JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 95, NO. B3, PAGES 2727-2752, MARCH 10, 1990 Recordsof GeomagneticReversalsFrom VolcanicIslandsof FrenchPolynesia 2. PaleomagneticStudyof a Flow Sequence(1.2-0.6 Ma) From the Islandof Tahiti and Discussion of Reversal Models ANNICK CHAUVIN AND PIERRICKROPERCH 1,2 ORSTOM et Laboratoire de Gdophysique Interne, Universitdde RennesI, Rennes,France ROBERT A. DUNCAN Collegeof Oceanography,OregonStateUniversity,Corvallis A volcanic sequencealmost700 metersthick has been sampledin the Punaruuvalley on the island of Tahiti, southerncentralPacific Ocean.Detailedpaleomagneticresultshavebeenobtainedfrom 123 sites.Three reversalsarerecordedin thissequence. Age determinations (K-Ar) indicatethattheyoungestreversalcorresponds to the Matuyama-Brunhestransition while the two other transitionslimit the Jaramillo normal polarity subchron.An apparentR-T-R excursionhas been identified lower in the volcanic sequenceand K-Ar age determinationsaround 1.1 Ma suggestthat it correspondsto the Cobb Mountain subchron,but no normal paleomagnetic directionswerediscovered. The Matuyama-Brunhes andthe lowerJaramillotransitionare defined by only a few intermediatedirectionswhile many intermediatedirectionsare observedfor the upperJaramillo transitionand the CobbMountainexcursion.We attributethesedifferencesto variationsin the rate of eruption of the volcanic rocks.The lower Jaramillorecord is characterizedby a steepeningof the inclination at the beginningof the reversalsuggestinga possibleaxisymmetriccontrolof the field at this stage.However, the transitionpathfor themostdetailedrecord(upperJaramillo)is characterized by largeloops;thispreventssimple modelingof the transitionby low orderzonalharmonicsat all stagesof a reversal.Paleointensity determinations were attemptedon 48 sampleswith reliableresultsobtainedfor 26 of them.Paleointensities for the transitional field rangefrom 3 to 8 gT. Suchvery low field strengthswere first suggested by the low intensityof the natural remanentmagnetizationassociated with intermediatedirections.An analysisof the variationof the intensityof magnetizationwith the angulardeparturefrom the centralaxial field, includingall otheravailabledata from Polynesia,indicatesthat (1) a paleomagnetic directionshouldbe consideredas intermediatewhen it is morethan 30øfromtheexpectedaxialdipoledirection,and(2) theaveragetransitional geomagnetic field intensityis about 1/5 of its value duringstablepolaritystates.Comparisonof theseresultsobservedin Polynesiawith previous studiesfrom Icelandsuggests an increaseof the averageintensityof the intermediatefield with latitude. INTRODUCTION symmetrywere then proposedby Hoffman [1977] and Hoffman and Fuller [1978]. However, evidence for non-axisymmetric componentsled to 'flooding'modelswhich includedboth north[Le Mouel, 1984; Gire et al., 1986; Gubbins, 1987; Bloxham, 1988] hasprovidedsomeinsight,evenif sometimescontroversial, southand east-westcomponents[Hoffman, 1979, 1981a]. Similar usinglow orderGausscoefficients,were proposedby on fluid motion in the Earth's core, leading to a better approaches, understanding of the geomagneticdynamo.Paleomagneticstudies Williams and Fuller [ 1981]. Such models have been under active of the behaviorof the geomagneticfield duringpolaritytransitions considerationby paleomagnetistsbecausethey have provided a constituteanotherimportantway to constrainthe variousmodels guideline for the analysis of records of the intermediate field. of the origin of the Earth'smagneticfield. In this paper, we will However, in orderto determinethe morphologyof the transitional recordswith betterresolution focus on the secondapproachin reporting some new data on field, morenumerouspaleomagnetic are required. In particular, widely-spaced, multiple records of reversalsrecordedby a sequenceof volcanicflows from the island individual reversals and successive reversals at the same site are of Tahiti (FrenchPolynesia). The lastpolaritytransitions(the Matuyama-Brunhes and Since the beginningof the studyof reversals[Sigurgeirsson, necessary. 1957; Van Zijl et al., 1962] a great number of paleomagnetic the boundariesof the JaramilloandOlduvaievents)are alreadythe recordsof transitionshave beenobtained.The first major stepwas best documented;adding new records of these transitionswill provide detailed understandingand constrainmodeling of the to recognize the non-dipole characterof the transitionalfield The studyof the secularvariationof the Earth'smagneticfield [DagleyandLawley, 1974;Hillhouseand Cox, 1976]. Becausethe transitionalpath lay in a restrictedsectorof longitude,Hillhouse and Cox [ 1976] suggested thatreversalsrecordedat one sitemight be controlledby a standingnon-dipolefield. Models with axial behavior of the transitional field. D6veloppementen Coop6ration,ORSTOM, Paris,France authors[Hoffman and Slade, 1986; Prdvot et al., 1985b] have questionedthe reliability of suchrecords,particularlywhen they have low sedimentation rates.In a recentstudyof the MatuyamaBrunhesreversalrecordedat Lake Tecopa,Valet et al. [ 1988a]have shownthat a strongoverprintfrom the following normalpolarity SinceHoffman [1979] showedthe necessityfor additionaldata from the southernhemisphere,severalrecordshave beenobtained from southern low latitudes [Clement and Kent, 1984; Clement and Kent, 1985; Hoffman, 1986] as well as from the northern hemisphere[Clementand Kent, 1986; Liddicoat, 1982; Theyet et 1Also atCollege ofOceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallisal., 1985; Herrero-Bervera, 1987; Valet et al., 1988b]. However, 2Permanently atInstitut Franqais deRecherche Scientifi-que pour le most of these data come from sedimentary rocks and several Copyright1990 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion Papernumber89JB03452 0148-0227/90/89JB-03452505.00 2727 2728 CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETICREVERSALS,FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 periodwas not removedin the early studyof Hillhouse and Cox which only one-third is subaerial.The erosionof the island has [1976]. Becausefew studieshave usedthermaldemagnetizations carved radial valleys which enable the samplingof volcanic [Valet et al., 1988a,b;Laj et al., 1988], the extentof overprinting sequences. A few transitionalpaleomagneticdirectionswere first in the other available records is uncertain. reportedby oneof us [Duncan,1975] in thePunaruuvalley,which Only relativechangesin paleointensitycan be obtainedfrom is one of the deepestvalleys of Tahiti Nui (Figure l a). This sedimentaryrocks.The variationsof the magneticpropertiesin the discoverysuggested thatsomevolcanicactivityoccurredat reversal sedimentsare generallyrecognizedthroughthe variationsof an boundariesandthat this volcanicsequence mightprovidedetailed artificial remanence,such as an isothermal or an anhysteretic behavior of the transitional field. remanentmagnetization,but this methodassumesthat the NRM GEOLOGY AND GEOCHRONOLOGY OF VOLCANIC ROCKS FROM THE is not altered by a multicomponent magnetization. The PUNARUU VALLEY normalizationtechniqueis alsouselessif geochemicalalterations The thick succession of seaward-dipping lava flows exposedin haveoccurredduringdiageneticprocesses [Karlin andLevi, 1985]. the PunaruuValley was eruptedduringthe main phaseof shield Most estimates of the time duration of reversals come from at the Tahiti Nui volcano.Theseare typicallyblocky sedimentary sections.Because several studies have shown a construction significantdecreasein intensitybeforeany changesin directions, 'aa'flows with rubbly oxidizedtop surfacesandmassiveinteriors, the estimatesvary from a few thousandyearsto severalthousand easilytracedfor hundredsof metersalongthe canyonwalls. The years,dependingon how thetransitionboundaries aredefined. thicknessof the flows varies between 1 and 4 m, with a mean of 3 m. Rapiderosionduringperiodicstormsandactivequarryinghave While sedimentsprovide only averagefield directionsand exposedfresh outcropsurfaces.Compositionallytheserocks are relative paleointensitychangesin the best cases,volcanicrocks generally enable a well-determined paleofield direction and alkali basalts,but rangeconsiderablyin phenocrystcontentfrom to aphyricvarieties.Samples sometimesaccuratedeterminations of the absolutepaleointensity. porphyritic(picritesandankaramites) with T74 prefixes have been described by Duncan [1975]. However, with volcanic recordsof reversals,the time resolution of Complete geochemical and mineralogical analysesof the dated the transition is generally not well establisheddue to a poor sampleswill be reportedelsewhere. knowledgeof therateof extrusionof the lava flows. Samplesselectedfor K-Ar datingwere first examinedin thin A commonfeaturein all recordsis a significantdecreasein the section to determinethe stateof alterationof the K-bearingphases. paleointensityof the field during transitions,but up to now most In most cases the rocks are petrographicallyfresh and wellstudieshave focussedon the directionalbehaviorduringreversals alteration rather than analyzing the field as a complete vector. When crystallized.Sampleswhich showedpatchygroundmass paleointensitydata are added to the directional records, some to clays or glassymesostasiswere excluded.Samplesbearing unexpectedcharacteristics of the intermediatefield appear,which cumulateolivine and rare small peridotite xenoliths were also are not shown by directional data alone. The most complete eliminated becauseof the possibilityof mantle-derivedargon descriptionof the behaviorof the geomagneticfield, in direction cardedin xenocrysts. After removal of any weatheredsurfaces,each sample was and intensity,comesfrom the studyof the volcanicrecordof a crushed to chips(0.5 to 1.0 mm size)andultrasonicallycleanedin Miocene agereverseto normaltransitionon the SteensMountains distilled water.A representative splitof thisfractionwaspowdered of SE Oregon[Mankinenet al., 1985,Pr•vot et al., 1985a].Very rapidfield variations(a few thousandgammasper year) havebeen and K-concentration was determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometric methods.Argon wasextractedfrom the coarse suggestedby Coe and Pr•vot [1989], but have not yet beenfully chips by radio-frequency inductiveheatingin a highvacuumglass established.Apart from the large decreasein intensity during transition, which is the main characteristic, Shaw [1975, 1977] lineequipped with38Arspike pipette andTi-TiO 2 getters for has also suggestedthat the intermediatefield may occasionally reach some high intensity values. On the other hand, large variations in paleointensitywithout changesin direction were shown by Shaw [1977] and by Prdvot et al. [1985b]. We will discusswhy somepaleointensities may not be valid dueto several experimentalproblems. Volcanicrocksprovidereliableandprecisespot-readings of the paleomagneticfield but it is not easyto obtaina sequencethat has recordeda detailedpolarityreversal;generallyonly partialrecords are found [Bogue and Coe, 1984]. In this paper, we report paleomagneticresultsobtainedfrom a volcanic sequencealmost 700 metersthick on the islandof Tahiti (FrenchPolynesia,south removing active gases.The isotopiccompositionof argon was thenmeasuredmassspectrometrically usinga modelAEI MS-10S instrumentwith computer-controlled peakselectionanddigitaldata acquisition andreduction. The agedeterminations on 12 samplesfrom the Punaruuvalley sectionappearin Table 1. The positionsof thesedatedsamplesare shownin Figure lb. With the exceptionof the age of sampleT8576 which appearsto be slightly too young,the age successionis consistentwith the stratigraphicorderof the lava flows. The ages andmagneticpolaritiesof the rocksare alsocompatiblewith the late Matuyama to early Brunhes portion of the magnetostratigraphic timescale (see later discussion of paleomagnetictransitions).This 700 m thick sectionwas erupted between1.2 and0.6 Ma, yieldingan averageaccumulationrate of 1.2 km per million years, or approximatelyone flow every two thousandyears. The evidence from the paleomagneticstudies, however,indicatesthat flows were eruptedin pulseswith significanttime gaps,ratherthanat regularintervals. central Pacific Ocean). Within this section,four transitionalzones have been intermediate found and two of them have recorded various directions. GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Societyarchipelago,in the southerncentralPacific Ocean, is composedof volcanicislandswhichare alignedin a WNW-ESE direction delineating the Pacific plate motion during the last 5 m.y. [Duncan and McDougall, 1976]. The island of Tahiti is the largest of the Society Islands and is made of two coalesced volcanos (Tahiti Nui and Tahiti Iti). The Tahiti Nui volcano is a conerising6000 metersabovethe surroundingabyssalseafloor,of PALEoMAGNETIC SAMPLING All the paleomagneticsampling has been done within the Punaruuvalley andwascarriedout duringtwo field trips.The first one was a preliminarysamplingduringwhich 150 coresfrom 25 lava flows were collected.Preliminaryresults,associatedwith the CHAUVINET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 •øs o • SOCIETY 2729 ISLANDS • C• • •HUAHINE (a) 17 C -, ....... • • TAHITI 1._. 8øs I I 150 I -w 148" I w I (b) (c) (b) •t •au v O CK OpL (,-, 0 TU B.,, •R1T :.,. (1) '"'"" • R1R • .