Vol. XIX. April 1965 Gorgonaces of Panama narurh. Foren. Kjob. rgy exchange in the Species Composition and Distribution of Pelagic Cephalopods from the Pacific Ocean off Oregon ons to weather and its c'uces. WILLIAM G. PEARcY1 Hawaii Inst. 15 pp. sine illumination, silt food plankton of reef Palao Trop. Biol. Sta- r die Bearbeitung von ,n rnehr als fflnfzehn Hydrogr. Zeitschr. 13 RT. 1949. Notes som- t de grottes sous maMarseilles. C.R. Soc. JOHNSON, and R. H. )ceans. Prentice-Hall New Jersey. 1087 Pp. aCE, COAST AND GEO. ide Tables, West Coast kmerica including the 'p. DC OFFICE. 1955. In. :eanographic observa- rash. 25,D.C. 2lOpp. )e Antipathari of the xped. 17, 258 pp. Iajian shallow water 1us. Bull. 49, 30 pp. Treatise on marine Ed. by J. Hedgpeth. Memoir 67, 1:1097 MUCH OF OUR PRESENT KNOWLEDGE about various distances from shore, tows were made the species composition and distribution of Lephalopods of the Pacific Ocean is derived to provide data on the depth distribution of cephalopods. Over one hundred collections were made to successive depths of 200, 500, and 1000 m over the outer edge of the con tinental slope at a station 50 miles off New- from collections made on cruises of the "Albatross," steamer of the U.S. Fish Commission, Juring the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Albatross' collections along the west coast of North America were taken mainly off California and Central America or Alaska, and comparatively few collections were made off Oregon (Townsend, 1901). Neither Berry (1912) nor Hoyle (1904) lists any cephalopods taken off Oregon. A description of a new species of squid (Pearcy and Voss, 1963) and an abstract (Pearcy, 1963) are the only reports of pelagic cephalopods off Oregon.2 Clearly, more data are needed before comparisons of port. For more details on sampling methods see Pearcy (1964). Collections were preserved with 10% forma- lin in sea water. Cephalopods were removed from the collections, identthed, and the dorsal mantle length (DML) was recorded. Occasionally some cephalopods were collected with dip nets under lights at night and some with epibenthic otter trawis. RESULTS A total of 385 collections made between June 1961 and July 1963 with a sixfoot Isaacs-Kidd The families and species of pelagic cephalopods collected are listed in Table 1. These include 17 species in 12 families. Six species are distributional records for the northeastern Pacific Ocean, reported previously only by Pearcy (1963) They are:- Abraliopsis sp., Orb po/elithis sic!ila, Gonatopsis borealis, Taonius pavo, midwater trawl from the 'R. V. Acona" pro- Cranc/,i.a scabra, and Vampyrotenihis infernalis. vided most of the data on pelagic cephalopods collected off the Oregon coast. Collections were made after dark within the upper 200 m (depth permitting) at a series of stations located 15, Only eight of the seventeen species are included in the study by Berry (1912) based 25, 45, and 65 miles, and at another station located between 65 and 165 miles, ofishore along parallels of latitude between the Columbia River and the California border (46° 11.J'N, 44 39.1'N, 43° 20'N, and 43° 00'N). Generally the stations off the central Oregon 4/ 39.I'N (off Newport), were sam- leered in the midwater trawl, several were captured by other methods. Two Moroteuthis ro- pled every month and other stations bimonthly. mon inshore myopsid of the west coast of fauna and generalization on zoogeographic distribution can be made. METHODS in addition to the O-200m collections at Department of Oceanography, Oregon State tJniersity, Corvallis, Oregon. Manuscript received Fe-bru1964. 261 mainly on benthic collections. Although most of these species were colbusta DML 650 and 1350 mm) were caught in otter trawls off th northern Oregon coast in water deeper than 150 m. This species, reported from California (Smith, 1963) and Alaska (by Dali, in Berry, 1912), was recently reported off Oregon.2 Loligo opalescens, a com'Added in proof: J. M. Van Hyning and A. R. Magill. 