JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 100, NO. C7, PAGES 13,345-13,367,JULY 15, 1995 Scalesof variability of bio-optical properties as observed from near-surface drifters Mark R. Abbott,1 KennethH. Brink,2 C. R. Booth,3 DolorsBiascoil MarkS.Swenson, 5 Curtiss O. Davis,6 andL. A. Codispoti7 Abstract. A drifter equippedwith bio-opticalsensorsandan automatedwater samplerwas deployedin the CaliforniaCurrentaspart of the coastaltransitionzoneprogramto studythe biological,chemical,andphysicaldynamicsof the meanderingfilaments.During deployments in 1987 and 1988, measurements were madeof fluorescence, downwellingirradiance,upwelling radiance,andbeamattenuationusingseveralbio-opticalsensors.Sampleswere collectedby an automatedsamplerfor later analysisof nutrientsandphytoplanktonspeciescomposition.Largescalespatialandtemporalchangesin the bio-opticalandbiologicalpropertiesof the regionwere drivenby changesin phytoplankton speciescompositionwhich,in turn,were associated with the meanderingcirculation.Variancespectraof the bio-opticalparameters revealedfluctuationson bothdiel and semidiurnalscales,perhapsassociated with solarvariationsandinternaltides, respectively.Offshore,inertial-scalefluctuationswere apparentin the variancespectraof temperature,fluorescence,andbeamattenuation.Althoughcalibrationsamplescanhelpremove someof thesevariations,theseresultssuggestthat the useof bio-opticaldatafrom unattended platformssuchasmooringsanddriftersmustbe analyzedcarefully.Characterizationof the scalesof phytoplankton variabilitymustaccountfor the scalesof variabilityin the algori. thms usedto convertbio-opticalmeasurements into biologicalquantifies. 1. Introduction optimalestimatesfor temporaland spatialfields rely on estimates of the subgrid-scalevariability to map the larger-scalefields of Satelliteobservations of oceancolorprovidea uniqueview of the large-scalepatternsof phytoplankton pigmentin the upper ocean. Coupled with increasingly sophisticatednumerical models, there is now the potential to study basin-scaleand global-scalebiogeochemical processes in the oceanin greater detail than before. However, obstaclesremain, especiallyin the interest. Suchsmall-scalevariabilityis morethanmerelya nuisancefor samplingand modeling. As phytoplanktongrowth ratesrespond on scalesof a day or less (and henceon spatial scalesof tens of kilometers), this subgrid-scaleis likely the focus of physical/biological coupling [Denman and Powell, 1984; Harris, 1986; Abbott, 1993]. As these scalesare difficult to observe, it is parameterization of the unresolvedscales.Similar problems essentialthat we begin to characterizethis variability sufficiently confrontmodelsof oceanphysics.For example,the parameterization of small-scale turbulence and diffusion significantly to derive statisticallyrobustfields and modelsat larger scales. B io-optical measurements have been used for decades as affectsthe large-scalepatternsof heatflux [Bryan, 1987]. The surrogates for direct measurementsof biological properties characterizationof small-scalevariability is also necessaryfor [ZaneveM, 1989; Smith et al., 1991; Marra, 1995]. With optimalinterpolationof sparsedatasets.Cheltonand Schlax [ 1991] usedestimatesof the variancespectrumto deriveoptimal improvements in data storage, batteries, and sensor design, routine bio-optical measurementscan be made from unattended estimates of meanfieldsfor irregularlysampledtime series.They useda sequence of coastalzonecolorscanner(CZCS)imageryto platforms such as mooringsand drifters [Dickey, 1991]. Such that were showthat compositeaveragesprovidelittle informationwhere observationstrategiesnow allow the studyof processes previously difficult to resolve using conventional shipboard thereare longgapsin the series.Usingmapsof field measurements, Denman and Freeland [1985] estimated the structure techniques[ Dickey et al., 1991; Smithet al. , 1991;Marra , 1995]. With their ability to resolve small-scalevariability, these stratefunctionsof chlorophylland a setof physicalvariablesto progies will allow us to derive statisticsnecessaryfor techniques duceobjectivemaps.Thusbothparameterization for modelsand suchas optimal interpolation. During the spring/summerupwelling season,large meanders 1College of Oceanic andAtmospheric Sciences, Oregon State are apparentin the California Current[Strubet al., 1991]. Inshore University,Corvallis. of thesemeanders,cold water is presentnear the surfaceand is 2Woods HoleOceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 3Biospherical Instruments, Incorporated, San Diego, California. characterizedby high nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations. The coastal transition zone (CTZ) program was designed to 4Rimouski, Quebec, Canada. 5Atlantic Oceanographic andMeteorological Laboratory, NOAA, characterizethe physical,biological, and chemicaldynamicsof Miami, Florida. thesemeandersor filaments[Brink and Cowles,1991]. Using an 6Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. array of bio-optical sensorsand automated water samplers, a 7Office ofNaval Research, Arlington, Virginia. drifter (droguedepth 13 m) was deployedoncein 1987 and once in 1988. The water-followingcharacteristics of thisdrifter should Copyright1995by theAmericanGeophysical Union. allow separationof temporal variability from spatial variability [Niiler et al., 1987; Paduan and Niiler, 1990; Brink et al., 1991; Paper number 94JC02457. 0148-0227/95/94JC-02457505.00 Swensonet al., 1992], althoughvertical water movementswill 13,345 13,346 ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL appear as temporal variations because the instruments are droguedat a constantdepth.This meanderingregionis the siteof relativelylarge verticalexcursions,of the orderof severaltensof meters per day [Washburn et al., 1991; Kadko et al., 1991; VARIABILITY In both yearsthe drifter was deployednear an upwellingcenter at the nearshore end of a filament. The drifters were tracked via variabilitywill includethe scalesof verticalmotionaswell asthe scalesassociatedwith bio-optical changesin a particularwater the Argos system.The two driftersfollowedthe main axis of the filamentoffshore.Figures1a and 1b showthe drifter tracksfrom 1987 and 1988. In both years the drifters startednearshore,off Point Arena, and proceededin a southwarddirection offshore. Both drifters stayednear the cold core of the meanderingfila- mass. ment. The instrumented Swenson et al., 1992]. Thus estimates of the timescales of drifters tracked the water motion as well We comparedseveralmethodsto derive biologicalproperties as the uninstrumenteddrifters [Swensonet al., 1992]. During suchas chlorophyllconcentrationand primaryproductivityfrom both deploymentsthe winds were generally southwardin the the basicbio-opticalsignals.Althoughwe werenot ableto derive rangeof 7 to 15 m/s. estimates of absolute error, we were able to estimate the relative Figure 2 shows a spline fit to the drifter positionsin 1988 variability betweenthe different methodson timescalesof days. comparedwith the geopotentialanomaly [Huyer et al., 1991]. There were also considerable differences between the two When comparedwith a similarfigure from the 1987 deployment deploymentsin the bio-optical propertiesof the phytoplankton [Abbott et al., 1990, Figure 4], it is apparentthat the 1988 which were apparent in these functional relationships. We deploymentmore nearly sampledthe core of the meander.Both suspectthattheseare largelydrivenby shiftsin speciescomposi- Kosro et al. [ 1991] and Huyer et al. [ 1991] showedthat acoustic tion which affect the observedbio-opticalproperties. Doppler current profiler (ADCP) maps of the velocity field We use standardtime seriestechniquesto studythe character- reproducedthe patternsin the circulation observationsderived istic scalesof variability. These resultsare comparedwith mea- from conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) measurements.In surementsof the physicalenvironmentto estimatethe degreeof 1987 the drifter tendedto be inshoreof the high-velocityportion coupling between physical and bio-optical variability. There is of the meander.The jet appearsto have been strongerin 1988, stronginteractionbetweenphysicalforcingandbio-opticalprop- basedon estimatesof the geopotentialanomaly [Huyer et al., ertiesat a wide rangeof timescales.Futuresamplingprograms, 1991; Kosro et al., 1991]. In the Point Arena regionthe filament especially those relying on satellite remote sensing,must take was much narrower and more sharply defined than it was in such small-scale variability into account when scaling up to 1987. The deploymentin 1988 took place as the filament was orientedprimarily offshore [Huyer et al., 1991; Chavez et al., large-scalemodels. 