•:..' • M2B --R1S •R1M R1L R1Q R1P R10 • M2C --: • M2D •• M2E R1N M2F R11 R1G • R1B (R1) M2K• PN • TL M2M M2N • TG TI -• _.. CC CB M2J TE • CD M2H M21 • TJ •R1E CF CE •M2G •CA R1K R1J • R1F M2W • U20 • .... .:.. :'; M1E '½•: CS ' M1B M2S - (T) (2) (M1) PI PF TC?:;-. CT••M1C TB PJ (M2) PC PB PA (P-C) Fig. 1. a) Map of the Societyislands(FrenchPolynesia,south-central PacificOcean).The paleomagnetic samplinghasbeendone alongthe PunaruuValley in the westernpart of the islandof Tahiti (b). Flows are dippingtowardthe west.On the northsideof the valley,the samplingwasdonealongthe river asindicatedby the 3 sectionsa, b, c. Filled circlescorrespond to flowsbelow (siteBKV) and abovesectionsa, b, c. Squaresare the samplingsitesof the dikes.On the southernborderof the river, numerous crosssectionsof the hillsidehavebeendoneandare indicatedby lettersreferencedin the text. The magneticpolarity(blackfor normal)hasbeenshownwithin eachsection.Gapsin the samplingare alsoindicatedby discontinuities within eachsection.Stars correspond to the locationof thedatedsamples. 2730 CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS•FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 TABLE 1. K-Ar Age Determinationsfor Basaltsfrom the PunaruuValley, Tahiti SampleNumber %K Radiogenic 40Ar/g %Radiogenic 40Ar (x10-7cc) Age+lc• (Ma) BKV-185 T85-72 0.83 0.86 1.7156 1.5745 27.9 15.2 1.19+0.02 T85-76 BKG-85 PKB- 14 1.03 2.07 1.16 1.7688 3.9120 2.2268 10.8 24.4 18.4 1.01+0.05 T85-81 1.03 1.8259 24.4 1.05+0.02 T85-93 T74-431 1.28 1.62 2.1740 2.8538 19.8 17.0 1.00+0.02 T74-434 T74-435 T74-437 T85-67 1.16 1.34 1.66 2.19 1.8886 2.0978 2.1991 2.3630 11.8 17.8 14.2 6.6 0.96+0.02 1 .O8+O.O2 1.09+0.02 1.11 +0.03 1.04+0.02 0.92+0.02 0.78+0.01 0.62+0.02 Age calculations based onthefollowing decay and abundance constants: )h•=0.58 lx10 -10 yr-1,)•[•=4.962x 10-10y r-1.40K/K= 1.167x 10 -4mole/mole. Jaramillo termination and the Brunhes onset, were reported by Roperch and Chauvin [1987]. More detailedsamplingduring the secondfield trip covereda distanceof 4 km into the valley. This samplinginterval correspondsto a volcanic sequencealmost700 Then 4 flows with reversedirectionswere sampled:BKX on the north side of the river and BKY, BKZ, BKZA on the south side in an old quarrywhere the stratigraphicorderwas easyto recognize. Two otherreverseflows PKE andPKG were sampledabout300 m meters thick. west of the previouslocation. The dike PKF which cutsthesetwo A total of 788 cores have been drilled from 123 lava flows and flows has a normal polarity. The river sites from flow B KV to 4 dikes, with an averageof 6 to 7 coresper volcanic unit. Cores PKG correspond to the lower part of our sequence. were obtainedwith a gasoline-powered portablecoredrill, andthen The secondpart of the samplingwas madealongthe southern orientedusinga magneticcompassand, wheneverpossibleby sun wall of the valley. We tried to sampleall flows which could be orientation.We have distributedthe samplesthroughoutthe flows, observedin the field but it was necessaryto do several small vertically and horizontally, to minimize risks of systematic sectionsbecauseof a lack of outcropsor becauseof topographic deviation of the paleomagnetic directions due to local block difficulties, like small waterfalls. There were no indications either disturbances;in many cases, the location of the samples was in the geological, geochronologicalor paleomagneticdata for determinedby accessibility.During the samplingwe useda small differencesin stratigraphybetweenthe two sidesof the river. No field spinnermagnetometer(LETI) in orderto recognizethe polar- faultshave been observedin the valley and youngvalley-filling ities of the flows and map the stratigraphy.The intensity of the flows, found further interior, are absenthere. naturalremanentmagnetization(NRM) was often better than the The sectionP-C (flows PA to PN and CA to CK) beginsnear NRM direction in recognizing transitional zones. Because of the river, about 350 m away from the flow PKG. A reverse viscouscomponentsfrom the presentday field, sometransitional polarity was observedfor the bottomtwo flows, and a transitional flows showeddirectionscloseto a normal polarity but with very zone was recorded by the overlying flows (PB,PC,PE,PF). A low magneticintensity.This informationobtainedwith a portable small baked soil, 50 cm thick, was interbeddedbetween flows PC spinner magnetometer was more accurate than fluxgate andPE but we were unableto sampleit. No suchwell definedsoil measurementsof orientedblocksbut, obviously,was more time was seen elsewhere in our sequence.As it does not mark the transition from full reverse to full normal, but is interbedded consuming. The naturaldip of the lava flows is closeto 10 degreestoward betweentwo flows having a similar direction,this soil horizon is the ocean.This fact allowed us to sampleeither along the river or not an indicatorof a large time gap betweentwo flows, in contrast by vertical sections(Figure 1). The first part of the samplingwas to what we expected. A normal polarity was found above the donealongthe river. A lava flow (BKV) with a reverseddirection transitionup to an elevationof 125 m (flows PG to PN and CA to wasfoundat the baseof the sequence. BetweenBKV andthe next CK). Section M2 extends from an elevation of 30 m to 120 m above flow (BKA), no outcropwas found.From BKA to BKG, a reverse polarity was observed.Following this reversesuccession,there the sea level. From M2U to M2G only normal directionswere was a smallgap in the samplingof a few tensof meters,followed observed.The top sevenflows from M2E to M2V in this section by a transitionalzone which contained16 lava flows (from BKH have transitional directions. Section M1 is about 400 m west of to BKT2), over a horizontal distanceof 350 m. One dike (BKM) sectionM2 and is composedof 6 flows (M1A to M1F) with with a reverseddirection cuts the transitionalsequenceand was intermediatedirections.The particular paleomagneticdirections samplednearflow BKL. recordedby the flows from the sectionsM 1 are very similar to that observed at flows CS, CT, CU (named section 2 on Figure l) Immediately above BKT2, we found 3 lava flows which are situated 100 m west of section M1. (BKS,PKB,BKW) and one dike (BKU) with reversepolarity. No normal direction was observed in this part of the volcanic SectionT is close by and just above flows CS, CT, CU and sequence.No outcropwas available for the next 250 m along the starts at an elevation of 30 m; 7 flows (from TA to TG) have river and taking into account a slope of ten degrees, this transitionaldirectionsand the upper 2 flows (TJ and TL), at an correspondsto a vertical gap of almost40 metersin the sequence. elevationof 150 m, have a reversepolarity. We were unable to CHAUVINET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 2731 samplebetweenaltitudesof 150 to 250 m in this section.At 250 m (section 1, Figure 1), one flow of normal polarity (TU) was found overlying two flows (TR and TT) with intermediate Susceptibility directions. thermomagnetic measurements were performed invacuum (10-2 The last section(R1) showeda new polarity transition.From an elevation of 50 m above sea level to 170 m (flows R1A to Weak field susceptibilities were measuredusingthe Bartington susceptibility meter, at room temperature. Strong field Torr) or in air, using an automatic recording Curie balance. Heating and coolingrateswere 8øC per minute, with an applied R1S), a reversepolarity zone was observed,overlain by a small transition zone (20 m thick) composedof 3 flows (R1T, R1U, field of between 0.1 to 0.7 Tesla. R1V). The intermediate direction of the flow R1V is similar to that of flow TR which had been sampledat the top of the section T. Above the flow R1V, the last flow PL has a normal polarity like flow TU at the top of the section1. Paleointensity From this sampling,a syntheticcross-section of the valley has been constructed(Figure 2), which showsthe stratigraphicorder and the geomagnetic polarities recorded. According to the radiometricdatingandthepolaritiesobserved,we havesampledthe Brunhes-Matuyamareversalat the top of the volcanic sequence, followed down-sectionby the upper and lower Jaramillo event boundariesand the Cobb Mountain event. LABORATORY PROCEDURES Remanence Each core was cut in standardspecimens(2.5 cm). Remanent magnetization was measured using a Schonstedt spinner magnetometer.Stepwisedemagnetizationseither thermal or by alternatingfield (AF) were performed,at least on one sampleof eachcore,usinga Schonstedtfurnaceand AF demagnetizer.Most of the normal and reverse samples were cleaned only by AF demagnetizationwhile samplesfrom the transition zones were demagnetized with thermal or AF techniques. Flows with intermediate directions have lower NRM intensities Jaramillo Cobb Mountain (10-2Torr)inorder tominimize temperature-induced alterations of the magneticmineralsof the samples. As with the original Thellier method,at eachtemperaturestep the two successiveheatingsand coolingswere performedin the presenceof the artificial laboratoryfield, but the directionof this field wasreversedbetweeneachheating.This methoddiffersa little from the modified versionproposedby Coe [ 1967a,b] for which the first heatingof eachtemperaturestepwas made in zero field and the secondheating in the laboratory field. The artificial laboratoryfield was appliedduringthe completetemperaturecycle [Levi, 1975]. The appliedfields varied from 9 to 40 microteslas,in orderto minimize differencesbetweenlaboratoryand ancientfield strength[Konoand Tanaka, 1984]. PALEOMAGNETIC RESULTS ilBrunhes / --- 1959], which is more accurate than several other methods for basalts[Coe and Grommd,1973]. Sampleswere heatedin a quartz tube surroundedby a coil which producesthe external laboratory magnetic field. The entire system was shielded from the geomagneticfield by 3 layersof mu-metalcylinders.Following Khodair and Coe [1975], the heatingswere performedin vacuum and even thoughthe viscousremanentmagnetization(VRM) overprintis almostthe sameas with normal or reversemagnetizedflows, the relativeeffect on the initial NRM is greater.AF demagnetizations were more efficient in removing isothermal(IRM) components, while thermaldemagnetizations were betterin cleaningviscousremanentmagnetization(VRM) from weakly magnetizedsamples. Primary componentswere easily identified and sometypical demagnetization diagramsare illustratedin Figure3. --- Paleointensity determinations were performed using the original Thellier's doubleheatingmethod [Thellier and Thellier, Remanence directions When only stepwiseAF cleaningwas usedto demagnetizea lava flow, the meandirectionwas calculatedat the onepeak of the alternatingfield which provided the best grouping in the data. When boththermalandAF cleaningswere performedon the same flow, primaryremanencedirectionswere obtainedby interpretation of Zijderveld diagrams.For theseyounglava flows, the primary I i 500m [lOOm i i i POLARITY transitional reversed JARAMILLO 0.92 normal ----0.62 Matuyama Ua 0.78 i 0.96 1.04 1.00 1 1.11 COBB MOUNTAIN 1.09 1.01 1.08 1.19 Fig. 2. Schematic crosssectionshowingthe magnetostratigraphy of the volcanicsequence, andthe corresponding K-Ar age determinations. 2732 CHAUVIN ETAL.:GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 N N• OOøC E 3O 2O 15 1A NR• 530( 10mT Down 87R1SllSB (AF) o• E Up 0.5 Am -1 Down lO 2 Am -1 20 87M1C18A (Thermal) 87R1D22C (Thermal) 30 E N I I I I I Down 87M2H85B o__•• $ E N (AF) I I I I I NRM •E'Up •5rn'I' 20 RMO••5• N t -1 0.5Am-1 '•450 •'125øC 0.5 Am -1 87BKQ154B • • Down • • ', • 87BKH96B • • 0.5 Am Down (Thermal) Di •wn 87R1T120B (Thermal) S (AF) Fig.3.Typical orthogonal diagrams ofprogressive thermal (TH)oraltemating field(AF)demagnetizations ofnormal, reverse and intermediate samples. Filled circles correspond totheprojection onto thehorizontal plane while open symbols areprojections onto thevertical plane. Asseenin these plotsthesecondary magnetization is mainly a northcomponent suggesting a viscous overprinting in therecent Brunhes normal polarity period. Theprimary component isalways welldefined eitherwiththermal or AF demagnetization. componentwas considered a.spassingthroughthe origin. In the directionsas well as the high intensitysuggestthat the computingmeandirectionper flow, we omittedanomalous cores overprintof this flow is an isothermalremanentmagnetization wheneverfield notesindicatedpossibleorientationmistakes,or (IRM) due to lighting.It wasobviousin the field that flow BKW when their directionswere at more than 2 standarddeviationsfrom was highly weathered.Demagnetization by AF was unableto themeandirection of theflow.Onlythreeflowsfailedtoprovide a completelyremovethe secondary component of magnetization, reliablepaleomagnetic direction.In the caseof the flow M2E, although theevolutionof theremanent vectorsuggested a reverse neitherAF nor thermaldemagnetization was able to isolatea polarityprimarydirection.On the otherhand,duringthermal stableprimaryremanence. This flow belongsto the upper demagnetizations the samplesfrom this flow explodedin the Jaramillo transition,and has a very weak intensity of furnaceat temperatures above300øC.Thusno paleomagnetic magnetization with an overprintof higherintensitythanthe direction was determined for this flow. primaryremanence. Anotherflow fromtheJaramillotermination, Paleomagnetic resultsarelistedin Table2. In Figure4, flow TI, showeda strongoverprint.Samplesfrom thisflow havean meaninclinations,declinations, and virtualgeomagnetic poles