TEMPERATU RE 10 C4 16 22 28 STA NO 97 20 FEB 1983 N5 LAT: 1707 GMT 36.3 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP SAL 15 15..0 S POTEN TEMP 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 23.739 23.514 23.207 22.896 21.312 21.173 20.949 20.201 19.646 18.894 18.077 17.188 16.062 15.366 14.214 13.172 11.934 11.426 11.160 10.568 9.744 7.643 6.414 5.845 5.119 4.256 1005 4..226 3 10 20 30 300 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 700 SIGN 22 1000 V 33.5 I 34 2 26 34. 35 28 35.5 SALINITY 35.327 35.325 35.324 35.320 35.301 35.282 35.311 35.320 35.267 35.194 35.144 35.063 34.946 34.956 34.921 34.894 34.835 34.804 34.786 34.746 34.697 34.558 34.512 34.513 34.528 34.539 34.541 STATION 97 N-5 S TA NO 98 LAT: 15 20.0 S 1911 GMT 49.2 KM FROM SHORE 3 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 40 50 75 00 25 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 TEMP 24.233 23.761 22.864 21.525 21.044 20.442 19.975 19.632 18.715 18.253 17.621 16.254 15.121 14.595 14.481 14.064 13.136 12.722 11.784 10.890 9.835 7.913 6.688 5.799 4.989 4.216 4.204 23.739 23.512 23.203 22.890 '21.304 21.164 30.938 .20.188 19.631 18.878 18.060 17.169 16.043 15.346 14..193 13.151 11.911 11.401 11.132 10.538 9.709 7.603 6.369 5.792 5.053 4.179 4.148 SIGMA THETA 23.968 24.033 24..122 24.209 24.641 24.665 24.749 24.958 25.064 25.201 25.368 25.523 25.697 25.862 26.086 26.281 26.479 26.550 26.585 26.661 26.765 26.985 27.119 27.194 27.295 27.401 27.405 75 39.9 W DEPTH 1300M SVA DELD 393.3 387.4 379.3 371.4 330.6 328.7 321.1 301.6 291.9 279.0 263.4 248.9 232.5 217.0 195.8 177.4 158.9 152.6 149.8 143.0 133.8 113.4 0.012 0.039 0.078 0.115 0.150 0.183 0.216 0.247 -0_277 -0.305 86.6 0.332 0.358 0.382 0.405 0.426 0.444 0.486 0.525 0.562 0.599 0.668 0.791 0.898 0.996 1.177 77.1 1.341 76,4 1.345 101.1 94_8 TEMPERATURE N-6 2 0 FES 1983 RESS LONG: PROBE-2561 SAL 35.377 35.370 35.328 35.347 35.284 35.291 35.252 35.268 35.190 35.157 35.098 35.040 34.952 34.873 34.921 34.919 34.902 34.879 34.825 34.767 34.698 34.570 34.513 34.509 34.515 34.540 34.541 PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 24.232 23.759 23.859 23.994 24.224 24.617 24.701 24.870 24.965 25.067 25.243 25.335 25.445 25.725 25.913 25.967 26.029 26.116 26.295 26.360 26.500 26.620 26.750 26.956 27.084 27.197 27.300 27.406 27.408 22..859 21.519 21.037 20.433 19.964 19.619 18.701 18.238 17.605 16.236 15.103 14.575 14.461 14.042 13.112 12.695 11.755 10.859 9.801 7.873 6.641 5.747 4.924 4.139 4.126 LONG: 75 45.0 W 04 10 16 DEPTH 1726M SVA 403.6 391.0 369.5 332.5 324.8 309.1 300.5 291.1 274.6 266.2 256.0 229.6 211.8 206.9 201.3 193.2 176.7 171.1 158.1 147.0 135.3 116.4 104.7 94.5 DELD 0.012 0.040 0.078 0.113 0.146 0.178 0.208 0.238 0.266 0.293 0.319 0.344 0.366 0.387 0.407 0.427 0.473 0.517 0.558 0.597 0.667 0.793 0.903 1.003 1.183 1.346 86.0 76.5 76.4 1.351 STATION 98 N-6 22 28 33 TEMPERATURE LAT: N-7 2122 GMT 62.0 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 16 99 20 FEB 1983 PRESS 1 10 15 25.0 S PROBE 2561 SIGMA 24.258 35.351 POTEN TEMP 24.258 23.886 35.364 23.884 35.383 