Life Cycle Inventories and Assessments for ICTs Martin Eugster Empa, Switzerland Geneva Meeting 1-3 September 2008 International Telecommunication Union Agenda Conceptual Framework Greenhouse Gases and ICTs Conclusions 2 Conceptual Framework Problem: Society is overusing the services provided by Nature Æ What is the role of ICT? ICT is a necessary part of the solution ICT is part of the problem 3 Conceptual Framework ICT as part of the solution Technology Making more from less ICT as part of the problem Life cycle of ICT hardware Production Use End-of-life treatment enables Application Optimization effects Induction effects Substitution effects enables Societal change Deep structural change toward a dematerialized economy Rebound effects New critical infrastructure 1st order effects [direct] 2nd order effects [indirect] 3rd order effects [systemic] 4 Conceptual Framework ICT as part of the solution Technology Making more from less ICT as part of the problem Life cycle of ICT hardware Production Use End-of-life treatment enables Application Optimization effects Induction effects Substitution effects enables Societal change Deep structural change toward a dematerialized economy Rebound effects New critical infrastructure 1st order effects [direct] 2nd order effects [indirect] 3rd order effects [systemic] 5 Conceptual Framework New book: Information Technology and Sustainability by Prof. L. M. Hilty ISBN: 9783837019704 6 Greenhouse Gases and ICTs ICT Services Production Phase Resources Design Phase Use Phase End-of-life Phase Recycling Residues Life Cycle of an ICT product Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies calculate the relevant environmental impacts of the life cycle per functional unit. 7 Greenhouse Gases and ICTs 1400 1200 kg CO2-Equivalents / unit 1000 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 Manufacturing Distribution Use End of Life 8 Environmental impacts and ICTs 60 50 Eco-Indicator'99 points 40 30 20 10 0 -10 Manufacturing Distribution Use End of Life -20 -30 9 Environmental impacts and EEE - production 160% Eco-Indicator'99 (in % of Desktop PC) 140% 120% Plastics Aluminum Copper Steel Glass Other 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% PC CRT TV Air conditioner Washing machine Refrigerator 10 Environmental impacts and EEE - use 50 Eco-Indicator'99 points/unit 40 30 20 10 0 PC CRT TV Air conditioner Washing machine Refrigerator 11 Environmental impacts 12 Conclusions Environmental impacts / CO2,eq-emissions have to be considered along the entire life cycle Æ but, to whom allocate the impacts? (electricity mix given by different regions) Life cycle inventories (LCI) could provide a scientifically reviewed and transparent basis for the assessment of the carbon footprint of the ICT sector (not company specific) Specific public LCI data exist for electronic components 13 Thank you! Martin Eugster Sustainable Technology Cooperation (sustec) TSL - Technology & Society Lab Empa - Materials Science & Technology Lerchenfeldstrasse 5 CH-9014 St. Gallen phone +41 71 274 78 55 mobile +41 79 691 38 00 skype eugster - - 14