Dr. Cavalieri made the statement in his MATH 566 class that a mathematical proof does not need to follow any formatting constrain - the only constrain being sound logics. As a matter of fact, the students could write their proofs in verses, if they so wished. Dan Elliot, a student of the class, had the following solution to one of the exercises. Enjoy! Homework – MATH566 September 15, 2013 Dan Elliot 1. Prove 1+2+3+. . .+ n = ½ (n+1) First proof – Proof by poetic addition Let n = k The sum of i from one to k How tedious its addition I wish a formula lay satisfying its very condition I’ll even rewrite it for fun arranging its terms in reverse summing i from k to one In this same way, I shall immerse Adding in i from k to one to the original i from one to k grants me k times k plus one I’m nearly ready to say olé The half of k times k plus one is a grand condensed expression identical to the original sum I demand a celebration!