MATH261 Spring 2015 Syllabus

MATH261 Spring 2015 Syllabus
For Math261, the last day to add is Sunday, January 25, 2015. In terms of
drop and withdrawal deadlines, it is the student’s responsibility to identify
these dates. Beginning from the CSU system, the place to begin looking is
The University has an Academic Integrity Policy and Student Conduct Code
(see CSU General Catalog) which is enforced in Math261. With respect to
Math261, joint effort on homework is encouraged. However, with respect to
any quiz or exam, the Honor’s Pledge is specifically: “I will not give, receive,
or use any unauthorized assistance.” Students judged to have engaged in
cheating on a particular quiz or exam will receive a score of 0 for that specific
quiz or exam. Also, for the student who received a 0 on a quiz or exam due
to cheating, a Repeat/Delete will not be an option for the grade earned the
semester cheating occurred.
Instructor: Kelly McArthur
Common office hours: See∼mcarthur/
Coordinator: Dr.K. McArthur, Weber 112
Text: Thomas’ Calculus, 12th ed., Thomas, Weir, Hass, and Giordano
No electronic devices or paper sources, including but not limited to, dictionaries and thesaurus, may be used when taking quizzes or exams. It is
expected that basics from the prerequisites for this course are known. That
includes college algebra(Math117,118,124), trigonometry(Math125,126), and
first year calculus(Math160,161).
The specific schedule of sections to be covered is attached. The schedule
includes the withdrawal deadline for the semester. It is THE STUDENTS
responsibility to keep dates in mind. For dates regulated by the Registrar’s office search the University web page. For spring 2015 see
Grade: Points for all sections are distributed as follows:
(i.) Quizzes: 100 points total. There are 12 quizzes planned. Two are
scheduled for week 2(NO possible change of sections given this). The
other 11 quizzes will be once a week when there are no exams. Most
often a quiz is on Wednesday but at the beginning and end of the
semester there is some adjustment. If an instructor wants to give the
last two quizzes on Wednesday rather than Tuesday, they may do so.
Each quiz is worth 10 points. If the sum of the quiz grades is less than
100 then the overall quiz grade is that sum. If the sum of the quiz
grades is more than 100 then the overall quiz grade is 100. Please note:
quizzes are scheduled for specific dates and are only given in class.
possible to score 100 points with 10 quizzes, there is NO makeup. The
course grade ALWAYS includes the quiz grade. That means that if a
student takes no quizzes during the semester then the highest overall
grade possible is a B. Keep this in mind. Further, before each exam,
the student is responsible for checking quiz scores on ramct. If there
is an error, the student should take the quiz to their instructor for any
corrections needed on ramct. This should be done BEFORE the exam.
Quiz scores cannot be disputed after the exam.
(ii.) Evening Exams(3): 100 points for each exam, for a total of 300 points.
The dates are Feb 12, Mar 12, and Apr 16. The time is 5:05pm
to 6:20pm. No calculators are allowed. Please note exam dates
IMMEDIATELY. Alternate exams must be provided for conflicts
with University events and for issues that are beyond the control of the
student, such as a documented illness or a documented accident. For
the student taking a class that meets at the same time as the exams
are scheduled, they MUST have been given an override. The override
would have been approved by the Dept. of Mathematics ONLY if the
student understood that they have to take the exam from either 4:005:15pm or from 7:00 to 8:15pm, on the same day as the scheduled time.
For Math261, student with conflicting time, either due to an override
or issues listed above, MUST fill out the Alt Time Req form before
EACH exam. It should be given to your course instructor on Monday,
11 days before the exam. Please see∼mcarthur/M261/spring2015/SP15web.htm
NO OTHER TIME will be considered. For those who have a
time conflict for a University sponsored activity, you must submit an
Alt Time Req 11 days before the exam and plan on making an appointment with the course coordinator, Dr.McArthur.
(iii.) Final Exam: 200 points. The date is MAY 11 from 7:30-9:30am.
Classes with common final exams times take precedence over other
courses. For the student taking two math courses with the same common Final Exam, they must have been given an override to take both
classes the same semester. As a result, these finals DO NOT fall under
the category of how three exams on one day are handled. The student
must take both common exams in mathematics on the same day, back
to back if possible. Again: an override would have had to be given and
it would have been with the understanding that the student MUST
take both mathematics exams on the same day and as close as possible
to each other.
The three items above define a maximum 600 points for the course total;
your letter grade will be based on your total points. The course grades will
never be higher than
A 540 − 600
B 480 − 539
C 420 − 479
D 360 − 419
For the three exams during the semester (not including the final), the exam
will be turned back on the Monday following the exam. If a student thinkgs
a problem has been misgraded, they may request their instructor to look
at that problem again. Any such request must be made in person to the
instructor. If the instructor goes through the exam the day it is returned
then the student must turn in the exam for regrading that day. Otherwise,
if the instructor does not go through the exam in class then it must be
submitted by Friday of the week the exam is returned. No requests will
be considered after Friday of the week the exam is passed back. Also, IT IS
Makeup exams ARE NOT AUTOMATIC. The student SHOULD NOT assume that because they missed an exam that they will be allowed to make it
up. A makeup exam must be APPROVED by the course coordinator, Dr.K
McArthur. If a makeup exam is approved for Exam 1 then it will be given on
Wednesday, Mar 11. If a makeup exam is approved for Exam 2 then it will
be given on Wednesday, Apr 15. If a makeup exam is approved for Exam
3 then it will be given on Friday, May 1. These exams will be given at the
PAC(e) Center in Weber 137. It is the student’s responsibility to check on
the PAC(e) time schedule. In some cases additional points will be assigned
For those who take exams with RDS, please see to necessary paperwork with
RDS. In particular, for RDS students put ALL three dates on the RDS form
for the three exams during the semester. The student should also fill out
an additional form for the Final Exam. Information regarding this should
be available through RDS as the semester progresses. On the RDS form for
the Final Exam, include the Common Exam Time. For students taking the
exam through RDS, it is THEIR responsibility to submit forms within RDS
time requirements. On the form the student completes, they should either
give it to their instructor or leave it at the Math Dept office (inform the office
staff that it is for MATH261). When giving the form to either the instructor
or leaving at the Math Dept office, include both the instructor’s name and
course coordinater’s name, Dr.K.McArthur. The exam should be taken AS
CLOSE as possible to the regularly scheduled time.
