HOTSPOTS, MANTLE PLUMES, FLOOD TRUE POLAR WANDER R. A. Duncan M. A. Richards Collegeof Oceanography OregonStateUniversity, Corvallis Department of Geology University of California,Berkeley Abstract. Persistent,long-lived,stationarysites of excessivemantle melting are called hotspots. Hotspots leave volcanictrails on lithosphericplatespassingacross them. The global constellationof fixed hotspotsthus formsa convenientframe of referencefor plate motions, throughthe orientationsand age distributions of volcanic trailsleft by thesemeltinganomalies.Hotspotsappearto be maintainedby whole-mantleconvection,in the form of upwardflow throughnarrowplumes. Evidencesuggests that plumesare deflectedlittle by horizontalflow of the uppermantle. Mantle plumesare largelythermalfeatures and arisefrom a thermalboundarylayer, mostlikely the mantle layer just above the core-mantle boundary. Experimentsand theoryshowthat gravitationalinstability drivesflow, beginningwith the formationof diapirs. Such a diapir will grow as it rises, fed by flow throughthe trailing conduitand entrainmentof surroundingmantle. The structurethusdevelopsa large, sphericalplumehead and a long, narrow tail. On arrival at the base of the 1. BASALTS, AND INTRODUCTION lithospherethe plume head flattens and melts by decompression, producingenormous quantifiesof magma which erupt in a short period. These are flood basalt events that have occurred on continents and in ocean basinsand that signal the beginningof major hotspot tracks. The plume-supported hotspotreferenceframe is fixed in the steadystateconvectiveflow of the mantleand is independentof the core-generated (axial dipole) paleomagnetic referenceframe. Comparisonof plate motions measured in the two frames reveals small but systematicdifferencesthat indicatewhole-mantlemotion relativeto theEarth'sspinaxis. Thisis termedtruepolar wander andhasamounted tosome12ø sinceearlyTertiary time. The directionand magnitudeof true polar wander havevariedsporadically throughthe Mesozoic,probably in response to majorchanges in platemotions(particularly subductionzone location) that change the planet's moments of inertia. their geometry and age distributions these volcanic The plate tectonicsmodelhasbeenlargelysuccessful in explainingthe distributionof basalticvolcanismon our planet. Mid-ocean ridge basalts are produced by decompressionmelting of passively upwelling upper mantle(asthenosphere) at the edgesof separatingplates, while subductionof oceaniclithospherecausesupper mantlehydrationandmelting,yieldingvolcanicarcbasalts along collisionalplate boundaries. Such plate margin environments accountfor the vast majorityof all magma production.A volumetricallyminor but significantclass of basalticvolcanismoccurswithinplatesor crosses plate boundaries,and it is characterized by linear chainsof volcanoes(hotspotlineaments)that grow older in the directionsof plate motion. Classicexamplesof this volcanicphenomenon are the HawaiianIslands(and other parallel island chains in the Pacific Ocean), the Yellowstone-Snake River Plainprovince,andthevolcanic platformandridgesystemcenteredon Iceland. Becauseof Copyright1991 by theAmericanGeophysical Union. provinces are thoughtto resultfromfocuseduppermantle zonesof meltingcalledhotspots[Wilson,1963, 1965]that remainstationary as theEarth'soutershellof lithospheric plates move acrossthem. The proposedlocationsof presenthotspotvolcanismareshownin Figure1. Morgan [1971, 1972] proposedthat hotspotsare maintained by unusuallywarm materialrisingfrom the lower mantle through narrow conduitsthat he called mantleplumes. He furtherspeculated thattheseplumes comprised theupwardflow of a long-lived,stablepattern of whole-mantle convection(Figure2). Onceestablished, theseconduitsfor heat and materialtransportfrom the lowermantledo not, Morganproposed, changeposition relativeto one another. Plumesprobablyinitiate in the seismically definedthermallayerat theboundary between the core and mantle. Convection in the lower mantle is likely to be very sluggish[Gurnis and Davies, 1986] so plumes rising through this region should not be "deflected,"or drift with respectto oneanother. Convec- Reviews of Geophysics, 29, 1/ February 1991 pages31-50 8755-1209/91/90RG-02372 $05.00 Papernumber90RG02372 .31. 32 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM 29, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Erebus Figure 1. Worldwidesystemof hotspots.Criteriadefining are concentratedin zonesof high geoid residuals(contoursin hotspots areexcess volcanism anda spatialprogression in theage metersarefromCroughandJurdy[ 1980]). The geoidanomalies of volcanismconsistent with localplatemotion. Magmaproduc- alsocorrelate withregions of slowW in thelowermantle tionratesvarybothfromonehotspotto anotherandalongindividualhotspottracks.Hotspots arenotrandomly distributed, but [Morelli and Dziewonski, 1987], suggestingthat hotspotsare connectedwith mantle-wideupwardconvection. tionratesin theuppermantlearemuchlarger,of theorder of platevelocities (10-100 mm/yr),sothehorizontal upper mantle flow might bend plumeson shortertime scales flood basalts [Whiteheadand Luther, 1975]. If mantleplumesdo indeedform a long-lived,stable patternof convection of heatandmaterialfromthelower ho ' • plate ts ot ' to the uppermantle,thenthe geographic orientations and tra'i• ductton age distributions of volcanicchainsrelatedto hotspots offera very simpleanddirectrecordof the directionand velocityof lithospheric plate motionsover the last 100 m.y.(millionyears)or more.Ratesanddirections of plate separationderived from the alternatingnormal and reversely magnetizedstripes of seafloor parallel to spreadingridges measurepast large-scalehorizontal Figure 2. Cartoonof whole-mantleconvection. Piecesof the separate at spreading movements of piecesof theEarth'ssurfacerelativeto their rigidoutershellof the Earth(lithosphere) ridgesandcollideat subduction zones,coupledwith horizontal neighbors. Thisis calleda relativemotionreference frame flow of the uppermantle. The deepmantlecirculates through becausethe spreadingridges from which motion is thermalplumesof gravitationally unstable(warmer,lessdense) measuredare themselves movingover the mantle,albeit materialthat arisefrom nearthe core-mantle boundary.Flood moreslowlythanplates. A thirdreference framefor plate basaltsform as the leading"head"of a new plumemeltsat the motionsis providedby theEarth'smagnetic field,whichis baseof thelithosphere.Hotspottrailsformasplatesmoveacross assumedto have the shape(on average)of a dipolefield long-livedplume"tails." Convection in the coreproduces the alignedalongthespinaxis. Rocksthatare magnetized in Earth'smagneticfield. 29, 1/REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM ß 33 thisfield acquirea magneticinclination(angleof the rock Morgan[1972]first notedthecongruence of the major magneticvectorfrom horizontal)uniqueto their latitude. island and seamountchainson the largestand fastestThus any translatitudinal(north-south)motion of litho- movingPacificplate (Hawaiian-Emperor, Tuamotu-Line, island and seamount sphericplatescan be determinedfrom the paleomagnetic and Austral-Gilbert-Marshall referenceframe;east-westmotionsare not foundby this lineaments).The geometryof thesevolcanictracescanbe method. Comparisonof plate motionsdeducedfrom the reasonablywell matched by rigid plate motion over hotspotand paleomagneticreferenceframes indicatesa hotspotsfixed at the presentlocationsof Hawaii, Easter smallshiftof the wholemantlewith respectto the Earth's Island,and MacdonaldSeamount,respectively. SubsespinaxissinceearlyTertiarytime(55-65 Ma). quentstudies, incorporating the distribution of the ageof In this paperwe review the evidencefor interhotspot volcanism as well as the geometryof the traces[Clague motion and examine the questionof whether hotspot and Jarrard, 1973; Jarrard and Clague, 1977; Duncan lineamentsconstitutea usefulframeof referencefor plate and McDougall, 1976; McDougall and Duncan, 1980; motions. This issuealso pertainsto the geometryand Duncan and Clague, 1985; Lonsdale, 1988], have dynamicsof convectiveflow in the mantle,which in turn confirmed the fixedpositions of Pacifichotspots overthe constrainestimates of the viscositystructure of the mantle. past65 m.y. Morgan [1981] andDuncan [1981] showed Many hotspotsappear to have begun with massive that a similarcasecan be made for rigid motionof the outpouringsof basalticmagmasover broadregions,both Africanplateovera fixed setof hotspots underlying the on continents and in ocean basins. These volcanic provincesare calledflood basaltsandprobablymark the arrivalandinitial meltingof the"heads"of mantleplumes at the baseof the lithosphere.Subsequent volcanismover the plume conduits(or "mils"),established by the initial plumeupwelling,are the familiar tracksthatconnectflood basaltsto presentlyactivehotspots. central and South Atlantic and western