u C 11 856 ho.7373-5 D05 ne'na 1 11 of )CE.ANnGRAP'Y It rrr Anchor-last Deployment Procedure for Mooring by Robert W. Thresher and John H. Nath SCHOOL OF SCIENCE Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-67-A-0369-0007 Project NA 063.102 and Sea Grant Program Reproduction in whole or in part is permitted for any purpose of the United States Government OREGONI STATE UNIVERSITY Reference 73.3, dune 1873 9 School of Oceanography,and Department of Mechanical Engineering Oregon State University. Corvallis, Oregon 97331 ANCHOR-LAST DEPLOYMENT PROCEDURE FOR MOORING A Progress Report for the Ocean Science and Technology Division U.S. Office of Naval Research Contract N00014-67-A-0369-0007 Project NR083-102 by Robert W. Thresher Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering and John H. Nath Professor of Mechanical Engineering/Oceanography John V. Byrne Dean Oceanography1Reference173-5 School of Oceanography June 1973 Approved For Public Release: Distribution Unlimited ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the United States Office of Naval Research through contract N00014-67-A-0369-oo07 under project NR083-102 with Oregon State University, and by the Sea Grant Program. Part of the compu- ter work was supported by the Oregon State University Computer Center. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Figures Abstract INTRODUCTION ................ ....................................... 1 NUMERICAL MODELS FOR EXTENSIBLE LINES ................................. 4 Method of Characteristics ........................................ 4 Lumped Mass Model ................................................ 6 Spring Force ................................................. 6 Hydrodynamic Drag Forces ..................................... 7 Added Mass Forces ................................ ......... 8 Governing Equations for the Line ............................ 8 Governing Equations for the Anchor .......................... 9 Numerical Integration ....................................... 10 A LUMPED MASS MODEL FOR INEXTENSIBLE LINES ............................ 15 RESULTS OF TEST RUNS .................................................. Nylon Line ....................................................... Dacron Line ......................................... ........... Steel Wire Rope ................... ............................ 16 16 18 19 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION ............................................ 21 REFERENCES ............................................................ 23 FIGURES ............................................................... 25 APPENDIXES A. Listing for the Extensible Line ............................... B. Listing for the Inextensible Line ............................. C. Program Sequence .............................................. D. Tabulation of Constants ....................................... E. Computer Run Times ............................................ F. List of Symbols ............................................... 39 59 87 89 91 93 LIST OF FIGURES Figures 1 The Lumped Mass Model Free Body Diagram of a Typical Mass Free Body Diagram of the Anchor Computation Flow Chart Standard Catenary Configuration 5b Goose Neck Catenary Configuration Nylon Line 2.5" Dia. (NVRO5) 7 Tension Contours ' 8 600 Catenary Nylon Line 2.5" Dia. (NVRO5) KIP 15° Catenary Nylon Line 2.5" Dia.(NVR05) Tension Contours % KIP 600 Catenary Nylon Line 2.5" Dia. (NVRO5) 10 Anchor Link Tension for Nylon Line 11 Components of Anchor Velocity Nylon Line 2.5" Dia. (NVRO5) 12 60° "Copse Neck" Catenary, Nylon Line, 2.5" Dia. 13 Anchor Link Tension for Nylon Lines Starting from 60° Standard Catenary and 60" Goose Neck Catenary. 14 15° CAT Dacron Line (NVRO8) 15 Tension Contours ti KIP 15° Catenary Dacron Line 1.0" Dia. 16 60° Catenary Dacron Line 1.0" Dia (NVRO8) 17 Tension Contours " KIP 60° Catenary Dacron Line 1.0" Dia. (NVRO8) 18 Anchor Link Tension for Dacron Line 19 Vertical Component of Anchor Velocity Dacron Line 1.0" Dia. (NVR08) 20 15° Catenary Steel Line 2.5" Dia. 21 Tension Contours ti KIP 15° Catenary Steel Line 2.5" Dia. (NVR06) (NVRO8) (NVR07) (NVR07) ABSTRACT The anchor-last mooring procedure is investigated in order to determine the transient forces in the mooring line and the velocities of the anchor. Tran- sient forces were determined and the results showed that no severe snap loads occurred for the cases investigated. In addition, it was found that the vertical velocity of the anchor can be small as it approaches impact with the floor of the ocean. Both extensible (nylon and dacron) and inextensible (steel wire rope) lines were investigated. cases. Lumped mass numerical models were developed for both For the extensible line case the equations of motion were determined for each mass from Newton's Second Law, and they were integrated using a second order predictor-corrector integration technique. Hamiltonian techniques were utilized to determine the equations of motion for the inextensible line. The predictions from the numerical models show the line tensions and positions as a function of time. INTRODUCTION Oceanographic research buoys moored in deep water are often deployed by the anchor-last deployment procedure. The general sequence of events in this procedures is: the buoy is deployed from the ship and distributed in some manner on the ship; ship the line is paid out until only the end of the mooring line, with the mooring line attached while the buoy drifts away from the anchor, which is secured to the lower remains on board; finally the anchor is cast overboard. At sometime during the descent of the anchor it is possible for large transient forces to be exerted on the line, which can be destructive to the line or to attached conductors and instruments. One purpose of this research is to examine the possibilities of such large forces for line scopes greater than one. The line scope is the unstressed length of the line divided by the water depth. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution has conducted a series of field measurements of the launching transient in mooring lines where the anchor-last deployment procedure was utilized (1). However, the study was restricted to the consideration of moorings where the scope was less than 1.0. It was found that a fairly steady increase in line tension occurred after the anchor drop and during the free-fall Then a pendulum action followed where the final line stage. tension was equal to the submerged weight of the action, the line (nylon) anchor. During the pendulum was stretching until the anchor reached bottom. After the anchor reached bottom a reduction in line tension occurred. A similar problem was investigated by Froidevaux and Scholten (4) with a numerical model which considered the line to be a discrete number of lumped masses connected by weightless line of the line were included, segments. However, when the elongation properties a prohibitive amount of computer time resulted and the 2 investigation only calculated the first and last few seconds of fall. A short system was considered and results were extrapolated to apply to the 6500 Oceanic Telescope. One scope which was greater than 1.0 was investigated but the distance from the buoy to the anchor at launch time was not determined, nor the influence of scope and line type on line tensions. The conclusion from the study was that there may be an overstress shortly after the drop and that a severe transient may occur when the anchor made impact with the ocean floor. the anchor-first mooring procedure was recommended. Therefore, During this investigation it was found that large transient forces shortly after anchor deployment can be an artifact of the numerical program. The Electronics Division of General Dynamics has employed the anchor-last deployment procedure for several moorings of the forty-feet diameter oceanographic buoy for the Office of Naval Research. It has been noticed that some conductors in the upper portion of the line have experienced large stresses during the deployment of some moorings but not for others. Thus it was suspected that large transient forces occurred during the anchor deployment either concentrated at the buoy,or propagating up the line to the buoy. This investigation predicts that