JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. Cll, PAGES 20,237-20,246, NOVEMBER ON OF THE VERTICAL CHLOROP•LL a IN THE NONCORRELATION STRUCTURE OF LIGHT CASE I WATERS SCATTERING 15, 1990 AND James C. Kitchen Sea Tech, Inc., Corvallis,Oregon J. Ronald V. Zaneveld Collegeof Oceanography, OregonStateUniversity, Corvallis Abstract. The relationshipsbetween beam attenuation, absorption, suspended particleconcentration, sizedistribution and pigment contentare examinedfor a region where the particle concentrationand pigment maxima are widely separated.Mie scatteringanalysesareperformedon thisdata to predictthe profiles of backscattering.It was found that absorptionand scatteringare not and have no theoretical concentration is extremelyusefulin the inversionof remotely sensedoceancolor spectra,we will show in this paper that theserelationshipscannotbe used to predict the vertical structureof scatteringand backscattering as a functionof the verticalchlorophyllstructure. reason to be well correlated in a vertical section even if the concentration <s>. For case I waters Morel [1988] used the particle concentration is perfectly correlated with phytoplankton biomass.Due to therapidchangein irradiance with depth,pigment concentrationand thereforeparticulate absorptionare not expectedto be correlatedwith biomassor productivityas calculatedfrom publishedlaboratoryresults andtheoreticalmodelsof phytoplankton pigmentcontent.The beamattenuationis a goodindicatorof particleconcentration andits verticaldistributionrelativeto the pigmentdistribution is consistentwith models of phytoplanktongrowth. An relationship b = 0.30 <chl> 0.62where<chl>is thechlorophyll concentration to obtain<s>= 0.30 x 103<chl> 0.62.Thisimplies examination of data from a meridional transect of the North Pacificrand fromtheNortheast Pacificcoastal upwelling region suggestedthe universalityof thesefindings. The remotesensing algorithmsthatpredictbackscattering fromchlorophyll concentration were developedusingnear-surface data. Use of thesealgorithmsfor the predictionof vertical structureof backscattering is discouraged. Introduction The major tool for the global study of phytoplankton distributionis remote sensingof oceancolor from satellites. Interpretation of the remotelysenseddatadependsstronglyon our ability to measureaccuratelyand routinely the spectral inherentopticalpropertiesin the ocean. Gordonand Morel [1983] have reviewed the models for inverting remotely senseddata to obtain the chlorophyll concentrations.All modelscontainparameters of the formFœ•bt,/a,whereFœ•is a parameterthat dependson the radiancedistributionandthe volumescatteringfunction,13(0),of the is the backscatteringcoefficient and a is the absorption coefficient. The remotely sensedocean color spectrathus dependprimarily uponthe absorptionand the backscattering [Zaneveld, 1982; Gordon and Morel, 1983; Carder et al., 1986]. The models currently used to extract chlorophyll concentrations from the oceancolor spectraassumethat for largeregionsof the ocean(caseI waters[Morel andPrieur, 1977]) the backscattering,biomassand absorptioncan be described as being dependent only on the chlorophyll concentration[Gordon et al., 1988; Platt et al., 1988; Morel, 1988]. Thesemodelsare robustbecausechangesin spectral ratiosof absorption arerelativelylargecompared to changes in thespectral railosof backscattering. While the statistical dependence of backscattering, absorptionand diffuse attenuationon the chlorophyll Gordon and Morel [1983] have shown that the total scattering coefficient, b, is related to the total seston that the sestonincreasesmonotonicallywith chlorophyll. Relationships derivedfor thedepth-averaged structure arenow being used to study vertical structure [Gordon, 1989; Sathyendranath andPlatt, 1989]. We will showin thispaper that the vertical structure of scattering, sestonand beam attenuationare significantlydifferent from the chlorophyll structureand cannotbe derived by meansof the monotonic relationships usedin theinversionof remotesensingdata. Pak [1984] and Pak et al. [1988] have shown that in most of the tropical and subtropical Pacific there is a seston maximumthatis distinctfrom the chlorophyllmaximum. The sestonmaximumtypicallyoccursjust beneaththemixedlayer, whereasthechlorophyllmaximumoccursat thebottomof the euphoticzone. The two maximaareoften separated by 50 m in depth.The layerfromnearthetopof thethermocline to the bottomof the