Indian ocean basins since120Ma (Figure3). Minster et al. [1974] and Minster and Jordan [1978] foundno detectable interhotspot movementfor the past 5-10 m.y., on the basisof a best fitting global set of relativeplate motionstied to Pacific hotspots. Early comparisonsof Atlantic with Indian and Pacific Ocean hotspots,on the other hand,reportedrelative motionsof hotspots up to 10-20 mm/yrduringTertiarytime[Burkeet 2. ARE HOTSPOTS STATIONARY? al., 1973; Molnar and Atwater, 1973; Molnar and Francheteau,1975]. However,improvedrelativeplate motioninformationand betterage resolutionof the older ends of hotspottraces led Morgan [1981, 1983] and An importantquestionconcerning hotspotvolcanismis whether or not mantle plumes are, in fact, fixed with respectto oneanotherandthusdefinean irregularbutrigid Duncan [1981] to conclude that movement between North referenceframe. Some amountof interplume(hotspot) Atlantic and Indian Oceanhotspotsmust be lessthan 5 motionmight be expectedbecauseof viscouscoupling betweenthebaseof the movinglithospheric platesandthe uppermantleowingto horizontalflow of theuppermantle awayfromspreading centers(Figure2). If theseperturbations are small or constantover long periods, then interplumedrift may be significantlyless than plate velocities,and hotspotswith associatedvolcanictraces constitute a convenient and direct reference frame for reconstructingplate motions, independent of paleomagnetic referenceframe. the mm/yr. Molnar and Stock[1987] haverecentlyrevived thisdebateby proposing that the Hawaiianhotspothas movedsouthward 10-20 mm/yr(km/m.y.)withrespect to hotspottracesin the Atlanticand Indianoceans. By startingwith the Pacificplatehotspottraces,however,all plate circuitsto platesborderingthe Indian or Atlantic oceansmustincludeAntarctica.Molnar and Stock[1987, p. 587] specifically"neglectdeformation betweenEastand West Antarctica." This contradictspaleomagnetic evidencethatEastandWestAntarcticahaveexperienced differential rotations sincetheEarlyCretaceous [Wattsand The magnitude of interplume motioncanbe assessed by comparingthegeometryandagedistribution of volcanism Bramall, 1981; Mitchell et al., 1986; Martin, 1986] along hotspot tracks with past plate movements accommodated by a proposed plateboundary throughthe reconstructed from relative motion data. If the motion of Ross Sea-Weddell Sea region during Cenozoic time one plate over hotspotsunderlyingit is determinedfrom [Molnar et al., 1975; Gordon and Cox, 1980; Stock and theorientation andageof volcanism alongtrailsof islands, Molnar, 1982;Jurdy, 1979;Duncan, 1981]. Identification seamounts, and linear ridges,reconstructions of the past of a smalloceanicplate in the Bellinghausen Sea [Stock positionsof neighboringplates with respectto those andMolnar, 1987]nowrequiressignificantly lessmotion hotspots canbe calculated fromseafloorspreading data. If between Pacificandotherhotspots (5-10 mm/yr(J.Stock, hotspotsunderlyingall plates are stationary,then the personalcommunication, 1990). calculated motionsof theneighboring platesshouldfollow A farlessambiguous testof hotspot fixityis tocompare hotspottracksobservedon them. Any deviationsof these AtlanticandIndianOceanhotspot positions throughtime predictedplate movementsfrom actual hotspottracks (because all intervening plateboundaries aredivergent and would then indicate the magnitudeand direction of relativemotions arerecorded accurately on theseafloor). interplumedrift. Since the Morgan [1981, 1983] and Duncan [1981] 34 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM 29, 1 /REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS African Plate Fernando , outh Cameroon • Plate Line i i , Parana 0 Etendeka 125 i Martin Vas • St Helena i •Walvis Ridge -30 Rise Rio Grande Rise 30 o ,, Tristan Mid-Atlantic Marion St•o•t-I ... Indian Ridge ,v•f'-'" Antarctic Plate -60 -60 -30 0 Figure 3. Modeled hotspottracks for the southernAtlantic Oceanbasin. (The ages,in millionsof years,of radiometrically dated locationsare indicated,while solid dots along tracksare 10-m.y. incrementsof predicted volcano age.) Rotation parameters arechosenby trial anderrorto fit simultaneously the geometryandageprogression of volcanismalonghotspottracks on theAfricanplate(WalvisRidge,Cameroonline, Madagascar 30 60 Ridge, and MascarenePlateaulineaments). Relativeplate motionsare added to obtain predictedhotspottracks on neighboring plates,assuming fixed hotspots.The generally excellent matchbetweenpredicted andobserved trackssupports the ideathathotspots movevery slowly(2-5 mm/yr),if at all. The Parana-Etendeka flood basaltsattendingthe birth of the Tristanhotspotarestippled. analyses, therehavebeenseveralrevisions in relativeplate motions,and the volcanic historiesof many prominent hotspottraceshavebeenresolved.Hencea moredefinitive examinationof interhotspot motionscannowbe made, anda revisedsetof platerotationsappearsin Table 1. Figure3 illustratestherotationparameters for motionof the African plate over stationaryhotspotssince 120 Ma (the time of continentalbreakupin the SouthAtlantic),on thebasisof thegeometryandradiometricagesfor theWalvis Ridge and CameroonLine [O'Connor and Duncan, 1990; O'Connor,1990]. As notedby earlierstudies,the hotspottracescanbe matchedby rigidplatemotionovera of the ShonaRidge-MeteorRise track [Hartnadyand le Roex, 1985] is in accordwith a stationaryhotspot.Hence theselinearvolcanictracksacrossthe entireAfricanplate are compatiblewith fixed hotspots,duringthe past 120 the Cameroon Line [O'Connor, 1990], the Marion- simultaneously with theeasternhalf of the WalvisRidge, m.y. South and North American plate motions over the hotspotnetworkare calculatedby addingthe latestrelative platemotions[Candeet al., 1988;Klitgordand Schouten, 1985] to the motionof the African plate over hotspots (Figures3 and 4). Hotspottracespredictedfrom these platerotationscan thenbe comparedwith volcaniclineamentsassociated with Atlantic hotspotsto checkfurther setof fixedhotspots distributed over100ø (11,000km)of the fixed hotspothypothesis. The most prominentand the Earth's surface. Now that the age of volcanismalong long-livedhotspottracesare the Rio GrandeRise (South the Walvis Ridge is known in detail (from reliable Atlantic, Figure 3) and the New England Seamounts 4øAr-39 Ar incremental heatingexperiments on dredged (North Atlantic,Figure4). The geometryand few dated andcoredvolcanicsamples),ratesof platemotioncan be positionsalongthe Rio GrandeRise [0' ConnorandDunassignedfor time intervalswith moreprecision,especially can, 1990] are matchedby the calculatedrotations. The for the period30-80 Ma. Similarlydatedsamplesfrom Tristanda Cunhahotspotgeneratedthe Rio GrandeRise Madagascartrack 0t. A. Duncan,unpublished data,1990), whenthe SouthAtlanticspreading ridgelay centeredover andtheR6union-Mascarene track[DuncanandHargraves, the hotspot.From about70 to 50 Ma the spreading ridge 1990] corroboratetheseangularvelocities. The geometry migratedwestwardin a seriesof jumpsto itspresentposi- 29, 1/REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Duncan and Richards:HOTSPOT VOLCANISM ß 35 TABLE 1. Plate Rotationsin the HotspotReferenceFrame, 120 Ma to Present TotalRotations, de• Period,Ma 11-0 21-0 36-0 42-0 48-0 58-0 66-0 (A5) • (A6) (AI3) (AI8) (A21) (A26) (A29) 80-0 Latitude(+N) TotalRotations, de• Longitude(+E) Angle(+CCW)* African Plate 60.0 --30.0 51.0 --45.0 40.0 -45.0 42.0 --42.5 42.0 --40.0 40.0 --40.0 JJ.U ---'•'I'U.U • • _Ar• r• 31.0 --50.0 Period,Ma Latitude(+N) Longitude(+E) Angle(+CCW)* EurasianPlate (continued) --2.0 --4.5 -8.0 --9.0 -9.6 --10.7 =/•"l',J , A• --20.0 100-0 25.0 --47.0 --25.5 120-0 (M0) 26.0 --42.5 -30.0 11-0 21-0 36-0 42-0 48-0 58-0 66-0 80-0 100-0 120-0 South American Plate 58.7 --45.3 68.8 --13.5 72.3 13.5 70.7 3.1 70.6 --6.0 74.4 0.1 78.0 64.5 66.2 63.8 62.1 31.2 56.1 6.7 2.1 3.3 6.4 7.6 10.3 13.0 13.4 18.0 22.9 27.1 11-0 21-0 36-0 42-0 48-0 58-0 66-0 80-0 100-0 120-0 North American Plate 27.0 128.2 30.4 113.2 39.8 108.9 46.1 111.2 53.1 113.1 59.1 112.3 50.3 118.6 49.3 101.8 58.4 80.2 62.3 61.1 1.4 3.3 6.7 7.8 9.4 12.6 15.9 20.6 29.9 37.7 11-0 21-0 36-0 42-0 48-0 Eurasian Plate 38.2 --47.2 30.5 -55.7 20.0 -60.4 18.2 -55.9 14.3 -52.0 -2.7 -5.3 -8.4 -9.3 --10.0 58-0 66-0 80-0 100-0 120-0 7.6 9.5 11.0 7.0 27.5 -46.2 -44.6 --56.2 107.0 88.9 --12.4 --16.0 --18.0 17.8 19.7 Indian Plate 11-0 21-0 36-0 42-0 48-0 58-0 66-0 80-0 100-0 120-0 11-0 21-0 36-0 42-0 48-0 58-0 66-0 80-0 100-0 120-0 11-0 21-0 36-0 42-0 48-0 58-0 66-0 80-0 100-0 120-0 37.7 31.0 24.2 26.4 26.8 26.9 20.4 19.3 14.3 14.0 Antarctic 57.1 74.5 72.7 85.9 83.2 77.5 78.8 76.6 89.1 80.4 Australian 25.9 20.1 17.7 20.3 24.6 32.9 29.2 35.4 49.5 72.7 26.7 27.6 26.4 27.2 24.2 13.5 10.3 2.8 6.6 3.7 -6.4 -12.7 -21.8 -25.6 -29.6 -36.4 -48.6 -62.5 -70.7 -77.0 Plate --117.1 --110.2 --63.5 --3.4 136.4 --113.5 --16.9 --152.4 --52.7 --169.4 --3.0 -3.7 -4.7 -4.8 -6.4 -10.2 --10.1 --14.1 -15.5 -22.4 Plate 41.3 40.3 34.1 33.6 33.1 23.1 23.7 28.1 26.8 28.1 -7.8 --15.6 -24.6 -28.4 -28.0 -27.5 --29.5 --28.2 --32.1 --39.5 * CCW means counterclockwise. '{'A5etc.aretheseafloormagneticanomalies usedin relativeplatemotionreconstxuctions. tion 400 km westof the Tristanhotspot;thisprocesseventually terminatedthe growthof the Rio GrandeRise at its easternend. The Tristanhotspotwasbornat about125 Ma with massiveeruptionsof flood basalts,now preservedat the western end of the Rio Grande Rise (the Parana basalts)andthe easternendof theWalvis Ridge (the Etendekabasalts),a pointwe will returnto in thenextsection. The New England Seamountsform a 1000-km-long, northwest-southeast trendingchainof submarinevolcanoes in the westerncentralAtlantic basin. Radiometricdating areestimated fromsubsidence calculations tobein therange of 80-70 Ma [Tucholke and Smoot,1990]. Crough[1981] andMorgan [1983] proposeda hotspotpositionnearGreat Meteor Seamount in the eastern central Atlantic basin that was overridden(and henceseparatedfrom its trackon the NorthAmericanplate)by theMid-AtlanticRidgesoonafter theformation of theComerSeamounts. Figure4 compares the traceof the New Englandhotspotpredictedfrom fixed hotspots with thepositionandageof volcanicstructures in thecentralAtlanticbasin.Theclosematchin geometry and (40At_39Ar ages)hasshownthatthe ageof volcanismageof volcanismbetweenpredictedand observedtracesis decreasessmoothlyfrom 103 to 82 Ma (southeastward) strongevidencethattheNew Englandhotspot hasremained along the lineament[Duncan, 1984]. This volcanictrace fixedwithrespectto hotspots in the SouthAtlanticsincethe continueseastwardto the Comer Seamounts, whoseages beginningof Cretaceous time. 36 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM 29, 1 /REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS Voring 60 ,' Plateau 6O Hatton Bank Figure 4. orth Modeled hotspot tracks for the northern Atlantic EuropeanPlate Seamounts Oceanbasin (see Figure 3 for Plate details). The text discussesthe volcanismattendingthe birth of theIcelandhotspot. Azores Seamounts Col'lieF Bermuda 3O African Plate Ridge -90 -60 -39 0 CalculatedNorth Americanplate motionin the vicinity of the Icelandhotspotalsoagreeswell with the orientation of the Iceland-GreenlandRidge, but not with the timing (60 Ma) of flood basaltvolcanismalong the eastcoastof Greenland,an observationnoted by Morgan [1983] and Vink [1984]. Our modelingpredictsthat at 60 Ma the Icelandhotspotlay beneathcentralGreenland,some600 km from the plate edgewhere the North Atlantic Tertiary Province flood basalts were erupted. This situationrequireseitherthat (1) the Icelandhotspothasdriftedsoutheastat an averagerate of 10 mm/yr relative to SouthAtlantichotspots,or (2) duringits initial eruptionsat 60 Ma the hotspotwas very large (-1000 km diameter,Figure4) and couldfeed flood basaltsto a regionincludingthe Hatton Bank, VOtingPlateau,and the Disko Basaltsof west- 30 hotspots (New England, Tristan, Marion) show no detectable relative motion since 120 Ma. Turning next to the Indian Ocean, Indian plate and Antarcticplatemotionsoverhotspots are foundby adding the latestappropriaterelativeplate motions[Molnar et al., 1987;RoyerandSandwell,1989]to the Africanplateover hotspotsrotations. The Royer and Sandwell [1989] rotationsincorporatea wealthof improvedrelativemotion data for the Indian Ocean basin [Patriat, 1983]. The resultingIndianplatemotionscan thenbe comparedwith prominentvolcanictracesemanatingfrom theR6unionand Kerguelenhotspots (Figure5). Recently,legs115 and 121 of the Ocean Drilling Programfocusedon obtaining volcanic samplesfrom these lineaments:the MascareneChagos-Maldives Ridge (R6unionhotspottrace) and the ern Greenland [White and McKenzie, 1989]. Vink [1984] NinetyeastRidge (Kerguelenhotspottrace). The age presented a modelin whicha small-diameter hotspotunder distributionof the volcanismalong thesetrendsis now Greenland fed spreadingridge eruptionsat the VOting well resolvedby 4øAr-39Ar dating [Duncanand Plateau, easternGreenland,and the FaeroesPlateau by Hargraves,1990;Duncan,1978, 1991], soany departures horizontal asthenosphericflow until Greenland drifted from fixed hotspots shouldbe easilyidentified. away from the hotspotand ridge-centeredvolcanismwas Figure 5 showspredictedhotspottraces(whichassume established. In view of the large region of flood basalt fixed hotspots)superimposed on actualvolcanicstructures eruptionslikely during a plume initiationevent (see next foundon thefloorof theIndianOceanbasin. A verygood section)we feel that the notion of a point sourcefor the match betweenpredictedand observedtracesis obtained Icelandhotspotis not applicableat 60 Ma. Followingthe by locatingtheR6unionhotspotbeneatha largeseamount flood basaltevent the hotspotprobablydecreasedto "nor- 150 km to the west of the volcanicallyactive island of mal" size, and the predictedyoungervolcanictrail (50 Ma R6union,and the Kerguelenhotspotbeneatha groupof to present) follows the Iceland-Greenlandand western prominentseamountson the northwestmargin of the Iceland-Faeroesridges. We can concludethat hotspots KerguelenPlateau. Both hotspotsbeganwith flood basalt throughoutthe Atlanticbasin,from Marion andR6unionto events (the Deccan Traps and the Rajmahal Traps, the centralAtlantic (and possiblyIceland),have remained respectively; seealsoFigure12), thenleft parallel,northto fixed for at least the past 60 m.y., and the longer-lived southgrowingvolcanicridgeson the trailingedgeof the 29, 1/REVIEWS OFGEOPHYSICS DuncanandRichards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM ß 37 30 ! Indian Plate 117 African Figure 5. Modeled hotspottracksfor the Indian Oceanbasin(seeFigure3 for details). Agesshownare radiometricage determinations for basalts from the two prominent Chagos Ridge volcanic lineaments: the R6union and :carene Kerguelen hotspot tracks. Flood basalt provinces(stippled)mark the initiation of eachof thesehotspots. ,•, -30 ' 38 BrokenRidge Australian CD Kerguelen 27 Plate '. Marion •q• Kerguelen X.,•x-•Plateau Antarctic Plate •.....'.':•... .:..........,...••114 • -60 30 60 90 120 rapidlymovingIndianplateandwereoverridden by the centralandsoutheast Indianspreading ridgeat 36-38 Ma. From that time forward the R6unionhotspothas formed the Mascarene Plateau and the islands of Mauritius and R6unionon theAfricanplate,while theKerguelenhotspot hasformeda largepartof the northernKerguelenPlateau on theslowlymovingAntarcticplate. Finally, seamountchains in the Tasman Sea and Australian 32 Plate 20' continental basaltic volcanism in eastern Australia have -30 Lord Howe beenlinkedto hotspotactivity[Vogtand Conoily,1971]. Recentradiometricdatingof the seamounts [McDougall Tasman • ' East and Duncan, 1988] has confirmed a north to south, monotonic ageprogression in the volcanismof the same 36 rate as observed in chains of central volcanoes in eastern Australiafor the past35 m.y. [Wellmanand McDougall, 1974]. This regionlies in the easternmost part of the Indianplate. Thereis evidence fromseismicity andgeoid anomaliesthatan east-westplateboundaryoccurswithin ! Pacific Plate -60 the central Indian basin which has allowed a small amount of north-south compression betweenthe Indianplateand the Australianplateover the past10 m.y. [Royer,1988; DeMets et al., 1988; Stein et al., 1990]. This proposed relativeplatemotionhasbeenincorporated in thepredicted motionfor theAustralianplate,whichcloselymatchesthe orientationand age progression of the Tasmanseamount chain(Figure6). Hotspotactivityin the vicinityof the AntarcticBallenyIslandshasleft a volcanictrail on the Australianplatethat showsup particularlywell on geoid anomalymaps.A singledatedseamount fitswell with the predicted ageof thetracesoutheast of Tasmania. In summary,geometricaland age comparisons of volcanicchainswith computer-generated tracescalculated 120 150 180 Figure6. Modeledhotspot tracksfor theeastern Australian plate (see Figure 3 for details). Ages shownare radiometricage determinations [McDougalland Duncan, 1988; R. A. Duncan, unpublished datafor southeast Tasmania,1990]. Solidsquares are locations of volcanic centers. 38 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM by linking African plate motionover hotspotsmotion to neighboringplates demonstratesthat there is no perceptibleinterhotspotmotionover periodsas long as 120 m.y. Moreover,the examinedhotspots rangefrom Iceland in theNorth Atlanticthroughthe SouthAtlanticandIndian oceansto the Tasman sea, a region exceedinghalf the Earth'ssurfaceand includingsix majorplates. According to Molttar and Stock[1987], 95% uncertaintyellipsesfor relative plate motion additionshave typical semimajor axes of 200-300 kin, so the maximum allowable relative motionamongthesehotspotsis about2-5 mm/yr. The real motionis thusat leastan orderof magnitudelessthan typicallithosphericplate velocities. There is no evidence for any systematicdeparture between modeled and observedhotspottracesfrom one plate to the next, which might be expectedif hotspotsare greatly affected by horizontalflow in the uppermantle. Over this half of the globe, then, hotspotsare fixed to the extent that they constitutea stable reference frame for plate motions, recordedsimplyas volcanictrails. Furtherextensionof thisanalysisinto the Pacificregion is limited by subductionplate boundaries,whererelative motionhistoriesare largely destroyed,or the ice-covered Antarcticplate, whereplate boundariesare poorlyknown. However,we know that Pacificbasinhotspotshavebeen stationarysince 65 Ida [Duncan and Clague, 1985]. 