1991] as in 1987. However, shortly after this deployment,the offshore flow apparently decreasedand the filament became 2. Sampling Techniques and the Physical orientedalongshore[Huyer et al., 1991]. Environment Figures3a, 3b, and 3c showtime seriesof temperature,strobe The drifter used in this study has been describedby Niiler et fluorescence, anddownwellingscalarirradianceEo photosynthetal. [ 1987], Paduan and Niiler [ 1990], and Swensonet al. [1992]. ically active radiation (PAR), respectively, from the 1988 The bio-optical instrumentation included a Biospherical deployment. Plots of these variables from 1987 are given by Instruments MER-2020, a SeaTech 25-cm beam transmissometer, Abbottet al. [1990]. In both yearsthe patternsof fluorescence and a SeaTech strobe fluorometer. Table 1 shows the variables andtemperaturewere in generalinverselyrelated,asexpectedfor that were recorded.An automatedwater sampler[Friederich et upwelling regions [e.g., Hood et al., 1990]. Temperatureinal., 1986] was used to collect samplesevery 12 hours for later creasedabout2øC in 1987 and about3øCin 1988. As notedby nutrientandphytoplanktonanalyses.The bio-opticalsamplerwas Abbott et al. [1990], much of this increase was the result of placedat 8.5 m depth,andthe water samplerwas at 17.5 m. Bioconvergenceof warmer water along the path of the drifter in optical sampleswere collectedevery 4 min in the 1988 deploy- 1987, associatedwith a net downwelling of the surfacewater. ment after averagingfor 45 s (We incorrectlystatedin the work Similar processesoccurred in 1988, as Swensonet al. [1992] by Abbott et al. [1990] that the samplinginterval was every 4 estimatedthat surface heating was in the range of 0.15ø to min; it was actually8 min in 1987. This errordoesnot affectany 0.3øC/d,considerablylessthanthe temperaturechangeobserved of the figuresor analysesin that paper.)In 1988, sampleswere by the drifter. collectedadjacentto the drifter at noon every day for shipboard We comparedthe horizontal transectobtainedby the drifter analysis. Watersamples werecollected fromtheshiponlyatthe with vertical sectionsof chlorophyll, temperature,and salinity, beginning andendof the1987deployment. Thesesamples were derivedfrom the vertical profiles made at noon eachday of the usedto estimatechlorophyllconcentrations usingstandardex1988 deploymentnext to the drifter (Figures 4a, 4b, and 4c). traction methods. Theseshowthe strongfront in temperaturethat occurredapproximately 70 km alongthe drifter track on day 189 (Figure4a). The sectionsalso show the tendencyfor the nearshorewaterswhich Table 1. Variables Recorded on Biospherical are characterizedby low temperaturesand high chlorophyllto Instruments MER-2020 Spectroradiometer subductasthey move offshore[Washburnet al., 1991]. Figure 5 is the concentrationof nitrate + nitrite (N+N) for the Variable Description 1988 deployment.The pattern and absolutevaluesof N+N are 410, 441,488, 520, 560 similar to the resultsfrom the 1987 deployment[Abbottet al., Downwelling irradiance,nm 410, 441,488, 520, 683 Upwelling radiance,nm 1990]. AlthoughN+N disappearedat nearly the samerate as it Other variables strobe fluorescence,beam did in the 1987 deployment,muchof thischangemay havebeen transmission, temperature, the resultof changesin watermassesasthe driftercrossedisopydepth cnals(Figure 2) or verticalwatermotions.Swensonet al. [1992], Housekeepingvariables time, tilt, groundvoltage, using a vorticity budgetmethod,calculatedthat there were was batteryvoltage downwellingon day 187 (approximately12 m/d), upwellingon ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 13,347 .;.-':'.•. '".':.;•:...-W•:'":':' .... .:./.::• ............ ?:' ' :':'•-:s•::::. .;.:' •".::"-•::... ":•? "' ß .....:'. ... -:.: '2'-"• ...... ......: •'" .• •:.;'•..... ..: .?....-:.:. •:::: .... ...... ß ......... ,':3/' ......... ":":•:'" .•.::.. :.:'-": ..•.:L . -. ' . $-':: . • .. •.... :-...".•:.. :.,.,. ;:;?':.':':'" ' w, :. .: .... . .:... •?-•;•?.:....•..... .... . ß'.::•t. ."• .:...... ,: ..., ......•...::::...:•----*-:,•:;•,• . '::. :.... :";'a.:;•':./.• .....7' .. . . ...•:$ ..:';-:" ..}*?":%:5:::,. ?%,:: ,:.,.;•:, Figure la. Drifter path from 1987 superimposedover advancedvery high resolutionradiometer(AVHRR) imageof seasurfacetemperature from Abbottet al. [ 1990]. day 188 (approximately7 m/d), and downwelling on day 189 (approximately8 m/d). 3. Methods and Results Chlorophyll Estimates Our first objective was to compare different methodsfor convertingbio-opticaldatainto estimatesof chlorophyllconcentration.Partof thiscomparison wasan assessment of the time and spacescalesof variationof algorithmperformance.For example, were a particularset of parametersconstantalong the lengthof the drifter track or did they vary from water massto water mass? As more observationsare made remotely(e.g., from satellitesor unattendedmoorings), the choice of algorithms becomesmore critical. We must understandthe total performanceof the algorithm which includesboth estimatesof root-mean-square(rms) erroraswell ashow its performancechangesover time. The first method convertedthe strobefluorometerdata using the chlorophyllextractionsthat were collectedat the beginning and end of the deploymentin 1987 and on a daily basisin 1988. Clearly, this methodshouldbe less accuratein 1987 than 1988. Numerouspapershave appearedin recent years discussingthe problems associatedwith calibration of fluorometers;in this experiment we assumed thatthetemporal/spatial scaleof changes in fluorescenceper unit chlorophyllwas larger than the temporal/spatial scalesover which we collectedcalibration samples. This is not a robustassumptionas fluorescence/chlorophyll can changerapidlyfor a varietyof physiologicalreasons[ Kiefer and Reynolds,1992]. The Sun-stimulated fluorescence method was based on the model describedby Kiefer et al. [1989] and Chainberlinet al. [1990]. Although this method is relatively new, it does show promise,particularly in the estimationof primary productivity. Kiefer et al. [ 1989] discussseveral reasonswhy the technique 13,348 ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY '7 .., 1'9'88 Figure lb. Drifter pathfrom 1988superimposed overanAVHRR imageof seasurfacetemperature. shouldwork better for estimatesof primary productivityrather than chlorophyllconcentration.The flux of Sun-stimulated fluo- whereEo(PAR) is the downwellingscalarirradiancebetween400 rescence Ff wascalculated asfollows: thespecificabsorption coefficientbf phytoplankton. Ff = 4•;[k(PAR)+ a(Chl)] x Lu(Chl) (1) where k(PAR) is the diffuse attenuance for scalar irradiance between400 and 700 nm [ Kiefer et al., 