35.338 35.310 35.242 35.237 35.171 35.083 35.006 34.990 34.931 34.897 34.971 34.948 34.935 34.914 34.863 34.844 34.813 34.747 34.601 34.511 34.501 34.522 34.551 34.551 22.101 21.352 20.595 19.887 19.424 18.768 18.047 17.382 16.407 15.463 14.727 14.616 14.185 13.826 13.184 12.597 12.093 TEMP 20 22.105 30 21.358 40 20.603 50 19.896 60 19.435 70 18.780 80 18.061 90 17.398 100 16.423 110 15.480 14.744 120 14.635 130 140 14.205 150 13.847 175 13.209 200 12.624 12.122 225 250 11.639 300 10.561 8.336 400 500 6.766 600 800 1000 1003 5.909 4.838 4.125 4.119 SAL LONG: 75 50.0 W DEPTH 3161M THETA 23.832 11.607 10.525 8.294 6.719 5.857 4.774 4.049 4.042 24.482 24.656 24.841 24.978 25.094 25.212 25.325 25.428 25.647 25.817 25.953 26.034 26.109 26.174 26.290 26.368 26.451 26.519 26.664 26.916 27.072 27.177 27.323 27.424 27.425 SVA DELD 406.1 394.9 344.9 328.7 311.6 298.9 288.1 277.2 266.7 0.004 0.040 0.077 0.111 0.143 0.173 0.203 0.231 0.258 257.2 0.285' 236.6 220.7 208.0 200.6 193.7 187.7 177.3 170.4 163.0 156.9 143.9 120.5 105.9 96.5 83.5 74.6 74.5 0.309 0.332 0.353 0.374 0.394 0.413 0.458 0.502 0.543 0.583 0.659 0.791 0.904 1.004 1.184 1.342 1.344 STATION 99 N-7 TEMPERATURE LONG: 75 55.0 W LAT: 15 30.0 S N-8 STA NO 100 DEPTH 4556M PROBE 2561 2333 GMT 20 FEB 1983 74.9 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP SAL POTEN TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1003 24.382 24.277 23.283 21.614 20.828 19.926 19.524 19.172 18.455 17.742 17.417 16.211 14.849 14.623 13.979 13.555 13.225 12.728 12.369 11.803 10.804 8.927 7.284 5.823 4.830 4.091 4.079 35.349 35.347 35.352 35.347 35.331 35.240 35.198 35.209 35.134 35.071 35.106 34.970 34.856 34.934 34.880 34.885 34.921 34.897 34.872 34.826 24.382 24.275 23.279 21.608 20.821 19.917 19.513 19.159 18.441 17.727 17.400 16.193 14.831 14.604 13.959 13.534 13.200 12.701 12.339 11.771 34.767 10.767 34.639 34.535 34.493 34.523 34.553 34.554 8.883 7.235 5.771 4.766 4.014 4.002 SIGMA THETA SVA 23.794 23.824 24.121 24.592 24.796 24.968 25.041 25.141 25.266 25.395 25.501 25.681 25.899 26.008 26.103 26.196 26.292 26.373 26.425 26.498 26.637 26.854 27.020 27.181 27.324 27.430 27.431 409.8 407.3 379.4 334.8 315.8 299.8 293.2 284.0 272.4 260.5 250.7 233.7 213.1 203.0 194.1 185.5 177.0 169.9 165.6 159.0 146.6 126.9 111.4 96.0 83.4 74.0 73.8 10 16 22 28 DELD 0.004 0.041 0.081 0.116 :300 0.149 0.179 0.209 0.238 0.266 0.293 0.318 0.342 0.365 0.385 0.405 0.424 '700, 0.469 0.513 0.555 0.595 0.671 0.808 0.927 1.030 1.209 33.5 1.364 1.366 34 34.5 STATION 100 N-8 26 35. 1.20 35.5 84 TEMPERATURE 16 22 28. STA NO 101 N-10 LAT: 11'5 40.0 S LONG: 76 5.0 W 21 FEB 1983 0202 GMT DEPTH 4144M PROBE-2561 104.