VOL. 84, NO. CII JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH NOVEMBER 20, 1979 The Spring Transition in Currents Over The Oregon Continental Shelf A. HUYER, E. J. C. SOBEY,' AND R. L. SMITH Schoolof Oceanography, OregonState University,Corvallis,Oregon97331 Currentmetermooringsmaintainedoverthe Oregoncontinentalshelfin 1973and 1975clearlyshow the differencebetweenwinterand springoceanographic regimesand the rapid transitionbetweenthe regimes.In winterthe meanalongshore currentis northwardat all depthsand strongest nearshore;thereis no meanverticalshear,no meanoffshoredensitygradients,and meansealevel is high. In springthe meanalongshorecurrentis weak nearthe bottomand stronglysouthwardat the surfacewith a maximum overthe mid-shelf;the strongverticalshearis balancedby strongoffshoredensitygradients,and mean sealevelis low. In both 1973and 1975the transitionbetweentheseregimesoccurswithin abouta week duringa strongsouthwardwind event.In manyrespects the transitioneventdoesnot differsignificantly from previoussouthwardwind events,but the lateraldensitygradientsestablished duringthe transition eventexceedthoseof earlierevents.The transitionappearsto be theresultof a largecumulativeoffshore Ekman transportcausedby local wind stressratherthan by propagationof effectsgeneratedelsewhere. The lateraldensitygradientsand the verticalshearestablished duringthe transitioneventsubsequently persist,evenduringnorthwardwind eventswith moderateonshoreElanantransport. INTRODUCTION middle of the continental shelf about 10 km north of New- The winter and summercurrent regimesover the Oregon port, Oregon(Figure 1). The mooringwasrecoveredand reincontinentalshelfare quite distinct[Huyer eta!., 1975b,1978]. stalledeight timesat very nearly the sameposition,and with In winter there is little or no mean shear, the mean flow is the currentmetersat aboutthe samedepths(Table 1). Instal- by a fisherman, leavinga northwardat all depths,and the northwardflow is strongest lationV wasprematurelyrecovered 7-day gap before installation VI; all other gaps due to servvery near shore.In summer the mean surfacecurrent is southward, and there is a strong mean vertical shear such that icing are lessthan a day long. From installation to installadeeper currents are always more northward than shallower currents;the surfacesouthwardflow is strongestabout 15-30 km from shore. The distinctionbetweenthe winter and summerregimes wasclearly observedin a nearly continuousyear-longcurrent recordobtainedin 1973.This year-longrecordsuggested that the springtransitionoccurredquickly, in a few weeksor less. To studythe winter-to-springtransitionin more detail, we began an observationalprogramat the end of January 1975.The observationsconsistedof three arraysmooredacrossthe continental sheff at 45øN (Figure 1) from the end of January through mid-April !975 with the mid-sheff mooring maintained until early September 1975. Supplementaryhydrographic sectionswere made along 45øN at irregular intervals betweenJanuaryand July 1975. In this paper we shall presentresultsfrom the long midsheffrecordobtainedbetweenDecember1972and April 1974, from the secondmid-shelf record obtained betweenJanuary and September 1975, and from the sectionacrossthe sheff at 45øN betweenJanuary and April 1975.We shall describethe 1975 spring transition in detail, define its essentialcharacteristics, and show that similar transitions have occurred in other tion, the depths of the current meters remained almost the same.Current observationsare nearly continuousat 23 m for 12 months, and at 40 m for 17 months;the 80-m data have a 2-weekgap at the end of March 1973and a 6-weekgap in July. The current observations were made with Aanderaa current meterson a taut subsurfacemooring with the shallowestfloat about 4 m above the top current meter. These Currentmeters record temperature as well as instantaneousdirection and av- eragespeed.The raw data were filteredto reducehigh-frequencyvariations,yieldinghourly values.The gapsdue to replacingthe mooringswere filled by artificialdata [U!rychet al., 1973].The joined time serieswere then low-passfiltered (half-powerpoint of 40 hours)to suppresstidal and inertial oscillations.The coordinatesystemwas rotatedclockwise20ø from the east-northsystemto obtainonshoreand alongshore componentsof the currents. Observationsof sealevel, atmosphericpressure,and wind speedand direction were made at Newport, Oregon, and hourly data are available. The sea level data have been ad- justed for the 'invertedbarometer'effect,by which sealevel falls I cm for every l-mbar increasein atmospheric pressure. years.Finally, we shall investigatethe causeof the sp'ring The hourly time seriesof adjustedsea level and wind were transition and attempt to account for the time of its occurrence. low-passedin the same manner as the currents to remove diurnal and shorterperiodvariations. Daily valuesof the low-passed(LLP) time seriesof the cur- THE YEAR-LONG RECORD: POINSETTIA, 1973 rentsat Poinsettiaareshownin Figure2, with the adjustedsea Mooredcurrentmeterobservations at 'Poinsettia'(44ø45'N, level and the wind. From December 1972 to March 1973 the 124ø17'W) beganin December1972and continueduntil May currentsat all depthsshowfrequentreversalsand are gener1974. Poinsettia is located over the 100-m isobath, about the ally in the samedirectionas the wind. From April through September1973the currentat 23 m is alwayssouthward,but • Presentaddress: Science Applications, Boulder,Colorado80302. Copyright¸ 1979by the AmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber 9C1074. 