large snap loads should not occur for such moorings. Goeller (5) investigated snap loads in steel cables but the study was restricted to the consideration of straight lines with a scope equal to 1.0 where the mooring was already in place and the upper end was excited with a sinusoidal motion. A review of the current techniques for the dynamic analysis of morring line systems was presented by Casarella and Parsons (3). The first technique to be employed during this study was like the one used by Nath (7, 8) where the line is considered to be a continuum and the partial 3 differential equations of motion are solved by the method of characteristics. Later the analysis technique was changed to a lumped mass approach that was very similar to the analysis made by Wang (10) except that the equations developed were in a different coordinate reference frame and the integration technique was different. NUMERICAL MODELS FOR EXTENSIBLE LINES The numerical models presented here pertain specifically to the anchorlast mooring procedure. The basic equations and procedures for the method of characteristics solution were presented by Nath (7, 8) and they will not be reproduced here. However, certain modifications to the earlier program will be presented which shows the attempts to utilize the method of characteristics for the anchor-last procedure. The lumped mass model for the extensible mooring line will be presented in detail. evaux and Scholten (4). It is similar to the approach taken by Froid- The lumped mass model for the inextensible case will not be presented in detail because it is available in the work by Rupe (9). Method of Characteristics The computer program. presented in (7) was modified to accept the new boun- dary conditions of the anchor-drop problem. The first runs produced results which gave unrealistic mooring line shapes. Attempts to improve on the numerical procedure met with only limited success. The problem was caused by the extremely tight curvature of the line in the first few seconds of fall. The calculations of line positions did not correspond to the line velocities. The solution technique was to solve for the normal velocity, VN, the tangential velocity VT and the local angle, 0, made by the tangent to the line and the horizon. For simplicity and as a first approximation the buoy attachment point was assumed to be fixed. At first it was assumed that the mooring line was composed of a series of straight lines between calculation points. Then the coordinates of points along the line could be calculated using: Xi = Xi-1 + AS cos 0i (1) Z. =Z i-1 + AS sin 0 1 where AS is the distance between calculation points. It is easy to visualize why this technique would give unreasonable results if the mooring line were to be given a high curvature or "kink", which is exactly what takes place during the early stages of anchor drop. In an attempt to eliminate this problem the following more accurate approximation was used to calculate the mooring line position: dx1 = cos 0 ds i (2) dzi = sin 0. ds 1 Since the 0.'s are known at constant intervals along the line, then all that is 1 required is to integrate the above equations along the line from the attachment point to the anchor. For example, the trapazoidal integration formula gives X. = X. + AS 2 (cos 0i + cos 0i+1 (3) AS = zi-1 + (sin 0i + sin 0 1+1) which is equivalent to assuming that the line shape is quadratic between calculation points. Both the above formula and Simpson's rule were used, however, the curvature of the line is so steep that even these higher order approximations did not eliminate the problem. Therefore, the decision was made to proceed with the lumped mass model of the following section. Lumped Mass Model A mooring line can be modeled as a group of discrete masses interconnected by springs as illustrated in Fig. 1. The various distributed forces which act on a mooring line are gravity, hydrodynamic viscous drag and acceleration, and the line tension, which is influenced by the internal, or structural, damping and the stress-strain relationship. In the lumped mass model these forces are discretized and it is assumed that they act at each mass.. various forces acting on a typical mass. Figure 2 shows the The magnitude of the various forces were calculated in the following manner: Spring Force. From closed solution studies of taut line mooring dynamics it has been found that the external hydrodynamic forces are considerably larger than the internal damping force. For this study in particular, where periodic oscillations are not a factor, the internal damping force was negligible. Therefore it was not included into the equations of motion of the masses. Hooke's Law was taken in the general form =f (4) calculating the strain, using the straight line distance between masses, then [(x.1 OQ 1/2 2 - + (Zi+l i) ei Q i Q 1. Z) 2 J - Qi (5) 7 where Q 1 is the unstressed distance between masses and X ates of the mass M ,. This gives the spring force SF 1 i and Z. are the coordin- as: SFi = Area The net spring force acting on the mass M. is given by 1 spring force direction = SFX. = SF 1 Lx cos(O .) - SF1.-1 cos(6 . 1 1 1. (7) spring force z direction sin(O.) SFZ. = SF. 1 1 1 SF, 1-1 sin(O. 1-l ) The Hooke's Law relationship was assumed to be in the form C C where Cl and C2 are constants. The values used for the various lines are given in the appendix. Hydrodynamic Drag Forces. Using the quadratic drag law, the tangential and normal drag forces on the mass M. are given by 1 {Tangential brag} { Normal = DFTi CDTpAT (VTi)IVTiI 2 (8) Drag} DFN, = CDNpAN 1 (VN.) 2 where tangent. and normal are referrenced to the angle OAVi as illustrated in Figure 2, and 8 CDT = Tangential Drag Coefficient CDN = Normal Drag Coefficient VTi = Tangential Velocity of Mass Mi VN i = Normal Velocity of Mass M. i p = Fluid Density AT = Tangential Area = 7DQ_ i AN = Normal Area = D. i Defining VCX and VCZ to be the local velocities due to currents and waves, then the tangential and normal velocities of mass M are given by i VTi = (k. - VCX) cos (OAVi) + (zi - VCZ) sin (OAVi) (9) VNi = - (xi - VCX) sin (@AVi) + (zi - VCZ) cos (OAVi) Added Mass Forces. The added mass forces due to the acceleration of the line masses through the still fluid was considered in the usual way. That is, the excitation force accelerates the line and the fluid medium around the line. The pressure distribution on the line from the accelerating fluid is characterized by the displaced mass of fluid times a coefficient called the added mass coefficient and the product is called the added mass. The sum of the line mass and the added mass coefficient for the line in the direction normal to the line was taken equal to that for a smooth cylinder (0.5) and in the tangential direction it was assumed to be zero. Governing Equations for the Line. Substituting the above forces into Newton's second law and including the hydrodynamic added mass effect with the actual line mass (the sum is the virtual mass) 9 A>Ftangential = (Mi + CITpVoli) ACTT (10) F normal = (M. . 1 + CINpVol.) ACN. 1 1 where CIT = Added Mass Coefficient Tangential CIN = Added Mass Coefficient Normal p = Fluid density Vol = Displaced Line Volume = 7FD2 ki 4 ACN = Normal Acceleration of the Mass M. 1 ACT = Tangential Acceleration of the Mass M 1 Then the accelerations are given by ACT. _ (SFXi)cos(6AVi) +(SFZi - WTi) sin (6AVi) i + CITp ° i) 1 ACN . + DFTi _ - (SFXi) sin (6AVi) + (SFZi - WTi) cos (6AVi) + DFNi (Mi + CINpVoli) 1 In the x, z coordinate system the accelerations are given by = ACTT cos (6AVi) - ACN. 1 sin (OAV .) 1 (12) zi = ACTT sin (6AV.) + ACN 1 1 cos (6AV Governing Equations for the Anchor. 