JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 94, NO. C12, PAGES 18,023-18,030,DECEMBER 15, 1989 ShearInstabilitiesof the Mean LongshoreCurrent 1. Theory A. J. BOWEN Departmentof Oceanography,DalhousieUniversity,Halifax, Nova Scotia,Canada R. A. HOLMAN College of Oceanography,OregonState University,Corvallis A new classof nearshorewavesbasedon the shearinstabilityof a steadylongshorecurrentis discussed. The dynamicsdependon the conservation of potentialvorticitybut with the backgroundvorticityfield, traditionally the role of Coriolisin largerscaleflows, suppliedby the shearstructureof the longshorecurrent.The resulting vorticitywavesarelongshore-progressive with celeritiesroughlyequalto V0/3,whereV0 is thepeaklongshore currentvelocity. A natural frequencyscalingfor the problem is fs, the shearof the seawardface of the longshorecurrent.While the instabilitycan spana rangeof frequenciesand wavenumbers,a representative frequency isgivenby0.07fs,typically intherange of 10-3-10 -2 Hz (called theFarInfragravity, orFIG,band because frequencies arejustbelowthoseof theinfragravityband).Wavelengths areof theorderof 2x0, wherex0 isthewidthof thelongshore current. Growthis exponential withane-folding timethatis typically halfof a wave period.Field data, presentedin the companionpaper [Oltman-Shayet al., this issue],demonstratethe presenceof energeticmotionsfrom a natural beach whose behavior matchesthe theory in many aspects. Resultsfrom the model suggestthat shearinstabilitywill be more importanton barred,ratherthan monotonic beachprofiles,a resultof the strongershearsexpectedover the bar crest.Sincevorticity waveswill probably havea profoundeffecton cross-shore mixing aswell as longshorecurrentdissipation,we expectthe dynamics of barred and monotonic beaches to show fundamental differences. INTRODUCTION [ 1971] for example)and dependson the conservationof potential vorticity. For the larger scale case, a backgroundpotential vorticity is suppliedby the Earth'srotationthrougha termf/h, wheref is Coriolis and h is the depth.For the nearshoreCoriolis andswellfrequencies (O(10-•) Hz) andthemorerecently studied is neglectedandthe backgroundvorticityis derivedfrom the shear infragravityfrequencies (O(10-2) Hz). The bandbetween structureof a steadylongshorecurrent.Perturbationof the current vorticity(or shear)wave, infragravityandmeanflowshasreceivedlittle study,anddynamics will thenleadto a longshore-progressive have generallybeen associatedwith shelf-scaleor atmospheric where the restoringforce may be consideredto be potential vorticity instead of the traditional gravitational acceleration. events [Munk et al., 1964]. Wavelengthsare substantiallyshorterthan gravity wavesof the Free gravity wave motions in the infragravity band may be eitherleakymodes withlongshore wavenumber, k,lessthan(52/g samefrequency. In the next sectionwe develop the basic equationsfor the (where (5- 2n/T is the frequency and g is gravitational conservation of potential vorticity for the case of a small acceleration), ortrapped edgewaves withlarger wavenumber, (52/g perturbationto a steadylongshorecurrent.The equationsare then _(k (_(52/g[•,where[3 is the beachslope.No gravitywave solvedfor a simpleexamplegeometry.Under someconditionsthe motionsexist for wavenumberslarger (shorterwavelengths)than solutionis unstableso that the wave will grow exponentially. this upper limit. Dominant energy sourcesin the nearshorehave long been consideredto be gravity wavesand meancurrentsor circulation. Frequencybandsof gravitywavesincludedthe obviouswind wave In the companionpaper[Oltman-Shayet al., 1989] (hereinafter OSHB89), field measurementsof nearshorewave motions are described whereinwavelengths are an orderof magnitudetoo short to be gravitywaves.Thesemotionsoccurat frequenciestypically The characteristic in therange(10-3-10-2) Hz, exceeding