euphoticzone often is a regionof decreasing sestonand increasingchlorophyllwhich doesnot satisfya monotonicrelationship.For the purposeof radiativetransfer studiesthat involve the vertical structureof backscattering, the relationship between chlorophyll concentration and backscattering thusneedsto be re-examined. Gordonet al. [ 1988] have shownthat the backscatteringis the mostdifficult parameterto estimatein the remotesensing algorithms. Gordon [1989] uses the remote sensing correlations to study the vertical structure of the diffuse attenuationcoefficient. Sathyendranath andPlatt [1989] have studiedthe influenceof the verticalstructureof chlorophyllon the surface reflectance, but they also assumedthat the backscattering variesmonotonicallywith chlorophyll.Given a collectionof suspended particles,it hasbeenshownthat the shapeof thebeamattenuation spectrum is far moredependent on the slopeof the size distributionthan on the pigment concentration[Mueller, 1974; Kishino, 1980; Kitchen et al., 1982]. The beamattenuationcoefficientis thusnot expected to be well-correlated with chlorophyll or total pigments. SiegelandDickey[ 1987]haveshownthatin thecentralgyre of the North Pacific the diffuse attenuationcoefficient Ka(z,x.) is not significantlycorrelatedwith the beam attenuation coefficient,but is well-correlatedwith totalpigments.This is so becauseKa(z,z.) is approximatelyproportionalto (a + bt,)/cos0s [Gordon,1989],whereOsis the solarzenithangle, so that in an oligotrophicregion it is an absorption-like parameter. Thebeamattenuation coefficient ontheotherhand is notnecessarily absorption dominated. The beam attenuation Copyright 1990 by the American Geophysical Union. Paper number 90JC01296. 0148-0227/90/90J C-01296505.00 coefficient is the sum of the absorptionand scatteringcoefficients.Kullenberg[1970] foundthatin theSargasso Seaparticulatescattering wastwice ashighasparticulate absorption at 633 nm and4 timesashigh 20,237 20,238 KitchenandZaneveld:LightScattering andChlorophyll a at 440 nm. Petzold[1972] foundabsorption dominatedwaters in theTongueof the Ocean. For radiativetransfercalculations in which the radiance itself is of interest, so that the beam attenuation coefficient plays a major role, chlorophylldependentalgorithms,whichderivescattering propertiesfrom absorption-like properties,are thusnot sufficient. For those calculations beam attenuation models might be more appropriate.A large numberof studies[e.g.,Peterson,1978; Baker, 1984; Gardneret al., 1985; Bishop,1986; Pak et al., 1988] have shown the beam attenuation coefficient to be highlycorrelatedwith the total suspended particulatevolume concentrationwhich in caseI watersis of biologicalorigin. The chlorophyllconcentrationin turn dependson the total suspended volume and photo-adaptation.Irradiancelevels play an importantrole in the determinationof chlorophyll concentration, sothattheverticalstructureof chlorophyllneed not be well-correlatedwith the total suspendedvolume of biologicallyderivedmaterials.The pigmentconcentration can be measured by in situ fluorescence[Pak et al., 1988], whereasthe particulatevolume is measuredby the beam attenuation coefficient as noted above. While knowledge of the backscatteringcoefficient is importantin the interpretation of remotelysenseddatain the visiblepartof the spectrum, veryfew measurements havebeen made. Jerlov[1961], Morel [1966], Kullenberg[1968], and stations were designated as "northern", "southern" or "intermediate" basedon their temperature-salinity structure. Beamattenuation, densityandin situfluorescence profilesare shown in Figure i for typical northern, southern and intermediate stations.Itemsof notearea "mixed"layerof one or two isopycnal layers of widely variable depth, an attenuationmaximum near the top of the pycnoclineand a fluorescence maximumwell belowthe top of the pycnocline whichdoesnot vary in depthasmuchasthepycnocline.The attenuationprofile varies in shapewhile the fluorescence profile is fairly constant except when the mixed layer approaches it. The averagethicknessof the mixed layer is significantlylarger southof the front thanto the north. The particlemaximumis roughly 5 m below the bottomof the mixed layer in both cases. The particle concentrationand attenuation arehigherandthe pigmentconcentration lower in the southfor boththe mixedlayer andthe particlemaximum layerdownto 80 m depth. The particlesize distributionswere fitted to a segmented powerlaw