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 SALJNITY STATION 101 TEMP 24.786 24.776 24.598 22.475 21.134 20.335 19.956 19.614 19.249 18.185 17.472 16.113 14.805 13.829 13.763 13.705 13.293 12.816 12.355 11.914 11.137 9.275 7.438 6.312 4.946 4.151 4.112 SAL 35.401 35.401 35.391 35.359 35.359 35.278 35.265 35.256 35.226 35.142 35.090 35.011 34.857 34.787 34.862 34.917 34.925 34.887 34.856 34.820 34.782 34.662 34.544 34.499 34.514 34.541 34.540 POTEN TEMP 24.786 24.774 24.594 22.469 21.126 ;?'0.325 19.945 19.601 19.234 18.170 17.456 16.096 14.787 13.811 13.743 13.684 13.269 12.788 12.325 11.882 11.100 9.231 7.389 6.257 4.881 4.074 4.035 SIGMA THETA SVA GELD 23.712 417.6 23.714 23.761 24.399 24.134 24.889 24.980 25.063 25.135 25.340 25.475 25.735 25.909 26.063 26.135 26.190 26.281 26.348 26.415 26.473 26.588 26.816 27.005 27.124 27.304 27.414 27.41? 417-.7 0.004 0.042 0.083 0.122 0.156 TEMPERATURE 25.422 10 25.427 20 25.431 30 23.012 40 21.348 50 20.384 60 19.399 70 19.029 80 18.521 3 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1 000 1 005 17.901 16.817 15.835 15.338 13.987 13.336 13.179 13.094 12.601 12.330 11.982 11.027 9.328 SAL 35.462 35.463 35.462 35.347 35.343 35.286 35.226 35.204 35.175 34.566 6.384 34.501 34.518 4.232 4.209 SIGMA THETA 25.421 23.564 23.563 23.562 25.424 25.426 23.006 21.340 20.374 19.388 19.017 18.507 35.113 17.885 35.058 16.801 35.034 15.817 35.011 15.319 34.767 13.969 34.749 13.316 34.793 13.158 34.878 13.070 34.859 12.574 34.865 12.300 34.846 11.949 34.780 10.990 34.659 9.283 7.709 5.237 POTEN TEMP 7.658 6.329 34.536 5.170 4.154 34.537 4.131 SVA 0.181 0.217 0.247 0.276 0.304 0.330 0354 0.376 0.396 0.416 0.434 0.480 0.524 0.566 0.607 0.685 0.827 0.948 1.055 1.241 1.402 1.406 26.480 26.606 26.806 0.013 0.043 0.086 0.127 0.162 0.194 0.224 0.252 0.280 0.307 0.332 0.355 0.376 0.397 0.417 0.435 0.481 0.524 0.566 0.607 0.684 0.825 26.984 115.4 0.947 27.116 102.9 1.056 27.273 27.401 27.404 88.9 1.247 77.0 1.412 76.7 1.416 24.197 25.174 25.281 25.388 25.607 25.817 25.911 26.014 26.135 26.201 26.285 26.369 26.427 22 28 I DELD 431.8 432.2 432.8 372.6 328.5 308.1 288.0 280.9 271.0 261.1 240.6 220.8 212.1 202.2 190.9 184.9 177.6 170.2 165.3 160.8 149.6 131.8 24.663 24.881 25.096 16 10 N-11 LAT: 15 50.1 S LONG: 76 15.0 W 21 FEB 1983 0413 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH 3505M 126.0 KM FROM SHORE TEMP 299.1 291.5 285.0 265.8 253.2 228.6 212.1 197.6 191.0 186.2 178.1 172.3 166.4 161.5 151.4 130.8 113.0 102.1 85.5 75.6 75.3 N-10 STA NO 102 PRESS 413.7 357.1 321.7 307.4 300 1000 lao 33.5 22 34 SIG 26 24 34 35 SALINITY STATION 102 N-11 ` 28 35.5 85 TEMPERATURE 16 10 22 28 STA NO 103 N12 LAT: 21 FEB 1983 0630 GMT 152.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 300 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 700 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 SIG 1000 33:5 34.5 34 800 26 35 28 35.5; SALINITY 1000 1007 TEMP 25.264 25.260 25.248 23.580 21.754 20.526 19.582 19.202 18.620 16.944 15.502 14.353 13.789 13.403 13.210 13.089 12.691 12.345 12.071 11.813 11.164 9.390 7.692 6.550 5.202 4.333 4.293 SAL 15 59.9 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 25.264 25.258 25.244 23.573 21.746 20.516 19.571 19.190 18.606 16.929 15.486 14.337 13.772 13.385 13.190 13.068 12.668 12.318 35.441 35.445 35.441 35.365 35.370 35.275 35.261 35.240 35.161 34.979 34.808 34.686 34.672 34.686 34.721 34.771 34.818 34.833 34.845 34.833 '11.781 34.799 34.669 34.567 34.508 34.507 34.533 34.535 11.126 9.345 