unusually highremanence intensity (morethan100Am-1)and (VGP) areplottedasa functionof thestratigraphic positionin the showa veryquickdropin intensity for smallpeakAF values(5 to valleysection.The altitudes reportedon therightsideof Figure4 10 mT). ForhigherAF peaks,theintensitydecrease is lower,but have been calculatedfrom the thicknessof the lava flows, their the directionsdo not changeup to 100 mT, which is the averagedip, their true altitudeandtheir locationin the section.The maximumfield of ourAF demagnetizer. The scatterobservedin stratigraphic orderof theflowshasbeenwell observedin thefield, CHAUVIN ETAL.:GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 2733 TABLE 2. PaleomagneticResults Inc k 358.6 2.0 232.9 230.2 235.0 224.5 226.6 176.7 185.3 -50.6 -43.6 --5.5 0.2 0.1 7.3 5.4 53.4 44.8 117 100 182.6 50.6 347 100 200 100 100 200 200 200 100 300 200 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 200 200 100 181.1 177.1 178.2 176.2 175.2 179.8 174.9 176.9 179.0 191.6 193.2 191.3 143.0 185.8 172.2 168.4 44.9 39.7 33.3 36.7 36.5 36.6 39.4 14.2 11.0 21.6 26.7 24.7 15.6 37.8 34.8 40.9 579 200 200 170.9 175.3 46.3 44.6 N.d N.d Site n/N AF/TH Dec TU PL TI' TR-TS R1V R 1U R1T R1S R1R 5/5 6/6 6/6 5/6 5/6 4/5 5/6 6/6 6/6 200 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 100 R1Q 5/6 R 1P R10 R1N R1M R1L R1K R1J RlI R 1H R1G R1F R1E R1D R 1C R1B R1A 6/6 6/6 6/6 5/5 5/5 9/11 6/6 6/6 6/6 7/8 6/6 4/5 5/7 5/6 5/6 4/5 TL TJ 5/5 6/6 Ti (x95 o• Lat Long P JlO X N N 2.74 2.18 2.16 3.45 4.56 7.1 7.0 18.1 11.2 76.3 82.0 35.6 17.5 2.2 2.4 12.0 117.0 122.9 119.0 -34.0 -37.7 -33.1 104.6 106.4 108.6 I I I 0.72 0.75 0.47 2.32 N.d N.d 3.5 4.7 6.7 4.4 4.1 2.8 2.5 3.3 2.8 2.5 2.9 1.5 3.5 3.7 5.6 3.7 11.4 5.5 2.6 3.1 2.9 131.7 128.8 159.0 167.1 161.8 167.6 172.5 178.3 174.8 174.4 175.9 172.0 161.4 158.4 165.0 167.1 167.4 142.5 172.9 173.1 167.5 -44.2 -41.9 -73.5 -80.0 -76.2 -81.2 -84.4 -88.2 -85.5 -84.8 -87.3 -83.3 -79.1 -77.8 -77.0 -76.8 -78.1 -52.7 -83.5 -82.5 -77.7 108.1 107.9 220.3 182.1 201.3 204.2 239.5 284.6 262.6 270.0 214.6 255.7 14.1 25.9 92.1 106.7 98.6 310.9 154.1 288.2 270.9 I I R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R I R R R 1.30 1.26 1.88 4.18 2.61 6.01 6.14 19.47 7.37 11.72 9.48 7.98 8.32 5.99 6.48 5.15 8.94 0.80 2.41 10.52 14.17 N.d 2.36 1.37 1.40 0.93 1.40 1.34 1.69 1.45 1.03 1.04 1.73 2.78 3.77 1.87 1.63 1.68 2.23 1.22 1.13 2.89 4.0 7.0 164.6 167.4 -77.0 -80.4 249.1 236.7 R R 4.24 2.92 1.34 2.26 11.36 92 1.28 1.55 92 900 1055 42 702 264 101 231 691 405 724 907 311 1940 367 327 115 328 66 214 835 609 994 368 2.27 1.11 N.d N.d N.d 1.92 4.93 10.74 10.10 15.44 16.39 41.40 18.20 40.87 32.7 16.53 10.76 5.71 12.43 11.37 19.12 1.3 7.07 33.45 17.61 4.64 TG TF TE TD TC TB TA 6/6 7/7 3/5 3/4 8/8 5/8 8/8 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 133.0 134.0 297.0 299.6 301.3 312.7 337.8 74.4 72.5 42.9 42.6 41.5 39.2 35.0 249 4.2 132.3 -35.6 236.6 I 0.70 1.98 194 4.3 7.1 6.6 3.4 6.8 6.1 133.6 94.9 93.3 91.6 84.1 70.9 -37.6 15.3 17.5 19.3 28.9 46.7 239.5 153.7 154.6 154.7 159.5 178.1 I I I I I I 0.72 0.74 0.92 1.04 1.26 1.30 1.67 2.28 1.27 1.87 3.07 2.71 M 1F CU M1E M1D CT CS M1C M1B M1A 6/6 3/5 4/5 6/6 5/5 4/5 6/6 6/7 6/7 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 18.2 37.2 17.0 51.6 66.7 53.0 56.1 55.9 69.8 26.0 14.1 44.9 59.8 50.2 57.7 62.0 51.2 54.8 261 4.2 14.3 8.2 6.1 61.1 58.6 (79.0 101.6 53.8 45.6 42.8 14.5 241.5 269.7 231.5 248.5 I I I I 0.20 0.74 1.21 0.16 2.41 2.17 N.d 1.93 19.3 20.9 6.7 15.8 7.7 101.5 100.6 104.7 97.1 105.8 9.6 15.1 10.3 17.0 5.3 263.6 251.1 248.5 258.0 260.9 I I I I I 0.20 0.15 0.18 0.13 0.29 1.35 1.88 1.16 1.25 1.83 0.53 231.1 238.3 12.7 220.4 213.5 226.3 20.5 12.3 35.0 69.6 58.0 58.1 34 133.2 123.2 68.6 136.7 146.0 -40.1 -32.0 51.0 -42.6 -54.1 119.6 116.8 229.8 178.9 163.3 I I I I I 0.38 0.39 0.72 0.39 0.27 3.43 2.51 1.46 2.99 N.d 0.39 194 11.6 8.0 6.1 5.1 4.8 N.d 98 7.8 139.9 -44.7 158.1 I 0.43 N.d N.d N.d N.d 401 3.8 2.3 3.8 3.3 4.6 7.9 40.2 8.2 13.8 11.6 13.1 12.9 56.1 81.2 74.7 76.9 76.3 79.3 276.8 290.6 315.1 309.0 323.6 350.8 I N N N N N 0.53 2.57 3.58 3.97 2.80 3.92 N.d 0.96 2.81 1.37 1.07 1.82 N.d 7.6 4.7 4.1 6.1 85.3 86.3 301.6 207.0 N N 1.73 3.53 0.59 1.36 10.57 4.0 2.9 5.1 3.1 3.9 2.2 3.4 4.2 3.8 7.5 12.9 12.7 12.8 19.6 23.5 17.6 2.5 5.8 85.3 81.4 82.4 82.4 78.0 76.3 79.5 87.2 86.3 190.0 175.7 22.6 208.3 184.5 191.7 192.3 293.8 189.0 N N N N N N N N N 9.70 3.58 2.49 4.17 4.89 4.69 3.62 3.17 3.11 2.06 0.86 0.79 1.85 1.23 1.75 0.74 0.74 1.61 16.91 M2V M2W M2A M2B M2C M2D 6/7 5/5 6/6 6/6 6/6 5/6 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH M2E 299 354 259 128 83 75 126 123 19 20 101 19 77 92 120 172 M2F M2G M2H CK M2I M2J 5/5 6/6 6/7 6/7 4/5 4/5 AF+TH AF+TH 200 200 100 200 30.7 9.0 15.8 13.7 13.6 7.6 4.4 -29.8 -37.3 -34.7 -39.7 -44.0 M2K C! CH CG M2L M2M M2N M20 M2P 5/6 5/5 4/5 4/4 6/6 6/6 5/6 5/6 6/6 300 200 200 200 100 100 300 300 300 4.9 359.8 358.3 355.0 1.6 359.7 354.7 355.6 356.7 -32.6 -26.4 -25.2 -20.4 - 19.9 -19.7 -13.5 -9.4 -15.2 M2Q 5/6 300 2.9 -32.0 334 CF 7/7 200 358.6 -26.9 247 884 318 408 401 137 101 261 537 1005 174 462 385 1243 379 1.16 2.61 2.01 1.47 1.72 0.30 1.22 N.d 0.30 0.29 0.56 0.38 0.57 0.55 1.76 0.46 9.65 4.57 10.37 9.42 7.73 9.32 14.95 11.32 8.07 14.29 9.64 17.55 15.29 6.92 2734 CHAUVINETAL.:GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA, 2 TABLE 2. (continued) Site n/N AF/TH Dec M2R CE M2S CD CC CB M2T M2U CA 6/6 6/8 4/6 5/5 4/4 6/8 7/7 7/7 5/5 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 TH+AF 200 0.4 10.7 16.2 19.6 1.9 6.0 7.1 12.3 10.6 -27.8 -21.2 -18.6 -14.8 -27.3 -17.8 -19.0 -19.8 -29.7 299 153 2261 251 1395 140 270 1163 520 PN PM PJ 7/7 6/7 5/5 200 100 200 354.6 10.4 0.8 -36.5 -33.3 -40.4 Pi 6/6 200 359.3 PH PG PF PE PC PB PO PA 7/7 7/7 8/8 8/8 7/7 7/7 6/6 7/7 200 200 AF+TH AF+TH 100 200 100 300 1.9 6.4 157.8 158.6 179.4 182.6 174.4 187.4 PKG PKE BKZA BKZ BKY BKX 4/5 5/5 9/9 4/8 6/7 11/12 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 183.8 179.3 178.7 196.2 185.2 175.4 N.d N.d 5/7 7/7 6/6 5/5 5/6 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 155.5 156.5 332.4 358.7 342.1 48.4 47.6 27.7 45.8 44.5 BKW PKB BKS BKT2 BKT1 BKR Inc k cz95 o• Lat Long P Jl O 25 Q 3.9 5.4 1.9 4.8 2.5 5.7 3.7 1.8 3.4 4.8 14.8 20.1 25.1 5.0 15.7 15.0 16.8 9.5 87.0 77.7 72.3 68.4 86.6 79.8 79.5 75.9 79.7 218.1 269.1 275.3 275.1 243.0 246.1 252.5 270.1 292.3 N N N N N N N N N 3.48 5.16 7.73 9.25 3.92 3.93 5.14 5.97 7.11 2.85 2.27 2.71 2.83 1.26 1.65 1.78 1.78 1.03 4.39 8.16 10.24 11.74 11.18 8.55 10.35 12.03 24.79 102 232 413 6.0 4.4 3.8 6.0 8.8 7.9 84.3 80.1 84.6 92.7 305.0 22.8 N N N 7.00 5.14 4.47 2.68 2.59 3.64 9.37 7.13 4.40 -34.0 210 4.6 1.6 88.8 65.9 N 3.16 3.21 3.53 -17.3 -31.6 55.8 57.1 74.4 63.9 47.8 36.8 278 258 233 102 297 175 158 85 3.6 3.8 3.6 5.5 3.5 4.6 5.4 8.8 15.3 5.5 152.8 151.3 138.1 148.6 164.2 172.6 81.0 83.9 -62.9 -62.6 -46.9 -62.0 -77.7 -82.5 222.6 296.0 252.6 249.4 211.0 206.7 234.3 143.7 N N I I I I R R 4.37 3.84 1.29 2.40 1.39 2.63 3.36 3.33 1.66 1.18 1.95 0.90 0.39 0.38 0.98 0.71 9.45 11.66 2.38 9.55 12.83 24.75 12.31 16.78 27.5 27.5 28.2 32.6 25.0 41.5 407 273 132 106 757 504 4.6 4.6 4.5 9.0 2.4 2.0 174.0 174.9 175.5 166.4 171.2 170.3 -85.2 -86.8 -87.0 -74.6 -83.2 -82.5 80.7 18.3 5.6 123.2 78.9 244.7 R R R R R R 14.87 20.37 3.32 3.27 1.13 2.25 1.01 1.25 1.93 1.09 2.35 1.80 52.71 58.41 6.19 10.83 1.73 4.48 67 492 70 87 212 9.4 2.7 8.0 8.2 5.3 155.7 156.7 65.7 78.4 78.7 -64.8 -65.8 47.7 45.1 42.8 268.5 269.3 168.9 209.0 188.5 R R I I I 0.53 1.14 0.72 0.95 0.85 2.82 1.93 1.51 2.44 N.d 0.68 2.11 1.71 1.40 N.d BKQ 6/6 AF+TH 339.6 60.5 31 12.3 94.5 27.9 193.4 I 0.50 1.19 1.51 PKD BKP BKO 5/6 7/7 7/7 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 339.9 348.1 351.4 45.8 28.7 25.5 213 992 596 5.3 1.9 2.5 80.4 62.3 58.6 41.0 55.0 57.7 186.7 190.3 194.8 I I I 0.56 0.53 0.51 0.97 0.87 1.63 2.07 2.18 1.12 BKN BKL BKK PKC 7/7 5/7 5/5 6/6 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 351.2 219.7 221.3 220.8 22.6 7.3 -5.7 6.4 185 41 313 272 4.5 12.0 4.3 4.1 65.8 135.4 125.2 134.0 59.3 -48.7 -44.4 -47.5 193.5 105.4 97.9 105.5 I I I I 0.29 0.62 0.92 1.38 1.48 1.88 N.d 1.96 0.70 1.19 N.d 2.53 BKJ BKI BKH BKG BKF BKE PKA BKD BKC BKB BKA BKV 7/7 6/6 8/8 9/9 7/7 7/7 7/7 6/6 6/6 7/7 4/5 7/8 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 400 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 200 200 220.8 160.0 164.3 169.8 177.2 180.3 184.3 180.0 175.9 181.7 186.0 174.5 5.2 -40.3 -48.1 40.2 10.6 13.0 17.9 15.2 15.1 10.6 16.6 30.6 242 924 42 349 590 280 378 318 105 332 678 234 3.9 2.2 8.6 2.8 2.5 3.6 3.1 3.8 6.6 3.3 3.5 4.0 133.2 104.9 98.1 168.8 157.9 160.5 164.9 162.7 162.2 158.0 163.2 174.9 -47.2 -44.9 -40.8 -79.1 -77.3 -78.9 -80.5 -80.0 -79.2 -77.5 -79.1 -84.6 104.6 4.2 12.4 270.3 17.8 32.1 57.3 30.6 8.3 38.5 63.7 312.9 I I I R R R R R R R R R 0.39 1.10 0.44 1.77 1.51 1.60 1.71 2.47 2.72 3.52 2.07 2.10 2.11 1.98 3.00 0.42 1.06 0.22 0.56 0.27 0.47 1.02 0.40 3.43 0.66 1.99 0.52 1.51 5.14 26.02 10.90 32.85 20.71 12.43 18.67 2.20 4/7 6/6 6/6 5/5 AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH AF+TH 0.2 191.7 171.9 24.0 -36.5 42.2 32.8 -30.8 69 212 239 132 11.1 4.6 4.3 6.7 N.d N.d N.d N.d 87.4 -77.2 -82.3 67.1 26.5 154.1 298.2 301.5 N R R N N.d 1.36 0.62 1.35 N.d 1.77 0.25 1.49 N.d 2.75 8.81 3.27 DIKE PD BKM BKU PKF n/N,numberof samples usedin theanalysis/total numberof samples collected; AF/TH, AF+TH indicates thatthermalandAF demagnetizations have beendone,whilea numberrefersto theAF peak(Oe),at whichthemeanwascalculated; Dec andInc, meandeclination andinclination; k, precision parameter of Fisher;cz95,95%confidence coneaboutmeandirection; •),reversal angle;Lat andLong,latitudeandlongitude of VGP;P, polarityof the flow(N'normal, R:reverse, I: intermediate); JlO,geometric mean NRMintensity after10mT;25,geometric mean susceptibility (10-2SIunits); Q geometric meanratioof J10/(35 gT*z). CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS,FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 Declination 180 i Inclination 360 i -90 0 i log Jn log Z 90 -1 0 1 2 -3 -2 i i i i i i i log Qn -1 i -1 0 1 i i i 2735 V.G.P. 90S Latitude 90N ß ßß.. ¾. ;!,' ß ß - 100m ,,,-- :,..., .:..-ß - 300m -600m i i Fig. 4. Evolutionof differentmagneticparameters for eachflow of the sequence againstthe calculatedcumulativethickness.Jn, averageNRM intensityafter 10 mT; Z, meansusceptibility; Qn, apparentKoenigsberger ratio(seetext).The axialnormaldipole inclinationat thatsiteis -32.5ø (32.5ø for reverse).While the susceptibility appearsto be equivalentthroughout the section,large variationsin intensityare seenandthe low valuesare alwayscorrelated to transitionzones,identifiedon the VGP latitudeplot. Theselow valuesarealsowell definedwith theapparentKoenigsberger ratio. bothalongthe river and within eachverticalsection.To matchthe These flows have purely transitionaldirections(Table 1) which relativepositionsof the flows betweendifferentvertical sections, correspondto an angulardeparturefrom the axial dipole higher field observations of flow attitudes were often sufficient. For than 50ø. Their NRM intensities are also very weak, but their example,takinginto accountthe distancebetweensectionM1 and corresponding VGPs have a latitudehigherthan 50ø. It seemsthat M2 (see Figure 1) and the dip of the flows toward the west, the a betterrequirementfor a directionto be consideredintermediateis top-most flow of section M2 (flow M2V) is stratigraphically that the reversalangle (measureof the angulardeparturefrom the beneath the bottom flow of section M1 (flow M1A). The same normal or reverseaxial dipole) would be higher than 30ø. This argumentswere appliedto sectionsT and R1 (Figure 1) and the requirementwas alreadyproposedby Hoffman [1984] andwe will flow TL (sectionT) is lower in the stratigraphythan flow R1A see later that, from our data, this cutoff between intermediate and (beginningof sectionR1). This stratigraphicassignmentis in dipolardirectionsis not totally arbitrary. goodagreementwith the resultingsequenceof magneticpolarities. Figure 4 showsthat the thicknessof the transitionalzonesis In two cases,only paleomagneticcorrelationshave been used. greatly variable. The upper Jaramillo transitionhas a thickness First, section2 (CS, CT, CU) and sectionM1, which are close to around 80 m while the normal subchron Jaramillo has been one anotherin the field, have similar paleomagneticdirections recordedonly by a sequenceof 120 m. Taking into accountthat a which suggests that flows CS, CT, CU are in the same transition period may be 5000 years and, that the Jaramillo stratigraphiclevel as flows M1A to M1D (CS: D=53.0, 1=57.7; subchronis 60,000 yearslong, great differencesin the extrusion CT: D=66.7, 1=50.2; M1D: D=56.6, 1=59.8). rate of the lava flows are then evident. Correlationsbasedon paleomagnetic directionsare easierin the caseof intermediatedirectionsof the geomagneticfield, because NRM intensityand susceptibility they are more unique. On the contrary, it is more difficult to The stepwiseAF demagnetizations show that generallythe recognizeandcorrelatedirectionsduringstableperiods(reverseor secondary componentof magnetizationis cleanedat a peakAF of normal) of the field. Our sectionsCA to CK and M2U to M2G 10 mT. In order to define the distribution of the intensities of the both correspondto the Jaramillo normal subchron.Using the altitudesof the flows, their natural dip and the