1989], a(Chl) is the total absorptioncoefficient,and Lu(Chl) is the spectrallyintegrated radianceof a chlorophyll-likesubstance. The 4n termis a geometric constant that transforms the radiance to a volume emission and700nm,•f is thequantum yieldof fluorescence, andOacis Kiefer et al. [1989] and Kiefer and Reynolds[1992] discuss the limitations of this approach.Specifically, the fluorescence signalmay be confoundedby the presenceof otherpigments.The quantum yield of fluorescencewill change from speciesto speciesand dependon physiologicalstate.Lastly, the specific absorptioncoefficientwill not be constant. In (1) we followed Kiefer et al. [1989] and assumedthat k(PAR) + a(Chl) -- 0.52. This assumptionworks fairly well in waterswhereChl• 2.0 mg/m3, a condition thatwasnotalways met in the study area. Assuming other parameters remain (withunitsof steradians, notstr-• asdescribed by Chamberlin et constant, this will result in an underestimateof chlorophyll al. [1990])./• hasunitsof nanoeinsteins percubicmeterper concentrations in regions withChl• 2.0mg/m 3. secondandwasconvertedto chlorophyllas Chl = F,f Eo(PAR)x d)fxøac(PAR) Eo(PAR) was basedon a linearregressionof the downwelling irradianceat 520 nm, Ed(520),using (2) Eo(PAR) = -0.0011 + 0.00245x E• (520) (3) ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL .6 VARIABILITY 13,349 4 38'::' 37 ø , , , ,<16'4•,,, ', I,,,,, 127øW 126'::' 125 ø ,,,,, •øø•1 124'::' 123 ø Figure 2. Path of 1988 drifter overlain on geopotentialanomalyfrom the July 6-12 cruise(year days 188-194). Geopotentialanomalyis from Huyer et al. [ 1991] and is calculatedat 50 dbar relativeto 500 dbar. This is basedon observationswhich show that downwellingradianceat 520 nm is only weakly affectedby pigmentconcentration [Gordonet al., 1988]. We comparedthis methodwith an estimate of the integratedradiancebetween400 and 700 nm usingthe full spectroradiometricdata. The correlationbetween the two esti- In (4), SPM is suspendedparticulatematter, c is the beam attenuationcoefficient,Cw is the beam attenuationresultingfrom pure water (assumedto be 0.358), and k is an empirical coefficient relating beam attenuationto SPM. On the basis of Bishop's mates was 0.9996. we assumedthat approximately25% of the SPM was carbon.We then converted this carbon estimate to chlorophyll, using a carbon:chlorophyllratio of 60. As the beam transmissometer failed in the 1988 deployment,we presentresultsonly from 1987. The beam attenuation method has several assumptionsthat may not be robustin our studyarea. Bishop[1986] showsthatthe relationshipbetweenattenuationand SPM can vary considerably We used beam attenuation measurements to estimate chloro- phyll by convertingthe raw transmissometer data to beam attenuation using the methodsof Bartz et al. [1978]. We used the equationsof Bishop [ 1986], where SPM = (c- cw) / k (4) [1986]data,weusedk = 1.15x 10-3. Following Bishop[1986], 15 14 © 13 E • 12 10, 186 , 187 188 t89 190 191 192 193 Yeor Do), Figure 3a. Time seriesof temperature(in degreesCelsius)from the 1988 deployment. 13,350 ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL • VARIABILITY 6 2 0 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 9.3 Yeor Doy Figure 3b. SameasFigure3a, but for strobefluorescence. depending on the oceanographicregime, particularly as one movesfrom coastalto oceanicregions.Bishop [1986] showsthat errorscan range from 20 to 40%, dependingon the SPM level. Also, assumptionsabout the carbon content of SPM and a constantcarbon:chlorophyll ratio are clearoversimplifications. The last method used to estimatechlorophyll concentration was based on irradiance ratios as described by Smith et al. [1991]. Althoughupwellingradianceis far more sensitiveto changesin chlorophyll concentration,downwelling irradiance was usedwith somesuccesson the Biowatt mooringsby Smithet Ea is the downwellingirradianceat 441 and520 nm, and A andB are fitted parameters.Smithet al. [ 1991] reportvaluesfor A and B at 32, 52, and72 m depthfrom the Biowattmooring.The irradiance method should be much less sensitiveto changesin chlorophyll,especiallyin low-chlorophyllwaters. This is expectedas downwellingirradianceis integratedover a very short distance.In contrast, the upwelling radiance method used in oceancolor remote sensingintegratesover one to two optical depths. Figure6 showschlorophyllestimatedin 1987usingthestrobe fluorescence,Sun-stimulatedfluorescence,beam attenuation,and al. [1991 ]. We estimatedChl as irradiance ratio methods described earlier. We limited the esti- Chl=A Ea(441) (5) Ea(520) rY 400 < 300 mates to the period from 2 hours before local solar noon to 2 hoursafter local solar noon (approximately1100 to 1500 LT). • 200 100 0 ,• I• 186 187 I 188 I, 189 •I I 190 191 I, , 192 193 Yeor Doy Figure3c. SameasFigure3a,butfor photosynthetically availableradiation (in microeinsteins persquare meter per second). ABBOTT ET AL.' I 0•-187 SCALES 188 OF BIO-OPTICAL 189 190 VARIABILITY 191 10 2O 13,351 192 1934 •1 • f+ • - --2 + + + + +t 30 40 5o 60 70 8O 9O 100 110 • , 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I I I t I 100 110 120 130 140 Distancealong Transect(km) Figure 4a. Horizontal sectionof chlorophyll (milligrams per cubic meter) from vertical profiles collected at approximatelynooneachday next to the drifter in 1988. Date and locationof eachprofile are markedat the top. (øac)of 0.04 anda fluorescence efficiencyqbfof 0.045 as cence estimates by a factor of 3. We therefore relied on the Kishino/Collins parametersfor the Sun-stimulatedfluorescence model for the 1987 deployment. Although there are differencesin the four chlorophyll estimates, the general patternsof the four time seriesare similar. This similarity is particularlyapparentin the early days of the deployment(days 168-171). The beam attenuationmethodalso predictsmuch higherpigmentvaluesbut showsmuchof the same describedby Kishino et al. [1984] and Collins et al. [1988]. We applied the coefficientsdescribedby Chamberlin et al. [1990] (0.016 and 0.028 for specific absorptionand fluorescenceefficiency) and found that the Sun-stimulatedfluorescencechlorophyll estimateswere consistentlyhigherthan the strobefluores- obvious discontinuitiesthat appear in the latter stagesof the deployment(days 172-175) are the resultof limiting the data to near-noonobservations.In particular,the discontinuitybetween day 172 and day 173 is especiallyabruptin the beam attenuation This reducedthe effects of changingSun angle on the observed levels of irradiance. Note that the plots have vertical lines to separate the successivemidday periods. The irradiance ratios used the 72-m coefficientsestimatedby Smith et al. [1991]; the coefficients for 35 and 50 m resulted in significantly higher chlorophyllestimates.The Sun-stimulatedfluorescencedata were convertedto chlorophyll using a specific absorptioncoefficient - structure as the fluorescence I I 0 -187 10 small-scale 188 189 - + •-_...