29, 1 /REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS destroyed[Engebretsonet al., 1984, 1986; Duncan and Hargraves, 1984; Rea and Duncan, 1986; Pollitz, 1988]. Continental tectonic and volcanic events in western North Americaare particularlywell correlatedwith changesin themagnitude anddirectionof plateconvergence predicted from the hotspotreferenceframe [Engebretsonet al., 1984; Wells et al., 1984; Verplanckand Duncan, 1987]. This methodeliminatesthe need to constructglobal circuitsof platemotionsthatcrossonly spreading ridges [Jurdy,1984] andreducesthe largeuncertainties accumulated in combiningsequences of rotationpoles [Molnar and Stock,1985]. Now, differential motion between the mantle and the spinaxis can in principlebe determined by comparing platemotionsrecordedby the hotspotandpaleomagnetic reference frames.Suchmotionhasbeentermedtruepolar wander(distinguished from apparentpolar wanderof the magnetic(spin) axis inferredfrom time sequences of paleomagnetic field directionsfor given plates). It is possible that redistributionof mass within the Earth throughprocessessuch as mantle convectionand plate motions may change the planet's momentsof inertia sufficientlyto causea shiftof theentirebodyrelativeto its spinaxis [Goldreichand Toorare,1969]. This is, in fact, an old idea,suggested as an alternativeto continentaldrift as an explanationfor paleoclimaticevidencefor transMolnar and Stock's [1987] conclusionthat as much as 20 latitudinalmotionof the Earth's surface[Irving, 1964]. mm/yr interhotspot motionhasoccurredcan thushaveone True polar wander,however,was largely ignoredafter it of two explanations:eitherPacific hotspotshave moved was demonstratedthat separatecontinentshad distinct (southward)en massewith respectto fixed hotspotsin the apparentpolar wander paths and that continentaldrift Atlantic and Indian oceans,or all hotspotsworldwideare (platemotions)musthaveoccurred[e.g.,Runcorn,1965]. fixed and thereis someas yet poorlyknownplate bound- Couldbothmotionsoccursimultaneously? ary within the Antarctic plate that has accommodated In the absenceof truepolar wander,mantleplumesdo relative motion during Cenozoic time. The second not movewith respectto the geomagnetic (or spin)axis. possibilityappearsto be more likely, and the required Henceeveryvolcanogenerated alonga givenhotspottrack relative motion between East and West Antarctica can be wouldrecordthe magneticinclination,usuallyexpressed calculatedfrom the fixed hotspotreferenceframe[Duncan, asthepaleolatitude, of thesiteof present hotspot activity. 1981]. If measuredpaleolatitudes are constantalongthe hotspot track,thenthe hotspothasnot movedwith respectto the spin axis. 3. TRUE POLAR WANDER: DOES THE MANTLE ROLL? If we nowacceptthe conclusion of section1 thatmantle plumesare stationary,to within about 5 mm/yr or less, over periodsas long as 120 m.y., thenthe volcanictraces left by hotspots recordthe historiesof plate motionsover the lower mantle. This mantle reference frame is inde- pendentof the paleomagneticreferenceframe and has certain distinctadvantages. It does not dependon the assumption of the geocentricaxial dipolefield (for which thereis goodevidenceexceptduringpolarityreversalsof the field), and it resolveseast-westplatemotionwhichis not detectedin paleomagnetic studies. Severalgroups have used the mantle reference frame to determine the On the contrary,a changein hotspot paleolatitudewith time would indicate motion of the mantle(because plumesare stationary withinthe mantle) relativeto the spinaxis,whichis truepolarwander.(Note that the low viscosityof the fluid outer core allows the geomagnetic fieldto remaincoupledwith thespinaxis.) HargravesandDuncan[1973]firstnotedthesystematic northwardmotionof hotspots in the Atlanticregionand simultaneous southwardmotionof hotspotsin the Pacific region,relativeto thegeomagnetic pole,overthepast--50 m.y. Thisobservation wasexplained by a 12ø clockwise rotationof themantleaboutanequatorial axisemerging in the westernIndianOcean. Subsequent studies[Morgan, 1981;GordonandCape,1981;HarrisonandLindh,1982; Livermore et al., 1983; Andrews, 1985; Gordon and Livermore, 1987; Courtillot and Besse, 1987] have history of plate convergenceacrosssubductionzones, confirmedthis surprisingconclusionand havedetermined where the record of relative plate motion is largely a historyof truepolarwandersince200 Ma. 29, 1/REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Duncanand Richards:HOTSPOTVOLCANISM ß 39 Figure7 [fromCourtillotandBesse,1987]summarizes thelatestcomparison of platemotionsmeasured in thetwo reference frames. In this illustration,apparentpolar wanderpaths (paleomagnetic data) for all plates were transferredto the African apparentpolar wanderpath by removing relative plate motions. This would be the apparentmotionof the geomagnetic pole with respectto a (long-lived)observeron the African plate. The apparent motion of the hotspotreferenceframe with respectto Africa can alsobe describedby a polar wanderpath. (In polarwanderpriorto Jurassictime,but its magnitudeand directionare less certain becauseof the paucity of identifiablehotspottracksolderthan 120 Ma. Intriguingly,the dramaticchangein directionof true polarwanderat 40 Ma occurredwithina periodof global platemotionreorganization to significantlymoreeast-west collisionalplateboundaries[Ronaand Richardson,1978]. The abrupt change in direction of the Pacific plate, reflectedin the Hawaiian-Emperorbend (43 Ma), and the "hard"collisionof IndiaandAfrica/ArabiaagainstEurasia this case the rotation of the mantle relative to Africa, as occurred at this time. Courtillot and Besse [1987] concludedthat thesechangesin subductionzone location inferredfrom the many hotspottracks,is appliedto the spinaxis.) Grossfeaturesof thetwo pathsaresimilar,but significantdifferencesare seenby subtractingone curve from theother,to derivetruepolarwander. 180 •ots•ot• and activityperturbedthe torquebalanceof the coupled uppermantle-lithosphere system,which then alteredthe directionof truepolarwander.The earlier60-m.y.period when no true polar wanderoccurredis correlatedwith a time of decliningmagneticfield reversalfrequency and low lithosphericvelocities which, Courtillot and Besse [1987] speculated,indicate a reduced state of mantle convectionand decreasinginstability in the outer core, probably linked by a lower heat flow acrossthe coremantleboundary. 4. DO PLUMES SWAY IN THE MANTLE WIND? Having surveyedthe surface,volcanicexpressionof hotspots, let us now turnto the deeperconvective regime of mantleplumes. The fixity of hotspots with respectto plate motionsis difficult to explainwith simplemantle convection models. In fact, no numericalor laboratory convection experiment has ever demonstrated such 0 behavior,that is, plumesthat are independent of upper boundarylayermotions.Apparently,thesourceregionfor mantleplumesis recoupledfrom mantleflow associated with plate motions,presumablyas a resultof chemical Figure7. Comparison of thesynthetic paleomagnetic apparent and/orrheologicalstratificationin the mantle. However, polar wanderpath (triangles,which are paleomagnetic pole the lack of any self-consistent model is (and shouldbe) positions for all platesrotatedto the Africanplate,in present troubling. coordinates) with the synthetic pathdeduced fromthe hotspot Oneapproachto thisproblemis to considertheeffectof referenceframe (circles). True polar wander(squares)is horizontal shearin the uppermantlebeneatha moving calculatedby subtracting one from the other;this represents plate (the "mantle wind")upona cylindricalplumerising globalmotionof themantlewithrespect to theEarth'sspinaxis. throughthe mantleto form a hotspot. Shearflow bends the plumeover horizontally,and someremarkableresults order of4ø [from Courtillot andBesse, 1987]. have been obtainedfrom laboratoryfluid dynamical simulations of this flow interaction.Horizontallytilted Approximately 12ø of the true polar wanderhas plume conduitswere first studiedby Skilbeckand occurredin the past40 m.y., that is, clockwiserotationof Whitehead[1978] and Whitehead[1982], who discovered the mantle about a pole on the equator,emergingnear thata tiltedconduitof low-density materialcanbreakup 60øE(western IndianOcean).Between