thetraditional lowfrequencylimit of the infragravity band. This band has been named the Far Infragravity (FIG) band in analogy to the relationshipof infrared and far infrared in the electromagnetic spectrum. OSHB89 show the FIG band waves to be energeticand very coherentin the longshoredirection.Kinematicsare linked to the strengthof the meanlongshorecurrent.In thispaper,we presenta model for these waves basedon a shearinstability of the mean longshorecurrent.While new to nearshore,the mechanismis well studiedin larger-scalephysicaloceanography (Niiler and Mysak T}mo}•Y Sincethe wavesobservedby OSHB89 are too shortto satisfy gravity wave dynamics, we seek alternate solutions to the equationsof motion. In particular,we will searchfor shortscale motionsunderthe nondivergent,or rigid lid, assumption.In this case,accelerations of the flow will be drivenby the inertial terms involving the mean longshorecurrent.The developmentfollows closelythat of Niiler and Mysak [ 1971] for the caseof continental shelf waves. The shallow water, inviscid equations for horizontal momentum are ut'+u'.Vu'=-grlx Copyright1989by theAmericanGeophysical Union. Papernumber89JC01393. 0148-0227/89/89JC-01393505.00 scales of these motions are discussed and are shown to be roughly the same as the field observationsof OSHB89. Finally, the impact of this new class of motions to nearshoredynamicsis discussed. (1) vt'+ u'. Vv'=-grly where x andy are the horizontalcoordinates(x being positive 18,023 18,024 BOWEN AND HOLMAN: SHEARINSTABILITIESOF MEAN LONGSHORECURRENT,1 offshore from the shoreline) with corresponding velocity componentsu' = (u', v'), rl is the seasurfaceelevation,t is time, g is gravitationalaccelerationand V is the horizontalgradient operator.Subscriptsindicatepartial differentiation.Coriolisforce is neglectedsince a typical frequency,{3, is much greaterthan Coriolis (o/f= 102). We assumethat the total flow consistsof a steadylongshore current,V(x), and a small perturbation,u, suchthat u'= [u(x, y), v(x, y)+V(x)] and u, v <<V. Substitutingand retaining only the termsthat are linear in the perturbationvelocity, we have Ut+Vuy =-grlx (2) v t + uVx + Vvy =-grly Under the assumption of nondivergence, Tit is assumed negligible in comparison to horizontal fluxes, so that the conservationof massequationbecomes V. (hu')= (hu) x+ (hv)y=0 VORTICITY WAVES FOR A SIMPLE TOPOGRAPHY The essentialdynamicsof shearwaves can be illustratedwith an extremely simple example. Considerthe caseof a flat-bottom beachof depthh0 borderedby a coastalwall at x= 0 (Figure 1). The longshorecurrenthaswidthx0 with a maximumcurrent,V0, at locationx = 15x 0. This dividesthe x plane into a regionof positivelinear shear(regionI), a regionof negativelinear shear (region II), and a region extendingto x = ooof zero longshore current(regionIII). Superimposedon Figure 1 is the distribution of backgroundpotential vorticity, Vx/h. The existenceof an extremum in region II suggeststhe possibility of unstable (growing)wave solutions. (3) where the bottom is at z =-h(x), assuminga two-dimensional beachprofile. From (3), we may representu in termsof a stream function,•, suchthat V x • = (hu), or (hu) =-tISy vorticity, Vx/h, in the interval 0 < x < oo(Rayleigh [1880] with minor extension). Vx (4) (hv ) = •x Cross-differentiating (2) to removerl, andsubstituting the stream RegionI functionyields II Regionll• Recjionm' I •-t 0y, + T =tISY X=Xo(• (5) I x--O •,,• =V O x=xo I I which is just the linearized version of the equation for the conservationof potentialvorticity, SWL I • h We define•s • (•+Vx)/h as the potentialvorticityof the flow, consisting of a relativevorticity,•/h = (Vx-Uy)/h,anda "background" vorticity, Vx/h, arising from the shear of the longshorecu•ent. Equation(6) just expresses the consedationof potential vorticity, in analogyto the conservationof