1 Figure 3 shows a free body diagram of the anchor from which the following governing equations can he obtained 10 X= - 1/2 C() A p x V (MA + CIpVol) cos (B) (13) Z =T-sin (S) - W - 1/2 CDA'pzV (MA + CIpVol) where CD = the anchor drag coefficient T = line tension at the anchor CI = the anchor added mass coefficient, constant in all directions A = Area = TFD2/4 a For simplification, the water velocities from current and waves have been ignored. They can be easily added if necessary. The anchor was assumed to be a sphere, with a high drag coefficient to recognize the fact it is not actually a sphere. Numerical Integration. Numerical integration of Eqs. (12) and (13) was accom- plished with the following second order predictor-corrector set (6) . Velocity Predictor: Let Xi (t) = f (xi (t) , zi (t) , Xi(t), zi (t) ) (14) and z (t) = g(x (t), z. (t), x. (t), z. (t) 1 i 1 1 1 ) where the functions f and g are equations (12) above. are then P xi (t) = xi (t-At) + 2At xi (t) The velocity predictors 11 and zP (t) = zi (t-At) + 2At 'zi (t) , Displacement Predictor: xP (t) 1 (15) Similarly the predictors for displacements are = x.1 (t) + of (x (t) i 2 + XP (t+ot) 1 (16) and Velocity zP(t) i = 1 Corrector: xP z. (t) + At 2 (zi (t) + The corrector equations are for velocities (t+ t) = f (xi. (t+ht) , zp(t+At), i (t+At), z P(t+At) xP i ) (17) ..P Z (t+At) = g(x .(t+ot), 1 (t+ot), z 1 P(t+ot), 1 1 . C (t+At) = x. (t) + at (X (t) + XP (t+At) 1 i 2 t .P 1 (t+ot) ) ) 1 (18) and zC (t+At) Displacement Corrector: = z1 (t) + At ('z 2 P (t) + L. (t+At) ) Likewise, the corrector equations for displacements are xl(t+At) = x.(t) + 1 and z. (t+At) = z. (t) + --7 At (xi(t) + xi(t+At) ) i (t) + zi (t+At) ) (19) The corrector values are then considered to he the actual position and velocity. The appropriate error at each step of the integration for each mass M 12 can be calculated (6) using the following formula e(xi) = (xi(t) - x. (t) )/5. (20) c (zi) (zi (t) - ip (t) )/S. These errors were monitored at all time during the integration and when errors exceeded a specified limit, the time step was cut in half and the integration continued; conversely, if they fell below some minimum limit the time step was doubled. From the form of equations (14) through (19) it is evident that both position and velocity must be known for the time (t - Lit) and (t). However, when starting a solution or just after the time step has been changed the position and velocity will only be known for the last time step, and therefore some other equations must be used to generate this required data. In this particular case the Runge- Kutta third order single step integration formulas were used. Runge-Kutta: Equations (14) can be integrated to give xi (t+Ot) = ki (t) + (21 + 422 + 2. ) /6 z1 (t+At) = zi(t) + (kI + 4k2 + k3 )/6 and (21) 13 zi (t+Atj = zi (t) + ml + 4m2 + m3) /6 (22) where k1 = At f (xi (t) , zi (t) , Ai (t), z . (t) ) k2 = At f (xi (t) + nl/2, Z. (t) + ml/2, 1ci (t) + R,1/2, z. (t) + k1 /2) k3 = At f (xi (t) - n2 + 2n2, zi (t) - (t) - k1 + 2k2) k1 = At g(x (t), 1 z . 1 , (t), k1 (t), . + 2m2, x (t) - k + 2k i 1 2 (23) z . 1 (t) ) k2 = At g (xi (t) + n1/2, zi (t) + m1 /2, ki (t) + k1 /2, ii (t) + kl/2) k3 = At g (xi (t) - n2 + 2n2, zi (t) - ml + 2m2, ki (t) - k1 + 2k2, zi (t) - k1 + 2k2) n1 = At ki (t) n2 = At (X (t) + 1/2 R. l) (24) 14 n3 = At (x (t) - Rl + 22 ) (25) and ml = At zi (t) m2 = At (zi (t) + 1/2 k1) m3 = At (zi (t) - kI + 2k2) (26) Using the predictor-corrector set and the single step Runge-Kutta equation for the first time step the governing equation for the lumped mass mooring line and the anchor can be numerically integrated. In this routine, the error can be automatically controlled by increasing or decreasing the time step At through Eqs. (20). The general outline of the calculation scheme is illustrated in Fig. 4. It should be noted that higher ordered predictor-corrector schemes exist which increase the precision of the integration. However, the accuracy of the technique used may be well within the accuracy of the entire computations. Until. data from physical models becomes available to prove otherwise it is felt that this technique gives adequate results. 15 A LUMPED MASS MODEL FOR INEXTENSIBLE LINES A tentative model for the inextensible case has been developed jointly with the Oregon State University Sea Grant Program (9). were utilized to develop the equations of motion. Hamiltonian techniques The explicit detailing of the numerical procedures will not be presented here as for the inextensible line case because this has been accomplished in Reference (9). The model assumed the line to be perfectly inextensible. Thus the motion of each mass is more directly influenced by the motion of each other mass than for the extensible line case. A listing of the program is presented in the Appendix B. 16 RESULTS OF TEST RUNS Prior to the production runs several preliminary tests were made. The first of these showed large dynamic loading in the segment of the line near the anchor at about 20 seconds after the anchor was released from the "standard catenary configuration" of Fig. 5a. This result was reported in the 1972 report to ONR together with results where the anchor was released from the "goose neck" catenary configuration of Fig. 5b. dynamic loading. The second configuration showed much lower Since that time the segment lengths were made considerably smaller and the control on the time step was improved by using the integration method described in this report. It is now evident that the high dynamic loading reported earlier was an artifact of the first lumped mass numerical program. The results presented in the following section show only a small amount of transient loading during the early stages of anchor deployment. After this experience, each test case to be run was divided into several time segments and the computer results were examined at the end of each time segment. In this manner, links in a critical area along the line could be subdivided while links in areas where the line tensions were more constant could be consolidated. After these adjustments, the computer continued the solution from that time until the end of the next time segment where the output would again be examined and adjustments made in the link lengths. In this way, accurate results could be obtained without using an excessive number of links and computer time could be conserved. Nylon Line Figures 6 through 13 present the results for the 2.5" diameter nylon mooring line for both the 15° catenary and the 60° catenary initial condition. Figures 17 12 and 13 show results for the "goose neck" initial position. Figure 6 shows the line shape for various times during the drop for the 15° catenary. Figure 7 shows the tension contours for the 15° catenary as a function of position and time. The most notable feature of these results is that the line has essentially constant tension during most of the drop, and there is no snap load during the fall or after the anchor touches bottom. present the same plots for the 600 catenary. Figures 8 and 9 Although the line tension is not constant the tensions vary slowly with time and position due to the high hydrodynamic resistance forces acting on the line. Figure 10 compares the tension for both catenaries at the anchor link for the first 140 seconds of drop. during the drop. Figure 11 compares the vertical anchor velocities It is interesting to note that the terminal velocity for the 12,000 lb. anchor in free fall (unrestrained by a mooring line and where drag acts only on the anchor) is about 50 ft/sec. When the anchor is attached to a mooring line, the velocity approaches the terminal free fall velocity during the first few seconds of fall and then reduces considerably due to the drag on the mooring line. Figure 11 also shows the horizontal anchor velocities. The maximum tension during the drop was approximately equal to the anchor weight. In general, the long run times for these solutions (see Appendix E) were a result of the high curvature in the line near the anchor. When the anchor is released it drops straight down which causes a "kink" in the line just behind the anchor. Early during the drop the line motion tends to be mostly tangential especially near the anchor, which requires that the line on the buoy side of the "kink" must move around the "kink" at relatively large velocities. For the lumped mass model, this means that a lump on the buoy side of the "kink" is 18 accelerated toward the "kink" and obtains a relatively large horizontal velocity. As this lump moves around the "kink" its velocity must very rapidly change from nearly horizontal to vertical. Because of this large acceleration the time step is drastically reduced as a mass moves around the "kink". The problem is compounded if the links are relatively large. As a large heavy link is accelerated toward the "kink" it obtains a considerable amount of momentum and it has a tendency to over-shoot the "kink" which causes jumps in the line tension. In one particular case the horizontal anchor velocity changed directions as a relatively large line mass overshot the "kink". This result is shown in Figure 11 where the horizontal anchor velocity becomes positive for a short time during the early portion of the drop. Comparison of the output for the "standard catenary configuration" and the "goose neck catenary configuration" of Figure 5 showed about the same results provided sufficiently small link lengths were used. Figures 12 and 13 show the results for the "goose neck" catenary during the first 70 seconds of the drop. The comparison of anchor link tensions for the "goose neck catenary" and the "standard catenary".shown in Figure 13 indicates very similar results except that at any given time the "standard catenary configuration" has about 1000 lb. more tension. Since the"standard catenary configuration" seemed to be a more realistic starting configuration, and because the results are very similar, no further runs were made using the "goose neck" catenary. Dacron Line Figure 14 through 19 present the results for a 1.0 "diameter dacron mooring line for both the 15° catenary and 60° catenary initial conditions. Figure 14 shows the line shape for various times during the drop for the 15° catenary. Figure 15 shows the tension contours for the 15° catenary as a function of position along the line and time. The computer runs for this case were terminated after 140 seconds of drop because the results in general were not greatly different from the 2.5" diameter nylong line presented in Figs. 6 and 7. There was no snap and the tensions seemed to be fairly constant and approximately equal to the anchor weight. Figures 16 and 17 present the same plots for the 600 catenary initial condition. For this case the computer runs were terminated after 100 seconds of drop because of the general similarity to the results obtained for the nylon line. Figure.18 compares the tension in the anchor link for both catenary initial conditions during the first 140 seconds of drop. Figure 19 compares the anchor velocities during the drop and here again these results are very similar to the results for the nylon line. Steel Wire Rope At the time of this writing a computer program to model inextensible steel or chain mooring lines has just been completed. made for the anchor drop problem. in Figs. 20 and 21. A few preliminary runs have been The results of one of these runs is presented Figure 20 shows the line shape for various times during the drop for the 15° catenary initial configuration of a fictitious equivalent 2.5" diameter steel cable with a density of 350 lb/ft3. This diameter was selected initially to compare with the 2.5" diameter nylon line results. Subsequent runs will use more realistic diameters. Although the program was only run for about the first 85 seconds of fall, the results are considerably different from the previous results as would be 20 expected due to the large line weight and the inextensibility conditions. The results show that the line falls almost as fast as the anchor, which is expected. Figure 21 shows the tension contours in the line and the results are markedly different with the maximum tensions occurring at the attachment point. Although these results are preliminary, in that the link lengths should be reduced and a more realistic case should be run, they do indicate general tendencies. was run for only 85 seconds due a limited computer budget. The drop 21 CONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION 1. The lumped mass model together with an appropriate integration scheme such as the predictor-corrector method is a useful tool for the dynamic analysis of extensible mooring lines. It is easily adapted to almost any line configuration and can readily handle non-linearities. 2. The results obtained for the anchor drop problem show no dynamic line snap for the configurations that were considered. It appears that the high drag of the long mooring line quickly disipates the kinetic energy of the anchor, which slows the anchor to a velocity well below its free fall terminal velocity of 50 ft/sec. 3. The elastic properties of the line do not seem to play a great role in the line motion during anchor drop. The nylon and the dacron line showed similar position time histories. 4. Mooring line diameter did not seem to play an important role in the mooring line motion. Both the 2.5" line and the line showed about the 1.0" same position time histories. 5. For an anchor drop from the 15° catenary as modelled here, the line tension is essentially constant with respect to line position. 6. For an initial condition of a 600 catenary the tension increases more slowly than for the 15° catenary. 7. At no time, for any run, was the line tension greater than the anchor weight for the extensible mooring lines. 8. Time-velocity histories of the anchor show that the anchor settles onto the bottom at a vertical velocity of about 5 ft/sec for the 2.5" rope. nylon 22 9. Preliminary runs made for an inextensible steel line show a much different behavior. At least for the limited runs made, no snaps loads were observed. Further runs must be made to verify this result. 10. It is postulated that the high loads during buoy mooring implantment that have been experienced at sea for scopes greater than one were not caused by shock, or snap, loads in the line. Possibly, during the time of anchor fall, the line was relatively taut and the dynamic loads from waves acting on the buoy created the high tension forces close to the buoy. 23 REFERENCES 1. Berteaux, H. 0. and Walden, R. G., "Analysis and Experimental Evaluation of Single Point Moored Buoy Systems", 2. W.H.O.I. Reference No. 69-36. Bulirsch, R. and Stoer, J., "Numerical Treatment of Ordinary Differential Equations by Extrapolation Methods", Numerische Mathematik 8, 1-13 (1966). 3. Casarella, M. J. and Parsons, M.,"A Survey of Investigations on the Motion of Cable Systems under Hydrodynamic Loading", Marine Tech. Soc. J. Vol. 24, No. 4, pp 27-44 (Jul-Aug 1970). 4. Froidevaux, M. R. and Scholten, R. A., "Calculation of the Gravity Fall Motion of a Mooring System", M.I.T. Instrumentation Laboratory Report. E-2319, August, 1968. 5. Goeller, J. E. "A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Snap Loads in Stranded Steel Cables", U. S. Naval Ordinance Laboratory Report NOLTR 69-215, November 26, 1969. 6. Lapidus, L. and Seinfeld, J. H., "Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations", Academic Press 1971. 7. Nath, J. H., "Dynamics of Single Point Ocean Moorings of a Buoy--A Numerical Model for Solution by Computer", Oregon State University, Dept. of Oceanography, ONR Progress Report, Ref. 8. 69-10. July, 1969. Nath, J. H., "Analysis of Deep Water Single Point Moorings", Colorado State University, Technical Report CER 70-71 JHN 4, August, 1970. 9. Rupe, R., "An Inextensible Lumped Mass Dynamical Mooring Line Model", M.S. Thesis, Oregon State University. To be completed, June 1973. 24 10. Wang, 1'. 11., "A Two-degree-of-freedom Model for the Two-dimensional Dynamic Motion of Suspended Extensible Cable Systems". Research and Development Center, Bethesda MD. Naval Ship Report 3663, October 1971. 25 FIGURES 26 Figure 1. The Lumped Mass Model 27 eAVi = (6i-1 + 0. )/2 Figure 2.. Free Body Diagram of a Typical Mass Line Tension Z Velocity, 2 T Drag Force Weight, W Figure 3. Free Body Diagram of the Anchor 28 Read Initial Conditions YES Runge Kutta Initial Line Shape and Initial Velocities NO t Equations (l6) to (20) Equations (9) to (11) =t+ot Predict XP(t+ot) Equations (12) and (13). P(t+At) xi (t +At) ZP (t+At) At= At/2 at =At/2 Calculate XP(t) Equations (9),(10), (14) ZP (t) =t +At Corr ect Xi (t +At) Zi (t +at) Xi (t + At) Zi (t *At) Equation (17) Figure 4. Computation Flow Chart Equations (15),(16) 29 Figure Sa. Standard Catenary Configuration Anchor O Figure 5b. Goose Neck Catenary Configuration 30 POS/T/ON (f/) 2000 4000 6000 Figure 6. Nylon Line 2.5" Dia (NVRO5) Attach Point 6 /0 // 20 7 40 9 60 80 Anchor 1-110 0 400 r//WE (See) 800 Anchor on Bottom Figure 7. Tension Contours ti KIP 15° Catenary Nylon Line 2.5" Dia (NVROS) 31 POSIT/ON (f /) 2000 4000 6000 Figure 8. 