about110Ma and into a seriesof individualrisingblobs. This gravitational 40 Ma themantlerollednearly20ø aboutapproximatelyinstabilityoccursfor conduitsdeflectedto greaterthan the samepole but in the oppositedirection,forming a about60ø fromthevertical (Figure8). Whitehead [1982] hairpinturn in the truepolarwanderpathat about40 Ma suggested thatthisbehaviormayoccurwithina shallow (Figure 7). The period from 170 Ma to 110 Ma was shearzonebeneathan oceanicplate,perhaps accounting remarkablebecausethere was virtually no true polar for individualislandvolcaniccentersalongsuchhotspot wander;hotspots did notmovewithrespectto thespinaxis tracksastheHawaiian-Emperor chain(Figure1la). Olson duringthis time. There is evidencefor significanttrue andSinger[1985]andOlsonandNam [1986]suggested Pointson eachcurveare20-m.y.increments, from200 Ma to the present. Confidenceintervalsof 95% (not shown)are of the 40 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM 29, 1 /REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS The aboverelationcan be used to calculatea plume trajectoryin a fluid layer, if the backgroundflow in the layer(e.g., due to plate motion)is known. One simply calculatesthe trajectory of a Stokes conduit element releasedfrom the plume origin from a combinationof its rise velociiyv and advectiondue to motionin the surroundingfluid. The combination of thesimplelinearshear flow in the experimentaltank and the constantStokesrise velocityof the plume conduitresultsin the parabolic trajectories shownin Figure9. Althoughthe experiments shownhave a particularly simpleflow geometry,it is possibleto use (1) to model plumedeflectionundermorerealisticconditions.Figure 10 (top) illustratesagaina simpleshearflow, but with a large increasein viscosityat the level of the dashedline. The horizontalflow velocityis muchlarger in the lowviscosityregion immediatelybeneaththe plate, but the Figure 8. Photographof a weak plume injectedinto a shear flow. The tilted conduithasdevelopeda numberof instabilities thatare separatingfrom theplume. that a chainof risingblobsof mantle(diapirs)as largeas 400 km in diametermay resultfrom the sametype of plume instabilityin the deepmantle. Olsonand Singer [1985] alsopointedout that the relativefixity of hotspots was not necessarilyinconsistentwith deflected,unstable plumes,at leastfor steadystatemantlereturnflow. In light of thesephenomenait is naturalto ask under what conditionsplumesmay or may not suffersignificant horizontal deflection. Deflection of buoyant plume conduitsby mantleshearflow beneathmovingplateswas studiedin detailby Richardsand Griffiths[1988]. Figures 9a-9c show a series of increasinglystrongermantle plumes deflectedin a simple shear flow in laboratory experiments.In eachof thephotographs a cylindricaltank of glycerol is fired with a lid which rotatesand createsa shearflow in the tank. Motionis from left to fight in the side-viewphotographs.A buoyantplume(80% glycerol and20% waterwith red dye) is injectedat a constantrate througha smallhole in the bottomof the tank to the left of the dark verticalbandformedby the rotationalaxis of the tank lid. The movinglid ("plate") generates a cylindrical shearflow, with velocityincSeasing linearlyfromzeroat the bottomof the tank. The plumetrajectories are seento be almostperfectparabolas,and Richardsand Griffiths [1988] were able to model thesetrajectoriesaccurately usinga simplerelation: v = k$pga2/q (1) •½.... .......... .......................... .., .. '::..;?':'.':"•.':::.::,:""•':'"• . .•½• ..... •::::ii•;ii:•.::•¾.;•:.,:' .... .'-•¾.. ::•:.: "-' ........ ....................................... ........ -'-i•: .•: • ... '*-' ...... ..::•:•:•.: •:; ;:--',•:?'•.... :•-: ...... • .............. •. ...... . .............................................................................................. .... .... •::::•:::• ........... .;• .... .j......½½...•., ..•,.....½• .•.....• -• ..• ..• -m.....•...:'.X'•;;• ................. .'•:• ............ (!::•:: ':•:' •.,•..•.%.•;1;•?•:.:?::.:::...•.•.*`..::%7•.::C.•i5;•*•*•;•;•;•;•;•i•" %.•.•.•";.;:•:•:•:i:• ................................................................. '*............................. •:•:'•:•:•:'•:'::•:• .............. ' "::•: :"• ..:';:•';"•.:':;;:?:.•.;...:.-;.' •,: .....,. ::.. '.::: '-•;;;;.•.;::•;;:'..'::.....:.;:;-:;;;•::::;.;:;:':....;.' '.;•??:.•:.'....'......:::.,::,...:.::....: .:..:;,,..:.:.:: ..:.........:...;;.:..:.;:;.... :..•.:.::.,:•::....:.:.:..•;:.:;::.•::;•::....•:.....:.:.....::..:.;:.: .:.:.:.:.:. .............. ::•.•:•.:..:.::: .,:: ;:;;;;-•;;;:..'.•,;;; ,:½...:: .... ;...:•::• ..... .:..:.::ß......................................................... ;.............................................................................................................. ;:;• ................... . ...-:•;• .,:::-;.;;-.:,.--;;--:,{;:.:.:7.½?•;:; ;..•:4.•..•::...:..::•½• .. .... . :.......................... ................. ........... ......................... ,................................... •:;½:::::;::.A.,•. -....... . .................... .;• ...... ,.. ..... ?•? ......•.:•; ............... .-..:}-.•; ............... :........................... •,,Z:•;:::•.;•-.-.;::,;:•:;::;,::;•;•;,;•:---..::'.:•:-•,•,,.•::.; ;':" ::.5..:;•;•?..•:`.;?.:•;•..•..•.:*•.•..`.?:•.•;:•;?::•:•.:5 ................ ;:?.?:::•;:::•;•?--4:½-;,-;;;?;--::,.,---:,-,•?;';;:::.•::•;:;•:.;•?:½:::•?:.•.;•.?.? ----'•'•••;;....:...}•;:: "•'•---..... •.: ....................................................... ½.....•..•._..•: .......•....••..••,..,.,:.:,.-.:•..., ............ .::;;• ......................... I.. .4 ½•½:; .................. '.; • .... where v is an effectiveStokesrise velocity for a given plumeconduitelement,•5pis thedensitycontrast between the plume and surroundingfluid, g is the gravitational acceleration, a is theplumeradius,andfl is theviscosityof Figure 9. Photographs of laboratorytankexperiments showing the surrounding fluid; k is a constantdeterminedempiri- plumedeflectionby horizontalshearflow exertedby rotating cally from theexperiments (k = 0.54 + 0.02). surfaceplate[Richardsand Griffiths,1989]. 29,1/REVIEWS OFGEOPHYSICS Duncan andRichards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM ß41 N-S andE-W spatialscales in Figure1lb arenormalized uo by thefactorUh/2v,whichis themaximum horizontal deflectionof the plume. With this normalization the approximate radius of curvature of thebendin thesurface I "ridge" uo •_ •"trench" • 75 ! .•_.•p/•xh zC ! ! '• Emperor Seamounts I x •Hawaiian Ridge Figure10. (Top)Diagram ofplumedeflection in a plate-driven shearflow with verticalviscositystratification and (bottom) diagram ofplumedeflection in a simple return flowmodel. 0 steadystateplumeprofileis unaffected.The higher horizontal flow velocityis justoffsetby theeffectof the lowerviscosityon the Stokesrisevelocityof the plume conduit (see(1)). For steadystateflowthelow-viscosityFigure11a. Thevolcanic trailof theHawaiian hotspot onthe zonedoesnotprevent plumedeflection. (However, it must Pacificplate(present direction indicated by arrow).Agesalong be bornein mind that the part of the plumein the low- thelineamentarein millionsof years;an abruptchangein plate viscosity layerwill adjust muchmorerapidlytochanges in motion). In the exampleof Figure10 (bottom)a return directionoccurredat 43 Ma, anda lesseroneoccurredat 75 Ma. flow is addedto accountfor trench-ridge massbalancein accordwith the constant pressure modelof Turcotteand Schubert[1982]. A more complicatedplumetrajectory results,with maximumhorizontaldeflectionat aboutone fourthof thelayerdepthbeneath theplate. (Thebottom no-slipboundaryconditionin Figure10 (bottom)is probably unrealistic. A freeslipcondition wouldresultin a finitevelocityat thebottomof thelayer,withnovertical velocitygradientthere.) The Stokes velocity characterization, which was developed for steadystateplumedeflection, alsoaccurately describes the transientadjustment of plumesto changes in the background shearflow [Richards and Griffiths,1988]. Thisleadsto a veryspecific application of (1) above,namely,the adjustment of the Hawaiian plume to the changein Pacificplate motionwhich occurredabout 43 million years ago, resultingin the Hawaiian-Emperor bend(Figure1la). Figure1lb showsa mapview of the theoretical surfacetraceof a deflected mantleplume,subject to a 60ø change in platemotion -1 -4 , I -3 , I -2 , I -1 , I 0 , 1 (2v/Uh)X (comparable to the changein Pacificplatemotionat 43 Figure11b.A theoretical plumetrackrelative to a moving plate Ma). The "track"star•sat the top left with steadyplate whichundergoes an instantaneous changein direction through motion(speedU) at N30øW,andthenadjusts to due 60ø withno change in speedis alsoshown.Theplumerises westerlyplate motion(also speedU) with the newest througha layer of constantshear. Spatialcoordinates are "volcano"at thefar right. In thismodel,thereis