potential vorticity in largerscalegeophysicalflows, but with the shear,Vx, taking the role of Coriolis,f. More specifically,equation(5) statesthatchangesin the relativevorticity(left-handside)will be causedby cross-shore perturbations (•y) of the background / I / I / I / I I h--ho ' ' I / I I / //////////////////////// Fig. 1. Longshorecurrent geometryand bathymetryshowingthe three regionsof the examplecalculations.Upper panel showsthe background potentialvorticity distribution. In eachof thethreeregions,(8) reducesto vorticity (right-hand side). This vorticity responseacts as a restoringforcefor the pe•urbation. q/xxk2q / =0 (10) which has solutions We assume a solution of the fo• • = •e {W(x)e i(•ot)} wherewe assumethe longshorewavenumber,k, is real,but o and • may be complex. •e indicates the real component. Substituting (7) in (5) yieldsaneigensystem in Cp= o/kand•, {•- k2•(V-cp) ' -[hIx Solutions will be vorticity waves or shear waves with phase velocity Cpandcross-shore structure •(x). Of pa•icular interest is the case when the eigenvalue is complex, such that o has a positiveimaginarycomponent,o = Ore+/Oim.The resultis an instability in the form of a progressive wave with an exponentiallygrowingamplitude ß = exp{om 0 •e {•x) exp•i(ky - •et)•} (9) It can be shownthat a necessaryconditionfor this instability is the existence of an extremum of the background potential RegionI RegionII •I = A1 sinh(kx) I]/ii = A2 sinh(kx)+ B2 cosh(kx) Region Ill Wm=A3e-kx (11) where we have taken the shoreline and far-field boundary conditionsto be •(0) = •(oo) = 0 (no flow throughthe beachand no mean longshoreflow associatedwith the perturbation).For interior boundaryconditionswe require • and pressure(or sea surfaceelevation) to be continuous.From (2), the latter condition implies that 1 C ] T!=- •-[(Vp)I]I x- Vx• (12) must be continuous.Applying the boundaryconditionsat x = 15x 0, we have 2 B2_ SSAVx A2 (Vo- Cp) k - C8S 8AVx (13) BOWENAND HOLMAN: SHEARINSTABILITIESOFMEAN LONGSHORE CURRENT,1 We haveusedthe shortformsS•5= sinh(kxo•5), Ca = cosh(kxo•5), andAVx= (Vxl-Vx2), thedifference between thelinearshears in region of instability, the phasevelocity of the vorticity waves will be given by the two regions.Similarly,at x = xo, we have B2__o+Vx2SoE 0 A2 (14) o + Vx2CoE 0 18,025 o,8) Cp- 9•e(o) k --2k b - Vo 2 F(kx (17) Thusfora particular geometry of thelongshore current, Cpvaries where So = sinh(kxo),C o = cosh(kxo),and E 0 = exp(-kxo). Equating(13) and (14) yields, after considerablesimplification,a quadraticexpression for o a02+ bo + c = 0 (15) where linearly with the strengthof the longshorecurrent,V0. Figure 3a showsthat F(kx0, 8) is always positive and is only a weak functionof L/xo (= 2•/kx0) and8 throughthe unstablerangeof wavenumber.Thus vorticity waveson this geometrywill always propagatein the directionof themeancurrentwith a speedof 1/4 to 1/2 the peak longshorecurrentvelocity. a=l b = -kV 0 I _ (1- e-2•xøa) (1- e-2•xø) + = -kVoF(kxo, 8) 2kx08(1 - 8) 2kxo(1 - 8) I.O 0.8 (16) (1-e -2•xdl-b')) 22[(1-e-2•(1-e -2•cøa) -• •'--- 0.40.6 re'x0) - a)2 0.2 TIME AND LENGTH SCALES I I I I I I i ! ! ! i I I I For any k, equation(15) will have two roots which may either bebothrealorcomplex conjugates depending onthesignof (b2- O-- ! 4ac). The latter case, yielding exponentially growing waves (equation9), is the caseof interest. An exampleresultis shownin Figure 2 for longshorecurrent •=0.8 geometry (V0,8,x0)= (1.0ms-1, 0.5,100m),reasonable values for comparisonwith Figure6 of OSHB89. For k lessthana lower limit or higher than an upper limit, there exist two real roots. These are shearwaves that are stablebut which would rapidly decayin the presenceof dissipation.For wavelengths,L = 2re/k, in an intermediaterange (190 m < L < 435 m for this geometry) o is complex and the waves grow exponentially.Through this -2 -3 0.10 c 0.08 0.006 0.06 --0.5 0.04 '!