relationship, dN = NoD-SdD (1) where dN is the particle number concentrationbetween diameters D and D + dD and s is the shape parameter henceforth calledthe slopeof the sizedistribution.One slope Petzold [1972] have carried out measurementsof the volume wasobtainedfor particlesbetween2 and6 •tm diameterand scatteringfunction in situ at one or two wavelengthsthat anotherfor thosefrom 6 to 16 •tm diameter.The slopeswere included backscatteringmeasurements.Downing [1983] similarfor all samplesdownto 80 m depthwith the southern measuredbackscattering in very turbidwaters. Moore et al. stationshavinga slightlylargerslope(i.e., the "average"size [unpublished SRI final report to DARPA, 1982] have developeda backscattering devicethatoperates in theinfrared was smaller). The pigmentto volumeratiosincreasedwith depthbeneaththe mixed layer and were larger for thicker at 880 nm. Few of the backscatteringstudiesincluded mixedlayers. Beneath80 m no significantdifferenceswere simultaneous measurements of chlorophyll. Thus we have notedbetweentheregionsnorthandsouthof thefront,but the few datato describethe distributionof backscattering in the ocean. size distributionschangedwith depth. The chlorophylland phaeophyfin maximawere at an averagedepthof 99 m in both Or the other hand we have many profiles of the beam attenaationcoefficient (665 nm), particle size distribution, cases. The pigment to particle-volumeratios attained a spectraldiffuse attenuationand chlorophyllconcentrations. maximumnearthepigmentmaximaandstabilizedor declined slightlybelowthat. To examinethedistribution of opticaland Mie scatteringmodelswill be usedwith a data setfrom the PacificCentralGyre to demonstrate thatinternallyconsistent particleparameterswe first groupedall samplesinto 10-m depth bins. Combining bins that were not statistically estimated profilesof backscattering donotresembletheprofile different, we found that we could characterizethe optical of chlorophylla concentration,exceptin a shallow surface variabilityby sevengroups.This characterization of the data layer. Other existingdata setswill be presentedto showthe in Table 1. universality of thenon-correlation of particleandchlorophyll setis presented The observedrelationshipsbetweenbeam attenuationto concentrations. This universality will be shown to be particulatevolume ratios and pigmentto volume ratios were consistent with a modelof primaryproductivity.Finally, the comparedto optical theory using the anomalousdiffraction algorithms thatarecurrentlyusedto predictbackscattering for approximation [Van de Hulst, 1957] for the attenuation variousapplications will be criticallyexamined. efficiency: The productof the attenuationefficiencies,size distributionand particle cross sectionswere numerically integratedfrom 0.5 to 30 gm diameterfor real indices of Data andAnalyses refractionvaryingfrom 1.01to 1.25andfor imaginaryindices (proportional to pigmentcontent)from0 to 0.1. Theresulting As part of the OpticalDynamicsExperiment(ODEX), we beamattenuationto particlevolumeratioswere plottedas a sampledin excessof 100 stationswithina regionboundedby 32øand34øN Latitudeandby 140ø40' and143øW Longitude. function of the real and imaginary parts of the index of refraction. The results indicatedthat the imaginarypart Thisregionis in theNortheastem PacificGyrein thevicinity (proportional to pigmentcontent)did not affecttheattenuation of theSub-TropicalFront. Beamattenuation coefficients (665 nm), fluorescence, spectralscalarirradianceandhydrographic efficiencies, which is consistentwith our earlier observations [Kitchenet al., 1982]. For instance,while the chlorophyll parameterswere measuredin situ. Chlorophyll a and contentin theparticlemaximumwasalmosttwicethevaluein phaeophytinconcentrations, particle size distributionsand the mixed layer, the attenuationto volume ratios were the particulateabsorption(on filters) were obtainedaboardship. same.Thisis not an unexpected resultsincethecompensating Chlorophylla andphaeophyfinconcentrations were obtained nature of scatteringand absorptionfor a collectionof low by filtration and extractionby the method of Smith et al. indexparticles(truefor the sizedistribution asa whole,notfor [ 1981]. Particle size distributionsfrom 2 to 16 •m diameter eachindividualsizeparticle)was describedby Van de Hulst wereobtainedwith a resistive-pulse typeparticlecounterusing [1957] and was also predictedfor diatomsby concentric50 and 100 •m