7.642 6.494 5.136 4.254 4.215 12.041 LONG: 76 24.9 W DEPTH 3185M SIGMA THETA 23.596 23.601 23.602 24.045 24.572 24.835 25.074 25.157 25.245 25.516 25.717 25.874 25.982 26.072 26.139 26.202 26.319 26.399 26.461 26.501 26.597 26.803 26.987 27.100 27.269 27.388 27.394 SVA 428.6 428.6 428.9 387.1 337.2 312.5 290.0 282.5 274.4 248.9 229.9 215.0 205.0 196.6 190.5 184.8 174.3 167.3 162.0 158.7 150.6 132.1 115.1 104.6 89.2 78.5 77.9 DELD 0.004 0.043 0.086 0.127 0.163 0.195 0.225 0.254 0.282 0.308 0.332 0.354 0.375 0.395 0.414 0.433 0.478 0.520 0.561 0.602 0.679 0.821 0.944 1.053 1.245 1.412 1.418 STATION 103 N-12 TEMPERSATURE 12 1 24 30 LONG: 73 42.5 W LAT: 16 15.0 S DEPTH 117M 2138 GMT PROBE 2561 2.0 KM FROM SHORE STA NO 104 PA-1 21 FEB 1983 75 PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 113 TEMP 21.747 21.293 21.087 20.835 20.593 20.495 20.338 19.965 19.767 19.450 18.136 16.087 15.344 SAL 35.326 35.289 35.289 35.282 35.270 35.264 35.257 35.234 35.226 35.204 35.128 35.018 34.971 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 21.746 21.291 21.083 20.830 20.585 20.485 20.326 19.952 19.752 19.433 18.119 16.070 15.327 24.538 24.636 24.692 24.756 24.813 24.836 24.873 24.954 25.001 25.066 25.341 25.746 25.878 SVA DELD 338.8 329.9 324.9 319.2 314.2 312.4 309.3 301.9 297.8 291.9 266.0 227.5 214.9 0.003 0.034 0.066 0.099 0.130 0.162 0.193 0.223 0.253 0.283 0.311 0.335 0.342 175 20 250120. _fr 250 32 22. 33. i 5I MA-B 24 28 34 35- SALINITY STATION 104 PA-1 28 36-, 8b TEMPERATURE 30 24 18 12 PA-2 STA NO 105 2231 21 FEB 1983 11.1 KM FROM SHORE 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 CT 200 225 237 SIGMA-0 19.051 18.044 17.332 16.290 15.045 14.756 14.654 13.911 13.212 12.277 11.744 10.883 10.575 DEPTH 24611 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 35.321 35.308 35.292 35.292 35.270 35.254 35.216 35.190 35.094 24.331 23.151 21.415 21.190 20.641 20.312 19.476 19.038 18.030 35.079 34.944 17.317 16.274 34.895 34.888 34.887 34.900 34.890 34.848 34.819 34.764 34.736 15.028 14.738 14.634 13.891 13.191 12.254 11.718 10.855 10.546 23.788 24.125 24.604 24.666 24.798 24.874 25.065 25.158 25.337 25.500 25.642 25.886 25.943 25.965 26.134 26.270 26.423 26.502 26.618 26.652 410.4 378.6 333.3 327.8 315.6 0.004 0.040 0.075 0.109 0.140 308.7 0.172 290.9 282.5 265.6 250.4 237.1 214.1 208.8 207.1 191.2 178.4 164.3 157.2 146.6 143.5 0.202 0.231 0.258 0.284 0.308 0.33C 0.35 0.372 0.392 0.411 0.454 0.494 0.531 0.545 28 36 26 24 3d. 22 20 24.332 23.153 21.419 21.196 20.648 20.321 19.487 LONG: 73 45.2 W PROBE 2561 SAL TEMP PRESS LAT: 16 19.1 S GMT ;35 SALINITY STATION 105 PA-2 TEMPERATURE 10 STA NO 106 LAT: 16 22.9 S PA-3 21 FEB 1983 2352 GMT 19.1 KM FROM SHORE PRESS TEMP SAL PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 781 25.221 24.590 23.376 21.596 20.581 19.751 19.293 18.744 17.800 17.140 16.230 15.486 14.910 14.373 13.979 13.546 13.025 12.417 11.969 11.505 9.995 7.868 6.665 5.826 4.947 35.352 35.352 35.335 35.293 35.263 35.233 35.210 35.170 35.047 35.069 35.048 34.986 34.956 34.916 34.917 34.888 34.884 34.845 34.822 34.801 34.703 