- 0.004 0.02 ' •080.6 • 0.002 i i 8.0 1 '0.0 L/xo • I Fig. 3. (a) The shapefactorF(kxo,•5)fromtheb termin equation(15). (b)Thequantity -(b2-4ac)fromwhichthemagnitude of theimaginary 0.004 i i i i i i i i i frequencyis calculated.Only the unstableregionis shown.(c) Frequencies of theinstabilitynormalizedby theoffshoreshear,fs. 0.002- The existenceand strengthof the instabilitydependon the sign andmagnitude of thequantity (b2-4ac).Figure3b,a plotof the quantity -(b2-4ac)versus L/xofortheinstability regime, shows - øo 0.002 0.004 ' 0.006 ' O.o'o 8 O.OLO Fig. 2. Frequency-wavenumberplots of the shear instability for the examplegeometry:Figure (a) real and (b) imaginarycomponents. Wave motionsfor which(Jim> 0 are unstableandwill grow exponentiallyat a rateproportional to (Jim'The motionfor which(Jimis a maximumis used to determine characteristic scales of the waves. that the wavenumberrangeof the instabilitydependson •5,with the mechanismbeingnarrow-banded for small8 but quitebroad for large8. Figure3c showsthecorresponding wavefrequencies, f (= l/T), normalizedby fs, the shearon the seawardside of the longshorecurrent, fs = Vo Xo(1- 8) (18) 18,026 BOWEN AND HOLMAN: SHEARINSTABILITIESOF MEAN LONGSHORECURRENT, 1 The instability exists from a high-frequency limit of approx- imately 0.1 fs to a low frequencylimit that varieswith 15.If scientificinterestis focussedon conditionsof large 15andlarge shearfs (yielding the fastest growth rates), then the span of frequencies canbe quitelarge. While the instability occurs over a range in frequency and wavenumber,there will be a singlefastestgrowingwave that we can use to determine characteristictime and length scales.This corresponds to the point of maximum{Jim(Figure2b). Figure4a showsthefrequency, ff, of thefastestgrowingvorticitywave, normalized byfs.Figure4bshows themaximum growth rate,fg, alsonormalizedbyfs, while Figure4c showsthe corresponding wavelengthnormalizedby x0, the width of the entire longshore celeritymotionsobservedin OSHB89, and substantiallyshorter thanthe O(10 km ) wavelengthof the shortestgravitywave (mode 0 edgewave)of thisfrequency. Thegrowthtimescale(= {Jim -1) gives a characteristic,e-folding time scalefor the instability of 300 s, substantiallyfaster than one period. Clearly, this is a strong instability and the assumption of linearity in the perturbationwould not be valid for long. SPATIAL STRUCTURE OF SHEAR WAVES Knowing o, we may now calculatethe spatialstructureof the wave motions. The coefficients are found from the interior boundaryconditions,where A1S6= A2S6+ B2C6 current. A3S 0 = A2S 0 + B2C0 0.10 I i i i I i i i B2 A2 i 0.08 (20) • + Vx2SoE 0 • + Vx2CoEo If we choseA2 = a, thenwe seefrom (20) that for frequenciesin the unstablerange(0 complex),B2 will be complex.In this case A 1 and A 3 will also be complex. Since fluid motions are associated only with the real componentof •, we canincorporate the complexcoefficientsinto a phaseshift, 0, suchthat 0.06 0.04 0.02 RegionsI andIII I I I I I I I I I 0.3 (21) RegionII 0 = tan-1 0.2 Bim cosh(kx ) a sinh(kx)+ Brecosh(kx) That is, the phasesin region I and in region III will be constant but not necessarilythe same.In region II, the phasewill vary with cross-shore position.Figure5a showsthe real andimaginary 0.1 I I I I I I I I J I i i I i i i i i 60 :5.0 Region 'rrr 40 o 20 •.o- 01 -20 -• 1.o -40 -60 øo I i I I I ,.o -80 Fig.4. (a) Characteristic frequencies, d•,(b) growthrates, fg, and(c) wavelengths, Lf, of the fastestgrowingwaveas a functionof the Region • m , m ! ,• Region I Region 17 •• 197 • longshorecurrentgeometry. , b I I 8 =0.5 •' For the geometryunderconsideration, it is apparentthatfs and x0 provideappropriate temporalandspatialscaling,respectively. As normalized,thevariablesdependonly on •5,andeventhen,the x•, :/00 dependence isweak(particularly forthewavefrequency, ff).From Figure4, roughscalesfor the fastestgrowinginstabilitieswill be ff -- O.07 fs Oim = (0.1- 0.2)fs= (1- 3)ff (19) Lf = (1 - 3)x 0 O0 m I I .o I I 2 .o ! 