60° Catenary Nylon Line 2.5" Dia. Attach Point 235 7 9 /0 (NVRO5) II 60 200 o\° J400 TIME (sect Figure 9. Tension contourstiKIP 60° Catenary Nylon Line 2.5" Dia (NVROS) 32 I0 /50 CAT 8 60° CAT 6 NYLON LINE (NVR05) 2.5" Diameter ' 0 40 I I 1 1 80 120 TIME (sec) Figure 10. Anchor Link Tension for Nylon Line 600 CAT VERTICAL COMPONENT ( HO RIZONTAL COMPONENT /50 CAT ( VERTICAL COMPONENT HORIZONTAL COMPONENT 200 400 Bottom 600 800 Bottom TIME (sec) Figure 11. Components of Anchor Velocity Nylon Line 2.5" Dia. (NVRO5) POS/T/ON(fl) 2000 33 4000 Figure 12. 60° "Goose Neck" Catenary, Nylon Line, 2.5" Dia. (NVR06) 20 40 60 TIME (sec) Figure 13. Anchor Link Tension for Nylon Lines Starting from 600 Standard Catenary and 600 "Goose Neck Catenary". 34 POST/ON (ft) 2000 4000 6000 Figure 14. 150 Cat Dacron Line (VR08) 1.0" Dia. /2 0 8 40 9 9.5 9.7 80 TIME (sec) Figure 15. Tension Contours % KIP 150 Catenary Dacron Line 1.0" Dia. (NVR08) POSITION (fl) 2000 35 4000 6000 t = 20 sec f=50 Figure 16. 60° Catenary Dacron Line 1.0" Dia (NVR08) 0.2 0.6 Attach Point / L 20 40 60 h 80 O Anchor 0 20 40 60 80 100 TIME(sec) Figure 17. Tension Contours ti KIP 60° Catenary Dacron Line 1.0" L)ia. (NVR08) 36 /5°CAT Dacron Line (NVR08) /.0 Diameter j 40 80 120 TIME (sec) Figure 18. Anchor Link Tension for Dacron Line 19 Oft v q) 15° CAT Steel Line 2.5" Diameter NVRO7 40 80 120 TIME(sec) Figure 19. Vertical Component of Anchor Velocity Dacron Line 1.0" Dia. (NVR08) 37 2000 POSITION (ft) 4000 6000 4000 Figure 20. 15° Catenary Steel Line 2.5" Dia. (NVR07) 129 KIP at t =0 Attach Point 20 40 60 80 Anchor 0 40 60 TIME (sec) Figure 21. Tension Contours KIP 15° Catenary Steel Line 2.5" Dia. (NVR07) 39 Appendix A Listing for Extensible Line PPOGRAf', LUMP CJMM )It/T I'IE/DELTAT IT TMEIT I'1EMAX COMM 1 110 TPT/PRIttTIM, PRINTIV Call'-l )N/"'"JCM/PNCHCOO, REAOCOO CC11MC'i/FLAG/IFLAG, N2 , JFLAG IP* LA'-, J3 LAG CALL INPUT TIM: = 1. P,INtIM=0 INTIV-.3LU1 CALL C4`ILEIC CALL OUTPJT j= LL 1':r LET IF (Tt''E. G TIME" AY ) GO TO 2 CALL NO 1 C" LL NUM I,T2 TII,E=Ti°"-+JELTAT (T 1 CALL ; "'UT PUT ?RI 1zIIM=°mY'JTI"1+P:INTIV "JtaTIvWE GJ T 3 id '1C CDNTINIJE IF CR'JJ'ECO1.cQ.1) CALL PUNCHCR Lv PALL LENGTkk SLOP ;:,N, FP `I SUPRJLTI N" INPUT +,J 1m 111/CC,JST/PI,GC ;JMM ):dACCEL/S (1J I ) 9 ARE A,0,WATP0EN ,DE NLINE ,T{1+ 1),{7 ;30l- 9 /ST"',AS/SCON,SEXP C J" "J43/T I' .=/OELTAT,T IMIE, TIMEMAX CJ'1MJ/PAIL/FAILS CJ'1MJr1/OTPT/PRINTIfi1, PRINTII C1?",`T/0P,'41ASS,N3,STJTAL,SFINAL 0 3'1aRP0'SE; MAx,EKRlIW (") .:'#V i/FNCHCon, REAJ0C0 CM°1°J 'J S A,4GLC/ THE T MJd/FL')C/IFLAS,P'2,JELAG PRINT 1U . iC a ; CRMAT (1 ti1, 5CX, 32HGI SCRETE MASS MOORING LINE MODEL) RZAr) 132,STOTAL,J_tLtNE,J,C,NMASS RE BJ 1,'3 ,OP, WA T1?CEt, l °R_tj t? 7 1.C7,cAILS F^-';,rAT {F).C. 0) Iv3 PJRr1AT(2F111 .C) REAL) 431,THET R-AG 72, SCUN,SE XP 32 t:CRmjT(E1J.3,F1C.)) =P,0 S.C3,TIMEMAX,J34TAT ;;" 1C 103 R" AD PR MA X, E"RF*4IN +#:1 , PRINT IV RvPJ 4O1,PNGHC00 REb0 4+ 1,READCOC 4`,1 FCRMAT (F1-). 3) PI=3.1415g27 GC=? ,17 AR FA=°I/4.*(0/12. 2 J=11/12 . P-IINT 11+,STOTAL,0tNLINE,0,0,NM,"!SS 1v4 FC ',":T(///!4H2LINE LE'4G{ i =F6.194H FT./ DENSITY =F7.3,1'TM L8./FT `*3/ OIAM-"TER ==`5.3,+F1 FT. / 3131W'' DAI1PPIG CONSTANT =LIU.3,.13H L 3 SEC/FT's*2/ 21 ri-LI d OF MASS} S = 132) Ni=N44SS+1 4 1E14 N2=N1.+1 PRINT lCr),DPWA'TR0EN,TIMEMAXj0ELTAT PRINT 4:i2,ERRAAX,ERRMIN PRINT 4t 5,THET 43 5, F3Rl,' AT (2 3140 CATENARY ANGLc Al SURFACE =F5.2,5H DEG. ) T .-th T=THE T*PI/13. 4 2 FCRMAT(2 ,`VELOCITY ERROR BGUNDS,F8.4,3H TO,F8.4) 1:;5 FO+ ' AT t 14H: WATER C PTH =F9.2, 3H FT / DENSITY =F6.2,9h Lt3/FT-CU / 1.'P.; +AX TIME =c8.2,4k SEC / 1 16H 1W1AT ? 12W"TIME STEP =F5.3,41 SEC ) PRINT 136,P?INTIV 1.6 R')kMT(1?"4PRINT LVFRY F5.3,4H SEC) PR1J1 1tr 8, NILS 1J3 FJC'`l^,T (2-4GLIN FAIL 'JR= LOAD _ F11.1,4H LF3S) t'Pit NT -,j :,PNCHCE)D 4 ? : r'i3 MAT tl 31=. ^U^;,'.j CC1E =FS. 1, 5X,S6HPUNCH CODE = AT TI4L= TIME,1X PR IN i Y j '+, + RcAOCOO FR`^uTtl'41 R;A`l CCOr =F5.1,5X,57H 1 J3 V -7L 1. PUNCHS ALL POS A FO", TIM = TI MEMAX REAL' CODE = I. READS ALL FOS A STPESS ,E13.3.,-3H*STRAIN ) IN t 4, 's, SCON,SEXF+ 4 F; aT tlf.?_X,34 iSTP-SS-STCAIt RELATION ,F,.l) L' C C r S=GM=NT LENGTHS SL=Si0TALP14ASS S(I)=SL/2e ?'j I= 2,N'4ASS St I) =SL DO C O NT [ IJE (Ne1 ASS+ 1) =SL/?. RE TU RN Eli) Si; ?' )UTI i NUMINT : %;i.i lP J-i/T Im:-/Dli-I AT,T IMri, Tl,'IE:MAX CuM.,+J/d`J"iy/XL {il),Z_L(1:1),XO(1°l1),ZD(11), XOO{11l9ZOD (131) 9 XLN(1C1),7LN(1+:1),XOt (iil),ZU.N(1C1),LRRORX(1J1),ERRORZ(1O1) 1 CCMI'C"4/I'SPT/OP,tNMASS,N1,STGTAL,SFINAL Cu '!J,d/AGv L/S (iii) , A+2.A, O, tAT20c,t, DENL INE,T (i31) , D C ""+' ad/4 L/FAILS .). GGr`"Jd/)T"'T/P?I 3Tlmg L(4TIV CC t`A )J/=) L-)fXLJL, ))J_O(1.1) ZLOL3(iu1),XUOLO(Ibl),Z'OOLO(I 1),XO90LO(1l1) 1+','WFL:,S/IF L, N. ,JFL At. SIO^i XUi)N(1-1),7OON(13ii) DIM 4 I0"; AKXi(I:,1),AK7_i(ILI),AKXZ(Imi),AKZ2(101),AKX3(IGI),AKZ3(I G DIME Ix), )Xi(a.'1),0Z1(111),OX2(131),OZ2(1O1),OX3(1!1),QZS(131) J Oh. I ^_3 T ',,-_, CITY AN) °3SITION 4T TI"" T+D[LTAT TI'1JL Ii (ILL=t 0.C) GO TO I I = , N2 C, C, 'r (I GO TO 77 LL(I,XL(I+1),XL(I),XL(I-i),ZL(I+1),7L(I),ZL(I-1),XO(I+1), I XD(I),XC(1-1),ZO(I}1),ZD(I),ZD(I-1),XOO(I),ZJD(I)) CALL ACC CyJ TJ 74 7;3 CALL -N)?(XL('N?),)(L(tdi),ZL(N2),ZL(N1),XD(N2),ZO(N2),S(Ni),AREA, XJD(P42) ,ZDD(N?)) 1 IF(I...'D.N:.AND.ZL(N2)LT.-DP)XDCiLD(I)=C. 1; (I.L0.+v?.ArdD.ZL(t2LI07f)ft 1J(I)= r -74 CCNTINUL X 7 7tti{I)='_DO LOI+DcL7AT2ZDD{I XL«(I)=XL.(I)+DELTAT* (XO(I)+XON(I)) /2. ZLN(I)=ZL(I)+O L T A T 4 (Z0(I)+ZDN(I))/2. C .O'((I)=-XON(I) ER P02Z(I)=-ZON(I) iL` CANT LNUE CO . 0TO'Z X'i=X.'4(2) ;ZM=ZLN(1) iXOM=XDN(1) SZOM=ZCN(1) I2N2 C) 2 J 1F (I.rO. 2) GO TO 75 CMLL . "C-L(T,XLN(I+1),XL'J(I),XM ,7LN(I+1),ZLN(I),ZM ,ZCN(:+i),ZQN(I),ZDM ,DDX,DDZ) XCJ"J(I+1),XON(I),XC"7 GOT) 75 C I L L r 7F NX1XLN(N2XLfi((N1) 9ZLN(N2),ZL N(t i),XDN(N2),ZDN(N2),S(N1), I ARE ,JDX,JDZ) '6 C2N,TT;JU'' X'=Y'-4(I) i7M=1-7LN(I) t'XDM=XDN(I) 3ZCM=ZOON(I) X'P.'t T -)=X)(_T)+C.LTAT*(XJC) (I)+')JX)/2. 7J1,.(I)=7 (I)+O=LTAT*(700(1)+;)DZ)/2 f, X_tztl)=XL(I)+J.LTAT'(x0(I)+XJN(I))!?. ZLt'(C)=L (T)+%?=LTAT`(ZJ(L)+ZJPa(I)1/2. rx X(I(cam;O,X{I)+X'7rd(I))/(5.*XON 1) :t Z(T)=('RR;);;Z{I)+ZJE.I))/(5.*ZONI ;,J2 1 2 7L t,2 41*4JZL t,,2 IF{( 3S(YI)).LT..1) IF 1L LT -OP) z LI -0P)ERROKZ(N2)=L. X=10. IS XDWI)) LT.1. }F,<RX=1. IF ( A 3S{ -tORX(I)).CT.-RX .U+2.A3S( iRURZ(I) ).GT,ERRZ DELI AT=FiCLTAT/?. IFLC '`s=l, °RI!T 9. 3,U2L7AT,TIM,I,c!(JRX(I),ERRORZ(I) )1+3,2Q0 F0k"'AT (13 TO 2X ) ) 155, i5 IF ( :LTAT.LT. 1.7 PTT 9 YAP FUR T (2 GE LTAT LT uc:l STOP 15E 3'- TO 1 2,.. C')NTI )U:. )) 3,., I-1,v42 XLCLJ(1) =YL(I) ZLCL)(T.) _7L(I) X,OL7(I) =XD(I) Z') CL. )(I) =7O(I) X_ U)=XLN(I) 7r (I)=ZUN(I) X "(I)=XfN(I) 70N, (I) I=(ti3` (= ;tJ ZJ (1 O: (T))LTIN.AND. A3S(ERFOPZ(I))LT.E R',4 IN)NOUNTE)2 ' 'CNTINUE If- (^j,,JUNT»\.;0.fda) TAT2, 35: 3uLTAT IFLA3=(? + 7 I 1,N2 XOLJ(I) XLN(I) )') ZLOLJ(I) =ZLN(I) X:)0L%) (I) =XON(I) 437 Z)OL J(I) =Z'DN(I) PRINT 91Ca,UELTAT,TIME P1ta FORMAT (21HLOtLT ^,T I #CRE.ASLO TO F7.4,3H AT,F8.3,4H SEC) 3O C3NTI'T E Gi TO 2'; 1 :C -. C C NIT INUE U, R'UNGE-KIJT1A (THIRD ORDER) 1=202 JJ 1 L Iw (I. r. k') GO TO I -A C,r' L(1,XL( LOJ(II1),XLOLO(I),XLCLD(I-i),ZLOLD(I+i),ZLOLD(I),ZL `a(I-1) ,X` OLJ (I+1), XC0 LJ(I),X00LO(I-i),ZDOLD(I+1),7DOLD (I),ZOOLD( 1I-S) ,XJ7;J(I) ,Z)CL'3(I) ? GJ Ti) 11J,, O (XLOL')( J2),XLOLD(N1),ZLOLD(N2),ZLOLO(Ni),XOCLD(N2),ZOOLO( -,ALL .L1 i 11'C 1N ), S(,1),4KLA ,X)OOLO('42),7DDOLD(N2)) C++PtiTI'it1 '< X1 (T)= LT -"T *K 3,)C L I) A<71 (I)=JMLTAT *ZDDCLO(I) i)x1(I)=)LTAT*XDOLC(I) O?1(I)=rLT T4ZrOLC,(I) Y)t! I=X--3LI+AKXL(I)t 1N( L) =77))Li1(I)+AKZi (I) / 2. XL N:(T)=XLULD(I)+OXI I)/2. Z ZL1ZL.AL`l(1 +0 Z1I)12. .) I O TO 12 5 (I,XidT+2XLNIXLhI-17LN(i+i)ZLN IZLNI-1)XON T+1IXr)"tI-1L0ivI+1),ZD'd(I)2DN I- 1)XJD4 (1)9 ZDD fi) T'1 GC C1LL 12 rb 12'10 L-CNO?(XL`)(42),XLN(Ni),ZLti(N2),Z,-N(N1),XON(N2),ZON(N2),S(Ni), T'TI U 44"X2 (I)= )c'LTAT*XO+i) )(I) AKZr (T)=JLTAT+ZD)N 1) OX y2i, 1)=D LTAT X004' I 2I)=DLTAT*7 DNI 3 NT INU:- ia I=2,N2 1AKXI(1)+2.*,KX2(I) Z3'I=73JL I IAKZ1 (I+2.'AKZ2 (I 1)=X;JOL0 )(11 N XLt,(I)=XLOL0(I)-(X1(I)+2.+DX2(I) (I)=7LOLD(I)-QZ1(I)+2.4QZ2(I) 13C ;CNTIu 1jiJ G" I (I u i=2, N2 ,.:D. 'vc) CO TO 1---.15A CC L(I,XLN(1+1),XLi`a(I),XLN(I-1),ZLN(I+1)ZLN(I) i 71 N(I-1)X'JN 1(T+13.X n(I),XON(I-1),ZDJI+1ZDN(IZ0 G,j Ta 13,!6 t4(I-1)X0ON(I),Z00N(I) 1'C-- CALL 7-ND2(XLN(CSC),x'L"((i,41),ZL14(v2),ZLN(N1),X33 (N2),ZDN(N2),S( "R?=A,XDOIJ(W) 9ZION(N2) ) 13: CJNTINUE I)=.tLTAT* X331v(I) AKA (I)= =1F'LTAT+ZOcD ( 1) Q 14u i (1) TAT* XO ON (I) 0'3(I) =)ELTAT*ZON (I) C) NT IN UE DO 1 U I=2, N2 XJ(I)=XDCL O(I)+(AKX1(I)+,,.