apertures.Particulateabsorptionspectrawere spherescattering modelsby Mueller [1974]. obtained using the glass fiber filter technique (GFFT) Increases in attenuation efficiencies from 80 m to 130 m describedby Mitchell andKiefer [1984, 1988]. Whatman934 depthwere consistentwith the increasingslopesof the size AH filterswereusedfor thispurpose. The SubtropicalFront, which separatesthe East Central distributionfor the particleslessthan 6 gm. However,the North Pacific water from the less saline waters derived from increase in attenuation efficienciesfor samples deeperthan80 Subarctic North Pacific water, was very convoluted and m relativeto thoselessthan80 m waslessthanexpectedfrom KitchenandZaneveld:LightScattering andChlorophyll a 0 B 24.4 I 24.8 / I !I .. 25.2 25.6 I I / 2.4.4 26.0 I 24.8 25.2 South 25.6 i F 1 20,239 26.0 I i North Intermediate t I - tx I 120 - 160 - BEAM 200 0 I 2 :5 4 5 !ON [n• m) i $ 2 0 4 , , , 0 I 2: :5 4 FLUORESCENCE (relative units) Fig. 1. Profilesof fluorescence, beamattenuation(665 nm) andot for PacificCentralGyre stationstypicalof watersnorth,southandin the SubtropicalFront,Oct.-Nov.,1982. thechanges in theparticlesizedistributions in spiteof thefivefold increasein chlorophyllcontentof the particles. In fact, the beam attenuation coefficient (665 nm) was much better correlatedwith the measured(2.2 < D < 16 gm) totalparticle volumeconcentration thanwouldbe predictedby Mie theory TABLE 1. usinga constant realindexof refractionwith animaginarypart proportionalto pigment content. If the observedsize distributionis extrapolatedto a 0.5 to 30 gm diameterrange andthe newvolumeconcentration is calculated,the agreement between attenuation and volume concentration is even better Means and Standard Deviations (in Parentheses)of the Slopes of the Segmented Particle-Size Distributions, the Particulate Attenuation to Volume Ratios and the Chloropigment to Volume Ratios for Samples From Various Depth and Water-Mass Regions in the Central Gyre of the North Pacific Region psdSlope Ratioof Particulate Ratioof Pigment Attenuation to Particle D > 6 gm Volume,gm-1 Concentration to n D < 6 gm n Particle Volume,g/L North 23 2.97 (0.21) 5.41 (0.41) 1.01 (0.14) 15 2.0 (0.6) South 32 3.14 (0.31) 5.42 (0.41) 1.13 (0.19) 33 2.9 (1.0) North 17 2.99 (0.30) 5.16 (0.26) 0.98 (0.16) 12 3.3 (0.8) South 17 2.94 (0.30) 5.52 (0.64) 1.14 (0.16) 17 5.2 (1.4) 1-70 m, mixed layer, 41-80 m, atten. max. 81-90 m 14 3.44 (0.24) 5.09 (0.66) 1.12 (0.23) 12 8.2 (2.6) 91-120m 63 3.63 (0.33) 4.96 (0.44) 1.17 (0.23) 52 9.8 (2.7) 121-130m 28 3.92 (0.36) 4.96 (0.53) 1.33 (0.27) 19 9.3 (2.8) North and Southrefer to verticaltemperatureand salinitystructuretypicalof stationsnorthor southof the SubtropicalFront. 20,240 KitchenandZaneveld:Light ScatteringandChlorophylla (Figure2). It would seemthat whenphytoplankton optimize for light absorption they also decreasetheir scattering efficiencies.This may be part of the self-shadingadaptation for populationsin the mixed layer. The endresultis that a regression predictingparticlevolumeconcentration from beam attenuationwould yield resultscorrectwithin 5 ppb for this casewhile trying to correctfor sizedistributioneffectswould producemuchlargererrors(approximately10 ppb). , I , I , I , , I , I , Mueller [ 1974]. It was found that the index of refraction of thelargeparticleshada negligibleinfluenceontheattenuation efficiencies.Sincewe cannotassignan m' valueuntiltheratio of high to low index particles is known, m' for the fourcomponentmodel was first computedassuminghalf of the particlesare low index (chlorophyll-bearing).Then the Mie scatteringcomputations were repeatedusingan m' consistent with theratioof low to highindexsmallparticlesnecessary to producetheobservedattenuationfor two cases:onewherethe largeparticlesall havea highindex(modelLH) andonewhere thelargeparticlesall havea low index(modelLL). The values obtained for m' at 440 nm varied from 0.003 to 0.028. The light adaptationas reflected by scatteringefficiencieswas indicatedby the observationthat from the surfaceto 80 m depth,80% of the smallparticleshad to havea highindexto producethe correctattenuation, while only 50% hadto havea high index deeperthan 80 m. High scatteringefficiencies couldalsobe dueto a deviationfrom sphericalshaperesulting in highercrosssectionto volumeratios. The backscattering would be especially sensitive to shape. The previous cpobserved - -(anomalous - CpCOnstant index model diffraction method) I observation, however, would indicate that the shallower samplesdeviatedmorefrom the sphericalwhichwouldresult in the shapefactor enhancingthe differencebetweenthe backscatteringand chlorophyll profiles. This is also in agreementwith the observation[Lewis, 1976] that larger phytoplankton deviatemorefrom sphericalasthechlorophyll maximumhasrelativelymore smallparticles. The rangeof volumescattering functionsobtainedfor themixedlayernorth of the front are comparedto somehistoricaldatafrom central 50 ß Particleconc.