3.0 x/x o For the examplelongshorecurrentgeometryof Figure 2, we find Fig. 5. (a) Real and imaginarycomponentsof the streamfunction,W, as a function of cross-shoredistance.(b) Cross-shorephaseshift of the Tf= 1/j•= 753s andLf= 250m, clearlyin therangeof thelow- stream function. BOWENANDHOLMAN:SHEARINSTABILITIES OFMEANLONGSHORE CURRENT, 1 18,027 components of •t(x) andFigure5b showsthephase,0(x), tor the fastestgrowinginstabilityfor thelongshore currentgeometry(V0, relationships measured fromfield datamaybe usefulin mapping fi,x0)= (1.5ms-1, 0.5, 100m).Theseplotsconfirm therather Figure 7 showsthe spatial form of •t(x, y) of the fastest growingwavefor thisparticulargeometryandwith depth,h0 = 1 m. The patternconsists of a seriesof highsandlowswith each offsetoverregionII by the complexphaseshift.Circulationof the vorticity wave will be along streamlines,going clockwise aroundhighswith a velocityproportionalto the local gradient. The entirepatternis progressive in thelongshore direction.Figure 8 showsthe spatialpatternof the total velocity,u'= V+u. The selectedmagnitudeof theperturbation vorticitywaveis arbitrary; the equationsonly showthat the motionis unstable.For this complicated natureof themotionsin regionII. Moreover,it can be seenthat•tx (hencev) is not continuous. This non-physical behaviorstemsfrom the non-physical discontinuities in Vx in the originalgeometry.In contrast,cross-shore velocitieswill be continuous.The surfaceelevationsignalof the vorticity waves may be foundby equation(12). Magnitudestend to be much smaller than forgravity waves, scaling roughly asVo/2g I u,vI = O(5cm). Measurements of the local phaserelationshipsbetweenfluid variablesare often usedto distinguishclassesof wave motions (standingversusprogressive motions,for instance).Figure 6 showsthelocalphasedifferencebetweenu andv (Figure6a) and betweenu andrl (Figure6b) for this geometry.Interestingly,u the shearstructureof naturally-occurring longshorecurrents. figure, thewave motion wasscaled such thatIv(x0fi) I = V0,a magnitude ratherlargerthanoursmallamplitudeassumption, but useful for illustration.The obviousfeatureis a meanderingof the longshore currentaboutits positionof maximumstrength.Small re-circulationcells are seenin the nearshoreand offshoreregions. Again, this patternis progressive in the directionof the mean longshore current,sothata fixedcurrentmeterwouldseestrong fluctuationsovertheperturbationperiod. Finally,the validityof the originalrigid lid assumption canbe examined. The ratio of the vertical acceleration and the advective termsin thefull continuity equation scales as(V-cre)2/gh • •=1.5 $ =0.5 O(0.52/10)= 0(0.025).Thustherigidlid approximation is valid - for these motions. % =/00 I I I I i DISCUSSION The previous results demonstratethe mechanism of shear instability of a mean longshorecurrent in the nearshore.The generatedwaveshavephasevelocities,lengthand time scalesthat are similar to thoseobserved[OSHB89], lending supportto the model. Yet the example geometry of a flat bottom beach and linear shearscould be consideredonly a grossapproximationof :5"I'1'" the natural situation. As discussed earlier, the source of the 0 I I I I I instability lies in the structure of the background potential vorticity,Vx/h(equations(6) and (8)). Figures9a and 9b showan actual bathymetry from SUPERDUCK (the field experiment at which the OSHB89 data were collected) and a more realistic form for the longshorecurrent,given analyticallyby V(x)= V' x exp[-(c•x) n] (22) whichhasa peakvelocity, V0= V'/(ot(n e)TM)atlocation x•5= 1/(Or nun).Reasonable values ofV0,x•5,andn were1.2ms-1,90 m, and 3, respectively.Figure 9c showsthe