34.569 34.506 34.493 34.506 25.221 24.588 23.372 21.591 20.573 19.742 19.282 18.732 17.787 17.125 16.214 15.469 14.891 14.354 13.959 13.525 13.001 12.391 11.939 11.474 9.960 7.828 6.619 5.774 4.883 16 22 28 LONG: 73 47.4 W SIGMA THETA 23.542 23.734 24.081 24.556 24.811 25.009 25.111 25.221 25.361 25.538 25.736 25.858 25.963 26.048 26.132 26.200 26.303 26.394 26.463 26.534 26.727 26.961 27.082 27.181 27.298 DEPTH 813M SVA DELD 433.8 0.004 415.9 0.043 383.2 0.083 300 338.3 0.118 314.4 0.150 295.9 0.181 286.6 0.210 276.4 0.238 263.3 0.265 246.8 0.291 228.2 0.314 216.8 0.337 207.1 0.358 199.1 0.378 191.4 0.398 700 185.2 0.416 175.9 0.461 167.8 0.504 161.8 0.546 155.4 0.585 137.5 0.657 115.8 0.784 104.9 0.894 96.0 0.995 1000 20 85.9 1.159 33.5 SIGMA-6 22 34 24 26 34.5 35 S4LJNfTY STATION 1 06 PA-3 281 35.5 87 TEMPERATURE 16 10 28 22 STA NO 107 LAT: PA-4 0109 GMT 27.9 KM FROM SHORE 22 FEB 1983 PRESS TEMP SAL 16 27.0 S POTEN TEMP 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 300 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 700 S SIGM 1000 33. 22 0 B 2 34.5 34 28 26 35 35.5 SALT N rtY 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 25.903 25.680 24.426 22.940 20.175 19.776 19.240 18.656 17.988 16.767 15.990 15.010 14.624 14.285 13.893 13.492 13.016 12.573 12.204 11.745 10.237 8.181 6.737 5.913 4.929 4.448 4.444 35.463 35.421 35.322 35.312 35.213 35.232 35.161 35.162 35.099 34.996 34.998 34.909 34.913 34.911 34.894 34.882 34.893 34.865 34.842 34.815 34.718 34.586 34.510 34.497 34.510 34.525 34.525 25.903 25.678 24.422 22.934 20.168 19.767 19.230 18.644 17.975 16.753 15.974 14.993 14.606 14.266 13.873 13.471 12.992 12.546 12.175 11.713 10.202 8.139 6.690 5.861 4.864 4.369 4.365 73 50.0 W LONG: DEPTH 1279M PROBE 2561 SIGMA THETA SVA DELD 23.415 23.453 23.761 24.191 24.881 25.002 25.086 25.237 25.355 25.571 25.753 25.904 25.992 26.063 26.133 26:206 26.312 26.379 26.433 26.501 26.698 26.928 27.075 27.173 27.302 27.369 27.370 445.9 442.7 413.7 373.2 307.7 296.6 288.9 274.9 263.9 243.6 226.6 212.3 204.2 197.7 191.3 0.004 0.045 0.088 0.127 0.161 0.191 0.220 0.249 0.276 0.301 0.324 0.346 0.367 0.387 0.406 0.425 0.470 0.513 0.555 0.595 0.671 0.800 0.910 1.012 1.193 1.359 1.363 184.5 175.1 169.3 164.7 158.7 140.5 119.2 105.6 96.9 85.6 80.5 80.5 STATION 107 PA-4 TEMPERATURE STA NO 108 22 FEB 1983 LONG: 73 52.5 W LAT: 16 31.0 S PA-5 DEPTH 1123M PROBE 2561 0233 GMT 04 10 16 22 36.6 KM FROM SHORE P RESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1007 TEMP 26.569 26.562 26.155 23.525 20.878 20.099 19.079 17.852 17.399 16.769 15.802 15.085 14.107 13.976 13.751 13.711 13.190 12.729 12.463 12.009 11.246 8.450 6.876 6.017 4.895 4.356 4.321 SAL POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 35.538 35.536 35.488 35.287 35.278 35.247 35.202 35.056 35.080 35.047 34.985 34.946 34.813 34.895 34.898 34.929 34.897 34.876 34.861 34.825 34.787 34.595 34.517 34.498 34.510 34.528 34.530 26.569 26.560 26.151 23.519 20.870 20.090 19.069 23.263 23.264 23.357 24.001 24.742 24.927 25.159 25.355 25.484 25.609 25.786 25.916 26.025 26.116 26.165 26.198 