0148-0227/79/009C-1074501.00 6995 the current at 80 m continues to reverse direction with the wind. The current at 40 m is continuallysouthwardfrom April through July; in Augustit beginsto showreversalslike 6996 HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTS OFF OREGON 45o30 ' i i 45oZ 44o$0' I 125'30' 125ø 124' 30' 124• Fig. 1. Location of current meter arrays:Poinsettia,December 1972to April 1974;Carnation, July-August 1973;and Wisp array (Wisteria, Sunflower,and Pikake) acrossthe shelf at 45øN, January-April 1975;Sunflowerwas maintained until September1975.Continuingwind, atmosphericpressure,and sealevel observationsare made at Newport. thosein the wind and the 80-m current. Beginningin Septem- the maximum southward wind. The difference between the ber 1973, wind-induced reversalsagain occur at all depths alongshorevelocity at the top and bottom current meters, through December1973, when the 23-m recordends.The which is a measure of the depth-averaged vertical shear, data from 40 and 80 m suggestthat thesewind-inducedre- seemsto be almostconstantat 25 cm s-• in springand early versalscontinueat all depthsthroughMarch 1974.Southward summer,and about zero in winter; the magnitudeof the shear flow at 40 m is re-established in April 1974,abouta month be- increasesvery quickly in early springand decreases slowlyin fore the end of the record. late summerand fall. Linear correlationcoefficientscomputed To look at the seasonal variations in more detail, we filled among the VLF time series(Table 2) show that the alongthe gapsin the 80-m recordbeforefurtherfilteringto remove shorecurrentsat 23 and 40 m are significantlycorrelatedwith the wind-induced fluctuations.The first gap in the 80-m rec- sea level at the 99.9% level but are not as well correlated with ord, a 14-daygap beginningon March 26, 1973,wasfilled by the wind; the 80-m current is not significantlycorrelatedat the artificial data obtainedby extendingthe previousrecordfor- 95% level with either the sea level or the wind. ward and the subsequentrecord backward [Ulrych et al., In the residual (ILF) time series,which contain signalswith 1973].To fill the second(6-week)gap,we useddata from 80 periodsbetween2 and 50 days, almostall of the wind variam at Carnation [Pillsburyet al., 1974], a mooring over the tions are reflectedin changesin sealevel and currents(Figure same isobath but about 55 km further north (Figure 1); be- 4). Linear correlation coefficientsbetween the ILF series causeof the high alongshorecoherenceover the shelf [Huyer (Table 3) showthat the wind, sealevel, and currentsare siget al., 1975a;KunduandAllen,1976],thisdatarecordis prob- nificantly correlatedwith each other at the 99.9% level. This ably a very goodestimateof the currentsat Poinsettia.A very strongrelationshipbetweenmid-shelf currents,sea level, and low passfilter (half-powerpointof about50 days)wasapplied wind is consistentwith the resultsof Huyer et al. [1978], who to the long low-passedtime series.The very low frequency showed seasonal variations in the structure of the low-fre(VLF: 0-0.02 cpd) time seriespassedby this filter are shown quencycurrentfluctuationsbut not in the ratio betweenwind in Figure 3. The residual (ILF: 0.02-0.6 cpd) time series, and current fluctuations. which excludeperiodslonger than 50 days and shorterthan 1 day, are shownin Figure 4. THE 7-MONTH RECORD: SUNFLOWER, 1975 The VLF time series(Figure 3) showa definiteseasonalsignal in the sea level and the alongshorecurrentsat 23 and 40 Measurementsdesignedto observethe 1975 spring transim, with apparent annual rangesof about 35 cm in sea level tion in detail beganat the end of January 1975.The mid-shelf and 60 cm s-' in currents.Weaker seasonalcyclesare alsoap- mooring, Sunflower (Figure 1), was replaced in April and parentin the 80-m current,and the wind, with rangesof about again in July and was finally recoveredin September1975 Sunflowerrecordswere 20 cm s-' and 8 ms-', respectively.There is a high degreeof [Gilbert et al., 1976]. The successive similaritybetweenthe seasonalcyclesof the sealevel and the joined to providecontinuoustime seriesfrom the endof Janualongshorecurrentsat 23 and 40 m. The lowestsealevel and ary to mid-Septemberat 26, 76, and 92 m and to the end of the maximumsouthwardcurrentoccurseveralmonthsbefore July at 52 m. Althoughtheseobservations do not spanan en- HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTS OFF OREGON 6997 tire seasonalcycle, they do allow us to check the validity of some of the conclusions based on the Poinsettia data. The data seriesfrom the Sunflower current meters (rotated 8ø clockwise)and the wind and adjusted sea level data from Newport were filtered in the sameway as the Poinsettia data, yielding LLP (0-0.6 cpd), ILF (0.02-0.6 cpd), and VLF (00.02 cpd) data series.Daily values of the LLP Sunflower current vectors(Figure 5) show variationssimilar to thosein the Poinsettiadata (Figure 2): in February and March the alongshorecurrentsreversewith the wind; in April, May, and June the near-surface currents remain generally southward, although the near-bottom current continuesto oscillatewith the wind. The ILF time series (Figure 5), from which periods longer than 50 days have been removed, show that current fluctuationsat all depthsare closelyrelated to fluctuationsin wind and sealevel. Correlation coefficientsamong the Sunflower ILF time series (Table 4) are very similar to those for Poinsettia (Table 3). Combining ILF current data from all depths, the regressioncoefficientsof alongshorecurrent as a function of sealevel are nearly the samefor the two data sets: 1.7 s-' for Poinsettia and 2.0 s-' for Sunflower. The VLF Sunflowerseries(Figure 6) are also similar to the PoinsettiaVLF files:sealevel is high in late winter and low in spring and summer;the near-surfacecurrentsare nearly zero in late winter, stronglysouthwardin springand early summer, and weakly northward in late summer;the differencebetween the near-surface and near-bottom alongshore currents is nearlyzeroin late winterbut quitestrong(about30 cm s-') in spring and early summer. The magnitude of the mean shear increasesvery quickly in early spring, and its final value (0.0045s-') at Sunfloweris very nearlyidenticalto its value at Poinsettia. Thus the Sunflower observationssupport the conclusions based on the Poinsettia data. The Sunflower observationsprovide some information not available from the Poinsettia data. Since the Sunflower obser- vationswere essentiallycontinuous,it is possibleto compute the low-passedvelocitydifferencebetweenthe top and bottom current meters(Figure 7); this time seriesshowsthat the persistentmean shear is establishedvery quickly (within I or 2 weeks) in early spring, more quickly than one might