paleomagnetic primary directions,we report here the NRM intensitiesafter 10 mT of AF cleaning(J10)- The NRM intensitiesare distributed directions, we combined the two sections. However, we cannot dismissthe possibility that the sameflow was sampledat both sites. The stratigraphic order chosen on the basis of the paleomagnetic datais indicatedin Table 2. Definingthe boundariesof transitionsin termsof directionsis not so easy.Consideringa directionto be transitionalonly when its corresponding VGP falls belowa latitudeof 50ø [Sigurgeirsson, 1957], or 40ø [Wilson et al., 1972] is not alwayspossible,as can be seenfor examplewith flows BKP, BKO and BKN (Figure 4). between lessthan0.1Am-1 upto30Am-1,andsamples with intermediate directions clearly have lower intensities of magnetizationthannormalandreversesamples.In contrast,there is no apparentdifferencein weak field susceptibilityfor both populations (Figure 5); lowest values correspondto hightemperatureoxidized samples.As a result, the distributionof the apparentKoenigsberger ratio, (NRM intensityafterAF cleaningat 10 mT divided by the productof the bulk susceptibilityby an 2736 CHAUVINETAL.' GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 Normal and Reversed 100 • Intermediate 50• 0.1 I 10 JNRM (10mT) (Am-1) 10-3 10 -2 10-1 0.1 Susceptibility (SI) I 10 100 JNRM (10mT)/Ji (35gT) Fig. 5. Histograms showing thedistribution of theNRM intensity(after10 mT), thesusceptibility, andtheratioof theprevious NRM witha calculated induced magnetization in a fieldof 35 gT. Samples havebeenseparated intotwopopulations, intermediate and normal+reverse. ambient field of 35 gT), is similar to that of the intensitiesof magnetization. Geometricmeanvaluesof NRM intensities (J10), weakfield susceptibilities and apparentKoenigsberger ratio calculatedper flow arereportedin Table 2 andarerepresented in Figure4. This figureclearly showsthat the averageNRM intensityper flow is lower duringtransitionalperiodsthan duringnormalor reverse periods.This fact is particularlyclearwhenthe transitionalzoneis well detailed. This pronounceddecreaseis also observedin the Koenigsberger ratio, because there are no differences in susceptibility betweensamplesfrom the transitionsand samples with a normalor reverseddirection.Theseresultsstronglysuggest that the variationsobservedin intensityof magnetizationare not mineralogically controlledbutreflectchanges in thegeomagnetic field intensity.This is easily seenwhen the geometricaverage NRM intensities,after 10 mT, are displayedversusthe reversal anglein Figure 6. Althoughthere is considerablescatterof the data, with a deviation of one order of magnitudebetween some flows, the distinction between flows with intermediate directions and thosewith stablepolarity is very clear.In a studyof a N-T-N excursion recorded on lava flows from the island of Huahine (Society islands), a similar distribution of the intensities of magnetizationis observed[Roperchand Duncan, this issue].The intensity of the geomagneticfield, during transitions,is thus expectedto decrease downto 10-20% of thevalueobservedduring stablepolaritystates. Nevertheless,we must emphasize that NRM intensity is a parameterwhich providesonly a generaltrend of field variations, when a largenumberof samplesand flows are used.Detailsin the paleointensitychangesbetween flows can not be resolvedwith NRM intensities alone. Absolute values of the geomagnetic intensity are necessaryin order to better constrainpaleofield variation during reversals.Unlike the sedimentaryand intrusive rocks,lava flows recorda quasi-instantaneous field, andthey can provideaccurateabsolutepaleointensities. In orderto quantifythe relativechangein the geomagneticfield intensityreflectedby the NRM data,somepaleointensitydeterminations were attemptedand will be presentedbelow. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE NORMAL AND REVERSE DIRECTIONS. A previousstudyof paleosecularvariationrecordedin volcanic rocks from French Polynesia [Duncan, 1975] indicated the magnitude of dispersion of the paleomagnetic data was in agreementwith valuespredictedby secularvariationmodels,with an angular standard deviation of the site VGP's about the geographicalaxis of 13.8ø. This result was obtainedfor 53 sites geographicallydistributed in 5 of the younger islands of the volcanicchainandrepresentinga 4 m.y. time interval.In contrast, our sitesrepresenta single volcanic sequencefrom the Punaruu ß valley.A statisticalanalysisof the dispersionof thepaleomagnetic directionsmay provide someinsightto the samplingprocessof 1the magneticfield by sucha volcanicsequence. The normalpolaritydatasetcomprises31 flowseruptedduring 0.5the Jaramillosubchron,2 during the Brunhesperiodand 2 dikes (Table 2). As most of the data correspondto the Jaramilloperiod they might representa maximum time interval of about60,000 years(Figure7). The setof reverseddirectionsis composedof 39 o.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ! I I lava flows and 2 dikes (Figure 7) and might representa longer 90 180 o intervalof time (approximately350,000 years). reversal angle First, paleomagneticdirectionsmore than 30ø away from the Fig. 6. Variationof the meanflow intensityof magnetization(after 10 axial geocentricdipolewere excludedfrom the analysis,sincethey mT) versusreversalangle.Intensityof magnetization is on a logarithmic have been consideredas transitional. In some studies[McFadden scale. and McElhinny, 1984; McElhinny and Merrill, 1975] only VGP CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETICREVERSALS,FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 N W E 2737 suggests eithera low level of the non-dipolefield activity,or an insufficient samplingof the secularvariation possibly due to a high rate of extrusionof the lavas flows. For the Jaramillo data set,whetherthe flows were eruptedregularlyover 60,000 yearsor in oneor a few shortperiodsis an unanswered question. For the reverseddirections,the mean VGP is indistinguishable from the geographicalaxis at the 95% confidencelevel, but the angularstandarddeviationremainslower thantheexpectedvalueat thislatitude (meanVGP: 1=268.0ø,L=-88.9ø, K=52.2, (x95=3.2ø, ST=I 1.2ø).Suchstatisticswith a moderatenumberof samples,are very sensitiveto the selectionof the data. Adding 5 flows, with VGP latitudebetween45-50ø,but a reversalanglehigherthan30ø, the dispersionof the datais in betteragreementwith othermodels (which used this cut-off level) for the secularvariation. (1=246.0ø, L=-86.4ø,K=30.0, (x95=3.9ø,ST= 14.8ø). The mean VGP S Fig. 7. Stereographicprojectionsof all normal and reversedpolarity directionsobservedin the volcanicsequence from Tahiti. latitudeslower than45ø were excluded.The non-Fisherianpattern of the directions (Figures 7a,b) is common for sites at low latitudes,becauseof the movementof the dipole (wobble). As a consequence, the distributionof the VGPs associated with the paleomagnetic directionsis muchmoreFisherian(Figures8 a and b). The mean VGP for the Jaramillo flows is: long=263.9 ø, Lat=84.4ø,with K=87.1, ST=8.7ø and(x95=2.8ø.As wasdiscussed duringthe description of the sampling,two sectionscomposed the Jaramillo; some sitesbetweenCA to CK perhapscorrespondto flows alreadysampledin sectionM2. Nevertheless, evenif the ten flows between CA to CK are taken out of the computation,the resultis not changedsignificantly(meanVGP: 1=266.8ø L=85.0ø, K= 83.1, (x95=3.5ø, ST=8.9ø).At the 95% confidencelevel, the mean VGP is distinguishablefrom the geographicalaxis, and the relativelylow valueof the angularstandarddeviationof the VGPs (a) for all the normal and reversed directions with VGP latitudeshigher than 45ø has an angularstandarddeviation very closeto the expectedvalue: 1=327.9ø, L=88.9ø, (x95=2.7ø, K=34.2, ST=14.0ø. The angularstandarddeviationof the field is usually calculated withthefollowing formula: SF2=ST2-SW2/n, where ST is the total standarddispersionbetweensites,SW the within site dispersionand n the averagenumber of samplesper flow. The more inclusiveVGP populationgives a field dispersion SF=13.9ø (SW=4.6 ø, n=5.9). This studyof the paleosecularvariationprovidesthe following conclusions: The mean VGP associated with all the normal and reversed directionsis indistinguishable from the geographicalaxis. The results from the Jaramillo subchron indicate either that the Jaramillo representstoo short a period of time to average the secular variation at this site or that the individual observations (i.e., eachlava flow) are not independentin time andrepresentonly a short time in the Jaramillo. Finally, our estimateof the angularstandarddeviationof the VGP is identical to the value obtainedby Duncan [1975] and is very closeto the value given by the different models.(The most recent (G) of McFadden et al. [1988] gives SF=13.4 ø for the latitude of Tahiti.) (b) Fig. 8. Equalareaprojectionof the VGP'scorresponding to the previousdirectionsshownon Figure7. 2738 CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 CobbMountain (Figures9 and 10) DESCRIPTION OF THE TRANSITIONS The paleosecular variationis not well recordedin thebottomof The directionalpath, before (D,I) and after rotation(D',I') followingHoffman [1984], for all the transitions foundin our the section because several reverse flows (BKA to BKF) have sequence, aredisplayed onstereoplots (Figure9) whilethevirtual recorded statistically indistinguishable directions with low inclinations.Only the two flows (BKV and BKG) eruptedbefore geomagnetic polepathsareshownin Figure10. Normal + Matuyama + Brunhes + + + • + + + + --JF+ + + + ! ! 1 Reverse Upper Jaramillo + + +++ E Normal N se Lower + Jaramillo + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Normal N + + + t..,,' + + + + + + + ,,' . ',, . ,oun.ain f Reverse Fig.9. Foreachtransition, equalareaprojections of thedirectional pathsbeforerotation (left)androtated directions (D', I') [Hoffman, 1984] (right). CHAUVINET AL.: GEOMAGNETICREVERSALS,FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 Upper Jarami!!o 2739 Matuyama-Brunhes I I I I I \ L t \ • --R \\ 0 Site _•_i I I // / •---• / i Cobb Mountain / Lower Jarami!!o Fig. 10. Evolutionof the VGPs duringeachtransitionplottedon a Mollweideprojection.Samedatasetsas in Figure9. andafterthisgrouphavedifferentdirections.As discussed before, thereis a few tensof metersgap in the samplingbetweenthe last beginning of the transition. No accurate paleointensities are availableto confirmthisinterpretation. reversedflow (BKG) and the next (BKH) which is intermediate. Thus, the flow B KH might not correspond to the precise UpperJaramillo (Figures9 and 10) This reversalboundaryis muchmoredetailedandis recordedby beginning of the transition but may record a direction well 23 flows.Thefirsttransitional direction (flowM2F) hasa very advanced in the transition and the apparent far-sided VGP shallow negative inclination, and shows a large swingof the field movementto position about 160ø away from the site meridian away from its secular variation pattern during the Jaramillo shouldbe interpretedcautiously.After that, southwestdirections (flows BKJ to BKL) associatedwith shallowedinclinationshave subchron.A different direction (southwest and steep positive inclination)is observedin the threefollowing flows (M2D, M2C, been recordedby 4 successiveflows. The VGPs associatedwith thesedirectionscannotbe easilyclassifiedasnearor far-sided.The following directions(flows BKN to BKT2) are north but with positiveinclinationsbetween20 and 60ø; in the D', I' spacethey aresituatedin the near-sidedquadrant,andare90 to 60ø awayfrom the reversepolarity directionwhile the VGPs are closerto normal polarity.Justabovetheseintermediatedirections,a directiononly 25ø awayfromthereversedpolaritywasrecordedby two successive flows. Even though there are some gaps in the sampling,the M2B). The next transitional direction (M2A) is north with a moderatepositiveinclination,and it is followedby two southwest directions(flow M2V, M2W). There is no gap in the samplingof theseflows. Another transitionaldirection(eastand positive steep inclination) has been recordedat six sites (M1A, M1B, M1 C, CS, CT, M1D). The possibility that a gap in the sampling exists between section M2 and section M1 cannot be ruled out. Then, a movement of the directions to the north with a decrease in overlyingflows alsohavereversedpolarity.No normaldirections inclination is observed (M1E, CU, M1F). In contrast with this were observed,sothisrecordis an apparentR-T-R excursion.K-Ar irregular behavior, flows TA to TE exhibit a smooth shift in datingof five flowsfrom thispartof the sequence (Table 1) yields directionwhich seemsto correspondto a better samplingin time a weightedmean age of 1.11+0.01 Ma and indicatesthat this of the field variationor a more regularbehaviorof the field. The end of the transitionshowssteepand southeastdirections(flows excursion should be correlated to the Cobb Mountain event TF and TG). The VGPs associated with these intermediate [Mankinen et al., 1978]. directionsare grosslynear-sidedexceptfor two (flows M2V and LowerJaramillo(Figures9 and 1O) M2W). All the transitional directions are associatedwith a weak The transitionis not well sampled;4 flows (Table 2) have a NRM intensity. The next 5 flows (TJ, TL, R1A to R1C) are reversedirections, paleomagneticdirection which involves a steepeningin the with NRM intensitieshigher, and characteristicof the stable inclination and are followed