simple nondimensionalized so that unit distance is the maximum shearflow beneaththeplatein a fluid layerof depthh. horizontaldeflection. This becomesthe radius of curvaturefor The Stokesrisevelocityof the plumeconduitis v. The the bend. 42 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM 29, 1 /REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS trace is seento be about 1. In other words,Figure lib now locatedat the present-dayJuan de Fuca spreading shows the intuitive result .,let the radius of curvature of the center [Desonie and Duncan, 1990]. In the Tasman Basin plume tracein responseto the changein plate motionis approximately equalto the maximumhorizontaldeflection of theplume. This theoreticalresultwasshownto be quite accurate in laboratory experimentssimulating a plate motionchange[GriffithsandRichards,1989]. The Hawaiian-Emperorbend itself has a radius of curvatureof no morethanabout100-200 km (Figure1la). (See for example, Jackson et al. [1972] for detailed bathymetry.) Of course,someapparentcurvaturemust resultfrom the finite width of the traceitselfand,perhaps, a noninstantaneous change in plate motion. From the east of the Australiancontinentalmargin the Tasmanfid Seamountshave beenshownto representAustralia-Indian platemotionoverthreefixed hotspots sinceat least24 Ma, formingthreeparallelseamount/volcano chains(Figure6 [McDougallandDuncan,1988]). Sincethesehotspots are at leastan orderof magnitudeweakerthanHawaii (e.g., in terms of volcanic production rates or associated bathymetricswells),it is even moreremarkablethat these seamount chainsare consistent with the hotspotreference above theoretical considerations it is clear that the frame. Although it is plausiblethat plumes remain vertical beneathfastplates,we havenot justifiedthe fixity of the plume sources. Thermal plumesmust originatefrom a thermal boundary layer, and either the core-mantle boundary(for mantle-wideconvection)or a hypothetical boundarylayer in the mantle transitionzone (for chemically layered convection)is the only plausiblesource region. Motions at the core-mantleboundarymay be effectivelydecoupledfrom plate-relatedconvectiveflow by an increasein mantleviscositywith depthby abouta factorof 100-1000 (see,for example,Gurnisand Davies [1986]). A boundarylayer at 670 km depthpresentsa greaterdifficultysincetrench-ridge returnflow is confined to the uppermantle,regardlessof the viscositystructure. Global modelsfor deep mantleflow derivedfrom plate motions[Hagerand O'Connell,1981] andfrom attempts to modelsesimically imagedmantleheterogeneity andthe geoid[ForteandPeltier, 1987;RichardsandHager, 1988] yield midmantlevelocitiessomewhatsmallerthan plate velocitiesbut generally greater than about 5 mm/yr. Thereforeit is notclearhow a midmantleboundarylayer source for hotspot plumes could provide an absolute referenceframe with respectto plate motions[Richards, observed sharpnessof the Hawaiian-Emperor bend constitutes a f'trst-order observation concerning the dynamicsof the Hawaiian plume. The Hawaiian plume cannotbe horizontallydeflectedmore than about200 km in theregionof theuppermantlethatis stronglycoupledto plate motions. This was first pointedout by Whitehead [1982], who suggested that the Hawaiianplumemightbe stronglydeflectedwithin a shallowshearzone (-200 km deep)beneaththe Pacific plate, giving rise to individual islandvolcaniccentersvia conduitinstability. However, an additionalconditionfor suchan instabilityis that the plume diameter be much less than the layer depth; otherwisethe diapirs would not have sufficientroom in which to form. Alternatively,the plume may be vertical through the entire upper mantle, and the formation of individual volcanic centers might be controlled by lithosphericstrengthandheterogeneity. Using (1), it is instructiveto calculatethe sizeof plume necessary to remainverticalin the faceof the mantlewind beneaththe Pacificplate. An appropriate criterionwould be that the verticalStokesrise velocityv associated with the Hawaii plume is not much less than the overriding 1991]. platevelocityof about100mm/yr.Setting v•> 10mm/yr andusingreasonable valuesfor uppermantleviscosityq = 10zzP andplume density contrast 5p= 0.05g/cm 3,this requiresa plume diameterd = 2a > 70 km. This is consistentwith Morgan's [1972] original estimatefor plume width basedon the gravity anomalyover Hawaii and is certainlya reasonablevalue. More remarkable perhaps than the spectacular Hawaiian-Emperorbend is the fact that much weaker hotspottracks also appear to represent"absolute"plate motions quite reliably. Although there are no other similarly distinctbends,our ability to formulatea fixed hotspotreferenceframe showsthat other hotspotsin the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian oceansare not undergoing significanttransientadjustmentto overlyingplatemotions. In additionto the well-knownmajorhotspotsmentionedin previoussections,severalseamountchainswhichare tiny by comparisonalso appearto recordplate motion faithfully. The Cobb-Eickelbergseamountsin the northeast Pacific have been shown by radiometricdating to be explainableby a fixed hotspotactivesinceat least10 Me, 5. ARE FLOOD INITIATION? BASALTS THE RESULT OF PLUME The origin of continentalflood basalt eruptionshas remaineda major geologicalmysterywhich hasnot been solvedby any aspectof the theory of plate tectonics. Recently,muchattentionhasbeenfocusedon thegeological, geochemical,and geodynamicalnature of these extraordinary events,and thisinterestresultsin largepart from the clear association of flood basalt events with the beginningof hotspottracksas well as the coincidenceof the spectacularDeccan flood basalt eruptionswith the Cretaceous-Tertiary mass extinctionevent [Duncanand Pyle, 1988; Courtillot et al., 1988]. The associationof floodbasaltsandhotspots [Morgan,1972, 1981]is shown in Figure12,andspatialandtemporal relationships suchas thatbetweentheR6unionhotspotandtheDeccaneruptions are now firmly documentedby precise K-Ar and 40Ar_39 Ar dating[Duncan andHargraves, 1990].These 29,l/REVIEWS OFGEOPHYSICS Duncan andRichards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM ß43 i i i i Yellowstone i i i i ! ! ,, i ! i i ,, !,Ontong $aval i i i i i i i •. ,, *% I ......... ILouisville[ I I I others haveformed in continental interiors or in Figure12. Worldwide distribution of floodbasalt provincesnentalmargins, erupted in thelast250m.y.andassociated hotspots (where oceanbasins. CRB are ColumbiaRiver basalts,and NATB are known orconjectured). Notethatwhilemany occur along confi- North ArianticTertiarybasalts. in termsof the geological record. However, hotspot/flood basalt correlations alsoinclude Iceland/Northguishable Atlantic Tertiary basalts,Tristan da Cunha/Parana-their implicationsconcerningthe relationshipbetween Etendekabasalts, Marion/Karoobasalts,Yellowstone/ continentalbreakupand plumes,the origin of plumes and the processes of meltingin flood basalt ColumbiaRiverbasalts,andKerguelen/Rajmahal traps.In themselves, events are different in important ways. White and addition,some major oceanicbasalt plateaus(e.g., McKenzie [1989] have recenfiy developed a detailed Ontong-Java, Caribbean) maymarktheinitialactivityof formulation of the more passive and uniformitarian rifting hotspots (Louisville, Galapagos). Of all themajorflood model, providing an elegant explanation for the presence basaltprovinces only the Siberiantrapslack a clear along rifted continental association witha knownhotspot track,perhaps because of of huge basaltaccumulations margins but placing little emphasis on howplumesbegin ourpoorknowledge of theArcticOceanbasin. and reach the base of the lithosphere. Richardset al. [1989]haveemphasized themeritsof theplumeinitiation Passive Riflingor PlumeInitiation? model in explaining the extraordinary eruptionratesand Many of the continental flood basalteruptions are sudden onset of flood basalt volcanism, also suggesting associated withtheearlystages of continental breakup and prerequisite to the initial rifting(No• Atlantic,Parana, Karoo,Deccan), andthis that rifting is not a necessary observation hasgivenriseto a number of models fortheir stagesof volcanism. Campbellet al. [1989] further that Archeangreenstone terranes(thick seoriginbased onrifting[e.g.,Cox,1980;Bott,1982;Wtu'te suggested of low-temperature alteredbasaltic rocks)maybe et al., 1987;Meissner andKopnick,1988].Morgan[1981] quences proposed two relatedhypotheses: (1) thatcontinentaltheremnantsof plumeinitiationevents. Bothmodelsrequirethepresence of a broadreservoirof lithosphere wasweakened by thelong-term activityof a anomalously hot mantlebeneaththe lithosphere. The hotspot, whichwarmed theuppermanfie(asthenosphere) by WhiteandMcKenzie[1989]is beneaththecontinentandled to massiveeruptionsderived riftingmodeldeveloped fromthismaterialduringextension andrifting;and(2) that very specificabouthow melt is generated.A