guess from the VLF time series. Since some of the Sunflower cur- rent metersalsorecordedconductivity,it waspossibleto compute time seriesof sigma-t.Figure 7 showsthat the near-bottom sigma-t was highly variable in February and March but constantwithin about +_0.1from April on. This suggeststhat the transition in currents and sea level is associated with a changein the densityfield over the continentalshefl. THE OFFSHORE SECTION AT 45 øN, FEBRUARY-APRIL 1975 From late Januaryto mid-April 1975we made intensiveobservations of the currents and hydrography along 45øN. Three current meter arrays, including Sunflower, were mooredover the shelf (Figure 1) with a total of 11 current meters [Gilbertet al., 1976];each currentmeter recordedtemperature and pressureas well as speedand direction, and all but one recordedconductivity,so we were able to compute time seriesof sigma-t. The duration of theserecordsis not long enoughto warrant calculatingvery low frequency(VLF) time series;instead, we shall examine the offshore structure of the mean winter and spring conditions,i.e., before and after the springtransitionas definedby the Sunflowerdata. 6998 HUYERET AL.: SPRINGCURRENTS OFF OREGON J F M A M J J F M A M J J A J A 'S 0 N D J F 0 N D J F M A M A M 6O 50' 23m ,,?, 50 40rn • o • -,50 • 50 -15 S 1973 1974 Fig.2. Dailyvaluesof low-passed (LLP)timeseries of thecurrents of Poinsettia andof windandadjusted sealevelat Newport. The coordinatesystemfor the currentvectorshave beenrotated20ø clockwisefrom north. Sealevel is referredto its 1973 mean. OffshoreStructure the inner half of the shelf;this changeis more than twice as large as the greateststandarddeviation in either season.There Distributions of the means and standard deviations of the is almostno changein densitynear the surfaceover the outer low-passedalongshorecurrent and the density(Figure 8) half of the shelf or in the deep water at the most offshore show that there are significant differencesin the offshore mooring. structure before and after the transition. In winter the mean The distributionsof the standarddeviationsof alongshore currentand density(Figure 8) alsochangesignificantlyfrom winterto spring.In winterthe variabilityin velocitydecreases the mean and the standarddeviationare greatestnear shore with increasingdepthat eachmooting;in springthe variabiland smallerover the outer shelf.In springthe mean along- ity is almostconstantwith depth over the mid-shelfand outer shorecurrent is southwardalmost everywhere,and near the shelf. The variability decreaseswith distance from shore, surfaceit is larger than the standarddeviation,i.e., the surface ratherweaklyin winterbut stronglyin spring.The variability current over the mid-shelf and outer shelf is persistently in the densityis greatestnear the bottom at mid-shelfin winsouthward.Whereasmean isotachsin winter are generally ter and nearthe surfaceoverthe innershelfin spring.In both vertical(i.e., the northwardcurrentdecreases primarilywith casesthe densityvariabilityseemsto be greatestwherethe vedistancefromshore),themeanisotachs in springaregenerally locityvariabilitydecreases moststronglywith depth,suggestlateral (i.e., there is significantvertical shear over the inner ing that the densityvariability is an integralpart of the velocshelf and the outer shelf as well as over the mid-shelf).In ity variability. This variability and the difference in its spring the mean alongshorecurrent at each depth on all characterin winter and springhave beendiscussed in detail in alongshorecurrent is northward over the entire shelf, but the mean is everywheresmaller than the standarddeviation;both mooringsis southwardrelative to the near bottom current,i.e., an earlier paper [Huyer et al., 1978].There, we found that the the tendencytoward southwardflow penetratesmostof the variabilityis dueto low-frequency fluctuations inducedby the water column. The changebetweenseasonsin mean currents local wind in both seasons; the amplitudeof the fluctuationsis is greatestnear the surfaceand over the mid-shelf;near the a function only of the wind stress;the vertical structureof the bottom the changeis about the samesizeas the standardde- fluctuationsis more strongly baroclinic in winter and more viations in either season. The mean isopycnalsare nearly level with a slightdownward slopetowardshorein winter;in springthey slopeupward towardthe coast,with the steepestslopesnear the bottom over the inner shelf (Figure 8). In winter the lightest surfacewater is observedat the most inshoremooting;in springit isobserved at themostoffshoremooting.The change in mean densitydistributionis greatestnear the bottom over nearlybarotropicin spring;the offshorelengthscaleis about the same as the shelf width in winter and about half the shelf width in spring;in both seasons the velocityfluctuationsare highlycorrelatedwith coastalsealevel,and verticalvelocity gradientsare balancedby lateraldensitygradients.We speculated that the change in the structure of the wind-induced fluctuations wasrelatedto the changein the meanalongshore currents. HUYERET AL.: SPRINGCURRENTS OFFOREGON I 6999 7000 HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTS OFF OREGON 6O i J F M A M J ';'"i J A S ] I'¾W' ' •"i• 0 ! N D N D i J F M A • _I$• J F M A M J J A S 0 J F 1973 M A 1974 Fig. 4. Daily valuesof the'intermediately low'frequency (ILF) currents at Poinsettia, withILF windandadjusted sea level at Newport. Relationships•4mong Variables for Newport from the observedhourly data, adding the hourly atmosphericpressureto adjust for the inverted barometer efThe effectsof the springtransitionare most clearly mani- fect, and adding the annual and semi-annual cyclesto comfestedin the adjustedsea level, the near-surfacealongshore pensatefor their inclusionin the predictedsealevel. (The precurrents,the near-bottom density, and in the differencebe- dicted sea level data were provided by National Ocean tween near-surface and near-bottom currents over the midSurvey; tidal constantsfor terms with periods of a month or shefl.In thissectionwe shallusehourlytime seriesto examine less were based on 1971 observations, and the constants for a few of the