•11.3+_•__• • + 190 \ \ + \ \ 191 192 + I+/ + - 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 - 193- 130 140 Distancealong Transect(km) Figure 4b. Sameas Figure 4a, but for temperature(degreesCelsius). methods. Note that the 13,352 ABBOTT ET AL.' 07187 SCALES 188 l•_ +, .3•-.3•-•+ . OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 189 190 191 192 193r• + + + + + 30 70 90 110 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 DistancealongTransect(km) Figure 4c. SameasFigure4a, but for salinity(per mil). estimate.A similardiscontinuityis apparentin the strobefluorescencemethodbetweendays 171 and 172. The two fluorescencemethodsare surprisinglysimilarover the tously.The high chlorophyllvaluesnearshorefrom the transmissometerdata are likely an artifact of the high particulate,but nonfluorescent, concentrations in the upwellingcenter[Abbottet duration of the deployment (r2=0.96).Not onlydo thetwo al., 1990]. fluorescencemethods agree on large-scale patterns,but also many of the small-scalefeatures are similar between the two Despite the numerousassumptionsin the transmissometerbasedchlorophyll estimates(coefficientsfor convertingbeam transmissionto suspendedparticulate matter, to carbon, and finally to chlorophyll),the fluorescencemethodsand the transmissometermethodare remarkablysimilar,differingby a factor of 2 to 3. Althoughthisis a largedifferencefor in situsampling, thediscrepancy is in line with otherremotesensingmethodssuch estimates. Given that the strobe fluorescence data were "calibrated" (albeit limited) with chlorophyll extractions, we expectthat theseestimatesare a reasonablemeasureof the 10-m chlorophyllrecordalongthe drifter track. The patternsare quite similarto the chlorophyllmap derivedby Hood et al. [ 1990] for this region. Relying on both fluorescence-basedestimates, as satellites [ Gordon et al., 1983]. Note the monotonicincreases thisasevidence chlorophyllconcentrations are initially moderateat the beginning on days173-175. Abbottet al. [ 1990]interpreted of the deployment,increaserapidly, and then decreaseprecipi- of daily growth. lO • 6 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Julion Doy Figure 5. Time seriesof nitrateplusnitrite(N+N) concentrations (micromoles)from the 1988deployment. ABBOTT 2.5 ET AL.: SCALES ' ' OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 13,353 [ 2.0 ß Beam - Irradiance Attenuation - Strobe ß Sun-stimulated Fluorescence Ratios Fluorescence '•",/?,. .•,..•-.' ...½ '".......'- '?"! J'": 1.5 ' :L '""t!c' [_.,..'.,..... ' '"-' ,•.',.i .... ....... /\,,•,• •.....,r 1.0 • :,.,"t .., ....... ,......... ,..._.-. 0,5 /•, x, 0.0 1 68 169 1 70 1 71 1 72 73 1 74 175 176 Year Day Figure6. Estimates of chlorophyll(milligramspercubicmeter)usingfourdatasetsfromthe 1987deployment. Observations are constrained to between1100 and 1500 LT for eachday.Vertical linesseparatethe successive middayperiodsfor eachday. The irradiancemethodis much less sensitiveto changesin concentration,especiallyat low chlorophylllevelsoffshore.The general decreasein concentrationoffshore is consistentwith the otherestimates,but many small-scalefeaturesare not apparent. However, someof the changesin estimatedchlorophyllmay be the result of physiologicalchanges,especiallyin the fluorescence-based methods. 12 t fluorescence and the Sun-stimulated fluorescence estimates which used the values of specific absorptionand fluorescence efficiency presentedby Kishino et al. [1984] and Collins et al. [1988]. These values (0.04, and 0.045, respectively)were used Strobe Fluorescence Sun-stim. Fluor. (.016, .028 model) - 10 -- Irradiance Ratios Sun-stim. Fluor. (04, •6 • The general patterns of chlorophyll were similar in 1988 (Figure 7), althoughthe levels were much higher than in 1987 (Figure 6). The most noticeabledifference is between the strobe .045 model) •," •" ',,,' !i', 4 • 0 186 187 188 189 Yeor Doy 190. 191 192 Figure7. Estimates of chlorophyll (milligramspercubicmeter)usingthreedatasetsfromthe 1988deployment. Observations are constrained to between1100 and 1500 LT. Vertical lines separatethe successive midday periodsfor eachday. The Kishino/Collinsparameters(0.04, 0.045 model) [Kishinoet al., 1984; Collins et al., 1988]for the Sun-stimulated fluorescence estimates arecompared with theChamberlinparameters (0.016, 0.028 model) [ Chamberlinet al., 1990]. 13,354 ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY for the 1987 deployment.The Sun-stimulatedfluorescence esti- latedfluorescence, asmodifiedby ChantberlinandMarra [1992] matesof chlorophyllare significantlylower than the calibrated to includea temperatureeffect. The rate of primaryproduction (by daily, in situ samplingnext to the drifter) strobefluorescence canbe expressedas estimatesby nearly a factor of 3. This differenceis especially apparent nearshore in the high chlorophyll waters. We tried different values for the specificabsorptioncoefficientoac and (6) kc f F½ = kcf +Eo(PAR) fluorescence efficiencyq•f of 0.016 and 0.028, basedon Chainberlin et al. [ 1990]. The match between thesetwo fluorescenceestimatesis muchbetter,especiallyduringthe first 3 days of the deployment. After day 188 the Sun-stimulatedfluores- wherekcf is the valueof the irradiance at 1/2 (•)c/•)f)max, isthemaximum valueof'theratioof thequantum cenceestimatesusing the Chamberlincoefficientsare consis- ((•c/(•f)max yields of photosynthesisand fluorescence.The temperature tently higher than the strobe fluorescenceestimates. Similar dependence is modeledaslinearfunctionwhere T is temperature, variability in theseparametersand their effectson estimatesof k is 0.044, and c is 0.257 as determinedby Chantberlin and primary productivity from Sun-stimulatedfluorescencewas Marta [1992]. Using the data describedby Chantberlinet al. observedby Stegmannet al. [1992]. [1990],weassumed that(q•c/(•f)max wasapproximately 2.3atoms Theseresultssuggestthatthereweresignificantchangesin the C/photon/einstein (E)/m3/s and that k ff was approximately 133 fluorescencecharacteristicsof the phytoplanktonbetween the pie/m2/s(incorrectly statedasmE/mZ/sby Chantberlin et al. 1987 and 1988 deployments.The relationshipbetweenthe two [1990]). After making the necessaryunit conversions,we fluorescence estimatesis muchmorecomplicatedin 1988.First, expressed the rate of primary productionas nanogram-atoms of recall that the strobe fluorescence estimates were calibrated Carbonper cubic meter per second,consistentwith Chantberlin againstdaily in situ observations; daily changesin this relationet al. [ 1990]. ship can add variability. The strobe fluorescencecalibration In 1987 (Figure 8a), primary productivitywas surprisingly coefficient was much smaller on day 189 than at other times, uniformalongthe drifter track, comparedwith the moreintense perhapsaccountingfor at leastpart of the discrepancybetween variabilityin chlorophyll(Figure6). It decreased by only a factor the two fluorescencemethods.Second,changesin the Sun-stimuof 2 from the beginningto the end of the deployment,whereas lated fluorescencemodel parametersare anothersourceof varichlorophylldecreased by a factorof 4. In comparison, the pattern ability. In additionto the apparentlylarge shiftsbetween1987 of productivity was much more variable as the drifter moved and 1988, there appearto be changesin theseparametersduring offshorein 1988 (Figure 8b), decreasing from 500 to 100 ngthe 1988 deployment.It is well known,for example,thatfluores- atoms C/m3/s.Thisvariability islargelydrivenbythevariations cenceyield and specificabsorptionvary as a functionof species in chlorophyll, whichwerealsomuchlargerthanin 1987(Figure composition[e.g., Bricaud et al., 1988; Falkowskiand Kiefer, 7). 1985]. The productivity:chlorophyll biomass ratiop B is shownin Figure 9. Clearly, this ratio was muchhigherin 1987 than in Estimatesof Primary Productivity 1988.Evennearshore, wherechlorophyllvalueswererelatively We estimatedinstantaneous primaryproductivitybasedon the highin bothyears,phytoplankton weregrowingmorerapidlyon model describedby Chantberlinet al. [ 1990] usingSun-stimu- a perunit biomassbasisin 1987by a factorof 3 to 5 (Figure9a). 250 200 o Q- 150 '•. o 100 50 1 68 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 Yeor Doy Figure 8a. Estimatesof instantaneous primaryproductivity(nanogramatomsof carbonper cubicmeterper second)basedon Sun-stimulatedfluorescencefrom the 1987 deployment.Observationsare constrainedto between1100 and 1500 LT. Verticallinesseparatethe successive middayperiodsfor eachday. ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 13,355 6OO 5O0 ,_ -• 4oo o ß•- •oo o .2, ø 200 o lOO 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Year Day Figure 8b. SameasFigure8a, exceptfrom the 1988deployment. In 1987,P8 wasloweronday169,whenchlorophyll wasatits highest. P8 wasalsolow on partof day 171whenchlorophyll error.Wecompared ourp Bestimates in 1987withthoseof Hood levelsagainincreased. Thissuggests thatthechanges in P8were etal. [1991],whouseddirectC 14measurements. Although Hood dominatedby changesin chlorophyll contentin 1987. However, et al. [1991] sampledat somewhatdifferent locationsand times the generalpatternis for p B to increase as thedriftermoves in 1987,the rangeof PB is aboutthe same,accounting for offshore.In 1988 the patternis much lessvariable (in contrastto However,thereare numerousassumptions in the productivityand chlorophyll calculationsthat could causetheseestimatesto be in changesin units. Chavezet al. [ 1991] publishedmapsof chlorophyll and estimatesof integratedprimary productivity(from a regressionmodel of PAR and chlorophyll)for 1988. While these arenotdirectlycomparable to ourestimates of near-surface pB, the ratio of integrated productivity to integrated chlorophyll approximately doubled from inshore to offshore, a relative increasesimilarto that shownin Figure9b. Thus the patternsof relativechanges in P8arereasonable. the productivity and chlorophyll valuesin Figure 8b and Figure 7). As noted above, the drifter in 1988 more nearly followed the core of the much strongermeander,whereasin 1987 the drifter stayed inshore of the weaker meander. Even offshore, where chlorophyll valueswerenearlythesamein bothyears,PB was much higher in 1987. This is consistentwith the general pattern of higher absoluteproductivityin the freshly upwelled water in the core of the meander and lower productivity offshore or in 2.5 2.0 -•• 1.5 -• 1.0 0..5 0.0 1 68 169 170 171 1 72 t 73 1 74 1 75 i 76 Year Dc•y Figure9a. Productivity perunitchlorophyll pBfromthe1987deployment (inmilligrams carbon permilligrams chlorophyllper hour).Vertical linesseparatethe successive middayperiodsfor eachday. 13,356 ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 2.5 2.0 o15 •._ . .-•_ .> • 1.0 o 0.5 0.0 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Yeor Ooy Figure 9b. SameasFigure9a, exceptfromthe 1988deployment. places oryears where themeander isweaker. Thepatterns ofpB, The one notableexceptionis on day 169 in 1987 (Figure10a); however,arethereverse.A similarpatternwasnotedby Hoodet al. [1991];thehighestprimaryproductivity rateswereinshoreof the meanderingjet. We took all daytime observations(as opposedto a 4-hour window centered around local solar noon) of the flux of Sun- chlorophylllevelswere quite variable(Figure6), and species composition changedconsiderably [Abbottet al., 1990,Figure 12]. We expectthe linearrelationship to breakdownat higher light levelsas strobefluorescence (whichwasusedto estimate chlorophyll)will show someinhibitionat high light levels stimulated fluorescence /• andplotted themversus PAR.This [Harris, 1980]. However,the nearlylinearrelationshipstill holds resultedin a family of curvesthatresembledtypicalphotosynthe- evenat high PAR levels. by phytoplankton, it canbe usedeitherin sisversus irradiance (P-I) curves. We normalized /• tochloro- As lightis absorbed transformed intoheator reemittedas phyll as estimatedfrom strobefluorescence. Figures10a-10d thecarbonfixationprocess, [ Falkowskiand Kiefer, 1985].At low to moderate showtherelationship between normalized /• andPARforboth fluorescence 1987and1988.ForPARlevelsbelow200!.tE/m 2/s,therelation- light levels, there shouldbe nearly linear partitioningbetween whichis consistent withtheseobservations. shipsare fairly linear,althoughthe slopesdiffer betweendays. thesethreeprocesses, 1500 a_ 1250 o c + • 0 A 1000 Doy Doy Doy Doy 168 169 170 171 o u_ 750 : E • o+oo 500 I - • • , 250 0 I 0 100 200 300 400 • , 5OO PAR Ei[•re lea. •lux of Su•-stimulated fluorescence peru•it chlorophyll (•a•oei•stei•spermilligramchlorophyll persecond) •ersusphotosy•thetically a•ailableradiatio•(PAR).Dataareshow•fori•shorere,ionsi• ]98?. ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 13,357 1500 •o 1250 _ c + ß 0 Day 172 Day 173 Day 174 - A Day 175 '_.. El Day176 _ - o 1000 •_• - o L,_ 750 E '• ß . •:k'•• '-+:•,- + ._ 500 I • 250 0 0 100 200 500 5O0 400 PAR r•gure 10b."•lIll• OllbllOl• asFigme 10a,butIOl ........... re onsin just anotherway of presenting F c (whichis a function However, the partitioning should change, depending on the in essence, physiological state of the phytoplankton.As phytoplankton of PARandFf), thisresult doesshowthestrong change in the becomemore nutrient limited, the amountof light reemittedas partitioningof absorbedlight energyandthe associated temporal fluorescence scales. We note that the transition between inshore and offshore should increase relative to the amount used to fix carbon [KieferandReynolds, 1992].We usedlinearregression to propertiesis more abruptin 1988 (occurringbetweenday 188 calculatethe slopeof the lines for each day exceptday 169 in andday 189) thanin 1987 whenthe transitionwasmoregradual. 1987 as there appearedto be a much higher level of temporal This is consistentwith the changesin the strengthand width of of Kosroet al. variabilitythanthe otherdays.Theseslopesare shownin Table themeanderasseenin thephysicalmeasurements 2. In 1987 the slope increasedby 50% as the drifter moved [ 1991] andHuyer et al. [ 1991]. offshore, whereas it more than doubled in 1988. Note that the Stramskaand Dickey [ 1992] notethat the bio-opticalpropercan changerapidlyon diel scales,thereby slopesweremuchsmallerin 1988 thanin 1987. Althoughthisis, ties of phytoplankton 1200 •o 1000 c 800 Day Day Doy Doy Doy 186 187 188 189 190 L,_ 600 E '• ._ 400 I 200 0 • 0 100 200 300 , 400 , I 500 • 6OO PAR Figure 10c. Sameas Figure 10a, but for inshoreregionsin 1988. Note that day 190 hasbeenplottedwith both the inshoreand offshoreregions. 13,358 ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 1200 • •ooo + ß 0 o Doy 190 Doy 191 Doy 192 g 800 o • 600 ._ • o 400 I .+ t<t>..,e.<• +• o ^ 0 o 20O o . 0 1 O0 200 ,300 400 500 600 PAR Figure 10d. SameasFigure10a,butfor offshoreregionsin 1988.Notethatday 190hasbeenplottedwith both theinshoreandoffshoreregions. confounding simple interpretation of beam attenuation and fluorescencein termsof either chlorophyllbiomassor primary productivity.We thus plotted the ratio of beam attenuationto complicatethis interpretation[Marra, 1995].We noteno apparent quenching of fluorescenceby PAR, similar to results of Stramskaand Dickey [1992]. The offset between the inshore strobe fluorescence from 1987 as a function of PAR as Stramska waters and the offshore waters implies that there was more and Dickey [ 1992, Figure 17]. Figure 1l a showsthe nearshore scattering and absorptionoffshore per unit of fluorescence (days 168-171) and Figure 1lb, the offshore(days 172-176) (chlorophyll)asnotedby Abbottet al. [1990]. data.Theseare quitesimilarto the 10-m datafrom Stramskaand Dickey [1992], which suggestthat muchof the diel variationis Small-ScaleVariability causedby changesin the bio-opticalpropertiesof the phytoTo examine small-scale patterns, we calculated variance plankton. In particular, changesin cellular chlorophyll may changebothfluorescence andbeamattenuation in parallelduring spectrafrom severalof the physicaland bio-opticaltime series. the daylighthours,althoughprocesses suchasinternalwaveswill We analyzedonly thosetime serieswheretherewas a continuous record(temperature,beam attenuation,and