1964. Occurrence of the Giant Squid (Moro. ieutb,j robuita) off Oregon, Fish Comm. Oregon Research Briefs lO:67-68. PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIX, April 1965 pelagic Cephalop \ rrh America, wa 6 lections cretlu was absent friii TABLE 1 L1ST OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS COLLECTED FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN osi' OREGON, JUNE 1961-JuLy 1963 cia pacific-a, an: irS otter trjw arge (DML 200 our mainly LoIiginidae Sepiolidae Onychoteuthjdae Loligo opalescens Berry, 1911 Rossia paci/lca Berry, 1911 Onychotenthis banksi (Leach, 1817) 'mills anon ychus Wa net under night liizh The relative abun Moroteut/sjs robusta (Dali) Verrili, 1876 Enoploteuthidae Veranyidae }{isrioteuthidae Gonatidae Chiroreuthjdae Cranchjjdae Vampyroteuthjdae Octopodidae Bolitaenjijae aprured by rnidw;irc. Abraliopsic sp. Octopoteuthis sicula Ruppell, 1844 Meleagrotecith:s holyei Pfeffer, 1900 OOflS and depths is Gonatus fabricii (Lichtenstein, 1818) G. magister Berry, 1913 G. anonychus Pearcy and Voss, 1963 Gonatopsis borealis Sasaki, 1923 Chiroteuthis veranyi (Ferussac, 1835) Galiteuthis armata Joubin, 1898 Taonjus pavo Lesueur, ]$21 Cranchia scabra Leach, 1817 Vampyrotesithis infernalis Chun, 1903 nile individuals of without sufficient Jif specific identification, importance. Ar least Gonatus may be rep judging from the rela gonarids, most are pr fabricii comprised abe catch. A group consc. Geographic Distribuiiô Little difference in of cephalopods was nc Gonatus fabricii, G. sp Japetella heat/si (Berry, 1911) TABLE 2 AVERAGE NUMBER OF PELAGIC CEPHALOPODS COLLECTED PER HOUR OF MIDWATER TRAWLING IN Tows TO VARIous DEPTHS AT A STATION 50 MILES OFF NEWPORT, OREGON SPECIES 0-200 M (72 TOWS) (A) Gonatus fabricii 0.5 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.21 0.14 0.02 0.05 0.06 1.2 0.5 0.7 (B) Japetella heat/si 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.01 Octopoteuthis sictf Ia Galiteutbjs armata Taonius patio day 0.04 0.04 0.14 night (9tows) (63tows) Gønatus /abricij Abraliopsis sp. (24 TOWS) 0.5 Gonalus spp. Cbirote,itbis veranyi Abraliopsis sp. (C) 0-SOD M (23 TOWS) 0.2 0.0 0.6 0.7 day night (l4tows) (9tows) 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.1 0-1000 M Goi'c/us fcbra// Gonctus spp. Abrc//ops/s sp. C/ira/eu f/i/s vercrj Jepefe//ci heci f/il Gone/apsis borec/ Octopodidae pavo meg/s/er Cc/i/eu/h/s ermeic' 7_coniuS Goncitu OCfopofeuf/ijs s/cu/ Onychofeut/ils bcuk Ross/c p cc/f/cc Vampypofeut/,,s ,?fer Crvc/,/ci scebro 'le/eagrofeuf/iis ha. FIG. 1. The relative a 263 pgic CephalOP0dS' mated the midwater trawl collections at nearly cephalopods, as all series of stations. Pelagic 1964), (Pearcy, fishes mesopelagic well as were rare at the inshore stations off Newport, where the depth of water was 300 m or less. rth America, was found in several otter trawl where the depth was 100 m or less, ..kctiOfl5 trawl collections. : was absent from midwater Ruia pacifica, another myopsid, was taken mainlY in otter trawl collections, as was the Golarge (DML 200 mm) Gonatus magister. Depth Distribution dip ,haua anofl ychas was collected only with a nct under night lights (Pearcy and Voss, 1963). The number of common squid captured per hour of towing appeared greater in tows to The relative abundance of the cephalopods 200 m than in deeper tows; this was particucaptured by midwater trawling from all sta- larly true of Gonatus spp., Chiroteuthis veranyi, on and depths is shown in Figure 1. Gonatus sp. (Table 2A). Since an fabricii comprised about 38 percent of the total and Abraliopsis opening and closing device was nor used on catch. A group consisting of larval and juve- the trawl, some of the animals found in tows but nile individuals of the genus Gonatus, probably caught while differentiation of hooks for to 500 and 1000 m were without sufficient the trawl sampled through the upper 200 m. specific identification, was next in numerical Such differences in catches suggest that the importance. At least three separate species of four common squids are largely epipelagic in Gonatus may be represented (Table 1) but, distribution during the night, when most of judging from the relative abundance of larger the 0-200 m collections were made. Comparigonacids, most are probably G. fabricii. sons of day and night catches of the two most abundant squids, G. fabricii and Abraliopsis sp., Geographic Distribution made during Little difference in the species composition show that highest catches were depth but during the night in tows to 200 m latitudes. of cephalopods was noted among the dom- the day in tows to 500 m (Table 2C). This Gon.atus fabricii, G. spp., and Abraliopsis PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL CATCH 30 20 10 0 I Gone/us fabric/i Gonatus spp. .4 bra//apsis sp. Chiro/euthis verany! dape fe//c heath! Gone/apsis 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.14 0.02 0.05 0.06 I boredils Octopodidae pevo Gonatus meg/s fer Gall/eu/his Gripe/c Oc/opofeufh/s s/cu/c Onychoteu/his banks! mon/us I I D D 0 0 U Ross/a pac/fica U VainpyrofeUthis infernal/s Cranchia scabra D Me/eogroteu/h/s ho/ye! U U trawl collections off Oregon. FIG. 1. The relative abundance of pelagic cephalopods found in mjdwater 264 la.gic Cephahpod PACiFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIX, April l9(, suggests diurnal vertical migration of these 1 TABLE 3 25 SEASONAL OCCURRENCE oo C0SIMON CEPHALOPODS, 0-201) M COLLECTIONS, ALL STATIONS 20 Species. Some of the cephalopods were uncommon in epipelagic waters and are considered to be of basically mesopelagic (200-1000 m) distribution. Four species were more abundant in deep AVERAGE NUMBER PER TO tows than in shallow tows (Table 2B). With the exception of G. armata, individuals of these species were occasionally collected in 0-200 m rows after dark at other stations, but they were smaller than those from deeper collections. The bathymetric distribution of C. armata, summarized by Sasaki (1929), also suggests that it is a deep water species. Vampyroteuthis infernalis, another deep water species, was taken only in tows below 500 m. Seasonal Variations Seasonal differences in relative abundance were striking, though species composition apparently was not greatly influenced by season. The number of animals per tow during the summer was about an order of magnitude greater than it was during other months. SPECIES Gnatus /abricjj Goflatus spp. Chrroteuthis veranyi Abraliopsis sp. JULY-SEPT. OCT.-JUNI (79 TOWS) (205 Tows 4.9 0.61 0.32 1.9 0.71 1.9 0.20 0.33 Catches of C. fabricii were about eight times higher during the summer, of Gonatus spp. and C. veranyi about six times higher (Table 3). Such seasonal differences indicate marked changes in the availability of cephalopods due to changes in susceptibility to capture or to changes in actual abundance. Since the differences could be related to the life history of the U z 15 10 15 JULY SEPTEMBER I0 Abra//op s/s 0 10 sp. FIG. 3. Size-frequency d during the summer (JulyS 5 U fin squid in either case, fTJlrh 2 OCTOBER - JUNE Abro//ops/s sp. I0 0 FIG. 2. than 30 mm DML), \V( SOnS larger squid preO the other hand, the size nn 1H 0 S dons were examined. During the summer sp. consisted mainly of to fl larvae and G. fabricii fact one species) are and non-summer perio ests that breeding of lL1 m 20 30 40 SIZE (MANTLE LENGTH IN mm) 50 60 Size-frequency distributions of Abraliopsis found in midwarer trawl samples during the summer (JulySeptember) and other seasons of the year (OctoberJune). seasonal, while that of C Seasonal differences 1 tures of each species iv mortality, and moveme Vol. XIX, April 19( 'Ltgic CephalopodsPEARcY 265 :3 I JULYSEPTEMBER oi COMMON C F M COLLECTIONS TIONS Gonctus fabric/i & Goncitus larvae GE NUMBER PER TO -SEPT. OCT._JUNE rows) (205 TOWS) 0.61 -9 71 9 0.32 0.20 0.33 about eight times OCTOBER - JUNE )f Gonat,i.c spp. and hiEher (Table 3). s indicate marked f cephalopod due Gonatus fabric/f & Canalus larvae to capture or to Since the differ. life history of the EMBER I0 sp. 30 SIZE (mm) 40 50 60 FIG. 3. Size-frequency distribution of Gcmatus fabricii and Gonatus larvae found in midwater trawl samples during the summer (JulySeptember) and other seasons of the year (OctoberJune). squid in either case, sizefrequency distributions were examined. During the stammer the catch of Abraliopsis sp. consisted mainly of small individuals (less than 30 mm DM1), whereas during other seasons larger squid predominated (Fig. 2). On the other hand, the size distribution of Gonatus larvae and G. fabricii (assuming they are in fact one species) are similar for both summer UNE sp. D 20 and non-summer periods (Fig. 3). This suggests that breeding of Abraliopsis is largely 60 ring the summer seasonal, while that of Gonatus is not. Seasonal differences between the size structures of each species may result from growth, mortality, and movements of the populations. Growth, and attendant mortality, may explain differences between the size modes and relative abundance of Abraliopsis during the two periods. But other factors appear to be involved with Gonatus. Gonatus specimens over 30 mm in length constituted a larger proportion of the total catch during the summer than in other seasons (21% versus 7%). In addition, the catch of large Gonatus per tow during the summer was greater than that of small Gonatus (30 mm) during the other seasons. These differences suggest an influx or migration of these squid into slope waters during the summer. Perhaps this is caused by oriented swimming of squids or by a concentrating effect of ocean circulation. 