above by normal polarity flows. In contrast with what is observed for the other transitions, the NRM polarity state. But, the next flow above (R1D) has a remanent intensityof these4 flows cannotbe distinguished from that of the directionwhich goesout of the typical secularvariation pattern, underlyingflows. This fact suggests thattheseflows recordedthe with an angulardeparturefrom the axial dipole of 37ø and low 2740 CHAUVINETAL.:GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA, 2 intensity of magnetization.This special direction was obtained duringthermaldemagnetizationas well as with AF cleaning,and is well determinedas shownby sample 87R1D22c on Figure 3. This site was clearly identifiedas a lava flow andnot a sill. Our recordof the UpperJaramillois clearlycharacterized by: i) large changesbetweentwo intermediatedirections(i.e., between the flows M2A and M2W), ii) progressivevectormovementof the field, recordedby successive lava flows (flows CU to TE), and iii) relative stability in intermediatepositions(flows M1A to CT). The questionis: are thesepropertiesrelatedto the transitionalfield behavioror are they just an effect of the sporadicextrusionof the lava flows?.Quick and large directionalchangescan be attributed first to gaps in the paleomagneticsampling.We have seenthat this is not the casehowever,for the threelargervectormovements recorded by the flows of the top of section M2. Gaps due to changesin the extrusionrate are moredifficult to verify. NRM direction. The NRM direction must be close to the mean stable direction for the flow obtained after AF and/or thermal demagnetization.This allowed us to reject samplescarrying significant viscous remanences (VRM). This criterion was particularly efficient for sampleswith a transitional direction, whoseprimary remanentmagnetizationwas very weak, and the overprintwas often relatively more importantthan for samples with a non-transitional direction. Grain size.Multidomaingrainscausenon-idealbehaviorduring the Thellier experiment,and a concaveup curvatureof the points in the NRM-TRM diagram[Levi, 1977]. This effectpreventsthe use of the low-temperaturepart of the NRM-TRM diagram to calculatethe paleointensity, becausethe slopeof the line wouldbe steeperthanthoseprovidedby the ratio of the true paleointensity to the laboratoryfield. Remanence stability to AF demagnetization with median demagnetizing fields above 30 mT. was usedto indicatethat the There is evidencethat the intensityof the Earth'smagneticfield remanence is controlled by single (SD) or pseudo-single(PSD) during the transition was very low, as shown by the NRM domain particles. These experiments were performedon adjacent intensityand alsothe paleointensitydata (seenext section).With a small magneticvector,large and suddenchangesin directionare specimensfrom the samecore. Thermal stability. Thermal stability of our samples was easierto producethan with a normal geomagneticfield intensity. investigated with strongfield thermomagneticexperiments.The A simple model of reversals, in which the dipole term of the degree of alteration during the Js-T experimentswas estimated sphericalharmonicexpansionis reducedto zero while the other terms are allowed variations in 'realistic' agreement with the fromthedifferencebetweenthe Curiepointonheatingandthaton present-non dipolefield, givesa recordalsocharacterized by periods cooling and also from the changein the strongfield induced (Js)at roomtemperaturebeforeandafterheating.It of progressive changes and periods of important and rapid magnetization is well known that volcanic rocks with a single high Curie directionalvariationswhen the magneticfield intensityis greatly reduced[Roperch,1987]. Similar behavioris also observedin the temperatureare goodcandidatesfor paleointensitydeterminations becausetheir highly oxidized stategenerallypreventsa further recent reversal models proposed by Williams et al. [1988]. Thereforethe observedfeaturesof ourrecordof the UpperJaramillo oxidation during the laboratory experiment.Js-T experiments, transitionmight not be entirelycontrolledby the sporadicvolcanic performedon 111 samples,exhibit four typesof curves(Figure activity, and some of them might reflect the irregular evolution 11). We assumedthat the Curie temperaturecorrespondsto the with time of the local field directionsduring intermediatestates. temperatureof the inflection point of the Js-T curve.This method Nevertheless,it is obviousthat we do not have a completerecord yieldsvaluesgenerallylower thanthoseobtainedusinga linearexof changesin the paleomagneticdirectionsduringthe transition,as trapolationof the Js-T curveas describedby Grommdet al. [1969]. The temperatureof the inflection point can be consideredas the expectedwith volcanicrocks[Weekset al., 1988]. average of the broad distribution of the Curie point of the Matuyama-Brunhes (Figures9 and 10) individualmagneticparticleswithin a volcanicrock [?rdvotet al., Beforethe Matuyama-Brunhes boundary,a progressive increase 1983]. The first type of Js-T curvesis the mostcommonencountered in inclination is observedand we speculatethat this patternhas some similarities with the Lower Jaramillo. The transition is not (76 samples)and showsa singleferrimagneticphase,with a high Curiepointbetween500 and565ø C. The type 1 curve detailed and only five lava flows have recorded intermediate temperature directions which are southwest with a shallow inclination and 50 ø can be divided into three groups, according to the relative discrepancy betweenthe heatingandcoolingcurves.Samplesof to 60ø away from the geocentricaxial dipole. group l a are characterizedby a decayof the strongfield induced PALEOINTENSITY DETERMINATIONS magnetizationat room temperature,Js,after the heating,lessthan duringthe coolingof The aim of the Thellier method is to compare partial 10% anda decreaseof the Curie temperature thermoremanent magnetization (PTRM) acquisition and the only a few degrees.This behaviorhasbeenfoundon 42 samples. Group lb (13 samples)showsa decreasein Js greaterthan 10% decreaseof the partial natural remanentmagnetization(PNRM) with increasingtemperaturesteps.Becauseof the law of additivity after the heating and a more important drop of the Curie temperatureduring the cooling. The evolutionof the samplesis of the PTRM, the ratio PNRM/PTRM should be constant over eachtemperatureinterval and equalto the ratio of the ancientfield morepronouncedwhen heatingsare madein air thanin a vacuum. strengthand the laboratory field, provided no alteration of the The group l c (21 samples)is characterizedby an increasein the at roomtemperature afterheating,sincethe magnetic minerals occurred during the heating. Only samples inducedmagnetization whose NRM is an original TRM, with no significant secondary cooling curves cross the heating curves, typically in the interval250-450øC.The magneticphaseproducingthe magnetization,and showingno or little thermalinstability,enable temperature type 1 curvecould be a titanium-richtitanomagnetite which has a paleointensitydetermination. beentransformed to a Ti-poor titanomagnetite by hightemperature Sampleselection deuteric oxidation, or a primary low-Ti titanomagnetite. To select the most suitable samples for the paleointensity Discrepancies betweenthe groupsl a, lb and lc mightresulteither measurements, we usedthe following criteria:the NRM direction, from low temperature oxidation which inducesnon-reversible the magneticmineralogyand the thermalstabilityof the magnetic behavioror minor variationsin the magneticgrainsor bulk rock minerals. [Mankinen et al., 1985]. CHAUVIN ETAL.:GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 1.0- •,•,.,• • BKI98 (V) TG046 (V) F=0.2 T, lb o 0.0 i i i 200 0 • 0 i 400 600 i 0 i I 200 i I 400 • Tc015 (V) F=0.1 T. i i i 600 Pf43 (A) F=0.1 T. lc 2a 1.0- 2741 Type 3 curvesshowonly oneferrimagneticmineralwith a very low Curie temperature,below 75øC and sometimeslower than the room temperature.The cooling curvesdo not retracethe heating curveswith heating performedeither in air or in vacuum. Seven samplesproducedthiskind of curves. Only 3 samplesgave type 4 Js-T curves. This type of curve showssomeparamagnetic behaviordueto thehighestappliedfield and thesesampleshave low magneticcontentas indicatedby the low value of the magneticforce. As the Js-T experimentswere carried out on selectedsamples without large secondarymagnetization,they do not representthe true distributionof the Curie pointsover the entire flow sequence. For the paleointensitymeasurements, we have usedonly samples exhibitingtype 1 Js-T curves. Interpretationof theNRM-TRM diagrams 0.0- i i i 200 i i 400 '• i i i 600 i i 200 i 400 PKD23 (V) i 600 CE106 (V) ti to room temperaturein the laboratoryfield. Ideally all points F--0.2 T. F=0,4 T. b 2c 0.5- 0.0 0 ' 2•0 ' 4•)0 ' 6•)0 PF39 (V) i 2• i i 200 0 F=0.4 T. i 400 i 600 BKE70 (V) \• F=0.6 T. 0.5- 0.0 i 0 200 i i 400 i i 600 The paleointensity data are shown in NRM-TRM diagrams [Nagataet al., 1963] wherethe NRM (Yi) remainingat each temperature step(ti) is plottedagainst theTRM (xi) acquired from i 0 i 200 i I 400 600 Fig. 11. Examples of the four different types of strong field thermomagneticcurves obtainedon samplesfrom the island of Tahiti. Analyseswere done either in a vacuum(V) or in air (A) with various appliedfieldsfrom 0.1 to 0.6 Teslas.Arrowsindicateheatingcurves.The unitofthespecific magnetization isgiven inAm2Kg -1. Type 2 curveswere producedby 14 samplesand they result from the presenceof two ferrimagneticminerals.Thesecurvescan also be separatedinto 3 classes.In class 2a (8 samples), one magneticphasecommonlyhas a Curie point between 100 and 200øC,while the otherphasehasa Curie temperaturehigherthan 500øC,but theheatingandcoolingcurvesarenearlyreversible.In contrast to the previous class, class 2b (9 samples) shows irreversibility,the coolingcurvesalwaysbeingabovethe heating curves.Class2c curves(7 samples)are also characterizedby two Curie points;one above500øCandthe secondlower than 100øC and in somecaseslower than the room temperature.In all cases, the Curie pointsof sampleswere changedonly by a few degrees after the experiment. Bimodal Curie temperaturesamples are commonly observedin flows where high temperaturedeuteric oxidation has transformed only part of an originally Ti-rich titanomagnetiteto a Ti-poor titanomagnetite containingilmenite lamellae. The non-reproducibilityof the heating and cooling curvesof group2b indicatesa low temperature oxidationandthe lowerCuriepointmightbe a cationdeficienttitanomaghemite but thedisproportionation peakhasbeenobservedin only onesample. shouldbe on a straightline whose slope gives the ratio between the intensity of the ancientgeomagneticfield and the laboratory field, but generally, only one part of the diagram is linear. The temperatureat which the secondarymagnetization,suchas VRM, is cleaned,determinesthe lowest limit of the temperatureinterval which can be used for paleointensitydeterminations.Because a linear distributionof the pointson the NRM-TRM diagramis not a proof of the absenceof chemicalor physicalchangesduringthe Thellier experiment [Pr•vot et al., 1983], we have to check the stability of the partial TRM acquisitioncapacity as the heating temperature increases(PTRM checks).Any increaseor decayin the TRM acquisitioncapacityindicatesa physico-chemicalalteration of the magneticminerals. Generally, severalPTRM checkswere performedduring each experiment using larger temperatureintervals with increasing heating temperature. The acquisition of chemical remanent magnetization(CRM) during the heating in the laboratoryfield cannotalwaysbe detectedby the PTRM checks[Coe et al., 1978], but when the laboratory field and the NRM are not parallel, a movementof the NRM directiontoward that of the applied field showsan alterationin the TRM spectrumdue to CRM build up. This is easily checked on the orthogonal plots of the NRM demagnetizationin samplecoordinates.At eachtemperaturestep, the first heating is the most efficient in producing chemical changes. This has been verified in measuring the bulk susceptibilityat room temperatureafter both heatingsat eachstep. Small changesin susceptibilityare observedafter the first heating of eachtemperaturestep,while the secondheatingdoesnot modify the previousvalue of the susceptibility.As the first heatingin the true Thellier methodis made while the laboratoryfield is on, this methodseemsto be more adequateto detectCRM acquisitionthan the modified versionby Coe [1967a] in which the first heatingis made in zero field. Indeed, chemical alteration, in zero field, will not enableCRM acquisition. The maximumtemperaturestepwhichdefinesthe linearpart of the NRM-TRM diagramusedto calculatethe paleointensityis the last temperature step before any evidence of PTRM capacity changes.The linear segmentdefinedin the NRM-TRM diagram whereoverprintandmagnetochemical changesarenegligiblemust containat least four to five pointsand spanno less than 15% of the total NRM in order to be reliable [Coe et al., 1978, Pr•vot et al., 1985b]. Specialdifficultiesin the interpretationof the NRMTRM appearwhena curvatureof the plot is observedalongall the 2742 CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERS,•LS, FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 temperaturerange,while no PRTM capacityalterationis observed. In this case, using the first part of the curve would result in