strobefluorescence). We used maximum entropy methods(MEM) to calculatethe Table 2. Slopesof Linear Regression spectra;as we limited our discussionto timescalesgreaterthan 5 Between the Rate of hours, this method should not produce spurious results. Sun-Stimulated Fluorescence Comparison with structure functions showed that the MEM (Normalized to Chlorophyll Concentration) spectracapturedthe same scalesof variability at theselonger and PhotosyntheticallyAvailable Radiation Day Slope 1987 168 1.4 n/a 1.7 1.5 1.7 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 1988 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.0 1.0 0.8 1.0 timescales.We varied the number of polesused to calculatethe MEM spectra as well; we used these results to estimate the minimum period that could be reasonablystudiedbasedon the robustness of the variousspectralpeaks.In our case,periodsless than 5 hours showedconsiderablevariability in the number of peaksasa functionof the numberof polesusedin thecalculation. To developerror estimatesfor the spectralestimates,we calculatedthe MEM spectrumfor 10,000randomtime series.We used seriesthat had the same number of points as our actual data recordsand usedthe samenumberof polesin the MEM calcula- tions.On the basisof thesebootstrapestimates,a factorof 2 aroundeachMEM spectralestimatewill fit within plusor minus 2 standard deviations (nearly equivalent to 90% confidence intervals).For example,if the MEM estimateis 10, then the "2 standard deviation" confidence interval extends from 5 to 20. Figure 12 showsa typical MEM spectrum,in this casebeam attenuationfrom the 1987 record.A strongpeakis presentwith a periodof 24 hours,with smallerpeaksat 16, 12, 8, and6 hours. Temperature and especially strobe fluorescenceshow similar diurnaland semidiurnalpeaks.The diurnalsignalhasbeennoted ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 13,359 2.00 1.75 -- Days 168-171 _ -_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ 1.50 1.25 _ _ - _ - _ . - - _ 1.00 - _ - _ _ + _- 0.75 . + ++ _ 0.50 . + Z,% + + _ ++_+++ %.+.. • • + 0.25 0.00 I 0 , , • I .... 50 I 1 O0 ,_, , , I .... 150 I .... I 200 250 , , • • I 300 • • • • I • • • • I 550 • • • • 400 450 PAR Figure 11a. Beam attenuationcoefficientversusstrobefluorescencefor nearshoreregionsfrom the 1987 deployment. in many other bio-opticalrecords[Dickey et al., 1993; Stramska andDickey, 1992;Dickeyet al., 1991]. In the caseof strobefluorescence,diel variability is the result of the changesin fluorescence response to changes in solar irradiance [Kiefer, 1973; Stramskaand Dickey, 1992]. For temperature,diel variabilityis also the result of changesin solar irradiancewhich causesnearsurface heating during the day and is visible in the offshore portionsof the deploymentsin both years.Beam attenuationis thought to change as a result of both growth in the number of particles as well as changes in their scattering properties [Acklesonet al., 1990]. A peakat the semidiurnalperiodhasnot been observed in other bio-optical time series [Dickey et al., 1991] which have strong diurnal signals, but it is quite pro- nouncedin the strobefluorescencedata from the 1987 deployment (Figure 13). Smaller peaks were visible in the temperature and beam attenuationspectraat the semidiurnalperiod. A semidiurnaltide may be the causeof this peak, similar to the semidiurnal peaks found in current meter records off northern California [Noble et al., 1987; Rosenfeldand Beardsley, 1987]. This could result in water motions which would changethe biooptical and temperature properties of the water at the drifter. Fluorescencecould change either as the result of changesin chlorophyll content or as a photoadaptiveresponseto changing light levels as deeper water is brought closer to the surface. Although the strongdiurnal signal could result in an overtoneto appearat the semidiurnalfrequency,note that no suchovertone appearsin the 1987 fluorescencespectrum(Figure 13). 2.00 1.75 Days 172-176 1.50 + + + + + 1.25 0.75 _ 0.25 0.00 0 50 1 O0 150 200 250 300 350 400 PAR Figure 11b. SameasFigure 1la, exceptfor the offshoreregions. 450 13,360 ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY Beom 1000.000 Attenuotion ............. 100,000 10.000 1.000 O. lOO O.OLO 0.001 lOO lO Period (hours) Fieure12. Variance spectrum derived usingthemaximum entropy method forbeamattenuation fromthe1987 deployment. Strobe 1000.000 ' i I i i i i i Fluorescence i i i i i i i i - 1 lO.OOO 1 .ooo 0.100 0.010 o.ool , I • • • t lOO • i , , . I I • , lO Period (hours) Figure13. SameasFigure12,exceptforstrobefluorescence. ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY 13,361 Temperoture 1000.000 First 3 Days (nearshare) .3 Days (offshore) 100.000 10.000 -_ . 1.000 . \, \, \, O. lOO \ , \, , , , , O.OLO \ _ , , \ ß - \, _ \, [ I I I o.ool I I I ] I I I loo I I _ ß I I I lO Period (hours) Figure 14a. Variance spectrumfor temperaturefrom the 1987 deployment.Data were passedthrougha band rejectfilter, removingthe 24-hourcycle. Temperature I ' ' ' ' 1000.000 ' ' ' ' I'' lO.OOO ' '• ' ' First 3 Days (nearshare) Second.5 Days (offshore) ....... lOO.OOO ' ' _ '\'\,•,'••. __.. \, \, _ O.lOO . - \, \, ' \, - \ , O.OLO - , . - \, \ o.ool i• lOO , , , , , , , I, , , , , , , , lO Period (hours) Figure 14b. SameasFigure 14a,exceptfrom the 1988 deployment. 13,362 ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL The patterns of variance appear to differ between nearshare and offshore, so we divided each deploymenttime seriesin half. Thus we considereddays 168-172 from 1987 and 186-189 from 1988 as the nearsharetime seriesand days 172-176 from 1987 and 189-192 from 1988 as the offshore time series.We passed eachtime seriesthrougha bandrejectfilter, removingthe strong diurnal signal from all variables. For strobefluorescencewe removed both the diurnal and semidiurnalsignals.Figures 14a and 14b show the MEM spectrumfor temperaturefrom both deployments.Althoughthe level of varianceis differentbetween the two deploymentsin the nearshareregion, the slopesare nearlyidentical(about2). A peak is visibleat 10 hoursin 1987 (Figure 14a), but in general, neither nearsharespectrumshows much structure. The nearshare spectrum of beam attenuation (Figure 15) is flatter than the nearshare temperaturespectrum from 1987 (Figure 14a), with a slopeof about 1.5 and a peak at 15 hours rather than at 10 hours. The shapesof the nearshare strobe fluorescencespectra(Figures 16a and 16b) are slightly different, with a slopeof 2 in 1987 and 1.5 in 1988. There is a noticeablesemidiurnalpeak in 1987 (Figure 16a). Despite these subtledifferencesthe nearsharespectraof all three variablesare generally similar in their lack of strongpeaks.This is most likely a result of the intense, mesoscale variability present in the nearshareregionthat occursover a continuumof timescales. The offshorevariancespectrabehavemuch more irregularly. Figure 14 shows the spectrafor temperaturefrom the offshore regionsin 1987 and 1988. As with the nearshareseries,both data setswere passedthrougha bandrejectfilter to removethe diurnal signal.In 1987 (Figure 14a) the spectrumis dominatedby much strongerpeaks at 19 and 6 hoursthan nearshare.In contrast,the 1988 temperaturespectrum(Figure 14b) was dominatedby a Beam 1000,000 I I I I 100.000 I I VARIABILITY peaknear 20 hours.The bio-opticalvariablesalsovariedin a less continuousmanner offshore. Beam attenuation(Figure 15) is dominatedby distinctpeaksat 48, 20, and 7 hours.Strobefluorescence(Figure 16) has a peak at 19 hoursin both 1987 and 1988, althoughit is more pronouncedin the secondyear along with a peak at 8 hoursin 1988 (Figure 16b) and at 6.5 hoursin 1987. Given the lower level of variability in