*AKX2(I)+AKXv(I))/6.t) ZJ (T)=Z3GL!n(I)+(AKZ1 (I)+4.#AKZ2(1)+AKZZ(I))/6.s0 XL (I)=X,L3L.D(I)+(DX1(I)+4o*QX2(I)+OX3(I))/6.(3 ZL(I)=ZLOLD(I)+(QZ1(I)+QZ2(I)*4.+QZ3(I))/6.C 1-3 ') 2Jj0 38tU CO SIT INUE 117 LAtJ- i CONTINUE 03 73j I =2, N1 TENSION(I,XL(I+1),XL(I),XL(I-i),ZL(I+1),ZL(I),ZL(I-1)) no 4,). I=1,Ni CALL C3NTTNUL= IF (T(I).GT.FAILS)41394G, 41C- CALL OUTPUT 4 (, . JJ 1-1: Y=RU OT (1 . ) (:C NT INUE kE, TURN :jr) I), 1i4L/,,':LTAT IT 1M1-)TII-.MAX .13, A At Q, ,WAT OE1 9OEN INE T );sfr,}CTXJP*44acSrfJ STOTALISF1NA. 3,)+ )^alIS ( )"1')w'If ( L(1 T (2 1)D ?L( ul),XO(l i3,Zt1.1),XJ {11),70f t1 1?s )tw(l ),_Zon(i,-' RCPX(1,3I),ERRORZ(1 SJmr,J!1TINE ACCrL(i,XP,X,XM,ZP,Z,ZM,XDP,XD,XDM,ZDP,ZO,ZOM,XDD,ZOD C!°`°9 j/AiEL/S (1..,I),A,,,D,ATR'3,ZNLI?`lE,Tt1J1),d Cr",!'l1 ft /I PT/DP,NMAcS,^N2,STOTAL,SFINAL CJ 3'J/CJi T/PI,t C C31 a);II/TI'?E/fELTAT, TI ,TIMEMAX CJM'9ON/OTPT/QP.INTIh', Pr;INTIJ T t`Tw=,T"42((ZP-L), (XP-X) ) T1ETA^A=aTZ-7M), (X-XI)) T J'J °F '- r OZCE O"! MASS I ;T((x-XM)"*2+(Z-ZM)''2)/S(I-1)-1. P=S`)T((XP-X)4' 2+(ZP-Z)**2)/S(I)-1. cr O*: X= IRS A*( STRASS (EP) *COS (THETA) -STR ASS (E PM) *COS ( THETAM) ) SF OR'Jt Z=AREA4 (STPASS (cry) *SIN (TH ETA)-STRASS (EPM)' SIN (THEY AM) ) WA TES ;JA MPI!VC FORCES ON MASS I TH AV= (TM ETA+TH.TAM) / 2. C C '1. OLAD V7 ARE LOCAL VELOCITIES vV X =,+ 4 V A°_J=(X'1-''IX)*COS(TH1V)+(ZJ-VZ)*SIN(THAV) V'40R A=-( )(0-M *SII(THAV)+(ZD-VZ)*(30S(1±AV) E'(I.4(:.2)SL=S(I-1)fS(I)12. (1.0. 1)SL=S(I-1)!c+S(I) A <FT=P.1+ 34 3L A_ L ;:T=1. +`« J CN=14 O AGT=-;, T*WAT DFN*t ,ET*V T ANG*A3S (VTAU(;) / (2.4 3C) 1at,' d=-,^,'" AT ,Jhl`FKe,V'Iu V-LT `J" L IAS:; CO "k (VNOR14)/(2. C) CT ION SSL4ID _NL1'{ 4 .A /V0 A 1AJWh T FZO_N* aK:I .CL /G S c : -f= i ( . ( ;CT 1 :G= ((SFO }`CJS(1dA ^!(T"iH }+r;y C.T)I(S'ASS+CIT AMASS) A"CN O+M= (-- (SFO 2C(:X ) SIN )+ FORCE Z 1AV}. (SFORC E Z C0S(TIaAV)± JZ4 6 `3)11S'dACIkx NMA S Y 0= ;CTA,I=*!:OS (T-±CJ)-4CCNO M*Sl t(THAV) Z,JU= ED ACC, T01G4Sirk(Tt-AV)+4CCNORM* COS(THAV) -WT)* -WT) * UTIN' LNU2(X,X",7_,Z`,XO,ZO,S,A ,XOO,ZOO) /FL.;GfiFL4G,ft2,JFLAG SJ C!MJ4/INPT/Op R AL I ; ;: RhrI: iT=12o;c. ViL='4. GO TO 95 r" =. i W4. 2. R 4i P 4 2 2 IG HT-WO ids VOL ^`vt nl 7.11 532,E =E :,: 1G.1 1 /G+CI* VOL'`R#G A=rn#ARE A*K3O/(2.* 1) JF LA'a=1 5 ,0 "ITI,AUU IP(Z.L.T*-)F)53,S 55:, 6 X i=Z1=XOO=7OOU= J. n=TUBA =S )T ((r-XM)'2+(Z-Z1'?) 15-2. T=AR*ST ASS(EP) (Z- ZM, X-XM) +PI F{-T*COS (THETA) TET A T AN2 FZ=T*SIN(THETA)-W9 V=S`) T(XO**2+Zt9**2) XOO=EX/M-A*XD'"V ZOO?=F'Z/M-A*'ZO * V E TUI - 7N, r) ! FUMCTIO4 S1RASS(X) cc 1" 3 / TEAS/ScON,ScXP s1 N STRAIN X, IF{X.LT. .?1 2i' FINO STRESS ST RA SS=;. ?. TU RN CC t, TIt;U7 ST+y 3S-)CCia*X *S;XP J T y cT t`.i I N =( x/-C0H) 44 (, * /SIX ,_,T ) -1 7 T c Y ?U7T IN, T r'''AT(1X9 Tt 21-+ HAS 9c:.N RUPTUR O) F" ?UTI"J_ ENOI CtiMM'1,4/i'I: /DLLTAT,TIMk:,TIME-MAX Cl''!'N/'L1'^; /XL {1L`1),ZL (1u1),XD(131),Z(?(1v1),XtD{it31) ,?7D {131), r,b(,.I :./."JIXLJLD {1CT1) ,ZL3L J (iv1, Xi)DLD (1:.1), Z3DOL0 (iu1),XDJDL(3(111) OO2 J( :) 3) ' -" T Y O'+:1ITiONS xT END i 9 (1)_... T 7 Ljd(I)=1a iXON(1)=2 4 Z)N(1)=uI CILI(!) =XJOL`) (1)-ZLDL') =Z)OLD(1)=vL0 X -11 N 1 L r JUTI $ LENGTH IM )'/NNj 4I/XL (1':1) , ZL (1J1) ,XD(131) ,ZC)(1Q1) , XCO(1o1) ,ZOD (131), <L(1;: ), , f (11XD'4(11),ZOU(11E',90RX131),ERROR Z(131) i',=T ',Nm4Ss, tkl STOTAL, St= INAL a 'T PA IN-1 -) GTH OF CABLE _N, n3 1J S;=I`JIL =,S;IN AL#S{)RT((X,.(I)-XL(I-1))*42+(Z.(I)-ZL(1-1))**2) 'DINT 1%1,S I i IJ1 FO AT{//1 ?3,2}X,1: L1N LENGTH =,F8.1) R, I JRt4 d" N D =,F8.1): SUFRJUTINE OUTPUT CQM%I )N/T IMF/DELTAT, T IMt, T IMEMAX u.:`1M )r/ti1I/XLt11), ZL(11),Xpt11),ZD41fl1), XDQti{l1} ,ZD t171), 1 (l'fl «),?Li(lrl),x3tth1),ZIlPtl31),tRORXti1,ERf20R7tii ,.C4mj',r/AC,;,;:-L/S (11), AREA,Q,WATRDENIOEt UNFIT (1C1) t:,O 1=i )v/Ivi)T/DP gNMASS,NI, STOTAL,SFTNAL --RI1iT iZI ,TIME FOR'& T (1M1,//,7HOTIME =F6.2) P? Ip, T ii i 101 M"CP""'AT (/ /// 1H j , 5X, FH LINK 96H MASS , 6X,13H COORDINATES , 1OX, 7HTENS 1ICX4 1,"iiVz`L;;CITi=S,14X,6FRR()RS) RIr,T ,7X,3HNO.,3)(,w,iN:U.,9X,1HX,9X,1HZ,25X,1HX,1OX,1HZ,BX, 1 4HX )OT, iX, 4HZDOT) PRINT 1! 3, (I,X-(I),ZL(I),XO(I),Z')(I),ERRORX(I),ERRO Z(I) ,I,T(I), 1 I=i,'a1) I:J7 c-JR'41T(13X,I3,2X,2(1X,F).2),17Y',2(1X,F1J.+),2(2X,E1o.3)/7X,I3,31X, 1 E11.4) 2 =141uj t "PI"T 1,-',r,2,XL(N2),7L(hd_'),X')(" 2),ZO(td2),ERRORX(N2),ERRORZ(N2) RE T'J i"3 EN 0 SU9'JUTi, CA?L IC OJ11Jr /SA.*JGL2/TH T :;CM4CIWOTPT/P INTI*', P'INTIV M HLO0,REAJCOO TI TIM I J C,J L 'I ('u r 4ST/PI GO CC t^ NP// OP, fym 4 SS, N! t SP OTAL t S Fl N AL AR- a, 0,WATPO:Nti,O NLINFT (101)0 "4 /lJ3I1XL{iul),7,L L1)7X30d1"1i),ZJO(1G1, <." (.I'a),ZL,a(11i),XO(iu1),ZCN(1:i),EFRC-X(1:1),ERRCkZ(1J1) UOL-/XLCLr (iLi),ZLJLJ(iLi)XDCLO(!Ll),ZJOL0(1'.ji)X)DOLO(IJI) "Mi ' ',.)3.O(i;1) " 1+1 IF (<2AOCUO.EO.1.) co TO 5UC W' - = ( J-NL 1' TIN!! -WTR=OEN) A A Iv (Tr T) /COS(THET) 31.=wfT)TAL L 1,3 /(2.`T4NO) FL=T/WL*SINMI (TANG) SL c 5 J=i,N2 I;: (J.NE. 1) SL=SL+S U-1) x-(J)=FL/Z.+TO/wL*:INHI(SL* L/TO-SINH(WL*FL/(2.*TO) Z L (J) =T0/V L* (COSH (WWL /TO* (XL (J)-FL/2.))-COSH(WL*FL/ (2.*TO)) ) T2=TJ*CJS14(WL/TO* (XL (J)-FL/Z.)) .°,-,2=ST ;'A IN (T2/ AREA ) IF (J.;:0. i) GO TO acs T(J-1)=(Ti+T2)/Z. O--:LTAL= (-.Pl+EP2) *S (J-1) /2. AN (,= IT 4N 2 (Z:. (,J) -ZL (J-1) , XL (J) -XL (J-1) ) '(L (J)=XL (J)+Oc_LTAL*COS(ANG) =ZL (J)+DcLTAL*SIN(ANG) SL=EL+ )CLTL OO V I i T I1' L1 : T1=T? Z7OLI(J) _jO xOcIL J(J) = r. 7) (J)=f:. XD(J)=C. )(LN(J)=(L(J) IEZLN(J)=ZL(J) XL.fL)(J) =XL (J) ZLt)L3(J) =ZL(J) X') (1)=k . 170 N(J)=C E, FFI'RY (J)=L. 9FRRCRZ(J). 237 C3PNT INUE 2"2 CONTINUE RE TIJRN 59" CCNTINUF RFAO ,:):J,JELTAT,TIt IF P-IrTIM=TI4+PRINTIO no 63) 1=1,N2 "hn :: ,XL(I),ZL(I},XJ(I),ZO(I} T(T)='. 'ZL;J(I)=ZL(I} I70N(I)=Z3(I) XL1,(I)=XL(1) )ON(I)=XJ(I) YLOL )( 1) =XL (I) 7LCL)(I)=7(I) =X :) ) 7 iL)(1}=0(I) R .O TTM 'lAX FOPM T2: _,.-) 01 FOc.., AT (4FI R TU END C, 2E12.5) (-X)) (-X) ) x) + SI(I ,XP ,X,X ,ZP,Z,Z4 1)I1i_ IF (I. "c , 2) ;U TC° 1, 4''S(E P') uJ { J F. tL 1 i ..... T ( I) S T-R I'SS ( J-) *ARE A r "f { _) t r Q, T D£ta9 C Ni INE,T{131 59 Appendix B Listing for Inextensible Line FR O(= ?AM CARL: 1 OI""F SIC?"d T44ETA(3 ), TO(3J),THLTA2(u T0 (3G),TOO(3t;To02(3.i},TOI C (?C) ,THETA I (:, ) DIPZ vSION Tlr)I(3Z) OIME,SION Vr_kROP(3C) , P`4kOk(3C) CO M1111 )N/ANC ASS/A(JC} OR Ct) )N/POS/X(3 ),Y(3C)/T-zN/TEN(30)/VELIVX(3C),t/Y(33)/B3S/Xf,YQ,XQ,Y r z), XD ), YO fl, Cl`-NS ITY, YC CCMHCw/3')FAG2/oRAG(?C)/G/GRAV(3C) C) ""-";/T/TT E,OFLTAT,OELTATN X.=' ThXO-Y("=XOC=YOC= . _A=t r,TI'"LCUUT,TP2ItJT,CI,CN,c;T,KORRECT 5 6 FCCMAT (FE.2,1X,F5.2,iX,FS.t+,tX,F4.2,1X,F5.4, 1X,I2) R=i»n 6,`)ELTAT,tUP,FLOW FCPMAT (FE.F+, lX,F6.4, IX,Fli.9) CALL INPUT('d,OIA,OfN SITY,XC,YL,TOTAL,ANCHOR) CALL ADDMASS(N,OIA,CI) CALL TN( , UTA, CN,CT, A iCHt e:) F?I',.T 1-', ;3.,OENSITY,TOTaL,N,gCH0R,X:,Y( ,N L1 CE LE IGTH= E 1)IA= ,F4.2,/,15H LINE DENSITY= ,F5.1,/,14H LIN F4.51/114H ANCHOR MASS= ,F7.'=9/97H SPAN= ,F5.2,/,14H WA CT,:P :Th= ,FS. ,/,18H NO. OF SEGMENTS= ,12) PRI"'T 1 F:; ,I1M CU ,TF ,INT,CI,CN,CT,KGRRECT F6.29/,i6H PRINT INCFEMENT= ,F5.2,/,1SH ADDED TIMECtJT= C "Ass C OER= ,F4.2,/, l'H ORAC COEF,/,5-X, R,HNCRMAL= ,F4.2,/,5X,122HTAN CG;hTIAL= P to IC=T 1 ,P"..1+,2; NC OF CC ,,rUP, E LOW ECTIONS= ,12) C r,T t1 # tPOR LI'1ITS,/,5Y,7 R PEr,= ,F7.4, /,5X,7HLOWEk C////) CALL INITIAL (N,X",THETAI,TO1) CALL ANGLE (N,THETii) CALL COORlt9,XQ,YQ,YO,YO,TDI) FP It T 20 ,.F12.9,/ 2 FFT(32X,1.$HINTTIAL. CDc$DZTIUN5',II/,1CX,1GHLINK Ci"Y, 1X 97HT6'NSICNy 7X, 5HTHt.I =1 141 -9 ./ >> 93X1, 91-1THETA 00T,/I) T (I)=T-i-'T ? I TTJc(I)=T:I(I)* A 4t 5aa r 's,=,I.T` I),TyETA2(I),TD2{I).I,X(I),Y(I) I;AT(tiyiT;,?uXyL1.+,k,F7.2_,3X,F515X912,5X,F7.2,1X,F7.2) GC,TIhU PRII'T 5,)cLTAT c'C ;w1T(/III/,3. TII ='i,H_C<=k . ITl3=j;FLA = 1_T DELTA T ,Fo.Y,ll1I1) T AT !ri LP:=.. .K= IF ( K 'z LA3.E 0.3) CG TO 62 KC. T;- (Y (4). LT.vr rO TO 52 CC Ti 1' E b3 CALL "20TTDH Ni, TO ,TIwE} KFLAG 1 NF LA 62 MASS,9X,1HX,IjX, a (JF A 6C TD 7a E T4;'.TA,TD) C:L.. CALL CALL CL VE (',I ,igKC,hz2'CT GALL 01C T-ftT 1.(I)=T' (,N )r,LTA T,TDI9Tf!,T,jT9, i=)0,TifTA2fTD ) TA(I) TOi(I)=TC(i) TJC4 (I)=r"OO(I) C tNTI\!E CALL -,ALL (N,TH:TA2,TC2) CALL S(lLVr(4,T002tK0RRECT) CALL CC'R .CT(N,OF-LTA T,THETA1,T01,TOO1,T002,THETA,TO) 61 CC c5 I=1,N OR(I)=(TO2(I)-1O(I))/(S. TO(I)) rFO(I)=(T9E:TA2(I}'-THtTA(I)}l(TiETA{I)5.1 CC V I",tip, ?? 