26.280 26.357 26.398 26.458 26.572 26.894 27.062 27.161 27.306 27.382 27.387 17.841 17.386 16.754 15.787 15.068 14.089 13.958 13.731 13.690 13.165 12.702 12.433 11.976 11.208 8.408 6.829 5.964 4.830 4.277 4.242 SVA DELD 0.005 0.046 0.092 0.135 300 0.170 0.201 0.231 0.258 0.284 0.308 0.331 0.353 0.374 0.393 0.412 0.431 700 0.477 0.520 0.563 0.604 0.683 0.822 0.937 1.040 1.221 1 1.385 1.390 78.6 460.5 460.8 452.4 391.2 321.0 303.7 282.0 263.5 251.6 239.9 223.4 211.2 201.0 192.6 188.2 185.4 178.2 171.5 168.1 162.9 152.9 122.7 107.1 98.1 85.2 79.1 STATION 108 PA-5 28 88 TEMPERATURE 04 16 10 22' 28 STA NO 109 PA-7 22 FEB 1983 LAT: 16 0418 GMT 55.3 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 40 50 60 26.823 26.828 26.815 26.481 22.984 19.669 18.982 70 80 17.651 16.405 90 16.128 15.542 14.935 14.440 14.001 13.928 13.682 13.314 12.972 12.518 11.945 11.162 9.142 7.221 6.149 4.900 4.194 1 10 20 30 300 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 6I) 700 10001 0 22 33.5 28 34 35.5! TEMP 250 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1005 4.189 SAL 35.634 35.634 35.632 35.574 35.260 35.089 35.157 34.992 34.927 35.058 35.019 34.976 34.912 34.884 34.928 34.912 34.907 34.903 34.861 34.809 34.779 34.646 34.530 34.498 34.501 34.531 34.532 40.0 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 26.822 26.826 26.811 26.474 22.976 19.660 23,254 23.253 23.257 23.319 24.139 24.920 25.150 25.355 25.602 25.767 25.870 25.972 26,030 26.102 26.151 26.190 26.263 26.329 26.388 26.458 26.581 26.825 27.024 27.144 27.298 27.401 27.403 18.911 17.639 16.392 16.114 15.526 14.919 14.422 13.982 13.908 13.661 13.290 12.944 12.488 11.912 11.125 9.098 7.173 6.095 4.835 4.117 4.111 LONG: 73 57.5 W DEPTH 3149M SVA DELD 461.3 0.005 461.8 0.046 461.9 0.092 456.4 0.138 378.5 0.180 304.1 0.214 282.8 0.243 263.5 0.271 240.2 0.296 224.9 0.319 215.3 0.341 205.9 0.362 200.5 0.382 193.9 0.402 189.5 0.421 186.1 0.440 179.8 0.485 174.1 0.530 k+= 169.1 0.573 162.9 0.614 152.0 0.693 129.8 0.834 111.0 0.955 ti 99.4 1.060 85.9 r1.245 76.9 1.407 76.8 1.411 0 STATION 109 PA-7 STA NO 110 TEMPERATURE PA-8 LAT: 16 2 2 FEB 1983 0623 GMT 77.0 KM FROM SHORE PRESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 175 200 225 250 300 400 500 600 800 1 000 1 007 TEMP 26.459 26.467 26.421 24.712 22.716 21.495 19.921 18.606 17.589 16.561 15.711 15.021 14.872 14.177 13.932 13.681 13.205 13.034 12.613 12.140 11.395 9.585 7.727 6.396 5.123 4.082 4.044 SAL 35.603 35.605 35.616 35.381 35.308 35.266 35.191 35.100 34.981 34.907 34.872 34.878 34.972 34.884 34.902 34.900 34.854 34.898 34.866 34.825 34.801 34.681 34.544 34.505 34.504 34.539 34.541 49.9 S PROBE 2561 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 26.459 26.465 26.416 24.705 22.708 21.485 19.910 18.594 17.575 16.547 15.695 15.005 14.854 14.158 13.912 13.660 13.181 13.007 12.583 12.107 11.357 9.540 7.676 6.341 5.057 4.006 3.967 23.346 23.346 23.369 23.720 24.252 24.565 24.932 25.202 25.363 25.551 25.719 25.878 25.983 26.065 26.131 26.182 26.244 26.313 26.373 26.433 26.555 26.781 26.964 27.118 27.276 27.419 27.424 LONG: 74 4:0 W 10 16 22 DEPTH 5179M SVA 452.5 453.0 451.2 418.1 367.7 338.3 303.6 278.2 263.2 245.5 229.7 214.8 205.1 197.5 191.5 186.9 181.6 175.7 170.6 165.3 154.6 134.4 117.3 102.7 88.5 74.9 74.4 DELD 0.005 0.045 0.090 0.135 0.174 0.210 0.242 0.270 0.298 0.323 0.347 0.369 0.390 0.410 0.430 0.448 0.495 0.539 0.582 0.624 0.704 0.849 0.975 1.085 1.274 1.438 1.443 SALINITY STATION 110 PA-8 28 89 TEMPERATURE 28 10 16 22 34.5 SIGMA-6 24 35 35.5 300 700 10011` 0 ,.