potential vorticity profile for this more realisticcase.While the profile is smoother thanthat of the example,the basicstructureis the same.Potential vorticity still goes from positive near the shore, through a I I I I I negativeminimum,thento zero offshore.The necessarycondition -7/'0 I 2 for an instability,the existenceof an extremum,is still satisfied, x/x o and we would expect the instability to scale roughly as the Fig. 6. Relative phasebetween(a) cross-shoreand longshorevelocity example. In general,it will be true that the structureof potential components, and (b) cross-shore velocityand seasurfaceelevationas a vorticity will be basedmore on the velocity structurethan on the functionof cross-shore position,with (c) showingthephasedifferencesin thecross-shore velocitysignalbetweenthe shorelineandpointsoffshore. beachprofile; the velocityshearcan changesign,whereasdepthis alwayspositive. The shearof the seawardface of the current,fs, appearsto andv are in quadrature in bothregionsI andIII, althoughphase providea naturalscalingfor the frequenciesof the instability.We differencechangesfrom a lag (u lagsv by n/2) in regionI to a leadin regionIII. The phaserelationship in regionII is spatially expect the greatestscientific interest to focus on conditionsof large offshoreshearsincegrowth rateswill be fastest(strongest complex: u andrl showphasesthat are relativelyconstantin regionsI andIII (althoughnot multiplesof n/2) with a transition instability)and wave frequencieswill be largestand most easily in regionII. Figure6c showstherelativephasechanges in cross- resolved.This suggeststhatthe shearwave instabilitymechanism shorevelocity,u, betweentheshorelineanddifferentcross-shore may be moreimportanton barredbeaches(wherethe concentration locations.Again, a phaseshift occursin regionII, the offshore of wave breakingon the bar crestshouldforce a large shear)than shearregionof thelongshore current.It is conceivable thatphase on monotonicprofiles. ,028 BOWENAND HOLMAN: SHEARINSTABILITIESOFMEAN LONGSHORECURRENT,1 / // ////,5 2.0 _•/ / /• / ••• /• / _ / '' • / / I / I I 1.5 • ; 1/1'1111'// ;•,.', ', ! Y/X0 I t • • • • • // / / / / 1.0 '\x , ;/ ! ///"' 0.5 0.0 • 0.0 i 0.5 1.0 1.5 x/x o Fig.7. Stream function pattern for onewavelength of a shearwave.Themotiondecays exponentially offshore. Thepattern is progressive in thepositivey direction. The presentmodelis inviscid,showingonly the growthof an instability. The proper inclusionof viscositymay be difficult since advective terms will also be required. As a rough approximation we caninvestigate theconsequences of includinga linearizedfrictionof the form -3•u. In thiscase,dissipationcanbe incorporated into the imaginarycomponentof frequency,{Jim,SO thatgrowthwill occurasexp[(Oim-30t]. Thustheinstabilitywill be dampedunless{Jimis greaterthandissipation.However,once Oim> •, theinstabilitywill suddenly startto grow.If we take3•= CdVh -], thentypical values of3•willbeO(10-2-10-3), sogrowth will not occurunless{Jimis greaterthan this value. Thus shear waves are theoretically expected to be less important on monotonicprofileswherethe offshoreshear,fs, is not largeand {Jimis expectedto be small. In contrastto edgewavesor leakymodes,for anyfrequencyof shearwave there is only a singlewavenumber(for a particular longshorecurrentgeometry).Thuslag coherence plotsfor shear wave dominated bands should be more coherent than those where a suiteof edgewavesandleakymodesareimportant.Increases of wavenumberbandwidthbeyondthe expectedresolutionof the analysiswouldresultonly from fluctuationsin meanlongshore currentstrength (overtimescaleslongerthana shearwaveperiod) andwouldhavea relativemagnitudeAk/k-- AV/V, whereAV is theunsteadiness of the meanlongshorecurrent.Wavesfrom days of stationaryand homogeneous longshorecurrentmay be very coherentin the longshore. Shear waves may have