(2-16 gm) . ß Particle conc.(0.5-30grn)x 0.74 gyresin Figure 3. 101 100 .............. 10ø Model LL Model LH ß Tongueof the Ocean#7 ß Tongueof the Ocean#8 10-1 150 0.02 ' I 0.03 ' I ' 0.04 I 0.05 ' I 0.06 ' I 0.07 ' I 0.08 10-2 ' 0.09 Particlevolumeconc.(ppm)or particulatebeamattenuation(I/m) Fig. 2. Particulatevolumeconcentration andparticulatebeam attenuation(665 nm) for the North Pacific CentralGyre north of the SubtropicalFront. The extendedparticleconcentration (0.5 to 30 gm sphericalequivalentdiameter)is multipliedby 0.74 to ease the comparison with the beam attenuation coefficient. An indexof refractionequalto 1.09 - m'i with m' proportional to the chlorophyll content was used in the anomalous diffraction model. and size distributions. 20 40 60 80 ' I ' I ' I ' I 100 120 140 160 180 200 Scattering Angle (degrees) We have modeled this effect by using a four-component Mie [ 1908] scatteringmodelconsistingof two sizeclassesand two indices of refraction. These four componentswere combinedin proportionsthatyieldedthe observedattenuation efficiencies I I Fig. 3. Volume scatteringfunctionscomputedfrom our two modelscomparedto historicaldata [Petzold, 1972] for clear oceanwaters. Model LH indicatesthattheparticleslargerthan 6 gm in diameterall have high indicesof refractionwhile ModelLL indicatesthe largeparticlesall havelow indices. The Fortran subroutine to computethe Mie scatteringcoefficientswastakenfrom Bohren and Huffman [ 1983]. We used two size classesof 0.5 to 6.0 gm and of 6.0 to 30 gm diameterwith differentslopesof the size distribution, and we used indices of 1.02 - im' and 1.15 - i0. Here m' was chosento be proportionalto the observed pigment to volume ratios at each depth consistentwith the values for m' and chlorophyllto cytoplasmratios given by Brown and Gordon [1973], using size distribution and scatteringdata obtainedin the SargassoSea, concludedthat 70% of the particlevolumehada low indexwhile 90% of the scatteringwas due to high index particles. Zaneveldet al. [1974] analyzedthe samedatausinga minimizationtechnique and concludedthat more than half the particleshad a high KitchenandZaneveld: Light ScatteringandChlorophylla index. Considering the uncertainties, neither result is qualitativelydifferentfrom the resultsobtainedhere. Most of the scattering is dueto highindexparticleswhile bothhighand low indexparticlesare significantin numberconcentration. The absorptionprofiles obtained by the above analysis (Figure 4) agree roughly with the results obtained by the GFFT methodbutneitherexplainedtheobservedvaluesof the diffuse attenuation coefficients obtained from the scalar irradiance measurements. The diffuse attenuation and the 20,241 of the GFF filters. Thus the consistencyof our Mie analysis basedon a limited size range and pigmentdata collectedon filters with Mitchell's GFFT absorptiondata is explainedby the exclusionof small particlesin both cases. The measured diffuseattenuationcoefficientsdo not excludesmallparticles. To modelthiseffect,we increasedtheimaginarycomponent of the index of refractionof the submicronparticlesto match (at each depth) the absorptionestimated from the diffuse attenuationdata assumingan averagecosine of • =0.8 for the radiance field. The profile of m' for the submicron particlesis not forcedto fit the profile of pigmentcontentand is higher from the particle maximum to 80 m than at the fluorescence maximum. This may merelyreflectan increasein • with depth. The resultsare labeled Model •K in Figure 4. If the componentof absorptionthat is missedby the LH measuredand estimatedprofilesof the absorptioncoefficient closely paralleled the chloropigmentprofiles but not the particleconcentrationprofile. It is apparentthat the modeled particulateabsorptionmissesa large portion of the actual absorption.Both the chlorophyllmeasurement andthe GFFT absorptionmethod uses filters which may miss submicron particles [Phinney and Yentsch, 1985]. Thus the GFFT and LL models is due to dissolved material rather than to small methodmaysimplymissparticlesandtheMie modellingcotfid particles, models LL and LH would still be valid for the be biasedby an underestimateof the imaginarypart of the scatteringpropertiessince little attenuationfrom dissolved index of refraction. Absorptionby dissolvedorganicscould matter is expected at 665 nm and the particle scattering alsobe contributing.B.G. Mitchell [personalcommunication, propertieswould be unaffectedby dissolvedsubstances. 