relationshipsamongthesevariables. the annual and semi-annual terms were based on observations Hourly time seriesof all the currentand densitydata have from 1967 through 1971.) Although this processdoesnot enbeenpresentedby Gilbertet al. [1976].Selectedtime seriesare tirely remove the diurnal and semi-diurnal tides, it does reshownwith hourly northwardwind and adjustedsealevel in duce their amplitude to about 5 cm, and nontidal variationsin Figure 9. Hourly time seriesof sealevel are stronglydomi- sealevel becomedominant (Figure 9). natedby the semidiurnaltides,whichhavea muchlargeramCurrentversussealevel. Earlier work [e.g.,Collinsand Patplitudethan the changesin sealevel associated with changes tullo, 1970; Smith, 1974;Huyer et al., 1978] has shownthat in wind, currents,and the densityof the water, but it is only the sealevel 'anomalies'from the regulartidal variationsthat are of interesthere. We computedthe hourly time seriesof adjustedsealevel by subtractingthe predictedsealevel data low-passedvariationsin near-surfacecurrentsand adjusted sealevelareverywell correlatedandthat theregression equation between them can be used to estimate the width of the current fluctuations. In other words, it has been shown that TABLE 2. LinearCorrelation Coefficients (CC) BetweenLinearlyDetrended VLF Time Seriesof Alongshore Currents at Poinsettia, Northward WindandAdjusted SeaLevel,Using323DailyValues Depth,m CC t, CR95% CR99• CR99.9• 0.80 0.80 0.76 0.90 0.90 0.87 0.83 0.83 0.80 0.92 0.92 0.90 Current Versus Wind 23 40 80 0.79 0.71 0.46 7 7 8 0.67 0.67 0.55 Current Versus Sea Level 23 40 80 0.96 0.93 0.64 6 6 7 0.71 0.71 0.67 Degrees offreedom (t,)werecomputed following Davis[1976], andcritical correlation coefficients (CR) at differentsignificance levelswereobtainedfrom PearsonandHartley[1970,Table 13]. HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTS OFF OREGON TABLE 3. Linear Correlation Coefficients(CC) Between Linearly Detrended ILF Time Series of AlongshoreCurrents at Poinsettia, NorthwardWind and AdjustedSeaLevel,Using323 Daily Values Depth,m CC Current 23 40 80 v low-passedcurrent and densitydata, i.e., the vertical gradient of the alongshorecurrent is approximately balanced by the offshore density gradient. Figure 10 showstime seriesof the hourly velocity differencebetween26 and 53 m at Pikake and the density differencebetween 53-m Pikake and 52-m Sunflower; thesetime seriesare very well correlated,even during periods of rapid change. The linear correlation coefficient between them is -0.72. Since the thermal wind equation is a local relationship between local gradients, it is remarkable that there is suchgood agreementwith finite differenceswhich are not centeredabout the same point and which were computed from density observationsseparatedby 5 kin. The fact that such good agreementcan be found for even one pair of differencetime series(and in particular for sucha shallow-water, near-shorepair) suggestsstrongly that the thermal wind equation holds for almost all the water over the shelf, except perhapsthe surfacemixed layer. Densityand sea level. It is generally believed that geostrophic readjustmentis mostlybarotropicfor the first few daysof a suddenand major changein flow and that the baroclinic response, including changes in the density field, takes substantially longer [e.g., Reid and Mantyla, 1976]. The hourly time seriesof sealevel and near-bottomsigma-tover the inner shelf and over the mid-shelf (Figure 9) suggestthat density changesover the shelf have essentiallythe same time scaleas sea level changes,regardlessof season.Comparing hourly time seriesof verticallyaveragedsigma-tat Pikake (28 and 53 m) and at Sunflower(26, 52, 76, and 92 m) with sea level, we obtain correlationcoefficientsof-0.54 and -0.61 at zero lag; the maximum correlation coefficientsare slightly greater CR99.9 % Versus Wind 0.53 0.55 0.61 160 160 160 <0.32 <0.32 <0.32 Current Versus Sea Level 23 40 80 0.84 0.84 0.76 80 80 105 0.36 0.36 0.30 Wind Versus Sea Level 0.56 160 <0.32 Degreesof freedom (v) and critical correlationcoefficients(CR) were obtained as in Table 2. low-frequency near-surfacealongshorecurrents are approximately in balancewith the offshoresea-surfaceslope.Figure 9 showsthere is alsogoodcorrelationbetweenthe hourly alongshorecurrent at 26-m Sunflowerand sealevel: even very rapid changesgenerallyoccurin both records.The correlationcoefficient betweenthesehourly time seriesis 0.86, essentiallythe sameas for the low-passeddata (Table 4). Thermal wind balance. Earlier work [Huyer et al., 1978] has also shownthat the 'thermal wind' equation holds for the 60 ' F ' M ' A ' M ' J ' J ' A 7001 ' • 60 I,,] '111• I1"11' 31 •'111' I,•1 III ,111 I III"1111"11 ,,,I,,,,,, ,,,,11, I11" I"'111 '111"" IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII1 ,IllIt .... • "• I'* I•1111 I••1III•1111• II .....M A M J J ' '""'"" '111 .... '11%11•', '"&•r',' ...... "& "'h""l •"1h%" '"'1' 50 •Orm• o o • -50 0 øL F M A M 1975 J J A M A M J J 1975 Fig. 5. Daily valuesof LLP (left) Sunflowercurrentswith Newportwind and adjustedsealevel,and of ILF (fight) Sunflowercurrentswith ILF Newport wind and sealevel. Coordinatesfor currentsare rotated8øclockwisefrom north. Sea level is referred to its 1975 mean. A HUYER 7002 ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTS TABLE 4. Linear Correlation Coefficients(CC) Between Linearly Detrended ILF Time Series of Alongshore Currents at Sunflower, Northward Wind and AdjustedSeaLevel, Using 134Daily Valuesfor 52 m, and 184 Daily Values for All Other Pairs Depth, m CC v CR99.9• Current Versus Wind 26 52 76 92 0.47 0.53 0.58 0.63 Current 26 52 76 92 65 48 70 87 0.40 0.44 0.38 0.34 Versus Sea Level 0.84 0.85 0.85 0.80 42 32 48 56 0.48 0.55 0.44 0.42 OFF OREGON may alsobe densitychangesin the deeperwater farther from shore. Computationsof the stericheightof the seasurfacerelative to 600 db from hydrographicsections[Gilbert et al., 1976] showvery goodagreementwith the low-passedsealevel data (Figure 11). Stericheightat the coastwascalculatedfrom the hydrographicsectionsusingMontgomery'smethod[Reid and Mantyla, 1976]of extrapolationfor water shallowerthan 600 db. Similar