266 PACIFIC SCIENCE, Vol. XIX, April l96. DIS(;IJSSION Some squid are notoriously fast swimmers; others are more planktonic than nektonic. Such differences in swimming ability obviously determine the catch composition by any sampling method. Most of the cephalopods collected in gon, is appreciated. This investigaticn was su; ported by National Science Foundation Gr,uj. No. GB 1588 and Atomic Energy Commis,i Contract No. AT(45-1) 1726. Ship time the midwater trawl were small. Although a large Gonatopsis boreali.r (DML, 250 mm) was captured, there was evidence that smaller squids than this readily avoid the midwater crawl. For example, Onychot efethis banksi (DML of 100 mm and over) were often observed around night lights, but were rarely if ever captured in midwater trawl collections at the same station and time. The average size of squid was larger in otter trawl than in midwater trawl collections, and, in general, the largest squid were captured in the largest crawls. Of the identifiable cephalopods found in the stomachs of 66 albacore tuna (Theennees alalunga) collected off Oregon during the sum- mer of 1962, small gonatids predominated. Inasmuch as predators often obrain effective samples of cephalopods (Clarke, 1963), this agreement between the catches of two independent sampling 'devices," the midwater trawl and the albacore, was encouraging. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is especially grateful for the generous assistance of Gilbert L. Voss, who exam- ined specimens of Oregon cephalopods. The loan of cephalopods by W. T. Pereyra, U.S. Bureau of Commercial Fisheries, Exploratory Fishing and Research Base, Seattle, Washington, and by Austin R. Magill, Fish Commission of Oregon Research Laboratory, Astoria, Ore- WN sponsored by grants from the National Sciertic Foundation and the Office of Naval Research AG. REFERENCES BERRY, S. W. 1912. A review of the ccphali. pods of western North America. U.S. Bur Fish. Bull. 30:267-336. CLARKE, M. R. l963. Information obtained by using squid predators as samplers. Proc. XVI Int. Congress of Zool. 1:67. HOYLE, W. E. 1904. Reports on the Cephalopoda. "Albatross" Reports. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 43(1):1-71. PEARCY, W. G., and G. L. Voss. 1963. A new species of gonatid squid from the northeast. em Pacific. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 76:105-112. 1936. Distribution of oceanic cephalopods offOregon, U.S.A. Proc. XVI Tnt. Congress Zool. 1:69. 1964. Some distributional features of mesopelagic fishes off Oregon. J. Mar. Res. 22: 83-102. SASAKI, M. 1929. A monograph of the dibranchiate cephalopods of the Japanese and adjacent waters. J. Fac. Agric. Hokkaido Univ. 20(SuppL):1-357. SMITH, A. G. 1963. More giant squids from California. Calif. Fish and Game 49:209211. TOWNSEND, C. H. 1901. Dredging and other records of the United States Fish Commission Steamer "Albatross," with bibliography rela- tive to the work of the vessel. Rept. U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries, Pt. 26: 387-562. Ot THE SPECIES of ropods of the fam with or feed upor most are associated ertson (1963) lists that are known to I parasites of sea ers that are assumer tietrap, however, scicractinian, rather Found attached to s Fiengia in the Philipj this wentletrap has as Epitonitern aff. cos considered it likely upon the coral. Thor. perhaps all member: adapted for a parasi supporting both thes ilar EpitoniurnFiia noted in Hawaii. Specimens of thc lana Lamarck, colIc during the summer ally had masses of them. Usually one also clung to the c These snails were Pilsbry, a wen:icrr, from Hilo, Havti mondson, 1916: 1 centage of the co adherent eggs or Contribution N This study was in p.r Foundation Surnn r ins Assistants. i\Ianus Present ajdrcs The Johns Hopkins I