- 34 28 26 36 SALINITY STATION 111 PA-9 STA NO 111 PA-9 LAT: 16 59.9 S LONG: 74 10.0 W 0840 GMT PROBE 2561 DEPTH 7180M 98.4 KM FROM SHORE 22 FEB 1983 RESS 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 75 200 225 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 05 TEMP 26.443 26.447 26.452 26.448 24.303 23.148 21.408 19.648 19.276 18.935 18.032 15.940 15.717 14.917 14.364 14.362 13.828 13.361 12.879 12.518 11.874 9.900 8.239 6.683 5.075 4.213 4.177 SAL 35.505 35.505 35.505 35.504 35.328 35.298 35.314 35.224 35.213 35.188 35.049 34.867 34.928 34.833 34.875 34.962 34.949 34.922 34.892 34.864 34.832 34.696 34.585 34.506 34.502 34.528 34.528 POTEN TEMP SIGMA THETA 26.442 26.444 26.447 26.442 24.295 23.138 21.396 19.635 19.261 18.919 18.015 15.923 15.698 14.897 14.344 14.340 13.803 13.333 12.848 12.485 11.835 9.854 8.187 23.278 23.277 23.276 23.277 23.803 24.121 24.625 25.030 25.118 25.187 25.307 25.664 25.762 25.866 26.018 26.086 26.190 26.265 26.340 26.390 26.491 26.740 26.920 27.081 27.280 27.396 27.401 6.627 5.009 4.135 4.100 SVA 459.0 459.5 460.1 460.4 410.6 380.7 332.9 294.7 286.6 280.4 269.2 235.3 226.3 216.5 202.3 196.1 186.9 180.3 173.8 169.6 161.1 138.5 121.9 106.6 88.0 77.4 77.0 DELD 0.005 0.046 0.092 0.138 0.183 0.223 0.258 0.289 0.318 0.347 0.374 0.400 0.423 0.445 0.466 0.486 0.534 0.579 0.624 0.667 0.749 0.899 1.028 1.141 1.334 1.499 1.503 90 91 PROFILE PLOTS AND LISTINGS WL83L3 92 A Cruz p Bahia x x x x x x X de Caroquez 39 48 53 Chimbote Juan .11 900 Figure 2. 8:00 Location of CTD stations during WL83L3, 1-23 March 1983. 70° 93 Table 10. List of stations occupied during WL83L3 showing date, time, location, wind speed and direction and atmospheric pressure. Time Station (1983) (GMT) No. Name Mar 0818 1001 1220 1529 1739 2037 2245 0139 0350 0719 1002 1231 0725 1301 1609 1937 2248 0101 0756 1240 1626 2112 2239 2317 0223 0537 0857 0948 1247 2003 2302 0221 0500 0806 1101 1405 1633 1800 2003 1983 2232 0006 0435 0812 1529 1956 2323 Date 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 1 D-11 1-2 D-11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 D-10 D-9 D-8 D-7 D-6 D-5 D-4 D-3 D-2 D-1 C-9 C-7 C-5 C-3 C-1 C-2 10°30.OS 10 28.6S 10 25.15 10 20.OS 10 15.OS 10 l0.OS 10 05.OS 10 00.OS 9 55.OS 9 49.5S 9 45.OS 9 40.5S 7 30.OS 7 15 OS 05.OS 6 54.45 6 45.OS 6 50.OS 7 6 59 9S L-3 L-4 6 6 L-5 5 29.9S L-6 B-10A B-10A 24-2 B-10A 25 B-10A 26 B-10A 27 B-10A 28 B-10A B-1OA 29 30 B-10A B-10A 31 B-10A 32 B-12A 33 34 B-11A B-10A 35 35-2 B-10A 36 B-9A 36-2 B-9A B-7A 37 B-5A 38 B-31 39 40 S-6 41 Lat. L-2 21-2 L-5 21-3 L-5 22 23 24 Location S-5 5 30.OS 00.OS 29.9S 5 29.9S 5 00.OS 5 03.4S 5 