plume warmsthesublithospheric mantleto thelarge"head"of a newmantleplumeresultsfirstin a (steadyor otherwise) asmuchas200øCin excess of thenormal massive meltingevent,followedby moremodestactivity temperatures potential temperature of 1280 ø, whichis typically alongtheensuing hotspot trackbecause of theremaining mantle steady plume.Thesetwomodels arecloselyrelatedand, found beneathmid-oceanspreadingridges far removed uponsuperficial examination, mayseemalmostindistin- from hotspots.Largedegreesof extension(factorsof at 44 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM least 2-4) in the overlying continentallithospherecause decompression meltingof the hot plumematerial,producing a melt thicknessof about25 km (as comparedwith 7 km for normal melting at spreadingridges)that eruptsto fill the rift. Thusa hugeamountof melt is generatedwhen a continentrifts abovean activemantleplume,as opposed to normal mantle. This model has been applied to the developmentof the volcanicrift marginsof the North AtlanticTertiaryProvince(Figures4 and 12 [Whiteet al., 1987]) and is most successfulin explaining the great thicknesses of onlappingbasalt (and perhapsunderlying intrusive)structures mappedin seismicreflectionprofiles of the Hatton Bank and V0ring Plateaumarginson the easternmarginsof the North Atlantic [Eldholmet al., 29, 1 / REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS tion of hot plume material beneath the plate due to "ordinary"R6unionplumeactivity. (2) The mainsequence of tholeiitic basalt lavas in the Parana event in South America preceded significant extension in that area [Piccirillo et al., 1988a, b], again with smaller, more alkalic basalteruptionsaccompanying the extensionthat eventuallyled to continentalbreakup. (3) The large ~195-Ma central area tholeiitic basalt eruptionsof the Karooprovince(Lesotho)are associated with geochemically identicalfeederdike complexeswhichare pervasive throughout a very broadarea of what is clearlyunrifted, stablecontinentallithosphere[Marsh, 1987]. "Associated" rifting about20 m.y. later betweenAfrica and Antarctica was accompaniedby huge alkalic basalt eruptionsthat 1989]. Cox [1989] has also invoked this model for the shiftedtowardthe rifting margin. (4) The GrandeRonde evolutionof volcaniccontinentalmarginsto explain the eruptionsof the Columbia River Basalt Group were developmentof drainagesystemsfollowing the Deccan, accompanied by at most~1% crustalextension[Hooper, Parana, and Karoo flood basalt events. Despite the 1990], with subsequent extension(~20%) associatedwith objections we raisebelow,theWhite andMcKenziemodel more silica-richeruptions. (5) The SiberianTrapswere providesa usefulquantitativeframeworkfor understanding precededby a long "geosynclinal"period,but structures the evolutionof volcanic continentalmarginssubsequent disruptedby thesehugeintracontinental eruptionsshowno to rifting(for example,seeCox [1989]). evidenceof significantextensioneitherprior to or during The plume initiation hypothesiswas originally based flood volcanism [Makarenko, 1976]. Hence the Siberian upon the largely circumstantial evidence(1) that flood Trapsvolcanismdid not coincidewith major continental basaltsoften representthe earliestactivity of hotspotsand rifting. (6) Even in the North AtlanticTertiaryProvince, (2) thatthe truly catastrophic natureof floodbasaltevents wheretheriftingmodelhasfounddetailedapplication,it is requiredsomespecialcauseotherthanoneassociated with not obviousthat all of the flood basalt eruptionswere the time scale for plate motions. The first of these accompanied by largedegreesof extension.For example, observations is questionable, sinceit is possiblethat such the famousdike complexof Skye (westernScotland), hotspotsasR6unionand Tristanda Cunhacannotnormally which fed someof the tholeiiticflood basalteruptions, penetratestable continentallithosphere. The second indicatesonly mild extensionorientedperpendicular rather observationis more compelling becausethe alternative thanparallelto thedirectionof subsequent rifting. From this evidence we conclude that most flood basalt rifting mechanism described abovepredictsthedurationof floodbasalteventsto be of theorderof~10 m.y.,clearlyin events result from melting events at the base of the disagreement with evidencefor ~1 m.y. (or smaller)time lithosphere, whetheror not suchthermaleventsprecipitate scalesfor some events such as the Deccan basalts[Duncan subsequent rifting. Thereforewe must appeal to an pulseof mantleplumematerialfar in excess and Pyle, 1988; Courtillotet al., 1988;Baksi and Kunk, extraordinary 1988]. Also, as we describe in some detail below, of the flux represented by the subsequent hotspottrack. laboratory and numerical models suggestthat plume Thisgivesriseto an interesting andfundamental question: initiation may be expectedto result in a huge volcanic Canlargedegrees of partialmelting(say10-20%) occurat eventat thebeginningof a hotspottrack. thebaseof normalcontinental lithosphere in theabsence of Althoughthis evidenceis suggestive, we find that the significantmechanicalthinning(rifting)? Althoughwe observedtectonicsettingsfor flood basalteventsprovide will not attempta full discussion,a partial answerto this compelling evidence that these eruptions do not, in questionis foundby referringto recentmantlemelting general,resultfrom decompression meltingin responseto models based upon melting experimentson candidate lithosphericextension. In fact, manyflood basaltevents mantlerocksand upon observations of major and trace are neitherprecedednor accompanied by largedegreesof elementvariationsin oceanridge basaltsand peridotites extension. Many examplesmay be cited: (1) The main (Mg,Fe silicate rocksthoughttoberepresentative of upper tholeiiticeruptionsof the DeccanTrapsprecededsignifi- mantlematerial). Both McKenzie and Bickle [1988] and cant extensionalong the west coast of India [Hooper, KleinandLangmuir[1987]conclude thatexcesstempera1990], while much smaller(volumetrically)eruptionsof tures of about250øCaboveambient arerequired toobtain more alkalic lavas (typical of volcanismassociatedwith large melt fractions at depths of about 70-100 km. extensionin other areas)accompaniedthe extensionand Although this value is somewhatlarger than some rifting eventwhichcarriedthe SeychellesBank westward. estimates of maximumhotspot temperatures [Courtney and Furthermore,the Indian subcontinentwas moving very White,1986],it is at leastconsistent with thosesuggested rapidly over the mantle(-150-180 mm/yr) at the time of by others[Jacquesand Green, 1980]. Hence the differthe Deccaneruptions,thusprecludingany largeaccumula- encewith regardto melt production betweenthe plume 29, 1/REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM ß 45 initiationmodeland the rifting model for melt production is thatwe assumea slightlyhighertemperature for at least the leadingdiapir of a startingmantleplume [Richardset al., 1989] than that advocatedby White and McKenzie [1989]. (It should also be noted that these inferred temperatures resultfrom experimentson water-freemelts significantlylower viscositythan the material through whichtheyrise. Figure 13a showssucha plumeformed by steadyinjectionof dyedwaterinto higher-viscosity and higher-density glucosesyrup. A very large"head"forms at the top of the plume, followed by a thin, connected conduit("tail") of buoyantfluid. Hence the possible andthatthepresence of volatiles, particularly COo.,in the analogyto floodbasaltsandhotspottracksasplumeheads more enrichedplume sourcematerial may enhancethe and mils is noted[Richardset al., 1989; Campbellet al., degreeof meltingat depthor producemeltingat lower 1989]. temperatures [Willie, 1977]. We emphasize that neither the tectonic nor the petrologicalconstraintson the nature of flood basalt eruptionsare conclusive. More field work neexlsto be directedtoward elucidatingthe field relationswe have attemptedto summarize,and thisaspectof theproblemhas beenneglectedin comparisonto the enormousamountof work on the petrologyand geochemistry of flood basalts exemplified by several recently published reviews [Macdougall, 1988]. We have made no attempt to summarizethis vast literaturehere,and the main purpose of our brief reviewis to emphasizethe importanceof field observationsconcerning the relations between crustal extension and flood basalt volcanism. In additionto modelsbasedon mantleplumeactivity, Rampinoand Stothers[1988] have suggestedthat flood basalteruptionsare triggeredby meteoriteimpact. This remarkablehypothesisresultsmainly from the association of some flood basalt events with extinction events, in particular,the Deccanbasaltswith the Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundaryeventsand, possibly,the Siberianbasalts with the Permo-Triassic extinctions.This impactorigin for floodbasaltsis inferredlargelyfrom thecoincidence of the Deccan volcanismwith the