the offshoreregions, it is not surprisingto see the variance spectradominatedby distinctperiods.We have no explanationfor the peaksthat occur in the 6- to 8-hour range. They may be causedby internal waves which are propagatingpast the drifter. Of more interestis the consistentpeak in the 19-20 hour range. As the inertialperiodat this latitude(39øN)is a little over 19 hours, we suspectthat the drifter was being subjectedto organized inertial motions in the offshore region, similar to those noted by Paduan and Niiler [ 1990] in the CTZ region. These organizedmotions may have moved the drifter along a front in bio-optical properties as well as temperature.We note that the strengthof the inertial peak is muchlargerin 1988 in both temperatureand strobefluorescencewhen the drifter was nearly in the core of the meanderingjet. As notedby Paduan and Niiler [ 1990] and Swensonet al. [ 1992], thejet is nearly geostrophicin the offshore domain, and there are stronginertial featuresin the drifter tracks. Paduan and Niiler [ 1990] calculated a horizontal scale of about 3 km for these features. Swenson et al. [1992], examiningsimilar scalesof motion, estimatedvertical motionsof 10-20 m/d that were associated with these features. These verti- cal motions,causedby changesin relative vorticity, are similar to thosedescribedfor a front in the SargassoSea by Pollard and Regier [1992]. These strongvertical motionsare likely to have a strongeffect on the bio-opticalpropertiesobservedby the drifter package. Attenuation [ i i [ I ....... i i i i i First 4.Days (nearshare) Second4 Days(offshore) 10.000 1.000 O.lOO O.OLO o.ool 10o 10 Period(hours) Figure 15. Variancespectrumfor beamattenuationfrom the 1987 deployment.Data were passedthrougha band rejectfilter, removingthe 24-hourcycle. ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL Strobe VARIABILITY 13,363 Fluorescence 1000.000 First4 Days(nearshare) 100,000 _ ß xSecond 4Days (offshore -. 10.000 • ,\,\,1,\, 1.000 ',. ,.' ! '•-• 0.100 , 0.010 0,001 lOO lO Period (hours) Figure 16a. Variancespectrumfor strobefluorescence from the 1987 deployment.Data were passedthrougha bandrejectfilter, removingthe 12- and24-hourcycles. Strobe 1000.000 [ i i [ i i [ [ Fluorescence [ [ [ ] [ [ t i [ First 3 Days(nearshare) Second5 Days(offshore) ....... 100.000 ] 10.000 1.000 , \ / ß 0.100 0.010 0.001 [ I I I 100 I [ I t I [ I I I I I . 10 Period (hours) Figure 16b. Same as Figure 16a, exceptfrom the 1988 deployment. 13,364 ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL We testedthe performanceof our bandrejectfilter with time seriescomposedof sinusoidfunctionscontaminatedby random noise.The filter successfully removedthe desiredfrequencies, so we do not think that the 19- to 20-hour peak is an artifactcaused by the removalof the 24-hoursignal. VARIABILITY changesalongthe drifter path.Beforeday 190, temperatures are coolandvariable.The temperature increases sharplyby 2øCin 12 hoursat day 190, and this front is associatedwith the shift to dinoflagellates(Figure 17). However,nutrientsdecreaserapidly beforethe temperaturefront is reached.Swensonet al. [1992] used two methods to estimate vertical velocities, based on esti- matesof theheatbudgetandthevorticitybudget. Although there 4. Discussion were significantdifferencesin the magnitudeof the velocity While we expectthat bio-opticalparameters shouldchange estimates,the general patternsof upwelling and downwelling from one oceanic domain to another, these observations show were quite similar. The larger estimatesfrom the heat budget thattheyvary on muchsmallerscalesthanmightbe expected. approachrangedfrom 70 rn/ddownwellingto 40 rn/dupwelling, The interplay between physical forcing and physiological response of thephytoplankton will complicate theapplication and interpretation of bio-opticalalgorithms. However,thisvariability may also be usedto understandthe processes of responseand adaptation,if the appropriateancillarydataarecollected. One suchancillarydatasetwill be informationon phytoplankton speciescomposition.Figure 17 showsthe 1988 species composition asa percentage of totalcell volume.Duringthefirst 3 days of the deploymentthe phytoplanktoncommunitywas dominatedby Chaetocerosspp. and othercentricdiatoms.On day 189 thecomposition changeddramatically, withRhizosolenia whereasthe vorticityestimateswere abouta factorof 3 smaller. However, as noted by Swensonet al. [1992], the heat budget estimateswere basedon a subclusterof driftersandrepresenteda region of about 60km2 compared with150km2 forthevorticity budgetestimates.Initially, the bio-opticaldrifter was in a region of downwelling(about40 m/d, basedon the heat budgetestimates)nearshore.This changedto moderateupwelling(about20 m/d) on day 188. The drifter then experiencedmoderatedownwelling about midway through day 188. Strongdownwelling occurredduringday 189 at the sametime that Chaetoceroswas replacedby Rhizosolenia.This downwellingwas associated with replacingChaetoceros. Thefinalshiftwasto a community domi- an "instability"identified by Swensonet al. [1992] and a westward turn of the drifter. Note the strongfront at 70 km (Figure nated by dinoflagellates.Although a similar replacementof 4a). As Rhizosoleniaare generallybuoyant,their increaseon day Chaetocerosby Rhizosoleniaoccurredin 1987 [Abbottet al., 1990],the magnitudeof the shiftwasnotasdramatic.In 1987the 189 in associationwith this front is not unexpected.This was shift was from 35% Chaetoceros to 30% Rhizosolenia, whereas followedby weak upwellingon days 190 and 191 asdinoflagelthe shift in 1988 was from 55% Chaetoceros to 45% latescameto dominatethe phytoplankton.We notedearlier that Rhizosolenia. In 1987 the community was dominatedby large the normalized rate of Sun-stimulatedfluorescencechanged centricdiatomsin the offshorewaterscomparedwith dinoflagel- dramaticallyon day 189 (Table 2). This changein physiological latesin 1988. Given the increasedvariability in speciescomposi- responseis consistentwith the changein physicalforcing and tion in 1988, it is not surprisingto see large differencesin the speciescomposition. Given the complex flow patterns in this region, it is not fluorescence response. Changesin the physicalenvironmentare likely the ultimate surprisingto see strong interleaving of various water masses causeof the specieschanges.Figure 3 showsthe temperature characterizedby differentphytoplanktoncommunities.Following lOO 0occolithophores and Flagellates Dinoflagellates 80- 60_ _ Rhizosolenia - 40- Nitzschia - Chaetoceros - - 20Centric Diatoms - - - o 186 , 187 188 189 190 191 I 192 , , , I 193 Year Day Figure 17. Relativephytoplankton speciesabundance fromthe 1988deployment in termsof percenttotal cell volume. ABBOTT ET AL.: SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL the descriptionlaid out by Strub et al. [1991], we define the broad,cold, productiveregionsas the filamentswhich are separated from the warmer, less productive offshore waters by a meanderingjet. As the drifter doesnot exactly follow a single water parcel, it may traversethese various water types. It is apparentfrom thesedatathatthe physicaldynamicsof thecoastal transitionzoneaffectthe timingandnatureof the specieschanges as observedby the drifter. A generalpictureemergesfrom the two drifterdeployments. Changesin the strengthof the meandercorrespondwith changes VARIABILITY 13,365 dominatedby small forms, primarily flagellates[Hood et al., 1991]. We applied several methodsto estimate chlorophyll using downwellingirradianceratios[Smithet al., 1991], beamattenuation [Siegel et al., 1989], Sun-stimulated fluorescence [Chainberlin et al., 1990], and conventional strobefluorescence. Although the general patterns