several important consequencesto nearshore dynamics.Previously,dissipationof longshorecurrents was assumed to be simply through bottom friction. This mechanismshowsthat stronglongshorecurrentscanbe unstable. The dissipationof the instability would undoubtedlybe only poorlymodelledby traditionaldissipationterms.Moreover,the dissipationwill dependnotjust on the magnitudeof the current, but also on the maximum shear, a characteristic that will distinguish barredfrommonotonicbeachprofiles. As shownin Figure 8, shearwaves can also act as a strong mechanismfor mixing in the cross-shore.If we parameterize horizontalmixing with a horizontaleddydiffusivity,AH = UX, where U andX are characteristiccross-shorevelocity and crossshore displacementscalesof the mixing agent, then we can BOWENANDHOLMAN: SHEARINSTABILITIES OFMEANLONGSHORE CURRENT,1 2.0 , • • • • *' • •' \ •' ........ 1.5. ' ' • .... • .... ....... ,,•X• . N X X • • • .......... • • , . . , • • t .... • • • • • • , ......... ..... , ..... . . . , • • I • t t • , . ' ' Y/Xo • 18,029 . . , t • t t t t • • ..... ' ' t t t t t t • • , . - 0.5- ,, • t t t t •••,,, .............. , , + t t t t t t t ....... , t t t t t t t • t ......... 2.Sin sec -1 0.0 , , , t t t t t 0.0 0.s •.0 •.s x/x o Fig.•. Totalv•locitypatternfor on• wavelength of th• wav• motion.Th• shearwav• hasb•n scaledsothatits p•ak magnitud• •qualsth• p• longshor• cu•nt, Vo.Th• motionisprogr•ssiv• in th• direction of th• longshor• cu•nt. comparethe relativerolesof incidentand shearwavesin mixing. Both will have similar velocities,but an excursionscaleof the shearwavesmay be 50 m (Figure8), comparedto approximately 5 m for incident wave. Thus shearwaves may at times be the predominant mechanism forhorizontal mixing. Given the apparentstrengthof thisinstability,it may seemodd that these motions do not dominate in more circumstances, particularlyin wave tank experimentswhere steadylongshore currentsaregenerated. Total velocityfigures(similarto Figure8) were calculated for a variety of shear wave magnitudes. Surprisingly, for shearwavemagnitudes of up to 50% of thepeak longshorecurrent,the resultingpatternappearedstraightand steady,indiscernibleby eye from the steadyflow alone.Thus wave tanksexperimentsmay in fact be contaminatedwith shear wave motions that, in the limited length of the tank, have not grown to sufficientsize to be detectableby rudimentarymeans. Contaminationmay becomea problemfor long tanks(relativeto thewidth of thelongshorecurrent)or for a longshorecurrentsin a spiralwavetank. CONCLUSIONS It has been shown that a steady longshorecurrent in the nearshorecan supportoscillationsthat are not gravity waves,but which are much shorterscaleshearwaves (or vorticity waves). The underlying mechanismis the conservationof potential vorticity, the sameas for larger scaleoceanographicflows, but with the shearof the longshorecurrent,Vx,playingthe traditional role of Coriolis. Thus a perturbationacrossthe background potentialvorticity, Vx/h,will be balancedby a relativevorticity in the watercolumnwhichactsasa restoringforce. The mechanismmay be unstableif an extremumof background potential vorticity exists in the region (true for all longshore 18,030 BOWENANDHOLMAN:SHEARINSTABllJTIES OFMEANLONGSHORE CURRENT,1 1.5 * * * a Spatialpatternsof velocitydependon therelativemagnitudeof the shearwave and the meancurrent.For shearwave magnitudes lessthan 1/2 the peak longshorecurrent,the vorticity wave may • instruments).For shearwaves that are comparableto V0, the resultingpatternis oneof a clearlymeanderinglongshorecurrent. The relativephasebetweenwave variablesu, v, andq vary with cross-shore position;theseexpectedvariationsmay proveuseful in inferring the shearstructureof naturallyoccurringlongshore currentsfrom measuredphaserelations.It is expectedthatthevery simple geometry of the model will reproduce the important featuresof morerealisticbathymetriesandcurrentstructures since it mimics the essential elements of the potential vorticity 1.0 appear negligible to theeye(although clearlydetectable to 0.5 0 -2 structure. Based onsimple scaling arguments, shear waves areexpected to -3 -4 -5 0.03 ½ 0.02 O.Ol o -o.o 1 I o ,oo ,,,oo x(m) Fig.9. (a) Morerealistic profileof lon•gshore current. Analytical form is given by (22) with V 0 = 1.2 ms-1 , xfi = 90 m, and n = 3. (b) Representativebathymetryfrom the barredbeachat Duck during the SUPERDUCK experiment.