calculationsusing a shallowerreferencelevel of 400 db show a smaller range (19 cm instead of 29 cm) and therefore indicate that there are significant density changes below 400 m. This may explain the poor agreementwhich Reid and Mantyla [1976] found betweencoastalsealevel and stericheightvariationsoff Oregonduringthe summerof 1972: most of the repeated hydrographicsectionsthey used extendedonly deep enoughto directlycomputestericheight to 200 db. Wind Versus Sea Level 0.54 65 DETAILS 0.39 Degreesof freedom (v) and critical correlationcoefficients(CR) were obtained as in Table 2. OF THE 1975 SPRING TRANSITION The transition is identified clearly not so much by anything that occursduring the period of transition but rather by the dramatic difference between the oceanographicregimes be- (-0.60 and-0.66), with sealevelleadingdensityby about17 fore and after it. Nevertheless, a close examination of the hours. What differences there are between the variations in transitionperiod might reveal one or more distinctivecharacteristicsthat causethis changein the oceanographicregime. In 1975 the spring transition occursbetween mid-March. sealevel and densitycan probablybe explainedby the poor' vertical samplingof the density,and by the fact that there 1 JUN 1 JUL 1 AUG •t -,15 -50 o i i i ! i 1 1 1 M•¾ JU• JUL -25 -$0 $ -$ Fig. 6. Time seriesof the VLF alongshore currentsat Sunflower, with VLF adjustedsealeveland northwardwind at Newport,andthe differencebetweenthe 26 and 92 m alongshore current. HUYERETAL.:SPRING CURRENTS OFFOREGON FEB MAR APR MAY JUN 7003 JUL 5O -50 Fig.7. LLPtimeseries of thedifference in thealongshore velocity between 26and92m, Sunflower, andof thedensity anomaly (sigma-t) at 92 m, Sunflower. andmid-April(Figure6). The LLP timeseries(Figures5 and alsohavevery high valuesduringthis period(Figure7), but 7) indicatethat the transitionoccurswithin a 10-dayperiod they do not exceed,or barely exceed,valuesthat occurredearneartheendof March.In particular,thetransitionapparently lier. Although all of thesechangesare associatedwith the beginswith the drop in sealevel on March 25; we shall exam- transition,they do not seemto be the distinguishing characine the period around this date in detail. There is no obvious teristics,sincetheyare alsoassociated with previousevents. changein theonshore component of thewindduringthispeThe featurethat distinguishes the springregimefrom the riod-it is generallyonshorebothbeforeand duringthe tran- winter regime most clearly is the peristent vertical shear, sitionevent.The southward windduringthiseventis stronger whichis presentin springbut not in winter(Figures3, 6, and than in any previousevent,but the differenceis not particu- 8). Sincetheverticalshearis balancedby an offshore density larly obviousin the LLP data (Figure 6). Similarly,the ad- gradient,the transitionmustincludea major changein the justed sea level is lower, and the southward currents are offshoredensitygradientsoverthe shelf.Figure 10 indicates stronger thanin anypreviousevent.However,thehourlydata that sucha changeactuallyoccurred:by March 26, within a (Figure 9), which retain all frequencies lower than 12 cpd, day of the dropin sealevel,the differencein sigma-tbetween showthat lower valuesof adjustedsealevel occurredat least 53 m at Pikakeand 52 m at Sunflower exceeded the sigma-t once(about March 15) beforethe transition,and the near-sur- difference of any previousevent.Althoughthe sigma-tdifferface currentwas more stronglysouthwardon February25 ence betweenthese two instrumentssubsequentlybecame than duringthe first few daysafter the startof the transition negativeagain(e.g.,on April 26), positivehorizontaldensity event.The LLP meanverticalshearand the bottomdensity gradientspersistedover the continentalshelf:certainlyat DISTANCE FROM SHORE (l•rn) ,,, ! ! o. - ß o./• 200 - / winter spring y wint•; •/ spr•ng ./•, / _ -•.._ ) 'spring 'winter Fig.8. Distributions ofthemean andstandard deviation ofthealongshore velocity andthesigma-t, forperiods repre- sentative of winter(February 1,to March24,1975)andspring (March26,to April25,1975),andthedistribution of the differences between winterandspring meanvalues ofthealongshore current anddensity. -lo 12oo 1150 22 1 24 ::: .... 1 FEB HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTSOFF OREGON 7005 Fig. L0. Hourlytimeseries of theverticalvelocity differences between 28 and53m at Pikake,andthelateraldensity difference between 53 m at Pikake and 52 m at Sunflower. about 100m betweenSunflowerand Wisteria (Figure 12), and probablyalsoat about55 m betweenSunflowerand Wisteria, where there is a persistentlypositivetemperaturegradientafter the transition [Gilbert et aL, 1976, p. 68]. Horizontal density gradientsalso occurredduringearlier southwardevents, but they did not reachsucha large,apparentlycritical,value over the inner shelf. We conclude that the change from the winter to the spring regimesoccurswhen the horizontal density gradientsover the shelfreachsomecriticalpositivevalue. At about 50 m, this critical value seemsto be at least about 1- 2 x 10-9 g cm-4 (between0.5 and 1 unit of sigma-tover 5 km, the distancebetween Pikake and Sunflower). It seemspossiblethat the criticaldensitygradientis set up locally by southwardwinds which are sustainedfor at least severaldays.To obtain a measureof the effectiveness of each wind event, we computed the cumulative onshore Ekman transport(CET) for each event, beginningwhen the alongshore component changed sign and terminating when it wind changesdirection(Figure 12). At any point in time the value is proportionalto the Ekman transportsincethe beginningof thisevent.This measureof the wind stressclearlydistinguishesthe transition event from previous southward events: the cumulative offshore transport is 5 times greater than during any previousevent (Figure 12). This suggests the transitionmay be the resultof a sufficientlystronglocal wind event. To determine whether the wind stress alone could account for the observedchange in the density distributionover the shelf,we computedsomesimplevolumebudgets.The Ekman transportcomputedfrom the alongshorecomponentof the windstress givesthe massflux normalto thecoast,f-•Y. Mass must be approximatelyconservedover the continentalshelf, or largedeeppressuregradientswoulddevelop.Thus an offshore directed Ekman transport will be balanced by an onshoretransportof deeper water which is transportedto the surface near the coast. The offshoremoving water in the sur- changed signagain,i.e.,CET(t) = f,o'f-'•Y(t) dt, wheretois face layer is lessdensethan the onshoreand upwardmoving the time the alongshorecomponentof the wind stressMy goes deep water, and the net volume(but not the mass)of water throughzero at the beginningof a wind event.This resultsin over the continental shelf and slopewill be smaller after a pea sawtoothlike curve, which starts from zero whenever the riod of southwardwinds.The rate of changein volume will be 70 -20 t t t t t t Fig.11. Steric height oftheseasurface relative to600db,withLLPadjusted sealevelatNewport, January-September 1975. 