12 I=1,td VE' 65 (,lE2n1R(I) ). w.Eup) GC TO 112 GEE GO TO 138 30i PRINT 1; 5,'ELTAT,TI"1E,I F0R'A AT (174 DELTA T t#FLO TO ,F9.7,1C:H AT TIME= ,F11.7,i7H BECAUSE 0 CF LIv:K , 12) Go T) 11:' 108 ra:LTAFN=O'_' LTAT/(': . TIM! =T .1m _-')F.LT aT TOOH,.' ;K=TC'i`CK-}LL TAt 01 LT AT=0ELTATN P +I"1T 10,", OFLTAT, TIME 1 J FO;'-'ST (??H ':)ELTn Krf.;. =K;r4 CK+'1 T OTC EASc3 TO 1 3 1 H AT TIME= q F11.7) IF (u `=^Ks c_. W) CALL EXIT JF Lj i=t 112 GO T 1 EC C:)t,T Ir,0 E CO it I=1,N IF (t ?S (d rte= n (1)) .,-LGw? GO TO 1iW OE.LTATN=JILTA1 *2. PRINT 3O,DELT1TN,TIME 60 FOP1"IT (22H DELTA T INC:2 ASEO TO ,F9.7,1 H AT TIME= ,Fi1.7) Kwt,FO'=KCHCK+I IF (K0Hv:CK.Gr.3) CILL EXIT JFLA ,=' T ' 11 GC C., I',T I1 uU ,n ^0 h,T INN 17 uU 7=) CL L ' JWt.A=1 (h,'? LTT,TH-TLI,TC1,TOc1,Tl#ETA,TO,KQ RECT) TI'°= = T I"E+CrLTAT IIF T_ ,+'.=TCH -'CK+`,LLTT I (T : K.f GC T r 13* 6t' TT''ItT) Gv To 'CH CK=TCMICK-TPRI(T I, r 77'.r 17G FCR''IT(////,7r TIME= ,F11.7,////, V.X,1LH INK 140 ,1 )x, }/TM LCCITY,r7X,22'T1T MASS ,6X,11HCOOROINAT TH,-TA,7X,7HTENSION,13X,5HEPROR,//,2 C7X,1,iX,5X,:.HY, gX,1HX,7X,1hY,15X,?HOCT,2;^X,5HTHEETA,4X,9HTHETA OOT,/ C CALL At GLascw, T4ETA) GALL COORO('1N,XC',Yf ,X ,YO,TO) CnLL TE NSIOPlf ,YOJ,YOO,T #ETA,TO,TOO,OEFNSITY,XC,YO,YO) A=1}i ./3.141Fc; 2, (I )=THETA (I) '*A (1) =T C (I) *A T'1 T IC F;'IJT lc;" =,I,TI+=T42(I)sT 2(I),TEN(I)PEQRGR(I),VERRQR(I),I,X(I),Y(I 1`,1 161? C), /X(I)t JY(I) aTt11X,22,45X,F6.212XIFC.214X,E22..4t4XIF4.513XyF11.81/117X,I2t - 4x IF 7.21 2X IF7.2s4XIF6.2? 2X9 F6.29/) CCV T I \Ut: P INT 155 F' . TF t ^ T t!/!/1) ' 'L4G.E1).1) GO TO 63 IF (TIFF. G'O 171 T') E0 CC".TI rUF C4 Lt EXI T F N F, .TIM7-CUT) GO TO 170 Il,::,I!T(N9DIA,JttiTIYsX:9y11,9TOTAL 9ANCH R) ctjT i T y Fig i ( 2 30 w,i - ) / J-Kr N SS/ /L(32)/ NcH0 0141D hvS17YxTCTALX1'9Y (IL kXji j ? .. f (I) q ! )C C (I ) CCTINL t" 1=t- 5 CCt,TIfyUF M( )= `s L (N) +4t C#_OR TV M) ="1( \) CC 41 I= 2, N =:+ *I T(K)=T'1(K+1)+ (K) 41 CC NT I'vUE tr-: TURl END 4 i `YTi f 1, X q P c > o 6`9 )!TOTMA S lTM(3 1X i F 5' J * C g l x 9;:c,;* C-) ) SL9 -1,ITIN -,EAL AODMASS( ,CIA,CI) L CCM')'i/L L''+GTH/Lt37)IAQM4S/AM(3C) CI'i4.`.1+15g t IA/24.) 'Z PC 11 I=i, N lfl AM (1)=A*L(1) CC KTI'YU: RE TIJI RN I' r TT \Y 1 <'X 1 ' j 4{ C T j 4 tom, J ri C1 h) )/cC'-p/JT ( ..) ,D`df? Iy','.fysJ'D"! 1 159I./.L. i .` ]E7N*f TA/12. A= ON (T)=A LCT) T {1)=34LtI) CC t,T *1 Nil:-' rC`'f` 12. 43 u = a NCHC /fL ,'tit':+.,.?=..,3r`13tiC!{:';l t+.'3e,t43JC67j )''0' .s/3 C"'+_'Q=wasa 15g2Y.5` + =. i 'J-` -d*NANCHO / 2. R IE T 7N 0 `+f1iH{3+(**2 SUP lUTI Nc IE'«dTIAE(tt,X.,,THETA,TD) `JSION Tr)4;TA(30)1T)(33TX(3G)9TY L,M 4/L. MSMI-S',)'1 NCTO' i QC E GT4/L(30MASS/M(3j/TEN/tL-N3r = i : I=1, Ni TMASS=TMaSS+M(I) 1J TC(I)=.4 CJt;TINUE TO W) =u. TY (I)=.5*Tr ASS TX (PH) =TY tN) CAM"' A=.2 *TMASS 22 TX'S=TX(;)) TYS=TY(N) TX (i) =TY (11) TY(i)=TMA -TY(1) V !(1)=S CRT(TX(1)**,'+TY(1)**2) A=TY(1)/TX(1) THET(1) =ATAN(A) cX L(1) *CCS (THETA(:.) ) E Y =_(1) *SIN (THETA(1) ) CC f) I=2,M TY (i)=Tv(I-1)-,A(I-i) Tx(1)=TX(I-1) T: -(I)=SrRT(T)<(I)**2+TY(I)**2) A=TY(I)/TX(I) TtIETA(I)=ATAN(A) EX +==X*L(I)*t'7SCttETA{I)) EYO=EYO+L(I)*SIN(TFETA(I)) CC NT IN U;7 Cr0 LT F P YC.) : TO *i Ate;,", f7 4 ( COs GC) Tu o. _E xy E xt c VC EYE; T)S=TX (N) TYS=-TY(*,) 5'n TK(=TxS+G A4(X(-=xIS)/S v T Y (#`j) =TyS+Got M Y A * EY(S1SAVE TO C NT T',,'tl A=?.?-15 q - 1 ?6' CC 7) T= 1,N 70 I (T Ta(IGT.3.14!5965) T CONTINUE K`TURN EN 0 TA(I)=T H ET4tI?-4 S U P =J T I E CALL (`4, THETA, TD) CCMtICN/C,S/XO,YO,XD,YC,X3O,Y+;J, OEF4SITY,YC CI4SI,Th THETA(33),Tr)(3 CALL -A PISLES (N, THETA) CALL C0OR9(t4,XC,YC),X`),YJ,ID) COLL. 1tSS(4,Y'?) CALL R8 si.(N) CALL XYMASSI(N,X301YOc,YJ) CALL z'hVITY(u,Y(',LE14SIT Y) CALL )RAGA (""THETA) CALL SET U (J,TO) R: TL Mfr rt,C3 ",J , - )UT I ". . W, L' S (Pv, R T H E T J- ) CIvrNS ION :ITH TA(3( ) CCm,'-"I/AN.,/ (?T),C (ZZ)/OIF FANZ/32(3j,3L),C2 CL 1 ? I=:," S1 (I)= ST N(:T&,E C 1) Cr ) = 1 TW 1J TTA(TI i 1 1)i) II r J=i,11 J CIF17= T!j S "I (I J) , = (I)-;JHETA(J) TN0.;, ) (I,J)=CJ (CIFF) CC NTINU 2T)1 1 SURE .1U.TINtr COOROtt',XO,Y),XO,Y'J,TO) CI-q"} NSIJK T)(3 :) QEAL L .,.MM ld/L^'dGTf/Lt31)/A°1G/S1(:v),G1(?v)/CQS/X(?J) tY(3£)IVEL/VX(3(I3,v CY(3L) X(1)=L(1)*C1(i)+X V(j)=_(i)4S1(1)+Y^ VX (i) =X9 -L (1)4T,,3(1)*S1(1) Vy (1)=Y+L (1) * TC(1)*C1 (1) )L 1' I=,, t. X(I)=y(T-1)+L(I} C1(I) Y(I)=Y(I-1) +L(I)4S1(I) VYI)=VXII LITJI} S1 I} I1 =VY (T-1? L (I VY CC NT I. UL Ttt'4 r TC(IC1(I) ' SUR 0'1TT HASS(N,v ) R: AL "' ,L 9 1 !SS1,'1ASS2 "NITCTMAS/T'M(3rA34 AS,>1(3 v /L( 0'.. 0 IFF4NG/S2(3C,3C2(30,3Vo),LENG p'SIt3a)Ihl*ASIMASS 1(3C,3P),NASS2(3L,3C) r*3 J=I, N iK = I 1 `-1 -A = J, Ir I. ;T. J) U T0 IC "1(i,J)=T'1(f) 1 J)TM(K)2 (i,J) 3, IGmA*AJC2(I,J) TCTALM:=.. TOTAL i2= . Cr 2) LI=K,M TOTA,.'11=TCTALMI+A (LI 23 C'' (19LI.)#02 (J,Ll CC It T Iv UE I: (J.Z). "4) GO TO 4C I (I. T. J) <1=I '{I=J+i CC ?" L1=KI N Pr'TOTu;.'12=TJTALM2+A1(L1)+C2(I,L1.)*S2(J,L,) CC NT Tn1JE 40 J) M1 9,1 SCI,J)= a7 (I,J)+TOTALM2 SS(I,J)="ASS2(I,J) `L(J) CCS:71°4UE RETURN ° 7 Sum }UTINE fRAGI (N) OI CO 4S ION Vt(3w),VT(3i ) ","IONIVELI VX(3CVY(7' )/ANG/S1(3 ) ,Ci(30/0IFFA4GIS2(IVp30),C2(3C C,'0 /COEF/DT (3,3)-,Dt(3,:)/CURRENT/ VC (3 O),DRAG2,DRAG(3J) VN (1)=.5*((VC(1)-VX(1))*SI(1)+VY(1)*Ci(1)) VT ( 3) = C. Jw DC 1_ J=I-t la I= 2, N V",(I)=.5*(VC(II+dC(J)-VX(I)-VX(J))*Sl(I)+.5* (VY(i)+VY(J))*Cl(I) VT (I)=.5*(VC(I)+V;"(,J)-VX(I)-VX(J)) *CI(I)-.5* (VY(I)+VY(9))*S1(I) CC NT I NUE SC 71 I= 1, N rr(I)=5.K(; CC "'l J= I, N C 'r W v (I)="IRCC( I-IN0*Vd(JA75(V4 ?)C2IA-DT(J)*VT(J)A8S(VT( 2(' (J))'?(I,J) C^TIUE CC NT I'.tJF RwTU 'N C S4 esJTIf E xX1-1ASSI ( 0 1 , X L CC .'4/1 C r AyIT ( 3 A ' J ',Yc AS4 ?°) L Z.NGTH/ , (3 J iASSI+ 3 SC>S :),G1(3;)/JI=FahG/S2 ( i,3r),C2dti;,3) XYIXYMAS no 2 1 I= 1, ti XYMAIS(I),Y" I='`v-5-'(1 ,'; v(J) `c: (J)*G2(I,J)*)(CC,-Am (J)+CI(J)*C2(I,J)*YC CD 1r C NT 1 XY U ya4(I)=X"S"ASS (I)+;,X D*S1(I)-Y ')*C1(I)TM(I) CC NT INUE R7 TU-RN SU9 J()TINE (-;,RAVITY(N,Y:3,JEN4SITY) R:-' AL v 03 i 4/1 ;SS/M C:.vm"N/LIN+;,S1(3 ),C1(?-)/TJTr"ASJT<1t) PGS/X (?0) ty(30)/1GRA/( WCEN =o4. G= 32.24 (DE SITY-WCEN) /!DENSITY cc I ; I=1,N #j 10 G(:lA v([)=G T9(I)'Cj(T) Cl. t, T IaNUE IF (M(N).LT.IUC'zi0O.) GO '0 63 cC 2 1 1= 1, N; G AV(I)=G' La tI) _'4(P) *C1(1) 20 CGr T I"lU`. I=1,11 IF(Y{I).4T.Y_) GO TC 5u, DC 4, J=1,I CaKIaV(J)=C 4 CC NT I'4U,-- 5 CC J,T IMJE CC NT INUE bJ R:IUUR, EN t0 HV(J)-1(I)Cj(J)'G ) TI`" Ct tO PHI P,i (,3 , 1 :Cat IF Vx H= VY TA) " I0 CI -' V; . VX f 3 L 2,.. P+-.i . ,r} GC T0 4) / A 3 (V VY 3=) / Cf (N ;T AN (H) FCPb°. =04*( \X(N)**?-+VY(f)''`*2) ADC 4, I - i,N p3(I) =F 40 C0 1, TI41 ,U-7 R N, N(Tri(TA(I) RAG 3 SLFRCUTINE SETUP(N,TO) REAL MASS1OASS2 CIt NSION TO(3'),TCSQ(3" 3^lG/CrRA1t(30)/IJUMMAS/MASSI(3j,3;4),mASS2(3 v3G)IXY/XXMASS(30)/0 CRAG?PlRAG(3°) /EQUAL/ECUALS(3) CC"14 CC MM O . /A P4C / A ORA G (3 t ) I I=1, N TCSG(I)=TO (I)L`*2 DC 12 CC NT P UE C I=l,N GC c? J=1,N E'ALALS(I)=;.r}UALS(I)+MASS2(I,J)*TOSQ(J) 2'J CC ,TINUE EAU;A1.S(I)=I-QUALS(I)+A3rt4t(I) ECUA-S(I)=E^UAL (I)+GRAV(I}+XYMASS (I)+GRAG (I) C3hT I'tiUE RETURN' END OLVE(N,TD),KOKRECT) SUP;;",UTIN4 C^LTA(3),TCC{3 CIENSIC RnAL a1, SSSS2,L CC?,"'WIN '-'4" AS/` ASS. C : ,3,;) nC i 1 I= 1, N WCPK(I,N+1)=EQUALS (I) Cc 1 J=1,N I,J) K. 13 :;S1 (I,J) CCtTIN (3=- C-1 LL r,IlU I;: CC ;;_ ' J C: q(I) ; (N,TCC) T.2(I.") GC T0 5 K=1,KCK ECT I=1,N ECLALS(I) 7)., (I)= (I)# S)1(I,J)*TCC(J) CCNTI'^IUE CC 3) I=19N WCRK(I,N+1)=P(I) CC 31 J=1,tti' NCoK (I,J)=MASS1 (I, CC NT INUS CALL -7 AU SS (I CC 4 :i I=1. TOO( I)=T0 40 59 MASS 23 ) /W/WORK(*;',31)/LE_NGTH/L(3L) CELTA) (I)-JELTA(I) CC NT INU CONTINUE O C 61 1=19N T'1C(I)=TC') (T)/L.(I) R=TURN EN 0 /EQUAL/EQUALS (3u /R 'SIC/R 3 SLP0,)UTINE GAIJSS(N,X) JIM 9SION X(Z`) CCMMY4/w/WCpl< (3L, 31) I , WCRKII=WO K(I,I) IF (WCKI I.EC. . uu) GO TO 8 CC 71 GO TJ 5 8 PRINT FORMAT (53'4 AF#NOR4AL HALT CAUSED 9Y DIVIDING -3Y ZERO IN GAUSS ROUTI CNE) CALL EXIT 5 CC 1) J=1041 "WCRK (I,J)=WO,RRK (I, J)/WCRKII 13 CC NT INUE J=1,t` WCt*KIJ=WCRK (J, I) CC ?I K=1,ail IF (J. 'O. I) GO TO 3L tNORK(J,K)=WORK(J,K)-WO+ K(I,K)*WCRKIJ 24 CO NTrLNUt+ 3tE CCikTINUE 00 40 w.,; I-1,t4 Y (I) =WCR K (I, t-) +1) CONTINUE RETURN ENO SL C " ,7 TI? { P J , )L TA ,THE T 1,T019 TOO, THETA,TC,KG R GT) ?Iif'4 ION Tit_'TA!(3L), `I)i(3,J)TO'DI(3 ,THETA (3 -T?( ', ),T' 2(!: CTS) CALL O LL(P.,TLTAI,T' 1) CALL CLV ("y, )'J 71, K3 RCCT) 'I: 1 ) i= 1, N A<1(T)=C'ELT AT*T^D1(I) 01 ( I . T 1 LTt" TC1{I ) )-;J fl ( ) + A THE1 %2 ( I ) = T ! J E I Al CC TINUEE eJ?(I) "' I < I (1) /L (I)+C1(I)/r-. CALL -ALL (`), IliETA2,TG2) CALL uGL (N,TC02,K0P 2CT) CC ? 