1989] indicated that changingfrom the Whatman 934AH Cumulative(with respectto particlediameter)plotsof the filters used on the cruise described here to a Whatman GFF attenuation, absorptionand scatteringat 2 ø and 180ø as filter on a subsequentcruise resulted in much higher computed from the•K model areshown in Figure 5. This absorptionto attenuationratiosfor the GFFF method. This is attributedto thehigherretentionefficiencyfor smallparticles indicates that particles in the 1 - 6 gm diameter range contributesignificantlyto attenuationand to scatteringat all angles,submicronparticles (cyanobacteria?)can contribute significantlyto the total attenuationand absorptionwhile the ß GFFT largeparticles(D > 6 gm) can contributeto the near-forward o px K- 0.016 and near-backward scattering in spite of their very low --- ap LH concentrations in the studyregion. ........... ap LL --.--ap•tK 50 m• 0.08' 0.06 150 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 ...... CpMXD Non-waterabsorptionat 440 nm (I/m) 440nm .................... ap MXD 0.02 .......... apFM CpFM ParticleVolumeConcentration (ppm) 0.00 0 0.02 ß i 0.04 ß i 0.06 ß i 0.08 ß 0.10 I . 0.12 i 0.00 0 ß ß 0 • ' • o • .. ß ['3• a• 100 ß OO øß%ßo 0.0o _---e [I' ß o o _--"l ß 150 , ' ß ..---I •'• oß ß O ' o o ß ' coefficients. 15 0.002 ,,,.,,,.,....,..,....'''" ............... ,... o Also shown are the chlorophylland particleconcentrationprofiles. Models LL andLH areasin Figure3. For Model •K enoughabsorption is added to the submicronparticles to match absorption computedfrom theobserveddiffuseattenuation coefficients. • / / ./ o.o Fig. 4. Particulateabsorption profilesat 440 nm and665 nm wavelengthscomputedfrom the Mie scatteringmodels, measuredwith the glassfiber filter techniqueand estimated attenuation 10 ......8(2 ø) FM ß • •...•--• ............. ........................ ...................................... l • o,.I ji• iiiIIIIIIIIIII ParticulateAbsorption665 nm (I/m) from diffuse 5 ap ...... ap LH .................... ap LL ß ap GFFI' do2 15 ............... 2 ß • 10 Diameter (!.tm) o (chl+pha)/5 ,• 5 ' 'W• .................. 0 5 o.• 10 15 Diameter (•) Fig. 5. Cumulative (as a function of particle diameter) particulateabsorption, attenuation, andvolumescattering(all at 440 nm) for the mixed layer (MXD) and the fluorescence maximum(FM) in the Pacific CentralGyre basedon our Mie scattering modelassumingtheunexplainedabsorption is found in thedissolved matteror submicron particles (modelPK). 20,242 KitchenandZaneveld:Light ScatteringandChlorophylla The range of backscattering profilesobtainedfrom models LH, LL and •K by numerical integration of the volume scatteringfunctionfrom 90 to 180ø is shownin Figure6. As is obviousfrom the figure,backscattering is distributedvery muchlike the particleconcentration whichis proportionalto the beam attenuationand is not distributedlike the pigment concentration. Also shown is the backscatteringprofile derivedfrom the pigmentconcentration via Morel's [1988] equation: b samewatermasses.The universalityof the non-correlation of chlorophyllandparticleconcentration canbe demonstrated by a quick look at data from a meridionaltransectof the North Pacific and from a coastalcruise. The relationshipbetween pigment content and particle concentration (or similarly fluorescence andbeamattenuationsincethey are more easily obtained) is shown for the meridional transectof the Pacific Ocean in Figure 7. We see a A shape with the left leg representingsamplesbeneaththe chlorophyllmaximumand the right leg thoseaboveit. The left leg is fairly linear and _. 06 0.0•--• ß 2BONN 35 ø 152 ø W ß [] 40 ø N, 150ø W (2) There is only slight disagreement between Morel's predictionand the modelLH down to the particlemaximum, but they are quite divergent after that. Significant •• • disagreement is notseenin thefirstopticaldepthwhichmay explainwhythemodelworksfor oceancolorremotesensing • • •' 4 3 applications. Notethattheincreased smallparticle absorption • inmodel •Kresultsin decreasedbackscatteringat the pig- • 2 mentmaximum,a contradiction to Morel'smodelequation(2). Particleshapecouldaffectthemagnitudeof backscattering, but since shape isnotcorrelated systematically withchlorophyll, 1 no improvementin verticalstructureis expected. 