7006 HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTS OFF OREGON I0 FElt MAR -5 Fig. 12. Hourly values of lateral densitydifferencesbetween 53 m Pikake and 52 m Sunflower,and between92 m Sunflower and 106m Wisteria, with cumulativeonshoreEkman transportfor eachwind event;the integral is setto zero whenever the low-passedalongshorewind changessign. proportional to the differencein density betweenthe offshore for the 8-day period beginningon March 24, in order to commovingsurfacewater and the onshoremovingdeeperwater: pute the change induced by the southwardwind event. The mean southwardwind stressfor this period is 0.670 dynes AV I ?Y I ?Y ?Y p•-p• cm-2;the changein volumedue to the Ekmantransportfor this periodis thus6.95 x 106cm3 per centimeterof coastline. This value is 55% of the change calculated from the steric The differencein volume can be estimatedindependently heightprofile.The windsover the watermay well be stronger from the offshoreprofile of the sea surface.From hydro- than over the Newport jetty: Bakun's coastalupwelling ingraphicsectionson March 19 and April 1-2 we computedthe dicesfor 45øN, which are computedfrom 6-hourly synoptic offshoreprofiles of the steric height of the surfacerelative to pressurecharts, account for a larger fraction (75%) of the 400 db. The stericheight remained about the samebetween20 changeobservedin stericheightprofiles.The densitydifferand 30 km offshorebut decreasedsignificantlywithin 20 km encesbetweenthe offshoreand onshoreflowingwatersmay At Pl f P: f f PIP2 of the coast.The change in volume between thesedates was also be underestimated. We conclude that the local wind 1.27 x 107 cm3 per centimeterof coastline.Using the mean stressis probably sufficientto accountfor the changein the southwardwind stress(computedfrom the Newport wind) for the 14-dayperiod betweenthesehydrographicsections(0.116 dynescm-2) and a meansigma-tdifferenceof 1.5,we obtaina volumechangedue to Ekman transportof 2.1 x 106 cm3 per centimeterof coastline,about one sixth of the changeestimated from the steric height profiles.If, however,the northward wind stressat the beginningof this period had little further effecton decreasingthe densityover the shelf and upper slope,the stericheightprofile might remain approximatelythe sameduring March 19-23; indeed, sealevel at the coast(Fig- densitydistributionover the shelf. Recenttheoreticalwork hassuggested alternativehypothesesfor the causeof the springtransition:a changein current and densityregimemightbe a propagatedeffectgeneratedby windssouthof the region[Allen, 1976;Gill and Clarke, 1974], or major changesin the current may propagatepoleward along eastern ocean boundaries as internal Kelvin waves [McCreary, 1976; Hurlburt et al., 1976]. Since the transition eventis clearlyassociated with a changein the currentregime, it seemsparticularly appropriateto examine the evidencefor ures 9 and I l) has about the same value on March 19 and 23. alongshorepropagation of this event. Current observations It is therefore more appropriate to use the mean wind stress were available during the transition event at two other 1oca- HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTS OFF OREGON 7007 tionsoverthe continentalshelf,at 46ø09'N, 124ø15'W [Hickey lag betweenSan Franciscoand Newport would be more than et al., 1979],and at 49ø02'N, 126ø14'W [Huyeret al., 1976].At 2 days; baroclinic coastal-trappedwaves have even slower both theselocationsthe total water depthwasbetween90 and phase speeds.Along the entire coastthe almost simultaneous 100 m, i.e., about the same as at Sunflower. The currents at drop in sea level is associatedwith strongsouthwardwinds. the three locationshave very similar fluctuations[Hickey et Sobey [1977] examined the hypothesisthat the sea level flucal., 1979]. Figure 13 showshourly valuesof the alongshore tuations, including the transition event, are forced by variacomponentof the near-surfacecurrent at each location for the tionsin the wind field southof the region;he concludedthat March 21-31 period which spansthe transitionat Sunflower; the local wind accountsfor the changesabout as well as the it showsthe generalsimilarity of the currentsbut also shows Gill and Schumann[1974] model using winds from locations there are large diurnal variationsat the northern location. The farther south.Thus the transitionis probablygeneratedby the data from both of the southernlocationsshowa clearchange action of the local wind, though it must be remembered that in directionof the alongshorecurrenton March 25, which oc- the wind is coherent over scalesapproachingor exceeding curs earlier at 46ø09'N than at 45ø00'N. The data from 1000 kin. 49ø02'Nalsochangesignat aboutthistime, apparentlyat the sametime as at 46ø09'N. Thus there is no lag between46009' If the transitionfrom winter to springregimesis truly generatedby the localwind (as suggested by the roughagreement and 49ø02', a distance of 300 km, and the currents at both in volume estimates and the lack of evidence for northward these locations reverse earlier than the current at 45 øN. propagation), the event beginning on March 25 is a classical example of wind-driven coastal upwelling. Unlike the up- A drop in sea level associatedwith this transition