Problems on Distributions 1. Compute the distributional derivatives: Ýd/dxÞ k | x| n for k, n = 1, 2, ... 2. Compute the distributional derivatives: Ýd/dxÞ k | sinÝxÞ| 3. Compute / x f, / y f and fÝx, yÞ = 4. Compute / x f for k = 1, 2, ... and fÝx, yÞ = / xy f 1 if ?1 < x + y < 1 0 otherwise / xy f if : 1 if xy > 0, 0 otherwise 5. For n = 1, 2, ... let H n ÝxÞ = X x ?1 sinÝntÞ dt ^t Lim n¸K H n ÝxÞ = ÝaÞ Show that if : 1 if x > 0 0 if x < 0 Is this convergence uniform? pointwise? distributional? ÝbÞ Prove that d dx H n ÝxÞ ¸ NÝxÞ as n ¸ K, in the sense of distributions. sinÝnxÞ 6. Show that dxd H n ÝxÞ = is a tempered function and compute its Fourier ^x transform. To what does this transform converge as n ¸ K, and does it follow that this is the transform of NÝxÞ? 7.Show that fÝxÞ = | x|, is a tempered function and compute its Fourier transform. Compute the distributional derivative of f and find its Fourier transform. 1