For locations of exams, refer to the first page of the Department of Mathematics web page. On the lower left corner the heading “Current Interest”
appears. Information will be provided there as the semester progresses.
Exam 1: Thursday, February 12, 2015 from 5:05-6:20 pm
Exam 2: Thursday, March 12, 2015 from 5:05-6:20 pm
Exam 3: Thursday, April 16, 2015 from 5:05-6:20 pm
COMMON FINAL EXAM: Monday, May 11, 2015 from 7:30-9:30 am
T Jan 20
W Jan 21
F Jan 23
M Jan 26
T Jan 27
W Jan 28
F Jan 30
M Feb 2
T Feb 3
W Feb 4
F Feb 6
M Feb 9
Section and Homework
Review S11.6 ]1-8,13,15,17,21,29,31(No foci)
S12.1 ]7,11,17,19,25,29,33,37,43,45,49, 51,55
S12.2 ]13,19,21,23,25
S12.2 ]31,33,37,43,45
S12.3 ]7,11,13,19,(Read 21-26)
Quiz 1, S12.3 ] 27,29,31
(Read 33-36),37,43,47,59
S12.4 ]7,13,17,21,23,29,31,39,43,48
S12.5 ]7,9,17,23
Quiz 2, S12.5 ]27,29,31,33,37,41,43,
S12.6 ]1-12,15,19,23,25,29,
S13.1 ]3,7,8,11,13,17,19,21,23,35;
S13.2 ]3,7,9,11; Last day to request Alternate Time for Exam 1
S13.2 ]13,15,17; S13.3 ]3,7,11,15
Quiz 3; S13.4 ]3,7,9,15,19,
S13.5 ]5,9,11,15,23,(Read 25-28)
T Feb 10
W Feb 12
Th Feb 12
F Feb 13
S14.1 ]5,7,9,11,13-16,19,23,25,29,
S14.2 ]11,17,23,33,37,41,43,47,49
No class
M Feb 16
T Feb 17
W Feb 18
F Feb 20
S14.3 ]7,13,17,19,25,29,33,37,43,47
S14.3 ]51,55,59,61,65
Quiz 4, S14.4 ]3,7,11,13-23(odd),27,31
S14.4 ]33,37,43
M Feb 23
T Feb 24
W Feb 25
F Feb 27
S14.5 ]3,7,11,13,17,21,25,29,31,35,39
S14.6 ]5,9,13,17,19,23,27,31,35,37,41,45,47,53
Quiz 5, S14.7 ]13,17,21,25
S14.7 ]29,33,43
M Mar 2
S14.8 ]8,11,15;Last day to request Alternate Time for Exam 2
S14.8 ]21,23,27; S14.10 (Quadratic only,
Quiz 6; S14.9 ]5,9,11; S15.1 ]7,11,13;
S15.1 ]23,25; S15.2 ]7,12,17
T Mar 3
W Mar 4
F Mar 6
M Mar 9
T Mar 10
W Mar 11
Th Mar 12
F Mar 13
Section and Homework
S15.2 ]21,29,35,37,41,47,53,59
S15.3 ]7,11,15,16,21,23
No class
Mar 16-Mar22
Spring Break
M Mar 23
T Mar 24
W Mar 25
F Mar 27
S15.4 ]7,11,15,16,21,23,25,31,35
S15.5 ]11,15,21,23,27
Quiz 7, S15.5 ]29,31,35,37,43
S15.6 No moment of inertia ]12,13,23
M Mar 30
T Mar 31
W Apr 1
F Apr 3
S15.7 ]9,13,15,19
S15.7 ]21,25,27,31,35,41,47,53,59,61,63,67
Quiz 8, S15.8 ]2,3,7
S15.8 ]13,19,23
M Apr 6
T Apr 7
W Apr 8
F Apr 10
S16.1 ]7,11,15,17,23,25,31,35; Last day to
request Alternate Time for Exam 3
S16.2 ]9,11,15,17,23,25
Quiz 9, S16.2 ]29,33,35,36,49;
S16.3 ]3,7,11,15,21,23
M Apr 13
T Apr 14
W Apr 15
Th Apr 16
F Apr 17
S16.3 ]25,28,29,pg 985 ]49
Catch up
No Class
M Apr 20
T Apr 21
W Apr 22
F Apr 23
S16.4 ]7,9,13,17,19
S16.4 ]23,24,27,pg 984 ]9; S16.5 ]7,9,15
Quiz 10, S16.5 ]21,25,29,33,39,43
S16.5 ]45,49,53; S16.6 ]7,13,19
M Apr 27
T Apr 28
W Apr 29
F May 1
S16.6 ]27,29,35,37,41,44
Quiz 11, S16.7 ]5,7,11
S16.7 ]13,17
S16.8 ]7,9,13
M May 4
T May 5
W May 6
F May 8
S16.8 ]14,15, pg.986 ]55,57
Quiz 12, Review for Final Exam
Review for Final Exam
Review for Final Exam