overestimating thepaleofieldwhile the lastpartof the curvewould give an underestimate of the paleointensity. This kind of curves can be explainedif the magneticcarriersare multidomaingrains [Levi, 1977] or if the NRM is not a pure TRM. The last hypothesismightbe testedby comparingthe blockingtemperature spectrumandthe Curiepoint [Prdvotet al., 1985b]. In our experiments,a minimum of 11 temperaturestepswere performed.The statisticalmethoddevelopedby Coe et al. [1978] was used to obtain the slope b of the straight line, its corresponding relativestandard erroro'b andthestandard erroro(Fe) aboutthe paleoiledintensityFe. The validity of the paleointensity determinations wereexpressed usingthe qualityfactorq estimated from the NRM fractionusedf, the gapfactorg andthe scattering of the plot aboutthe linear segment.An indicationof the potential for error causedby CRM acquisitionis given for eachsampleby the factor R, as defined by Coe et al. [1984]. It representsthe maximum error, in percent of the laboratory field, that CRM would cause in the paleointensity estimate. Within a single volcanicunit, the averagepaleointensitywas calculatedusingthe weighting factor w, defined by Prdvot et al. [1985b], the uncertainty aboutthemeanwasexpressed by thestandard deviation of the unweightedaverage. Mountain transition.Only one experimenthas been successfulon one flow from the Jaramillonormal polarity subchron(flow CA). The resultsare close to the expectedvalue at this latitude, from 27.1 to 54.3 gT, andare in goodagreementwith thoseobtainedin previousstudies[Senanayakeet al., 1982]. Twenty-one paleointensityresults from 8 distinct lava flows were obtainedfrom 3 transitionalzones:14 paleointensityvalues from the Cobb Mountain transition (5 flows), 2 results from the Upper Jaramillo (1 flow) and 5 results from the MatuyamaBrunhes (2 flows). For the Cobb Mountain transition, the paleofieldsobtainedare between4 and 8.4 pT. A lower value was obtainedfor the UpperJaramillotransitionwith a field strengthfor the flow M2C of 2.6 pT. The two flows from the MatuyamaBrunhestransitionalsogive very low paleointensities,from 3.4 to 3.6 pT. Good consistency betweensamplesfrom the sameflow is observed,exceptin the caseof the flow BKK. DISCUSSION The Cobb Mountain event:Excursionor short normalpolarity event? An apparentR-T-R excursionof the Earth's magneticfield, dated around 1.1 Ma, is recordedin the volcanic sequencefrom Tahiti. Severalpaleomagneticreportsfrom marine or terrestrial sedimentsand volcanic rocks have suggestedthat a complete Results reversalof polarityoccurredat that time but this eventhasnot yet Paleointensitydeterminationswere attemptedon 48 samples, been classifiedin the main polarity time scales[Mankinen and of which 26 have given reliableresultson 11 distinctlava flows Dalrymple, 1979; Harland et al., 1982]. Therefore,a review of availabledataappearsto be necessary. (Table 3). The study of marine magnetic anomalies has enabled the Two typesof non-idealbehavioroccurredduringthe Thellier experiments. The first typeis represented by samplesfor whichthe recognitionof the main featuresof the polarity sequencebut short eventswith time durationof the orderof 10,000 yearsare difficult evolutionin the PTRM capacityis indicatedby negativePTRM checks.SamplePF37a is one example (Figure 12) for which a to distinguish.On half of 14 magneticprofilesfrom a surveyover smalloverprintwascleanedat 250øC.While the first PTRM check the eastPacificRise Crest,Rea and Blakely [1975] haveidentified a small positivemagneticanomalycenteredaround 1.1 Ma. They at 380øC showeda decreasein the TRM acquisitioncapacity,all the following PTRM checksindicatedan increasein the TRM arguedthat the identificationof this shortmagneticanomalyas a capacity.Providing the PTRM checkshave been carried out at geomagneticeventwas only tentative,becausethis brief periodof severalsteps,thiskind of behavioris easilyrecognizedandno cal- normalpolarity did not showup well in their averageprofile. Magnetostratigraphicstudiesof marine sedimentcores and culation of paleointensitycan be attempted.In contrast,some samplesprovidedconcaveup paleointensitycurveswith positive Pliocene continentaldepositshave, in some cases,revealed the PTRM checks.Similar behaviorhas been found during the study existence of a short event before the Jaramillo subchron. But of samplesfrom the islandof Huahine[RoperchandDuncan,this discontinuoussamplingof cores as well as the time-averaging issue]. Samples showing important non-linearity in the processin the acquisitionof the magneticremanencehave made recognitionof shortperiodeventsdifficult. An anomalouschange paleointensity havebeenrejected. More thanhalf of our selectedsampleshaveprovidedreliable in inclination before the Jaramillo normal subchron was found in results.Most paleointensities are determinedwith 5 to 15 points,a one marine sedimentcore from the north Pacific [Ninkovich et al., NRM fractiontypicallycloseto 50%, anda qualityfactorq around 1966] and transitionaldirectionswere reportedfrom two coresof 10. The highesttemperatures usedaregenerallycloseto theCurie deep-seacalcareoussedimentsfrom the Melanesianbasin[Kawai et point(nearor above500øC);thisindicatesa goodthermalstability al., 1977; Sueishi et al., 1979]. In this last case, the excursionhas of the samples.The laboratoryKoenigsberger ratio (Q1)[Prdvotet beendatedat 1.06 Ma, extrapolatedfrom the depthof the major al., 1985b] has been calculatedfor each sample,and the average boundaries of polarity epochs and the sedimentationrate. A value is 13.8, with a rangefrom 5 to 63. The meanQ1 is similar completereversal was suggestedin one deep-seacore from the to the one obtainedby Prdvot et al. [1985b] in the most stable equatorialPacific [Forsterand Opdyke,1970] and four coresfrom samplesfrom SteensMountain.Somepaleointensity diagramsare the Southern Ocean [Watkins, 1968], from which the normal shownin Figure 13 and resultsare summarizedin Table 3 and polarityzonewasdatedaround1.07 Ma. Kocheguraand Zubakov[1978] summarizedthe resultsof their Figure 14. On Figure 13, the demagnetizationdiagramof the studiesof the marine and loessdepositsof NRM duringthe Thellier experimentis also shown.Becausethe magnetostratigraphic NRM is determinedwhile subtractingtwo oppositepartial TRMs the Ponto-Caspianzone of USSR, and showeda normalpolarity at each step, the very low noise observedon the orthogonal periodjust before the Jaramillo,occurringaround 1.1 Ma, but no informationon their paleomagneticdata were presented,making projectionsenhances the qualityof theseexperiments. Four paleointensitydeterminationshave beenobtainedon two the quality of theseresultsdifficult to assess. More recently,in the vicinity of the magnetozonecorrelatedto flows with reversedpolarity; the flow R1N which precedesthe Matuyama-Brunhesreversaland the flow BKB beforethe Cobb the Jaramillo, several intervals of anomalous directions of CHAUVINET AL.:GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA, 2 +1 +l +1 +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +l +l +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +l +l +l 2743 +1 +1 +l +1 +1 +1 2744 CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS,FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 NRM y i A/m -X 200 •__e •5 island Z NRMo= 1.6 A/m 0520 87PF37A o I of La R6union. However it should be noted that no 250øC informationconcemingthe polarityof the flows aboveandbelow HLab =15 •tT I normal polarity have given an age about 1.08 Ma, close to the previousone obtainedon the Cobb Mountain [Mankinen and GrommJ,1982]. Howeverthe ageuncertainties arequitelargefor these two flows (about 12%). Normal polarities from volcanic unitswith agesaround1.05 Ma havealsobeenreportedby Fleck et al. [ 1972] in southArgentina,Abdel-Monemet al. [ 1972] on the islandof TenerifeandMcDougalland Chamalaun[ 1966] in the I 3 TRM was available.Thus, the interpretationmustrely strictlyon the KAr results.A normalpolarity period,precedingthe Jaramillo,was foundin an ashlayer and adjacentsedimentsfrom the depositsof the Osakagroup(Japan)[Maenaka, 1979]. The ash horizonhas given a fissiontrack age of 1.1+0.01 Ma. The use of only one level of AF cleaningmight have not been sufficientto remove a possiblestrongnormaloverprint. This review shows the difficulty in identifying a short geomagneticeventeitherin sedimentor volcanicunits.However, thereis now strongevidencefor a worldwidegeomagnetic feature Fig. 12. NRM-TRM diagrams,normalizedto the initial NRM (NRM0), showing non-ideal behavior during paleointensity determination. Orthogonalplots in samplecoordinatesrepresentthe evolutionof the remanentvectorduringthe experiment.HLab: intensityof the laboratory of either a short event or an excursion around 1.1 Ma. Our data field in gT. Sample87PF37AshowsnegativePTRM checksindicating from the Punaruuvalley suggestthatthe field did not reacha full thatmagneticalterationoccurredduringthe experiment. magnetizationhave been observedin deep-seacoresfrom the CaribbeanDSDP Site 502 [Kent and Spariosu, 1982]. The most detailed record of an event of normal polarity preceding the Jaramillo normalpolarity.Nevertheless, thedetailedrecordfrom core609b [Clement and Kent, 1987] suggestsa very short time for the normal period. Therefore, such a short normal polarity might correspond to a hiatusin thevolcanicactivityat thattime andonly the transitional boundaries were recorded. subchron was obtained from sediment cores from the north Atlantic [Clementand Kent, 1986]. In this study,the event Comparisonof the transitionalfield characteristicswith other hasbeendatedaround1.16 Ma, assuminga constantsedimentation available records rate betweenthe depthsof the the major polaritychrons,and its time durationwas estimatedto be 11,600 years.Nevertheless,the normalperiodin this recordis disruptedby very shallowinclinations and the authors argue that the proximity of this large directionalswingto theuppertransitional zone,andtheoccurrence within an intensity minima, suggestthat they are part of the transitionalbehavior. Thus, the true normal period might be as A comparisonof the intermediatestatesof the field observedat different sites for a single reversal may provide a clue to the understanding of the reversalprocess.To do that,a review of the otherrecordsis necessary. shortas 5,000 years. This Some normal or intermediate directions have also been found, The Cobb Mountain. As discussedbefore, the most detailed recordconcerningthe Cobb Mountainevent was reportedfrom hydraulicpistoncoredsedimentsby Clementand Kent [1987]. record has one main characteristic in that while the declinationexhibitsvery shorttransitionfor boththe onsetandthe termination of the normal polarity period, large variations in inclinationoccurbeforeandafterthedeclinationchanges.As noted earlieran importantshallowingof theinclinationis alsoreported in thenormalpolarityperiodasdefinedwith thedeclinationpattem by Clementand Kent [1987]. The VGPs associatedwith these intermediatedirectionsare almostconfinedin the meridianplane containingthe siteandshowa well definedantisymmetry between in severalplaces,on volcanicflows datedaround1.1 Ma., but the imprecisionin radiometricdatingwasoftengreatenoughto allow the possibilitythat they cooledwithin the Jaramillosubchron. The name Cobb Mountain was given by Mankinen et al. [1978] to an event which, for the first time, was found in a volcanic unit, a compositerhyolite and dacite dome, situatedin northern California. K-Ar datings have given a mean age of the onset and the termination. 1.12_+0.02Ma. Transitionaldirectionswere clearly recordedin 5 In the recordfrom FrenchPolynesia,we observedthreedifferent sitesof rhyolites,while the normalpolarity was definedonly by a directions. Obviously,theyrepresent onlya strongnormaloverprintat oneparticularlocality, wherethe rock groupsof intermediate of an excursion,or limited recordsof one or both is completelydevitrified.Becauseno evidenceof latehydrothermal few snapshots alteration was found on the Cobb Mountain, Mankinen et al. transitionslimiting an undetectednormalpolarityevent.Reliable have been obtainedfor theseflows with fields arguedthat this devitrificationwas causedby deutericalteration paleointensities from 4 to 8 gT. There is no evidencefor a strongintermediate whichcouldhavestartedshortlyaftereruption.Thereforethe NRM state.Acceptingthattheseflowsrecordan excursion,themagnetic directionwas consideredas representinga completechangefrom data show that the intermediatefield during the Cobb Mountain intermediateto normalpolarityduringthe coolingof the rhyolite. One intermediatepolarity lava flow dated by K-Ar at 1.13 had similar characteristicsto those observed during polarity of excursionsas aborted +0.08 Ma and six flows with a normal polarity with age from reversals,supportingthe interpretation ß reversals[Hoffman,198lb]. 