K-T boundary,but a generalizedmodel for flood basaltvolcanismand associated post impact hotspot track activity has not been formulated.In our opinionthe impacthypothesis for flood basaltand hotspotvolcanismlacks physicalplausibility (andcraters).However,theapparentcoincidence of two of the largestflood basaltevents(Deccan,Siberian)with the two largestextinction eventsfurthersuggests thepotential Figure 13a. Photographof a plume head followedby a trailing importanceof developinga derailedunderstanding of the conduit.The plumeis formedby injectionof water(coloredwith dynamical origins of flood basalt volcanism. In the remainingdiscussion we brieflydiscuss thefluid dynamics of the plume initiation model. Having stated our preferencefor the plumeinitiationmodel[Richardset al., 1989], the followingdiscussion reflectsour bias against thepassiverifting model. StartingPlumes Given that mantle plumes have for some time been widely acceptedas the likely causeof hotspottracks,it seemsstrangethat little work has been directedat the question, How do plumesstart?The answerappears to be "Spectacularly!" at leastin thecasesinvolvingfloodbasalt eruptions.Simplelaboratoryexperiments[Whiteheadand Luther, 1975] showthat this behavioris to be expected from startingplumes, especiallyif the plumes have red dye) at a constantrate into the bottomof a large tank of glucose. The starkcontrastbetweenplumeheadsizeand feeder conduitwidthis mainlya resultof the viscositycontrast betweenthe plume and the surrounding material. The largerthe viscositycontrast,the thinnerthe conduit. This canbe understood easily. The riseof theplumethrough the fluid is governedalmostentirelyby the "Stokesian" rise of the plumeheadthroughthe surrounding material [OlsonandSinger,1985],whiletheconduitmustsupply the growingplumeaccordingto the volumetricfeedrate (an artificeaddressed below). The lower the plume viscosity,the narrowerthe plumeconduit[Whiteheadand Luther, 1975]. Returningto the hotspotanalogy,this relationship mayexplaintheverynarrowapparent widthof 46 ß Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM mantleplumes(-10-100 km)comparedto the largeareal extentof flood basaltevents. Of course,a largeviscosity contrastbetweenthe plumeand the surrounding mantleis expectedif the plumebuoyancyis derivedfrom temperaturesexceedingthe surrounding mantleby perhapsseveral hundred degrees Celsius [McKenzie and Bickle, 1988; Sleep,1990]. On the basisof thissimplemodelof diapiricinstability 29, 1 /REVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS surface mustbe about50øChotter(withonlya small fractionof originalplumesourcematerial). The experiments shownin Figure13 areartificialin the sensethat the plumesare injected(at a constantrate) and are not the result of the type of thermal convective instabilitylikely to occurat an internalboundarylayer such as the core-mantleboundary. Unfortunately,no laboratoryor numericalconvection experiments havebeen and rise we have shown, for reasonablechoicesof mantle conductedin the regime thought appropriateto the viscosity (1022 P)andplume density contrast (0.1g/cm3),formationof manfie plumes. Such startingplumesare thata startingplumefed by a conduitsufficientto account expectedto arise in time-dependent, three-dimensional, for volcanismalongtheR6unionhotspottrackwill achieve thermalconvection at very highRayleighnumberin fluids a minimum volume of about5 x 106km3 [Richards etal, with stronglytemperature-dependent viscosity,but these 1989] (see Griffiths and Campbell [1990] for a more conditionshave not yet been reached in simulations. detailexldiscussionof this type of estimate). Extensive Thereforethis represents a gap in our ability to model melting of such a plume head beneaththe lithosphere startingplumessatisfactorily andto understand fully how wouldaccountfor the largevolumeof lavasin the Deccan to relateobservation and theory,especiallyin regardto eruptions (1-2 x 106kma).In thiscontext it isimportanthotspotsandfloodbasalts. to notethatthe resultingmagmawouldhavea higholivine Perhapstheexperiments thatcomeclosestto exhibiting content[Campbelland Griffiths, 1990] and that basaltic he expectedstartingbehaviorare those of Olson et al. magmas would result from olivine crystallizationand [1988] in whichtwo-dimensional plumeswere generated removal at a density trap somewhereabove the crust- in a pulseheatingmode. Plumedevelopment in onesuch mantleboundary(Moho) at a typicaldepthof 30-40 km. numericalexperimentis shownin Figure 14 [from Olson Such a fractionationprocessis well documentedfor the et al., 1988,Figure18],wherea layercooledinitiallyfrom tholeiitesof the ColumbiaRiver basalts[Hooper, 1988], and the plume initiation model suggests,at least in the caseswherehugeeruptionsprecedelarge-scaleextension, thatfloodbasaltsmaynotrepresent primarymagmas. One interestingaspectof thermalplumesis the process of entrainmentof surroundingmantleduring their ascent [Griffiths, 1986; Richards and Grij•ths, 1989]. Such mixing has importantconsequences for the geochemical signaturesof both hotspotand flood basalts,and it is of particular interest in light of the often enrichedtrace elementcontentsand isotoperatios associatedwith these lavas [gindler and Hart, 1986]. In plumesdriven by compositional buoyancyas in Figure 13a, there is little mixing between the two fluids. However, in plumes driven by thermal buoyancy,thermal diffusion causes surroundingmaterial to becomebuoyantand rise along with the plume. This is shown in Figure 13b [from Gri•'ths and Campbell,1990], wherea hot, dyedstarting plume of glucosewraps laminae of clear surrounding glucoseinto the head as it rises. If the originalplume materialis fertile lower mantle,then the compositionally distinct(depletedin certainelementsby repeatedmelting episodes)uppermanfiematerialwill be entrainedinto the plumehead,resultingin a complicatedmixingprocessas melting and volcaniceruptionsoccur. A particularly interestingaspectof Gfiffiths and Campbell'sanalysisis themannerin whichthe mantleactsas a plumebuoyancy flux filter in thermally dissipatingweak plumes (i.e., plume instabilitieswith effectively low Rayleigh numbers). They concludedthat the strongeststartingplumes maintain temperature excesses of-250øCinrisingthroughFigure13b. Photograph of a starting thermal plumeformed by the mantle (with only a small fraction of entrained injection of hot,dyedglucose intoa tankof cooler,clearglucose material),while the weakestplumesthat make it to the [fromGriffithsandCampbell,1990]. .. . ß . .: : ... ß .. 29, 1/REVIEWSOF GEOPHYSICS Duncan and Richards: HOTSPOT VOLCANISM ß 47 I I 1 I I i I I I I I I I Figure 14. Isothermsfromnumericalpulse-heating experiments theologyat approximately 10-m.y.intervals[from Olsonet al., on plume-lithosphere interactionwith temperature-dependent1988]. above(yieldinga stiff lithosphere)is suddenlyheated (Figure12), are floodbasaltprovinces, equivalentto the uniformly from below. The fluid has a mildly continental examples.We expectthatbasaltagesacross temperature-dependent viscosity,with maximumcontrast the entire Ontong-Java plateauare contemporaneous. of a factorof 1000. Plume instabilitiesform andcoalesce, Recentlycompleteddeep sea drilling (OceanDrilling then rise to the top, followed by narrower,connected Projectleg 130) has recoveredthick, flood-typebasalt plume "conduits." This studyshowsthat the trailing flowsthatare contemporaneous with submarine-erupted plumeconduits becomethinnercompared withthestarting flow sequences exposedat theislandsof MalaitaandSanta plumesas the viscositycontrastis increased, as expected Isabel,at the southernmarginof the plateau[Kroenkeet on the basis of the simpler injection experiments. al., 1990]. However,we emphasizethat even theseexperiments are inadequateand artificial. The Earth, in threedimensions, is likely to exhibit strongercontrastsin rheological 6. CONCLUSIONS behaviorand probablydoes not conductpulse-heating experiments. (This is not a criticism of Olson et al.'s More than a peculiarvolcanicphenomenon that has experiments, sincetheyweredirectedtowardunderstand- defied plate tectonicclassification, hotspotvolcanism ing plume-lithosphere interactionmore than plume appearsto be a manifestationof whole-mantleconvection formation.) Clearly,thereis a needfor betterconvection via plumeflow. While we havefocusedon the kinematics experiments in orderto understand even this very basic and dynamicsof hotspots and plumes,the geochemical phenomenon of plumeinitiation. characteristics of hotspotprovinces indicatethatplumes There is no doubt that some flood basalt events are delivermaterialfromthelowermantlethatisprimordial or related to continentalfiring, but the causeand effect has beenaccumulating over billionsof yearsof plate relationshipbetweenvolcanismand rifting is unclear. subruction [e.g.,ZindlerandHart, 1986]. 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