0 ß ß 8 ' ' I ß ' ß 0.40 0.35 , I ' I , I ß 44ON, 148ow• 6 ß ' ' 0.45 i ß I .... 0.50 I i 0.55 I - []42øN'la9øWw ß 50oN, 145oW ß 57øN, 148ø surface waters 150 0.000 - 0.d01 0.•02 - 0.(•03 - Backscattering 440 nm (l/m) I I : I o 0.3 I i % % 'I =' bb •K .......... bb Morel ..•.....,5. 0, '--. 100 0.000 0.•01 0.•32 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Beam Attenuation (l/m) Fig. 7. Fluorescenceversusbeam attenuation(665 nm) for variouswatertypesin theNorthPacificduringthe summerof 1985. Note thechangein scalesbetweentheupperandlower graphs. .................... bb LL 50 150 surface waters 0.004 0.003 Backscattering665 nm (l/m) Fig. 6. Backscatteringcomputedfrom our variousmodels comparedto the resultsof applyingMorel's [ 1988] algorithm to theverticalstructureof chlorophyllconcentrations. The aboveanalyseswerecardedout in the CentralGyre on eithersideof the SubtropticalFrontbecauseof the statistical advantages of the largenumberof profilesavailablefrom the constantin slope,while the right leg varies a greatdeal in shapeandslope. A commonoccurrence is for therightleg to be perfectlyvertical. The A shapewas alsofoundin coastal waterswherethe euphoticzoneis lessthan60 m deepandthe chlorophyllandparticlemaximacoincide(Figure8). The light adaptation canalsobe seenfrom stationto stationfor thesame cruise. Samplesfrom the mixedlayer(opencirclesin Figure 9) showan exponential increasein pigmentconcentration with particleconcentration.This is explainedby the lower light levelsin the more turbidmixedlayers. We haveneverfailed to observethe A shapes,includingcruisesoff the coastof Peru, in the equatorialregion betweenHawaii and Tahiti, transecting the CaliforniaCurrent,duringspringbloomin the North Atlantic and in the SargassoSea. Mueller and Lange [1989] have also reported the universality of exponential increasesin fluorescencewith depth. KitchenandZaneveld:LightScattering andChlorophyll a 2.0 1.8 1.6 20,243 2.0 ß >60m ß 30- 60 m 0 <30m o < 30m ß .50-60 m 1.8 _ ß >60m x INL + BNL 1.6 o o ß 1.4 o o o 1.2 z o ß oo ß 1.0 ß 8 ß o •J 0.8 ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß • 0.8 0.6 o ß ß ß o o ß + ß ß ß ß + ß ß o 0.4 0.6 •, 0.2 .t.•. o 0.4 ..•2•.• . ß' ß -- ••: - + 0 '.• o. o ' 0 o oo o + 0 ß 0 + ß , •- • x O•xoj %o+ 0.0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Particle Volume Concentration(ppm) Fig. 8. Pigment concentrationversus particulate volume concentration demonstrating the^ shapefor a eutrophicstation in the upwellingzoneoff Washington(July 1979), wherethe chlorophyllandparticlemaximacoincide. 0.2 - O. I ' •<88 0.:5 øøoEø .• 0.5 O.7 o o 0.9 I. I I.:5 PARTICLE VOLUME CONCENTRATION(ppm) Fig. 9. Chlorophyll + phaeophytinconcentrationsversus suspended volumeconcentrations off thecoastof Washington duringJuly 1979. BNL refersto bottomnepheloidlayers,and INL refersto intermediatenepheloidlayers(deeperthan60 m but separated from thebottom) Discussion The theoreticalbasisfor the non-correlationof chlorophyll andparticleconcentrationis providedby the modelof Kiefer andKremer [ 1981]. They describethe particulatechlorophyll concentration by CHL !'Ln+ r CHL PN-Ea*tlt(E) 0.2_<PN_<2.0 (3) wherePN is the particulatenitrogenconcentration, gn is the nitrogen specific growth rate, r is the respiration,E is the scalar quantumirradiance,a* is the chlorophyllspecific absorption coefficientand•(E) is thequantumefficiency.The decreasein pigment contentbelow the maximum has been observed in the laboratory [Falkowski, 1980] for viable phytoplanktongrown at extremelylow light levels. From equation(3) we would expectthe verticalprofile of pigment contentto vary as l/E, which increasesexponentiallywith depth,providedthe othervariablesare slowlychanging.For nutrient-limitedcasesit is reasonableto expect [tn+ r to be slowlyvarying and•(E) to be constant[Kiefer andMitchell, 1983]. This is observedin the Pacific Central Gyre. Since the nutrientconcentrations thereare extremelylow downto 10 or 20 m beneaththe chlorophyllmaximum,thereis no reasonto expectlargechangesin thegrowthrateor quantumefficiencies with depth. Plotsof theratioof chlorophyll+ phaeophytin to particle volume concentration (Figure 10) show that the pigmentcontentof the cellsincreasesexponentiallyfrom the surface to the chlorophyll maximum and then decreases slowly. There are no real featuresin thiscurveto indicatethat the particle maximum at 60 m deviates from the general relationship. Thus, the non-correlationof chlorophyll and particleconcentrationis shownto be a resultof the processof primaryproductivityratherthandifferencesbetweenlayersin particleorigin. Emphasizingthe universalityof thesefindings, the roughlyexponentialincreasein pigmentto volumeratios with depth are also observed (Figure 11) in the coastal upwellingregionwherethe chlorophyllandparticlemaximum coincideand thereis no reasonto expectgrowthratesto vary slowly with depth. On a basinwide scale, Kiefer and Kremer'srelationshipwas shownto predictthe light level at which the chlorophyll maximum occurs on an entire meridionaltransectof the Pacific from Tahiti to Kodiak [Pak et al., 1988]. Due to the effect of light adaptation,an oceanin which the vertical structureof particulatevolume or massis constant, would exhibit a chlorophyllconcentrationthat increaseswith depth to the depth of the chlorophyll maximum. This is predictedby modelssuchas Kiefer and Kremer [1981] and hasbeenobservedby Pak et al. [ 1988]. If the particulatemass is constant,we would expectthe beam attenuationcoefficient to be constant as a function of depth as well as the backscattering.As a result the monotonicrelationsbetween scattering and chlorophyll used to derive chlorophyll concentrations from remotesensingdatacannotbe usedwhen studyingverticalstructurebeneaththe mixed layer. Figure7 (bottom) showsthat the total particulatevolume (as indicated 20,244 KitchenandZaneveld:LightScattering andChlorophylla Chlorophyll+ Phaeophytin Particle Volume Concentration 2 4 6 8 I I I I (g/•) Chl + Pha 10 (Chl+Pha)/P.V.C Part Vol. Conc. Station 1 30 2o 40 4o 50 60 6o I 70 E (488) 8o 80 _/ 0 Chlorophyll+ phaeophytin(gg/1) ParticleVolume Concentration(ppm) Chlorophyll +Phaeophytin (g/l) Concentration 120 Particle Volume 1 0 2 0 140 10 Chl + Pha 160 (Chl+Pha)/P.V.C Part Vol. Conc. 30 180 Station 15 40 200 50 Fig. 10. An examplefrom the PacificCentralGyre showing the ratio of pigment to suspended particle volume concentrationto be roughly proportionalto the inverseof the irradiancedown to the chlorophyllmaximum. 70 80 by beam attenuation) and chlorophyll fluorescenceare correlated in the surface waters. This correlation does not Fig. 11. Theverticalprofileof pigment to particle volume concentration compared toparticle andpigment profries forthe upwelling zoneoff Washington duringJuly'1979. persistvery deepinto thewatercolumn. Many biological oceanographers use chlorophyll concentration as a measure of biomass. We have seen that the biologicallyderived total suspended mass(as indicatedby beamattenuation) is not simplycorrelatedwith thechlorophyll concentration. If "mass"is usedin the physical sense,i.e., quantityof matter, it is seenthat chlorophyllconcentration cannotuniversallybe usedasan indicatorof biomass. In thispaperwe haveshownthattheverticalstructure of the backscattering coefficientcannotbe deriveddirectlyfrom the chlorophyllstructure.It is thereforeof interestto derivethe dependence of theremotelysensedreflectanceon thevertical structure of the particulate matter and the pigment concentration.Zaneveld [1982] hasderivedan expressionof the remotely sensedreflectance. If we usea zenith sun,we may seta + bt,= K; the remotelysensedreflectance(RSR)is RSR = bbm m Zm ]+e_2K m Zm -I;m 2K(z')dz' 2K m,[ 1- e_2K l;mb b(z)e dz (5) Theintegralin equation(5) is thereflectance beneath themixed layer RSR•t. Thus -2Kmzm ]+e-2KmzmRSR 2 bbm RSR = 2K m[1-e thengivenby The contributionto RSRby thereflectancebeneaththe mixed layeris approximately -I•2K(z') dz' dz RSR =Iobb(Z)e (4) Assuming a constant K in the mixed layer which has a thicknesszm, and denotingall mixed layer propertiesby the subscriptrn, we get e -2Kmzm RSR If the mixed layer is 0.5 opticaldepthsthick andRSRais twice RSRM then 42% of the total RSR is contributedby KitchenandZaneveld:LightScattering andChlorophyll a RSRB. In the case of the Pacific Central Gyre, where the mixed layer is 1.4 optical depthsthick, we have computeda differenceof only 1% betweenMorel's RSR model and that based on our backscatteringcoefficient estimates. 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