(c) Resultingpotentialvorticityprofile. providean effectivehorizontaleddyviscositythatcanbe up to 10 timesgreaterthanthatfor incidentbandgravitywaves.Similarly, the ultimate dissipation of longshore currents may depend critically on the shearinstability,with the traditionaldissipation models providing only a crude approximation of the true mechanism.Theselatter conclusionsdependon the existenceof the instability,which in tum dependson the offshoreshear,fs. Thus barred beaches,where longshorecurrent shear can be concentrated nearthebarcrest,may exhibitfundamentally different dynamicsthanmonotonicbeaches. Acknowledgments.Much of this work was carriedout while R.A.H. was on sabbaticalat DalhousieUniversity, andhe would like to thankthe oceanography groupfor theirkind hospitality,stimulatingenvironment anddonuts.The entirestudyresultedfrom FIG bandobservations madeby Joan Oltman-Shay, Peter Howd, and Bill Birkemeier during SUPERDUCK and has benefitedfrom lively discussions with them. The authorswould also like to thank Ed Thornton,Tony Dalrymple, Jurgen Battjes,and Dave Hebert for useful discussions on the impactof FIG waves.As always,we would like to thankthe staffof the Field Research Facility andCurt Mason,withoutwhoseeffortsnoneof this wouldhave happened. Continuingandappreciated supportfor R.A.H. wassupplied by Office of Naval Research,CoastalSciencesprogram,undercontract N00014-87-K0009. A.J.B. is fundedby National ScienceandEngineering currentson naturalbeaches).In thatcase,theperturbation may ResearchCouncil, Canada. growwithaninitialgrowthratethatis exponential. Fora simple REFERENCES examplegeometry, thecelerityof thesemotionsis shownto vary asapproximately 1/3 V0, whereV0 is thepeaklongshore current. Munk, W., F. Snodgrass,andF. Gilbert, Long waveson the continental shelf: An experimentto separateleaky andtrappedmodes,J. Fluid A naturalfrequency scalingof themotionsisfs, theshearon the Mech., 20(4), 529-544, 1964. seaward sideof thelongshore current.Theinstability occursfor a Niiler, P. P., and L. A. Mysak, Barotropicwaves along an eastern rangeof frequencies fromabout0.1fs to a lowerlimitdepending continentalshelf,Geophys.Fluid Dyn., 2,273-288, 1971. on fi, the relativelocationof the peakvelocityin the mean longshorecurrent.If we take the fastestgrowingwavesas representative, thecharacteristic longshore wavelength is of order 2x0, where x 0 is the width of the longshorecurrent. A characteristic frequency will be0.07fs andgrowth(e-folding) time scalewill beabouthalfof oneperiod.Obviously theinstability is strongand assumptions of linearitywould soonfail. Inclusionof a simpleRayleighdamping factor,)•, suggests thattheinstability will not growunlessthe calculatedgrowthrateis fasterthan)•, whichshould beO(10-•-10-3)Hz. Oltman-Shay,J., P. A. Howd, and W. A. Birkemeier, Shearinstabilities of the mean longshorecurrent,2, Field Observations,J. Geophys. Res., this issue. Rayleigh,Lord (J. W. Strutt), On the stability,or instability,of certain fluid motions,Proc. London Math. Soc., 11, 57-70, 1880. A. J. Bowen, Departmentof Oceanography,DalhousieUniversity, Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaB3H-4J1. R. A. Holman, College of Oceanography,OregonStateUniversity, Corvallis, OR 97331. (Received March 1, 1989; acceptedMay 6, 1989.)