1 1,N AK2(I)=) LTAT*T,jD2(I) C2(I)=0 LiAT TJ'(i) THETA? (I ) =THzTi1(I)-C1 (I)+2.4C2(I) 23 CONTINUE CALL CALL(N,THETA2,T02) CALL SGL V (t4, TCU2, KGRRECT) GG t) T=1, N AK (I)=DELTT*TCG2(I) 0: (T)=0E'l"TAT+T 2(I) T 30 (I)=T0i(I)+(A!C1(I)+4.*AK2(I)+AK3(I))/b. CC KT INU CALL CAL.L(N,THETA,78) CALL RE T') '< ", TO (30) pT 03(3J) ,THE TDC2(?),AK (?),AK2(2i)A)C(3w),Q1(3,),G?(3 ),G3( SLRRJUTI N FFH )ICT (N, CELTAT , TDI 9 THETA *TD,TOQ, THETA2, TOE) t)ISICt T u'"},THETA(3C),TU( v),T'l(-7C)ITHFTA2(30),TD2(33) I I= 1, N TC2(I)=TOO (I) *2.*OFLTAT*TCo(I) CL ID T4FT12(I)=Tr- TA(I)+) LTAT*(T3(I)+TO2(I) )/2. N11 TI M7 T1J ',T (N,D:LTAT,THETAI,TJ1,TflD1, TO2,TH_TA,TD) J I " c' NSIOP Rh 16 T J1( ),TG 1(3,)T G2 (3 TO (TT).! (:t) *)uLTA74 (Ti -, ( I ) + T D 0 2 ( D /2 THCTI)=T 71Tt1 +3-iTAT TO1(I+TD;I)12 CC"TINU--:* '1V TH -z T A(3Ll T0(3C SL,``PTUTlt; T--NSION MlYDD9THE, TA,T I,T -G, DENS ITYIXr7,YD,Y;a L,M REtL DIMl-',4SIG"a THETA( 3'J),T! (?LTCDf?u),ATG),VN(3u),VT (3r-) . N/L'J(,Tit/L,(3j),t-'ASS/P (:J)/CJEF/')T c3L),DN(3c)1VFL,VX {33) IVY {30 G)/At"3/S1 7 ),C1(3,,)/0IFFANG/52(5,x,?,,) C^(3^s 3,;)/TEN/T(3t ) CCM CChMJ'1/CHHRRc.rjT/VC(, 0)/PuS/X(3O),Y(:.) CCMMCN/ACOEF/DA AT(1)=-X[ *C1(2)-YCD*S1(!)+L(I)*TO(1)**2 !}e 13 I=2,rti 11=1-1 AT (I)=-xDD*C1(I)-Y^D*S1(I)+.(I)*TO(I)4*2 iQ 1 1 J=1.,11 AT(I)=AT(I)+L(J)*(TOO(J)*S2(J,I)+C2(J,I)*T0(J)**2) CCt.TINUE V' (i)=.5*L (?)*TD(1)-XD*S1t11+YD*:1(i} +VC(1) *S1ti3 VT (1)=-Xrj*C1 (1) -YD*S I(!) +VC (1) *C1 (1) DD 2 t I=?, N I1=I-i Vt (I)=.5*L{I)*TD(I)-VX(Ii)*S1(I)+VY (Ii) *G1(I)+VC(I) *S1 (I) VT (I)=-VX(II)*C1(I)-VY(Ii)*S1(I)+VC(I)*C1{I) 2 CC tTINU ' #_,4 G=,;2,2*('?FNSITY-wt tar; Ip(VX"'A PHI=;. 1415P2E5/2, ^1) /')LNSITY (O TO 3 GO TO 2 3 ^=VY (N)/ltS(VX (I) IF(VX(to) .LT.", GO TO PHI=IT AN (A) GC TO 2 A=AS3(A) I PHI= 3.141592t,5-ATAI,, 2 C0 NT 1NUE T (l.) _4 (N) *AT (ti) +4 (P,) *C*Si (N) +.5*DT (',) *VT (:) *ABS(VT(#)) +D A* (VX(#V) ** VY (") ?) C,)S( 4I-TrwT` (1., ) (f).'z-.:.:, TCO :T('v)-MT:d)4;'S1U0-'1 (N')*AT(N) .) Kw =.+ Kt=K+1 '( (K;*,.T(-)+T4Y' (K)+.5*(OT(K)*VT (<)*ARS(VT (K,Kl)+'( }}+,T(.i)zCLfKKK JT(K.)"a- ';(JT(K;,))-CN(KI SKKI VN(K1 AP_ (y It <) a 7!S I, } _ Lr.. , tv! ::T T(T)=T(I) 40 i 1, f, 1 w!J} . V : ) ! (K. ) = ( ) - I., ( "1, ) * k7 * 1(K) UTT0Mtt L 9 JTI L ,M 0I-3 LCr T)C` ) , TCC, TTE /L -',TFi/ t?:)IC:IFFANG/52433g3:C2t? 133 A4 'Y _ ,, CC x j I- 1, t.t, =LII)TCCI) 1 C ' I"r)c TIC; I1 +IiLC i} P IT 21 31 TI' rot,," 'AT 1(h) C'd*I. _. r T"CZ)=TM ( )+nb (.)HT TL c1C J)Z 92 C",,t1)) `T(CaLL°.J AT Ti lt= , 11.7) 87 Appendix C Program Sequence NVRO1 - The standard method of characteristic program reference [5] debugged for the Bonneville Power Administration Computer. NVR02 - The first modification of NVRO1 to allow the boundary conditions for the anchor-drop problem. NVR03 - An improvement of NVR02 which used equations (3) of the text for calculating line coordinates. NVR04 - An improved version of NVR02 using a Simpson's integration formula to integrate equations (2) of the text. NVRO5 - The first lumped mass program using a self starting predictor-corrector for the "Standard catenary configuration" of a Fig. G. NVR06 - The same program as NVRO5 except the initial condition is the "Goose neck configuration" of Figure E. NVR07 - The inextensible line lumped mass model of reference [9]. NVR08 - The final version of the lumped mass model using the second order predictor-corrector of Section 11-3.0. Appendix Tabulation of Constants Mooring Line Nylon - 2.5" Dia. Density = 71 lb./ft3 CN = 1.4 CT = (.008) (1.4) = 0. CI t = .5 CI N Length = 5660 ft. unstressed Stress = CI(strain)C2 C1 = 1.67 x 108 PSF C2 = 4.37 Dacron - 1.0" Dia. Density - 1.0" Dia. CN = 1.4 CT = (.008) (1.4) Cit = 0. CI N = .5 Stress = C1(strain)C2 C1 = 1.2 x 109 C2 =3.7 length 5660 ft. unstressed 89 90 Steel - 2.5" Dia. Density = 350 lb/ft3 = 1.3 C N CT = (.008) (1.3) CI t = 0. = .5 CI N Inextensible Anchor Weight = 12000 lb. Vol.- 24.5 ft3 Frontal Area = 12.6 ft2 CD = .4 CI = 1.0 Length = 5660 ft. Water Density = 64 lb/ft3 Depth = 5000 ft. 91 Appendix E Computer run times for computations made on the Bonneville Power Administration Runs CDC-6400. made for nylon lines 1) 2) 15° catenary .14 computer sec Real Sec - Mass a) Early portion of drop t b) Late portion of drop t _ .1 Computer Sec Real Sec - Mass 600 catenary a) Early portion of drop t = .28 Computer Sec Real Sec - Mass b) Late portion of drop t .21 Computer Sec Real Sec - Mass Runs made for dacron lines 1) 15° catenary .84 Computer Sec Real Sec - Mass Early portion of drop 60° Catenary Early portion of drop L 1.4 Computer Sec Real Sec - Mass 93 Appendix F List of Symbols A Frontal Area of Anchor ACN Normal Acceleration ACT Tangential Acceleration C Constants n CD Drag Coefficients CDN Normal Drag Coefficient CDT Tangential Drag Coefficient of the Line Cl Added Mass Coefficient for Anchor CIN Added Mass Coefficient Normal for Line CIT Added Mass Coefficient Tangential for Line D Line Diameter Da Anchor Diameter DFN Drag Force in the Normal Direction DFT Drag Force in the Tangential Direction M. The ith mass representing the Line r MA Anchor Mass SF Spring Force SFX Spring Force in the X direction SFZ Spring Force in the Z direction T Line Tension at Anchor VCX Local Water Velocity in X Direction VCY Local Water Velocity in Y Direction 94 VOL Anchor Displaced Volume Line Velocity Normal Line Velocity Tangential Anchor Weight .WT Weight of the ith Mass 0 ki Line Segment Length kI to k4 Runge Kutta Parameters to k3 Runge Kutta Parameters mi to m4 Runge Kutta Parameters nI to n4 Runge Kutta Parameters Horizontal Coordinate Vertical Coordinate Arc Distance Along the Line AS Equal Distance Taken between Calculation Point At Time Increment Angle from the Horizontal to the Anchor Line Link Line Strain at the ith link Angle Between the Horizontal and the Line Tangent 0AV The Average P Mass Density of the Line Between Two Adjacent Links Mass Density of the Anchor 6 Stress in the Line c Error in Velocity Computation Unclassified Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA- R & D (Security classification of title, body of abstract and indexing annotation must be entered when the overall report is classified 1. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) 2s. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Unclassified 2b. GROUP 3. REPORT TITLE ANCHOR-LAST DEPLOYMENT PROCEDURE FOR MOORING 4. DESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and inclusive dates) Engineering Research Report (1 July 1971 to 30 June 1973 5. AU THOR (S) (First name, middle initial, last name) Robert W. Thresher and John H. Nath 6. REPORT DATE June 1973 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 7a. TOTAL. O. OF PAGES N92 7b. NO. OF REFS 10 9a. ORIGINATOR$ REPORT NUMBER(S) N00014-67-A-0369-0007 Oceanography Reference 73-5 b. PROJECT NO. NR 083-102 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned this report) C. d. 10. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE: 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Office of Naval Research Ocean Science and Technology Division 22217 Arlington, Virginia 13. ABSTRACT The anchor-last mooring procedure is investigated in order to determine Transient the transient forces in the mooring line and the velocities of the anchor. forces were determined and the results showed that no severe snap loads occurred for the cases investigated. In addition, it was found that the vertical velocity of the anchor can be small as it approaches impact with the floor of the ocean. Both extensible (nylon and dacron) and inextensible (steel wire rope) lines were investigated. For the Lumped mass numerical models were developed for both cases. extensible line case the equations of motion were determined for each mass from Newton's Second Law, and they were integrated using a second order predictor-corrector integration technique. Hamiltonian techniques were utilized to determine the equations of motion for the inextensible line. The predictions from the numerical models show the line tensions and positions as a function of time. DD FORM INov65 1 4/ 3 (PAGE 1) l l...- 1,«: 4;- A Ilnrlassif ied Security Classification tA. KEY WORDS LINK A ROLE LINK B WT ROLE Numerical Models for Lines Anchor-Last Mooring Procedure Anchoring Lumped Mass Models DU rwRi"as ^^ r Nov 33 (BACK) Unc lass i_f i ed WT LINK C ROLE WT