1.07 to 1.37 Ma havebeenreportedby Briden et al. [1979] in a Lower and UpperJaramillo. Up to now, deep-seasedimentary study of volcanic rocks from the islandsof St. Vincent and La Guadeloupe,in the LesserAntilles.On the islandof Madeira,one corerecordsof the transitionsdelimitingthe Jaramillohave been obtainedin the Indian Ocean [Opdykeet al., 1973, Clement and normallymagnetizedbasaltdatedat 1.15 Ma hasbeenfoundby Kent, 1984, 1985], in the north Atlantic Ocean [Clement and WatkinsandAbdel-Monem[ 1971]. Usingthe new constants in KAr datings[MankinenandDalrymple,1979], thisagebecame1.18 Kent, 1986] and Pacific Ocean [Hammondet al., 1979; HerreroMa. Two basalt flows in the Coso Range, California with a Bervera and Theyet, 1986, Theyet et al., 1985]. From volcanic CHAUVINET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 2745 NRM NRM E EIiup NRM(• / 350øc •" 41o t1A/m52 i•1• •500 10A/m • 495øc 540øC 535øc Down 87R1N85A 87BKI97A (IS) (IS) •570øC 1 TRM 1 NRM Down TRM 87R1N85A 87BKI97A NRM 300øc E • • S NRM N 200øC : : : : : : E : NR '•o••540 0.3A/ 500øC Down 500"• 530øc ,0.3A/m NRMO,4•t t 87BKP147A (IS) •'300 D•wn 550øC O 540øC 87M2C52A 1 2 3 4 (IS) TRM TRM 87BKP147A 87M2C52A NRM E • S 480øC 535øc Down 87PKC16A 1 2 3 (IS) TRM 87PKC16A Fig. 13.NRM-TRMdiagrams of accurate paleointensity determinations usinga largeportionof theNRM. Theorthogonal plots showthe evolutionof the remanentvectorin geographical(in situ) coordinates. records,a few intermediatedirectionscome from the study of Mankinen et al. [ 1981] on Clear Lake (Califomia). The importantshallowingof the inclinationseenat the beginning of the lower Jaramillo record from the Indian Ocean [Clement and Kent, 1984] clearlydisagreeswith the observationfrom Tahiti, in termsof a simplezonalharmonicmodel. Herrero-Bervera and Theyet [1986] have presenteda nonsedimentation rates, aslowas6 mm/103 years [Hammond etal., axisymmetric behavior of the field during the upper Jaramillo 1979] or7.8mm/103 years [Theyet etal.,1985]. If theremanence recorded by deep-sea sediments from a site near Hawaii is a detrital remanentmagnetization(DRM), each sample,no rate35 mm/103 years). Thisrecord ismostly matter how closely spaced, representsan average of the (sedimentation by oscillations betweenreverseandnormalpolarities. paleomagnetic signalovera greatperiodof time;in thecaseof a characterized PDRM (post-DRM),the transitioncanbe completelymissedor This behavior may question the possibility that antipodal the directions observed can differ completely from the true magnetizationsare presentin the samples.Assumingthat this Data from deep-seacoresfrom the PacificOceanare, in our opinion,difficult to interpret,simplybecauseof the very low configuration of theintermediate geomagnetic field [Valet,1985; Hoffmanand Slade,1986].Recordsof the lowerJaramillofrom record is reliable leads to the conclusion that transitional fields recordedat a siteat a low northernlatitudein the samelongitudinal terrestrialsedimentswere describedby Gurarii [ 1981], from the bandas the Societyislandshave no commonfeatureswith those territoryof westernTurkmenia(USSR)but,sincetheremanence is recorded at Tahiti. The record of the Upper Jaramillo transition in deep-sea carriedby two magneticminerals,hematiteandmagnetite,thenatureof themagneticremanence (detritalandchemical)is unclear. sediments from the Indian Ocean shows evidence of bioturbation, 2746 CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETICREVERSALS,FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 Matuyama-Brunhes. This transition is poorly defined but at least for the limited part of the transitionrecordedin the Tahiti section,there is convincingevidencethat the field was low (3-4 gT). There are many sedimentaryrecordsof this reversal.A strong dependence of the VGP path duringthe reversalwith the longitude of the observationsites was first pointed out by Fuller et al. 50- [ 1979]. However, careful examination of the data convincedus that 30- somesediments havenot accuratelyrecordedtheweakgeomagnetic field andthatthe geometryof the transitionalfield mightnot be as simpleas recentlyproposedby Hoffman [ 1988]. In the caseof the Japaneserecord [Niitsuma et al., 1971], the NRM intensitydata are scatteredandno clearvariationof the intensitycanbe observed. With sedimentsfrom the mid-northern and equatorial Pacific [Clementet al., 1982], dissimilarVGP pathshave beenobtained from two nearbycores,and an increaseddispersionin directions -- 10- was observed 0 ' ' 3•0 ' ' dO ' ' •0 ' ' 1•)0' ' 1•0 REVERSAL 180 ANGLE within the transitional zone. These observations suggestedto Clement et al. that some sedimentologicalfactors have probably distorted the magnetization of these sediments characterized byalowsedimentation rate(7to11mm/103 years). The accuracyof some paleomagnetictechniquesto clearly isolatethe primaryremanentdirection(if it still existsandhasnot geochemical processes [Karlin et al., axialnormaldipole.Paleointensities obtainedfromtheintermediate flows beenreplacedby subsequent are below 10 gT. 1987]) constitutesone of the major problems.The lake Tecopa record[Hillhouseand Cox, 1976] hasbeenlong consideredone of which might well have actedto smooththe transition[Opdykeet the most reliable recordsof the last polarity reversal.However, a al., 1973; Clement and Kent, 1985]. The sedimentsfrom the north resamplingof the section and new data obtainedby thermal Atlantic ocean [Clement and Kent, 1986], which are characterized demagnetization[Valet et al., 1988a] showsclearly that strong byasedimentation rateof82mm/103 years, have given arecord magneticoverprintsarenotremovedby AF demagnetizations. The of the Upper Jaramilloin which full normalpolaritydirectionsare previouslyreportedintermediatedirectionswere the resultof a not observedat the baseof the samplingzone, and thereforethe superimposition of reverse and normal components of lower boundary of the transition is not defined. Moreover, this magnetization,and provide no useful information about the record displays strong variations in intensity of magnetization reversal. Although Valet et al. [1988a] showed that AF which are apparentlycorrelatedto changesin the lithology. demagnetization did not isolatea primarycomponent, theydid not So we are facedwith the disappointingconclusionthat no fully demonstratein a convincing manner that the intermediate reliabledataare availablefor comparisonwith our detailedrecord directionsisolatedby thermaldemagnetization aremeaningful. from the Upper Jaramillo.Only one accuratepaleointensitywas Recently,data from the equatorialAtlantic Ocean(Site 664) obtainedfor the Upper Jaramillo transition(Table 3) showinga havebeenreportedfrom deep-seasedimentary cores[Valetet al., field strengthclose to 2.6 gT, but all the NRM intensity data 1989]. In comparingthe VGP path they obtainedwith deep-sea indicatethat the intensityof the field might havebeenparticularly core results from a site of the same longitude (Site 609), but low during this reversal. As was already pointed out, an situatedat a mid-northernlatitude [Clementand Kent, 1986], Valet intermediate direction associatedwith a low NRM intensity was et al. [ 1989] showedthat the two recordsprovideantipodalVGP observed in flow R1D which follows the Jaramillo transition paths,locatedoverAmerica(Site 609) andAsia (Site 664), a fact termination.This directionhasan angulardepartureof almost40ø that cannot be reconciledwith a simple axial geometryof the from the full reversedpolarity. This is not the first time that a transitionalfield. Obviously, even for this 'well' documented brief polarity fluctuation is describedclose to that polarity reversal, a close look at the data shows that still more accurate boundary.Clementand Kent [1986] observeda 60ø swingin the paleomagnetic recordsare neededfor a betterdescriptionof the inclinationjust after the upper Jaramillo transition.In the lava transitional field. flows of Clear Lake (California) [Mankinen et al., 1981] a The secondpart of this discussionwill includesomeof the sequenceof intermediatepolarity lavas,apparentlyyoungerthan resultsobtainedon the islandof Huahine [Roperchand Duncan, Fig. 14. Diagramshowingthe evolutionof the meanpaleointensities per flow with their standarddeviations,versusthe angulardeparturefrom the reversed lavas above the Jaramillo termination, has been found. The K-Ar age obtainedon one of the intermediateflows (0.90 _+ 0.02 Ma) is indistinguishable from the age of the end of the upper Jaramillo transition,suggestingthat the brief intermediatestate observedis part of the reversalboundary,and representswhat is generallycalleda reboundeffect [Prdvotet al., 1985b;Laj et al, 1987, 1988]. Our data from flow RID can be interpretedin this way. On the otherhand, somedata from Clear Lake and deep-sea sedimentsfrom the SouthernOcean [Watkins, 1968], suggestthat a polarity event might also have occuredat about0.83-0.85 Ma, which could also explain the directionof flow RID. Without an estimateof the age of this flow, we cannotchoosebetweenthese two possibilities. this issue). Zonal and non-zonalcomponents East and west intermediate directions are more numerous in the record of the N-T-N excursion of Huahine than in the records from Tahiti which show smaller deviations from the north/south vertical plane.On average,non-zonalcomponents are asimportantasthe componentslying within the geographicalmeridian during transitions,as suggested by Prdvot at al. [1985b] for the Steens Mountainrecord.However,datafrom Polynesiamay indicatetwo differentconfigurations for the beginningand the middleof the reversal.For the lower Jaramilloat Tahiti and the beginningof the transitionfrom Huahine, there is some evidencefor axisymmetry CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETICREVERSALS,FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 2747 characterizedby a path throughhigh inclinations(Figure 15). RoperchandDuncan[thisissue]suggest thatthissimpleapparent structurecanbe modeledwith a growingzonalquadrupoleof the samesignas the decayingdipole.The evidence,from Polynesia, for a quadrupole field at theonsetof a reversalis in agreement with arithmeticmeans.Differencesbetweenarithmeticand geometric averagesunderline the scatter in each data set. As the NRM intensitydependson the strengthof the geomagneticfield and the magneticmineralogyof rocks,it seemsreasonableto simply add the predictionmade by Merrill and McFadden [1988] who have arguedthat a reversalmay occurif the axial dipolefield is weak andthequadrupole family field is strong. from the samegeographicalareaandthe volcanicrockswhich form thesetwo islandshave similarcompositions. The averagevalues, within each reversal angle group, of the NRM data for Tahiti, Huahineandfor the combineddatasetsarereportedin Table 4. In combiningthe two datasetsthe numberof sitesusedis quitelarge Variation in the geomagnetic field intensity Intensity of the NRM versus directions or VGPs. As we discussedearlier, the NRM intensities (at 10 mT) can reflect the averagevariationsin the geomagneticfield intensity.All the NRM intensitydatafrom HuahineandTahiti havebeengroupedby 10ø intervalsin reversalanglesandVGP latitudes;then,arithmeticand geometricmean valueswere calculatedfor each group(Figures 16a, b). The standarderror bars have been reported for the the two data sets from Huahine and Tahiti. Indeed, these data are (220), and we assumethat short-termfield paleointensity variationsandNRM intensityfluctuations dueto rock magnetic propertieshavebeenaveraged.An importantdropin intensityis observedfor reversalanglesfrom 0øto 30ø or VGP latitudesfrom 90ø to 60ø. For higherreversalangles(i.e., lowerVGP latitudes) the intensities stay very low, around 1 A/m or less. The same result is obtainedusing either the data from Huahine or Tahiti, N N w E W E S S Fig. 15. Equalareaprojections of paleomagnetic directionsobservedat the beginningof the N-N Huahineexcursion(a) andthe lowerJaramillotransition(b) recordedat Tahiti.In thesetwo cases,the directions go throughhighinclinations leadingus to suggest thatthebeginningof a transitionmightbe controlledby axisymmetric components of the field. 5- 5- [] [] ','N T xx Tahiti+ Huahine Tahiti +Huahine ,.,\ o ,, 1- 45 o o 46 I 16 18 I 10 I 16 11 I 11 I 60 24 I 33 I Angular Distance from Central Axial Field I 90 56 o o 44 ' 11 ' Virtual 19 iO ' 24 13 ' Geomagnetic 11 I•0 ' 11 9 ' ' 9O Pole Colatitude Fig. 16. Diagrams showing thevariations of themeanNRM intensity (after10 mT) averaged for groupof flowsfromPolynesia, versustheangulardeparturefromcentralaxialfield (A) or versusvirtualgeomagnetic polelatitude(B). The reverseddirectionshave beeninvertedandaddedto thenormalones.Thearithmetic means(blackdots)areshownwiththeirstandard errorbarswhileopen circlesrefer to geometricmeans.The numberof sitesavailablein eachintervalis alsoindicated. 