event occursalong the entire coastfrom San Franciscoto Torino, Brit- wellingeventsobservedduringCUE I and CUE II [Huyeret aL, 1974;Halpern, 1976],this event occurswith a prior situaoccursvery early on March 25 at San Francisco, and several tion of approximately level isopycnals;it is therefore more hours later at CrescentCity; the lag betweenSan Francisco suitablefor comparisonwith numericaland analytical models and Newport (a distanceof about 750 kin) is no more than 6 of time-dependentcoastalupwellingsuchas thoseby O'Brien hours.Phasespeedsfor first-modebarotropicshelfwavesvary and Hurlburr [1972], Thompsonand O'Brien [1973], and Allen alongthe coastfrom 95 to 330 km day-' [Clarke, 1977];if the [1973]. Figure 14 showstime seriesof selectedvariableson an ish Columbia [Osmerand Huyer, 1978].The drop in sealevel drop in sea level propagatednorthward as a shelf wave, the expanded time scale for the period March 21-30, 1975. The lOO 49ø 02'N 22 22 23 2't2••v••• • V• '1• 49 ø 02'N ß 46ø09' N ß • 21 • 22 • .. . •"" ;' •:'. • I 23 ! 28 t 29 t 30 -5O 45 ø O0'N hours I 26 2) ß*. I I I 28 29 •0 : Fig. 13. Hourlytimeseriesof the alongshore currentTorino(at 49ø02'N),off the ColumbiaRiver (at 46ø09'N),and at Sunflower(at 45ø00'N), March 21-31, 1975. I 10 1200 1175 1150 1125 I I I I I I I I I 22 23 24 25 26 27 2• 29 30 •A • SeaLevel I 22 ' "'"'"""• 7hours I I ! 23 24 25 ; 92m 27 ß Sunflower Inverted See Level--..•.....:' :"'" 5hour ;50-hours PiSk3er•e'• Sun• 16:• er 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2• 29 30 31 InvertedSea Level----T.:": """ ß ß ß' ' J•,_,•,,, .•,,.•Q•.•,I 24' ' 22 23 • - ? .••-$0, hours 2• • 24 Fig. 14. Hourlytimeseries of selected parameters for theperiodsurrounding thetransition, March21-31, 1975:north- wardwind;adjusted sealevel;alongshore current, 26m Sunflower; sigma-t at near-bottom current meters; sigma-t differencebetweenPikakeand Sunflower; and the velocitydifference betweenthe top and bottominstruments at Sunflower. Dottedcurvesfor March24-27 arerepeated fromupperpanelsto showthetimelagsbetweenvariables. The dashedlines in the bottom panel were sketchedto showthe gradualincreaseof the verticalshearfrom March 25 to March 30 to its stable value. I HUYER ET AL.: SPRING CURRENTSOFF OREGON 7009 io • 1976 Fig. 15. The cumulative onshore Ekmantransport for eachwindevent,1973-1976, andadjusted sealevelat Newport, 1976.The cumulativeEkmantransportis setto zeroeachtime the LLP alongshore wind changes sign. drop in sea level lags the southwardwind by only 2 hours. is consistentwith the valuespredictedby the numerical modThe changeto southwardcurrentat Sunflowerlagsthe drop els of O'Brien and Hurlburt [1972] and Thompsonand O'Brien in sealevel by another7 hours(and thereforethe changein [1973],and by Allen's[1973]analyticalmodel. Vertical velocitiesduring this upwelling event were estiwindby about9 hours).The increase in densityoccursfirstin the bottom water over the mid-shelf (where it lagsthe drop in mated from the changein isopycnaldepths.From 12-hourly sea level by about 15 hours) and later in the bottom water vertical sectionsobtained from the hourly sigma-t time series, overthe innershelf(whereit lagssealevelby about30 hours). we found that the largestchangein isopycnaldepth seemsto The suddenincreasein the lateral densitygradient at 52 m be- be about 40 m in a 12-hour period, correspondingto a mean tween Pikake and Sunfloweralso lags sea level by 30 hours; verticalvelocityof 0.09 cm s-• for this period.This is about this increasein densitygradientis due almostentirely to the the same order as the maximum vertical velocities estimated rapid densityincreaseat Pikake. The differencebetweenthe for other upwellingregions[e.g.,Bartonet al., 1977]. near-surfaceand near-bottomcurrentshasstrongtidal oscillaSPRING TRANSITIONS IN OTHER YEARS tions which make it more difficult to estimatethe lag, but it is The 1975 data clearly suggestedthat there is a transition clear that the shear beginsto develop very soon after the changein surfacecurrent(within 12 hours)but it doesnot from the winter regimewith no mean offshoredensitygradireach its final stable value until about 5 days later, on March entsto the springregime,with strongoffshoredensitygradi30. Already on March 26, the southwardsurfacecurrent is ents whenever the offshore Ekman transport exceeds some strongerat Pikake and Sunflowerthan at Wisteria; in this minimum value (Figure 12). If suchan event is followedby sensea southward 'coastaljet' is establishedwithin a few very strongnorthward winds, the winter regimecan perhaps hours.The 'barocliniccoastaljet' also beginsto develop very be re-established;otherwise,the spring regime would persist quickly,but its developmentprobablycannotbe said to be throughspringand into early summer.Figure 15 showstime completeuntil the mean verticalshearhas reachedits final seriesfor several years of the cumulative onshore Ekman value 5 daysafter the beginningof the event.This time scale transportfor each wind event:the integrationbeginsagain 7010 HUYER ET AL.'- SPRING CURRENTS OFF OREGON from zero each time the low-passedalongshorewind stress verticalshear)to the springoceanographic regime(with isopycnals sloping upward toward the coast, southward surface Ekman transport resulting from each event; the time series currents,and significantvertical shear) occursvery rapidly, within a period of severaldays. Before the transition,wind-inthus readily showswhich eventshave the greatesteffect. In 1973the first major southwardevent beganabout March duced current fluctuations are significantly baroclinic and 23; its total offshoreEkman transportwas 2.7 x 109gcm -I, have an offshore length scale about the same as the shelf and it was not followed by any major northward wind events. width; after the transition,the fluctuationsare more nearly The data from Poinsettia(Figure 2) showthat southwardsur- barotropic and confined to about the inner half of the shelf face currents and low sea level persisted after this event, [Huyer et al., 1978].The transitionseemsto be the result of a throughspringand early summer1973.Data from the south- single coastal upwelling event (driven by the