were similar (high, variable chlorophyllvaluesnearshore,decreasingrapidly as the drifter moved offshore), there was considerable difference in the detailed structureof the time series. The relationshipbetween in species composition, primaryproductivity, andP•. Biomass chlorophyllderived from strobefluorescenceand that derived and primaryproductivitydecreaseoffshoreas nutrientsbecome from Sun-stimulatedfluorescencediffered considerablybetween depleted, butpl•increases. Phytoplankton become morestrongly 1987 and 1988. In the latterdeploymenta differentsetof coefficients for Sun-stimulated fluorescencewas required to obtain scattering per unit chlorophyll in offshore waters. Thus the meanderrepresents a sharpdemarcation betweenboththebiolog- agreementbetween the two fluorescenceestimates,and these ical and bio-optical propertiesof the phytoplankton.Physical coefficients needed to be altered along the drifter track as it processes suchasupwellinganddownwellingalongthe meander moved from nearshore to offshore. It appeared that strong play an importantrole in the smaller-scalevariability of these changesin the phytoplanktoncommunitywere largelyresponsiproperties. In 1987, whenthe drifterwassomewhatinshoreof the ble for the changesin the fluorescencerelationships.The beam main meander,thesepropertiestendedto changemoregradually attenuationdata were availableonly duringthe first deployment, but they revealed strong onshore/offshoredifferencesin bioover the courseof the deployment.In contrast,the deploymentin opticalproperties,especiallyin the amountof scatteringper unit 1988 morenearly followed the coreof the meander,and the bioopticalpropertieschangedmoreabruptlyovertime. This resulted chlorophyll. We examinedsmall-scalevariability throughvariancespectral in more abrupt changesin the biological/physicalregime as observed in 1988 and more intense inertial motions. analysis.A strong diel signal was presentin many of the bioThe presenceof intenseverticalmotionsalongthe drifterpath, optical variables, as expected.In particular, strobefluorescence showeda consistentpatternin relation to the amountof solar either through subduction processes[Kadko et al., 1991; Washburnet al., 1991] or throughvorticity adjustmentscaused radiation.Beam attenuationshoweda similar diel patternin the offshore waters. We suggestthat this is the result of grazing by inertial motions,obviouslycomplicatesthe interpretationof the drifter data.As notedearlier,phytoplanktonspeciescomposi- activity, but changesin the optical propertiesof phytoplankton tion changesconsiderablyin associationwith changesin the would causea similar pattern.A semidiurnalsignalwas present directionof vertical motion.However,we are ableto interpretthe in temperatureand strobefluorescenceand is perhapsrelated to patternsof temporalchangein termsof changesin the physical the semidiurnaltide. An unexpectedpeak was found at the inercirculationfield. While we cannotassumethat the drifter is truly tial period(19 hours)in the bio-opticalvariablesandin temperafollowing a patchof phytoplankton,thesedatashowthe influence ture.This peak,however,waspresentonly in the offshorewaters of inertial and tidal motionson bio-opticalpropertiesas well as in both 1987 and 1988. Organizedinertial motionsof the drifter the larger-scale changes that occur between nearshore and in the offshore portion of the meanderhave been observedin other drifter data sets from northern California. These inertial offshoreor betweenyears. motionsare sometimesassociatedwith strongvertical motions causedby changesin relativevorticity.The bio-opticalproperties 5. Summary and Conclusions varied in responseeither to thesevertical motionsor to changes The two deploymentsof a bio-optical drifter in the coastal in the relativehorizontalpositionof the drifter asit movedalong the meander. transitionzone off northernCaliforniawere analyzedin termsof The proximatecausefor the temporaland spatialfluctuations the performanceof severalbio-opticalalgorithmsandin termsof large- and small-scalevariability. With the availability of long- in bio-optical properties was changes in the physiological term bio-opticalsamplingwe needto understandthe limits and responseof the phytoplanktoncommunitywhich was driven by advantages of these data sets. Bio-optical relationships can variability in phytoplanktonspeciescomposition.Such species changedramaticallyon a wide rangeof time and length scales, dependencehas been noted in many studiesand is not unexpected.The ultimatecause,however,appearsto be changesin the thuscomplicatingany analysis. The generalfeaturesof the watersoff northernCaliforniawere physicalenvironment.For example,the strengthof the meander similar in the 2 years.Chlorophyll,particulateconcentration,and as well as distance from the meander appearedto affect the primary productivity were higher and more variable in the phytoplanktonspeciescompositionasnotedalsoby Chavezet al. nearshore waters thanoffshore. pl• andscattering perunitchloro- [1991]. Similarly, vertical velocities associatedwith organized phyll, however,were lower nearshoreand higher offshore.The inertial motionsin the offshoreregionresultin a pronouncedbioopticalresponse. separationbetweennearshoreand offshorepropertieswas delinSimilar concerns were raised about fluorometric methods eatedby the meanderingjet, which separateddistinctphytoplankton communities,based on speciescounts.Similar distinctions when they were introducednearly 30 years ago. Many of the were notedby Hood et al. [1991] andChavezet al. [ 1991] for the problemswere addressedsimply by more frequent calibration samples.However, it is clear that suchcalibrationsamplingmust coastaltransitionzone region.There were significantchangesin speciescomposition(and size structureof the community),both be done on a scaleappropriatefor the inherentvariability in the along the drifter tracks and between the two deployments. processunder study. Unfortunately,we know little about these Althoughthe phytoplanktonsamplingceasedto operatein the far scalesin the bio-optical realm. Of more concernis the recent offshorewaters, other observationsshowedthat this region was availability of unattendedsampling devices where calibration 13,366 ABBOTT ET AL.' SCALES OF BIO-OPTICAL VARIABILITY sampling is not possible.Analysis of such data must be conductedwith the awarenessthat variability in the relationshipsof interest(suchasbeamattenuationandparticulateabundance) will haveits own temporalandspatialscales.Thusstudiesof biologi- scannerestimatesof chlorophyllconcentration, J. Geophys.Res., 96, 14,669-14,692, 1991. Collins,D. J., C. R. Booth,C. O. Davis,D. A. Kiefer,andC. Stallings,A modelof the photosynthetically availableandusableirradiancein the sea,Ocean Optics 9, Proc. SPIE Int. Soc. Opt. Eng., 925, 87-100, calvariability mustalsofocusonthevariability in theprocesses 1988. usedto convertthesensor data(beamtransmission, fluorescence,Denman,K. L., andH. J. Freeland,Correlationscales,objectivemapping absorption,etc.) into the biological data of interest(particulate concentration,chlorophyllcontent,etc.). We arebeginning to collectinformation onthetemporal and spatial scales of variability that will be useful in future data assimilation models. While we cannot hope to measureall processeson all relevantscales,more systematicobservations of suchtemporal and spatialvariability mustbe undertaken.Future anda statisticaltestof geostrophy overthe continentalshelf,J. Mar. Res., 43, 517-539, 1985. Denman, K. L., and T. M. Powell, Effects of physicalprocesseson planktonicecosystems in the coastalocean,Oceanogr.Mar. Biol., 22, 125-168, 1984. Dickey,T. 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