2748 CHAUVINET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS, FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 TABLE 4. AverageNRM Intensities Huahine Tahiti •)(ø) 10 N Jn or N Jn 4.8 2.8 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.5 1.1 0.7 0.8 20 29 34 4.9 3.7 0.97 0.43 16 12 30 40 50 11 3 11 2.6 0.8 0.7 0.94 0.77 0.13 5 15 5 60 70 80 90 7 6 10 8 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.13 0.09 0.16 0.13 4 5 14 25 Tahiti+Huahine or 0.49 0.57 0.65 0.48 0.35 0.42 0.23 0.24 0.21 N Jn 45 46 16 18 16 11 11 24 33 4.8 3.5 2.0 0.7 0.7 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.8 or 0.64 0.35 0.71 0.41 0.14 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.16 higher in Iceland than at a low latitude site like Polynesia;the ratio of the transitionalfield to stableperiod intensitiesmight be around 25-30% in Iceland and 10-20% in Polynesia. As the intensityof the normalandreversedfield is higherin Icelandthan in Polynesia, this indicatessignificant differences between the averagepaleointensityduring transitionsbetweenthesetwo sites. These data may suggesta latitudinaldependenceof intermediate fields. It is interestingto note that one well establishedfeatureof paleosecularvariation is the increaseof the scatterof VGPs with increase in latitude. While in Polynesiathe decreaseof the relative meanintensity with decreasing VGP latitude is similar to that defined with directions,the dropin intensitywith VGP colatitudeis particularly N,number ofsites; Jn,geometric mean ofNRMintensities inAm-1 smoothin Iceland. The dipole wobble is not large as seenfrom (at 10mT),by 10øintervals in reversal angles(3); err, standard error. Polynesia and the smoothvariation observedin Iceland might resultfrom the VGP calculationprocessbecauseof a strongernondipolefield. giving us some confidence in the observed distribution. This Becausethe averagefield duringperiodsjust beforeandafterthe behaviorin the NRM intensitiessuggeststhat for reversalangles reversal may not be representativeof the average field during higherthan30ø the geomagneticfield is purelytransitionalat this longer stable periods, such as a chron or a subchron,a bias is latitude,and that the mean intensityof the field staysvery weak perhaps introduced in our data. Indeed, a great percentageof duringthe entiretransitionalperiod.However,we mustemphasize measuredflows sampledtransitionalzones,especiallyin the case that this representation enablesonly the recognitionof average of Huahine, while the sampling in Tahiti is more regular and field variationsand thesevaluesdo not, for example,showwhat covers an interval of time around 0.6 Ma. Our data set is about ten wasthe maximumintensityreachedduringthe transitions. timeslessthanthe one from Iceland,however,and this can explain A similar studyhasbeen reportedfor a data set of more than the quite large error bars observed in some cases. Certainly, two thousandlava flows from Iceland by Kristjansson and additional data from different sites are needed to better constrain our McDougall [ 1982] andKristjansson[ 1985]. Comparisonof results presentobservations and our interpretations. from these two sites at different latitudes deserves consideration. Absolute paleointensities during reversals. Our absolute For thisreason,both geometricmeanvalueshavebeennormalized paleointensitydatarangefrom 2 to 8gT with an averagearound5by the intensity observedwithin the 0-10 ø interval in reversal 6 gT. More determinationsare still needed,but it seemsthat our angles or VGP colatitudes (Figure 17). With respect to the paleointensitiesare significantlylower than the averageintensity deviationsfrom the axial dipoledirection,the decreasein intensity during the SteensMountainstransition,which is closeto 11 gT observedin Polynesiais also observedin Iceland with a cut-off [Prdvot et al., 1985a]. In view of the paleointensity level between transitionaland stable period around 30ø to 40 ø determinations, and the variations in the NRM intensities with departurefrom the centralaxial dipole. On average,however,the angulardeparturesfrom the centralaxial dipole, it seemsthat the intensityof the transitionalgeomagneticfield appearsto havebeen average intensity of the field during transitions might be 1- 0.5 0.5- Polynesia o io Angular Distance from Central Axial Field o io Virtual Geomagnetic Pole colatitude Fig. 17. Comparisonof the variationsof the averagegeometricmeanvaluesof intensityof magnetization (after 10 mT) from PolynesiaandIcelandversusthereversalangleandtheVGP latitudes.Data from IcelandareextractedfromKristjansson[1985]. In orderto enablecomparison, eachdatasethasbeennormalizedto theirrespectivefirst valuein the 0-10ø interval.The arithmetic standard errors have also been normalized. CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETICREVERSALS,FRENCHPOLYNESIA,2 2749 latitudinally dependent,with possibly higher values at high Implicationsfor andfrom theoreticalstudies latitudesthan at low latitudes,in contrastto what was suggested Recently, a new interest in the reversal process has been by Pr•vot et al. [ 1985a]. triggeredby the developmentof modelswhich seemsufficiently On the other hand, few data from studies of reversals in Hawaii specificto be testedagainstthe paleomagneticdata. Combining [BogueandCoe, 1984] andfrom threeexcursions recordedby lava detailed studiesof the recent field and inversionmethods,Bloxham of Oahu [Coe et al., 1984] indicatestrongerpaleointensities than and Gubbins[ 1985] haveproducedmapsof the radialcomponent those observed in Polynesia. Obviously, the small amount of of the field at the core-mantleboundary(CMB) from the years accurate data that is available limits the discussion.Shaw [1975, 1715 to 1980. Staticfeatures,associatedwith the main standing 1977] reported high paleointensitiesduring transitions while field generatedby the dynamo,and rapidly drifting featuresare Lawley [1970] indicatedweak field (about5 gT) duringNeogene observed[Gubbins and Bloxham, 1987]. The developmentof polarity transitions recorded in Iceland, but obviously results reverseflux patchesin the middle southernAtlantichemisphereis obtainedby total TRM methodsare questionable becausetheymay possibly explained by expulsion of toroidal flux by fluid give erroneousresultsif thermalalterationsof the samplesare not upwelling [Bloxham, 1986]. Gubbins [1987] suggestedthat the detected.Very low intensitiesof the field, as low as 3 gT have location of these reverse flux zones would be tied to mantle some importantimplications.With such low magneticvectors, temperature anomalies, and that their growth provides a large variationsin direction may occur more easily than with a mechanismfor polarity reversals.However, the large decreaseof strongfield becausethey do not correspondto large total vector the paleointensityduring reversalsis one of the best established changes. characteristics which suggestsa generalbreakdownof the dipole. Thus,the growingof onereverseflux zonemay not systematically providelow intensitieseverywhere. It is well known that the irregularextrusionrate of lava flows This model predicts also that all reversals should be similar and the smoothingprocesses in sedimentsand intrusionmay alter (i.e., have the same transitional field) within the life-time of the significantlythe recordof geomagneticreversalpaths[Weekset mantle convectionpattern. Some sedimentaryrecordsseemsto al., 1988]. However, we mustemphasizethatvolcanicrocksrecord providenegativeevidencefor thismodel [Laj et al., 1988], evenif accuratelythe magneticfield evenif providingonly incompleteand thereare indicationsin recordsfrom Cretethatthe reversalprocess intermittentrecordsof a reversal.On the contrary,Hoffman and may remaininvariantoverseveralpolarityintervals[ValetandLaj, Slade [1986] demonstratedthat smoothingeffectsin sedimentary 1984]. Different transitionsfrom Polynesiaexhibit somecommon records may provide reversal features with no relation to the features. In particular, southwest directions with shallow geomagnetic field. Other problems attend interpretation of inclination are observed in 4 out of 5 transition records, but it is magneticfield variationsfrom paleomagneticvectors,particularly not obviousthat suchcorrelationsare significant. whenrecordsof low intensityfields may be damagedby any kind Comparing his theory with available paleomagneticdata, of local perturbations.For example, the local crustal magnetic Gubbins[1988] arguedthat reverseflux featureshavebeenabsent anomaly may be significant. The intensity of the magnetic within the northernhemispheresince5 Ma. This idea of a constant anomaly developedby an island like Tahiti remains very low region where reversals are initiated is quite equivalent to the comparedto the strengthof the geomagnetic field duringnormalor commonstartingpointfor a reversalmodelof the type suggested reversedperiods. Giving an average remanent intensity to the by Hoffman [1979]. Comparing our resultswith data from the volcanic rocks between 5 to 10 A/m, a homogeneousvolcanic Indian Ocean area would be helpful in constrainingGubbins's cone of the size of Tahiti can develop, at its surface, a local model. Even if there is no clear paleomagneticdata supporting magneticfield between 0.5 to 1 gT, which are low values. The Gubbins'sreversal scheme,there is now strongevidencethat magnetizationinducedby the Earth'sfield is negligiblein view of thermalandtopographic variationsat the core-mantleboundaryare our Koenigsbergerratios;this is particularlytrue when the field constraining field variations,particularlythe long-termchangesin intensityis alreadylow. This meansthat during a transition,with the mean reversalrate [McFadden and Merrill, 1984; Courtillot and a geomagneticfield close to 3 gT, at least two-thirds of the Besse, 1987]. recorded magnetic field is of internal geomagnetic origin. Geomagnetic polarity reversals in a turbulent core were Obviously,becausemagneticanomalieshave strongdependence investigated theoretically byOlson [1983] using theet2 dynamo with the shapeof the body, short wavelengthvariations could model. Olson considered that changes in the sign of helicity in an exist. In the case of our data, we do not think that local effects Alteration of the geomagneticsignal by the recordingmedium play a major role becausesimilardirectionswere recordedseveral hundredsmetersapart. We do not know what the implications are of such low paleointensitiesfor the complicated processesof remanence acquisitionin sedimentaryrocks.One can speculatethat it would be difficult for a sedimentto adequatelyrecorda transitionwhen the magneticstrengthneededto align grainsbecomestoo weak. Thus,somesedimentsmay not be ableto recordthe middlepart of a transition but only the beginning and the end of a transition when the field decaysor growstowardthe otherpolarity. The fact that several records [Clement and Kent, 1984; Valet et al., 1988b] have a shallow inclination in the middle of the reversal may indicatethatthe sedimentaryprocessmay controlthe remanencein some cases.A typical example might be the Lower Jararnillo recordfrom a southernhemispherecore [Clementand Kent, 1984] which is markedby a regularshallowingof the inclinationwhile the noiselevel in declinationappearsto slightlyincrease. cz 2 dynamo canprovide twotypesof reversals, 'component reversals'when only the poloidalor the toroidalfield reverse,and 'full reversal'when the two field componentsreverse.Following Olson, reversalswould be the result of the competitionbetween two source powers of the dynamo: heat lost at the CMB and progressivecrystallization of the solid inner core. Over a brief interval,the contributionfrom inner core growthmay exceedthe contribution from heat lost at the CMB, causing a transient reversalof helicity. The mathematicalanalysis from Olson [1983] predicts the variation of the dipole intensity for a field reversal with a reasonabletime duration, but it does not define the non-dipole configurationof the field during the transition.Clement [1987] usedthe dipoletime evolutionequationsfrom Olson'stheoryand assumedthat the energy lost by the dipole field is partitionedto low degree non-dipole fields [Williams and Fuller, 1981] for modelingrecordsof two reversalsfrom both northernand southern 2750 CHAUVIN ET AL.: GEOMAGNETIC REVERSALS,FRENCH POLYNESIA, 2 hemispheres. The fit to the datais stronglydependenton the way the dipole energyis distributedto the other terms.The attempt madeby Clement [1987] was not successfulfor matchingthe intensitypatternwhichshouldbe themainparameterfor a rigorous testof Olson'shypothesison the variationof the dipoleintensity. The two previoustheoriesassumethat polarity reversalsresult from disturbancesperturbingthe movementin the core which producethe stablemain field. This hypothesisis in agreement with the conclusionof the analysisof the geomagneticreversal sequence madeby McFaddenandMerrill [ 1986]whichindicates that the triggeringeffectof reversalmightbe independent of the process producingthemainfield. Our data show,like othervolcanicrecords,that the intensityof thegeomagnetic field at theEarth'ssurfaceis considerably reduced (one fifth to one tenth) duringthe transition.It seemsreasonable to think that the field intensityis alsoreducedin the core and that the magneticenergy lost is transferredinto kinematic energy [Prdvotet al., 1985a],increasingthe level of turbulencewithin the liquid core.This effecthasbeensuggested in orderto explainthe large and quick directionalchangesobservedin somerecordof polarity reversal. In particular, the 'geomagneticimpulses' occurringduringthe SteensMountaintransitionimply a rate of changeof thefield components considerably largerthanthemaximum rate calculated for the recent secularvariation [Prdvot et al., absolutepaleointensities and a morecriticaljudgmenton the data quality are neededto clearly establishsomeother featuresof reversalsof geomagneticfield (i.e. axisymmetryat the onset, latitudinaldependencyof the intensityof the intermediatefield, ultrarapidfield variations),andto makefurtherprogressin the theoreticalunderstanding of the reversalprocess. Acknowledgments. Thanksaredueto LeonardChungueandtheCentre ORSTOM of Tahiti for providing the logistical supportfor sample collecting.We are indebtedto Dr. Talandierfor his hospitalityat the Laboratoire de G•ophysiquede Pamatai.Discussions with K.A. Hoffman, C. Laj and M. Pr•vot have beenvery helpfulat differentstagesof this study. REFERENCES Abdel-Monem,A., N.D. Watkins, and P.W. 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