03.45 5 WAS 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 03.65 04.1S 04.OS 04.OS 04.65 04.OS 04.OS 04 OS 05.OS 05.15 05.OS 05.OS 05.OS 05.OS 05.OS 05.OS 05.OS 10.6S 10.OS Long. 79°53.9W 79 52.3 79 44.9 79 36.0 79 27.0 79 18.0 79 09.1 79 00.0 78 51.0 78 42.9 78 33.0 78 24.5 81 30.0 81 04.0 80 46.0 80 31.7 80 11.0 80 20.0 81 30.0 81 30.0 81 30.0 81 30.1 81 30.1 81.30.1 81 30.0 81 16.4 81 16.4 81 16.4 81 16.5 81 16.0 81 17.0 81 17.0 81 17.5 81 16.0 81 17.0 81 17.0 81 11.0 81 14.0 81 16.0 81.16.0 81 30.0 81 30.0 82 00.0 82 30.0 83 30.0 81 09.7 81 30.0 Wind Dir Spd (°T) (kts) 140 150 150 150 170 140 160 150 150 150 140 140 150 140 130 150 195 160 130 140 150 210 210 210 190 150 150 150 150 220 220 220 170 150 150 100 200 230 230 230 230 230 180 150 140 airs airs 12 10 10 10 4 8 10 12 10 10 12 8 6 6 12 12 14 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 12 10 10 7 10 14 14 14 8 8 12 5 6 6 6 24 14 12 14 12 --- Pressure (mb) 1009.5 1010.0 1010.5 1012.0 1011.9 1009.7 1009.5 1010.0 1011.6 1009.1 1008.8 1009.5 1010.0 1011.0 1010.5 1008.4 1008.0 1009.0 1009.7 1010.0 1010.4 1017.2 1017.2 1017.2 1009.0 1010.4 1010.4 1010.4 1009.8 1007.3 1007.2 1009.1 1011.0 1008.9 1009.0 1009.0 1009.0 1007.9 1007.0 1007.0 1006.2 1006.2 1009.1 1008.0 1008.9 1005.6 1004.5 94 Table 10 cont d. ' Date (1983) Time Station (GMT) No. Name Mar 10 0411 1030 1826 0018 0749 1415 2253 1049 0012 1124 2346 1103 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 1813. 0040 0728 1154 1552 2023 0012 0701 1409 0710 1532 2155 0231 0700 1416 1659 0448 0524 0919 1329 1717 2137 0108 0517 0917 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 S-4 S-3 S-2 S-1 A-13 A-15 A-17 Location Lat. Long 2 10.OS 2°10.OS 2 10.55 2 l0.OS 82 00.0 83°00.0 84 00.9 85 00.0W 3 00.OS 4 00.OS 85.00.0 5 WAS 85.00.0 84 59.7 B-2B 5 00.OS 87 00.0 B-4B 5 00.OS 89 00.0 B-6B B-8B 5 00.OS 5 00.OS 91 00.0 93 00.0 B-10B G-9 G-8 C-7 G-6 G-5 G-4 C-3 G-2 G-1 5 00.OS 4 00.OS 3 00.05 2 00.OS 1 30 OS 1 00.OS 0 29.5S 0 00.0 1 00.ON 2 00.ON 2 00.ON 1 O0.ON 0 00.0 0 30.OS 4 1 00.OS 0 30.OS 0 15.OS 2 00.OS 0 47.OS 0 47.2S 0 47.OS 0 47.OS 0 47.OS 0 47.OS 0 47.OS 0 47.OS I-1 I-2 1-3 I-4 I-5 I-6 I-6A I-8 AB-1 AB-2 AB-3 AB-4 AB-5 AB-6 AB-7 AB-8 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 92 92 92 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.2 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 00.0 92 00..0 92 91 91 92 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 00.0 20.0 25.0 00.0 16.9 16.4 16.6 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 16.9 Wind Dir Spd (°T) (kts) 200 Pressure (mb) 5 7 1008.0 180 150 10 1007.0 205 5 1008.4 1007.0 1008.0 1009.2 1006.2 1008.0 1007.5 1007.0 1006.9 1008.0 1010.6 1007.5 1008.6 1007.0 1009.0 1008.0 270 190 230 260 12 1007.0. 6 1009.0 1008.0 1007.0 270 16 1008.0 -- 10Q6.2 1007.0 1007.8 1008.1 1008.2 1007.9 1008.0 1006.8 1007.2 1008.2 1006.0 1015.9 1007.9 1006.0 airs -- 170 7 090 10 airs 16Q 10 airs -- 140 180 170 170 150 140 15 15 15 4 10 -- calm calm -- airs 250 airs airs 330 330 airs 3 14 12 8 --6 14 2 -- calm airs 190 210 -5 10 airs -- 190 5 airs --