local wind) ern Washingtonshelf [Smith et aL, 1976,p. A-88] show that whosecumulative offshoreElanan transporthas some mini- changessign.The heightof the peaksis a measureof the total persistentsouthwardsurfacecurrentsthere also began on March 23, 1973. In 1974,southwardeventswith morethan 1.3 x 109gcm -I of offshoreEkman transport began on February 5, March 18, and April 15. The two earlier eventswere succeededby very mum value(probablyabout 109 gcm-I) sufficientto establish stronglateral densitygradients(at least 1-2 x 109 gcm -4) overtheshelf.The lateraldensitygradients canbe destroyed by very strongunfavorablewinds,but they persistthroughperiods of moderate northward wind stress(with total onshore Ekmantransportsof up to about4 x 109 g cm-I). Thesepersistentlateral densitygradientsare associated with a persistent effect of the two earlier southward events was destroyed by southwardsurfacecurrent:this current is initially generated the very strong northward events but that the effectsof the by a southwardwind event, but its persistencedoes not depend on continued southwardwinds. Although in the very third southwardevent persisted. In 1975the first major southwardevent beganon March 25; low frequency data (e.g., Figure 3) the maximum southward its total offshoteEkman transportexceeded5.4 x 109gcm -I. surfacecurrent leads the maximum southwardwind by sevAlthough it was later followed by two strong northward eral months,this southwardcurrent is apparentlygenerated J events,with onshoretransportsexceeding2.5 x 109gcm-I in entirely by the local wind. The persistenceof the densitygradients,the southwardcurone caseand 3.5 x 109gcm-I in the other,thesewereapparently not strongenoughto re-establishthe winter regime(Fig- rents, and the vertical shear after this first strongupwelling event is puzzling. There is indirect evidencethat the vertical ure 5). From these3 years we estimatethat the minimum offshore shear reduces the effectiveness of events with offshore Elanan transportto setup the springregimeis only 1.3x 109 gcm-I transportas well as thosewith onshoreElanan transport:the but that the onshoretransportrequired to destroythe spring southwardsurfacecurrent doesnot get appreciablystronger regimeand re-establishthe winter regimeis about4 x 109 g with subsequentupwelling events.Why shouldan oceanwith cm-I. Applyingtheseresultsto the 1976data, we would guess sloped isopycnalsapparently responddifferently to the same that the southwardeventin March would be offsetby the sub- wind stressthan one with level isopycnals?We know of no sequent strong northward event.It isnotimmediately obvious theoreticalstudiesthat directly addressthis problem, though whether the southward event of early April is strong enough the potentialimportanceof a meanshearin modifyingthe dyby Mysak [1979]. to establishthe springregime,or whetherthis wasdelayed un- namicsof shelfwavesis discussed Since the rapid transition in the currentsseemsto be a ditil the southward event beginning on May 6, 1976. The sea level data from 1976 (Figure 15) is somewhatambiguous,but rect responseto the local winds, one might also expect that persistentlylow sea level did certainly not begin in early there is a rapid transition in the atmosphere.The seasonal April: it seemsto begin with the rather weak southwardevent variation of the very low frequency wind (Figures 2 and 6) near the end of April. At first, this seemsinconsistentwith the doesnot sho• any rapid changes.Rather,the wind changes resultsof previousyears,but the northwardwinds at the end slowly from its northward mean in winter to its southward of April are so weak that the period from about April 25 mean in summer;in spring the mean wind is very weak. On through the first week of May shouldprobably be considered the event timescale, however, there seems to be a clearer disas a single southward event. We conclude that southward tinction betweenwinter and spring(Figure 15):in winter there wind eventswith offshoreEkmantransports greaterthan 109g is a seriesof strongnorthwardeventswith very strongonshore Ekman transport;in springthesestrongnorthward eventsare cm-I are sufficientto setup the springregime. The asymmetryin the amount of Ekman transportneeded absent.In someyears (e.g., 1974-1976) the strongnorthward to establishthe spring regime with upward-slopingisopycnals eventsceasequite abruptly in early spring(Figure 15). Bryson and mean vertical shear, compared to the amount needed to and Lahey [ 1958]attributed the abrupt onsetof springin Wisre-establish the winter conditions with no mean shear, in- consin to the decreasingwave number of the atmosphere: dicates a difference in the essentialdynamics of the two re- sincethe number of wavesaround the earth is an integer less gimes.The presenceof upward-slopingisopycnalsseemsto than 10 or so, the changesfrom one seasonalregime to the add to the stability of the system.Models of coastalupwelling next could be abrupt. In summary, the transition from winter to spring oceanoeventsin summershouldthereforebegin with upward-sloping graphic conditionsoccursvery rapidly over the Oregon shelf. rather than level isopycnals. The transition seemsto be the result of a wind-generated coastalupwelling event which resultsin upward-slopingisoDISCUSSION pycnalsand stronglateral density gradients.For somereason We have shown that the transition from the winter oceanothat is not understood,theselateral densitygradientsand the graphic regime (with generallylevel isopycnalsand variable associatedvertical currentsheartend to persistin spiteof subbut predominantly northward currentswith little or no mean sequentmoderatelyunfavorablewind events.The chief result strongnorthwardeventswhoseonshoreEkman transportexceeded5.4 x 109gcm-I. The Poinsettiadata indicatethat the HUYER ET AL.: gPRING CURRENTSOFF OREGON of the transition is a baroclinic southward coastal current which persiststhroughspringand summer. Acknowledgments. We are grateful to John Allen and Dale Pillsbury for many valuable discussions, and to Barbara Hickey for providing the current data from her mooring near the Columbia River. 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